Who Is #2 in AoE2!? Yo vs MbL!

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to another best of five this best-of-five is in an event which is called who's number two a sponsored and organized by Mads more with a thousand dollars and then I chipped in two hundred fifty dollars to go to the second place player this is second best of five now spoilers but if you were here on Twitch or you saw it on YouTube yo had a fantastic result first tattoo earlier and he's looking to continue that form and Game one is a hon work now yo is here in the red we have MVL in the blue they'll play a hun war and then they'll draft civilizations and pick maps for the rest of the best-of-five later on today for those on Twitch we will have the another best of five and then there will be more best of fives tomorrow and then on Sunday the the final will be a best of nine so maybe if you see some of this on YouTube it'll be before the final you could stop by and see the final on Twitch well map wise MBL is gonna have some big problems because of this hill sometimes i like to call it ECL Arabia hill nothing because look at this massive hill surrounding him and then yo there there's no elevation around him a host map seems significantly safer a backward line here would line to the right would line to the south that's good I love the main Gold position and I think there's an easy wall off for him on the left-hand side so you'll be liking that MBL won't be liking a situation too much unless he secures the front of this hill and if he secures the front of the hill then he could in theory protect all three of his golds and then it could be quite good but if he loses the hill once it would be extremely difficult for him to secure things as the game goes on yeah it's in a crater but the crater can be helpful Hills can help you or hurt you an awful lot MBL has three on woods so most likely he'll open up with scouts inand yo also has three on wood so normally with Scouts that leads to so sorry normally with Huns you'll you'll go Scouts into archers and then you have to adapt from there sometimes opening up these curves is good cow archers is good nights as good talking's as good there's a lot of options with this sieve but I I'm really curious to see how the all the sets go I would slightly give an edge to MBL here but yo is probably in the best form I've seen him in in a long time and I'm talking a year two years maybe I think the last six months yo has been on an absolute tear and he showed earlier versed at oh he's also been in great form who's definitely in the form of his life just how good he is winning three games in a row with different strategies different maps on tattoes home maps well it's people who keep asking questions about max again you have to remember that max as has performed really well in two tournaments recently whereas MBL he's kind of been consistent number two and number three for years same with yo the same with Leary and then tat so I think tatto is the one like you could have made an argument to give max tatto spot now again I didn't organize this or anything but it's it's really tough it's really close there's definitely other players out there who who could arguably be in the top five and arguably compete for number two but seeing as something like this hasn't been done before and the competitive scene is so so old I think that these players all deserve their spot leather than none I can't disagree with you more like I love Nika van for a while a lot of people were saying he's 1v1 like he was top five in 1v1 but knee cough hasn't had a great 1v1 performance in tournaments for quite a while certainly has the skill but I think he tends to tilt and that doesn't help them he came toward it so obviously this whole thing's gonna generate discussion over where players are placed and and things of that nature but for the most part I'd like to just enjoy the games all right let the games do the talking for us MBL two farms building second lumber this is a scout build for him and he's already found yas base sees the barracks going up so this confirms that yo is probably going Scouts of he's building barracks at this time and yo has also found MBL so identical times the Scouts only thing is that MBA will be the feudal slightly later because he's added one more bill yeah Max's recency bias exactly I agree i I don't discount what max has done because max is one of my favorite pro players and he obviously is talented but we're talking very recent whereas with all these other players they've been at their position in the ranking for years right let em VL and yo and Leary are a shoe and I think the only one is like is tat so deserving over max of that fourth spot but it's not to me to decide I'm happy to chip in and and obviously cast the event but also I contributed some with the prize pool and will let the games do the talking MB elves make some spheres now MDL likes to go spear heavy so if yo sees that yo might make a switch into archers sooner rather than later MBI almost needs to get some walls up to protect his base and needs to get Spears out because yo has this is like black forest over here man this is so easy to all up [Music] fat dragon all gave his input on the rankings of players and he didn't put himself in the top five even though he's he's obviously a fantastic player himself yeah so this is all about getting the farms up and making sure you're not exposed and both players playing extremely safe am i crowing with with random spearmen here just all the small things add up I expect MBL to be fine because of how he's playing this right now I know the map isn't ideal but he sees the scouts are on the way oh he gets a hit nice and the rest of his armies here so this wall protect yourself until you're at a point where you can push out comfortably and now he thinks he is so he moves out a little bit early but he figures two Spears here in a speeder here should be more than enough and maybe he could hit yo before yo gets his walls up oh and he runs out finds yo and now yo realizes he either needs more scalps more spears or more walls at home that not the end of the world for him by any means cry as me thank you for 10 months at tier 3 he says here's to a weekend full of Av - I know I can't wait eight hours of casting today if not more eight hours of casting oh that was a bad fight for MBL I can see what he was thinking but he should not have done that eight hours of casting tomorrow and then of course you have Sunday which will be not only the best of 9 final but I might cast some other things as well okay there's the bills on gold and there's the archery range for MBL and here go the bills to gold for yo the thing I noticed about both players positions is that yo has created more Scouts and MBL has and he's created a lot more farms and gone to gold later so MBL should get archers earlier but he might have less food and he'll certainly have less map control for a little while until yo is uh oh okay that was good fight for MBL yeah until yo get some archery ranges out of zone Keitel just typed exclamation mark grid in the chat if you're asking why I don't have grid mod it's because it doesn't look all that good for spectators it is helpful though that's a good mod to get I don't know if if the extra Scouts that yo has created worth it for the fights but what I would expect to see from yo is to scout the map with these things it might not kill much but he'll be aware of when MBL sending units forward and he should be aware where the extra resources are if he keeps he's alive man they're very weak 77 HP out of 5 Scouts mvl has 79 HP that's hilarious two Scouts have more HP than five you don't see that every day yet notice the food count now for yo-yo bill his range is later slightly later but it's cuz he opted for farms first so he'll click up to Castle age faster than MBL now what MBL is done gives him military earlier but his castle time will suffer so he could maybe pressure you a little bit but I like yos build more I think the way yo has played this has given him a little bit more control a little bit more scouting and a faster Castle time here he engages 4 Sea Scouts and MBL has not reacted to this he loses those two Scouts yeah yeah I don't I don't think there's any way that MBL gets in here with these archers yeah we'll use the gate trick to keep them out yeah so just Gate to buy time yo we'll go crossbows into Cal archers and MDL will do the same so in the game that yo played first hat so earlier tatto went for something different this is probably what you see 50 to 60 percent of the time with Hun wars there's always room for variety and is there's so many different things that hunts can pull off but this is normally the normally not the response that the the decision I'm seeing a lot of questions I think people are just now arriving to the stream today welcome guys I'm gonna get to those questions in between games okay I'll make sure to answer all of them yo what a great engagement like getting use out of the scouts dis trading for sea archers I said it was a good engagement to be honest it wasn't bad for MBL does that army it was a dead army walking but we could have just ran back instead yeah I probably should have ran back remember yos bass is just perfect on real building an early university both players will probably do that for ballistics there's MBL's and MBL's forced to stay at home as no scouting he's probably hoping yo arrives to his gold so he can defend there and oh yo is arriving to the gold now whoever gets ballistics faster will be important I think yeah we'll do it I think y'all's gonna get it based on the resources he has si remember yo has already placed a second Town Center yet ballistics is on the way so yo will run away with this army mask AB archers at home yo seems to be playing slightly better it's the small things right and what's the my car gonna be like here yos fighting with less units but he gets ballistics first now he's fighting uphill a little 6 won't matter for either yo we'll lose this crossbows he won't even pay attention to him now he having a few crossbows is nice against Cal vouchers because crossbows have one more range but this is only 7 so I don't think that will pack too much of a punch first these things t90 and hun wards do Scouts and squirms in tonight's Plus Kermes fare better than scouts and archers in to see a few Scouts