Noita trying real hard to make me lose

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all right last one for the night number five as is the mandated five per day according to wito apparently at 15 keep it up them's rookie numbers man you're from germany so you can't really watch the stream a lot of people in europe um say that so it's uh it's very good to have you here glad you can firestone hmm crow ravel with the raid my friend what's up dude hope you're having a lovely night i don't know if you got my message on twitter have you played crying sons um i have a feeling you would really really really like it does eating gold anywhere else also give you a game completed no no no it's when you consume more than 200 of your body weight in anything else uh you explode which i think's rather funny sketchy rust a sketchy run on kestrel b is that the one with the uh the best weapon in the game the artillery beam ionizer biomes on the first run of the day yeah yeah this game loves throwing you a curveball you think you're doing all right and then all of a sudden no no you weren't we'd like to get those spiders yeah we can do that weapon in the game is basic laser oh i'm sorry i'm sorry um is that before or after you maximize your engines i can never remember old toby how are you doing this evening let's hope for something good in there oh a wand in a chest on the first floor that happens to be a no shuffle i guess i'll take it that's fine one second cooldown bit rough but we do get a multicast on there so i'm okay with that all right wito take it easy dude uh enjoy your meeting metro exodus which one's that the third one i have very fond memories of metro combined with very not fond memories of some specific uh set pieces in the game all right we want to find a little bit of water here somewhere if we can all right i do need to focus here i uh i can't let this slide so the first one i really liked um because i i think it captured that feeling of chernobyl that sort of eerie creepy feeling um but then there was there are other elements like the the supernatural little i don't know rifts i guess caused by radiation dot dot question mark like i don't know it was a bit of a stretch there was one area in particular that i didn't like and that was where and i've mentioned this on stream before i think where you had to sort of um guard a train or you were on a little cart and of course the batteries ran out and it had to be charged up or something was blocking the path or something so every couple of minutes it it would stop you had to get out fight hordes of those uh underground demon people whatever um i don't know it just felt really felt really video gamey what is that oh that's the why is it just sitting there the firestone the rat people right yeah i don't know it just it's the same as doom right as fantastic as shooter as doom is and i'm talking about 2016 i don't know if um eternal fixed this because i haven't actually played it but the segments where you've gotta you know stop because you're you're picking up a key and then fight a room full of enemies i don't know it's just really weird um destiny did that a lot as well it's like not only do you have peter dinklage talking at you constantly um but he's got to decode some terminal and you have to defend it and it's the same thing every single time this is a really weird level there's lots of little pockets that are completely encased you don't often see that this being satiated anointed do anything greater than 100 it makes you slower yeah i don't think it does anything there's no there's no reason to eat anything really unless you're gonna get an effect from something rather than you know being let's see if we can get some spiders here yes ride spiders my favorite but hurry up about it fellas because i got gold to pick up what what bio modifier am i in because that sucks huh i've never seen that set up before sneaky teak how you doing good to see you my friend dude i was part of that uh that frag raid dude you just rated me [ __ ] i didn't even get the notification how are you dude welcome on in everybody it's very lovely to have you here as teak would say any friend of teks is a friend of mcqueen no he wouldn't say that i'm saying that your friend can we be friends nailed it wow you just got stabbed in the back by the lantern bro the guy that i really have to pay attention to but lanternbro i want that money dude thank you just stay back let me get the money and i'll leave you alone oh got it understood so we're doing uh yeah we're doing win streaks here in neutra i am currently up to number five this is the fifth one for the evening hopefully fingers crossed yeah it's definitely humid i still don't know why that electricity box was hanging from the ceiling i don't see the relevance there any big post 1.0 learning for win streaking no i mean 1.0 is difficult compared to pre that anyway um hell yes that's a slower projectile see once again look what the hell is this thing i don't like it i don't like it i haven't seen any of that before it was there to kill you yeah that that much i got any alchemy tips um i i only carry water pretty much dude um like all of this i'm only taking because they have very specific