The only true way to end a Noita run

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where the fox hound how are you doing tonight are you a fan of metal gear solid by any chance all right good start i really liked metal gear solid five that's a game i would replay you hope they don't make another without kojima make sense didn't kojima productions try to buy might am i making this up i think i heard something about a reason reasonably recently metal gear survive i hear that's one that i didn't play um based on jim sterling's uh impression acid boy more bombus i'll take it what are you shooting at more like metal gear won't survive got him so see how when enemies are on fire they don't bother shooting you um that's actually how i won my first no damage run and just get something fire imbued and fire immunity and uh it's good run angry joe's review on the game was the best i haven't watched uh angry joe in a long time actually uh nope all right so what would i like here probably just a better uh primary uh projectile shooter something basic but fast would be very nice i haven't seen a 10-7 in a while that would be extremely dope tried giving the lightning bolt to go that didn't last long gonna fit through there no ah yeah so you throw the die or you hit it and knock it around and it rolls onto a number and then depending on what it rolls onto you get an effect uh hey this is nice to have before second floor um yeah most like very very rarely uh it can be good but most of the time it's it's bad and by bad i mean kind of horrific 281 bucks hey he was drunk now i'm drunk um actually fury forge did a really good video on that too on the the die rolls levers and pressure plates are there not enough bad things in the game you want to add more again still concerned about the tablet i think it's been nerfed let's do a test here well this will probably still a lot of flack on the neutra subreddit how do i feel about all seeing eye spell not illuminating the dark cave you think it's lame personally it's interesting that the spell doesn't but the perk does like that to me makes no sense um what's the justification there that the spell is easier to get well i guess the chance of you getting the spell is pretty high like i i understand from a game design standpoint but there's no logic behind it you know how do you how do you justify that max damage is a hundred you don't think there's been any changes i could have sworn i got a direct hit on something um just a couple of days ago and it was terrible oh yeah you're done this torch spell lighted up nope no worm blood or uh all seeing eye perk only what are we at 453 think we can get an extra 150 bucks here without going into the collapsed mines spider it's not a spider it's a frog idiot just as scary though no maybe not still would like a different primary shooter oh okay we'll get that instead will that electrocute me it could actually ah um it's sparking it's not worth it it is not worth it damn it black hole the water out the alternative is not what i'm looking for so that's the problem with that canonical is we have a chance not guaranteed but we have a chance to break into the holy mountain this far to the left it's probably not but at the same time i'm not i'm not taking any risks here what's that up there hey haven't had that in a while it's good do you drown immediately if you run out of oxygen no you take damage over a small period of time i think that time period like gets lower as well i think it speeds up could be wrong about that last part oh right t acid boy 526 80 bucks um just half tempted to leave honestly pondering llama how are you this evening um on the damage you take i'm not sure it might be a flat rate but i'm pretty sure it's a percentage um fire is a flat rate except the amount of health you have dictates how quickly you take that flat rate of damage uh toxic on the other hand and poison well poison's different toxic does uh a larger percentage no sorry same same percentage yes but if you have more health then obviously you take more damage i'm doing very well thank you for asking pondering llama oh good okay oh good good good all right we're definitely rolling that so first things first black holes here i've only got those bombs now let's lose that actually put that on there that's fine it's pretty good one to find on the first floor um i will take double cast i will take you it will take you and you and i'll probably only run with that and that that's a hundred oh okay maybe not that yeah no okay we can make that work so i've got that i've got my digging wand which is slow as hell but that's fine i'm genuinely thinking of leaving the the black hole behind for a moment just in case we find another one or two okay suggesting that the shuffle ones are pointless since no more shuffle seems like an esteer perk on everyone's list and they just dilute the pool so the the difference that i found if i was to be very generic about it is that uh the shuffle ones tend to have better stats overall so if you're able to get the no more shuffle perk you can turn technically better ones except for the fact that their shuffles into no shuffles and make them even better no yeah see i don't know boy i don't know damn um you're gonna make