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no are you [ __ ] me right now come on man thank you so much for stopping on in guys good to see you all we are going to continue this wonderful trend of getting wins we currently have two in the bank only uh what did i say 15 more put us in the put us in the lead but um no enjoying it enjoying this challenge it's something new something that i had not done before not even thought about doing before actually alrighty switch on over here once again uh no mods we're not running any mods at all release notes it was updated yesterday i am on the beta version [Music] um so this is a problem [Laughter] i don't know if you've seen this or heard of it um remember that enemy that's really really annoying uh uco well they've made a bigger badder version of him yeah we'll see how that goes uh i think it translates to grand uco and uh he shoots electricity like nothing else it's just continuous it's uh it's pretty unreal uh let's go let's do it run number three i'm not running anything off stream by the way um i i think i'm gonna change my youtube strategy a little bit and create dedicated youtube content for a couple of reasons one i think that feels different if you're tuning in on youtube it feels like it's uh you know it's it's especially made for for your viewing pleasure at that particular time um secondly it would save me a bunch of time uh cutting down streams into more palatable lengths is not the easiest thing in the world it's very time consuming most of the times i edit those directly because i know the content quite well i was literally there doing it um so yeah trying to find more hours in the day and i think producing my youtube side of things a little bit differently would be definitely a good start to that um so what we're not gonna do we're gonna take the knowledge that uh that we have learned and be a little bit smarter with our decisions i'm looking at you rat perk um and two we're not gonna rush i'm gonna take my time i think not too much because again we've got so many games to you know go through it's i don't necessarily want to take forever doing it um what was that it was gold oh damn now the gold is sitting under burning wood got it i hear uh standard yes he's there hey tc how you doing good to see you i am doing very well having a lovely evening so far finished work for the week and i think i think i have monday off uh martin luther king day i think ah that sucks i'm gonna do this here this won't work this won't work at all yeah in diary's close here did you just die why'd it get dark all of a sudden oh what the hell mystic phoenix thank you so much for the subscription hey everything's on fire we win anyway uh welcome to the channel enjoy your emotes speaking of uh we currently have three new emotes you may have noticed them already we have teddy fayora and huxley okay looks like that looks pretty decent um all in various poses that's our snakes by the way i am snake daddy snake owner um and there's three more coming uh so we we're gonna i got my emote artist working on uh a couple of concepts just general use stuff more uh you know get us in line with the brand um and you'll probably notice also brand new channel logo uh amazing member of the community uh donated his time said payment was not necessary he was happy to do the job don't tell him but i'm probably gonna pay him anyway um and i really love it brand new channel logo and it looks amazing instantly recognizable uh simple and uh yeah really good looking logo so you did an amazing job damn can i get up here i'm trying so hard to be conscious of my bombs and everything else here again i don't have water so we go this way you just got the last fabled cranberry red bulls uh i can't believe they took him away and i'm still in denial about that i'm really hoping it's not true but i think you're absolutely right there's a fridge at my work actually where somebody stockpiled and there's cranberry like four four packs in there just cranberry red bull and i was like i kind of need it more than you guys do but you know try to be the good guy don't steal is it stealing if it's you know going to towards feeding my family in need starting to like watermelon that's something i can't get behind i have a problem with anything watermelon flavor that is not actual watermelon um same goes for cherry uh those two flavors for some reason grape is close but i really like the flavor of artificial grape um [Music] is that invisibilium oh please say yes oh [ __ ] all right that might that might single handedly hand endlessly i'm i'm talking in snake now the reason teddy can't stream is because he doesn't have hands single handed handedly oh yeah we're off to a good start today all right we're good hey we're doing pretty good on money too 373 i might go get the tablet and then just leave i think that's a good start uh and that let me double check but i'm pretty sure i mean look at the stats on that [ __ ] i didn't even check that out that's kind of amazing all right so we have a game-winning wand [Music] um we have invisibilium this is this is starting nice uh as long as i don't pick up electricity anything to do with the rats uh or hatred should be fine you visited red bull racing what is that exactly is that uh just like their professional sports division i guess uh we don't need that wrote them i sh i shot my shot i shooted my shot a while back and i'm like hey i think a lot of red bull you guys want to sponsor me they actually wrote back so kudos to them um i didn't expect a positive response uh and they were happy to oblige me with my predicted outcome um no but they were very nice about it they said uh you know we we're only sponsoring professional esports players at the moment thanks oh why are you shooting so quickly must be a stronger one yeah maybe i still haven't even been over to get the tablet yet and i'm kind of thinking against it all right we're doing okay we're doing okay oh the formula one team okay i got it make a professional sport don't most uh professional sports have rules and are able to be fair more invisibilium hell yeah why not all right i'm gonna grab that i'm not gonna bother about the um the tablet too too risky just broke my own rule again definitely don't need any of that the laser beams might be pretty good okay this is uh this is a pretty damn good run actually let's leave that on there probably um probably won't do anything actually that's amazing why does it look different oh right because it's got green paintball attached to it yeah i'm really impressed with the new logo i think um i think he did an amazing job uh took me by surprise as well but hey i made this for you i'm like oh [ __ ] that's incredible actually uh let's switch our bombs over to [Music] whatever doesn't matter rep the massive where's mcqueen from i get that it's us but he seems some part irish [Laughter] oh boy yeah no not quite um good question fair question um but i'm actually australian and uh moved to the united states correction move to the uk and then to the united states after that uh i get that question quite a lot so yeah i'm not not surprised at all i've only got three bombs that is the problem this one that does actually drain of mana but it's not too bad [Music] timed shot it's not bad i'd prefer obviously on contact trigger but i'll take uh i'll take a time shot as well that's totally fine do we go fungals probably not necessary we got stupid lucky with this one so i think we'll be okay as long as we uh we survive and that's the one thing that i can't guarantee in the fungals next question do we just skip straight through head straight down instead of doing any exploration at all hey beast hunter how you doing you see you man uh beast hunters one of my very first supporters from uh way back in the day back in the back in the minecraft days got another gold piece there i think it's one more got it let's go this way irish because of the beards i i i'm not really you know fond of stereotypes but i wouldn't have imagined beards would be one of those