I discovered a secret biome in Noita!

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uh i had a quick play of the patch and yeah it's looking pretty good uh it feels better to play maybe that's just my perception but it definitely feels like it's a little bit slicker let's jump on over um first of all patch notes i'm not going to go into too much detail here there's a lot of information um one thing to note one thing that they did get really uh right here is actually the layout of it you've got like capitalized letters new font or at least enlarged font as well here this is cool so they got uh five new enemies from reading that i can't tell you exactly what they translate to um new spells there's like 15 more there 20 maybe seven new perks uh new biomes areas and structures this one's interesting so the new structure sauna new dangerous props in temple of the art spell shops in the holy mountains have twice the spells to sell that's a very interesting change um new work in progress area deep underground that's the one we're looking for tonight well this time we start with a flask of acid which is fantastic feeling real safe already he's in the hesi base as well wow okay so i do love this projectile we're starting with though it's one of my favorites that's a good one to start with too um is the damage still split on this one yeah five regular damage five slice damage i don't think you can hurt yourself with it though regardless of it being slice or not yeah shaving of course yeah guys if you've got clips and stuff i don't i don't mind people posting at all um like i mentioned before just make sure it's safe for work etc not uh you know not risky well acid would kill you i guess i don't know if acid would get me my extra gold though now that's an interesting one to find on the first floor that's pretty rare why did you just see an electric boy on the first floor that can happen too yeah i'm so thankful these guys like prime their shotguns before they shoot now oh okay see if i can avoid this crap yeah playing that 2018 version um i think we should be thankful that the game's in the state that it's in because trust me it could have gone a lot more difficult 68 health got a little bit of water i mean it's a tiny bit but it's something good shot buddy good shot crap where's that water going now he did it twice what do we got under here nothing come on man love lava potion perfect amazing compliment to um acid all right so what we'll do let's tip out tip this out hopefully not cause too much problems with it and we'll go get some water just the tiniest bit of water will be fine thank you i'm gonna go back [Music] yes i am the water king get rid of this lava while i'm at it i wonder if that will eat through the ground oh yeah maybe very slowly though the way to kill a boss for free i don't know man um like yes it is um don't get me wrong that is definitely a viable solution to the boss problem um but i think i don't know if it would be their preferred starting liquid no i don't think you can start with oh wait what killed him up there blood got him oh god go go go i'm not gonna be quick enough not even close how did blood get him that's a first no [Music] hmm love is only good for one room where you need to burn the wood under the stone to get the wand not sure i know that one that's worked for you all the time how have i not known this it must act slower no oh my goodness that's game changing now we find now we find a lot of water good i hear another one somewhere below probably below let's leave him there i've got good money right now oh especially when that happens 586 yeah a couple more kills and i'm at my six hundo that's nice the metal box with the wand in it oh oh oh i know what you're talking about yep yep yep i got you the the little like trap puzzle kind of thing all right let's go get that tablet again oh what another one or same one he's just traveling along 596. [Music] another one down here i don't know if i want to replace any of my current ones though they've all got something on it i can use right now oh so you are way off base my friend that would be really good though okay one tablet let me through was it covered in blood i just want an exit now am i at risk casting that no it's fine okey doke [Music] we got another teleport ent which would be nice on the next floor electricity immunity oh okay the question is what do we do for a primary this with the speed up would be nice or we get steve now in the hopes that we can get something that can eat through the ground later friendly steve actually you know what that 250 mana recharge 47 recharge time it's perfect okay okay see we can do oh shavino that's that's awesome man thank you for saying this very kind of you um look i'm just happy to create content and for people to enjoy i appreciate the words so what i'm thinking all right we get this put it on this wand and that's a lot less exciting than i was hoping for all right anyway we have a digging tool so i'm gonna get friendly steve i'll speed that up in a minute i'm gonna use this one with this one did they up the spawn rates in the patch seems like there's more enemies um no i'd say the enemies are probably probably pretty decent right now how funny that's faster costly minus 0.58 seconds why isn't it working where's the added coming from oh it's flipped my mistake i'm getting cast delay and recharge time wrong [Music] okay um okay let's uh let's dig out after we kill a fish of course that's the most important thing to do we're getting there okay almost there this is this is an important step because if we don't do this um we won't be able to see uh the bottom and that's i think really important okay so we're just going to go over here and start digging up that was a joke by the way uh problem god i hate not breathing who would have thought that's such a problem yeah even this one uh it's gonna take a while uh popping c yes there is because i want to be able to edit my ones i'm gonna take advantage of every level i can that's the reason i got this perk uh because i have a digging tool i have the ability to dig out through uh dense material which this is and uh we will eventually be able to drain this water and breathe properly very soon actually there we go look at that what if you put double cast it'll just you mean double cast on i mean the only double cast i have is bifurcated this wouldn't work very well i don't think maybe either way we're through now so the reason i want to do this is because the fungal caverns are here gives us a slightly better one pool selection hopefully definitely my jam [Music] uh okay well not doing the same thing again so i'm gonna detonate this instead i'll take the express elevator oh that's a lot of boys down there that is a black hole for sale and an all-seeing eye okay well that's amazing look at that see everything's coming up mcqueen house can cross the perk plateau i love it uh this isn't gonna work is it i'm gonna put a bomb here damn it stay there why do you keep hitting yourself why do i keep hitting myself correct yeah when you can't when you uh collapse the holy mountain sorry i should have explained uh when you collapse the holy mountain it is impossible to edit your ones in the holly mountain it is desecrated and therefore non-functioning for that purpose yes come on with that mana i can find a couple of um mana recharges yeah we'll be laughing oh my god let me through why why you like this stop it you found the weird wand portal box in the coal mines