and squirms in tonight's so the problem with going scouts and archers is way better if you go Scouts and his Kermes and a hunt war all the opponent would do like let's say you went Scouts into scurbs instead of scouts into archers and Bo would just add more Scouts and feudal and take map control because scrims are too vulnerable so we could talk a little bit more about that in a second but yeah that's Scouts and the scrums is good against straight archers but never once someone has a stable it's too risky when someone has a stable and it's too risky to take that gold Leo lost a Vil and this this is what crossbows can do they can hit and run a little bit and Beals getting some value out of these things I like it and also while yo is distracted he's sending his group of CA to the right-hand side to bought himself some time bought himself a little bit of an opportunity will yo react to this he has plenty of time to realize that MBL's here yo he doesn't see it he doesn't see it NBA will get one built what this villes helped micro ballistics there we go yeah I got one Ville kill and this is where MB elk now run away again because he should expect he o to show up kill the second Ville it run to the right and yo chase and then send in another group that's the way MBO has the plate is now MBL did tech into elite skirm with his cab archers fascinating choice man locate yo track him yo has impressed me so much with his Scouts today he did this first tattoo earlier as well MBL is up run back MBL no that's the last thing MB I wanted there [Music] he's waiting for his scurbs to arrive yeah great play from yo 51 villagers verse 53 very close when it comes to that and KD slightly in favor of mr. yo mr. yo runs away this is the problem with the lead scam is that they're too slow cow archers can always run away from the fights now remember I said when someone's making scurbs then night should be the switch so yo will make a few nights now if MBL can micro down the night so this is bad for MBL just just small things Matty's been a little bit sloppy with his unit control I know he's he just moved to university so you might not be fully settled you have to be honest but it always depends if MBL has enough calves archers to kill nights the scrims will kill the CA from yo hey this is a dangerous composition MBL's gone for his poor map certainly hasn't been much of an issue for him because of the amount of pressure oh no but this could be an issue the skirmishers are surrounded yo comes from the other side all NBL could hope for is to get some value out of this his skirmishers are going down yo continues to get more kills now just as i say that this is dangerous for yo and you know reacts by sending the nights over to that group so well played mr. yo and this is the hill that MBL can't lose he needs to hold the hill yo is actually coming forward to build the siege workshop here can MBL survive he just might be able to because he has the thumb ring upgrade and he also has a maganet coming out he might be able to this is very close he kills the night it's Kermes and see a verse Jesse a 66 bills for yo 63 for MDL 90 population for both how close as this and MBL is now adding more archery ranges and to be honest I think that this composition just gets stronger and stronger for MBL and almost weaker for yo if he's making this many nights now I don't think yo can afford the armor upgrade so he'll need to rely mainly on maghen ELLs to trade for scrubs and not nights if MBL has enough cab archers to kill the night so it's kind of hard to explain you'll just have to see how it plays out but MDL I always call him the cockroach of AOE he's very stubborn he knows how to hold on in situations where he behind oh no oh I just complimented you oh god that hurts so much seconds seconds after I said then he was a cockroach this is not very endearing I know I'm sorry so it's it sounds a little bit rude but it's actually a compliment he's so good at surviving and there we go there we go there's the micro I've grown accustomed to seeing but ends up being great microphone yo as well and they trade evenly with the manga Nels 105 population for both I told you these two are close my goodness now Jose Jose army has a lot more HP and it's almost easier to fight as well because he just will be patrolling in hmm man you know what else is cool yos been on three Town Center's producing bills and Beals been on two and MBL has more village well as many villagers because he's had less idle time with his TCS yo has been really focused on all these fights I'm not sure if this is the play for yo to split up his calves archers like this but that that's a lot of nights and he'll he'll definitely go for the armor oh he has the armor yes see when there's this many nights with this much armor this is where I begin to question things but MBL is done two things the left side he's running for raid yos chasing the right side he went in for aid and snipey of ills and it took the Vil lead now at the same time yo is on MBL's would like I love hun Wars hun wars are incredible there's so many moving armies there's so much going on look at this and the hell's over here now this is incredible and and meanwhile we have the main fight on the hill three Magon elves for mr. yo can they focus on all these different areas unbelievable oh no MBL's McEnroe's didn't kill anything could he fire to get two kills though he just weakens them I think this fight will be good for MBL he kills all the Macan ELLs he gets the hill back a hundred and forty pop for him now he's on his way to the imperial age what did I tell you yos been putting so many resources in tonight's that's food and gold that he didn't have for the IMP click MBL's just been holding on so what yo needs here and be all actually broke in with the CAV archers unbelievable what yo needs here is an all-in cast laid she needs more Knights more calves archers more Magon ELLs and he needs to kill MBL before MBL hits him this is a lot of military and I think that this is enough military to take a fight but MBL is massing more and more CA he has the hill and he's also distracting you know still did you see that though did you see the MBL's flight on this hill was successful because of the small raids those two groups gave him time to push forward oh boy that's a lot of nights that's that's a lot of nights yo could all in him yo could kill em yell right now it would be so close and Bo pulls back into the choke point between his ranges these squirming to micro down the CAV archers it's a lot of nights that is a lot of nights there my goodness and now yo whoops to drop a castle on this hill does you have enough villagers coming forward will they be here in time I'm not sure Wow see I think MBL will hold on here I don't think that castle goes up and and yo oh you know what it might still a lot of nights hmm he's almost forced to fight if he wants the castle to go up if he sees MBL's a tip he needs to fight this now and and force the castle down and if he gets the castle up Dave always says down like get the castle down then it's it's not what's happening you want the castle to go home it confuses me too but if he gets us up maybe it gives him some time MBL has killed quite a few bills building this and he's about to complete bracer I don't know if he can like uh he might use his scurbs to make her the bills down hey this is gonna be a doubt castle this rate he's building his own castle on this hill the cows is a 69% nice that castle stock going up and MBL's castle will go up and mdl is gonna get the win but by the the slimmest of margins the slimmest of margins MBL's stay alive in this game it is unreal how close these two players are it's unreal how good MDL is with this style they'll kill the villager MBL there's still one more building it he's on 8 HP not like this 8 HP oh it's a 96% and he dies well you know what it's not over yet it yeah we'll finish the castle yo is spamming a lot of knights and elite scrimps it's not over yet MBL doesn't have room to breathe his goals and stones are on the hill he has to go to the right side for what if yo clamps down on that if yo raids the sides after finishing this castle that could be his way back into this yo needs to rely on a lot of elites Kermes though and if at any moment if at any point MBL is able to counter him it will be problematic but but well but MBL he can't take these farms now yos running into the left he hope there was a raid here the Auriga i was wondering if NB a-- would ever run out to raid there we go this is where MBL begins to unravel yell a little bit but most of MBL's army is at home defending and now his map starting to hurt him now then the the hill is starting to hurt him honestly fantastic defense from MBL and fantastic push from yo like both these players are so good wouldn't surprise me if on Sunday after the final we see one of these two is the quote-unquote number two because I think I think these two are in the best shape right now and believe it or not I don't know if this is even possible for a player that that most people have as their number two or number three or number four it's be underrated but I think MBL's underrated I think we take MBL for granted because he plays all the time that's what I think he plays all the time so we forget how godly he is until he like steps into a game like this but the same could be said for yo same could be said for a lot of players and yo Snipes one trebuchet sadly for him he will not save his castle though that castle will likely drop well MBL needs a text switch but he doesn't have the eco setup vertex which he needs a text switch into light keV if he goes Cal vouchers like keV he destroys his Kermes looking yo Lukey yo hitting MBL's what MBL's map is atrocious he probably has 15 working farmers yo still repairing this this castle 2 to buy himself time I imagine this is an unreal hold for mr. yo guys and he's booming behind all of this and he might even click to him I thought you was dead I thought yo was dead now I kind of feel like MBL could be dead like he can't track no way yo why's the cow Borchers realizing MBL's running away and he sees the TC if he stops there that's huge if he stops there that is huge finally loses the castle MBL's eco is just a wreck he only has 80 bills now I feel bad for him because his map was awful but yo played the map and you have to play the map MBO