The most rigged noita run

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] mood [Music] do [Music] good morning gamers today we're just gonna play some video games how does that sound we're gonna play some noida and uh today we're not gonna switch pawns we're only gonna be playing the bass game the nilla to explore some new content and there's a lot of stuff i haven't done yet because i'm [ __ ] at the game and i get carried by twitch spawns too way too often so i'm gonna i'm gonna do my best here to just like get a good run going without getting carried like a like a dog and let's just uh just jump into it how about that gaming gamer time am i right smile gaming gaming gaming it's a summer thank you for the what's up man will you get bets if a mother wants to do it you can do it but yeah if there's no mods then have luck i'm not gonna do best myself i'm gonna be focused on gaming and just talking to chat so so gaming gaming so here we are on the game i've taken off every mod almost except for goku's things because it's a good like it go this thing's adds like a nice target dummy in the mountains that i can like test once on so it's like i think that should be in this game but it's not so i have it in the i have it loaded but i'll buy in the skin mod twitch spawns stuff like that gone because it had this weird bug where like the event timers would start even though they weren't turned on so just just to avoid it i wasn't gonna use it anyways but yeah how are you doing albino i'm doing a good mystery arch what's up have you measured your peep okay it's tremendous good shot today can we do i have to use three dynamites man [Music] man don't fall yeah there we go good evening cat this here will you all try to beat the ghost wizard yeah i'll try to get everything i haven't done yet i was um i was hoping i wouldn't kill the ghost boss for the first time while having twitch spawns on because that would be kind of stupid but this time i'm gonna try to be a bit smarter about it to be honest let's write it let's ride the thing the cart the what what get out bastard get out of there dude [Music] bastard friendly money to brink while gaming will do i will blink it feels cosy in here that's nice really told some award [Music] good start that's the bad omen i it couldn't mean anything good i'm sure about that [Music] thoughts on loop hero what's loop hero what is that i haven't heard of it i'm creating the law today holy [ __ ] a lot of crits how's your day vampire yes it's been okay it's been okay it's been all right mid costume is coming in tomorrow so there's that or was it on saturday i forgot in one or two days we're gonna make costumes so you know good day good day burn there we go thank you oh i don't have water i should probably go get that yeah i need water if i catch fire now or get toxic i'm kind of [ __ ] there's water right there though i could just pull it up there we go water and i'll empty this let's piss this out here because it's a useless substance like down here maybe blue peru is a roguelike auto battler with some puzzle elements just released today i think you'll like it okay well i haven't heard anything ever about that game so i i just maybe i'll check it out at some point but now i'm only distributing something else so good mornings fed how has your day been good thank you for watching jos and dark politics i see you've been playing the game a lot lately jose how do you like it poggy woggy if think it was saturday cause yesterday you said in a few days also hi mr albino shnisty anyway i'm bored well good morning to you too yeah i think it was friday i mean if i said a few days yesterday then it's probably on friday yeah why did i go into that no did they add something new to the game yeah in the beta branch but not in the main branch like if you're playing neutral if you're playing this game enable break the branch because beta branch is cooler and uh the game is stable like they they it's just it's like oh the game you might not be stable in when you launch the game like you're playing the beta version it's a lie the game is completely fine and if there was ever a ever a big bug they would like patch it out immediately because these guys work fast man the developers over at knowledge games are just like they're gone they're always passionate in the game oh among us they're almost patching it on like a daily basis like it's insane yeah i wouldn't worry about that the game is stable produced nukis proceeds to nuke his screen yeah okay like if i fire five million boosted nukes into the screen the game is going to take a little hit in the fps department but like if you're not playing the game like a suicidal maniac then it generally runs very well but yeah how do i 202 gold and a non-shuffle one with kind of shitty stats been playing the game for four months it's really fun good good glad you're enjoying it jos thank you the best tell them also start camp you tell them to start gambling what do i have to do i have to do everything man bye you do it chaotic polymorphin that's bad news there we go it's probably no one has heard of but it's really fun just like under alcac i just googled it for you albino i recommend it from what i've seen all right i'll i'll look into it when i'm done with this stream i guess just gotta get this [ __ ] away hello harry book harry book on how are you doing do you know harry when the new bubba for smash is gonna be out because i didn't i couldn't find any like dates it said today like a while ago but it didn't release so i'm kind of confused ah he was still sneaking there that bastard all right damaged me then today yeah tonight it's gonna recent five five hours okay well that's not what it said on the on the description on the video but you know i guess uh lying is okay now huh oh teleportation i'm on fire there theme is good for two in two things in the entire game but they are pretty they're pretty major thickening when can we expect some more valheim when the game is done thanks for this man when i mean when i mean done i mean done done i mean 1.0 done that's when i'm gonna play it again not a second before i'm so good at timing those holy shits you see that perfect perfect spacing and a dog [ __ ] wand tremendous let's cast among us and just pour some free gold right there dead albino thank you for the prime man money money money money 359 now uh elsa are you here ah scuttle scuttle make a make a bet on whether or not the first perk will be good if it's not it's going to be a reset of the run we're on that perk right now i mean if i find a black hole in the first stage i'm totally fine playing through it but i haven't gotten any good spells so it's got to be a good perk in that case i mean i have to protect him and accelerate him but that's not gonna make a run you know we already have a level three dead thing going on okay well i might reset until that so or maybe i should just [ __ ] go for it should i just like keep you know since i don't have twitch spawns on and i can't sit down and think right if i'm like i can sit and like theorize a bit and be like should i what if i put this bill on here what if i and like not get molested by giant ducks every two seconds you know if i do that there might be a chance if i get to just put my brain to work no listen you said once a bet is in set you can't reset yeah that's what i'm saying man but thanks for the bits [ __ ] just maybe i should just like keep arguing with you to squeeze all the bits out of your pocket how about that just for the sake of it and we have a chainsaw you know what you know what it's a good run now it's a good run now we got the [ __ ] chainsaw that means free money on level two thank you for watching [ __ ] sludge man get out of here oh the cosy modifier just means that there's like furniture around that's it well that's nice more objects to kick it enemies cast them among us i might have missed like half up or something i think i'm also gonna since i have a chainsaw this this run is actually worth investing in so i'm going to go to the collapsed mines and just see if i can find anything there uh might as well just kill this guy oh there's a good one there that one you usually don't find that in level one this is like a a rare occurrence if you will might have some good [ __ ] on it it does not but the stats are it has like it's a good stat wand but like other than that it's about as crap i'm gonna need this one for level two yeah i can't take it i would like to take it if it had a good spell on it i wish it had a energy sphere if it had that it would be it would i could replace my first one with it unfortunate will you play modded toroidal when team of the loaders support 1.5 no how is that it's not a thing yet it's been so long like how the [ __ ] [Music] well i might play rory at some point but don't expect me to terraria is a game that i play once in a while when i feel like it and i i can't predict when i'm gonna feel like playing a game no promises chad but who knows but who knows i almost got him oh there we go oh it's in the wall okay all right this song again i think we're done here let's go through the collapse mines oh no we're not there it is there's the health weapon i've been looking for [Music] nice and some money yeah got him got him got him i [ __ ] shut my pants oh speaking of [ __ ] yourself uh the tweet that i the in the idubber i never sent me on twitter where he said i shot myself that that tweet now because he won the contest it's gonna be framed and hung up on my wall right there next to that picture there it's gonna be there i eineber confessing [ __ ] his pants gondola is man pog they can make thank you for the best man i won the animate left i gotta be considerate of how i use it what i could do however is just use this that that worked out but now i can't i don't need i don't need that money that bad i don't take damage for it that's like normally it wouldn't be a big deal normally but it's uh if it was just fire it would be fine but since it's like burning liquid it's gonna like take off my blood stains and make me able to catch