you can edit the ones in there no way okay well that i didn't know because i i've known of the box hell since it was introduced um but i had no idea you could edit the ones in there cool man thank you that's this is the kind of stuff i like finding out now this teleport guy is going to be a problem isn't he yet always was what's the box it's the one we teleported into uh in the last run i don't know if you were here or not um i will show you if we do see it again i don't know if it appears on every every run this looks like a dope one there's dope ones everywhere maybe ah crap actually you know what is that whiskey or lava whiskey damn it and now it's busted okay one sec i'll be back just wanna be really careful in here too obviously not very safe place to be jesus christ 26 damage berserkian all right yeah that's something fire potion why is fire potion the same color as ambrosia stay back come on let me in 26 health what is wrong with me uh have i ever tried mixing fire potion with alcohol i'm pretty sure i have yeah um oh i left bifurcated on that as well all right probably time to go back huh put a couple of decent ones here always cast explosion uh on projectiles negative four spread as well just quite nice uh good morning ken in matt yeah okay it's time to ditch this one i think so hell i don't even know if i can survive anymore let's uh let's head back not the bees no not not the bees oh gosh it's pretty damn effective i hate that i love this spell so much it normally means the end i haven't even explored here what am i doing yes standing near water probably isn't a good idea either here we go we made it just need to change off yeah exactly yep spot on oh that's right we've got black holes now too okay uh i need a multicast uh i have a triplicate shot okay okay we'll do something cool here um do we want the explosion though this is the question actually let's use the duplicate instead a little bit safer just try that for a sec okay nice and controlled ish um we will move 0.47 still got nothing to speed this up with let's keep a few of those get rid of the rest keep that what does this look like i mean that's that's pretty awesome okay i thought i'd drop my bombs no oh no that's right i had the choice to but i got rid of something else instead you got your second ever gold ending yesterday 194 deaths in total not horrible not horrible at all no i'd say that was pretty amazing actually right now all i have to do is survive to the end i won't be coming back i've already risked everything uh but what i can do with this wand oh why is that so useless now this always been the case no you're supposed to dig right all you do is just just blacken everything okay good back to what i was saying we just need to survive now and everything will be fine it's doing good damage though very good damage am i thinking about matter eater no no no no no this i always thought that um explosive projectile had an actual explosive on the end this is kind of like um how do we even see it i have to drop a wand hang on i'll show you so explosive projectile explosion radius plus 15 explosion damage plus five so the explosion itself is very weak um but it i'm sure it used to dig back in the day uh apparently it doesn't do that anymore which is fine that uh i can't have everything it does mean we need to take the long way because i've left myself with no digging tools which is quite foolish ah scratch that now i have six bombs again get excessive for a rat oh nice i'd love to have a bubble spark wand again like it like an actual build around this shooting hundreds and hundreds of them out really quickly be really nice winter five months thank you very much for the result man how you doing this evening extremist luck come on no such thing as streamers luck next you'll be saying that explosion immunity will be on the next perk list or something on the next uh next holy mountain highly unlikely my friend what is this it's just a rock sometimes a rock is just a rock [Music] is the missile again yeah it was fun see there's no i mean this it's not even that good i have to reroll this bigger shield what would i like what would go really well with our current builds not not fire immune so nothing there homebound telly going to be very intriguing you figured out what to do with it because uh no i have not i guess i'll just take this all right let's get rid of these sorry fish get rid of that i will keep a couple of these and you are going on [Music] that wand there and then hopefully i can figure out something to do with this stuff as well crit on blade might be decent what's the cost on that and if we can afford that i have tried the missile spell yes um it's almost the same as what the crabs the crabs shoot you can pull mobs to a point if it's on a trigger i wonder about homing in that case [Music] yeah okay okay you might be able to speed up um all right i have to be careful with that i'm not gonna make the same mistake twice looks great on machines yeah we'll go we'll go hunting a little bit actually we could go into the magical temple oh so now you want to dig okay you just dig through really soft stuff fair enough fair enough i actually like that at least i like like that okay come in handy for a black hole wand if we ever get around to making one poly bubble smart good work is that the no that was just a rock see these eggs oh yeah okay yeah i'm just checking it's definitely 114. see these eggs um before they spawned from another egg uh they actually spawned from this really cool enemy um it's like walking dude it was so cool uh yeah big time petition to bring him back so once again folks we're in a situation now where i'm gonna get taken out by well he would have done it possibly just have to be real careful that's all no big deal been excessive for a rat no where are you why are you here he's down here somewhere okay we did it again trigger spell okay toxic immunity interesting luckily getting one shot in this game isn't the thing kappa right exactly i think the trigger for 350. i didn't even use this okay well just to show you how much we need it then now we're going into the jungle again this is the moment we we definitely want to if possible use our uh big full advantage this time instead of fasting it oh that's right and not uh not completely wasted by blowing up as well copy random spell how does that work it's not the same as uh omega right or any of those well before i buy the trigger let's see what i can end up getting because we might not need them [Music] one of those no no i get that but what's the like if it does it copy a blank if we had this and copy a random spell and that were the only two honor ones but it had zero charges would that work or is it does it treat it like uh like the other spell on the wand i'm not making a lot of sense um well let me think about it if we can afford to buy it we'll do some some testing here i don't think i need the bombs anymore just in case yeah i'll let you have that one [Music] if you only have one spell on your wand it should work oh i'm not even in the jungle yet why do i think i was in the jungle wishful thinking cool all right reddit says copy random spell lets you cast otherwise limited spells as much as you want oh wow really okay wicked or we could just get that instead that works as well do you know how long it's been since i've had an always cast ground to sand wand oh my god long time blood to acid do we care about that probably not right so there is a minor problem with this wand