almost gave up map control with his strategy om BL garrison garrison your villagers man it's a slaughter Oh God it's a slaughter well he is about a minute to sorta seco problems out before yoga temp upgrades a minute yo I assume he's going with calves archers and squirms and while everything but yeah calves archers is his choice there's a couple small things at MBL's failing to do he could have killed these villagers he didn't expect he o to be there could have saved a few villagers here and a few villagers here he didn't expect you to be there what a game this is now yells on the back foot but he'll have a strong push back here in a moment I love hun wars this is why I like hun wars how many plans one B ones do we see with high-level players where someone gets to a certain position ends odds game over but hun Wars there's always ways back there's different units of text which into HUD wars are fantastic MBL will realize he's behind but who realized that he has a chance now thank god he's been able to take this gold that's the one mistake from from yo is that he allowed him there yo has plenty of squirms they'll have imp upgrades so what one BL do and B all attacking the light yeah something he could have won the game with earlier but you didn't have the eco for it yeah MBL this is this is rusty by his standards to patrol into castles like that but still he's in the game MBL yeah it's his unit control has failed him a few times I think he moved like two days ago so like I don't want to make excuses for players but we see that and we know that MBL normally doesn't throw units away like that might be something to do with that or or just he's not warmed up yet old nice quick walls he knows how to quick ball that's important too because yo wants to draw MBL's military into this back corner and MBL's walled that off completely now but yo is castling the hill where MBL has that gold he's pressuring this gold where AM BL is currently and he'll probably TREB that TC down and try and kill everything there Ayoo has so much of the map I just heard the monastery so he'll be getting relics and it looks like Miss Rios game after an all in castle age Bush almost failed and get it did just enough it did just enough ego damage to MBL but MBL's looking to raid here and yo doesn't have too much to do with the Lightcap we will put who will have a plate parting Armour and if MBL has the food for it he might be able to kill the scurbs and then take care of this trebuchet but the way this game is unfolding it's like yo was calling the shots and MBL's responding yo the the pace of the game it's all based on what yo does angio should have a relic control rate he's getting his second relic here in a sec we'll get it second in sec but you know what MBL is about to get his hill back he's about to get his hill back at yo is going for elite Tarkin which would be an insane tech for you to go with an insane switch but if MDL gets gold of MPL maybe gets how I don't know if he has two eco for switching into much but oh you know what MDL see the Tarkin he'll see the Tarkin he should see its elite and he should know that's huge the fact that he sees that gives him a chance to add barracks wow these stables had so many light calves that's enough like have to take this fight for sure MDL is not going away quietly what a ridiculous game this is but if yo adds Tarkan's Tarkan's they'll destroy the scurbs and there they're pretty strong reverse light cab as well so Tarkan's are the answer now so we've seen we've seen spears we've seen Scouts we've seen scurbs we've seen archers we've seen crossbow we've seen cattle archers we've seen Tarkan's knights trebs ramps monks hun wars give you everything this is why hun wars are amazing and both of these players are amazing MBL has the population lead at the moment don't ask me how but he does and I'll snipe that trebuchet Snipes and villagers here and now he's castling the hill this is unreal this is an unreal gay man I love how MBL just like it he didn't Castle Age is beginning to raid with a small amount of units I love how much value in time he got out of these stables as well he always been so distracted me yo has a hundred and fifty two villagers so he's struggling for military numbers now a lot of his eco is moving around and not collecting resources but the reason he can afford a lead Tarkin is because of the ego now what's crazy is yo collected these two relics MBL can just steal them from him because the monastery is there on the hill so truly an incredible game that yo needs to kill these stables they look at the raids and BLS going for yo needs to stop that there's no reason that yo should be chasing this many like CAV arounds so a castle on the right a castle on the centre on this hill pretty well secured I think until kill the stables and he has elite Tarkin so say goodbye to well everything you have in the area MBL that trebuchet will die honestly everything that MBL's making currently dies to lead talk to everything every single thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now MBL's on the way back with with calf orchards and light calves now calves Archer has six plus four damage so ten damaged the Tarkan has eight pure summers so each calves archers doing two damaged versa 170 HP unit that's why it takes a while to kill these days it's crazy [Music] it really need helps you need pointy boys or enough calves archers to OMB all quikwall click Walt don't let him back there click wall oh what a play now there's there's still Tallis eight walls here any gate this or something gates Stonewall nice play nice play that's huge because he's slotted as farming you go back here now it's just safe little corner oh my god and you went for petard stew yo whence in there man he even made of he's making Fateh arts o to believe MVL spotted well I think yo was back on top now his military seems to be stronger but and yield does have more units and BL can take those relics possibly I think he's about to TREB that down we'll see how long that Trev survives what yo is making is extremely costly but he has the gold for it and he has the food Ford with a hundred and fifty villagers and now he's getting seed dream as well well seed Ram seizure will be useful from this side I think oh yeah that's what he's doing Ram from this side the right side not so much right now look at this yo saw the TREB and immediately Snipes it with the Tarkin but he does lose the relics I just don't think NBL could take the relics I don't think he's able to MBL's not a player who's gonna resign early but I I do feel as though he is behind he's lacking so many resources but he has so much more military and that's what's keeping him alive right now he's so many units he just has the wrong units yep and here's the RAM on the right so RAM with Betar does it mean the Tarkan's could go in if the Tarkan's go in here I think it's game MBL can't lose this many farmers the RAM even opened the gate goes through yeah this is bad news this is bad news incredible stuff man incredible stuff yo should just fight this now he really needs to fight and as he fights in this back corner it becomes so easy for him to fight elsewhere so he now he now raged to the center gold I'm sure he'll think about taking this castle down he's taking the relics how much can one man do really it's it's mind-blowing but it's mind-blowing that how MBL is not dead yet he'll be all still alive somehow how MBL is trying to raid mr. Yeo it's just mr. jose base is secured on the right hand side he has castles he's safe he has the extra golds he has some relics his strategy is just to over boom and save resources it's perfect late-game because a single raid to GG's MBL right now they a raid that goes on untouched or unresponded to GG's MBL but if yo loses 20 bills to raid these hustlers kill bills it was fine because he's floating resources that it doesn't matter to him much that he has less resources and I think I mix-up huh Tsar's and Tarkin suits could be more than enough to finish this off it seems like we're getting close is anyone else like slightly dizzy does this make you slightly dizzy how good these pro players are on real man unreal this best-of-five is going to be hype man I don't I don't get dizzy because I'm used to that high farm APM but imagine if you're new to the game or new to the stream you might get a bit dizzy well MBL's hit that point where he's at the limit for resources he's not producing a lot you could see at the top left he's producing some awesome so have you built a tower here every little bit he could do to be annoying MBL can't take his gold comfortably he's trying he's trying to produce bills out of one TC meanwhile yo look look at this control man love it the only thing is missing is a castle on the left so I think me a castle on the hill and it's over so maybe just kill MBL's castle and then castle the hill and win the game but um yeah insane play he has three relics now by the way the other ones near MBL's base he might have another one in his monks hands I'm not sure that is something that MBL struggles with I feel like he he doesn't get relics early enough whereas yo is was getting them nice and early today yep they both fight huh stars and Tarkan's verse huh stars in a sprinkle of cab archers and what does yo do oh he sees the trips oh he's gonna snipe the trips boom kills one can he kill the other one yep he will and this is probably this has got to be where the gg comes in Shirley and MBL doesn't resign early we know that he is the cockroach but this game's over yells gonna take the first one in this best-of-five of water performance men what a ridiculous performance I felt like MBL had done it when he hit him I felt like he had done it he got to brace her faster but yo took not full map control but most the map control and rated MBL's economy bought himself so much time bought himself position unreal yep impressive k ds but when you when you see your pops at 130 and you don't have relics that's a sign that you should reside but look at vo palisade walled a seed ran out though yeah it's palisade Wallace seed rim he's trying because against other players and on different days MBL could come back in these situations but he's probably probably is impressed with mr. yellow himself he'll probably can't believe that that faster imp didn't do it for him this castle sits here on 238 HP and BL calls the