fire again so i'm just not gonna [ __ ] with that at all there he goes there he goes where that goes oh we got the [ __ ] standard as well all right nice these guys are very nice good at killing themselves i like that oh nice i don't even have to nice arigato i think we're good basically a thousand gold all the ones i need and we got chainsaw that i'm gonna put on here and we have a drill basically three mendes and it's not a one shop that's disappointing but it does have luminous drill a fantastic spell uh how good it's gonna be on here dog [ __ ] all right what's the perk [Music] all bad pretty much uh lower spread and faster spells alright oh [Music] [Music] all right we go [Music] should i refresh the among us yeah who cares i'll take both [Music] okay i can remove the water here somehow stay in me thank you [Music] nice i took some bad damage there but i made it out [Music] we don't have any like really very good like offensive things here so i'm just gonna go pretty passively about level two just collect some money what's up maggots not much lubricated rocks how are you doing how are you doing today we're just going through the new secret content of noise there's actually a lot of cool stuff there oh i won't look at that this guy took a wand and drowned unfortunately give me that fireball cool i could use a minor portion honestly honestly dude we can do some on abortion let's get some water in there there we go drink no i only drank like four times what do you want i have a question for for a professional noisy gamer like yourself oil blood or fire immunity they're the same thing don't care all but that's the well actually no it doesn't make you not slippery from oil right so they're yeah that doesn't matter they're the same thing there is a good wand there are triggers then well it's better off than my main ones now we have a good main one i think yeah pretty good damage this is this is this one is crazy man [ __ ] going on oh there it is uh that that's good stats 235 mono region and pretty low recharge like it's a beast only it has double cast too it's decent yeah you know what we have recharged again this i want the ones i need now to be fair i don't need another one but i'm never going to cast those plasma things i guess i could use it to kill the one kind of zero but even that is kind of risky uh i'm not really feeling this one [ __ ] i'm gonna focus on getting through the level at this point shut these guys up [Music] let's go let's get a little bit more money because i did use one reroll [Music] already blind dead end how's the mall mate costume going good it's coming soon i just got a you know i just got the [ __ ] i just gotta get it first it's like in the mail it's gonna be soon soon oh [ __ ] bastard got him i hope it doesn't come next week because i'll be really busy and i don't want to miss the legendary made outfit stream oh it's probably going to come this week on tomorrow most likely tomorrow i'm not uh jeff peso so i can't tell when amazon is going to actually send in my [ __ ] we really do not have any there's someone nice well actually i don't want so i'm just looking for like healthcare or something like that to help me out but i guess it doesn't mean to check them it doesn't hurt to check them the spread on this thing is really annoying sometimes speed up always cast no shuffle 338 this is a very good one and it has a derailed bubble spark and a spark trigger i will need a mogus i want to think about it i don't want the wand but i want the spouse that's the that's the problem this one usually has just one or two slots but it could have something good the stats is not that great either but who knows maybe it hasn't always cast what content are you searching uh the mushroom content hence the title shotgun i don't xt i'm done i am done oh man goblin you speak elven right now i speak spanish have you never watched breaking bad come on dude i'm conflicted this is research time decent stats low recharge it can be a good real wand i could look i could replace some august but i'm august is going to be invaluable in easy base i need a mogus the third step the third one has good recharge and low resharp time uh what do i do chainsaw reduces by 17 combined with this make it very fast put on this could make it honestly i have all needed i have a chainsaw yeah you know what [ __ ] it i have everything i need to make op1 so let's just not [ __ ] with that and use what we have instead i just got a very good idea wait wasn't it doing it i might be wrong about something here it's the opposite way around never mind yeah okay i get it uh if this were better if it was a better trigger spell it would work but [Music] it's just relatively fast [Music] four perks and they're all still suck low recoil [Music] yeah very quickly with this so this is like this is a good one like it's a good attack one and digging we get digging and attacking in the same wand which saves some slots that's very good where's the mushroom content uh hidden we'll find it eventually but but not yet this one i could honestly use as like a if any if you really need something that this spell is this spell here the what is called chain bot is like it's a good early game carry it it does a lot of that where the white women at hey yo double down what's up welcome thank you for the sub man i'll reveal this first though because this is all trash no okay didn't proc that's that it was there was merely beauty there so rip so that's fine this is better though truth is pretty fast that's good yeah this is fine i'll refresh the mogus it sent me up what the [ __ ] okay this this this actually is a really good uh material down in that case if you can do that you can like you can use a teleportation and then stability procedure to like go through stages i didn't think about that before i learned something new today i didn't think i would it's unstable right so you can't yeah so it's random it's gonna send me a random direction it could be down could be up it could be yeah whatever damn it's gonna send me four too holy [ __ ] i can get the one now yeah holy [ __ ] i didn't oh that gives me some more up that gives me more options that's good okay i don't i don't have to piss off the gods ever if you have to potatum you don't have to i okay okay and sparkle true trigger costs costless mana i'm pretty sure this costs 35 this costs 10. big big difference all right i'll show this with this instead see okay oh what what the [ __ ] what's teleporting over that's 30 degree spreads never mind it's insane spread so [ __ ] that but now we have a couple more spells to [ __ ] with but how much damage this is uh three damage and this is 10. so it's gonna do let's just check the dps differences get like 100 dps with this and with this i get more consistently high dps because it triggers into the chain so that there's more damage that's nice okay yeah okay this is pretty good damage should be good for this stage 500 regen that can mean that can maintain lasers wow [ __ ] those guys hit hard man is that a big one it's a big one these guys can just end your run in a second it's actually wild how dangerous they are they are all right 920 money still that's good it's gonna sneak past this guy what mother using nothing this is just vanilla right now we have a good start because we have uh extra perk and perk lottery which is a really good combo potentially if i'm lucky enough oh i guess the wrong thing oops here's the potato oops just look around a bit more what's gamble well uh askbots that's moz there's a heart up i want to get that definitely want to get that there's no cool goodbye what's the feeling for example uh now i actually don't know will albino clear the tower because i'll be doing the tower today there we go if you just circle around those they can't attack when they shoot or they can't attack when they turn so if you just like go around them like that while shooting they can't really do much which is nice there's a wand teleport what um i'll pick it up later how does roguelike you ever played this one this is the hardest game i've ever played maybe spelunky is also hard but this one is definitely up there now there we go let's check this wand that's just a triple cast but that's about it for how long will you be playing isaac when the update drops till i've beaten it i don't think i'm gonna play past that point but i mean if i really like it maybe [ __ ] damaged me there toxic oh there's a bastard there's a boss yeah i'm not gonna should i check the wand a bad feeling about this yeah nope another spell shot but it has okay spells i guess what for that but not fantastic but oh nice all right didn't get the poetry role yet again who is surprised not me they should be able to sustain this not fast enough [Music] hmm it's barely not fast enough it's a good one the 500 recharge is not it's no joke uh what i could do no maybe there it is just gonna you know just gonna take a moment to think that's it good now i have a good one just like that i usually don't have i usually don't have one this complicated this early but but that's that's just how it'd be you know all right now i don't do this anymore that's going to be useless only this that's also useless this is the only one i'm interested in keeping i think no way i'm not i don't need that i'll leave that there this is the one that can dps and it can take that's good mikuriana thank you for the prime man and now we're going to be going into the hisi base uh he's the base with all seeing eyes actually not that bad uh the more the most like the worst part about this place is that you can't see what's around the corner that's like the issue kind of but yeah it's fine going to beat ghostbus yeah basically dps isn't great but it will have to do for now [Music] this is risky i could just break the temple i you know i haven't broken a single single temple until this point so i think i just think i'm gonna just go and break it there we go let's go through and see what he find there's been a maggot here it should be up here it's on the left side i'm done it's on the left side there's