uh it puts sand everywhere as you guys know it's coarse it's rough and it does get everywhere so maybe i won't be using that then unless i could combine it all right hold on let's let's try it because i'm really i'm wanting to see this now with with my own eyes can you blow the sand away with the other ones i mean yeah that's that's definitely doable it's a soft material in it it uh digs very well through that stuff all right we don't need both of those i don't need any of these in fact i don't even need this wand at all let me let me buy that so what i want to see is how this works asks a random smell spell among the other spells on your ones right so there's one quantity right now it's now zero yeah see that's what i thought uh it does not in fact do what you think it does that's why it's a low level spell versus an omega or whatever reddit lies fancy that who would have thought how how could that happen you need a letter spell thank you felter that's that's what i thought but we wanted to test it anyway anyway we know now all right let's go find something else gotta be more stuff here i do like this one actually it's doing quite nicely i'll take care of anybody upstairs yep is there a way to turn the rocks you make with the rock spell into gold not really the only thing that can transform something into gold is a touch of midas what's it called is it is it touch of mitus or just touch of gold whatever either way the touch of spell um is extremely dangerous you need to use it on a trigger uh because i've turned myself to gold on more than one occasion [Music] no longer functions yeah it's funny when you're looking for information about anything and you find like i i do that as i said before i'm in i.t and i work with a lot of apple stuff so i'm looking up uh google your best friend um i look up google a lot and when you can't find anything current and all you can find is like months and months old information nine times out of ten it doesn't work anymore uh i tell this story a lot there's one one thing i remember in particular i had this extremely obscure uh issue i can't remember what it was to be honest but um oh my god what's going on in there is that the is that the guy the teleport guy oh i'm scared to look i can get a little bit closer i guess they're behind steel is that the guy it's the guy that's the guy that's him i actually need to get a kill on on one of them i do suggest that i don't open that container to the air though i think they're just fine in there right now any way to kill them real easy not really huh oh i could electrify the steel that comes with an inherent risk though oh yeah they're completely trapped in there what a nightmare room look at that with the toy mari there's probably equivalent of 20 people in there just lob a bomb yeah if only it was that easy it is a new enemy yeah it casts a um a green like thick beam and then at the end of that beam is summoned uh an enemy from i guess within the vicinity he's a bad dude oh someone's got some oh [ __ ] someone's got a one down there mata reader speaking of great one two only four cap but that's fast that's really fast right going back to my story i completely forgot about um this very very obscure weird um on old equipment uh issue that i stumbled upon and i'd never seen it before and i've been working on this stuff for you know decades um so i looked it up and i found a forum post from i don't know 10 years ago maybe less um and it was the exact same problem and it was the only reference of this problem i could find on the internet and it actually took me a while to find like it wasn't uh a very simple search right anyway so i was like sweet i'm reading down the comments and like somebody else said yeah i've got the same problem oh my god like how did you solve this and uh oh you still got that one months and months go by and there's a few other people saying hey like bumping this or or i'm looking for the same answer help me out whatever um and then the original poster comes back and he's like oh it's okay i figured it out end of thread i'm like you absolute jerk what a horrible person you are i wish nothing but the worst that person literally the only post on the internet i could find it was some weird um you know find him and smash his advice 95 a post on stack overflow like that that's that's mainly for programmers right i'd imagine that would be just as frustrating yeah um do i want this wand i actually want the multicasts on it and i would take the acid as well like the problem is once i did eventually uh work it out but i did it by combining a bunch of other smaller fixes you know how you sort of piece stuff together and uh we got it eventually and i felt very accomplished that day uh but it would have taken him all of i don't know three minutes to write i guess people don't think that way or maybe people who have that particular problem don't think that way to go to the forum and fi and write the answer so the thread was closed after that unfortunately trust me i did attempt to go back uh sorry if you can repeat the question where does my name come from um have you ever seen the movie cars so there's a character in there um called lightning mcqueen anyway he's like the main character voiced by owen wilson and uh big fan of owen wilson wilson so i thought what better way without you know fear of lawsuits from disney than to honor him by changing one letter in the last name of a character he played in an animated cartoon i'm trying to work out what i want to do here like do i want to go back do i care the jungle's like just around the corner it's not the story i gave last time either what what what are you talking about are you saying that i'm making up a new story every single time somebody asks me where my name comes from that's that is slanderous my friend slanderous well technically it's libel but yeah i don't need to be there anymore all right we got another trigger spell i didn't buy the double trigger upstairs um i might regret that i don't know what i should do here i've got so many multicasts now with the sand wand i could go back to the double trigger right i absolutely could i wonder if if we put this on here and maybe a speed up do you think that would work let's do it over here it's going to create a mess this might actually help to take out the sand a little bit not so much huh oh god what i need is an always cast matter eater uh always cast explosive projectile spell on the same one i'm sure in the history of once that's happened before the queen of england [Laughter] it's funny because uh ms quiv is watching the was it called the show you're watching right now very popular right now the crown i like that i like that the cube of england that's dope maybe i am the i'm the being to miz kweeb's kweeb rebbe i can't even say it freddy merc kirby the hell oh boy uh let me get this recharged as well while i'm here i really want to kill that guy i'm scared maybe drown them in sand nope not good still trying to work out what i want to do here i got to keep the always casts mata eater though surely like only a smart play all right first things first let's uh let's dig out of here fine i'll go on this side then fish don't want to play ball that's cool use the laser beam to kill him one by one oh got a lot more patience than i do all right did we check for perks we did i'm tempted to roll these ah it's too good not to take isn't it these are all excellent theories i love it um get rid of that we definitely no don't need matter