gg what a performance from mr. Y oh my goodness cheese man that game was that game was what Hun wars are all about spearmen scouts archers crossbows elite skirm CAV archers Tarkan's Knights all sorry like virtually everything that Huns would go with except for maybe the halibut here we saw in that game because in a profitable casino the house always wins but hands have no houses huh ducks thank you for the bits Wow all right so that's just game one in this best-of-five can we please boo ducks the savior for that joke here's the look at the achievements 661 units killed for yo look at the resource difference yo had more food more wood more stone and more gold with that map control he bought himself with the all in Castle age push incredible what they'll do next is they'll both pick two maps from the map pool which I can read off for you and then they'll do a quick sieve draft all of this is going to be on YouTube so hi YouTube stick around if you want to see what the stream is like I'm so dumb that when yo said HM question mark I thought he was saying hmm like hmm like asking like what but no he meant poem map MBL picked Mongolia as one of his home Maps yo pics Islands is one of his home Maps MBL pics cross and Snell yo will get one pic hey man long time no see I've been out for a couple of months do you have any news for aged Tudor and yo goes Scandinavia so the way this works is since MBL lost the first game and I need to reflect that on the scoreboard yes since MBL lost the first game we'll go to one of his home maps next and now they do a sieve draft so there will be one global band and forces picked for each but don't go anywhere these games are only gonna get better ah Caesar thank you very much for the 11 months man welcome back 11 months of support and he wants to know about de - so I know things but I can't speak on them Caesar so I could just leave it at that I I don't think there's been any big public announcements regarding Age of Empires 2 definitive edition the release date is still fall of this year and I guess the other thing is I would pay attention to their age of empires Twitter because they do talk about it a bit but I think there's a campaign weekend coming out for people who have the beta they could participate in the campaigns but yeah it's funny cuz people say what and they try and guess things some people guest spot on and some people guess way off I can't say which is which but anyways I wish I could give you more info but things be coming out soon I'm sure or gin thank you for eight months thank you rise entry for the new sub hey so here's the draft global ban was Mayans and Japanese Vikings Indians for yo MDL has s sticks and Mongols Leary will play later today Don let's see do I have the calendar here let's wait for the draft I can show you the schedule for the matches Leary will play tato in two hours and then tomorrow we will have some more best of five so three best of fives today this is number two and then three best of fives tomorrow and then a grand final on Sunday which is the best of nine well MBL's picked some solid saves here but so has yo I have a feeling we might see yo use incas when MBL wants to get to conquistadors all right and NBL goes for hunts which is is doable this is allowed game one was just a set Hans work what's the worst matchup on a normal map like what SIVs destroys another sieve totally mean Aztecs vs. Vietnamese I'd say that's the first one that comes to mind but there's quite a few of them other I shouldn't say quite a few there's there's a few of them all right and Malians so Malians Incas Indians Vikings for yo Aztecs Mongols Spanish and Huns for MBL and we will go to MBL's home map now he just hasn't said which one but it'll be either cross or I imagine he choose Huns or Mongolia where I mean you could go Mongols on Mongolia and make it accurate but I doubt he will pro's never do I think he might go over Spanish instead nearly everyone verse Vietnamese it's true it's true Turks are as Britain's favor Britain's a bit that's true Clem that's gets a good point I mean it always depends right the best way to answer that question is it depends because if you think post in Britain's can struggle if turks have some appcontroller can go see trim exceed Ram HUS our rating can kill Britain's pretty easily so there's really no stage and Aztecs Vietnamese magic where Vietnamese have elite in my opinion you sup Roxy thanks for hanging around today oh that's true we have we have some newer civilizations verse of all their sips here we have Vikings Aztecs Mongol Spanish Huns all older classic civilizations and we have Malians Incas and Indians which are quote unquote newer new for an old game right you c9d can you shut up for a minute you're talking so much it's giving me a headache well one of my mods is just timed you out so you could just mute the stream you know I'm not gonna shut up it's kind of my job to talk so hey maybe he's new to technology okay maybe he's new to technology maybe he thinks this is a conversation oh shoot he's in the room next to me sorry Frank sorry I didn't realize he was just standing right there he should have just told me out loud man you didn't have to type it in chat love you dad stop talking holy I waltz man thank you for the two months sport are you guys ready I predicted MBL would win this set but I predicted it would go to five games and yo won the first game now has to be said if it was all Arabia then I'd give the advantage to MBL but MBL can struggle on some non arabia maps I think that is his weakness yo has been insane lately you're talking gives me a boner keep it up that's funny I keep it up and you keep it up you know what I'm saying ha sorry that was bad all right game number two let's go all right welcome everyone oh god are we gonna see a bill rush all right welcome everyone to Mongolia and it is a mezzo war so MBL lost the first game hold up hold up hold up hold up I need to switch the colors ah this is this is all because of um BL this is what you get for choosing green ruining the broadcast here MBL's in the blue he's playing as the Aztecs and yo is playing as Incas so mezzo war on Mongolia now what's funny about this is normally Mongolia is very cliffy but all the cliffs are elsewhere on the map check this out Hey normally the cliff edge is between the players but there's no cliff edge between the players it's like a maze out here my goodness well to be honest it makes the game a little bit more bearable because they're playing on a standard version of Mongolia the tournament versions are more open thank god the standard version of Mongolia is not a problem because I think while it is Walla bull for both players on the front it's it's not as bad as it could have been at the cliffs were around their TCS now I look at the maps and I do think MBL's base is better because the Gold's for yo are very far forward all three goals in the same part of the map against Aztecs is gonna be a real struggle so maybe he'll go forward we've seen in Cavill rush and tal rush a lot recently and then MBL stone is forward so that could be a concern for him now in this show match al aiming is not allowed by the way in dark gauge so typically you'd see mezzo players run forward and take a risk and start stealing pigs but the organizer of the show match Maz Mora or Nelson I proposed the idea to do but I know a no lame policy in Dark Age and I kind of like the idea because lame well it is skill it's it's very rng based and there's a lot of luck involved with that as well so all players will have their boars all players will have their sheep so I think that will have less games where someone falls apart in dark age because of losing two sheep and a boar which is pretty nice to see he asked me Roxie just said go MBL and then go mister yo you know you can't root for more than one player come on now fair-weather fan Roxie um so so I keep calling him Nelson his user name is Maz Mora he's he he's the one who put up a thousand dollars for this I I forget where he's from someone's got to know on that shad he's been around the community a long time he's European but I want to say he's from uh you know what I'm not gonna guess cuz I'll probably get it wrong I forget where he's from I mean he might not I guess he's not here to tell is he German he's from Portugal living in Germany ah okay see that's why I was confused cuz I didn't think it was Germany I was going to say Belgium but that would have been off cool well we don't have many Germans here this isn't that right no Germans at all and be able to push in his second tier for some food heyyo has arrived to scout them out nice and early so the thing about yos map is if MBL doesn't scout it MBL can't take advantage of it you can't have use it so uh yells pushed in dere and that's great for a Zico it's not great to not have scouting Intel oh yo we'll go for the truck why does he have a sheep here by the way I guess NBL can't steal it oh yes going for the tower rush strategy isn't he oh wait Hope MBO spotted the bills and MBL's making militia at home we see that thanks to capture age um while the militia are being created we'll just follow MBL's eagle as he follows the bills he sees the house yeah he knows these bills are coming forward he knows it there would be no surprise this has happened a lot in recent weeks and if that's the case MBL might need to take a fight with villagers early yos going to stone okay where are the rest of the bills for mr. Yeo normally you send seven or eight bills for build a blacksmith get armor and fight months it feels like two years oh wait what do you see this okay these bills are going forward gotcha all right so maybe he wants to tower the gold but he can and Beals walls I mean I'm sure MBL's confused as well I'm BL looking for the bills he definitely hesitated he was chilling out here for a little while okay now he sees the bills building a blacksmith and that the Eagles very weak and no bales on the blacksmith there now that's important because if he doesn't have the blacksmith up soon with the armor the bills can't fight this comfortably what on earth is MBL is just rushing he's just full Wald's rush collecting deer he's rush FCE against the tower rush so if he's doing that the first tower is going to go up shortly mean the problem here is Joe's best strategy is taking the map its towers and what MBL's strategy does is it