the thing here the spawns either on the left or the right side there's no it's on the left this time [ __ ] my [ __ ] cover has been broken does this see me i'm done oh my god i like that [ __ ] electricity he hit me of course he hits me they always do they always do this is why i go in this man [ __ ] this [ __ ] died here oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] do i get through here there's like no way oh boomerang on some missiles boomerang missiles really dude okay stop being bloody there we go thank you i guess there really is no way through this without just blowing [ __ ] up wasn't blowing up for us i want to load the tank but there we go if i go up there i'm gonna get eaten by that [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] that how do i do this you see let's see that has bottled spooky liquid no i haven't but i am sure it exists there you go this [ __ ] propane tanks give me excited that's why i'm doing this so carefully because like i really want this run to work and uh fighting here is bad because things are gonna explode eventually and when they do i want to make sure that i'm not around for it there we go should be adding dense rock soon to find the biome i'm looking for there we go i'm just gonna go very carefully through this no point in getting hurt when i don't need to blood potion going carefully through this is us how many times have you finished the game legit uh a couple of times but i mean beating the game isn't hard beating the game with and finding secrets that's hard doing all the endings that's hard beating the game on its own like i could go do that but i haven't won strong enough to kill the fighting boss like it's not that doesn't take that much like really there's a lot of [ __ ] enemies here what the [ __ ] good thing i made as good as good good good wand i want capable of killing shits i want to get the chest though i hate i hate corpse piles they're so [ __ ] annoying man freezing liquid potion no thanks what about this one lava oh man [ __ ] those guys the [ __ ] grenade launchers dudes so annoying someone just activated the shield this guy did but he can't shoot me he's fine he doesn't have access to me we reach the end nice ah here we are the secret shop which has well what do you know i have re you already have good healing nice and this is what i wanted there we are thank you and there we have nullah we have pentagon not uh insane return is good i guess explosion i need that i already have a bunch of these don't need that my diamond is i only have three slots left so be careful what i pick get oil train i think i will let's uh let's leave hydrate sure i drank twice cause it won't i'm getting a lot of drifts this run holy [ __ ] i usually struggle to find one drill i'm just getting them all over the place like candy solid orbits 465 this is actually a decent one wow there we go 545 yeah well oh we got bounces wait a minute okay so here we have two very good perks bouncing spells is gonna make my main one be just like extremely deadly very very very deadly but stainless armor i think uh just to make the game easier for myself i'm gonna make get bouncing first hopefully hopefully procs didn't rock but now we have this 25 this is oh this is five yes it's like yeah way better to do this uh now we have a very good like starting point i guess i don't think i need more than three drills more than that is overkill probably should be good digging around dps want killing the ghost boss wand healing wand good [ __ ] i really i really wish that that perk lottery would proc for once but so that i could get stainless armor too but what can you do it's still a good run now i just need immunities if i can get the immunities now this is going to be a godlike run i've been very lucky so far uh nola's gonna be used for later but not right now it could be useful to get uh sawblades i think the orbiting path spells are kinda buggered right now so i'm just not gonna mess with them for the time being i also don't need to teleportation anymore i think at least nothing stable i'm just going to put it here where it's safe in this room could still be good to have a spitter fresh i don't need it yet i have 12 i have 10 healing bottles which should be like a decent amount of health uh yeah in terms of damage and [ __ ] we should be fine i don't have to like i already have a couple of uh tinkerbell temples i don't think i need to dig through this one piece of the gods so i'll just leave here should i carry three ones do i need this right now i don't think i do but whatever this guy's kind of being a [ __ ] let's go invest and go past him without breaking the temple since i'm using bouncy spells uh and uh oh god he is hard jesus christ man since i have bouncing spells in luminous drill it's really easy to piss off the gods by accident and just break [ __ ] in like back accident in general bouncing spells also makes it makes it way easier to heal myself with bots that's nice is that fee oh it's oh my god i didn't realize i have infinite healing i have infinite healing it's fee i thought it was [ __ ] omega i don't know lula it's but it's [ __ ] fee i picked up feet have infinite healing or black holes if i want that because it's the projectile copy god damn i didn't realize i'm stupid i didn't realize until a guy in chat says what does feed us apologize thank you thank you so much they look very similar though their circle with a line over it freezing field now oh no it's broke god [ __ ] damn it i forgot this it would yeah i didn't want that [ __ ] whatever i wanted to have a shortcut but oh well unless you'll get some works done let's uh god this it's just that other infinite spots infinite healing ah oh what is this run oh boy this is now an unshuffled one with all these [ __ ] black holes i didn't i don't even need to use fee for this i can just use this light as it is goddamn dude okay yeah i can just cast enough of this now i never need healing i can just heal myself okay so we are we're at the vault and we have a laser drill that goes on for basically how long as i want it we have uh this one is like not necessary right now i could make this into this one i don't need these right at the moment this casts two at the same time it's very inefficient that way i need a single cast want to cast this with yeah i think i have the solution right here foreign okay now i have not infinite healing but i'm in for black holes which means i can go and just explore a bunch so what should i do next that's the question i think i need to get gold because there was something here i wanted i want to have a heavy shot here is going to make this wand here all better a lot better well not really it's going to reduce the speed but we got homing we found a heavy shot we found reduced research time and we find [ __ ] homing i'm gonna go get to the goat i'm gonna go to the gold biome and just get cold [ __ ] it i'm just gonna go do that there's no reason not to at this point i'm gonna go get gold i'm gonna refresh my spells i'm gonna go get cold holy [ __ ] this is the most lucky run this is the most rigid [ __ ] round i've ever had in my life jesus christ holy [ __ ] that's some available spell slots in case i find something that's good uh let's dig out if the word is going to get mad but who cares about him he's a kind of a loser so well i've angered him anyways so let's just leave i don't know why i'm on fire but all right why is this happening i don't know if that happens to a more dangerous liquid i'm [ __ ] but let's stop that doesn't happen then if that was lava or [ __ ] acid i would have been dead stupid ass game now i'm not going to kill dragon yet so that's kind of risky i'm not like strong enough for it but that's good the alchemy hall now it's all green good copium has been created we're gonna do this slowly this is how you this is how you actually do night time you gotta do things slowly and take your time if you don't what we're going to do is go get the one that had speed up always always kept well no it was very inaccurate but i could offset that but it was spread hello dragon i really wish i was i wish i'd speed up if i speed up this would be a lot less painful but well [ __ ] we don't know the latter will we get some orangey on the rail hell i don't think we're gonna do in the rail today today's going to be what's the bet right now does anyone know did i say uh what did i say again oh the tower yeah atlantis thank you for the primer so [Music] this could pull in that tank but it didn't good just get that over with i shouldn't be going over that if i got shotgun down into it i'll be dead what is that wand arrows actually uh now that i think about it did i break the did i break the temple onto the fourth level i think i did yeah i broke it into the fourth so my next tinkerbell temple is gonna be the one above this that's where i'm gonna go next and i'm gonna optimize my one a bit because i don't need it to shoot [ __ ] oh [ __ ] bonus elf oh my god [Music] this is insane research time why did i use this one that's just this one teleport one is always going to be good for just just to make this a lot faster but it was long till i thought it was short i thought it was short my bad it was long teleport long teleport is bad or not as good at least i don't like it i'm gonna go trade it out i have hastiums i don't really need it right now or couldn't i cast it with this i could i could mona cost 15 10 yeah it's fine it's fine keep in mind your teleports bounce and are long oh yeah that's another thing that's another thing you're you're right i need to use i can't use long-tail word word now because it's going to make them so like they last too long and take forever to do like proc so i need to have short teleport preferably preferably with nola on it i basically need a normal teleport right now which is usually something you have in the late game but what happened to the picture you were going to hang on um today i placed the order to have it printed out and framed so in one or two days tomorrow maybe i'll go to that store and print it out and