Noita No Damage Run (World's First)

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might have a late night Taco Bell run or something it sounds really good oh we've got a lot to carry here the old PC bar in the minds let me through just let me through that's a trap room it's a acid trap room which means we got to go the other way and we want to blow this up too all right lots of stuff going on here cool was a flask it's not every day you see a flask in a chest wonder if he wants to come where is he now he's right there hmm spicy you don't want to come this way I'm just saying you've done it now come on but do something though you that's garbage set another one there it is oh my god we got to what I need the gold aha yes perfect that's what we wanted that's 120 bucks for free yeah cut oh I hate that take blood that's good yeah you don't want to go anywhere near it yeah any any one of those can can really ruin your day oh we still need to go in there beautiful all right I'm really happy with that this is one of the best ones you can get happy with that monk again what is what is the MOCA thing what what would you if you were to put a feeling on that particular emo what would it be like happy is it like hog is it like sarcasm I do have better twitch TV no I've got the other one the Frank banker face another one it's like anti poke oh okay there you go let's just do this beautiful oh that's a hundred and eighty bucks just from three of those that's that's wonderful I have one bomb left we're going this way [Music] how bad I need any bomb any more bombs be a bit awkward oh crap maybe maybe I do 3:49 but we're not goin anywhere let's try this down here that could be bombs actually let's let's burn that and then we'll go down if we can and check that could be bombs can't believe I actually want bombs that's something I don't really chase after it's not it's good happy with that can I give me a way out of here oh that's so one you don't see on the first floor very often oh we've got another one in there as well probably get that what type of wand is it oh it's it it's a nice shuffle okay might be worth getting alright let's check this out that's that's kind of an explosive yeah do I want to keep bombs instead of this I never use circular stillness alright so let's see if we can get in from the bottom maybe that might be a bad idea with these explosives yeah we definitely want to get in there though can we get up oh boy I do hear another OOP that's a frog it's gonna say I do here another stin diary but I'm not gonna go hunting for it oh okay okay let's see yeah good I think that'll get us in there nano thingy what's going on how you doing good to see you welcome it's fine Friday evening I hope everyone's ready for the weekend and of course who who super risky but I think it paid off I think we get in there now come on okay okay got a couple of explosives now so we should think across be able to get through never had that much trouble before trying to get somewhere did we check this one I think we did right wait have you even been here at all I don't know it's another one I don't think we've seen oh boy another one of these guys uh that's actually really good because we have a spell that can easily take him out now if you think I'm not gonna flood the whole thing just to get you you are sorely mistaken dodge this etc all right that puts us over 600 that's great we're at 12 minutes so we're on track and now now we get all the ones [Music] blood cloud not something that's really great all right let's not get covered in oil all right doing good back on track that was four of them on the on the first floor with another like a fifth one over in the collapsed mines just 679 yeah I'm good with that we spend enough time here and we have a one shot so I guess all we need to do is now hopefully get something decent pack wise hmm of course of course guess ah do I want that it's got a double castes extra bomb pretty good projectile in there actually I would probably prefer that over over that nothing could dig with them huh summon egg hmm eleven capacity is pretty nice hey Dixon hey doing i b12 you're my only hope yeah we we've had some decent issue runs tonight I mean not horrible at the very least we're doing we're doing okay [Music] [Music] all right back on now B yes let's go toxic rock well we're not gonna go that way not sure where he came from [Music] there's a spawner right there mmm that sucks toxic vapor coming down or up rather can I get from here how'd that happen oh I must have clicked whatever forget it so not fun to deal with do we just go 200 bucks ask her it farming on that floor it's not not fun hmm no [ __ ] that's a free speed up that's gonna be that's gonna be super fast these are good kind of wish I had more more the hell why that's weird I need 3 bucks to get that one I think I can do that let's switch this back yeah oh if I can get that to 250 with 55 great stats and it's a no shuffle that's an excellent one that's outstanding of course I need a method of digging too so there's that well there's my 300 bucks all right