invites him to do that so I'm not a huge fan for that reason so yo recognizing the MBL is still in dark gauge is going for forging now yeah so so Hank just said do you go for attack or armor in this case so I think you go for the attack because you want to kill the the houses faster but then the logic then becomes NBL could easily wall behind this so maybe you needed armor you know it's kind of tough like the other thing is armor is a better few defensive at home so let me put it to you this way Hank I've seen this build a lot of times I've probably seen it 20 to 30 times now from all different levels and almost every time the person goes for attack first it ends up not working out because the defensive player can kill them with her own towers so that you can make an argument for going for the attack so we could break through the house faster but he ends up being walled out anyway and MBL ends up being fine so I guess there's no correct answer to that but I would say always opt for the armor first oh god dead that villager is dead and MBL see I hate it I hate how he tried this strategy for zing cos he can't draw chef C off this he won't have the eco to go up to Castle H and now there's a bunch of inca towers on his face so he's defending some of his resources but he's lost his massive Hill here a great decision from Yoda just stop pussyfooting around and go for stone walls to set a Palisades to protect that stone that's that's a good decision so do you get what I mean chat oh man it's like another sieve it would be a nightmare against his Mongols to try and go fast castle against Mongols is silly because they get to you so quickly they apply pressure so quickly so I think the best thing you do because Aztecs have a better in fuel age and Aztecs are slightly better than Incas when it like comes to anything but towers so I think the right thing to do would have been to go for men-at-arms and try and fight it which is what I initially had expected but we'll see we'll see the only thing y'all can't take right now is his golds and their forward so if MBL realizes the Gold's are there and denies them that could be very good ie sees these two golds and he's running around with demanded arms he doesn't see the other one but Emil can still take all of his resources right it just never makes me feel good when players do this now if you were here earlier in the day it was yo over Sam BL and sorry not y over Sam BL was y over stato it was game one and it was a hun war and tat so did pretty much the same thing that MBL been in the HUD war he went for the drush into FC attempt then he got forwarded and while tatse was able to defend because he could take off his resources yo held certain areas throughout the game and had so much more map control and vision that yo is extremely good at that so there's risk of this happening again as yo begins to get these towers up and can beautiful defense from mr. yo against the man-at-arms MV l can't find an opening to do damage these trees probably cannot be palisaded because it's part of the forest I know it looks like it might not be the case but yep so he goes for Seng and BL the tower got a tower up here on the gold [Music] actually it was about to get house watch this Inca house going down boom say goodbye to ten population space that's really funny actually how he just built a new one it's a it's a good thing that your houses give you ten population space at the start but if you lose them then you get and I hurt you twice as much [Music] all right yeah I was just gonna sour this gold see MBL doesn't have the stone to build towers where he needs to oh you--oh wants to trap him it was very tempted to trap him he could gate here and he could get here and trap the army in but it's a lot of clicking to do it's a lot of work what is happening right now Hills builder I'm getting out of here now does he have access to stone no he doesn't have access to stone now oh my god he doesn't have access to stone he needs to build a market to buy a stone for anymore towers at least he found a gold over here that's nice just mind that for now oh my god yo is such an intelligent player he is stonewalled MBL's army and to have this scouting at this point of the game to realize that he could build two quick walls like that is amazing not a fan guys not a fan not a fan of giving up map control verse mister yo especially because he plays the map so I'll look at what he can see he even sees this gold he sees everything and also not a fan of giving a map control verse incus however MBL is on the way to castle age he's getting scale mail armor so he'll probably make Eagles and he has quite a few of them so for yo it's a matter of defending still and it's a matter of holding on keeping these towers up getting to Castle age as well to fend off the evil attack so he most likely would need to rely on walls and if he stone walls his base he's fine I don't think he'll accomplish that though because that's a lot of stone long to do and this is very late decision to do it this is MBL's point of view he expects this to be open he's a minute away from castle age why are the random buildings with snow um it's because I have the no snow mod on so if that is true actually yeah is it really cold here why does this tower have snow on it that's funny I didn't realize that but yeah anyways so I'd the no snow model you could see the trees have some snow as well why doesn't MBL attack the tower so he can get a stone he can he could attack this tower he attacks this tower it this tower shoots him if he takes this Tower this tower shoots him same with all of these now yo really needs to panic with these walls now Oh and MBL yo guys we might see a siege tower with my cheese each tower MBL's building an outpost he'll see the stone walls he might then make a CH workshop and siege tower Eagles over the walls yo still has a hole here which bothers me I I don't know if he's had a massive brain fart or what the NB a-- would win the game if he sent his eagles through the stone wall i think the game would be won also i think there's a hole here too it's a lot of walling to accomplish I guess he's building another tower here I mean yo hello oh my god there was a hole there oh no no oh God that's game that's game over hey yo just calls the GG man I was pumping him up so much I was complimenting him like crazy I was saying so many good things about him and then three holes in his wall now to be honest with you guys even if he gets his stone walls up and B also has a pretty big lead and BL would probably siege Tower and get his Eagles over there's no stopping that not to mention that he also had the siege at home and was killing a few of these towers here so I think MBL while I didn't like his style he played very macro base very defensive base and was able to get the counter-attack in to win the game in Castle age that's the power of the Aztec eco right there he is he was able to get the food faster because of the Aztec farming and then also he had the safe gold for a while I say for a while because he was used truly out of gold at this point he couldn't take any of its gold which is why I thought that yo had an opportunity but the score is one to one and we'll go back now we'll look at the achievements and and see where things are I would expect that MBO has a lot more food that's the first game that Yoos lost today create a two earlier and their best in five but that's good for MBL because he was so close in Game one need a job because NBA always brings home the bacon you're right mvl can't bring home the bacon for his life with his tournament while tournament admins are ruining MBL's relationship that his life my goodness well this says it all right 17 largest army MBO had actual military instead of towers look at the food differ long time no what up T 90 5,700 food collected for MBL more wood Mr Gold his eco was just better his eco is better despite losing those resources all right so I'll pull up the sieve draft this is what it looks like yo just you chose Incas and BL when Aztecs we have Malians Indians and Vikings remaining for yo Mongols Spanish and Huns remaining for MDL I think Jo's maps islands and Scandinavia I think he would go Vikings for islands and I believe Vikings will be the map next so decisions for MBL now he has cross remaining as a map maybe he uses Mongols for islands and tries to get feudal quickly we'll see his MBL married know he's single those just a joke from ducks ducks thanks for the bits today man time to finally catch up with all the resub sand subs sell you amazing people out there Thank You Nathan Adler for the new sub man welcome in ransom thank you for the three months Elte crackers thank you for the six months in hopefully when it feels like two years it's a good thing you know when you're in class and there's only 30 minutes remaining and it feels like a whole day I hope it's not one of those situations with your resub but thank you a snowbear gifted to sup to force thank you for gifting one sub to the stream Thank You rivers for the new sub stick hander age iron Watson Asha thank you all for coming back to the community now it's a good thing all right sweet long time to ocean what up to 90 I was tempted to play ocean man real quick but since this is all going to YouTube I could see that giving me copyright problems you so who's new here today chat 1,800 people here there's at least one person who's probably new it never fails I'll uh I love it when people who are genuinely new or like oh he's asking about me I'm kind of new and then all my subs were like woosh just a wave of hi I'm new that's amazing well to the people who are actually new welcome to the people who are coming back for the second third to three hundredth time thanks for hanging out you I discovered you last night on YouTube nice well my YouTube content has been been slacking recently I just kind of had been off couple days and it didn't feel like doing anything to be honest so sorry about that sometimes I can get really down on myself for dumb things like my my youtube channel is averaging five I think it was six thousand actually subs a month and it dropped down to four thousand subs a month and I got bummed about it and the logic for me was just to avoid YouTube for a few days because I was like so annoyed with myself and stressed like sure that that makes a lot of sense just stop working hard