McQueeb vs Noita Nuclear Armageddon

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what the hell you got chainsaws bud to make you drown in gold as the ending yeah i'm not sure why normally you just sort of get hit by the the wave of of gold whatever and you're done right for some reason i sank down then did i have an extra life i don't think i did okay we got a wand here to no shuffle baby wand we've got the moxie in potion which is just useless uh what else we got unstable teleport tadium again we might as well grab it a second time see what's in that little uh get that h2o back grab that 16 is the record yeah held by wito and you know what i gave it a shot last couple of nights and and wasn't that successful i made it to three and the fourth run uh a couple of nights ago took us out and i thought you know maybe this is uh maybe this is a game for a different different breed of human and then weto happen to message me and say uh pick up the pace i'm at uh two days in with ten wins and i'm like it's gonna be like that all right it's fine he's brought out the beast i underrated this fireball projectile it's very very strong that also means that i can potentially hit myself [Music] all right so we're going to switch these two spells to this one that's going to be our primary and it's going to be amazing i've got magic missiles so i'll probably get rid of bombs do i even care about this no let's stick with the bombs and magic missile um actually elias the glass cannon was what i got two out of my i think my my highest uh win streak which was uh four three no sorry three two of those had uh glass cannon wins in it um whoever recommended crying sons to me by the way looks very very interesting love the vibe love the graphics um i've only sort of done a little bit of the tutorial but it looks really nice i might get into it but it's also looks very uh strategy heavy not exactly my 14. a lot of people ask me why glass cannon is banned from the no damage runs and i'm like well because damage is you know the one thing that you can't take when you have glass cannon oh that's dope we like that a lot [Music] really steep learning curve yeah um it didn't seem like that the uh the tutorial was holding my hand at all what is this i've never seen that one before it's dope some of these are okay but i think we're fine rats on damage plus everyone is angry or sucks it's funny you bring that up yeah we lost a run because of that morphlimoxium shield is like amazing if we could get project our repulsion field on top of it um we'd be pretty much i was about to say we'd be pretty much indestructible that was just gonna be a blatant lie apparently because i've died with both previously what's the practical use of flamoxium yep no i don't believe that i don't believe there is one a little bit of extra help awesome the bottle is nice empty it out fill it with water yep it's a standard run berwick but we're going for a number of sequential wins i should actually use this to get a little bit of cash probably be a good idea let's do that so ah sir thank you guiding powder points to the actual orb room and not the orb itself i don't even know what guiding powder is although based on what you just said i think i worked it out oh back to zero what does that mean um because we had a win streak of three and then died so the one thing i i tend to do and you'll probably notice this even if i'm trying to not do it is uh be a little more conscious of of dangers and um you know stay alive and all of that sort of thing um go slow be more methodical but the the further along i get i get i guess i get excited yeah anointed you don't you should be the opposite where did i die in number three i was number four and oh god i have to check the vaude are we above lava right now son of a dread the game fear every step yes but have a good time doing it all right so we've got 100 health um could potentially check out fungals i think that wouldn't be a bad idea this poor guy i wonder what's going through his mind like now why is fire taking so long to end me oh what the hell you got chainsaws bud why are we not dead right now he could have shot it in fact it looked like he had his finger on the trigger oh maybe that's just nuke i think nuke does it spews fourth um excuse forth uh you know we are extremely lucky uh yeah so maybe we just got the kill off in time that that was dumb that we should be dead probably because of the two second casterly but that's after a shot you get the the first shot for free unless he'd already done it but we would notice the destruction and we would have heard it maybe screen shake whatever okay we're fine we're alive for now enough tempted to just cut my losses honestly it's a five cast [Music] thank god okay no wait you'd still get one off though and it has more than enough mana to cast a couple of them shoot it no maybe he already shot it above so that would be true if we were missing projectiles but look these are full one one one one one you think he got stunned by the electric modifier i'll have to go back on the the