frame it now where's the temple is i think it's to the left it should it should who ended up winning the picture contest anyways uh i i never i never he posted a tweet just saying i shot myself and that won and everyone was happy 30 degree spread but we can do some yeah you know what if we lose spread on fee on here and use this it's going to be accurate now we have a fast firing one with somewhat low mana charge speed but that's fine put that on there we don't need this one now we can heal faster too that's nice so now we have faster black holes and then i was gonna do this take this off [Music] hmm that's better that's better yep straight line okay uh let's move on then black hole is good now epic thank god should i get the teleport watch though on something i kind of want to make this go a bit faster but it's too risky to use because of a big you know bouncing spell does have some issues and the biggest issue for me is the teleport box if i didn't have that straight to it it would be fine but that's just how it'd be the gods are molding but honestly dude who cares to be fair i didn't have to dig through the temple but it's nice it's nice having a tunnel through it what works makes luminous really go further like yours oh that's bouncing spells that one thing spells very good perk would recommend this one again i'm going to skip it you already heard it today this is actually kind of fitting yeah you know what it kind of is just a little bit and take off this is why teleport isn't like strictly necessary [Music] so you kind of just make myself faster than this i like my first run literally the first run today was just a god one okay are you going to parallel worlds uh the the second i get under brush abortion yes until then well actually no because they made it so that in parallel worlds now there's there's gonna be mini bosses spawning like the grand alchemist is just gonna be randomly spawning and he can kill me very very easily right now so until that's been uh addressed with a wand combo i'm not gonna go there boom the man thank you for the prime man i remember this clip yeah yeah literally i went there one day without knowing that they spawn and i just got instantly killed by because i went a bit early i was like oh hey let's just go really greedy and just [ __ ] do it immediately and i regretted my decision pretty fast wow give me that what is wrong with this boss that we got nola oh [ __ ] now we can teleport damage plus that's going to be very good for my build for my laser drills it's going to double their damage [Music] yeah i can make a teleport one let's remember this [Music] teleport ah i wouldn't risk it i wouldn't risk it [Music] i want to get them bro shot first and i'm brushing honestly it's just a little bit of rng and you got it [Music] didn't you want to go to the gold oh the gold yeah sorry thank you blender i i'm very i forget [ __ ] very fast 379 gold that's kind of sad [Music] something actually happened when ghosts are moulding uh yeah there's gonna be spawning some nasty enemies in the next temples that i visit but since i have this it shouldn't really be an issue it's shooting uh luminous drills once per frame and it's also shooting chainsaws well not once per frame maybe like once every other frame i guess favorite weapon in hades uh spear el spears [Music] although if i do go to parallel worlds i'm gonna get a lot of perks since i've got these two first that's gonna be uh it's gonna be nice this is so nice having just so early holy [ __ ] this is the i think this is the fastest i've ever like ever gotten this black fast black hole infamous blast plus black hole like holy [ __ ] 250k easy club or the essence is still a meme yeah they're most listed no because you can get rid of them now if you don't want them you can get rid of them so i could pick it up and just go get rid of it and to be honest having the earth essence wouldn't hurt me now because i have explosion immunity so it's not like i can pick it up but why it's still gonna set off like reactions around me that i don't want so they're just annoying they don't really have they don't help you they just but like if you want to do the essence ending or the essence secret then you can do it and then purge them off you so there's that so they aren't asks they aren't as much of a meme anymore they're not gonna like lock you into doing that run you know and just scuff you forever if you pick them up which is nice i'm glad they added that most hated enemy uh pc did the he see with the gun and uh this morning without being able to move or feel my right arm at all for some time i was scared as [ __ ] also doubt as molding now there's modeling sebum thank you for the sub man essences or just have a secret utility besides that kind of meme yeah basically the ss thing is not something you do to get an advantage at the game it's something you do because you're curious that's about it they are basically i mean but they are they are required for some very cool secrets smart oh it was it was a small teleport port it just seemed like a long one because i have bouncing spells now i get it yeah there we are back in the mines hero has a lot of spells it it has more damage potentially good one but yep decent not sure what am i gonna go for there i guess i guess that works it can get me where i want albino genuine question what if the balls got hard too anyways have you ever tried neon abyss no so what is next on the agenda i have a infinite black hole i need to go i need to get uh ambrosia to get the brochure i'm going to go into the [ __ ] fungal forest and see if i can get it there this i'm going to actually leave up here research notes there's no reef in my water there we go the guildmaster thank you for summoning thank you man [ __ ] ass toxic slurs man it's so annoying have you ever played neutral no i don't think i have i want to get speed up i'm slow i can throw it with that but i [ __ ] polymorph for already holy [ __ ] this game man [Music] where all the poor morphine's broken like this is just a good area to find potions you know that that that that's what good that's what good not gonna lie that's what good bonuses for this song please i don't know any of them genuine question if you ever visited the u.s is there any specific city you want to visit or any activity you want to try that couldn't necessarily try at home i mean i've been there a couple of times but just to meet up with friends but like that's something when it comes to things to do there are places to go i won't see that i want to see the american countryside that's one thing i want to say i don't really care for cameras for like big cities oh there's one of these one of my brethren ran away in order to escape our predicament predict government predict they felt our understanding of this world was to be forbidden they hid something here in this room but i like the ability to truly see what is here oh that's what the eye is alright boys step one [Music] step one three balls [Music] mushrooms [Music] you did more than that the whiskey is echoing wait what am i supposed to do more than this okay i thought you were just supposed to get high and uh that's it you're becoming due to underrated yeah basically you need the eye okay i guess i need the eye as well i'll come back here with it later but the reason i'm going here is not to do this puzzle yet i'm gonna first do the uh the i forgot that i was gonna do something else i was gonna find a brochure but i can't really go to parallel worlds yet can i because there's going to be ghosts one of them is smart about this either way i guess finding the brush is important i need it i will need it at some point it's hard to see with this [ __ ] going on dude holy [ __ ] this is toxic rocks i gotta be careful didn't find it yet though holy [ __ ] i'm tripping okay this one is dog [ __ ] for this this one is actually terrible for doing this so i'll have to it's another one there's this one oh my god this is terrible let me heal man thank you there we go okay now next up should be hmm what's next zoey is a bit early to [ __ ] with anyway if i'm gonna fight him i want better well i could just teleport [Music] nah i forget i could go down to the bottom and get to the last perk order two last perks actually i could get the two last perks that's what probably what i should do to be honest just get those and then take it from there because then i might get like fire immunity like i put i put okay i put [ __ ] i had to i had a boomerang shot on my black hole you don't want to have that it's bad oh [ __ ] nice i'm almost sober again get the ones with homing yeah it wasn't one of the samples i remember 235 it's a slow mana max though the round two of this area is going to look a lot different around the round one let's just say that a lot different a lot different oh [ __ ] you bastard oh my god some hearts nice are you enjoying the piss again sir i i i enjoyed the lot it's it's kind of carrying me through the game so i do appreciate that he just got like slowly carried away from it oh so it's gonna look stupid i didn't tinker with this seed by the way this is actually how the world generated this is actually how the world generated for me okay yep yep doubters on suicide watch literally holy [ __ ] i didn't even need that but i still got it it's just convenient but no need to celebrate yet because in this game anything is possible especially when i'm playing it oh it took some damage no problem there we go hydra sure but first i got a piss one sec brb [Music] [Music] do all right stream chair it is a goal but chair stream chair stream there we are just try putting this on here nothing there's also one of these you could put there but not this one apparently baby the gods are modeled to be fair i could probably kill the dragon now let's go do that let's kill dragoon hydrate all right [Music] this guy's taking him oh my god of the witch will not because if this hit me they will be the interest of me as well so it's over okay uh i needed i needed a bottle too i threw a last bottle i'm stupid but i need to go harvest