i got to be careful doing that i shouldn't i shouldn't take the health up until we've got the perk because we might have a uh a glass cannon situation again which probably be a good idea no ah both of these are interesting i'll definitely take projectile repulsion field though there's no there's no real negatives about it other than you know slight uh loss of accuracy which isn't even that bad right on top of the skeleton spawner yeah yeah we i we had it we good i had a lot of good memories from minecraft um some of those worlds that we made were fantastic um just suffered that same problem i find with most things it's that um um i didn't really want to have to you know think up new content every day i would rather the game drove that but we we got to a point in minecraft where it was just nothing much going on what the hell was that i'm actually nervous about going through here because uh grand uco is the thing now yep there's something sparking down there i don't like this is that him that's a guy no that's regular uco he's a pussycat compared to this new fella um it it means a lot when you guys you know say that as well that my content helped you win a game because i know i know how tough this game is that's uh pretty dope that you would say that holy [ __ ] god i thought we were doing well before i have edit ones why aren't i using it because my name's mcqueen and that's typical behavior for me you just finished watching the 18 hour run all right let me beat these guys and then we're going to build something pretty special if i can find a nice safe place to stand which well let's be real it may not happen oh there's electricity in there somewhere then don't go near it idiot holy mackerel these ones are unbelievable all right so we've got 133 max mana on that one down below we need 35 for that i could just go damage up multiplier with a mana reducer i mean this is unreal um i don't think i want this wand just because the recharge speed is no good okay so we're gonna let's keep that and that make that yeah this might be our primary at least for now i've got a triple so that's seven 75 so that's 82. we put a freeze on there too i don't need to tell you how good this is right this is like like on the third level jeez so the spreads a little bit wide i really have a choice there why is it so wide ah because these are plus 14 each got it linear arc no i can't stand it um we're gonna grab our really fast wand which one's faster these are roughly the same [Music] put that on there oh yeah boy okay let's get rid of you get rid of you get rid of you all of you don't bring your teleport but it would be green if we had it on this one where'd it go what hang on damage plus is only added once no it's spread to every um every projector uh i didn't mean do that it just reduces costly okay whatever it's kind of irrelevant at this point we've got green bombs instead perfect i might take off the ice actually oh it's so good though no we'll stick with it all right we'll stay away from this electricity i'm i'm good here i don't think we need to hang around much longer this will go again yeah that is a problem huh we're not able to hit anything okay do this instead what's my max 133 75 that's 110 yeah we're still good where did he go i know we didn't kill him yet oh maybe we did okay damage is unreal that just cuts man use the time timer instead wouldn't be so bad well it depends how far it travels this gives us really good distance so maybe maybe in this case it is better it just shoots so fast and then bounces back for some reason like the bounce back is unreal i don't know why that's happening oh yeah we got we got a death machine here and goodbye butchers alone hey doing oh energy shield 340 bucks let's see what's for sale first oh rats we should definitely um nope crit sure fine whatever magical explosion i've never seen that before and now is not the time for experimentation however that if we can get that to work not with this one but once we find a new one did i did i miss fire immunity ah [ __ ] okay my bad my brain is still not trained to look for it uh mystic phoenix thank you very much and uh loot tenant clever name i like that so here you kind of have to be careful um especially when you're like digging through for exactly that reason um those canisters can be hiding uh even in areas you might not expect particularly in like um dense material and it sucks when that happens that's not bad it's a lot a lot of capacity i still don't think it beats what we've currently got going on though it's easy so i took uh oh god what was the spell called it there's a few there's a few rat perks now one of them is uh um just the standard one where um oh god what's it called revenge rats is that the one i took anyway i took that everything was fine uh and then i took broomstone of light uh and then i took uh more hatred i didn't realize that that was still an issue where um your rats would see you as uh the enemy and that happened and unfortunately they hit really really really hard not today pal not today holy mackerel what all right hang on always casts giant magic missile no this has nothing to do with christmas this was in the sauna update um it is a pretty great wand um d well decent stats at least for this stage of the game get rid of a couple of those all of those we now have giant magic missile it's pretty good good for close encounters my accuracy sucks be expected i suppose honestly i don't even think we need it i'm still gonna try my best to maintain uh some semblance of communication during these runs but as we progress i'm just gonna be more and more concentrating on the uh the end goal here because uh we're still one hit away from death potentially as well uh zephyr leon different game we're not we're not running those rules at the moment did it again should have seen what uh what's over here first hey linked how you doing doing very well thank you for asking another crit i thought they fixed that as well i thought the algorithm simply couldn't let you get the same perk twice in a row yeah why not why not what am i drinking it's virgil's root beer oh yeah it's friday night we're going all out and welcome to the jungle i mean we're just decimating everything it's amazing so much destruction 314 crit on that guy computer is suffering suffering a little bit of slowdown not surprising so the great thing about the jungle i say this every time i come here but if you uh if you're unfamiliar the jungle is probably the biggest jump in one quality um for the mid game spiral arc i don't want that chainsaw on an always cast wand so it can sometimes work it depends on the projectile um let me go back to this here and we can so this has yeah see this has a cast delay on the projectile itself i don't think you can get rid of that so even if you had this thing full of um [Music] chainsaws i think that would still apply i could be wrong hey source thank you so much for the host dude welcome and you're correct yeah chainsaws would most likely detonate those magic missiles uh in your face uh what does he do well i ain't gonna stand around here and find out he's still hitting me oh right oh that's right and i can hurt myself ah jeez okay i stand by my statement nola games if there's anyone in the chat right now stop adding stuff to the game just for now just ease up a little bit make this one flawless then release the dlc make a million bucks that's what i would do especially not freaking uko that's twice as bad as the previous one i don't need that cash just leave it alone danger uko is that his nickname there's a brand new enemy for anyone that hasn't noticed um it's an enhanced version of uco i think the direct translation is grand uco or something similar news bears uko is what his name is um horrifying absolutely horrifying i don't really need that uh we're on the beta branch right now which means that um oh yeah it's active unfortunately i haven't seen one yet god we're doing so much damage when you take out spiders that fast um so the spiders are actually a really good test for your