eater spell anymore you're safe to get rid of that one i don't think we need bombs either since we have this secondary wand i'll keep acid trail though that might be interesting oh this is the really fast one um i'll just leave this here we'll go find something else in fact let's leave uh the ground to sand wand here as well all right let me move everything over oh double tap e by the way if you've got a free one slot you'll pick up the wand automatically i do like mcdonald's wait the homunculi can carry wands homebound telly and luminous no [ __ ] okay huh mcsleep mcweep mccreep you think mcdonald's can dmca i'm sure they're capable of whatever they want um let's leave this here i don't exactly want it sitting in what just happened there okay cool i wasn't planning on taking that health up anyway it's fine damn can't catch a break here uh yeah let's leave this one behind as well i think okay have i used dormant crystal i don't think i've used earthquake shot before that's um no i have used earthquake shot i think i did it specifically because i found it and i was worried about the word earthquake let's leave that behind avoid all ceilings man i don't i don't feel very safe that first run i'm so i usually don't get torn up about a lost run but that one it felt promising you know this feels the opposite of that oh well we're just one wand away from completely obliterating everything freaking spiders man i'll let the fire do a little bit of damage there you go take the yellow stuff if you don't mind god everything has so much healthier too nope all right is this in this might be in fungal area hopefully not actually yeah given its layout it probably is yeah yep another one with dormant crystal detonation come on come on stop god no no no i just did it again at least let me kill him before you take me out let me get him i need this oh you're stuck in the ground there that's a sh that's a shame he's got a freaking shield doesn't he oh if it bleeds oh now the fungal area is making my shots very very slow this is very frustrating did i get it i think i might have got it if it died to something stupid and not my hands well that wouldn't be a first would it where are you is that him oh it seems like i already got one previously r-a-u-k-k-a am i rolling my r's too much in english it means poor or i mean he's poor though very odd because it looks like his head has a tv on it [Music] it's a good one that's perfect actually you know what i've got room for one more i don't need to i don't need to stop in here oh health up though oh hold up is that glitch still in the game you get hit by one of these guys and then you pick up a health up because what they do is they have your health and then if you can get hit by a couple of them or the same one multiple times you end up with a very small health pool then you get a health up and it's been patched in the beta um and then all of that like that health multiplier or halving um is then removed and you're all of a sudden got 30 000 help fury did a really great video on it i mean how much health does this guy have though for real though rauka can also be translated as coward oh right on that makes a lot of sense i wonder how the definitions got or in in terms of translation how both coward and poor are considered similar words oh geez come on man oh yeah we're experiencing some pretty severe slow down here what is going on up here what snow oh you sir legend and i love you i just want you warm though well just ran out of whatever that was is that a new spell i wonder i'm about to get swamped here as well that is an incredible wand uh yeah let's get it and go yeah it was just frost on blood mist that's exactly what it was infestation a bunch of magical sparks that fly in every direction spread 360 speed 550 constantly projectile one damage one damage it sounds fun though right they damage you it's a lot less fun all right time for me to leave anyway there's another one howard oh [ __ ] good luck right there oh crap keep it up man nah cool this is good i swear if you end me go go go oh god there's another wand up there don't be greedy go oh did we actually make it to the place i think we actually made it to the place uh that might come in handy as well good speed up there i gotta stop using this wand never seen a missing portal so in the 1.0 update uh it was where there's a little eye above ever sorry below every portal and if that and in the eye it had um do you call it um teleport teleport juice so what could happen is that if that breaks uh the teleport juice gets out and then the teleporter is no longer safe no longer working catch me live you need to wake up early here in spain um it's currently 12 22 in the morning for me uh which on a non-work night would be considered early but uh it's it's pretty late for me right now i do have to get up at a reasonable clock tomorrow that's such a good one 200 recharge 650 on the max and very fast too i'm worried about the always cast that shouldn't be a problem shouldn't be a problem should be okay let's see what we can do here seems so unnecessary what the the teleport things i like it uh especially when you're traveling to the other worlds the parallel worlds because you can disable them intentionally so that you don't accidentally hit them because the last thing you want is to uh end up through a portal somewhere this is not gonna be a huge amount of damage well it's gonna be enough i think what do we got two oh i do have a pen shot here as well steve just appeared in the first level next line i'm dead oh we got some spiders coming through of course we do because uh it wouldn't be a game of neuter without that i mean that's already doing amazing damage but i think we can do better when i add any modifiers to that i mean crit on blood yes obviously [Music] you guys you guys are too kind you say the nicest stuff um like i always say i'm just happy to have you here uh nothing is expected other than you're cool to hang out with that's it i think we can all do that let's get another one on there i think it would make the wand even faster yes the snow is is performing quite well this is when one of the updates they put in was that the snow generation from this spell specifically has been adjusted let's let's do some testing here we do eventually run out of mana okay the size of the whole screen energy orb no it's about okay picture picture in front of your face it's about that big normally it's pretty big not the whole screen though i mean it definitely helps that i'm destroying part of it but that's it's doing okay work good uh that's my primary now i'm gonna get rid of other stuff oh man i don't really want to get rid of these but have to keep some chainsaw um we don't need you anymore still got my ground to sand wonder what i did oh no i left that for some reason because i didn't go back because i took way too much damage that's why i left it ah copy random spell can go we don't want that it's all good i've got a single black hole that's all i'll need i think that's my explosive one let's stitch that um stitch that ditch these did i get a perk this time around i didn't yet okay let's do that as well it's that that that keep those spiders cut through yes i could go back but that means traveling back through the jungle and i don't i'm not real confident in this run right now yeah that's fine for now did i get a perk it didn't all right so we've got unlimited spells which i don't really need faster levitation don't really need electricity too