that i could just piss out this i could buy his team good dubai actually i'm just gonna drink it up almost full and brochure now we can go to the parallel world if i want to how do you refill bottles uh you take out the bottle that isn't full and then you just stand in liquid and it will refill now obviously you can't refill things like teleportation or polymorphing because they have like an instant effect on it that makes you unable to to harvest it so it can be a bit annoying in that in some cases but that's generally basically how we do it i gotta find out a flat wall on this a chest with flux in it here we go there it is yeah oh this is a little bit risky i'm gonna get the slime off me so i can move a bit faster there we go there we go not too bad ping pong path a 980 296 one second recharge i don't need that i'm having really have a friend frame drops right now it feels like that's gonna be yeah i saw that the the physics this game can be a bit weird sometimes and that's something that can happen because of it good luck on the run maggots even though i'm down thing having to sleep all right now party good night so right all right okay now we're gonna kill the boss or the boston and the the stavari that's a reroll stacking perk lottery now that is my kinda slime area spontaneous turns into fungal creatures so which should we take this we have double port glossary i've never had that before i've never had that never holy [ __ ] i am i'm explosive and moon so it doesn't it doesn't matter i'm explosive man [Music] i'm just going to get to the last one i'm going to be able to get every perk started oh [ __ ] oh we got mushrooms epic [Music] i can't be polymorphs for 160 seconds doubters hope there you go getting there getting there a good one maybe this i can use to kill uh they won't kncr but i don't need to do that right right now let's see what this one has reduced mono cost that i could use now i know that those are here [ __ ] all right should be getting very close to the end now so there we are okay now unless i'm very unlucky we're going to be getting like two or three perks here which is really nice jesus christ uh reroll i mean approaching sector is okay but rule i think so okay a third poor glossary all right yeah i'll take that 297 4545 now maggot launcher as much as i would like to use them i'm not going to do it like that though better teleport one there we go okay now we just need to get the uh reduced mana cost i i forgot was it in the in the previous level or i completely forgot temple of the art okay then we go to the temple of the fort and we pick up that [ __ ] and uh we leave this here so we can yeah so if we if we reduce monaco's on this with one more of these i should it should be infinite together two cakes i'm saying it's gonna hurt since i have a teleport port that can just teleport me super fast i think i can just avoid any bosses that would spawn is this it now that can hurt oh [ __ ] the damage where is it i just gotta find the one man oh god it shoots up [ __ ] you i think i'm good without having uh boomerang nukes i think i'll just leave this is too risky it's the risk holy [ __ ] it's too risky is it on the right i want to get it but i just like it's risky as [ __ ] i guess i'll put this here and try again i've cleared most of the enemies so it should be fine just need that spell so i can like maintain it for a long time let's just let's just go back in our steps and like oh [ __ ] would go back the way we came and then uh find the entrance to this level and take it from there and just retrace your steps that way it should be better of course i gotta go up though find the roof starts going on nope i was here i was here i was here and i went down here i think we go this way if i did i would have broken that nice instant [ __ ] shot i went down here apparently and here we are mana now uh yeah infinite model and then yes there it is now we go back and put it on the teleport one and we should be good we should have like infinite teleport [ __ ] yeah we do just like that adhd mode activate this is actually a better one too yes there's that [Music] i don't need that i don't need that i don't think i'd ever need boomerang spells but who knows okay spells are sorted we're good to go wait okay this is better reach our time what the [ __ ] was that there's my cave this is why i like having this that was not that was a worm a worm [ __ ] up my [ __ ] thing man what the hell holy [ __ ] i almost died jesus christ no matter how safe you think you are never forget you're playing [ __ ] noida holy [ __ ] i could pick that door why not what i just teleported super far really fast holy [ __ ] now this is how fast traveling this game oh yeah open i'm stupid there we go there we go this time i'm not gonna get [ __ ] by that coast man this time that's not gonna happen trust me no [ __ ] way i'm too fast for it there's a music machine beast mines there we are oh ghost [ __ ] ghost [ __ ] to [ __ ] to ruin my day okay we ain't having none of that [ __ ] today [ __ ] that guy what's the fire i thought it was in brochure for a second i had head oh i refreshed my spouse right you played holes no oh is it right nevermind it's this way i almost forgot where it's tavari there's my fire immunity i'll save the rest for later i'll take that for some extra health did you increase your maxwell's by 10 so i take them even though i'm full got him now this one i want this is going to be funny just because it's funny just because it's not actually it doesn't hurt me honestly that's fine i'll just take it you're playing katanas there no i have not we just got a bunch of mushrooms now this is nice my fungal army my bro army speed up bastard and they turn into a mushroom i want this actually what am i going to do with a glass can what what about it you're on a mushroom through all those mushrooms now oh my god this is great all right next temple let's go oh boy sideway path i mean i'm doing i'm not doing 33 orbs i don't really need it but i don't need explosion anymore i have infinite healing but it could be at least too hot so what if you're wondering what i'm doing here three three or come on it's gonna be a long ass [ __ ] run though god what i'm doing here is that this the way that these shrines work is that now this price is 64 000. if i re-roll it it's gonna go to the double of that and then every shrine after we'll have that price but if i go through them all and then like explore them and reroll the bottom one the price of the top ones aren't going to change so i'm going to save many thousand very many thousand gold by just doing that now the ones i explore after that will still have the increased price but the ones that i've already explored once so if i just scroll down go up again and then re-roll them it's more much more money efficient as much as i would like to just pick up the perks right now moana potion epic room vermont all right what's the goal of this run have you ever gotten the ghostbusters yet nope but i'm hoping to do it this one that's i guess that's the goal your skill goes boss that's going to be my uh objective i suppose what perks about here first levitation give me that give me that it's a lifetime forget uh the spill i'm using laser does not have any innate crit so if it can't crit that's good like why not a box a box a box box okay i need a box nice that's gonna allow me to transport fungal spores so that i can use them uh when i need them instead of instead of just relying for them to like spawn i suppose which they kind of don't so it goes past on the tower a different or the same well tower is different but i'm just going to do it after this now i have enough mac self to do it like shorter reliably and i have good mobility and yeah it should be fine please come guys come gun boys gotta die bye goodbye i don't see how we can kill the ghost boss without going to parallel worlds like you kind of have to do it because he's really like him and the the wizard especially the wizard boss like the master master uh the master of masters which his name is we're getting some really good spells here actually now it's real time how the [ __ ] did you get so good at one building uh it's so [ __ ] hard for me you just gotta find the right spells and learn some tricks i suppose avenge rats i could pick oh it could become a good spell it didn't but i don't really want any of these if we're really gonna try hard i could pick more love but should i go should i do a no love let's run or what do you think because more love is going to make the game boring to say at least i'm not going to have anything to kill they're all just going to be passive it's like a tryhard thing to do but i think i rewrote again let me get more speed all right not picking that this time nope no sir i have rotating yeah accelerating though i actually want that should i want to ever go for a 20 you know full orb run that's what i'm gonna use all right pass on guys a big big pass on gamble dude in the [ __ ] no that explosion was timed very well i like it i mean should i i've never tried this one let's just try it actually is like a literal meme perk but it takes a while to enter this all right and also spawn the fungals what's gonna happen then what will happen [ __ ] you oh they they're like a timed explosion okay damn i'm exploring immune so i don't really care but hey it will explode the mushrooms oh my god the mushrooms just instantly die that's great this still costs 6004 now that's good no yes yes yes oh oh my god the chain reaction holy [ __ ] dude this [ __ ] game man nice first rotation always nice i like being fast got some mushrooms for my box nice oh my god what does fungal spore use for a secret a cool secret i am going to explore soon i am unlucky oh it didn't proc holy [ __ ] that's the first time now let's get some more fungal spores [Music] i love being fast it's so nice any mushrooms oh [ __ ] give me away from that the explosions man holy [ __ ] how do you get how do you get fungus there's no fungus here i guess the dye can be used as like a fungus generator like that there