now oh so close come on I can do this done in a million times before there we go so this could in theory could in theory summon someone the dude no we're good I think summers not too much of that falls down ah what a great one I can't edit them but that's fine don't need to right now yes okay let me recharge while I'm here there's a lot of good stuff there all right let's swap that and not have that as a backup just in case okay we're good let's tackle the most difficult floor in this room so we go to the right to fire immunity is great if we can make it to the jungle Jesus that's awesome imagine a damage up on that kick the head of the snowman off for good luck [ __ ] let's go this way I always I always wanted to check out the left side in in the middle of summer there's a one missing from up here it's held by a sniper with any luck he would be more inclined to shoot us from a distance someone shooting something now gross all we can do is wave here we can't really do much else especially if we want to check this out do we really care it's not worth he's stuck up there so oh boy oh no oh no he's got those homing projectiles I hate those guys so much fortunately they are an enemy of most of the other dudes in the floor so with any luck come on we go to the left come on jump up I dare you course today oh [ __ ] are they my friend or his I think they're his believe it or not I couldn't gone worse thankfully it's just an egg launcher which is fine freeze him freeze him get him just stand there like a lump you're dead to me that's it there we go do it get him now he's gonna come my way they do that all the time I had one I think it was even a sniper then two grabbed a wand and in the same frame ended me with whatever the one was okay one down let's see what we got the quad scatter would be nice I still need bombs kind of that would also yes all right all right we take take both risky play I don't think he died I don't you very much died we have another cuckoo somewhere you can hear him sparking call him Sparky god I love that if I could get a mana reducer oh all right 30 minutes on to easy base it's not so that's not so bad it's not horrible no money for rerolls of whatsoever and their money for spells Oh oh wow okay so I have its thumb decision I really like making I'm gonna take this because the jungle comes after that and the jungle is fire and the other one so what happens if we take some of these off the same it's just very very fast at what it does we had a double cast what have we switch it up with something else mmm I think the shotguns are actually really good okay that's fine next save them for later get rid of that get rid of that that's it that's my that's my one setup I mean let's take this for fun fire trail on shotgun what do we have to worry about there nothing and when things are on fire they tend not to fire back and we have a ton of water anyway yeah screw it let's go blowing up stuff is the worry but I should be able to avoid a lot of bad question mark snipers not going anywhere these guys can potentially get us yeah come on down ah glorious yeah we do have to worry about hey way to go you just got global warming happening and you're just whatever no care no care in the world okay everything is right with the world so far let's let's stick up hi good very good oh that's a sniper up there I didn't even see him hey that's the night right well you can't hurt me anyway so what up little buddy good to see you glad to have you here do something a little bit more productive though here we go here we go yep the little ones are cute do they um are they I know they don't like dig holes in the ground but I think are they capable of calling you know or summoning the big bad all right looking good it's her it just got blown up oh well let's sing back a little bit further you don't think being a [ __ ] fire immunity coming in absolutely clutch what okay someone had a wand I don't mind I'll just burn them out maybe yeah I bet you'd drop it maybe yep there it is ah water to poison decent ish stats yeah if we can get projectile repulsion field or edit once before the next floor thumbs up best game yeah I still think it was a pity tweet are you doing me that good to see you man come on up yeah you know I'm here I know you know I'm here you can smell me go tar it down here riflemen there turret I do not want to deal with actually don't deal with him either gonna have to though you have to fully agree to still like it well I pretty much was asking people to change my mind doesn't do anything to him okay I just got to play a lot smarter and I'm gonna messing about yeah they're gonna come down for sure huh let's make it easy for him one down oh the whole games like this he'll add this is this is pretty par for the course I'd say we're doing okay on this floor come on he's gonna jump down there he's gonna get that that's gonna be a nuke wound come on what if we just skip him bad idea those guys can come over though I'd be happy with that oh he has a one too okay okay yep maybe you can this sucks all of that that's terrible now we can