replay on that one that was wild okay let's check out this one wand and then i'm out i don't even want to be in here i was gonna say i don't have that that uh emote anymore but it's not mine it's suffers nice i uh i used to have the exact same emote handcrafted designed by me uh copied straight out of the data file of the game uh corndogs thank you very much for the resub my friend welcome back i'm gonna take this as a great projectile um i don't know actually no we're gonna leave the nuke where it is we're gonna be real careful i do need to take this the double cast is probably more valuable scope and fast [Music] let's have a quick look see over here yeah we're out safe tempted to switch this over what's our mana like on this it's actually suitable it's fine ordinary nice to see you as well how are you doing tonight sneaky sink welcome thank you very much for the sub god it's so weird to see prime gaming still you just get twitch prime in your head right it's weird evil otto thank you very much for the subscription fat cat my god guys thank you again fat cat freddy evil otto thank you very much for the subscriptions guys um kind of funky i'm thinking about getting the extra healthier actually pinpointer that gives you lower spread i don't really care hey linked good to see you man welcome on in let's take it all right so we have trigger spells very important chainsaw or he can afford both ton of black holes holy mackerel what a setup why is that one so expensive all right we take that i take the budget black hole wand and i'm on my way chainsaw sorry we do have uh teleport tadium so we're gonna go to do that again um i do have a decent-ish large no shuffle okay okay let's see what we can come up with here nuke the boss to death stop with the nukes ain't gonna happen until we get explosion immunity that's when that's when we'll do it actually i might take this one it's a far superior wand 220 50 negative two spread and way fast um do we have a wand that can yep three degrees of spread even better on that one okay perfect we'll take the more expensive here the chat will remain faithful to the memory of fat man and little boy that's a movie with uh john cusack in it i watched it very recently it's quite good actually very interesting that whole nuclear age uh fascinates me very much okay that's good 2050 we can get a double cast oh let's check that what's the one in the bottom right that's my current uh win streak you have a clip oh of the the new boy yeah just paste it in chat you won't get time down or anything you're fine put this guy in here to make it faster oh it's already fast enough i think but if we get a double hit here uh man is a problem huh we may have to wait on that or alternatively we just do this instead i know that's just as expensive what do you cost 80. i'm just going to take a quick look at this this clip i want to see exactly what happened he came down he's on he's on fire he entered the water he was on fire so that's why andy was facing the wrong way so he came down entered the water but then he's facing the right way and he didn't shoot what the hell and i killed him in chainsaws bud he should he should have got a shot off for sure i'm convinced i should have died there trigger to magic bolt is fun and expensive yeah we any sort of uh especially with this one we've only got 220 max with a 50 recharge which isn't really suitable yet um if i had that chainsaw on that other wand which was super expensive we might be in a different situation because i'd use that but it's okay we're all good if i replace this with this now why is that slower might as well get a double cast off if that's the case yeah it's not too bad gonna fire three black holes at once correction it's not and i checked that because the maximum mana is 180 so we can only afford to shoot one of those per time so we're we're good that's that's one way that um sometimes the max mana can work in your favor so that you don't waste stuff um and i still want that i think yeah that's fine all right did we even check the perks we did we got the health up yeah fat cat yeah yeah we should have died he should have shot that ah my favorite level no good run has ever ended on this level well there's 33 health health dawn so we we're getting unlucky here with these hits it seems like those projectiles are getting detonated almost on impact with my shield which is weird because normally shield would reflect them or twice in a row we've become unlucky and it just hit my uh my character model through the shields which is it that can happen it's very strange goings on here can it hit the wand i don't believe so there's a one down there black hole time all right so this is a good no shuffle should have decent stats um medium size great projectile um shame about that mana charge speed that's kind of poor but this is good we can make something with that out out okay doing okay we're definitely not going to the magical temple that would be a little bit of a mistake swirly digging yeah nymphs pyre and i still have trouble saying his name um he's really