we go there we go oh but it burns away oh no that's cringe don't do that do the thing man make mushroom where did it go i think it deleted us there's so much from here i can take there we go yeah but we have almost a full box now 97 yeah it's good youtube paused again i guess we can go uh next parallel world and just get more perks because why not oh exploding corpse was a mistake this is gonna like basically what happens is that the uh the enemies die spawn a mushroom and then uh the mushroom explodes and burns burning away all the fungus so exploding corpses kind of made it a little bit harder but it's still possible to get all the [ __ ] that i need i'll get some more gold to here should be right here in general how many parallel worlds can you miss before the game starts crashing uh like seven maybe something like that there we go took some damage but that's fine how do you just bypass the cooling timer on your tp wand uh basically your stuff i can show you after but there can be some enemies here that can be like that that can happen what the [ __ ] was that man jesus christ he just spawned on a thin air that's what i'm scared of i think i traveled too fast and it just that's just happened because he spawned normally only retellings of that if you shoot him but since i was teleporting inside of him in like one person once per frame all of my teleports turned into bullets that he could use to kill me and that only happened because he spawned inside of me holy [ __ ] this game stuff like that kind of sucks if i didn't pick up those max health i would have died right there if i didn't pick up those like max yeah because i have 900 health now instead of having like 200. jesus christ i'll keep that in mind for later that they can literally spawn inside a medium yeah i got scotsmatt 819 it's gonna cost should he get faster or should he get homing homing yeah uh i don't need homing at this point repelling cape is i'm going to save this because repelling cape is good to have uh if you get stainless arm and repelling cape it's gonna be very good parallel world two east has a parallel as a propelling cape at mines or collapsed the mines or coal pits i mean all bits i mean it's bad for black yeah it would only it wouldn't i don't really need it right now so i'm not gonna take it should i also a glass cannon here which is nice always cast lightning you can have a lighting machine gun with this but we're not going for that right now that's good actually i can get the meme wait what did i pick up a bigger close call okay that's fine [Music] speed up nice now i can change once i would have to use this uh specific one here to cast the black holes because it's kind of slow it has bad management and demand charge speed so in one of the like temples coming up now i'm gonna pick up a new one for that oh [ __ ] it's pretty destructive but it's fun 370 110 it's better than this one a lot better no gamble today i'm afraid [Music] oh there's a lot of mushrooms [Music] oh it's only weird i guess okay good uh i can i can do one more level before i well actually this costs nothing let's just put it on here for the time being uh i apply this that's gonna be the same thing just with higher or higher casts being casting speed i guess or can i cast more often i can afford to cast more which is oh [ __ ] thank you for pushing me away from that it's my [ __ ] fidget spinner at them uh i don't need faster levitation kills tomorrow i guess could be good i can't i'm getting some i'm getting so many gamblers man really wants me to be gambling the jets you want me to try as a new funny perk and ruin my save holy [ __ ] yeah the exploring horses aren't really helping my frames at this point holy [ __ ] another speeder nice another even faster i keep getting [ __ ] perks i don't know what to what to do about it like all the perks i'm getting are garbers i have like the most potential to get perks ever but it's just not working out today at all this one is better doesn't that good slots though they have like no slots yeah i'm just going to keep this in the one i have i could go back now i could go back and do the the bet do you guys want to do the bet now i don't really have anything left to do here i do that yes oh exploding chords mean like oh that's very bad it means i can't get uh pretty much immunity exploding quarters is actually really bad i i picked it up as a meme but now it can ruin my run potentially jesus christ uh lifetime up he does some good stuff but i don't have thinker ever so i'm just not gonna mess with it right now let's see a little bit [ __ ] i need circle of bigger this is too slow the chances of getting that is so [ __ ] slim there's a tower tower time boys that's a new enemy but i'm in this i'm in this who cares actually i can just walk through this i've never seen that guy before i wonder what the [ __ ] it does there's a ghost there too now we're good we're good i'm maneuvered i'm maneuvered i'm maneuvered why can't i shoot oops click it and the tower's been beaten the tower is done we did it not that i needed to be here i i don't even have a one slot for this but is is still here i don't think she is should i get this one it has so many sloths like i could trade it for this but i mean i can't ever pick it up again because i wanted to do this place i want to do this area before uh or after i get tinker everywhere because then i can just like take the spells off it and put it somewhere else but yeah i guess let's come back for them later anyways tower down back to the mountain you know what time it is boys it's time for the ghost pass that's what it's time for i have a lot of these i'll have all of them final boss triangle boss wizard king alchemists savant until three legs three ice legs and the dragon ghost boss and there might be more but what oh yeah of course your queen coins oh there it is that's the thing i need i'll put the ambrosia right here and not break it just hide it there in the snow surely it won't despawn actually now we have the eye though oh but the bastard i'm fighting only takes explosion damage so i'm gonna have to get explosion the ghost takes only explosion damage i better get my coomb coins back maggot dubs thank you for 100 bits appreciate it yeah i need explosion leverage to kill him i could to be fair killer with the boss first but i don't really want to do that yet i need thinking everywhere [ __ ] i could make it i could i could kill zoey on first honestly i could do that the one con is here let's do that so for the one concierge what we are gonna do this is shuffle this is not shuffle no shuffle uh teleport they'll make a temporary little um you know what we're gonna do you guys know what's gonna happen don't you the usual it's gonna be so nice doing this without having a [ __ ] uh without having twitch once now i can just like do the boss and not focus on getting 50 oil trades his trails and uh three masters at me and a [ __ ] snowblade in my ass based hello i think he's dead yeah it looks like he's dead oh there's a lot of [ __ ] bouncing balls down holy [ __ ] all right the other one has some interesting stats one thousand five at a minor charge speed minus two degrees 1745 uh this could replace my main one to be honest yeah i think it will we're actually you know what i'm pretty sure this one can kill the whatever multi-squid is dead now we kill the boss by ghost boss okay i just gotta find some certain spells now to kill it with yeah it should be a couple of temples down the magic missiles the big ones this one can kind of make them very powerful there's a plasma cross though all right this should be good enough for the boss but i'm not sure i'm not like completely sure that's true that's that should do the trick not gonna lie that that should probably do the trick and after that we're gonna do the shroom thing areas there he goes that was all i needed look at the mega we got gamma here there we go and uh sigma one fresh he's gone now i can do the uh the mushroom quest that i bit that the whole stream was supposed to be that's what i've been waiting to do this entire stream just a [ __ ] mushroom quest but now we are here what are those weirdest looking spells like this it's just uh just a good one crafting then [Music] [Music] boy [Music] well that's kind of like research time let's put a chance on this [ __ ] [Music] was it casting something else what's going why is it casting nothing 30 10 20. it shouldn't have just casting this it's oh it's shuffle damn i'm stupid why am i using a [ __ ] shuffle wand let's go get the con is yours one instead done he had like a pretty decent one i think use that for healing i also got replaced this at some point because it needs more slots eventually i want to be able to cast the black hole and circular vigor at the same time so i can like heal while traveling well to be fair i have no more shuffle that's a perk that i have so i i wouldn't expect spawns to be [ __ ] shuffle anymore but it's the one that i picked up pretty early before i got the perk i guess this one yeah it's good there's many slots too i want more ones like that take this off [Music] so okay um right yeah now i have decent healing putting this on it is actually pretty good so that it will like not [ __ ] fly off all the time there we go more healing i could yeah no it can't multicast them but what i could do though oh god this is genius this is actually genius it's gonna shoot many of them at once all of them actually it's gonna be a huge heal it's gonna shoot everyone that's a lot of heals that's a lot of heals i just got to empty them all so that they would only shoot the big hill and not the megateals we're gonna do it about like 13 times i think what do you do yeah still still a little bit of 13 more times nine more times but multicast oh yeah that's smart [Music] that's gonna be a bit faster three now it's gonna be a bit faster they're starting to run out so it's gonna be a that's a good healer that's a pretty good healer nice nice nice nice all right now i'm actually good to the ghost boss i just need a weapon are there any explosions