damage uh if you're interested in fighting the dragon oh boy i don't i don't need it i don't need it no that's best kept out of my hands all right doing doing pretty good half tempted by some of these all right we're rolling this for sure no need for that and here's a perk i haven't actually picked up before item radar you can sense nearby items gotta fill out that journal some way i again i don't need anything here please let me out all right easy level time oh oh that's all it takes is one stray freezing canister and we're done have i noticed a spot in the ice biome where it sounds like a portal when you walk over it i skip the heart [ __ ] um no about the portal i'm not sure about that i have seen uh there is one section in there that uh it's a rare spawn i think or does it happen every level it's like a little box little black box um and if you stand on it for maybe 30 seconds it opens a portal and then takes you to this area with a wand in it pretty dope pleasantly surprised when i saw that for the first time oh it's rare have i discovered 100 of the secrets in the game no uh on previous versions i would have said yes but uh no there's a lot i haven't done in the current version they just they just keep adding stuff uh so i i get my satisfaction from watching fury forged videos that's good enough for me i don't i don't need to do everything i got my 33 orb [Music] amulet uh and that's all i need all right we won't do that again i don't even know how that happened oh there must have been a mining laser like just there weird oh [ __ ] okay this is uh this is real bad acid everywhere and a swapper real real bad don't you dare don't you dare not today far out now all right let's watch that one back shall we too close to yeah i wasn't even worried about the shield guy there we've got more than enough damage to penetrate that shield easy easy um i was worried about the swapper who was probably already dead to be honest i should have progressed further i should just rushed out hey what are you gonna do the replay clip ah no so if you hit f11 in game you can see the last well however much that you've recorded and it's based on a replay buffer it's an option in the game if you go in here um it's right here so just turn this option on and it will say that um it decreases performance uh and then i i think this is default no i increased it a little bit i put it at 240. oh maybe i'll lower that just a little bit anyway no i get you raven even even with that we were shooting more than more than fast enough to take him out uh him i wasn't even concerned about honestly i didn't even notice him that's frustrating that puts us back oh man i had such a good feeling about that one hey nim say doing good to see you man [ __ ] hey at least we got water though right uh that's a pretty special thing sign of a good run what is this pete pete is flammable right you never know what to do when you start with polymorph find a safe place to tip it out this is one thing and i'll i'll i'll die on this hill if i have to again if anyone from nola games is in the channel uh now's your now's your time um starting with anything except water is is just boring now i know they had it oh great that's good actually i know they add it um to hopefully have the opposite effect right hey it's exciting we start with polymorphium or or whatever um water is water is essential i think it's not a terrible wand either i don't exactly need that yet several stunts water plus one random see i'd be okay with that it's just that i every every run i go on doesn't matter what the goal is i need water right like that's just how i play the game and i get it if if you don't it would make sense to not even care about that um wow that is actually quite interesting 0.07 0.053 degrees of spread one degree of spread let's how much is that 65 bucks um so given that information right like i need water i'm gonna spend 30 seconds tipping out a flask and refilling it and that's just that's just wasted time slow recharge but good enough like there's there's no question it's not like i go oh you know what let's have a polymorphium run that sounds fun or you know lava liquid oh that sounds exciting like no it's water or nothing got six bombs huh well less now apparently mr heart ah it's fine you'll notice me play a little bit carelessly now that we're back down to one live by the sword etcetera you're down there or up and over hey thank you so much for the uh the resub there dude thank you uh i did mention this earlier but if you're just coming in i am uh there'll be new emotes coming relatively shortly let's say in the next couple of days all right 175 let's save up our 200 at least give me a re-roll if i want it uh extended flight time is always welcome obviously there's better perks but this is still good world records in sight thank you my friend yes i could i completely agree [Music] oh zigzag path pink sorry ping pong path you got channel points to spend no no no spend only save 65 bucks for all seeing eye sounds pretty good huh don't i think i'm moving too fast no need to move on yet with 90 hp there's there's nothing on the line if we lose it doesn't matter right get me a couple of wins under my belt and i'll have a change of tone though whoa really bad couple of enemies actually a lot of action going on here compare our damage here to the damage we had on the last one damn how does the modify a single emote thing work um so you spend the channel points and you select which emote that you want to modify and you get to use it um but i think you only get to use it in its modified form the one thing that i don't like about the the modifying the twitch emotes well i both like it and i don't it's the one that adds sunglasses because it looks really cool when it works but i think you have to design a mod specifically to work with it and the problem with that is that the sunglasses are really like oddly placed i have no idea from any of our um if any of our emotes work with it or not i did have the cat from spelunky i specifically made that one to work with uh with the sunglasses but it it was just a bad emote plus i didn't make it i just stole it uh lst is that uic in the room hello my friend welcome god what's with all the snipers huh welcome to the heci gun club all right let's see if we can not yet ah [ __ ] dead not yet very very close to it though and his water was electric i don't know if you noticed that um i had five health i just took five damage and i'm left with one i don't have any perks that would save my life there um and i've mentioned this before as well that's a uh a little developer trick make the game more intense it's like the numbers are just a suggestion fell too far he is in a bad spot and going right seems like a bad idea as well why aren't i using that that might help enemy shooting you from off the screen nah that's perfectly normal [ __ ] i gotta take out both here glowing lance fast one small package take it what's that pheromones i don't have a choice i gotta go this way good news is i'm fast enough to travel past him and he won't be able to track me uh just do it you're dead maybe we got lucky it's a decent projectile five degrees of spread plus another five bit rough with that particular setup actually these on here would be fine not gonna be using too much mana i think [Laughter] uh yep okay good yeah what have i got like mega bombs here mega bouncy bombs well it's because of uh oh no are you [ __ ] me right now come on man if steve's not already summoned i'd be very surprised you gonna let me through i'm not this way oh come on please okay we're good we good we safe worm crystal intact who knows 462 bucks how was that all right so we're going into ac base i'm gonna take see what weapon we can come up with without buying anything first oh i've already got one okay good i'm glad i didn't spend 340 bucks for no reason uh let's recharge why didn't i get that of what i didn't get the other wand um poor life choices i guess um [Music] [ __ ] if you've followed this channel for any length of time you know