dangerous without additional perks i'm rolling again extra 50 health i normally wouldn't take it with uh with my current setup but i really want to see this uh this new biome which we're about to enter actually that is there if we want it as well well we need more money now but oh that's right i have uh reject the repulsion field as well what does it mean one off oh uh it only happens once so once the effect is taken uh it doesn't fire again there's no there's no second use of it uh so in this case we get an extra 50 health and i had 175 so it gave me the difference between 175 and what we have now and uh probably lose this one as well that's okay see what we'll see what we can find first okay here we are in the vault okay good damage though happy with the damage you do need to hit things many times and quickly but it works ambrosia oh right all right we're getting there so i've heard this new biome on the right hand side of this zone never seen it before didn't even know it existed before today a little bit of slowdown maybe because of the uh the snow effect don't you cut me off we're definitely not electricity immune correct correct i've seen that zackster yep and i uh i saw that one the one followed by a few questions at the end right now we're getting that slow down here we go it's so it's interesting like that oh it's handsy mccann anderson like the the concept behind the the falling sand engine or or whatever it's called the way they did it it makes a lot of sense but they've just done it feels so natural in the game uh crow if you haven't already bought noita it is currently on sale for 15 american freedom dollars oh my what's going on over there that's kind of scary isn't it seeing that in the distance well i don't know if i want to go over there now this might be it this might be at least the entrance to it maybe i mean it looks like the fungal caverns wait is it just have i been misled connects to the right side of the temple not the vault next level oh well i knew i had to come over here for something and it was a health up so i'm happy do i want to go any further no not particularly i feel still despite having a pretty decent wand i feel still uh general sense of dread actually you know what my curious curiosity is getting better of me uh i want to see that um see if the ones have scaled in the fungal caverns but previously there's three there's three areas called the fungal caverns they're all essentially the same um but previously the areas didn't scale with uh as you progressed right so the ones that you'd find in here and this is looking like a pretty basic one already um would be the same that you'd find on fungal caverns one which i mean what 50 50 maybe [Laughter] you can never have too many games uh especially if one of those is is noita i think you'll be set now crow is uh exceptional fdl player that's how i think i found him originally and uh glad i did because it's excellent content where'd that other one go there was another one in here somewhere oh giant frog small frog it's only it was only a small problem everyone relaxed now still feel like i shouldn't be in here everybody knows the small frog is the true boss of the game anyway all right i think we have to make our way back or [Music] well we might have made it back already hey there's a wand oh jesus what i need right now folks stop it well that's a piece of junk that's a fungal one maybe a bit better i'd say i mean looking at the stats the fact that they're reversed it gives it like it's less useful um if i found this on the first fungal caverns i'd be really happy i got it for the um horizontal path which we're gonna add to this one i care about that no now i'm on fire um so believe it or not horizontal path will increase our damage quite dramatically and i'm on fire again god i'm going for it they are a little pain aren't they oh my god that's an uko oh [ __ ] we're in trouble but i had this one in the bag how big is this freaking level dude oh every single level's been like terrifying okay we made it fires out the airlock yep is this guys am i still like not protected from this guy can i even get close enough not without going in the water always uh cast tentacular hmm oh come on man you gotta get a fire all right um switching out what exactly here this costs nothing so [Music] do we drop it back yeah let's drop it back and put this guy on instead you get a hex shot that'd be nice pitch these this guy back it's all that fine um yeah they well they used to do melee damage now they're classified as different types of enemies so they're phantasms now they they do ghost damage i guess um i'm okay with the change but uh it took me by surprise when i first found out i just wanted to double check see if that had been updated or not oh okay good um yeah so they rotate they orbit a uh a crystal you have to find the crystal um and take it out first there it is who is shooting what there what the hell is that thing oh it's just a creepy statue oh good uh the short form of the update new spells new perks uh new biome which i'm trying to get to and hopefully we're almost there uh quality of life stuff new user interface stuff um mod integration has been like tweaked uh mods now have access to their own mod settings page so if you have an enabled mod the settings for it can show up here like there's a bunch of changes yeah it's so iliac it is possible we could get a spell wrap going but i would rather hit harder and shoot slower um because of our mana usage it's not it's not perfect right now so there's a lot of crap i don't even know what's oh which mages were they out of curiosity the blinding ones or the polymorph ones because if that was polymorph they shoot quicker that was polymorph oh god i hope not because that was an extremely fast shot after a dry spell of 100 hours at 784 deaths you have your fourth win the game's brutal it's also the best game you've ever played yeah it's up there with uh with mine as well i'd probably be at 1100 or yeah i can see it's a crystal what kind of crystal is that you're in the way my friend you are in the way a different crystal it's not your crystal is it i was doing something it's leaking your crystal is leaking oh that's new too fantastic oh don't block me and i've got nothing to dig with oh wait i do take that back i kind of want to get up there looks like a pretty decent one go oh okay that was one crystal guy gone might be able to find some use for that maybe let's stick to the top that's as far as i've traveled wow good that's the trap do i need to guess like i really want to kick it but at the same time i think that's a mistake let's just shoot it maybe i freaking way it creates cursed rock all right there's a lot of stuff in here i don't like thanks gatorelli yep that's uh that streaming delay coming in real handy there oh that's not well there's a red one here as well i'm scared an earthquake one fantastic oh and our best friend is here this is great everyone's shown up to the party oh crap i'm in trouble this is horrible didn't mean to do that what is going on where is everything coming from this is horrible oh crap yeah you guys fight amongst yourselves can't go back through there tablet might be a good good method if there wasn't anything else flying around it might be actually viable too has he gotten quicker as well i think he has come on man this level was hard enough without this crap we all know it 41 health going into the new biome if i can actually make it there i want to cry can't actually