purposes and in fact i'll probably get rid of um accelerating all right we do have a wand above us no i i i like when you're talking about alchemy the only thing that i think of is like you know mix water with um slime and then or not slam toxic and then you get more water like just basic stuff exactly zeke yeah all right what do we got tell you what we do have is tons of cash you can stay in there little acid gay more that's 20 small projectiles versus three big ones wouldn't be bad mix water with ambrosia and use it to become instantly immediately invincible whilst you're hosing yourself off i wonder if they are they will ever add more things like instead of just not just the random stuff that's in the game but more advanced mixtures that you can do on the regular that don't give you too much of an advantage this guy i hate this guy so much come on down bud oh it's on me he ends so many of my no damage runs for that exact reason all right 83 health 773 bucks pretty decent ones let's gtfo you can create ambrosia and teleportatium and berzerkian oh really they didn't even know that i thought they had to come in flasks what am i water plus mana pla equals more mana yep that one i've seen it's bright as hell too all right oh all right okay okay good start guys um less good start um nah come on crap how much is the stuff i want to buy here what speed are these [Music] pretty pretty pretty slow frog meat plus alcohol equals equals berserkian no way no [ __ ] or frogs 22 38 yeah it's fine get a double cast on there at the very least if we don't get anything else that's way too slow all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna roll again one more very disappointing yep so i would like you you you and then here we have a choice between explosion and brimstone once again um good question not sure which way i would go there wait too slow too much mana it just burns through it huh all right figure that out um such an expensive cast that'll kill stuff though yeah the problem is i don't want to have to wait to reload if we get into a situation where i'm being swarmed and i can't take them out in time you do not want to have a recharge time on a wand it hasn't been buffed how long has it been like that geez no wonder it's i mean okay we don't have uh not really anything else to use here i will take you and i will take maybe you for later i'll go on then oh oh that that was all my money let's stick with the double shot then yep like it it's basic but it'll do that's my only multicast oh we could get that going instead we're fine this is okay all right so we need a couple of ones here on this next floor i have 20 explosions that i'll be able to use to get some cash back which is kind of nice just double check down here for something in the water negative mama beat i wouldn't mind an all-seeing eye still glad we didn't take it on that last run it would have been okay and i think we would have survived maybe but we did come into a lot of um fire on that that last floor as well or second last floor rather in the in the vault riddler finn uh it's the number just just here right right here the current number of uh wins we have under the belt you're really not gonna let me through without another explosive you're really not gonna let me through without more explosives okay that's fine i'll play your game man this place is like it's full of dead ends lou may 9am in scotland good morning sir or ma'am i've never been to scotland i did live in the uk for several years uh but i was in london so i don't know if that counts [ __ ] doesn't count anymore does it oh weird uh what's going on there chief you good having fun i thought red glimmer oh you best believe we'll be adding that to whatever that's pretty deep decent too that's pretty good an egg for you in these in these trying times how ow all right we get it uh what are we at 325 i've used what two roles right now i think do we need more cash like a lot more what's the exit down there how many shots do i have left seven let's keep searching here i'm really looking for that one wand that legit makes a difference what about 84 health we could check out fungals ah and we're gonna have to go up and around of course put your fire out wash off your other stains and make you invincible pretty effective i'm gonna have to practice with that like i i believe you but it's not something i would immediately want to introduce into a run just yet definitely made the right choice with this one though it's been pretty decent so far even the spreads not that bad where's the gun powder coming from oh got it there's a box of it up here here we go what's this got a couple of these left so i should be able to get through yikes oh bad guy yeah let's be real careful of him oh no my controls oh god what's the pink stuff polymorphine okay covered in fire right where do we not want to be mhm i got four shots left one two three not good this is silly why am i even attempting this because i really want to see what it is this is so dumb is it worth it you're happy now so dumb okay best always cast the light bulb yeah toxic immunity i'll try for that damn i was hoping to get the uh yeah that was that was i don't have to tell you how silly that was that should