good at making like fancy ones and all sorts of stuff he posts thematic wand builds um on reddit from time to time like he did a happy new year one and it was just like kind of like fireworks it was really cool please die thank you all right all right so now we're gonna have to start thinking here all right we no longer need you and we are down the bottom let's go chainsaw some kind of homing i've only got 300 bucks oh no that's uh targeting isn't it's different take rats might be okay what homing is it it's no it's something to do with uh aiming ark so you put in like it follows your cursor wherever your cursor goes it's it's really cool by the chainsaw though now let's see what we can come up with this is really fast i'm gonna put this this where's my chainsaw thank you man i go bye-bye [Music] get rid of that get rid of that [Music] hmm we could use instead multiple shots on this one what does that look like yeah not as not as fancy do we want red paint oh i can't afford the red paint never mind it's doable for now i think what do these cost five we've got 220 on here these cost 10. what about this instead so one of these that's four project uh two of these um so that's 20 damage 23 damage per hit it's not bad add this in for fun makes no difference that's interesting it's because it's fast enough it's the cast delay there that's that's costing us not anything else [Music] yeah i don't mind that is there a mod you can use to cause the improve wands effect in your noiter game roon there's several actually um if you download cheat gui which i think is available on the steam uh workshop that's probably your best bet and you can just select whichever perk you want then um [Music] switching the spark bolt and chainsaw this with this that's gonna look weird so i think it's wrapping correctly but yeah that's not the look i'm going for so what i what i like to do is have projectiles that go exactly where i want and there's no better trigger projectile than this particular one because it shoots fairly straight um it's long distance it's very cheap to cast right and then from that when it hits it's gonna immediately do a chainsaw hit um as well as uh shoot out two of these which is fine i'm gonna leave this for now if this is my number two or now let's swap that out with this keep that on there yeah swirly before the triple actually yeah i like it i like that a lot good call an auto shotgun approach later maybe but heavier hitting shots is how i prefer to play um and that's one of the best ways to do it chainsaw and even if it was just a spark bot with trigger and chainsaw that would be kind of my ideal setup it's it's simple it doesn't hit as hard as a lot of other wands but um it definitely hits spark bolt and chain bolt too expensive this costs 80. again we're dealing with a wand with 220 max right now um and i want to be able to uh shoot continuously have some sort of uh semblance of safety projectile eater projectiles to fly into a small sector behind if you disappear i'll take it because it's a little bit of safety but i don't know how valuable that's gonna be did i miss the health i missed the health sorry we can get back do that all the time and that's one thing that's what that's what i'm talking about like i'll forget the basics sometimes just really dangerous you want to see what i'd come up with given an ideal wand and full spell access you'd be disappointed i think um yeah a lot of the stuff that i'd come up with is is old school pre uh pre 1.0 neuter a lot of these uh instant killing boss ones that you see these days is not uh not how i would play it's definitely doing the damage though it's good all right need all the cash you say that like it's a bad thing um i've well i've been criticized previously of my my lack of uh newfound one building technique oh yeah we're getting 86 crits here like that's more than enough it's accurate it shoots reasonably fast that's all i need good call on the swirling by the way that was the the shots just kind of hang around i like it uh gus bus thank you very much for making it official man converting that gifted sub appears man who is driving the gus bus today don't get electrocuted by a light bulb i am driving the gus bus actually that's one thing on b rex's channel that i just love it's the little uh um i don't even know what causes it it's a channel point thing um it's like a a little bus and people that spend their channel points on this particular redemption amount um it causes a random emote or or avatar from rex's channel to be driving the bus it's cute i like it did i get the wand no not yet where was that we went past it yeah thank you pound trying dude yeah pretty good very dangerous turret probably the most dangerous turret in the game shoots extremely fast uh i'm not even gonna deal with it black hole it what the enemy itself black holes do no damage by themselves um i don't even think they carry damage modifiers um it would take his projectiles and suck them up though oh he was carrying a wand sir i said good day what the hell is that oh god we have to find