make it out of here at all can i how [ __ ] you travel will give me an idea of where his crystal is as well uh believe it or not i've actually heard that the new biome is more difficult than most of the other ones as well something to look forward to really want to check that one down though it's actually not worth it is it so don't you even think about it this is horrifying there's one 41 hp remains this is not the way why what's exploding that crystal by the way extremely dangerous uh yeah we want to take him out very fast it's not another one far out man all right come on up come on pal you're not so tough now apologies for not reading chat folks this could be it this could be the entrance here yeah this feels very different than what i've seen before this is like from that tom cruise movie oblivion right it's one of those tet things i don't like it it's breathing um looks like a cracked egg on there [Music] how the hell do i get through that dick around i mean obviously a great distance nope because that's extremely dense rock pour stuff on it what's your what's your drink of choice sir need a lightsaber you want to damage the thing uh what do i have i mean you're not gonna be able to dodge that knowing my lucky little rebound it rebounded okay so we won't be doing that anymore i feel like this is the way but i feel like so close so far right again extremely dense rock right here oh i can hit it from underneath that's cool yet nothing happens i kick it hmm what the game's about oh dust wilbur wilder beast um so there is some some like uh european folklore behind it but essentially you're a witch this is you and uh you are on a mission to slay a giant three-eyed spider uh you collect ones along the way and they can be really really strong and ridiculously powerful you'll probably end up killing yourself if i missed anything i think that's it right uh jetty this is the new thing this is this is what i'm trying to get through right now but it's embedded in dense rock all right let's see if we can figure out how to go around here how much dense rock need to beat the dragon to unlock it black hole from underneath i mean that would be if i had a black hole active right now i'm i can't go back i can't do it be lucky to to make it there thank you very much for the subscription uh ragnar kim 2000 appreciate that what are the graphics on it say on the egg on the triangle no idea i have a feeling like this zone is entirely protected maybe it's better off if we go down i need more black holes if that's the case um try removing the rock from all three corners i can't get to the other side that's the problem that a wand that's a want all right let's see if we luck out and it's a black hole once surely not i'm not that lucky ground to sand oh my god remember that time i had a ground to sand wand and i left it behind because reasons um this still has eight casts on it though this probably isn't going to work very well but i'll definitely try oh the poor scorpion look he's uh stuck in that in the snow there pagrax what's up dude hagrax any idea how's the danger noodles very good uh i think teddy had his first giga cross gonna get it's not gigger i wouldn't be casting this if it did still has a chance to get me but no i think we should be fine maybe going up top would be smarter here because once grounded sand does fire we want the shortest possible distance right hey mind your own business oh crap that thing is awesome look at it all right here we are we are in whatever zone this is now and it's pitch black oh good we got ones that are alive so it's magical temple oh okay spells to power converts any nearby projectiles cast by you into extra damage hold up hold up hold up let me convert any nearby projectiles cast by you into extra damage it's interesting sounds good sounds incredible think about that for a second any nearby projectiles you put that on a multi of some description any description oh great all right i'm going to leave my i'm going to leave that there for a sec but yes it's just regular dudes in here by the looks of it no new enemies yet let's leave this here this might come in handy uh i wish it wasn't pitch black though yeah easy okay so there's probably a wall over there good with levitation trail oh wow didn't you think of that yeah it'd be awesome okay wall that way got one something's shooting quite violently let's let's just go at a reasonable pace here okay that's fine yeah it's essentially the same as the magical temple i wonder if i should i'll look at you i can get through here that's fine oh there's a one following this dude i want to know what's what's at the back end this is the magical temple you haven't found the actual new biome yet oh this isn't it okay goose where do i need to go spoil away i'm i'm all ears far right so through the magical temple yes okay should we okay we should progress to the next holly mountain boy jeez uh we should progress to the next holly mountain at least where we can see maybe if we're lucky we find uh all seeing eye help us get through here we come back a little bit better prepared and uh go save sleep and start tomorrow no hell no no no no no i've come too far the low health is you're talking as though you're not married to someone that finished the game without taking any damage all right what's in the center of the triangle uh if i have any black holes by the time we come back i'll dig through it oh come on i've only got the ground to sand spell man i'm really under prepared for this [Music] um okay that'll work we're going the long way around grounded stands limited always has been pagraxx dude thank you so much for the uh the prime sub my man sorry i missed that earlier i've really got to figure out a good use for this spell because it's really fun to use the delay is a bit weird yeah the the explosion isn't um modified by damage field damage field is like a direct contact anything that uh is it is within that circle of of damage um is affected right so we want to go come on give me something to let me see in the dark anything god damn you oh what's that myriad spell simultaneously cast as many spells as you have left uncast um i spend my money on a wand these aren't oh that's fascinating that's got that as an always cast that means every shot it casts every spell but that would cost simultaneously the combined spell card i don't know all right let's let's reroll see if we can get uh well seeing eye come on am i that lucky it's not take the hell right right thank you yes we take the health um all right in that case let's make something a little bit better for digging at the very least first things first do i have a damage up not really this is terrible man i keep that one just for fun this is god awful but the spell which i want to test out converts any nearby projectiles cast by you into extra damage just let's run a test here so without that it's for how much we found the one busted machine doesn't work is there another one here it's probably not right what's not okay oh they just don't work down here did i get that right take the nuke crack the egg hmm i don't know what do you think does this just work by itself it's picking up on it i don't know if it works though all right we got ground to sand six remaining uh i can add that to anything uh and then i'll keep okay so ground to sand uh on this one yes with projectile acid trail yeah we can put that on something um that would probably have to go on this wand as well though because i've these are all shuffles