me use a bomb just for this you're damn right okay that's fine question is was it worth it all right let's start let's start getting to work here um so the the drill if you're lucky enough to find it or the digging bolt um sorry the digging blast or chainsaws if you're able to find them they make uh exceptional digging tools especially when you get to this level it means you can get all of this gold usually pretty pain free triple casts and acid might be helpful yeah the projectile that i've got um it's the only spell i've got on that wand uh and it does cost quite a bit to cast but it is super powerful there's 25 damage which is for an early level spell is pretty unheard of um yeah it's really good it's one of my favorites so to make uh shuffle ones powerful you really do need a lot of the same projectile or it's fast enough and you only need one projectile and a damage modifier [Music] you can make some good stuff that way but like you said limited i think is a good a good term for it let's see where we can get here this is just like a 2d deep rock galactic sometimes digging through cold you'll find uh a heart or a health up attempted to go to the fungals i might give it a shot if we can maintain this health creepy liquid it's super rare um like super super rare like once in a lifetime kind of thing you you will probably not find one in game um but i've seen that video that creepy put forth um if you're lucky enough to pull it off absolutely i don't think creepy liquid suffocates the player if i'm not mistaken i tried deep rock galactic um wasn't too into it oh he got breathless in the video right okay still it still can then but yeah i think that that is like very close to zero um chance of showing up like one in 7.5 trillion or something and we got that number from so weird oh we got some toxic stuff here which means bees whoa yeah i've had a few people ask me to play deep rock but uh i only only practice it to sort of set it up for stream and i just thought yeah it's not it's not really my thing i do like exploration in games i felt like that was repetitive and i'd only played it for about an hour up until that point um i think it was early access at that point so maybe things have changed all right we've got a thousand bucks i rolled once right how do we get extra life we got rolled once for that am i an elder scrolls fan um yeah i'm a huge fan of uh morrowind despite not really liking fantasy settings in games um never really got into skyrim or oblivion though oh how do i handle this situation didn't even see him there and there's a rat directly above me i might be able to shoot through the the ground here give it a sec i definitely want to be super careful around this guy though the hell's the cooldown on that oh one and a half seconds that's weird roboquest geocoast um if you can chuck it in my game suggestion escort please there we go okay yeah i'm hitting him cool yeah that was worth that was worth coming up here it's only my favorite spell in the game no big deal gunpowder potion what else we got down here ambrosia oh i'm gonna have to switch it back i'm just gonna have to put up with me throwing flasks every once in a while it drives me mental uh we are on three at the moment got the little number right right here i really love this projectile though it's so satisfying to use and i think if it did less damage it wouldn't be as fun to use we good we good have i ever tried binding slot 1 to the shift key uh no i have shift key i have this water flask here or this slot tied to q i think we might have our oh don't see that every day [Music] if your polymorph runs runs out mid-flight your flight meter resets so you can get on top of the mountain altar [Music] all right good so the reason this would be half decent disregard the mana charge speed and even the max mana it's still the cast delay in the recharge time but because this is an always cast it's free it doesn't cost any mana at all so you're only limited by speed on that um if this particular spell had a cast delay added you would still have to take that into consideration so what speed are you pretty slow let's see this is really look at the here we go this is a fine example um the stats on this particular one point two point two seven uh 400 and 101 we found that in the second floor proper right so not even in the fungal caverns but because it's a shuffle one that's kind of to be expected you get better stats overall on those um if that was a no shuffle a game winner straight away let's see what i can do here 0.63 six cap all right it's gonna hit pretty hard not the fastest dude reddit isn't the place to be if you want to get like feedback on anything um i've had i've had a few posts go into the you know maybe lower um just under like thousand ish upvotes um but they're few and far between and it seems to be like majority rules with that place you got to be super yeah you need a thick skin it's not a nice place to hang out but if you're after actual reasonable feedback um anywhere but but read it yeah this will do for now i think and something to dig with what floor are we going into third floor decent too okay not the greatest start in the world but definitely got the goods to start making something happen on the next