not have happened all right 0.37 on that guy 370. it's a very average one i don't even know why i picked it up to be honest um make a primary with this instead be faster and we won't run out drill crit reduce spread long distance cast long distance cast explosion hmm tiger no problem at all dude thanks for saying what do the eggs do you can create spells in the eggs uh then you can collect them and take them with you it's pretty good for healing um what's that thing spells to magic missiles yeah um it's pretty good for healing it's pretty good for like you can you can create a portable nuke i wouldn't recommend it but it's possible to do so maybe we just stick with what we had we speed it up a little bit so what double shot with a drill get another one of these oh heavy spread hold up long distance cast heavy spread apple spark so that would be really effective i think that's a lot of damage very quickly can we make it red i think that would be really important we can and it's better now it gets faster add crit to this very weird this is again this is not the time to be experimenting but i think it's dope um ah that'll just rain mana like nothing else later later with that one what else can we do here i think i'm just going to stick to a more traditional build chainsaw would be better oh absolutely it's kind of fun though now yeah see the cooldown's not great it sounds strange that it does stay conservative yeah speak the truth it'll be smart to do that hit the dummy all right yep that works just eats it no okay you're right you're right let's not mess around too much here uh reduced spread costs one we will add that to the mix crit we probably add build double cast still two of these it's gonna be a little bit more accurate now did i have any everything else on there before we add the color that's pretty good pretty good yeah red does have the a very small uh speed reduction on it the discs um here's what i think of the discs i mean it it's the same damage unless it crits until you run out of mana 0.37 did i try this i know it's sort of infrequent what if we add another one yeah i'm not feeling too safe here the next floor is uh hey shavino how are you doing next floor is one of the ones that i'm really scared about i think we'll be okay just gotta think positive [Music] so disappointing i shouldn't have gone to get that such a waste switch this over to here ah okay there's a wand right here just over on the left side okay we can do this fine and is uku waiting for us in the doorway because that would be funny here's one and i will go over to the left to see what that is hopefully it's not well no it's okay if it's in the ceiling we can still get that and the egg thrower down there that sucks too two hits even on a crit there get rough let's blow this guy up 97 damage that take care of him now he's dead going back the other way where'd that money go damn it it's 10 a.m in spain are you doing beefaroo any bad guys up here a couple of rats no big deal always cast fire trail it's better looking good get another multicast there that's dope the unfortunate thing about this wand is um because it's casting fire trail you gotta be real careful with it um we can set ourselves on fire very easily with that one hey oops i missed all right let's just leave him alone then dixon how you doing 54 hit on a crit there that wasn't bad wasn't bad at all actually i hear we're going over to the right because i don't hear ruka this way now we're talking this is good yeah kind of thought i heard you there's one down there should be one more to the left sleepy onyx how are you doing this evening welcome uh yeah anyone coming over from youtube hello hope you're doing great we have a worm here somewhere it's taking a little bit of a beating these guys can be really dangerous by the way because when they get close to you they they charge at you they just sort of um they they zip at you really quickly um so if you're frozen by them which can happen as long as if one of those frozen projectiles come at you then you get frozen you fall to the ground and if you happen to be near one it'll do that charging attack it'll probably one shot you um they've reduced the damage but it's still very high yeah we gotta we gotta play this one careful the numbers are getting up there four is not insignificant and uh this run isn't going super good at the moment i think i can go grab that you think good there's a sniper in the water oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] please don't come up please don't come up please don't come up okay we're hidden right oh doesn't really help us i hear a worm rumbling okay got a sniper with a wand folks no big deal totally fine okay trouble is if we do come up against euko um and he hits me even if we've got uh even if we've got uh ambrosia on us we're still in trouble where i'm coming by the looks of it yep of course it's a big boy that's fine we could wet let the worm carry us all the way down that would be funny not the silliest idea i've had smaller worm sounds like we're close we are knew that was gonna happen at least in my worries right now in fact we'll be fine why i bought this out in the first place [ __ ] where's my throw button come on bud come