see me but he can't see me come on okay please jump down now he did pick up the one I'm not gonna be able to burn him out I need a direct shot now that works oh but if he drowns himself that's even better that's it that's it good man got him it was kind of crap anyway three capacity what can we do with that I will take it okay where's that other dude with a wand dis for hello thank you for unlocking the squished frog seems to be a popular emote did you ever get nuked by enemy picking up a new coin doing the challenge hello no no I came close yesterday there was someone picked it up and used it but I was out of the blast radius actually helped me that run but I don't know okay so there was another one somewhere I'm not seeing it he must have gone down ah what's up dude please don't be bad please don't you pass okay that's garbage to do turrets burn no their pervious to fire electricity explosions get them and I think acid gets them as well yeah if we can avoid that that would be amazing it is standing next to a couple of explosive barrels but I definitely don't want the sound of and yeah we can set them on fire that might be enough oh yeah yeah that's enough I do want the money hey nope not that badly I'm proud of myself I just said no - no - getting money usually you should have jump at the chance but not today gotta watch out I don't want to release this poly morphine here either come on if I could get a wand with a damage up on it I would be set yep that would have got him for sure okay couple of guys that way they might not have access oh these guys can see me after all oh okay damn it come on jump on over some noites just want to watch the world burn I'd say the majority wonder what so well ban to snipers who will have no trouble hitting me we got one at least I'm not sure about the other one might be better off actually going this way let's do it so you guys to take out I can do that what is this wand alright it's fine wait where'd they go oh [ __ ] fooling you I wish I coulda neutralized that somehow that stuff so dangerous it's gonna wait for it Electrify water when they are submerged yeah and on top of that even the little the Gatling gun turrets they have the little blue another little grenade launcher built-in I know it's very unfair it's just so slow going I kind of would like to find another one with some kind of damage up on it oh I could put a trigger spell on this I don't think I have one yet though yep and again this is the primary reason why you want to get as much light as possible because you will have a really hard time getting money later on all right next healers I have to take him out more healers and a Grenadier or a TNT dude that's worm blood right there but we are in the clear 200 bucks what are we what can we buy for 200 today nothing [ __ ] that's not good yes DC actual it does yeah by the transformation report it's way too much of a risk to use water to poison we don't want I do have kind of a trigger spell but it's not gonna be good enough yeah stitch those I keep like two of those get rid of everything else [Music] for chaos this is not the run for chaos no no very much so not not for chaos bouncing projectiles maybe these guys can't hurt us so that's fine we come back once we've got it is easy to earn money on this floor and for hundreds not too bad all right we come back maybe we'll see you it does but it's a slower shot but yes it definitely does so because if you had like two of these and one of these and now I'm I'm out of mana already so it's a good number of projectiles but we need the like the speed so this is what it is now so it's a longer it's a longer sustained burst yeah okay we come back thank God for fire immunity especially on this floor spiders are no threat to us these plants are though yeah yeah yeah you can't do [ __ ] which they carried money it's a shame they don't yeah we got the perfect set of immunities here can I set the plant on fire kind of oh that's a spider one of the spiders again doesn't matter MBD yeah the plants are kind of the biggest problem here let's avoid them don't you don't you do it you stay away from that that holy mountain all right wand it's gonna take it well yeah fire immunity is kind of necessary for this floor all right let's go that's pretty great I can't complain earthquake not the most useful spell not the plant over here that's an explosive barrel let's stay away from that very explosive box rather yeah you're a problem my damage is so low there's some money 343 what do we need four hundo like I really do want to take them out but they shoot you with this purple homing projectile it's it's not cool it's not fair because I don't have a homing projector yet more money over there oh it's gonna it's gone it's gone it's fine fungal caverns huh let's stay out of there that's it always costs something okay there's a mind of its own our right let's take it out usually there's where there's a mine there's usually a mind thrower there's one right there OOP these guys drop good money he's a poison guy oh I might be able to burn him out actually that's not