out don't we a plasma being specialized in cutting materials that sounds really fun a dead space wand do you know how much i love dead space such a good game um i really liked yeah i really liked all of them i think two was my favorite but three i think had the best um outfits in the game like the what do you call them the the different suits that you could get it's really cool obviously it had the best ones in the game because that's when they wanted to start charging micro transactions for a lot of the cool stuff which one was the one with the eyeball scene that was really cool too gross but cool 104 damage on the crit now this guy's holding a wand god damn it all right dead let's see what was on this wand hopefully nothing too devastating ah no piece of cake fine all right so we're gonna go up that was a close one it gets metal it eats metal i uh actually let's test it let's see hopefully this won't insta kill me hey good oh yeah look at that eats through everything that's pretty dope what about like tough materials i wonder if you could get to the east and west worlds with this no i'm sure uh cursed rock is on the same list as that it can hurt you as well it does do damage yes so i'm gonna be very careful with it probably won't use it in fact although on a trigger spell could be really good please tell me it's on this side it is on this side so this little area we're trying to get into here can appear on either the left or the right side of this biome most of the times i think it is on the right side though have i seen callisto protocol no that one i haven't heard all right let's see what we get from from here this time spiritual success at a dead space oh dude that's dope if you wouldn't mind um throw that in the game suggestion channel i'll check it out after stream it's a little bit different so i'll take that uh what's that touch of water infestation how much room do i have one more i'll take taika super wow that's a hell of a pickup fairly close to the pier right on god i haven't been to the pier in forever dude um i really liked going there in like just before winter hits when there's not many people hanging around and it's just like a really crisp atmosphere like that the air is is you know you know what i'm talking about what happens if you fill it all the way up nothing i don't think what happens if it's a unique modifier on the holy mountain brick work that might not be on the dense rock oh fair question um yeah not sure so i still don't have like an overwhelmingly good wand here if we get no shuffle at this holy mountain get the no way oh hey buddy what's going on guess that was your fault maybe i just take him on cutter and mata eater get that touch of water dog 180. it's gonna be extremely dangerous what's the range on it why is it spinning around oh it's spinning around because of orbiting arc [Laughter] oh i love it it's expensive so that's 120 um yeah why not give it a shot wait wait wait wait i don't need to do this um that is explosion immunity though it's very low damage on him right he's got a shield i could just go grab just go grab that so it's terrible um yeah i'm gonna take so as good as explosion immunity is i'm gonna take this instead he's now our friend we don't have to worry about him moving forward that also gives me a chance to go downstairs and rebuild ones from something we find so we can actually find something um plasma cutter is much better yeah i don't i'm not a fan it's okay it's too much of a risk because it hurts us if it didn't i'd be fine using it but i'm just gonna move on from that we'll go get another um another chainsaw there and a drill actually what would homing even do oh that could work with homing sorry bud i didn't actually mean that okay so we're gonna play it cool here i'm gonna try to find a wand something decent ish oh good this guy sure this will go fine god i hate you okay we're good come on back up pal you got nothing left no bodies chase welcome how you doing man um that's really kind of you to say hopefully i can continue that trend that's awesome dude um yeah i i moved out to la to be an actor originally um still still haven't given up on that little dream but at the same time you know life uh life and responsibilities need to come first i wish i could have that same attitude that my friends have when i talk to them about it they're like oh man just just do it just gotta make it happen like well i've been here 10 years um who knows maybe i can uh parlay a successful streaming career into a little bit of acting on the side bat cat freddy sleep well my friend good luck at work tomorrow two free ones in my spell inventory right with taika suva i don't know if i have a wand that can yes i do this is kind of dangerous as well can i not hit it is it just that good at dodging me no i can't hit it i literally can't hit it and now i've pissed it off how do you kill him is this new explosions well should have thought of that yeah i think i'm gonna leave it or a tablet tablet will work okay cool now let's go find stuff in the jungle that i know will be better