over what no no no no oh game please we go directly underneath him and just shoot him from here oh now i have to be careful of this although not too careful i guess [Music] what a cluster man what a cluster [ __ ] thank you step two up for the bits 155 bucks monkey like um homunculuses might be a mistake i don't know yet um 6 40 for that come on give me give me something here that's nice well no almost a second on the recharge not good enough 480 recharge though hmm what a horrible seed a little bit the liquid the pink stuff is uh polymorphine i was hoping to turn steve into a sheep and insta-kill him obviously that didn't happen um pc based [ __ ] i was gonna say we're almost to the jungle nope no we're not um i got this folks chill out it's all gonna be fine acid cloud all right good let's uh you know what i think i can i think i can okay hang on maybe not with this one but maybe with this one one of you one of you one of you and one of you good start you want to add a crit on that mcqueen why yes mcqueen that sounds like a good idea hey mcqueen what about the color red do you like the color red are you kidding me i love the color red alright here's my primary 46 health and a dream um let's have this on standby i might need it what else we got what's this summon wall um what do you look like maybe i should use that instead ambrosia and teleport it's not a bad idea it's really not a bad idea at all actually that's quite smart i'd love another flask of ambrosia i mean wouldn't that be nice do i want to buy this no no need this is what we got going on it's fine um all right so i'll keep one of these spare we'll get rid of what's the cooldown on this two and a half seconds good this teleport work with flame let's try to do it the old-fashioned way first um yeah okay just want to test this real quick let's get that out of there it does it does it does it does shame that's three teleports at once okay that's useless damn it okay keep any other ones here no all right we're just gonna have to use it as it is not you i can wait two and a half seconds if i need to that's a dead homunculus that's a shame he'll be back well one of his brothers will be back later i'd really love a heel hey why is that breaking oh it's the because i got a freaking laser on here too hey good for digging i guess okay we're just gonna chill here for a bit why is this more intense than my no damage run that makes no sense all right electric over there let's go up here for a sec dead no don't do that the sniper over there had a beat on me which is bad because a sniper is 25 damage that's over 50 of my health i might have to go over here to the to the right hmm not so sure multimedia used the term survived very very loosely there we almost didn't uh wand over there electricity scares me huh all right we're going this way here we go he's done uh i'm doing very well connell um what what games did you play tonight are you an are you a fan of uh noita aka game where you set yourself on fire fire is a massive problem for us right now if i had full health obviously i wouldn't care um healer i don't really have the ability to use a healer right now but i would have liked that chance oh look there's a turret up here i that electricity is wild man where is it coming from [ __ ] the lava is electrocuted what is going on why you do this why why does the game hate me tonight played pokemon right on a viewer recommended well thank you to whoever that was appreciated uh yeah we gotta go through we don't really have a choice here i can't go anywhere near electricity what a sucky way to go 41 health do you have to forgive me it um this game sometimes requires a little bit of extra concentration so i apologize for not immediately getting back to chat i hate i hate everything about this of course you get one shot off don't you okay you did we gotta find the source of this electricity because it's driving me crazy it's right there in the lava pool i shouldn't i shouldn't be messing with this at all but i wants it can i dig through that nah my drills could but there's no other way through there a shame use luminous to break the metal chain no the problem is getting too close to it in the first place like it's so erratic like i'm barely able to gonna be able to get the um the wand over to the right that's just unfortunate not much i can do about it so we'll leave it oh it's another one up up and to the right what are we getting rid of all right either good freaking wand yes okay nice all right so we have a healer ah of course he brings his buddies doesn't he not a good day to be a healer the worm eating something which means it's probably going to come down on top of my head in a second god damn was that two or three hits too many come on bounce over there i don't want to fall straight through i'm scared we've got the long way [ __ ] god damn it didn't want to go all the way up and over kind of have to now all right we're surrounded up top here no sweat anyone ever play the game start control two an old school strategy game oh it's a giant worm what are you munching on fella you can't dig anymore because of a perk that i took will that give me an easy kill on you i wonder [ __ ] will might drown in the process but you