that i absolutely hate this projectile why do i hate glowing lance because it's incredibly dangerous um it has a tendency to bounce off of shields and come back and hit you in the face why did i want to change from the beard one um so i don't know if you remember but i actually removed the beard one recently like that's still like our branding right so it works fine um but it i wanted something that was more personal for like the channel logo like it's it's immediately identifiable the the one that's currently there it's it's amazing i'd replaced it recently with a screenshot that i took from um just uh just one of my my streams once and i mean that doesn't look very professional so [Music] you love lance until you hit a swapper is it the same thing with explosions because i hit a swapper with an explosion a couple of days ago and uh it just wrecked it uh i i teleported into the explosion at the same time i didn't expect that i thought the explosion would have dissipated but it's it's almost like it takes place before um this wouldn't be bad just for straight up getting around we don't really have a decent one to cast it on though oh yes we do it'll do we're going to be wasting something here if we find another wand which is a shame i get rid of bombs in that case let's leave it on this one because i'd rather keep that orange one right there okay still need a perk um sure occasionally shoot two how big of a doughnut to shave my beard it's an excellent question um hundred thousand hundred thousand dollars should be enough it does hit hard that's one thing you can't deny oh health up um no i don't honestly i don't even think i'd do it for that i know that sounds ridiculous but no i'm i'm actually really happy with my my beard i like it a lot i just bought a uh oh god what do you call it a beard straightener the other day um i occasionally get this very stubborn patch right here that it very curly um and it'll do its own thing uh and i can't you can't do anything with it it just it is what it is um but the beer strainer seems to be working quite well uh i think it takes time to you know fully get the hair trained in the right direction not a comb now it's got to be hot um i don't need that that might be ambrosia over to our right i'm back we've got a couple of ones here oh come on um if you're curious as to see the comb that i got there's a link in my about me section below um that has it in there i think i added it to that under the beard care section um nope not good enough you don't really need you now that though what's with the spread man 28 degrees a little bit much we get a triplicate bolt i get a bunch of these large fire bolts that's fine 28 degrees of spread come on now all right please perks be good please be good let's roll it didn't even use that one degree of spread on that's perfect orbiting arc could be fun nothing to really use with it ah yes it is laser eyes i didn't get the health again idiot uh hi back up we go i don't even need to worry about that i've got a lot of flight power that's better yeah let's not leave that behind now our one situation still isn't amazing i may end up using our explosive wand as a primary for now risky proposition as well uh mike fox thank you very much for the subscription dude welcome what else has been going on oh i started a tick-tock i'm now i'm now a tick-tock uh no what's the word tick-tocker uh yeah we'll take that that's good the shame about the spread on this but that's cool a zoomer yeah um it's so weird i tried i made one today actually just basic twitch tips i guess um i don't know how the kids do it like make really like amazing looking videos um with the built-in editor uh it is incredibly difficult to use he's gonna kill me um yeah i i it's it took me four times longer than final cut pro would have good someone's got a one down here this is going great i'm very excited to make it to the next holy mountain unscathed you bet they aren't good at final cut it's just um i mean that's i mean who knows but it's a very it was designed with a different thought process in mind um it's still linear but it's got to be on mobile and that's that's the big difference there because uh [ __ ] idiot i think this challenge is gonna take a little bit longer than i thought snorty mix not face welcome um some some twitch names just get me just have me laughing because they're so clever all right let's do that again this is win number one we're going for i honestly thought this was gonna be easy i am i might be rushing still i don't know that's not how weto did it uh hey wrongly how you doing um how's your run going by the way yes what did you make it too 13 ouch um i have not gone back to neon abyss recently but apparently it's so much has changed in that game so that's another thing i was thinking about too right because we've visited a lot of games that were either in early access or not quite complete or you know whatever um and i think revisiting would be really fun um neon abyss is definitely on my list oh god um stone shard uh curse of the dead gods which was mentioned already today um what else curse of the dead gods is getting a 1.0 release next month mid next month i think um so it might be a good time to revisit that although it's not like we played all that much on stream but i did like it zone shards cool but grindy monster train not kind of my style of game um i liked it and it's fun but that's one i'd play off stream just because it's embarrassing to show you how bad i am at it is winning hard which game cow slug run is dead we're starting over this is uh we're back to [Music] zero my son uh teddy wanted to come out of his tank he lets us know he uh sort of stretches up and and comes up to the glass very cute lava to blood kind of amazing you thought i had normal games down to a science i really appreciate the confidence but no hey linked thank you so much for the gifted sub that's very kind i used to think um and i said it up until very recently that every run could potentially be won oh hell yeah um but maybe i maybe i uh overstepped with that comment mighty gremlin thank you very much for the subscription um very eager missed yours thank you very much guys that's amazing the old pipe train has has left the station all right not too bad it's free we got a lot of them um i don't know about that that's not too bad mighty gremlin yeah good to have you here man um getting a lot of people coming in from from youtube very happy to have you guys here does the game track win streaks no you guys have to trust me on that one trust me we're at zero uh and plus i don't really play off stream unless i'm recording footage for something else um so yeah if i'm if i'm playing noita then pretty much on stream what have i been playing lately um ritual of the night uh bloodstains is what i'm sort of relaxing with like i took last night off and i thought you know what instead of editing instead of doing anything stream related oh god i'm just gonna have the night off and i played that for a good couple of hours it felt really good actually just to unwind and not have to worry about anything else for a while um i beat the final boss last night um not not my first time i'd i'd played it previously on playstation but i got it in the steam summer sale or winter sale whatever um but i i didn't get the 100 completion so i'm going back and i'm well i'm thinking about it the amount of grinding you need to get most of those equipment is pretty steep so maybe maybe not we'll see souls to level 9's a grand yeah absolutely some of them feel like they take forever like the mimic that gives you the the mimic that gives you the uh luck augment um the first one dropped in my second or third kill uh the second one is yet to drop and i've killed probably 50 of them alright so we have a damage uh still can't really do a lot here it's a bit of a shame 324 let's see what we can buy ah at charge speed after your first clear a potion chest showed up at the start of the next run is that normal no i don't think that's normal i think you just got lucky