couple of floors i think and of course we have uh ambrosia totally forgot about that we'll leave that as an emergency right here um berserkian also nice tablet if we need it now i'm not saying i think it all depends on the community on top of that as well but um here's here's here's a good exercise for you go to our slash twitch and just look through any of the first you could sort by new or you could sort by controversial um let me know how long you lost in there because i've tried to give advice before and i would say that you know i've been streaming for a little while now and i'm fairly confident my advice would be good um but if you get a couple of down votes it's almost like people feel like they have to go along with it um so it's kind of self-self-sus self-sustaining at that point um and it's kind of like a a nuclear fission reaction that's gone out of control oh we're running out of mana quick here huh okay it's pretty decent too seven capacity if you ever see this shape wand um definitely check it out same as this one here uh the one that's this one here uh usually very good or at least you know better than the average across the board a pseudo intellectual echo chamber so that's the thing so and and i've noticed actually a very similar sort of i'm right into tick tock now lily don't be ashamed of me um i'm obsessed by the way i've i've witnessed very similar things like one the way that the algorithm works out the twitch sorry the tick tock algorithm is quite uh interesting it very quickly works out what type of content you're interested in and and it shows you more of that and it just works really well um but i've noticed sort of the same sort of thing there's uh you know there's i guess there's toxic communities everywhere where the f what okay anyone go that way anyway surprise uku indeed jeez like that uko was hiding behind the tank now i don't want to you know spoil it for anyone that had this illusion that you know he see tank drivers were um you know not the smartest of people but i would have moved had i've seen an uku there not only is it a prime target literally made of electricity hey real shoe how are you doing peekaboo i have any explosives here i actually do now most normal people actually don't say anything got it and it's usually the dissenting voices that speak the loudest right you got three chainsaws in the first holy mountain that's dope oh that's really cool foxhound well i'm glad uh i'm glad youtube likes me now you so here's the thing for the longest time i went through a rebrand i started youtube in 2012. um and my content has changed a lot since then um let me check this out real quick oh that would be quite good 545 can we keep it down or is it 110 max we can do that um right so i had a rebrand uh i started with spelunky content and very early i moved over into doing mobile games ipad reviews whatever um and then when i started twitch i thought i've got a youtube youtube had 30 000 subscribers whatever that would be the best thing to do would be to use that so i went on there i deleted a ton of content um most of it was just crap that i wasn't really proud of and you know ads and and not ads i would come trailers for games and stuff that i'd previously you know been paid to promote or whatever i just left it all up there so i deleted it all i deleted everything that i wasn't really uh really keen on anymore and uh youtube worked out that right this guy just deleted uh 18 million views worth of stuff um there's no there's no reasoning behind the algorithm it just says right this guy's just deleted you know this much content essentially it vanished so that shows up as a negative x number of views on your channel as a result of that uh i wasn't being promoted and i lost all of those you know heavily viewed videos and all the rest um so i switched content came to twitch and i started doing you know taking it seriously about june last year hired an air an editor and we started producing content that i thought was actually pretty good um and i would gain 100 subs i would lose 100 subs and that went on and on and on i was pretty much stagnant just under 30k um and i i was blaming the algorithm i was blaming youtube i was like oh like you know i'm i'm being shadow banned that's a that's a that's one that gets thrown around a lot being shadow banned um no my stuff sucked period i just wasn't uh in a position where i could uh assume responsibility for that so i've learned now that you know the content has to be good um but once you start producing a different type of content and you build an audience it kind of starts to gain momentum and that's where i am now you found me after fury talked about a no hit run oh that's very nice of him we that's that's something i think you'll find in the neutral community especially as well like you know a lot of people get offended i guess if you were to come into their stream and say you know hey guys it's really nice to be here um all right i gotta go i'm gonna start my stream like it's obviously self-promotion and some people hate it like hate hate hate hate it i personally don't care like if you would rather go and watch somebody else's content that's fine i'm not going anywhere i'll see you in five minutes when you