know swings and roundabouts i suppose did you drop a health up that's the question oh and there's a turret there as well of course there is bottle it up and i don't have a spare bottle we are one sniper hit away from being deaded there's a health up in here we good [Music] hey you no drink worm blood because there's nowhere safe to stand there's a turret in here could get this little bit i guess don't you dare set me on fire i'ma be pissed if i get set on fire right well one blood drunk um all right so he's facing the other opposite way we still have two turrets down here in the worst possible positions ah jesus we go all the way over and then down follow the wall might be a good idea nope not with pheromone abs polly juice there no way what's the streak at currently sitting at four uh it was almost at zero i'm just trying to figure this level out and then i'll be back on track so we've got i think there's another one down here somewhere if i'm not mistaken ah that's instant kill by the way he hits for 33 damage he can almost see me now too worst freaking layout all right let's dig let's go up and left let's backtrack a little bit here it's not worth it do you know what i think that is it is a health up there i could take him out from a distance which i can't really no there's no there's no good ways through here i can't believe this is more nerve-wracking than my freaking no damage run that was a walk in the park compared to this another worm over there same worm just its head now the health up actually let's go through this way get this text off the freaking screen sniper uh he's far over through metal so we're fine there about a no damage run streak [Laughter] [Music] anyway going back to what i was saying before anyone played the game star control 2 this looks like a ship from that game okay you're right in there aren't you do i need another wand is the question probably not actually oh boy oh boy you guys didn't even see that there is a turret down there one of the green ones of course there is because of oh shh [ __ ] bad guy that's the coward if he comes weird so done ah how can i make you work you're teleporting no another one let's just kill him thank god i don't know i don't know what's teleporting [ __ ] everywhere but this is not good um i can't go down and left either okay hey buddy what's up how do we make you do something for us i got no way um we go down here i don't even know what's down here we got one turret down here but versus the green turret over to the left no way that's like insta-kill we're so close too i think give him berserk no berserk doesn't work anymore needs pheromones only this day i gotta stay underneath like a ledge because if someone like one of those grenadiers comes from the right or the left like we're probably gonna get hit then too okay good good very good it's making me nervous oh yeah we're we're close we're real close foreign okay steve's still alive don't get too excited i'm just gonna have to charge in and take him out i think no real easy way of getting him it's okay i like we we're doing enough damage i think that wouldn't be too bad uh septua thank you very much for the bits if i missed that before i'm sorry okay anything i can use real quick oh 630 i can afford one of those the hell is that phasing arc a projectile flies much slower but teleport short distances over its flight here he comes out melee immunity yeah right let's let's have a look so what was the one i was interested in that that gives us a trigger spell on this wand which is it's not too bad a little bit more of a traditional run but at this point i'll take whatever i can get don't have many projectiles though um [Music] how's the run so far this one's been a little bit touch and go potato yeah we took a nuke to the face uh survived the third level with one health survived these fourth level with 46 health ish we keep what we got for now um we load up everything on this one because this is a good wand i don't want to lose it we replace whatever that's actually what's this negative one yeah a little bit more accurate no probs no props bob replace this with whatever we can find we come back up we can dig our way out oh no and there's a one right here please be good i got another homunculi it's not exactly what i was looking for but there's one directly beneath oh he's swimming are you drowning kind of nervous having them that was probably a bad pick up on my behalf but what ifs it's fine do i want that the hell is that oh okay and a 17 minus point three three minor drain of twelve point three three reduction would be really good that puts this one down to almost a zero that combined with mana we've got yeah okay and we've got a couple of multicasts on there as well okay nope why why weren't you doing anything got a teleporting sniper in here great just what i need did he just hit me how did i take him out before his polymorph wasn't it they can be good oh good you know i mean and that's that's fair the game's not working against me right now or anything so should be fine okay so that and that let's get the same setup going here or roughly the same [Music] and then we'll build from that uh right we'll leave the color off for now multicast oh i need the