a bad idea oh that's bad got him 463 all right we going back this is very slow going my patience has a very impressive it's it's difficult not to be patient and they give you if you suffered from impatience yeah this isn't the run for you okay I mean chance at extra damage I guess now that sucks all right let's check can't go that way yeah I'm very restricted by these plants hitting the perc lottery I mean these aren't that that's not great for this run I'll take it better than nothing [Music] which way you come in here make up your mind though game yeah we may have to full go speed for a little bit more a little bit more firepower here you stay over there teleporting guy I can't get this plant that's good good barrage yeah I I know got him extended duration double cast good mana four capacity [ __ ] what is that it's flammable it's not toxic got him hmm 200 bucks to spend man this is tough oh oh that's crushing that that sucks so much I gotta take explosion so toxic is the big big problem on this floor oh just seeing these here makes me real sad so I have a tentacle I do not all right 18 17 versus always cast extended duration double cast is it possible that no that's suicide if I cast them plus we would get 400 and something out of that we'll have to come back to buy it won't matter if we buy ice we can't edit them anyway freeze would have been so good that's this is game right there now I have to sort of play it real safe and careful like 650 218 yeah all right I'll settle down they don't both get it doing yeah they do very slow that's not a modifier in this case is it what if we take one off then oh wow completely forgot extended duration okay and it's unlimited all right that's Dart I love it [Music] okay it's faster it does a little bit of extra damage and it can theoretically go through walls which we mean we might need I'm scared this level is gonna be tough no matter which way we slice it so goodness if I could afford that alright let's go now use crying over whatever thank goodness we have melee immunity because this guy here this little robot dude you can't get us but most other things in the floor cans and we just avoid all of that noise okay we are fire and explosion I mean so we're good I think for most of these enemies there's a few like that could snipe us from a distance this robot spear guy he can definitely get us let's just make sure that these guys are pretty much blocked off finish okay wow they're really not susceptible they're not immune to fire that's great my damage sucks so hard all right got him yeah those guys are bad the robot guys they're very bad do I want to check that out you bet your butt I do know if he's gonna come down oh you don't do it turn around get back the other way good man anyone anything that shoots bullets is real bad kill through metal with that laser you can I just I just got to be very careful it's not super useful but again better in my hands than anyone elses a shielded acid guy that's a problem okay shielded tentacle guy and that's a problem ah no that's fine it's a little one I'm worried about now imagine if I was actually doing damage which each with each one of these hits yeah come on he can't hurt me by the way it's still a royal pain in the butt to fight though hey Ellie good to see ya no no he's he can't hurt us he literally can't hurt us he's a big problem normally but no he's he's fine the way he is can't go that way there's been acid spilled here I hate this so that's its cover everything in water why not Oh okay oh there is some toxic rock here too super careful okay we're good what's next acid boy my problem frizzy boy no problem that's it boy with with the ambush not happy about that cynical boy no problem we can't go that way at all what a mess this is is an ugly stage we're not getting any of that money either really pisses me off sorry folks I'm I know I'm not very I'm not paying a lot of attention to chat right now so I'm sorry for that what is that coming from you did I have no idea got a little bit of toxic Rock here that's a deep drop right there you're not dead why are you so annoying please be dead I cannot afford I'd love a black hole or two right about now that would be nice you did you did let's get some more water out here oof hello gorgeous up anger lumps they can't actually hit me either finally alright so we've got a damage up okay what's over here that's a problem and we got one on both sides and a he C boy over here all right so let's mmm don't like don't like any of this can he get through I think he might be able to No okay [ __ ] I'm in trouble I'm in a lot of trouble that's asset that's asset [ __ ] go-go-go go-go got nowhere to stand my heart right now is off the chain don't stop shooting don't stop shooting still says zero all right oh my god my heart right now [ __ ] I'm almost out of water out of water well a little bit one more stage to go I think we can stick with that actually I don't mind that at all nothing else are really one I'm thinking about concentrated light no this is this is working really well so far teleport mages right yeah