get sick of theirs you know what i mean like um i usually wish people well when they get on that journey but most people in the noiter community will we we all big each other up um i know i'm constantly talking about suffer and you found me through dark viper raid that's dope that's dope yeah dark viper is a good guy i like him um i was thinking about playing gta 5 um i think it'll be a fun adventure got to be careful with uh dmca and that too anyway what are we doing that's right we're playing neuter it's a little bit on the slow side but i don't hate it get that on there as well oh i've already got one of them that'd be fun speed up that projectile a little bit a shadow band that made you think of tick-tock that's where i heard the term as well i mean i'd heard it obviously previously but um yeah people love throwing that word around on tick-tock the good thing about tick tock is that there's some people on there that will keep it real like i saw one today and it's like no dude like your content is just bad at the moment you need to change and evolve and you know find out what people like and whatever else oh that's because that's only three we'll get another one on there there we go we go that's not too bad that'll take out steve and anything else that gets in my way so i think we're good there's a crit what else we got hence shot yeah we we're fine what is the purpose of sea of alcohol [Music] um probably for the memes there's like you won't do much damage with it but you can set fire to it after the fact and then go from there drown your sorrows we should we should sing a sea shanty i've heard they're popular oh okay okay all right we're gonna wait for them to come this way i think especially you hey you weren't invited have i considered trying virgil's root beer somebody get virgil on the phone we need a sponsorship stat since red bull won't sponsor me and everything it's fine i've actually like looking at the business side of twitch i've considered you know a couple of options and reaching out to a few people but um what i'd really like to do is get my own line of beard care stuff you'd be cool jones soda i think i've had that is that the bright blue one there was a um liquor store near a workplace that i used to work at and they'd sell like amongst all of their alcoholic beverages a bunch of like imported i mean imported from other states um soft drinks and and stuff like that so i got to try like a whole heap of different very highly sugared beverages pretty dope your brother-in-law makes custom beard and shave products um i mean that's that's essentially what i'm after right like just get a bespoke white label brand or whatever and they're a dime a dozen in la that's why a lot of the um the makeup um youtubers and and instagram people uh they go and if they are gonna get a partnership with someone they put their own name on it okay cool god i once had a job at one of those it was a like an i.t support job i was a subcontractor um they weren't very nice people hey hey i'm out now you you made your bed you line it oh coming anyway what's our health at 144. do we have anything to drop off here no [Music] kanan matt didn't you try to type that command yesterday i don't have that mod installed we want to upgrade we can afford it wasn't watching yesterday oh maybe this day before no no we can do better i'm still not fireproof which kind of upsets me homing why didn't why no mon one's mod i i tried it i tried it when it first came out and it crashed my game several times um plus i'd just rather have that uh vanilla experience you know it's all right you can ask me and i can say yeah look there's one there's another i mean any sort of mod that alters your game in a in a way that you know isn't intended or or circumvents you know a lot of the actual code of the game to run extra stuff i mean it has a chance of um making the game unstable and if you're doing competitive runs then 100 you wouldn't be allowed to use it um but no like it's you can do it on twitch it's not considered cheating it's not an online game but yeah if that's the problem it's so easy to cheat in games like no one would even be able to tell the difference somebody made the decision for me okay cool was it you it was you guys huh just the four of you family outing sure well then let's go kill steve try not to get nuked ourselves we got a good one for steve so i'm not too worried about that come closer my friend kicks don't insta kill anymore that's right they've got a flat rate damage now but still it's fine waiting on you kid are we there yet almost son almost come on that's so creepy [Music] what are you mad for i think one of them kicked me then huh all right we're still going slow i'm going to be careful here damn it you just got jibbed on the last floor with full health my laughter is not at you trust um no i i know that pain i know it all too well now oh fungals uh i actually want to stay away from there we'll go around the side so if we're again we're lucky enough to find a one that is decent we will uh transport it back up to the holy mountain and go from there i wonder if i had a left earlier that wouldn't have even been a decision or or that wouldn't have even been an option like i could have just left and