terror kittens thank you so much for the uh uh what do you call those the bits 111 yeah if you get a uh mega chest with potions in it you can get some ridiculous stuff in there like there's gold powder um sometimes you can get uh creepy liquid which i think is extremely rare yeah there's a few things that um that you can find that you wouldn't normally wow this is good where's my where's my bombs at got rid of them who needs bombs so finite we uh yeah we can probably switch to a bit of an overdrift it is friday night i don't have to go to work tomorrow so i'm gonna be up for a little while yeah we got it once just need to dig a little a little and i'm out of mana ah damn it damn it i really want to do this what's my daytime job does it involve snakes no i wish it did um no i'm an i.t technician it's very exciting give me a way through please oh freaking rude all right let's use this canister we're gonna kick it down we're going to try to kick it down and it's not going to be good enough is it hey tennis luke how you doing this evening yeah i stream most nights uh so that's another thing because my job is it's not exactly on call but i do have a a very shifting uh schedule so i can't have a set stream schedule so i usually say most nights between six and eight pm ish um but even that i've sort of cut down recently because i've been focusing a lot more on youtube producing different content now on to tick-tock as well which is an experience um i was actually out with my wife earlier we're just getting some dinner and um she was telling me all the all the drama that's going on on tw on tick tock sounds fascinating typical mcqueen getting involved in uh all of the internet drama another hype train or is that the same i don't know how hype trains work i'm not really fire immune right now yeah let's take it um yeah maybe a different projector i still have this i should probably use that as my primary in fact that will one shot me if it hits me so although i do have repulsion fields although i had that in the last run i wonder if this works it does oh right i wasn't supposed to kill the fish all right let's keep that what else do we want to do here this is lava to blood interesting this is nice and fast what does this look like [Applause] yeah you see the problem the man is just draining from it all right let's use this one with the shuffle we've got 99 recharge these cost 10. okay hey that's not too bad all right here we go uh homing saw blade i think is the build that we had going on the omega saw um at least i think that's what what you're talking about right yeah i wanted to get a challenge run going where we had a mega chainsaw and that was the only projectile that we had um but i couldn't really get it working i had to give myself a bunch of extra lives too it's just way too dangerous oh man these ones are rough matter eaters nice mist of spirits it's a mist of spirits isn't as strong as it used to be um because it evaporates so fast i don't know when they added the evaporation factor to mists but um it all but destroyed that as a viable source of damage what are you stop giving me shuffle ones god i'm rolling well now that's interesting i can still set myself on fire that's going to happen we are going to set ourselves on fire but i'm still pretty happy with that rolled oil blood again are you serious did i miss it again well that's okay that would have actually been really useful um but explosion immunity is quite nice too so i'm good either way let's get out of here um not before we take this oh do we get an angry ghost what could go wrong with a familiar go shoot your thing he copies my spell right i think that's the guy yep oh boy does he ever god i hope that can't hit me i mean it doesn't matter we won't die from the explosion oh my goodness he's quite uh quite the artillery cannon all right z raven no problem dude thanks for stopping in take it easy can he hit me in the neck that's what i'm curious about um if he does it'll knock us out or move us actually no it won't because we've got no knockback as well we should be fine fire is the only thing i'm really worried about i don't think he can die either is this a fun run i mean it's anointed every run is fun this is uh potentially our first win streak it's it's is a win of one a win streak i guess i don't think it can be would have to be uh two or more no the ghosts and saw blades oh [ __ ] yeah that doesn't sound good there ah legitimately worried about that guy i'm on fire please die um how many streamers are in the room i got a uh genuine question for you this guy again he ended my run before do tiny streamers count everybody counts thank you very much for the resub dude so my question is what's your thoughts on the necessity of webcams do you think you need them to uh to be successful and i don't mean like obviously that can change as you grow or or whatever right as the your career progresses but let's say you're just getting started let's say you've been streaming for i don't know a year within that time do you think a webcam is necessary not necessary overrated not at all okay subconsciously expected interesting answer depends on the crowd it does help catch people's attention yeah i'd say i'd agree with that one definitely like if you're looking through well that brings me on to another point right if you're looking through the directory um let's say you want to raid somebody or even if you're just looking at somebody to to watch right um yeah that's an interesting one more fun okay just make a v tuber abbott avatar oh look revenge rats and another angry ghost i think we get another angry ghost and revenge rats oh yes i'm a necromancer now so i'm picking up at about 50 50. there's so i'm getting into this whole uh uh tick tock thing right and the the meta on tick tock it's it's it's very it's weird it's a weird mix of toxic positivity and if you're not sure exactly what that is i'm happy to give you a primer there but it's essentially like hey like grinding to you know one to five viewers keep it up we love you like and that's true to a degree but you know you got to take your own mental health into consideration there um then there's other people like doing pity posts which is really weird um like oh you know i i i used to stream to 20 people and now i'm streaming to five and i don't know it's it's a really weird and and they've even coined it a term for the group the collective it's uh twitch talk get it because it's tick tock for twitch um and then the most egregious thing is people saying hey um i want to help you grow leave your twitch details in the comments and we'll grow together and i'll come and i'll follow you it's basically follow for follow but all they're doing is promoting their own tick tock channel which grows them algorithmically because they're getting reactions and likes and you know all that [ __ ] it's it's fascinating i'm i'd love numbers i always have and this is uh i'm right into this but it's it's a weird thing um so i'm gonna stay in my lane doing my own thing streamers with cams feel like they're put together assuming they have a clean back background if i put together you mean like um professional like they're more intentional with streaming oh okay that actually makes a lot of sense do we use plasma beam uh plasma beam kind of rebounds doesn't it it's gonna hit us what if we did hold up what if we did this what would what would that look like [Laughter] not what i expected but i love it isn't plasma dangerous with angry ghosts oh oh [ __ ] yep you're absolutely right let's not do that and just fire a couple of shots more professional intentional because of an expectation so this is there's again going back to tick tock and i'm sorry to keep talking about it but again it does fascinate me an awful lot um there's a few people on tik tok that not only i think it's it's necessary but like you're not going to succeed unless you have one like i watch bear taffy i watch uh bananasaurus rex i watch lethal frag although he does have a webcam he's not always on camera um and they're