luminous drill i guess i don't need that then more crits yeah we'll put the double crit on um this is probably going to start costing me mana another option is we buy the trigger spell might be a better idea actually it can also be bad but like buddies with friends like these right um okay what the [ __ ] is going on don't don't you is that necessary another one of these i think we're getting this is pretty good so far what do you cost 20 and it adds a cast delay i really don't feel safe any in here anymore why why come on do we want to buy any of these other ones don't step in the teleproduce don't step in the teleport juice um what was it doing all right bubbly bounce that would be pretty good on here what if we add a second one of these yes that does add a constellation probably wreck it of course it will what if we remove that then it's not bad it's not much on the damage front but it's okay this reduces cast delay but that will cost us too much mana yeah yeah yeah okay um maybe i put one of these at the other end does this matter try this permanent laser beam and bullets everywhere i like it let's make them red i think that's really important look at that frame rate dip yeah that'll that'll do for now um we put this here does that make a difference yeah that is a projector right yeah so that won't work got it okay until we get a damage up let's go wand hunting again i don't like this one at all i'm gonna maybe move no they can stay i'll just carry some stuff on this mbd let's go come on little buddy i know i'm scared too man it's kind of hard to see where they are because of the the red color we might end up taking the red color back off just because visibility might be more important than aesthetics i know that's weird feels weird to say but uh here we are it's 20 21. imagine homing with that that's the dream we do have a permanent laser beam to forget ping pong path that would be another uh good build we could go for there too actually might be worth looking out for actually is it actually twice in the same sense look at the size of that freaking ones still alive no we've got another mana reducer uh which means we could add the that back to make it even faster hopefully a bunch of these magic guard which i like the look of but i've never really gotten to work drilling shot it's really good uh not really useful with what we've got going on though come on buddy i need you on uh on patrol here not much of a spotter is he and you know what i think we're going to change back instead of that and let's let's see see we can come up with here um so you put another one on and you slower because it's on the wrong side here this is on the wrong side yep perfect let's remove the red put you back up there right so if we switch that with our triplicate bolt that gives us three times the projectiles and same effect yep cool what else do i want 460 165 0.35 five five yeah it won't won't do what's this decelerating shot nope don't want that this bubble bounce stack how would we even test that let's fire once is that about a dozen that's two rebounds let's try it doesn't really look like it huh twitch nato you've seen me on youtube welcome to uh my second job got ground to sand as well i'd love some black holes eh all right we're gonna move everything we're gonna ditch this one now so i'm gonna keep a few things on here maybe like a couple of these but i don't think too many don't need them there's that phasing arc projectile flies much slower but teleports short distances over its flight useful or not let's test i don't even know what's going on now decelerating shots as well oh look at that they sort of come to a a halt right at the end there i don't know it seems almost what just happened did you he did he hit me what happened i heard something squish was it you did not be you look at those frames like i said before if uh if it ain't single digit frames you're not doing it right um now let's take that off um get rid of a few of those keep ground to sand keep acid trail we'll keep that up here get rid of acid cloud get rid of you summon a wall do we want to test summon war what does that even look like okay good get rid of that uh very efficient move all of this down here keep you up there any uh multipliers can be kept on a wand with no risk whatsoever all this stuff is pretty harmless pulling an all-nighter oh it's 2 am no this will be my my final run of the evening it would have been over a while ago did i leave something on there i certainly did decelerating shot game the game's got it out for me i swear it's i'm trying my best and it's nope your runs must take hours now this is fine what's up spiders having a frustrating day because you can't dig anywhere terrible shame all right we're in the holly mountain you can probably speed it up now a little bit just just a bit go to lookie lair you are no do i want faster ones or a little bit of defense um faster ones could actually break it uh i'm gonna roll this i think you can break once with uh if you speed them up too much [Music] i don't think i'm gonna do that another one of these and it didn't pay out okay that's fine still happy all right what level are we on now the vault all right we're gonna leave this health behind yeah