Teachers, What’s The Craziest Rumor Of A Student That Was True?

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teachers have read it what's the craziest rumor you've heard about a student that turned out to be true i was a student in a french class in belgium one of my fellow students from peru was very distressed one day and left class in a hurry but contacted the teacher afterwards it turns out my fellow student recognized a new student that joined the class as being a most wanted shining path guerrilla fighter from peru who was hiding out in belgium under a false name they alerted the police and at the next week's class they waited in plain clothes and arrested him when he turned up edit this was an adult class aimed at people learning french when i was teaching middle school 8th grade mathematics a young lady transferred mid-year very quiet and very low achieving probably at a third or fourth grade level in all subjects rumors quickly started to spread that she had a baby and had to leave her last school which is how she wound up at ours turned out she had two babies by two different young men one of whom was 20 years old she hadn't yet turned 14 when i found out her aunt just openly told me all of this at conferences said her niece was a really good mom though my lord that poor child i'm not a teacher but i have a story from high school that fits this when i was in high school it was widely known that the girls basketball coach was a lesbian the rumor was that she was in a relationship with one of the girls that played for her i never believed the rumor as all of the evidence for the existence of their relationship was circumstantial at best well this girl is now married to a friend of mine so naturally i had to ask if it was true it was 100 true the rumor was that prior to christmas break he brought a gun to school and had a hit list with students and teachers on it not only did it turn out to be true but the school decided not to tell the teachers we found out about a major security breach and a potential school shooter from our kids there was a girl in 9th grade who was supposedly paying boys 20 bucks to blow them in the bathroom this turned out to be absolutely true she was busted with three guys doing this she later solicited me and i immediately got admin involved i kept hearing rumor that some girl was selling used condoms she tied them off and sell them to girls for them to get pregnant with this also turned out to be true she was a foster child in special education and her adopted family was pimping her out to people she was keeping the condoms and selling the semen for extra money some of the details from this case are truly repugnant beyond what i've stated here there was a boy who was being picked on for being gay the school i was in was a title one school serving an impoverished area and they would beat this kid up well after a few months of this suddenly all the bullying completely stopped the rumor was that this kid catfished a bunch of the football team and got their nudes he also low-key hooked up with some of the guys bullying him and took nudes and had an entire blackmail database on a bunch of the boys in the school and was holding it over their heads if they ducked with him anymore i had a few students some of which he had pictures of confessed to me that it was true it certainly explained the sudden shift in behaviors i teach high school english one morning i was walking down the hall and i overheard some random student tell her friend omg jake and sarah were having sex in the stairwell yesterday and got caught by a teacher then they both broke down in giggles i know this was true because i was the teacher who caught them during my first year of teaching i had a 10th grade student who suddenly in the spring was put on emergency expulsion for 10 days i was really shocked because this student was great she was chill very involved in the school community a cheerleader i had even written her the recommendation to be eligible for the cheerleading team admin gave zero explanation for her sudden removal i knew nothing until i had overheard little bits and pieces apparently she had gotten caught having sex with her boyfriend in one of the locker rooms at school out of the blue during her expulsion she emailed me and asked me to shut down any rumors or it talking about her of course i had already been shutting those conversations down and continually told my kids to mind their own business and focus on themselves so i assured her i was handling it i think this situation really ducked her up and she wasn't really the same afterwards the next year she ended up running away from home with another boy and she was a missing person for quite some time out of nowhere earlier this year her senior year she pops up in my classroom she's heavily pregnant and starts talking to me and ultimately asks if she can wait in my room until her mom comes to pick her up completely baffled i let her sit at my desk and notify admin asking if she still goes to the school and if she was still on the missing person's list thankfully she was no longer on the missing person's list and she did go to the school but through online classes it was we i i yield definitely one of the more bizarre things that have happened as a teacher so i was a student and heard this crazy rumor back in high school where there was this girl who had a four-way with three guys in the girl's bathroom i heard the rumor and it kinda died down because no one knew who it was fast forward to 12 years later and i met up with someone high school mates and we we're talking about everything we remember one of them asks if they ever heard that crazy rumor i mentioned i heard it but nothing ever came from it turns out the girl was someone we all knew that was a shock to me because it was a friend too and she was always quiet i became friendly with one of my