on YouTube when you're upset that the one wasn't upset when you see that the direction is going at somewhere you don't like like it's such a ridiculous thing for me to be upset about it to only average three or four thousand subs on YouTube but the truth is I just get stressed sometimes because I'm working so much and sometimes I just need to disconnect that's all alright so I wasn't expecting MBL to choose Hannes here I'm very surprised because he has crosses one of his home Maps I also need to change the colors again my bed make sure MBL is no we want MBL in the blue there we go perfect sorry I'll have to do that ever game because I started out the colors I like MBL and blue it makes more sense yo and normally have red anyways MB l2 is hunts and yo is gone for Vikings this is a classic matchup on a classic map Islands normally on Islands it's all about winning water and then you win the game abusing the fish and eating the salmon but yo one verse tato with a landing and when tato was Vikings at the time so maybe MBL will use the flexibility of the huns to go for some landing shenanigans scores one to one I will be repeating some stuff because people were coming in all the time we're skipping ahead in videos but this is a three day event and this is day number one there's three best of five today this is the second one the next one will be in an hour-and-a-half so probably after this one ends and it will be between Leary and tatse which would be pretty sweet and then tomorrow we'll have three more best of fives and after that depending on the standings there will be a two finalists who will play on Sunday in a festive night so I I wonder I wonder what the strategy is gonna be here for you because for MBL it's most likely going to be fire galleys and demos into a galley transition that is not an option that yo has yo does not have fire galleys and that's actually what what took vikings back as the undisputed number one water Civ - maybe just a top five or top ten civilization on water the lack of fire galleys hurts them in the early stages and my goodness that scares me every time but nice trick there mister yo so I think yo has one of two options he could either go straight galleys in feudal which is the risky play or he could go fast castle in two long boats which is also similarly risky we'll have to see but right now it's Dark Age so they're pushing in there dear executing on their builders now there's two center islands here so if the game goes really late castling these docking these fortifying those islands will be very important t90 I'm always watching on YouTube content don't slack on it please because your videos are really good well thank you yeah I it's not like YouTube in particular obviously I didn't stream the last four days I I can just get overwhelmed sometimes with things like in company like real life stuff in combination with the content I'm trying to put out that's all so it happens I just needed a few days t90 I don't understand why this tournament I don't understand this tournament why is Lee replaying only once because he'll play tomorrow that's why there's three sets of games tomorrow so Lee replays once today he plays twice tomorrow tatse plays twice today he plays once tomorrow you plays twice a day he plays once tomorrow and then MBL plays once a day and plays twice tomorrow something like that there's a cool website if you're ever wondering what's currently scheduled for Age of Empires tourneys and what not it's a Wii to calendar com so I'd recommend checking that out ad to calendar com also shows what time it is in your time zone and it's not always accurately it doesn't say that I'm streaming it for whatever reason but I am streaming it so always pay attention to my stream schedule of course but it at least gives you the times and what's confirmed for tomorrow so mb l will hit futile thirst and assuming he's doing what we all expect than he is because he's going to gold wait is he going to gold go to gold there we go he's going to gold he's on wood he'll build the second dock and he'll be going for fire galleys yo was on the way to fuel age he's later than MBL but he's on his way and yo we'll be doing the same except he can only go galleys so this is risky this is why Vikings can struggle but then again Viking docks are cheaper Vikings are still a solid water civis game goes on but they struggle for his fliers balloon it's a transport ship shh shh don't say anything can we just talk about the fact that one simple balance change changed the water meta and that one simple balance change was allowing transports be created in Dark Age MBL fel it's a transport just passing yo spotted it Oh No Oh yo he spotted it now yo does not have looms so he can't wall this up and no oh it's gonna be a doink no it's not gonna be a doing I lied we oh yo does have loom now what am i smoking huh uh Angela well it's forced yo into very early tower I think MBL should just give up on her honestly she's not worth it she's not worth it just move on all right move move on sorry I make really weird noises sometimes I've realized this recently when there's a rough situation in the game I start making very awkward noises my apologies you know what MBO that scout wanted to break up with her anyway so that's just a great way to get rid of her without the baggage yes she's dead well that's how you handle your relationships MBL style but yeah MBL is forcing us fish away one thing I didn't have time to talk about is because of the center islands there's not as many deep fish around in the center area MBL has deep fish yo would need to move to the right to have deep fish and he's now run so the distraction might have actually been worth it there because after all of that MBO has still has a scout here oh and he can steal the Sheep now because it's in fuel age the rule is you can't steal in in dark age he'll eventually lose the Scout because yo will probably chase him down but yo has spent a lot of time walling and MBL is now chasing down the OU fish yo will either need to dock on the back side or his fish will not be like functioning at all which is a huge huge problem now I would love to see MBL use this scalp to do some good oh nice move from you to realize what what MBL is up to there but I'd love to see MBL snipe a week Phil there's this guy right here it takes two hits to kill him and I thought there was another one it's probably the same dude and he just got healed up hmm well the sneak didn't do too much for us sadly but interesting MBL hasn't over committed to water or anything oh and yo has a demo ad it's not the best demo ever yo will lose his Scout after killing MBL's skills at least that threat is gone I love trees and t90 demon hater thank you for the 10 months man sometimes the sub messages catch me off guard just a random message I love trees and humility thanks man you know one thing that's interesting MBL is making plenty of farms which is uncommon for for islands with most civilizations so that tells me he's not going to fish boom he's gonna focus on land Eco don't really agree with that I think starting off with a fish boom and then going into farms later is fine but then again he didn't invest as much into water as I would have expected with only two docks so maybe he felt like he wouldn't be able to protect his fish the second dude is on wood you mean the weak ville now I don't think so yo wouldn't send him out there the second guy is under there he just when he got garrison in the TC he healed up a little bit they heal up slowly but they do heal so I don't know about you guys but this doesn't seem very good for mr. yo man quick enough you agree with that statement or what but you can see the struggle that Vikings can have on water mean MBL spent 125 wood on a transport ship tossed away a villager just because he didn't want to deal with her crap anymore and still yo hasn't been able to take an advantage he hasn't been able to deal with this many fires so the sad reality for mr. EO is he's not leading in a single category he's not leading an eco he's not leading in military his fish are working back here that's a good thing but MBL's smooth sailing to castle age and he has two more villagers so first i'm one bill didn't work this time he'll go for just her two bills and that's really bad timing though on the transport because yo should be able to see the transport because the dock you should wait it but I think MBL will probably just either spam Knights or calves archers or any of the strong options that hunts have right into yo Zeke oh yeah it's a couple that's a couple they really care about each other MBL lost the first game it was over an hour it was a sick game if you missed it all the games have been really good but now with bloodlines forging all these upgrades on the way he was about to find out the hard way that there's buildings here now we can wall this up but MBL can easily transport knights around the walls that's the problem if MBL has water control he's going to have land success as well and oh I love it when players do this I love it when they make Scouts before the Knights it's just to get a few units out to stop walls check this out MBL there we go uh-oh you're so lucky the scouts could still run around this way house walls stone walls okay the units are walled out but MBL would just make us each workshop and he'll transport around yeah this is so bad for mr. yo oh no the dude just opened up the gate anyway he died in the gate what a way to die it wasn't the knight that killed him it was the gate and paling him ouch yes the scouts did make it through there somehow yo can only defend with spearmen can he hold on this is a lot of Knights roaming around I think there's a hole there and there's definitely a hole they're going right right to the left of the stone wall peace I think there's a hole I love how MBL has the fire galleys here he's in a great job with the transport the Macan else now outs can yo hold on Meo killed his own night but repairs the mag Annelle everywhere you look you know surrounded yo is surrounded man but uh you know he's switching into pikemen so maybe this is where MBL will make some gap archers i think a few cab archers would be a great idea for him can he save these Knights though sent over a few new map few new Knights words are hard feels over man it feels over but remember Viking eco is pretty strong big problem