here an explosive damage i guess that so they cost much money do i need both i don't need both one that's enough uh all right do we need that stephen what about doublecast doublecast wrap around chainsaw no [ __ ] that's fine it's decent damage i'll get the magic missiles i guess use those to kill the boss they should be like down here maybe one stage down lasers whereballs drill i i left the fireball since in one stage but i just don't remember which like at the moment is it here amalgas okay did i not have explosion over here goodbye maggots oh i almost wrote the [ __ ] thing holy [ __ ] there's explosion oh there's a magic mistletoe nice [Music] 275 explosion numbers yeah should be fine i think we should be able to kill the boss i think this temple has been ruined so i can't use it okay so now we put here instead a trigger spell if i have that yeah i do with explosion on it that's good yeah now i can probably kill the boss there's like a thousand dps it's good enough oh yeah you know what let's try also since since we are already here i could go to the mushroom thing and just check it out it was like in here or some [ __ ] oh my god there's a lot of mushroom here what was it what the [ __ ] close to the bottom left i think what determines what music gets into the stream should play list just if it's like a jam this is a jam so this gets in that's basically it so i can see the mushroom there so aha then we got a book among the greater chemical endeavors there were some that ominous liquid almost liquid happened what the [ __ ] among the ritual chemical endeavors there are some that why not equal to the great work nonetheless are rewarded greatly whereas the defect potentials they whoever whoever sings sees you'll hardly see any power the one i am disgusted never to see the greatest promise in deeper than the swords of the earth okay not some grand alchemy wait fungal turned into ominous liquid what the [ __ ] am i supposed to do then oh [ __ ] it's everywhere but is that minute oh does that mean that ominous liquid is transformed to mushroom do they do the exchange or do the swan just become the other mysterious fungus doesn't shift it did it did mysterious fungus the one they had in here it turned into almost liquid now like my [ __ ] turned into all the shrooms turning to almost liquid i don't think it's a swap how am i supposed to trip balls if all mushrooms are on this liquid almost liquid is just everywhere now but does this fungal the other phone is made from sand okay how do you make that take a rift how do you make the other fungus sand on something else because i need to make that now because i can't make mysterious fingers because this [ __ ] liquid is everywhere mushroom from the surface put it in the sand okay i'll do that then as we go through the map first let's go to the map first and say oh there mushroom on me let's go to the map if we can find it did i miss it or maybe it's to the left of the temple it's down here oh [ __ ] [Music] resistances and predictive perks are disabled temporarily then so i'll take damage on fire now [Music] all right my mushrooms now make ominous liquid i'm done well i lost my my mushroom taping so i'm gonna go get the other scuff mushroom i guess with uh the sand [ __ ] we got to go over the lake there's a mushroom how do you make it move all right just burns the crips if here's that i gotta get one that can cut basically the measures are so close but i gotta i gotta get a one to uh i gotta go to back to the temple and take us back goddammit [Music] so can i kick it how do you move them does anyone know how to move these [ __ ] do we need a kick do a small explosion but there are aphasia extroversion are gonna burn again they just fall down i think you need like an energy sphere type explosion if you can get if you can hit it with like an energy sphere it should be fine because energy orbs do that maybe maybe this was a two i'm gonna try spells until i get it uh it could be yeah that's it that's it now any toxic sludge as well which would probably be able to find in the first area there it is it's not doing it it's almost liquid it's almost liquid it just turns almost liquid so is there a way to reset that all right but if you get why did they make that a thing if you get high to get to the quest you you get fungus blood yeah but fungus blood has been replaced to almost liquid that's that's the issue fungus blood is uh i think you're really unlucky yeah but they should just not make that a thing that's [ __ ] stupid now i can't do the quest because the game is being maggot i can't believe they didn't think of that how did it how did i not think of that maybe it's intended no because you need uh to unlock the map for all the the altars uh you need to get high on shrooms but i can't get rid of shrooms if the shrooms have turned into ominous liquid can't you just build them up no but i can't uh what you're supposed to do is to bring the eye to uh to and do you need to be higher mushrooms and you need to bring this eye to some platforms and then like it looks like this but it's not this one this is just pointing at the map you need to bring them to the to a uh uh what's it called tomorrow one of the stone things and then they will drop you some notes that should that are like hints to the puzzle and you're gonna follow those hints to do to get to the end of it but i can't and i finally got a really good run and i got [ __ ] cocked by the the shift because it shifts just made fungus into uh ominous liquid it shifted the thing i need to do the puzzle in your opinion what's the best spell to kill somebody with anything that shoots fast turn on twitch integration and turn on only the lsd effect honestly yeah i can do that but it's not on [ __ ] it's not on if i enable twitch oh yeah freeze freezing any freezing spell let's go on safari enable to response uh i think that's gonna [ __ ] the game kind of it could [ __ ] my save but i'm not sure it might kill your game but i'm thinking what could i i could maggot voicer applies that effect if i've enabled only that twitch extended twitch extras and nothing else what is there to lose no there's nothing to lose because but like you know what first off let's kill the ghost pass let's kill the ghostbusters first so at least we've done that and then we do it i can also make a backup save to be fair i'll do that first we can do a golf balls and then we make a backup save and we try doing the the saving the ghost the motion puzzle maybe it's wishing your world's keeping your player file i could do that but it could also [ __ ] up even more so i'm not trying to doing that i'm gonna try other options first because all i need is the fungus effect i don't need to use the fungus anywhere i just need to get the effect the the the tripping out thing wait it's right here it's in the base game i think it is in the base game trip there it is you trip out it's right there i don't even have to restart the game we're just gonna force it like that casually ignores the disabled okay we can enable at least four [Music] all right so please post two in chat can we have a two can i have a number two in chat there we go thank you now we can progress i'll just do this i'll just do this whenever i need it because the game [ __ ] me now you know the game [ __ ] me i [ __ ] the game that's how it is really holy [ __ ] this game is stupid bruh no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way dude because okay that's actually it's funny because the way this one is programmed the way this one is programmed is that it it doesn't apply the effect it feeds you the material as you can see the i got saturated minimal is saturated and uh that's why that happened if it only applied the effect without feeding you that wouldn't happen but it's programmed in such like a uh what's the name prior prime no it's just problem in a stupid way god holy [ __ ] dude that's really dumb cheese gui how is that going to bypass it if i can't it's try i can try it let's try if this [ __ ] my save file so be it you know okay ominous liquid potion almost liquid almost liquid everything solids those might work okay this wasn't work oh wait this one works this works this one works this one works alright we did it holy [ __ ] which one was that which must again was it the one that was trippy or yeah it's a trippy one's the chippy one so let's just make like a storage here of them okay oh my god now we have a drug drug stash we have a drug stash at last holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] last okay now we can do the quest holy [ __ ] that was annoying i'm cheating because i have to i think it's something this is so what happened in my save file just now because i had to cheat here this is some this is probably something that the devs are going to change i don't think they will make it so that this quest can just like the quest itself this the quest you are doing can have a side effect that makes you unable to do a set quest like that like an obligatory part of the quest can ruin it there's i don't see any reason why they would ever keep that in the game also i forgot to re-tinker this because i'm stupid what are they oh this is fine i just i just can't get the ghostbuster with it which is it because the game [ __ ] up yeah it's basically something that the game will fix later i hope like i i really hope they do that because if not they are very sadistic like you make it all the way here and you start doing the quest and it's like oh no you can't because the game said no that would unwise otherwise i'm sure it's not intended look those stones not them okay you're gonna break them like that to be fair i am invisible so i don't have to deal with this [ __ ] there we are there we go all right so this is the the temple this is the the the temple like uh where the spider boss is uh that's that we've done that one that was the one uh in the mushroom cave then there is one above the sky straight up and one to the right to the right of the temple so let's go to the one to the right first it was like down to the right right up to