really entertaining to watch anyway right like they're just straight up good to watch lyric yep there's another one just a tiny streamer lyric you may have heard of him mycologist what's his school of thought there i don't know if i've actually heard him talk about it that's pretty good it's uh it's not the most damage in the world but it'll certainly do and we don't really have much choice here unless i could get another just get one more projectile just one more yeah that's fine and then we'll speed it up hey harlequin how you doing good to see you man there we go yeah i admire frag i always have um just just just i don't know like my type of person i guess like the community is very accepting comforting you know you feel like you fit in oop all right like i said it's basic but it'll do maybe the damage is pretty low are rats my friends today oh they are my friends today that's nice discovered the game from one of the youtube videos popping up on recommendations last couple of weeks been enjoying the game quite a lot absolutely zractus um that makes me extremely happy when when people tell me they've picked up the game and i'm happy to help give advice in fact if you're curious as a discord channel with some active participants in my in my discord you're welcome to join if you like it's uh the thing i love most about the game so it initially i think it was the graphics that drew me to it but um that's kind of that's the cherry on the cake now um for me it's it's one building and that sort of thing even though i'm not an amazing one builder i definitely still there's a science behind it and i really appreciate that you can end up with some really crazy stuff ah tara kitten yep i get i get what you're saying yeah it's really cool right like you get you get the gameplay experience um but then now you get a little bit of personality as well you get to see the cats during the breaks and dapper time of course always very fun to see oh god i want to be out of here real quick oh crystals are terrifying by the way three eyes ah three three eyes will go down pretty quick plus he's uh he's not gonna be too much of a challenge for us in before he annihilates us [Music] oh i can afford this wand i don't want it interesting i haven't seen simo in a while actually i think the last time i watched him he was playing uh geo guesser he's an awesome guy is he still harmful when he's got no face and he's running around like a crazy person let's go ghosts you and me you time is it's only nine o'clock all right let's do another run that's one put it on the board wait the game will restart due to mod changes mythrix is challenging um i after they fixed mythricks i think it was a pretty decent fight but it was very easy to um to get overwhelmed by him because of the way he worked the hidden wind streak mod ah damn it you found me out rain cloud all right hey raja how you doing this evening hey we gotta we've gotta help up here [Music] uh anyway if you're on if you're on tick tock i would love to check out your stuff um so give me a give me a shout out i'll i'll come on over and check it out i'm again i think i'm gonna if i do continue making videos i think i'm gonna move to final cut um it's just i just no i know what i'm doing with that i've no idea i'm running blind into the app that's a that's a big explosion thank you tara kittens very kind um yeah that was actually created by a member of the community um he's linked below i put a uh a link to his artwork actually fantastic artwork a lot of uh concept style artwork um he's got a massive portfolio definitely check him out and yeah how's my day going it's going very well thank you um work today friday i think i think i've got a three-day weekend my schedule hasn't even been put out yet but i i think i'm off on monday so that's good you give me a chance to make make more content and i'm i think i mentioned this before but i'm going to change the way i'm doing youtube a little bit um because editing down vods actually takes a lot longer than just creating uh content from scratch so i think i'm going to switch that up probably for the best um and i think that'll give it a nice touch too like people will have another reason to differentiate the the vod channel from like the highlights um and you know have have different sort of content on the main channel it's a it's a lot to manage like this kind of the reason i asked you know are there any streamers in the room it's very easy to look at a streamer and go oh wow they get to play video games for a living i'm not even there yet but the amount of work required unreal um and i think a lot of people don't realize [Music] uh derrify thank you very much for the sub and king sk you as well cheers guys uh enjoy your emotes and hopefully add free viewing [Music] was that a no it's just a regular one it's a pretty good run so far though i'm pretty happy with this i'm the go-to resource for this game oh god i could name half a dozen creators that are a little bit more skilled than me but i really appreciate it um actually if you i think if you search for neuter i come up pretty pretty highly in that in that search listing or ranking or whatever got some water honestly like i'm just super thankful that the youtube gods the deep blue or whatever you want to call it that's running the the calculations in the back end have uh finally forgiven me and and started an upward trend in uh viewership because prior to that i was it i i thought to myself the channel was dead um [Music] because that's what it felt like and that's as a human that's where my brain goes even though you know the computer is impartial doesn't give a [ __ ] about whatever i just didn't fit the bill for a long period of time and now yeah that needle started to shift in the other direction and i have you guys to thank for that so straight up uh why don't you come over here yeah like that's it one step one step further you don't want to come over here now oh i get it wait i have rain cloud right but i also have 51 health oh [ __ ] you want to help people relax get some time away for thinking about bad stuff well do it because there's a lot of bad stuff that people need to get their minds off um no look i encourage anyone to to stream one of the biggest regrets i have is not doing it you know six years ago uh i need one more dollar wait no technically i don't but i can grab one pretty easily i think or i could get stuck in the ground algorithms are our lives now scary prospect so it's it's funny you know the boston dynamics right the robot people who came out with that viral video of robots dancing and having a good time pretending to have a good time um you've seen all you've seen the testing videos where they're kicking the robots and they're hitting him with a you know a hockey stick or whatever that thing is and what's to say that in the future a computer system won't look back at that find that particular video and go oh i remember that that's uh that's an ancient model so that's how the humans treat okay i get it cool i'm with it there's sentient as a toaster right but i'm saying when we do develop a system in the future that can recognize objects well i mean that already exists right what's to say that um i mean terminator's not that far-fetched when you think about it um i've seen the corridor digital video yeah yeah no that's that's not what i'm talking about but they actually did test them by you know pushing them over and and it just looks so the way my brain works and i think it's the reason i'm so attached to my snakes and you know i'm kind of empathetic by nature i look at that and i don't see a robot i see a a bipedal thing it's moving it it kinda looks humanoid-ish right at least in form um and and and i i have feelings attached to that i don't know that's it's just weird what do we want to do here we could make uh they've fixed the that's brimstone isn't it i haven't had that in forever okay we'll take that take that i'll take that uh warp cast brimstone maybe yep i think we're good have i played near automata no that's