for yo is his resources are all to the right hand side and this is something that MBL scouted with that transport earlier that's how he knew to transport here interesting way of looking at it so MBL loses his one mag Annelle he loses his second mag Annelle I will end up killing us and importantly saves his villagers yeah that's Calvin changed so much I would just make well first off MBL's on Tootie she's at home so his land eCos is stronger he has more bills but eventually making calves archers would be the best play for Viking art not for vikings for hunts yeah i saw you as making long boats so sniping the fish would be the way to go but he's really struggling for gold right now he can't safely collect that gold and you know what I think his towers about to die if there's two maghen else for MBL it was to maghen else for MBL beautiful attack round it could kill the tower he was not even making a single one of his own oh now he is okay this full thank you this is a game hasn't been this over since I was a little girl who couldn't count to 20 thank you dis bolts I'll come back yeah say goodbye to your tower and if MBL oh god MBL just needs good micro verse the Mac and all that he was about to create and if he does that I think it's definitely over look at the eco man MB also sees the longboats and he's he's toying around with him oh nice micro mystery Oh see this is the only thing saving it the fact that he is Viking eco and his mag Annelle my car has been on point that's the only thing saving because his gold is here he needs that gold there we go MBL redeems himself forward TC I like it and now yo cannot take any gold [Music] MBL will have 3t sees in a bit this is he's come back in series after going down in the first game for yo he's probably selling so much would his food eco is awful cool but his Mac and I'll micros not he doesn't have the Eco to focus on so defensive Mac and L is pretty easy why do you think arena players are so good with Mac and El micros because they never look at their economies oh my god but MBL up to the task there yo couldn't win this game if he had a new guess I don't know man he could drop that right over mb LZ co and pretty much win but I think the point is is that yo is pretty far behind no I get that MBL doesn't have his fishing ships anymore so there is that but he's also 10 bills ahead and his bills are a lot more efficient oh my god did you see that did you see that that was disgusting and Bo reacted immediately knew this one would be attacked dodged it sniped it he's a beast he is a beast and he always been a beast today but in this game at least I don't think we'll have enough to deal with him out that MBL has MBL's just everywhere i kills the siege workshop and yo has to rebuild one i guess it might take a while to finish off mr. yo but he definitely has a big lead right now the thing about Islands it's really hard to finish something off so but it's even harder for you to come back right because even if he cleans all this up MBL will be booming freely it is based the entire time so oh please please please please I know MBL's micros been good but please one big maggot outshot on all five of them please mister yell go for it it's too tempting you have to try Oh God MBL no no okay it could have been worse but he lost three of them yeah I saw Alan a mile away geez man that's a lot of Pikes by the way it's a lot of pikemen I don't know if MBL oh no he spotted it yeah he sees there's a lot of pikemen see this is where I'm thinking either a castle here are a bunch of cab archers because the risk is if you'd lose control of this the Vikings can be insanely good against Huns and post implement and all my crows needed oh my god mister yo kills three with one and MVL types eleven in the chat I can guarantee you he's not laughing he is very salty I'm sure and I would be as well because there's no way yo should come back in this game but somehow yo staying alive mvl doesn't want to lose his position so he uses the TC and he I guess will hope and pray that he can kill this baikman good shots he's landing the TC of course helping as well it's not bad but you will get his gold back and yo is still alive somehow in this game Wow see that's not curse to the commentator cuz I said it was gonna happen normally if I say it's gonna happen the opposite right I think MBL should have added cab workers he's still in an okay position he's still in a great position actually but I really think he should have added cab workers here mask a varchar sand castle age destroys the pikemen eyes as that mag Anela shot nice I see him making war galleys now he could hit yo Zico here I could hit yo Zico in a lot of areas to be honest and MBL always placing the castle this castle goes up it's definitely gg and you know is just now making a maganet I think Oh yos making a tower he realizes that this is problem this is problem this is a problem now that castles going up that castles going up there's no way yo can stop that and the galleys arrive and if the castle goes up [Music] then there's no way for you so MBO was so far behind so far ahead that he could lose six maghen ELLs and still be okay this is the product of having safe economy at home this is the product of math math math control what is the spirit of the wall there's a joke for you spirit if you're listening you always actually taking this gold my goodness yeah not math control map controlling and now MBL is on the way up to the next stage as well well mal will soon spot that he's on gold there I mean I don't think it will matter because that's only five or six villagers on gold that's five on gold it's not a lot MBL has more on golden at yas base MBL soon being the imperial age probably should get bodkin arrow at some point in his life not sure why he hasn't done that yet I thought he'd clicked it before they also should pay attention here because he o is picking off these galleys for free yep he realizes now that the Knights will be upgraded they'll probably run right into yo space I don't think they should before there's there's more of them that's still a lot of viking pikemen yos not taking this down I'm like goodness tell me mal knows something's going on there geez he just needs to go galleon make trebs here shrubs here to pressure buildings and then galleon in the center and he should win but yo still hasn't resigned and yo can somehow click up to em soon still think it'll be way too late still think it'd be way too late t90 unofficial stop it with those jokes we don't talk about that here and the GG's call me yo realizes what will happen next he knows that Hopi tribes down he knows that these units will be upgraded he knows that he'll lose water and lose access to coal entirely and MBL finally wins and what a performance it was man up until the maggin el mishap i think that scouting did it if I were to to credit one thing if I were to attribute one thing to that strategy being successful I think it was the scow and the dead woman never before has anyone ever said that dead woman got him the win because normally we don't want women to die we don't want villagers to die all right that's not a good thing but here I think it was good I think it was worth the trip because he showed up with the scout and the Ville he distracted mr. Yeo when that villager showed up yo freaked out because yo expected a lot to happen from it started walling and was no longer focused on water lost his fish for a few minutes until he relocated them to the back then MBL scouted all of the areas that yo had for gold realized the two gold spots were on the right landed on the right in Castle H had he not landed he could have landed he could have like ended up on this side and yo would have had all of his golden stones so that was that was all about scouting and well-played form MBL to know that seven units killed for MBL he had more food more wood and more gold collected in this game no surprise and we move on to game number four now and game number four will be ano second home map which I've already forgotten because I'm a noob shoot what was it I think it's Beto Beto it I'm also confusing things with the previous series was it a nois candy candy okay yeah I said at the same time shots at it thanks for helping me out yes in the next game will be on Scandinavia all right updated the scoreboard for you see how this is working out perfectly for us if yo can tie this up and go to Game five we won't have to wait long for the Leary and tatto set that is scheduled to start in an hour in 20 minutes but before they start because they've just launched these are the civilizations that they have remaining highest Malians and Indians for yo and then Mongols and Spanish for MDL so MBL will definitely go for Mongols here Scandinavia there's a lot of hunt so that would make sense and then I think is a counter to that yo might go Indians but this is yo home map pic it's his last one if he doesn't win this he loses the best of five finally catching extreme okay so before I I get to this I guess since all this is gonna be on YouTube I can do a bit of an unofficial introduction in the game Britain thank you for the six-month resub Thank You grey Duke for the two months thank you DRAM and staff for the new sub with the crime I am looking at chat OMB I'll pick the wrong sieve wait a second and BL picked Spanish and he wanted to go Mongols on this said he have a brain fart I don't think I've ever seen this before I have to switch the colors again so so basically as I explained Mongols are insanely good on this map and BL had Mongols and Spanish left em Bo gets into the game and he thinks wait why did I why on earth did I pick Spanish that this doesn't make sense for me and oh my god actually they're not playing on a balanced version of scandi they're playing on the standard version of scandi that has never been fixed so his boars are also to the north of the wood line so so what happens here yo says sorry but it's a torment what happens here is that M BL has to play that with Spanish she can't go back and pick a different zip had he picked like Franks or something he wasn't in his draft then they would obviously go back he just flat-out brain farted and made the wrong decision and now his map generation screwing him too so I'm not the admin of this event but I really think they should be playing on ECL versions or balanced versions of these maps right