the right but it's going to be passed i think it's going to be past the tower so we got to go over the temple and down oh oh it costs like an entire potion i gotta i gotta go back and refill for the next one [ __ ] or if i get there fast enough i might not have to well i'm not gonna get there fast enough [ __ ] it however if i keep getting high or are the effects gonna stack yeah okay it will actually stack and just let me go back to the drugstash i thought overwriting one would not whatever [ __ ] water there we go maybe only a mushroom for every five minutes you spend high all right basically what's gonna happen if i do it too much i'm just gonna keep overwriting a bunch of stuff in my world and it's gonna make it really weird but it's going to be right to the right of the temple and then down what's over here again this just leads to the this just leads to the chest i think last year bueno see you next time peace all right evening jazz take care it should be like down in this cave here there we are can i get through this i guess not i can just dig with this thing if i need to i guess not it's slow as [ __ ] it's [ __ ] hard to navigate these places man so hit this wall and then you go a little bit down to the left i think where the [ __ ] is it still into consumer shrooms at the big stream stature though now the big streams thing i've already done the map has been revealed uh what i need to do now is just find the remaining shrines which is going to be a little bit of a pain in the ass but but it is i know it's in this chasm here but i don't know exactly where because it's like you know you don't have any like this is the only point of reference you have basically you have this wall here everything else is just like a random [ __ ] terrain i guess so it's a bit uh it's a bit of a pain to find it but yeah the chasm is huge and that's the problem now at the top left and uh this guy's a bleed [ __ ] ominous liquid now it's so [ __ ] aids we're just gonna have to keep our eyes oh there it is the chemical process requires great fire and heat for this purpose poison did you turn into poison whether they get on this liquid a [ __ ] poison god damn it for this purpose lay the stone in fiery earth and bring forth this transmutation with great magic heat magical heat of destruction lay the stone in fiery earth and bring forth its transformation with great magical heat of destruction okay or something great magical heat of destruction so it's got to be magical heat lava is not magical i think so it's gonna be it's gonna be like a spell or something a hot spell of destruction magical heat of destruction [Music] hmm it should be up here but it's really decide [Music] it was on the map it looks like it was right above the wait why did i go to the right i think i miss i miss missed it by a bit because i went right i got it bring the slumbering seed to f to life by letting it soak in the race of the sun on a pinnacle of past civilizations [Music] is it already they're probably talking about the gourd it's probably the gourd the slumbering seed is probably the gourd and the pinnacle of this past civilization that's that is that's the pyramid so you take the the you take the gourd to the top of the pyramid i think that's the only seed in this game that i know so let's go do that let's try that let's go get the gourd put it on that temple let it soak in the race of the sun so that's the only seed that i know of [Music] [Music] unless it's like the gourd is up here somewhere a little bit past these bastards go get my jetpack back [Music] [Music] pick up the key once the key has listened to you bring it home one hope is in the sky beyond the invisible steps one homies in the underworld below the seas of magma this is really good they are giving you a hint on book of the key i like that thank you not against wow that's really good this literally yeah props to them a puzzle with actual hints in this game yeah dude it's great it's great i like it these puzzles we're doing now they're much more fun these puzzles are actually really fun i enjoy them a lot because uh you actually get like hints if you just look for them you get hints there's inscriptions on the things there's like points to put together and like kind of figure it out i like it i like it what uh okay what's another seed i stone upon the imessages uh no i don't think maybe the ghostbust has something to do with it maybe maybe the ghostbusters drop something let's go kill him but don't spoil like don't pl pl i really this is support normally i don't care about backseating in noida but for this quest i kind of do so like if you can avoid spoiling stuff that would be great if unless they ask for hint sometimes i think loudly and i'm like just pondering about stuff but i don't necessarily want the answers spelled out for me like i'm not trying not being obnoxious about it or anything like that but yeah just keep it in mind i guess uh so now we're gonna use this into this yeah it's probably gonna make quick work of the ghost boss oops but the chasm is below this area i think past the alchemy lab this one shows them too and i like that is it safe to fight the ghostbusters no because this time i have healing i can do this even if the enemies they [ __ ] me i can still heal with this so i think i should be fine last time i didn't have healing so i was kind of [ __ ] there but i think this time i should be fine i gotta go next to the lake is i think he is oh this is the yeah this area he spawns in the bottom left i'm pretty sure like i'm not certain about that but i think it's like down here or something something like that oh [ __ ] like in this part of the castle there's there's the lake yeah so it's gonna be like down here i kind of below the frozen wall that's what i would assume anyways here we are now ghosts are gonna be spawning it's gonna get spooky now then i can hear like this there we go oh [ __ ] got him i just want to lock him in the in the thing in the progress progress [ __ ] this is fitting music it's like spooky there he is he's dead i gotta item i gotta hit him okay okay it's close full of promise hello they are they are like curse they apply curse it's kind of spooky translates to sunset oh okay that's the sunset then [Music] all right let's call them let's [ __ ] go we got the we killed the boss we got the sun seed nice finally i killed that [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yeah he has cost me a lot of pain and anguish we got this need it's gonna be a bit faster so ah all right now we can go to the temple and put the thing on the top of the temple and see what happens hello dragon ear is he on the thing now no maybe he'll be the next well no he should be here now no guess not this is not so it might kill you thanks [Music] okay wait what did the first one say once said to put it deep in the earth with like a once i put it deep in the earth and with destructive power and [ __ ] magic heat and destruction once that put it here [Music] there's a sun race here oh where did it go where did the seat go hello [Music] what are you kidding me that i lose the [Music] seed [Music] [Music] really [Music] [Music] oh i did all this for nothing then wow dude wow this one doesn't have pickups [Music] so we but is the boss also in a pair can i i can just kill him in a new one i can just kill him in the eastward right but i should be fine right yeah i can just kill the boss again whatever dude this game is so stupid sometimes at two points at two points in this quest well okay i guess this is what they mean when they mean in finnish beta footage or like content actually this is fine i can just do this is what i mean but they say like unfinished beta for like gameplay because like man that [ __ ] is annoying that's just [ __ ] annoying dude god okay okay holy [ __ ] cope jesus christ man and every time we do that they get poisoned what what are those things i can't hear now get me out of this [ __ ] [ __ ] jesus christ it's summoned some like uh final boss on me if we just go down here i should be fine get the boss again get the [ __ ] seeds cat [ __ ] when it [ __ ] me like that my god let's get [ __ ] out of here i have another sunset sunset number two acquired jesus christ please just [ __ ] don't fly away this time notice this [ __ ] again what are those my gods okay there's probably gonna be a ghost boss here that i have to kill because the game is great so there we go back at it again in the main world holy [ __ ] they bounce their legs i have to go through if i can find that to do this quest it's taking so much longer than it has to now all right let's try this again the essence of the sun it seems to damage you really badly when you have it we have it now what you're supposed to do is take it to the deep depth of the earth and blow it up mad magic or some [ __ ] so wrinkly sun and kiwi stone it's like the sun stone magic fire and heat probably nukes yeah i think i'm gonna call it the day here it's like 1am i wasn't supposed to stream this long but this this quest has been really intrigued uh tomorrow friday i'm going to continue this quest because this is this is really cool i like that they added the quest a long quest with like steps and like uh hints and uh cool ways to acquire them oh although it's a little bit scuffed now since it's the beta branch and they haven't like made it unable to turn fungus into ominous liquid so when they fix that that's probably going to be a fantastic quest and not to make the sunstone fly into oblivion when it spawns that would also be cool anyways that's gonna be it for today good night fellas it's been a good stream see you tomorrow when we continue this and figure out what this fungus [ __ ] is all about have a good night thank you for the sub thanks for the bits thanks for watching love you take care bye
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 25,794
Rating: 4.8642297 out of 5
Id: Hw7-xD91FPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 22sec (14302 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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