than that anyway where are you going pal i hate this enemy so much nola games if you're in the chat how could you all right there's an extra extra bit of health right there [Music] stay out of the fungal caverns no need to go exploring in the fungals in the jungle fungal in the jungle um because again it's your ones outside of that should be better you got a worm down here not out of the ordinary for the jungle oh this could be good yep let's get rid of tiger silver i don't even care it's fine all right so this is our primary wand no real need to go further than this one i think it's gonna be just fine we've got homing i don't have many projectiles with uh unless we go back to the little drills but again i'm still scared of that treezy ease go and watch the expanse my friend never seen that show um i think somebody else has mentioned it previously though which sent you an email telling you that i'm the most watched streamer in the year that must not be named what does that mean all right so homing with homing with does not matter the year that must not be named got it okay nice we want that on there as well no not with homing but we definitely want that that speed on this is amazing yep got plenty of mana three degrees of spread not too bad get a bit of that there bit of that action infestation held yeah why not um and a bit of that action or alternatively switch it up for these which probably be traveling a bit slower it might be good now infestation can hurt me yes not just as magical sparks that fly in every direction yeah that's gonna be good oh friendly fire yes god damn it oh we never used homing my bad so we gotta get that up and running instead infestation with homing wait i didn't lose health even though something hit me oh please don't kill me no damage hold up does infestation have [Music] ah it's very very low damage but i still don't know why it's zero on me it should have done at least a little bit i'm guessing right uh roland it's roland around i love your name thank you very much for the subscription welcome um this should play this should play shield or projectile eater maybe because the damage field doesn't hit us thank god what's the worst that can happen we can speed you up surely uh maybe a little bit too much didn't you have 95 before getting hit yes i did um you have to get hit two or three times but when there's ton of them it's bad okay i'm feeling good i'm feeling good about this one i think we'll be fine yeah i think we're good uh actually let's get rid of those oh i've got a third one of these instead yeah that's good enough too yep we took damage okay all right we're good three hits to do one hp damage field with the circular that would be another option in fact that would look kind of funky let's just look at that real quick now let's let's stick with homing it's going to help us out a lot uh if we get polymorphed we're done we're dead but i'm sure that won't happen hey norp thank you very much for the subscription anyone else in chat tested positive for covert bryce has that happened to you i know some people that it's happened to as it turns out [Music] it's pretty common okay kind of good oh we have a visitor folks you wanted to come out you guys want to meet my son one of one of my sons all right hang on one sec all right so this if you guys have met this is huxley he's getting he's giving me a big grip right now hello my hello my boy i don't want to be on camera dad no you do trust and put you upside down no he doesn't want to face the other way oh he give me a good old rap oh my god i got him he's actually got a little tiny a little tiny grip of my uh of my thumb with his tail there we go that's a bit better do they bite often no no we've only been nipped once and that was by the collective we have been nipped once by uh our daughter feyora that's why she has the knife in her mouth as one of the emotes he's real chill don't kiss me i don't like it how did he get his name oldest huxley the writer when do i get my own headset dad i want a headset oh i told you he's just looping all over the place here there you go he's chill now we just stay like this forever what do you think better than the beanie all right all right my boy yeah oh yeah that's my son that's my boy as long as he doesn't get caught under the headset yeah no he he's he's good he um he doesn't get jammed up too often our daughter feyora again um she once jammed her head inside well she got out once of her enclosure um and then it's another time we found her behind the the backing in her enclosure and then another time she jammed her head into the in between like the top lid and the and and the like the little uh ledge bit and she got this indent on her head took like two or three sheds to heal just set up a camera in the tank all day you'd actually be very disappointed that's um you'd be a little bit yeah it's a bit of a they don't do much they're very low maintenance pets um teddy is unusual uh mrs mcqueen set up a little swimming pool for him and he goes in there all the time he just he sort of flops around a