the spiders wouldn't have come up there i have a feeling i still would have though another they're very persistent now i'm not seeing any wands at all here i might just grab the first one i see and make a break for it straight down then see very slow rate of fire on this one so you have to be a little bit more um precise and oh yeah i completely forgot i picked up homing didn't i no ones oh come on no ones okay spell shop oh damage field okay it's good start why is it so freaking dark in here oh that's a very tempting option so i could get friendly steve and not worry about him anymore or alternatively i can get all seeing eye or i can get fire immunity i don't really have much to explode right now or set anything on fire [Music] gb man take it easy man good to see you thanks for uh stopping in tonight while seeing eye seems safer it's a very good perk it does let you see uh in the dark yes i'm not too worried about steve we can take him out really easy um that's exploding what here explosive projectile it's a good addition however we're running with kind of um limited wand capability right now is no good because it's shuffled this is no good because the maximum amount is too low um sorry combination mana recharge speed this is kind of okay but um explosive better than freezing no no no freezing is like it's god tier it's really really good i just wanted to use my explosive immunity with something i think i'll take fire immunity here we're going to take damage fields much does that cost that's 30. i get rid of put that on there get rid of that so what are you up to at the moment 10 35 nothing 37 nothing 47 49 59 89. let's drop that off put this on take that off it's pretty damn good house of kante how are you doing do i want to bring out the black hole yeah okay so let's get rid of that that and that i'm gonna keep a couple of these keep that on that one to bring my black hole out actually let's switch these around a bit that's fine oh the mana is not good on that no this one down here good and then we're gonna put the black hole on this one so worst case scenario and i need to pick up two ones along our journey i can ditch this one in the with the knowledge that we have kept some of those spells behind um and then we can ditch this one for something better we're going to keep the black hole for as long as we can explosive bounce can make spells do 300 damage they've fixed that that was taken out the very next patch afterwards okay yeah we're good the freaking vault man no fire damage so so good i think that was the right choice like yes it sucks not being able to see but i definitely think we made the right choice there 5800 bucks i would i would really like that are we gonna make 5 800 bucks and then remember where the store is did i pick up the health probably not we might have to go back anyway what is that worm pheromone potion okay that can stay there that's fine yeah definitely want to get that health back um my bad on that one i thought i'd picked it up just mcqueen things what i should be doing is not hitting things directly here and we might get additional damage from the damage field maybe that's a healy boy he's not dangerous and i should have dug out anyway because i'm a fool uh because steve's already active is there a way to steal spells yes um you can dig a hole straight down and they eventually lose their funds you can't do the same with ones unfortunately hmm uh there's other ways of doing that too i think tentacles you can still steal with right um i i haven't looked into that mata in forever so i don't exactly know it's slow damage i would really like that damage up so i need four grand the good news is we can get a lot of gold um because we don't fear fire right now geez louise you did yep 22.60 the layout of the game makes you think of oxygen not included i've spoken about that game before oh we got another mother brain here a couple of spells nice was that multicast divide by four yeah see i don't i don't really know how to use those um and what was the other thing reject our transmutation field which is not really useful i think they may have nerfed damage field as well it seems a lot less powerful than it used to be if we're too far down i probably won't return to get the um uh we can be friends no i'm not lightning immune correct correct we cannot be friends uku not today okay back over here we can robocop's tough a lot of health too well 29 about halfway there mining laser directly beneath us gotta watch out for that i don't know man uh acid what's my favorite monster in the game favorite monster frog oh i wonder if i can fit through here probably not damn it it can get through up there though i think all right this could be a good wand although it's stats probably won't overwhelm us oh another one up there as well nice nice nice once everywhere we are in fungal caverns right now that is a spider spawner right there take that out okay so once again fungal caverns ones probably aren't the best that one's surrounded by steel i do have my black holes here though did they patch spell wrapping no it's intended no there's nothing to patch there i think that's working the way it should thirty-one oh i don't want to be here i don't want to be here ah that's a shame 