unless i buy another one but we can't afford that it's not looking good man it's not looking good there's my ground to sand setup cool i don't know if this works at all take that off for now and then we've got this guy well we got some digging potential here i've got 11 small digs on me that should be fine um am i liking the update x feel it's uh it's difficult this is it's been a challenge so far um i'm not doing great we're a little bit behind the eight ball so to speak but we found the new biome well no correction we found the pre the biome that's before the new biome all right let's go great set up man it's good this costs five this is actually cheaper this costs four it gives me the same number of shots so that's fine why is that so slow is that a uh casterly on this yeah pretty dramatic constantly oops almost walked out without getting something let's get uh phasing might keep us alive who knows all right so the great news is that the entrance at least to the first part isn't far away uh the bad news is that we can't see [ __ ] once we're in there god having that health full again feels a lot better now do we want to dig out the triangle was that something we wanted to do doesn't look like it really does anything it's pretty give it that there was a seeing spell in the temples above uh how many ago though we're like that was so long ago you're talking at least two levels no that's fine i've been through darker i'll be okay okay well here's a question is the next zone as dark as this this is just regular magical temple right i've never been to this particular one before but um apparently it's the same we'll go real slow it is just as dark [Music] gotta go real slow talking to fury about it today somebody did mention it was dark i didn't realize it was like itch um and then he said make sure you have trail of water with you as well no idea why son of a [ __ ] the run under that game so who needs sight really don't stand in the ice bro you're made of fire [Music] [Laughter] oh boy you don't know why trail of water would be necessary oh that's good that gives me a little bit of hope i'm not gonna help the eyesight thing is it as the tv had a head guy up top i could always just bite the bullet and cheat myself a uh an all-seeing eye yeah we're down the bottom fan of sludge good the new mage enemy type um no the only thing we've seen so far is the little coward guy that summons other enemies of course why not is the tv tv guy all right now spark take it easy thanks for stepping on bye wish me luck i see this purple stuff right here that's one of the mages or what do they call them alchemists i think the purple stuff they explode when they die i'm not sure i remember what's up beast hunter how you doing man projectile immunity to nearby enemies ah wizards then hell yeah all right yep okay so it is pitch black it's full of nasties by the looks of it too [Music] you're trying to kick-start your new product would i like to know what it is i can't answer that i don't know what if it's bad and i did want to know oh i like the walls this is cool this reminds me of um is it towerfall one of the one of the tower type games we got rock in here okay i hear something bubbling here's me squinting with my freaking studio lights and right up and barely see a thing aha okay so it's kind of like temple of the art different walls okay no wand up there though let's uh let's do this just to be on the safe side here it sounded like a nuke it wasn't fortunately yeah still traps in here as well yes we need more explosions how do i can i get no but i can actually shoot through the walls with that interesting oh you're being teleported would be possibly the worst thing for us right now where we're going we don't need eyes to see it's from uh event horizon damn neil delivers that line okay there's ones in here still got my black holes though what's the uh once we're here what's the goal keep heading right is there a boss in here world's first lights out wizards then boss kill an orb room that was originally at the bottom of the sand chasm oh okay oh wait wait wait okay so the okay so the all broom it's they've built a level around the orb room is is what you're saying that's cool because there's a bunch of orbs that are out in the middle of nowhere so that sort of paints a picture of what they have planned at least i got my sound cranked pretty high right now what are you doing the orb itself didn't move the area's big oh right on i wonder if they put a boss i know they said that it's a work in progress and maybe um okay if we hit first rock and a picture where we are we're not high enough to be above the tower or are we you can freeze it and then work on it walk on it is that new i think it should stay off of it but okay the orb is between two tall walls of it okay interesting a lot of explosions that ah that was scary that was one of those explosive uh crystals here oh it's still there they can be real dangerous i don't even know where it went i'm gonna evacuate this area they've taken me out on more than one occasion is there anything valuable here besides the orb peace and quiet [Music] oh another one look at that i wonder where they're coming from maybe a wand was floating around and casting them everywhere haven't seen a single pedestal talking about once yeah absolutely right where's my this why is that so effective at digging i feel like it shouldn't be that strong but [Music] i was standing right next to the guy didn't even realize it's just regular rock oh we got some sand hmm trap probably lava here yep got falling bodies now it wasn't me i swear oh what you just hit me with i'm vulnerable your protective perks are temporarily disabled new guy was a new guy let's see uh let's see his name is anyone translate that oh right on cool thank you um actually if you wouldn't mind if you're if you're not um you can dm it to me or i have a where is it i have a special place on my discord where you can post stuff like that i will uh that will remind me oh just a regular one another turf give him a mum mustard instead he looks new he is way new what the hell is that thing what a beast another one [Music] master of withering that's badass man what a cool name all right i'm gonna uh i'm gonna do us all a favor here i'm gonna actually load up cheat gui hopefully it works let me back up a little bit here and restart with enabled mobs once active what do we want we're seeing aye well that works that's a bit better oh my oh yes all right one of these uckos could have taken us out quite easily swapper completely forgot that the swapper exists master of the withering you badass now you don't need to squint anymore there's something in that chest i'm not sure what exactly it's a very interesting like layout we've got like wooden planks here little piles of sand lots of rubble it's i like it i like it's got a very um like aged look to it is it a good idea to always shoot at chests and we have our first wand um yeah yeah i would say yes to that question the only caveat is that you can destroy sometimes pots inside those pots can contain like dangerous materials which is bad yeah but nine times out of ten it's better to do it from a distance for sure um the number of videos i've seen on reddit um or twitter oh wow look at that we got glucose everywhere um with somebody opening a chest in water and it happens to just be a lightning orb inside like yeah that happens more often than i'd care to see anymore uh humanoid no problem at all happy to happy to produce