students in study hall a few years ago we would chat about mythology video games literature and other dorky topics most other students didn't have too much interest in one day he wasn't in class and he came up in conversation one of the students asked me if i knew about his past and i'm like not really i figure he is just a quiet guy who likes to read so it turns out he was bullied in middle school and one day had an erdridge on his tormentor and attacked him with scissors shouting about how he was going to take his eyes from what i understand it was pretty brutal the bully transferred schools and most of the other kids left my student alone it didn't change how i viewed him but i did notice after that how the other kids treated him i'm not saying that we're afraid of him but not many people even other gamers and geeks associated with him i always thought he was very friendly kid carried a gun to school every day to keep from getting robbed at the bus stop i teach at a title one school not a teacher but student for a good while there was a rumor going around that one of the girls in my class a nice quiet girl was giving head to boys in the bathroom everyone routinely made fun of her or talked about her escapades in the bathroom i was a non-believer and offended her quite a bit one day at the end of class the kids started bugging her about it asking how she could be so gross etc she wasn't saying anything to defend herself so i got upset and went up to her i apologized for everyone's behavior and said something like i know it's not true so don't worry not everyone believes this bs she told me right then and there that it totally was true and she loved doing it my face was i obligatory not a teacher i was a student but the whole year i'd heard rumors about this one dude who was in choir with me celeste dude ever never once heard him angry or upset about anything was always smiling and apparently was also the guy to go to any time you needed drugs or alcohol or anything like that lots of people carried around vapes and i wasn't really into that stuff so i figured people were just exaggerating and didn't really pay the rumors much mind found out it was true when we went on a trip for a competition and he was one of my hotel mates dude empties his bag which is completely full of plastic water bottles that he immediately started putting into the mini fridge i was kind of thirsty so i asked if i could have won almost drank it but i caught a whiff of it right before the bottle touched my lips it was not water this dude had really just smuggled the 20 bottles full of vodka onto a school sanctioned trip i was speechless girl was supposedly hooking up with the band teacher never heard any proof band director left i moved away and years later met a friend in a pub on a holiday visit the two of them walked into the place together and i looked him dead in the eyes as he was coming in he kind of froze and then awkwardly came over to say hello they had one drink and then left it was true the kid's dad did get caught going into funeral homes and cutting out body parts to sell on the black market i knew a guy in my rotc class always carried a cb scanner around always wore camo cargo pants bit of an odd duck with minor adhd but nothing too bad he was more of an acquaintance than a friend as i was the new transfer student in my school and usually keep to myself sat with him on the school bus often going to and from our high school to our subdivision i'm generally a quiet person and just listened most of the time as he talked about random stuff later heard rumors swirling around he was keeping a hit list of people who he hated or teased him he increasingly looked tired as the school year went on and he got more quiet i didn't really bother to ask what's up as i was too busy trying to get sleep on the bus cause i had a hard life of work and studying i guess the rumors turned out to be true cause he disappeared one day when a group of cops showed up heard several people i knew in our rotc were on a hit list as well they found a stash of guns at his house he was about ready to go full metal jacket on people glad i'm a nice person who gets along with everyone but it was unfortunate how things turned out and degraded for him i hope he got the help he needed i nearly forgot this situation until this post came along edit i forgot to clarify i am a teacher now going on 10 years this happened when i was just a high school student gave me insight on the importance of teaching acceptance understanding and respect to people student rumor about teacher turned true my male hs gym teacher was rumored to be flirtatious and found out to be a predator it was eventually exposed he was having an ongoing relationship with a jv cheerleader eighth grade as well as providing her with alcohol his fiancee at the time was a principal's daughter who was also the jv cheerleading coach several years later said principal was arrested for soliciting prostitution open container the ms history teacher was rumored to be gay never married no kids very witty and compassionate this was confirmed later when he was murdered while meeting a male stranger for six at a well-known hot spot for that in town the school officially announced it as he was robbed due to their religious integrity he was an incredible and very beloved teacher private christian schools are so messy yeah the police is going to scout our school for a few weeks because one of our russian speaking kids is working as a lookout and courier for the bratwur to scare them off doing even more insane it we all debated whom of our dozen russian speaking kids it could be and we were pretty sure which one turned out it was true this 12 year old little girl was a drug courier for the local bratwur obligatory not a teacher but my junior and senior years were wild one started junior year girl was really into our one teacher like