the lady with the flying sword right anime-ish is she a robot i know i i think i know the game but i'm also getting it confused with an rpg that i played it was kind of similar looking kind of like a souls game but anime it was really good i liked it a lot neo no no not not neo code vein thank you mustache yeah that's the one um i had a lot of fun with code loading times that sucks all right let's test this [Laughter] okay i like that a lot [Laughter] i don't know why but that uh that makes me immensely happy [Music] um is that no i was gonna say if it's going exactly where my cursor is that would be amazing it's not it's got a set distance on it but it's still pretty amazing yeah so the um this is the the projectile here it's called warp cast makes a spell immediately jump a long distance stopped by walls hey kalorian how are you this evening good to see you um if you're interested in seeing uh my snakes uh just put that command in chat and it'll link you to mrs mcqueen's uh instagram which is where the snakes kind of hang out and i think we have a discord channel as well all right man that is fast yep there's a dig it kind of does all right so in that case let's get a little bit of cash and it kind of does whoop okay that still hurts yeah it's definitely not a not a perfect game but um i did still really enjoy it um another one to check out if you're into souls games is the [Music] oh god what's it called it's all robots it's sci-fi um you start out as a guy in a wheelchair and then you get an exo skeleton suit um [ __ ] it's one of my favorite games the search thank you again it's friday i have an excuse um yeah this well this the first one's all right the second one's really good is that even damaging you oh maybe not happy wheels do you know how that's how i was introduced to uh pewdiepie i used to watch his yeah i used to watch that actually as soon as a video was was uploaded i i love that i don't know why it's good fun he's very funny at that sort of thing the good old days this is a lot to micromanage here a lot going on surge 2 is on game pass as well oh no way um and if you haven't played uh mortal shell that's another really good one i had a good time with that that's very good i really want to get rid of well it's only as yeah okay it's fine i got 120 health i'm surrounded by these uh beehives i'm not happy about that all right we got 300 bucks okay oh that there's explosion immunity this is real tempting um okay mortal shell is a fun souls like with a twist you just want it to come to pc it's on pc um epic game store or at least it was [Music] [Music] i like it i uh i keep epic game store permanently uh installed on my computer even if i'm not currently playing something i i often just get the uh the weekly the weekly freebie hell point i've heard that's not great a lot of people have have mentioned similar it's only 75 i'd be mad not to huh okay i think that'll do for now i don't play fortnite in my down time well that's actually how i you know that's how i rose to power on twitch is uh with fortnite then i moved to uh among us then four guys i'm currently really invested in rust um yeah uh you know i i'm proud of that i don't chase trends i just play the games that i really uh really enjoy funny story there is a a youtuber by the name of mr mimio um plays raster at least used to i used to i haven't seen him since um funniest guy i've ever seen and he's really good at the game so he he usually runs solo and he just trolls other players it's like yeah there's something uh the shard and freud something very satisfying about watching other people's pain loved my apex content yeah um i have nothing against any of those games by the way um i just i'm just [ __ ] at them so i don't play them oh god i got oh full guys is so frustrating you have no idea now i'll stick stick to my triple a's like uh neuter and uh undermine you know big budget titles candy king good to see you man how you doing god that's amazing that's pretty good too if we get fire immunity i wonder if i can add damage to this i don't know if it scales very well oh it's a nice little shotgun you have there very cute doesn't get much closer i'm gonna have to save that one doesn't get much closer than that uh incandescent i guess i do not have that mod installed multicast and a nuke that was a sniper shot by the way um yeah i love the sound it makes when it slows down like that just like that you made a a channel trailer oh okay i'll check it out the stream oh there's my bot again promoting my second youtube channel disgusting um by the way we're at 800 subs on that channel now pretty dope right so self immolation is is a problem here [Music] oh boy oh boy [Music] is that some kind of homing i don't know if i've used that one before aiming arc wait is this the one that follows my follows the cursor i wonder if we could use that have i played wizard of legend once i think 3.23 okay that's arguably better now i think the thing and correct me if i'm wrong because i i haven't played it in a long time but i think the thing that got me about wizard of legend is it's it felt a little bit um stiff in the controls explosion as well huh add light to the explosion of brimstone um and the thing the thing i i the reason i say that is because um i'd picked it up out on a on a viewer's recommendation um after i'd played hades so i was used to the combat of hades and then i jumped into wizard of legend everything else just felt wrong after that double cast brimstone explosion nice we've only got a very finite amount of cash uh this is not oh double okay i get it yup i would need a multi do i have oh i got bifurcated it's very heavy on the mana that will do some damage though this is 80 ah right it's yeah significantly more damage but it costs eight times the eight times the price yeah see here we go do i want to get long distance cast as well well too late so this is warp cast immediately jumps a long distance right versus long distance cast i mean it's instant cast anyway this one's free this one's 20. this is way too expensive long distance and warp why is it making the black hole sound well if we hit ourselves it doesn't matter we've got explosion immunity i mean fire still a problem but not weird long distance goes over walls ah all right we'll roll with it if we die we die all right so we need mana uh and fire immunity both would be very very useful right now i just get very nervous when i see uh okay um oh [ __ ] yeah flame thrower bubbly bounce makes a projectile shoot bubble sparks as it bounces so what about warp cast brimstone bubbly bounce be worth a shot maybe did i just give them invisibility yeah i did this healer's gonna get fired literally that hurts yeah the damage isn't quite here i don't think if you approach it stealthfully long distance cast plus explosion is the most fun you've had interesting i wouldn't have thought about a stealthy attack but i can see it oh right i forgot that that doesn't work very well with our current uh projectile in fact most projectiles are going to behave that way uh it's a bit of a shame right good to know it shouldn't be our undoing i did preface that with shouldn't um good thing we did get warp caster i didn't cause the fire explosion and electricity immunity oh boy we're completely immune to ooka right now which is great because we'll never see him again this run but still all right dude take it easy thanks man only mod that was not fun i'd want to check this see if this works wait no we need the other one it doesn't seem to have the same effect [Music] that doesn't seem to be working at all that's fine right so now let's switch it up with this one good speed good mana in fact we could probably use uh explosion instead well as long as i'm conservative with it we should be okay you want bouncy on the bouncy okay try that too the fish again damn it uh it needs more it's almost there i just don't think it's fast enough at the moment that might be [ __ ] that wasn't me i didn't do that well now we can afford anything we want here i think that's it i think that