well yeah no fries okay let's uh let's sort out stuff we actually want versus you know potentially useful stuff ah give me that not that we're gonna be able to use it give me that like that give me that I wonder oh I wonder hang on hang on one sing that faster you that would be really good keeping that for the boss hey Riley how you done no I say we stick with what we had you game 16 it is very low yes yes we are in nee we're about to enter the last stage I have nothing to dig with mind you so that's the biggest problem about all this in fact I probably clear up this to make it sort of semi digging kind of thing if I can let's keep that for an explosion sure yeah get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that nope got one of those keep that got one of those keep that keep that get rid of that that and [Music] that I need you to keep that and then get one of my shotguns back it's still gonna be the best bet I think get rid of that super basic but should should do the trick one thing for sure we're not buying anything here was the teleport I threw away not sure really we go and double crit under the last stage I went hell not [Music] yeah they can't hit me did I get that may jump on there I'll thank God okay I did that's a digging tool I can't cast it though yikes all right so damage is good damage is outstanding I should have get the money no it's not not worth it this guy stop shooting that [ __ ] I'm doing like one damage to me are you kidding me I mean he can't even hit me so what do I care right I forgot that right he can't hit me I'm fairly certain he cannot fairly said don't know if that's a risk I want to take [Music] got him thank God for that damage up seriously if we didn't have that we'd be done how about you just stay over there bygones and all of that sort of thing Pathak dark flame that's something I hadn't thought about I don't have project our propulsion fields there don't know what's going on down there I guess bleeding in bone dust yeah it's probably what's happening come on how much health do you have dude not enough I don't like that being out in the open here although there's no many enemies that can actually pick that up oh just stay back stay back crap damn damn damn oh that's real bad but but we can probably ever so slowly straight down straight down that's the black guy okay keep them coming I guess how close are we probably got a little bit more to go after this this guy's problem I mean it's as all this is all very much a problem two more come on one more hour black hole ones that loud yeah sure if I could find one come on come on don't run away now I behave again come on Mac weed personally loves glass cannon he just doesn't take it for this particular run it's something I don't take off and though like it's [ __ ] okay okay got our friend down there here we go is this where I don't shoot for the rest of the run I'm sorry buckets Rosie all right we're doing another lap I guess we are get the hell out of town what have I got two grand this homing forget about it let's see what perks we get okay I don't care two point nine thousand we can afford one one it's this one it's got homing homing damage up with mists won't be good enough [Music] what do I want here I want a single projectile get rid of that I want you and I want you [Music] let's do it screw it we've taken too long already [Music] [Music] who please hold [Music] [Laughter] holy [ __ ] I'm shaking like nothing else thank you lad thank you everybody oh my goodness ah I don't think I've ever had a gaming high as much as I am right now like wow [Laughter] hundreds and hundreds of runs and we did it with average ones at the end of the day I'm glad you were here guys click here because that's completed the game Thank You protag eel ad for the gift subs appreciate you dude thank you so much oh my god what a freaking run one and a half hours that's about I think how long my first victory took me at the end of the day 200 enemies 100 max HP obviously we took the final hit there at the end but not much we can do about that thanks goki that was awesome oh goodness and I've got I've got all of the the footage I captured it live too so that's really good I'm gonna be able to make a really nice video out of that Wow we freaking did it thank you so much folks you you you rock like nothing else yeah what can I say hey Lily hey doing
Channel: McQueeb
Views: 114,527
Rating: 4.9189191 out of 5
Keywords: mcqueeb, twitch, twitch streamer, twitch highlights, hardcore, vanilla, streamer, noita, hitless, no damage, no hit, zero damage, zero hits, zero hit, 0 hit, no damage noita, noita challenge run, challenge run, worlds first, world record, 0 damage taken, no damage taken, damageless, god run, god gamer, perfect run, flawless, noita gameplay, noita god run, best noita player, best noita run, Damageless, Noita expert, ohko, no damage run, one hit knockout, the god run
Id: fQR4DupVjjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 2sec (6182 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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