love letters making eyes at him staring after class the works the rumor was that she was sleeping with him and everyone thought she was just really stalkery and that he'd be too smart to bang a student nope as soon as we graduated they moved in together and he left his wife and kids his wife was pregnant when the affair started he went back to his wife for a year but she found out he was still screwing the student and paying for her apartment so she kicked him out the other was that my best friend was pregnant she hid it until the last month and tried to say that i was actually the one pregnant i was a virgin and as it turns out the guy that knocked her up was a guy i was dating at the time he had kept pressuring me for six and i turned him down because i was saving myself so he went to her lost a best friend and a boyfriend at the same time not a teacher but i do work in a school we had a young girl who was pregnant she was about 16 or 17. there were rumors a 30-something year old brother was the father the baby was a bit deformed and very behind it turned out to be true he went to jail because he had been abusing his sister since she was 14. very sad situation the baby is with foster parents and i highly doubt she will be given back to her mum and dad when i was on the student council at my high school one poor girl had some horrible luck stemming from poor decisions so it all started when she sent a couple boys in her class a naked photo of her fingering herself she must have been about 14 at most those two boys sent it to everyone in the school that they could the kids in my school kept spreading it until even my sister who was 21 at the time got it sent to her from someone it went everywhere anyways the school sends a letter home with everyone the boys get kicked out and the girl is put on probation comma but that's not the end of the story a couple months later this girl goes on a school trip with some other schools in her hotel room she ties the guy to the bed with some shoelaces and then proceeded to blow him with the door unlocked kids kept coming in and out of the room seeing these two this wasn't just kids from our school either it was kids from a bunch of schools needless to say after that she got kicked out there was a party another teacher's son was at their son had six with a classmate's mom which lead to that classmate's parents getting a divorce something similar when i was in high school we had a gay band director he had a huge echo and was always telling the class things that he probably shouldn't have after i left i heard rumors about him dating a student and getting fired for a drug addiction went around but only was he late 30s screwing a 19y but he was addicted to meth and somehow hid the addiction the whole time i attended the school not a teacher but just before the lockdown there was a kid planning to shoot up the school the caught him fairly early on though so it didn't make the news i'm not a teacher but i feel like this story might go good with this in middle school there was this rumor going around that our new art teacher who was a female was possibly hanging out with one of our fellow classmates who was also a female now everyone was thinking the worst about this rumor because a teacher is bisexual and the student is a lesbian anyways these two did several things together like enter art contests go to the football games and they even brought up the idea of having an art club in our school district fast forward to this school year i ended up taking a ceramic class and she was teaching it i then noticed that the student was always in the shop however she took a painting class and not a ceramic class she would just chill in the shop and either paint or just talk to her our class was really small and the room was small enough that you could easily ease drop into anyone's conversation these two would talk about anime conventions they went to together and make plans for sleepovers and would even be absent together everyone in the school knew they had a very close relationship and all that but somehow they still haven't got caught by an adult to this day okay i was a student and i don't know if my teacher was just kidding around but here ya go so sophomore year my spanish teacher had to go on maternity leave so we got this great substitute teacher for a couple months she's telling us about her days when she used to be a teacher on campus she's retired now and just substitutes for extra money and to help out she said that she walked into the girls bathroom and saw a girl's knees and guys shoes in the big stall in second-story bathrooms ah so that explains why those bathrooms are always locked during lunch i know a teacher who was confirmed ducking multiple students for multiple years so eventually homeboy had a bad day on his way to work he ran over a kid driving by a different school i can't remember if she made it or not but the cops found he was texting nudes to her student when he hit her they found nudes of the girls on his phone too and arrested him even if they'd have let him go the police were waiting at his school to arrest him for screwing two girls also one girl's parents found the nudes on her phone but the name was under some random female name he never showed his face so the parents went to work on their daughter to find out initially she refused but they threatened to take he car from her so she spilled who it was and mentioned he was banging a friend of hers too dad called that same exact routine as before and they had called the cops who were waiting evidence in hand not sure how long he got either the his dad is in the russian mob rumor the kid was and i don't tend to say this about children a complete and unmitigated [ __ ] we all had to suddenly evacuate the halls into the grounds outside or into the classrooms and have teachers lock the doors because there was some crazy woman