0.9 0.92 recharge time but you have a chainsaw at the beginning so it doesn't i don't think it negates recharge time i think it just reduces it heavily again i could be mistaken about that also pay attention if it's a multi wand like a like see the fourth one we have how it casts five spells if it's something like that it's very difficult to get rapping working because you need to take those five uh spells into consideration yeah these these aren't blowing my hair back at all where's that mining laser going what was that there it is i love the sound these make uh oh another mother brain what i thought this was supposed to be a rare instance hey hello 3500 i don't think i'm going back we're way too far down right now oh another thank god for homing he might still be alive though ah that's it's only for capacity decent one though not bad plus i think i want this reduced recharge time that's really going to help us out naldrick how are you doing today hopefully you're having a lovely afternoon slash morning wherever it is you are is he dead is he dead is he dead he concerns me because he can take us out uh and he's not afraid to do it either same as little ninja guy here god i hate him so much not dead don't know why he's getting heated every time he gets contact damage but it's funny yeah i'm here for it that's that's totally fine 3 900 no let's get out of here hate that level but i do need to make something much much stronger right now 8 a.m in portugal right on dude much more applicable to people just trying to win i can see that i can see the uh the appeal all right let's roll this extra life another extra life oh right i've already got one that's dope two extra lives isn't a bad idea we have homing there's death cross same price we can't afford it oh boy um i need to think because yeah we're not that's way too slow i put that on there though it cost 12 huh okay let's swap um what would a divide by four look like i wonder is it a multicast no it's a modifier 70 monitor cast that ah that we we can't afford that okay uh bruvites hello use it to multiply things that don't do damage what are the white crosses plasma beam very very dangerous we just don't have the wand here meaning i'm still gonna have to find something on the way down or we use this on the final boss that should be enough to take out the final boss i think hans hello welcome les claypool himself hello there like mist of spirits hmm so p with damage fields oh i gotcha i understand right so you make you make more projectiles basically the damage isn't affected because it's added after the fact got it [Music] i'm just gonna have to be really careful here how much health do i have 140 let's roll see what else we can come up with here 32 outside of my price range electricity do we want that i'm explosion moon already i'm fire immune there's not much point really this is sketch man yeah a little bit a little bit uh not happy about this one sich good start nice hmm okay why why why me [Music] okay that was fun it was fun because it didn't happen to me let's get that gold though this is the one thing i don't like about homing is when you're trying to do something precision and your shots are just like no i'm gonna go up here want the gold bro oh is that teleport juice yeah i don't know what that's doing in there i wonder what that's coming from body of something it disappeared so maybe um maybe it was a volatile okay good good good these crystals are real scary the ghost lad blood oh okay what's the current streak at number three it's uh i'm yeah i'm not gonna say anything number three that's all it is all right we have a wand i'm gonna need my black hole to get through there i think so tanky these guys right there's obviously an enemy over to my left your left my right no your left would be my left it's on my right i just got it wrong and tried to correct yeah there's something through there okay please this wand has to be good we're still close enough to home that we can go back and fix it if need be ukrainian how you doing tonight eight capacity yeah i know i left the heart there that was intentional like because i did intend on going back that's how i lost the run a couple of nights back it was the guy that made me invisible and then i just had enemies all over the place and and i was like in this maze of what have we got 3 400. okay yeah let's go back gozer yeah yeah yeah so that's the thing you've gotta if you're able to take out we we affectionately refer to him as steve um because the enemy's name is stevari if you can take him out um safely then uh it's definitely an advise that you do dig your way out especially when you reach an area like the jungle or somewhere like that because um if you're struggling if you if you don't have any good ones and and whatever else um it would be definitely a good idea to run back up to the holy mountain and before it's collapsed if you like was mentioned if you don't go out the normal exit um now that'll make things easier i guess uh a little bit too little too late but whatevs um yeah it's a really good idea to to do that so you can come back up oh you're over there too interesting i'm gonna go out a different way here oop you're still here where did you go i wonder all right retreat