bit he's a bit clumsy but he loves it he loves being in the water and the water interestingly is a a lot cooler than the rest of their their enclosure so it keeps the humidity up as well as um i don't know he just loves going in there occasionally pretty cool all right back to the task at hand how big will he get um four feet that's interesting 340 95 the stats are a little bit low but i like the stuff that's on it another homing interesting opposed to snakes to get to 50 miles an hour yeah not that that's never gonna be our kids i love them they're they're amazing all of them they've all got their own personalities what am i oh right i've got foxy coming i was like what the hell um they're super sweet though like even fiora when she's when she's being mean super sweet it's interesting always cast earthquake let's pass on that one hey covered being able to bite into really gross things and taste nothing like onions like nothing at all blade octopus welcome to the channel my friend thank you so much for the subscription hope you enjoy your stay take another shield hold up a second they've fixed this look at that so we've got two of the same perk and it's stacked you know in a wider radius now that's dope are onions good for you coming over from youtube awesome to have you here man all right so we've got a pretty decent wand going already this would be this one doesn't have enough mana it's 340 but we're gonna get a couple of shots off which is a shame because i'd like to take like what we've currently got working here and make it even better what does this cost six versus two all right so we switch that for that we'll get a few extra shots with that i'll keep another homing all right let's get rid of a touch of water not gonna need it let's get rid of uh one of these keep that get rid of that put that on there you don't need a lot of types of onions i'm the same i'm the same i like the really like um things like uh red onions that have been that are sort of like flattened and then fried so they're like a little bit crispy um on pizzas and stuff or whatever it's really good but yeah i don't i don't tend to eat a lot of onion myself a bit on oil gravity field i'll keep just in case that i will no i've already got one of and then we've got four of these bad boys you had an x with a sulfur allergy what's what's i mean obviously you know don't go to a volcano but like what specifically and food would be uh would would be relevant there or do go to a volcano i'll keep these i suppose yeah why not one degree 12 capacity and switch these over i've barely used black hole i definitely should eggs i know that sulfur smells like eggs but i didn't realize sulfur was in eggs kitsith how are you doing five months thank you so much for the resub ah we're gonna leave these here for now we don't need them right now never lost taste or smell what's the point of using a spread shot instead of a triple shot uh the well you may want to throw your spells in a wider arc um so this adds 40 degrees of spread they've actually doubled that since previously um but because we have homing and we're throwing all of our shots downrange from one uh starting point it doesn't really matter right now so it's just cheaper to use it cost two mana instead of the six that was on the hexagon formation um ah i didn't mean to do that hello hello number two so when projectiles stay on screen for a long time um a lot of damage uh but also a lot of [Music] slowdown all right let's get in here all right we're gonna go back up i'm gonna strip out a couple of spells that i may want from that so let me keep uh crit up that's a yes what we can do is actually put all of these on the back end of this oh we have speed up so i'm going to put that at the front end of this even better now i can have more room for spells up here and ditch the rest here caramelized onions on a burger um so um as you guys know i've spent a small amount of time on tick-tock recently and uh i'm somewhat addicted to the platform um there's one lady on there that people cannot stand um she's vegan which in itself is completely fine um but she makes it her mission to sort of uh berate other people that choose not that that lifestyle um and it's it's funny to see i i had no idea but there's a dark side i know weird right there's a dark side to uh tick-tock and people are vicious on there man there's i just want to stay in my lane i'll make see little silly little uh twitch tip videos or you know whatever um i don't really want to get i don't want to upset the vegan lady a lot of oil coming from this guy get them all ah let me through oh we got another stand diary down here or whatever equivalent it would be at this stage of the game rubber cop it this is doing quite well i don't think we got too much to worry about on this run we should be okay that meteor yeah nine capacity um it is slightly slower than our current wand it does give us an extra slot but it's less mana extra slot four i don't really have a damage modifier ah i will take it [Music] what's the goal for tonight's run just winning we