running around the school hall screaming at the top of her lungs the entire time as she ran from what i heard apparently her son was getting bullied in school and she had lodged multiple complaints and when he kept getting bullied one day she came in and just started screaming and running she was running for the best part of half an hour the police came and had to tase her to make her stop when she refused to even communicate and just ran past them each time it was a great example of the doppler effect for students each time she ran past though obligatory not a teacher sorry a video circulated around my school of a guy jerking it on the floor of a bathroom stall visible from the whole bathroom no one knows who he was because his face was hidden in the video but it was a very wtf moment not myself but a teacher i worked with he worked previously at a school where he was told that a year 10 girl was a bit friendly with some of the older boys at the school he thought it was just a bit of jealousy from her peers a few weeks later he was on playground duty when he went behind the bike shed and caught her giving [ __ ] to a group of four you're 12 boys had a kid dumped into my classroom mid-semester the guidance counselor told me has some issues and not to be confrontational with him rumor mill gets going and i hear that he has been kicked out of two schools and the last school he beat a kid with a pipe or club he is on his last chance and my school took him in with three months probation if he ducks up then he is out so i'm a fairly laid back teacher and usually bond with my students the kid is an angel in class and no issues ends up being a favorite student then the three months ends totally forget about this rumor i am in the lunchroom on duty and i see the kid get into an argument with another student they get into it and i run down the entire length of the lunch room and try to break up the fight i am 23 and 160 pounds at the time i tackle the kid and he flips on me like he is possessed and grabs me by my tie and starts to strangle me with it i am like duck luckily the other student jumped on him and he let go took five adults to pin the kid down and he was still screaming he was going to kill everyone well the rumors were true he was a psychopath never wore a tie after that years after the murders i taught at the school where pazuzu went talking to the old teachers who knew him before the murders about what he was like was chilling one of my kids swore a sub got arrested for drunk driving she was a good kid so i figured i would google the dude and prove her wrong she was right so i'm not a teacher yet but this story of from when shadowed apparently this dude was ducking animals but it was just a rumor until i was told by my mentor that he wouldn't be in class anymore because apparently he was going away for perverted acts with animals my teacher's words not mine not as teacher but a student my last year of high school out of nowhere the drama teacher disappears rumor starts going around that she's under investigation of having relations with a student one day after school the play cast there was like 12 of us were hanging around waiting for our director not the drama teacher this dude only ran the play we all start discussing the rumors and the guy sitting next to me who had the lead role pipes up and says he was the one in a relationship with the drama teacher he was 18 but she was still being charged for having relations with a student and investigated to see if there was anyone else there was dude's little sister was the one who reported it because she was worried thank god last i knew the former teacher got a jail sentence had to sell the delhi she owned was divorced by her husband who from what i understand is happily remarried to a very nice guy my uncle works with and she is not allowed to see her son well i had a rumor going around high school about me that was true it was that i brought my vibrator to school now let me say that i wasn't using it in school it was in a backpack that i left at my cousins and asked if she could bring the backpack to school so i had it in my backpack and during spanish class this kid stepped on the backpack with the vibrator it started loudly buzzing and the kids was like wtf why is your bag vibrating i panicked and yanked the bag back and said nothing well for the rest of high school there was this rumor that i brought my vibrator to school to add a cherry on top i was also known as a dildo dealer girls would come to me and ask me to order dildos and get them sent to my house because they didn't want their parents to know i did this for like 25 girls so then the rumor of the infamous dildo dealer sprung up as well we had a young lady seventh grader who was in the office after hearing the word she has six at school with a boy admin states she admitted to having sex with one boy who denied it she then lets out that she had six the next day with a different boy getting caught by the after school group he couldn't deny it they all three were suspended for 10 days parents were called and the kids had a lot to explain to their parents as a younger teacher it blew my mind you keep hearing about students touching themselves under the desks you tell yourself it can't be you pretend it's not true and every year you find out that it is not a teacher but there was a rumor at our school that a guy got paid you a cute one to eat is his own it no one believed it until the video circulated and the video ended with the guy asking for his you a cute one and the guy recording just going nope the kid was nicknamed it for the next four years of school beyond brutal a student in the class used a dildo in the bathroom found out myself [Music] you
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Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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