there you go again with the fish god you were the worst decision of my entire life all right now we got two of these dudes one of them gonna heal me are they both gonna kill me but i wish you could easily get rid of them save and quit no i'm good all right we've got a giant laser there do i need here's the question do we leave the health as uh i don't intend on going back unless we find like a really really dope one right now but did we leave the health as an insurance policy or do we take it under the assumption that we're not going back there's a lot of asset around here i don't like that on fire probably fire immunity would have been so dope there's another one i've got melee immunity what up what up dude you hold no power over me sir oh bubbles coming through the floor uh there was a one there what happened to the wand wasn't there what just happened someone else pick it up and vanish or what you can't destroy ones even with there it is someone must have picked it up all right yeah i'll take it stop setting everything on fire please this one could be good so sure eyesight's a little bit of a problem you know we don't have the the best visibility in the world that's acid directly beneath me there always cast water trail no just a bit of acid no big deal i'm on fire again we got robocop down here who's wailing on who here well there goes one of my a monk you lie no he teleported back to me okay well wake up mcqueen time to go to work 94 health now the robocop oh [ __ ] bad let's go over the edge another robocop rocket gate very bad we making a run for it again yep it's that time of the day all right we'll take out steve first oh i'd love that can't afford it of course there's a spell shop here instead of a one shot dead he's not dead phasing you bet your butt facing uh faster projectiles can't hurt in before it hurts now we get our health and we dig our way out and then head back to the last floor the next floor which is i'm writing a complaint take the heart this time i will yeah absolutely oh sure we are melee immune which is probably one of the best uh immunities to have in this floor i don't even know what's exploding down there [Music] old dirty brine welcome bristol uk good to have you here man thank you so much for uh for saying thank you for consuming content wherever that may be go go move [ __ ] go [Music] may you rot in pieces second most hated enemy in the game the oldie swapper we're getting some big numbers here on the mana yes yes uh brian we are on win streaks i am currently on run number five since every other attempt we've had has been in utility i don't like this i don't like this at all look at the number of projectiles imagine having to do an audit at the end of the day of how many bullets you shot that didn't even that didn't kill you oh i'm actually surprised wow you are tough i guess each of my projectiles is only doing three damage maybe six right like it's not we have no damage ups this guy can still hit me even though i'm melee immune another games added that nice little bonus to the game what you doing just digging through uh this yeah potato i gotta get to bed i'm working tomorrow unfortunately you gotta go yeah gotta say don't not a big fan of the homunculus it seems quite um uh quite useless really i mean obviously that they're doing damage to enemies and you know even pointing enemies out to me but on a run like this it seems like it's more of a hindrance than anything else is gold useless not exactly i'm just not going to turn around and pick it up we're going to be making forward progress here this runs almost over one way or another so and we have a boss winning wand already boss killing wand already so i'm not too concerned wow i can actually afford some of this stuff huh cool the only thing i'll really take is maybe a um what do we want here oil blood yeah uh the only thing i really take is a damage up if there's one here but i didn't see one there's homing nah we good hey kalorian how you doing man how long you been there exploding corpses maybe another day oh if you want to see the wand you go that's it there it's nothing it's nothing flash most of my builds are very very simple um but yeah that's that's that's it very straightforward you're not dead yet now you did we did it boys just the four of us put it up thank you so much for the bits trolly burton is that a pb for me it is yep yeah it definitely is why is the boss weaker than some mobs um good question actually there's probably a few in there that are quite strong
Channel: McQueeb
Views: 17,835
Rating: 4.9714966 out of 5
Keywords: mcqueeb, twitch streamer, twitch, streamer, mcqueeb plays, mcqueeb streamer, mcqueeb stream, mcqueeb twitch, noita challenge run, challenge run, best noita player, mcqueeb noita, noita 1.0, noita, Noita expert, noita gameplay, noita stream, noita playthrough, noita streamer, noita streamers, noita 2020, noita full run, noita complete, noita completed, noita win streak, win streak, win streaks, sequential wins, wins in a row, noita wins in a row, most wins in a row, streak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 57sec (6117 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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