want to get um what's the word uh back to back wins win streak yes so we're currently sitting at uh one right now this is looking good so far i don't want to count my chickens yet mana reducer oh these wands are getting pretty spicy here [Music] 15 capacity 600 maximum nothing i really want on there again if we had a damage modifier i'd be all over it but there's nothing really need uh let's roll this let's see what we can get defensively speaking another shield okay then look at that don't worry fish you're safe with me this time zanurik uh you can actually click on your name to see how long you've been following the channel for yeah i disabled it uh a while back that's one of those commands that tends to uh once somebody uses it once everybody decides to want to use it i turn it off um yeah it's fine after my next not win can we test the limit of the amount of shields you can have oh yeah okay sure why are they not homing in on the trap still active do they not count as enemies i guess well i guess not that makes sense damn logic you know what we should do oh not cause uh mini earthquake just because hey speaking of there was a tiny earthquake in l.a today just a baby one yeah getting a little bit concerned some of these enemies when they when they pin you and like you run into um their projectiles if it hasn't spread out much and it's like all in it's all clumped together you can suffer a huge amount of damage how is my only fans doing that's one platform i'm not on yet like that guy there if you manage to hit when all of his those little white orb projectiles are all in one spot you get absolutely smashed good night ordinary take care my friend uh witty's twig welcome how you doing tonight thank you so much for the subscription welcome to the channel guys again blown away by uh generosity tonight it's been unreal all right so we have a problem and that is that i have a homing projectile um and we've got a couple of oh this ain't good one sec oh god oh god we've got a couple of enemies that um retaliate on hit he's the last person i actually want to hit when uh when we have a homing projector that's very bad extra health in there i don't think we need it fine more extra help there you found this level harder than the vault this level is is not only very like it's the types of enemies that are in here that are the scariest thing um like every single one of them independently can cause a ton of damage to you but when they stack them all together and you get that random mix of uh of enemies of different kinds that's when it gets really really bad um not only that the level's massive too all right boss number two isn't that so weird look at the price of these ones right i would say that that's cheap for this level right considering the quality of their ones as well it seems very high um yet if it was a bunch of spells down here they'd be like 15k each and you're like hey thanks that's awesome give me have i taken lukey no no no no stop take strong levitation be smart about it no experimenting no fooling around and after a certain level money doesn't matter uh far from it actually because the price of re-rolls um in the stores goes up it doubles every time uh so that you you do need a stack of cash later in the game if you're only going for a win not so much but if you're going on an extended run absolutely need cash oh him tiny damage oh okay i guess maybe a different projectile would have been better how interesting it's gonna take a while this is not a gimme now i have to be super careful gotta make sure i don't lose all of my shields take out the enemies real quick the little uh spawned guys all right we're about halfway oh yeah i don't like this all right so damage field is uh well not good enough come on these are really good learns by the way this is something that you know it's not where you want to be especially on the tail end of a 17 run win streak all right let's finish the game make sure we lock it away number two yeah there i go again down the down the chute piercing and homing that would be actually quite scary piercing um that's when we take a ton more damage is there anything you have left to do in the game yeah i haven't done goodness half the new stuff like i've only beaten one boss i haven't seen the what's his name the um the grand alchemist or whatever um i still haven't finished the journal like there's a ton i have not done
Channel: McQueeb
Views: 19,126
Rating: 4.7385159 out of 5
Keywords: mcqueeb, twitch streamer, twitch, streamer, mcqueeb plays, mcqueeb streamer, mcqueeb stream, mcqueeb twitch, noita challenge run, challenge run, best noita player, mcqueeb noita, noita 1.0, noita, Noita expert, noita gameplay, noita stream, noita playthrough, noita streamer, noita streamers, noita 2020, noita full run, noita complete, noita completed, noita win streak, win streak, win streaks, sequential wins, wins in a row, noita wins in a row, most wins in a row, streak
Id: 74Ua3bDurOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 55sec (5275 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.