we're gonna go back the way we came yeah if you've got a freezing one that's definitely the easiest way to go about doing that um kicking him while frozen doesn't kill him anymore at least not in one hit you need two so be very careful um because if he wakes up in the middle of it he ain't gonna be too happy about it big hits from those guys especially that guy i definitely think uh fire immunity was the best call there although honestly either way would have been good if we got uh or seeing eye or whatever god this place is terrifying did he hit me he did what's that half of my health i'm not so worried about him i'm worried about him after again cool how long does that last oh okay it comes off slowly and we get all of it back as well just kind of nice lava there let's go up then pink stone what's the pink one do earthquake no the pink one's just an explosion if i'm not mistaken [Music] shame hagrax how are you my friend what's going on dude i was secret secretly watching you the other day you were playing uh what do you call it overdrift and you were ranting about the resolution i was gonna message you and say well have you ever thought maybe it's a user issue and i thought nah you're going through it right now not my place i'd be interested to see what is actually going on though because i might be able to give some advice there god i hate this guy he can do so much damage dead [Laughter] yeah i think somebody else came in um and said um like something like did i miss much and you were like ah no i was just ranting um it really sucks if you do want to get in touch with the developer um he's actually hanging out in my discord in the um nova drift channel so you're welcome to come in and tell him your woes he might be able to give you a quick fix or something damn another one zeke good to see you as well hello how you doing oh you did oh right on cool yeah i figured that would be something that you would you would have already thought of you you're quite diligent in your troubleshooting techniques yeah this is a very unusual run it's definitely one we had to fight for even to get this far now we've got the this guy another one of them cool definitely want to take out both the crystal and him asap uh that guy's bad news oh another one sure this is bad this is real bad is that three of them four he did i think he's dead yeah if those guys get you into a corner and start shooting it's it's very very dangerous a lot of damage now that we can work with again too little too late though like it's fine does it count as a strategy that you create so many projectiles the game enters slow motion yes that means you're doing it right please let me leave let's take out steve real quick we'll check this one on sale yo that'll do just fine damn shame plus we know that that doesn't work very well against the boss so whatevs freezing gay gays limited cast that's no good either aiming ark no good i don't even care i think we'll be fine 20 shots with four times freezing gaze you can i'll give it i mean i'll give it a go it's one that i don't often use [Music] [Music] oh i don't like this at all i'm gonna have to fight this guy for real real this dude jumping around all over the place is he not is is he uh immune to homing or what i think we'll be okay god remember the first run of the night where we just shredded more of that please put it up i don't get this ending now what do i have to do kill myself can i stand literally anywhere so i had an extra life and the new since this update the we eventually died from the initial hit but now we regenerate what we got it would still count as a win i think i can just end the game here but i'm not 100 bugs in the new patch and it's this circular uh this circular room here as well you get to keep the gold not quite no um that's interesting there's like a barrier there that's about can we yeah let's see how far we go i could potentially suffocate as well fingers crossed oh there's going to be no lava if everything's turned to gold just suffocate all right i'll stand still ish if i can the trouble is there's nothing to stand on um meaning we're constantly falling which means we're always going to have that little pocket of air hey blue ranger how you doing so what is the work that's that final room right i don't know it's either the final room or let's try eating gold the 200 yes yes hey we too speak of the man himself how are you doing dude at least it gives you credits i have a feeling if we exited the game we still would have recorded a win there
Channel: McQueeb
Views: 14,256
Rating: 4.9410319 out of 5
Keywords: mcqueeb, twitch streamer, twitch, streamer, mcqueeb plays, mcqueeb streamer, mcqueeb stream, mcqueeb twitch, noita challenge run, challenge run, best noita player, mcqueeb noita, noita 1.0, noita, Noita expert, noita gameplay, noita stream, noita playthrough, noita streamer, noita streamers, noita 2020, noita full run, noita complete, noita completed, noita win streak, win streak, win streaks, sequential wins, wins in a row, noita wins in a row, most wins in a row, streak
Id: krcOx-xOswU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 6sec (5706 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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