content for you guys hopefully hopefully it's helpful um i know that some people like it i get a few thumbs down every now and again you know what eight clicks are still clicks and these guys all in combination with each other actually the the masked guy as much i love his uh uniform by the way he looks really cool um he's not so bad not very threatening yeah this place is packed look at this we got four or these guys down here really interesting architecture oh we got these guys as well um okay so tell you what oh there's my my vomiting dude is here i love him by the way my best friend this guy all he does is throw up i think that's all he does don't actually no i've never really gotten into a conversation with him i guess that's on me it goes everywhere i wonder why fury was telling me to make sure i had water trail with me when i came here i'm not seeing that and this oh look at that so this looks like the magical temple again like it is the magical temple bio modifier the chainsaws count as melee damage [Music] um weird i don't think it's a kick i think it's slice damage it's slice damage um so that's why having the crit on bleed that we have actually works really well with chainsaw because everything bleeds with chainsaw except machines i'm not sure about machines oh look at this okay so this is the yeah this is not for the faint of heart huh so there's cursed rock at the bottom of the desert the air feels hot this is the desert desert now i'm curious about this cursed rock why does it why does it exist here all right i can't actually stand too long on this because the ice is melting and then evaporating we have to do it no let's uh get a few extra things here give me uh give me lots of health i can't even remember what the health thing is called it's just extra extra health one off yeah that'll do okay now we go down um it's very small this little this little container is very small background radiation is still here wait it's just a block okay it's a block of cursed rock cool entrance to it is on the right who goes everywhere holy mackerel we got is that worm blood yep [Music] this is massive how far does it go gold-plated games thank you very much for the uh the host my friend welcome this is an incredibly scary place though like the enemies don't have a lot of health but boy oh boy they can mess you up real bad like that for example oh good yep best rock books you too how um how far down are we going here look at that he's got downwards lapa that is awesome i love it [Laughter] all right we're at the bottom again dead sheep [Music] where are we this is a place called the uh oh what was it called the wizards something wizards lair something like that that's a new biome extremely difficult in here i wouldn't have lasted five minutes if i came in here without uh without eyesight oops what's the spell that transmutes everything around you to sound sand grounds to sand it's called uh it's very useful used to be my preferred digging method back in the day hey we finally made it to the orb room look at that one orb look who goes everywhere it's a nightmare now getting back it's gonna be a problem right god could you imagine doing 33 orb run now like this is one of the orbs you have to come and get and it's completely surrounded on every side by just garbage or as far as the eye can see or not see oh good we've got gunpowder and uh decoy on a wand perfect got some black holes though my god well that was a flask full of blood yeah obviously like it's it's gonna have to be techniques to get like get through here because it's gonna be quite the challenge you're gonna have to be really stacked and then not die to a single hit which is probably possible uh with a lot of these guys especially the polymorph guys and the the one that i built isn't even all that strong uh keep that in mind as well it's doing well but it's um it's definitely not you know one of the more powerful ones you can build i feel like the uh the red triangle the one that we went through to get here i feel like that's there's more to that yeah i'm uh i'm certainly glad i did the 33 orb when i did just in the nick of time it seems it's an interesting looking one i have to do more science on this spell uh because it seems like it's very effective digging tool and uh yeah it's it's working really well on most materials which is interesting cool could have used that a while ago is the best way to go looking for 33 orbs scanning the map inch by inch in the usual spots um there's maps you can get that definitely help you i conceptually knew where they were um but actually finding them in each area isn't the easiest thing especially in like new game plus because a lot of those locations get mixed up um please see my one of my latest youtube videos uh for verification of that uh i misplaced one orb and i couldn't remember which one it was and it took me it took me hours to find it or at least it seemed like hours oh why is that so good at doing that wait wait wait wait i could have just cut through up here i'm just trying to find my way out now i have no idea how deep we're in either oh my god these are all really horrible oh okay we've almost maybe maybe found our way out i have no idea uh interesting so it doesn't dig through cursed rock but most other stuff it does oh this one's radioactive that's weird right i think the first one we stood on didn't have that effect ah we've been up here okay cool we're close i just want to get back to the uh i want to get back to the the triangle and then from there we'll go kill the boss call it a night i think that was only a little bit of cheating going on a big deal the ones that spawns are among the highest here in this area um you mean as uh as enemies it's interesting wizards then not magical temple oh we're so close this is where we trekked in the dark actually would have come in handy as well i think we did it i think we're here oh not quite so are you shooting at me what was that oh the little rocket launcher okay oh i'm too high i gotta get back down again i love that some of the um the ones that come to life some of them spawn with just completely useless spells that do nothing and we went all over the place huh i literally had no idea where i was going yeah we're almost there rockets chainsaws and bombs hell yeah we did it we're back here is our a triangle let's dig it out completely while we're here there it is there's the triangle right there all right let's go down finish this finish the job a seal set by wizards to protect something like an overknowledge that's fair ray we did it noita is the champion bring the end item there oh damn it that would have been a really good test uh but the game is done we did it let's uh let's drop a raid on someone i am going to bed i've got to get up early for work you
Channel: McQueeb
Views: 44,882
Rating: 4.8329353 out of 5
Keywords: mcqueeb, twitch streamer, twitch, streamer, mcqueeb plays, mcqueeb streamer, mcqueeb stream, twitch highlights, mcqueeb twitch, noita, noita update, sauna update, wizards' den, wizards den, wizard's den, new biome, secret biome, hidden biome, new level, noita secrets, noita 1.0, mcqueeb noita, noita sauna update, noita locations, noita secret location, biome, secret, noita triangle, red triangle, noita red triangle, secret level, hidden level, secret area, hidden area
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 20sec (10280 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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