might be the one smiling thank you very much for the resub dude welcome back these bounce as well right i think so well steve's out so we can dig through right now now out out good game oh boy i did that to myself it's okay we're not in danger i don't even know if i can fit through here oh he's eating the shots is he not taking any damage very minor amount why they make spiders so annoying i was very lucky and i have after all that i have black holes anyway cool pretty decent uh at the very least we're gonna get rid of um there's a health up that doesn't really help me right now does it have to make it harder myself what can i say bouncing projectiles makes a projectile bounce on impact hey hang on i think i think i've got something figured out here get rid of this trash so and a multicast as well you don't say 215 retouched pretty good do i want to get rid of this let's move them over floating arc nope that would kill the entire thing one two three [Music] casterly increase that's why it's very cool i just need something to speed that up somehow hmm projectile splitter are you talking about the the perk a little bit better the multi bouncing ball what do you mean just this no not not at the moment it's the uh it's the recharge time on the wand at the moment that's what's that's what's slowing us right down i think the best we can do right now is like that 0.23.22 point two let's stick with this one it's okay oh i have uh ambrosia too i should probably be drinking that get that idiot with the acid again uh monkey lawn gnome thank you very much for the gifted sub you can't drink it no no you have to pour it on yourself but this will probably be very slow going point two point three three okay oh i wonder why the game's slowing down that's so weird oh crap good oh look at that that's one speed up right there yeah no i wasn't worried about the toxic because it can't take you down below five percent health what's this one contact damage 0.15 still a little bit too high they all got reduced 0.07 0.08 all right why did this one not get reduced that much that's interesting and it's still not very fast because of the casterly of this thing uh this is very unconventional and speed it up a tiny bit with this or is it just rapping on that oh this adds costly as well and we don't need it on there wrong we do need it the one we don't need and it's free anyway and no more um that's fine i think we're still doing okay what floor are we on now the vault oh [ __ ] ball before the multicast would let it wrap better with triplicate we will see nope nope 61. yo we are on a mission now electricity i'm good with electricity spells to power uh spells to power could be very interesting with this current setup kind of we need a lot of mana so we're back onto this one [Music] i have no idea how spells to power works converts any nearby projectiles cast by you into extra damage why am i rushing because if i didn't get the hell out of there just then it's we're dead there was no time to it's better with bouncing bursts without the speed no it's 0.67 on top i have no idea how these work see this is this is why i always suggest don't take my advice when it comes to building ones i'm basic basic that's that's it that's what you get from me um what if we go slower but more stuff right the bomb cart have you guys seen bomb cart before i'll show you pretty funny it's got wheels and it can usually move it's trying does bounce bank projectiles bounce off enemies no i think that any projectile if it hits a squishy thing just stops 678 bucks yeah i didn't have a choice like yes i would recommend going slow but we just did pacifist run through that floor um yeah we had no choice there that's it come come down into the glowing white balls of fire uh extra wand capacity one-off yeah we could probably do better yeah no i'll take it it's fine hell yeah we got three extra slots on that doesn't really matter got nothing to add right now but i'm sure that would have been fantastic ginger gate no so again it was kicking off we can we can go back later and watch the vod but it was kicking off way too fast we i would not have survived it in that first area where we saw the guy that summons other guys um that was it if i didn't get out of there i i you can't do a stand-up fight sometimes you gotta know when to run away this damage is terrible all right round two let's go hell i don't even like my chances against the final boss here this is god awful probably one of the worst builds i've had oh this guy's shooting my projectile i get it oh that's now toxic or cursed rock oh good hi long time all right let's uh take it nice and slow here once it kicks off like once once it starts to spread when it bounces many many many many times it it feels a little bit better but until then it's like oh it's just a basic projectile these are doing what five damage each three damage each not good never thought about standing still while staying with ambrosia hell yeah the problem is when you start shooting with these guys it should be okay because they're like ghosts or some [ __ ] but um with stuff that generates blood that's bad because that washes the ambrosia off you all right moving on please be the most incredible wand i've ever yep can i use that right now um so the problem is when it's always cast um god what's that called lightning arc which is amazing it's probably one of the highest damage spell modifiers in the game when it's an always cast it's on the outside of any other modifier so we need to be shooting multiple projectiles which we can do and we've got we could do 12 projectiles yeah we should be okay with that we should be okay uh with the mushrooms is a no-go i don't think that's that sounds like bad uh the fire arc not gunpowder but yes check this too we got lava there i will use my many black holes ah i get it i'm out the hell is hitting me a little arrow trap okay how much hp does he have it's ridiculous oh god not you anybody but you well or you [ __ ] blood brain guy oh my god two i'm on fire too [ __ ] please stop chasing me anything but that like just straight up leave me alone hey if you're on fire when you've got ambrosia on you that's very bad especially if you're at low health because if the ambrosia wears off you get [ __ ] 12 950 for a spell so close so close maybe add a few what are you doing here steve how'd you see him working he's damaging me god damn it [Music] uh did i scuff it yeah a little bit that's fine i had to move we got we're okay i think it's going to take a little while i remember this doing a lot more damage previously almost be better off kicking the damn thing i think you're right i think you're right yeah the projectiles aren't getting the well no some some of them are it's just very low low damage see some of them work well there you go [ __ ] he could still potentially one shot me if he gets a decent volley off this is real close i think we got him he did [Music] uh number one or number two that's number one i think oh my god wait that's number two hell yeah we're back up to where we were when we started this evening i need a counter yeah i do i'll have to i'll have to look back through that odd just to make sure um i think i'm anointed out let's switch up uh let's play something different what's good though that felt felt like uh very edgy seat run that one
Channel: McQueeb
Views: 19,607
Rating: 4.9504132 out of 5
Keywords: mcqueeb, twitch streamer, twitch, streamer, mcqueeb plays, mcqueeb streamer, mcqueeb stream, mcqueeb twitch, noita challenge run, challenge run, best noita player, mcqueeb noita, noita 1.0, noita, Noita expert, noita gameplay, noita stream, noita playthrough, noita streamer, noita streamers, noita 2020, noita full run, noita complete, noita completed, noita win streak, win streak, win streaks, sequential wins, wins in a row, noita wins in a row, most wins in a row, streak
Id: waEyw91KHO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 25sec (10045 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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