because like this this map generation is not good um he said was obviously going Marvel force candy yeah but MBL why didn't you pick it but I realize that the whole world realizes that but you selected Spanish for Scandinavia they get one restart which would be a good idea for MBL he can't restart with the different SIV but he's probably not gonna restart because he feels like the bores are probably out here or something that's too late no restart and BL is kind of screwed but I wonder if robos around because I'm curious when admins perspective would be on this I feel like I don't know it's not really my decision to make I guess but MBL has got to be frazzled I'm frazzled forum can you tell it's weird but looking at yos map yo can at least access his bores which is good so restart rules are different toward him it's a tournament admin Rees are normally pretty consistent though what's interesting about a board generation like this is technically it's not bugged like MBL can bring in these bores it is possible you could use a scout he like he can eat them that's that's the whole point right we might be paused right now because they might that might be discussing this cuz MBL's for sure realized his pigs aren't here I mean if it was up to me I would say that we we do a an admin restart because the boars are are too far it shouldn't be like that and then they have to keep their sips of course and that might be what they're discussing now but what I mean is sometimes sheep are trapped in a wood line and you you can't take them where boars are trapped in a wood line you can't take them or gold stone is and that's definitely admin REE this is I mean III think it's admin reboot technically it can be collected the Earl of Skye Roth says how do you activate the Amazon Prime thing here so if you've never set up twitch Prime you just go to twitch prime com you link your Amazon Prime account or your friends or family members or uncles or sisters or fathers or brothers you link that account to your twitch and then you get one free sub to a stream per month so bear with me here I need to see if they they tabbed out I'm curious because they might have come back I think we're about to catch up to some discussion they're still in game MBL says I cannot take pig you know Pig I know Pig hey yo just says what get the I know pigs in the chat boys yo sis bug Matt MBL says well I can take but super farm man you're not helping your case say that you'd have to mill them yo just says dot and says do you need to pause to ask admin Robo RT 90 I mean I are they asking me right now I'm not the admin who's no Pig they're messaging me I didn't even realize I'm not the admin here I'm not in charge hey if it were my decision that's 100 percent admin REE so I'm talking to them now you okay so they're going back so MBL says it might be GG because of pressing the wrong save to be honest like I I don't I have sympathy for MBL by the kind of dolt as well it seems like it was just a decision thing like it's not like Spanish and Mongols are right next to one another on the saves where he missclicked it right so they have this stick with the sibs and they'll do another game with Scandinavia you Wow three months already 89 you remember a few weeks ago I said it was flying down to Austin for an opera well performances tonight nice I was really confused for a second when he started talking about that when you said flying down I thought you were flying to me okay wait what my stalkers come into town girlfriend bricks good luck with that man I bet you're excited that sounds awesome I mean I'm not really an operon but I know what it's like to do what you like right gene thank you for the three months welcome back Matt Mike thank you for 13 no mister player thank you for the prime sub Quincy Asst said had to start using toes I'm confused but thank you for the tier 3 11 months you are a legend man alright so fingers crossed chat because see the core of the the root of the problem here is they're not playing the right versions of the map like the old versions the 20-year old versions of these maps or wast thanks project under school belgium for the 20 months okay this this version is fun i'm a really big fan of you I mean sorry I'm just looking around here it's funny they're kind of sharing the deer in the center this is MBL's deer and then oh shoot the colors are cheese I'm sorry what bear with me man the one game just screwed everything up there we go I'm meals back in blue perfect the MBL's deer kind of towards the center but at least their boards are accessible euros boars are here and here and then MBL's boars are very close to his TC so MBL Cho Spanish which was just a mistake he drafted Mongols for this map I guess he brain farted and it's normal for you for with restarts you can tree pick civilizations and it's not like this is a hundred dollar show match this is a three day event and to determine who's the second best player in the world so oh my god and what is that lumber camp that's weird so I feel bad for MBL because it's obvious he drafted Mongols for this map but if it's that obvious why didn't he pick it I I don't really understand but he's in the blue now has his resources close by now this could be a pretty good map for Spanish because they're close together and the stones are forward so maybe with a forward tower rush strategy you could have some success versio yo does have a back stone yo has to back golds this one's going to be hard to find and then there's water on each side and this is a big reason to choose Malians because Malian save would and all the buildings that they build so with all that wood savings they're able to fight on water on both sides also on top of that they have camels and Knights and monks and infantry it's a sieve of options whereas with Spanish the name of the game is definitely to get to punky doors now just to touch on a few of the reasons why players play on tournament versions of maps like with hidden Cup we had a hidden cup - version of scandi because the wood lines can be a problem and it was in the previous game where we had to do did the the rhe because this wood line could easily hide our bug in resources the other thing is that fish generation is oftentimes not even so MBL has fish in the South and fortunately yo has fish over there as well and I think the other side seems fine too so just wanted to touch on a few of the things that that makes the the quote-unquote newer versions of scandi a bit different that's all Travis welcomed in with the prime sub man so will the players realize how close they are together yo will see these deer and the East years so each player gets three boars and then a pack of six deer if he sees two groups of deer he should know that MBL is probably close by so he needs to be careful with his scouting and if they're close by he should probably wall because Spanish can be devastating with the tower rush a Spanish build faster and BL sees the same though and I really wonder if players are gonna think about this Oh an MBI was docking this side this is huge yo is docking the other side so a strategy on Scandinavia is to get to feudal really quickly and go fire galleys and and with fire galleys then disrupt your opponent's fish but if MBL dock safely this could work perfectly for either a fast castle strategy into conquistadors or just towers because his eco will be safe so if you're just getting here Adele Alex we have yo MBL Leary and tattoo it's a three day event and this is day one and yo performed really well we almost lost to Bill yo performed really well against tattoo earlier obviously small spoilers but definitely suggest checking out the series if you haven't already it was 304 yo he was a master class from him and then today he o won the first game against M BL and MBL came back and now I'm BL just made a weird decision with his civilization I don't understand it not that Spanish her babbling Scandinavia but it wasn't part of his plan does MBL know where yo is he does because if he does this is a risky risky thing to do just casually collect deer on the front I wonder what yo scouting is like now yo it t90 blind he lost the Scout to the TC that's huge he can't check doc locations now if he can't check doc locations then he might assume that M BL is to the south that's a huge deal he is no intel on the strategy and BL might go for oh man so now what he's doing is scouting with a fishing ship yeah so this is the strat for him this strat is to win water but MBL's not down here well he's letting go of the deer because what you do is you win water ideally kill the three four five fishing ships your opponent has and then after winning water your opponents on the back foot and then you pressure land that's normally what you would do another reason that he has to give up the center of the map is because Spanish can tower so quickly so for everything that's gone wrong with them be on the lead up to this I think this is a good sign for him now if yo realizes that NBL is not here though he might choose to just make fishing ships out of his dog so it's not like it's not like the end of the world for him because he's still going to get an eco advantage maybe he could create one or two fire galleys and then stop and and go into the fishing ships see those resources for yo this is crazy resources power of the fish this is without deer as well 400 food and MBL is now placing his very first tower and he'll place many more I'm sure but none of these towers will range the stones none of these towers will range the gold for yo-yo should be able to keep him out yeah I like what he owes doing now guys I'd make a few fire galleys just in case MBL does something like this right sneaky doc I like it and then just fish boom yep he's building towers on both sides of his face the MBL has to realize that he can't do anything mr. eel but he does see what mr. Heos up to oh no he doesn't see our chicken range explain that age of empires things oh my God look at that how can he not see the top of the Archaea rank explain that to me come on science now what's funny is once the tower fires he'll be able to see the range watch see now I can see it that makes perfect sense okay well I'm be able to villagers are rather weak Oh yos Ville will die Wow okay that works that works MBL's also being very patient with his fire cows he waits till he is four maybe three in a demo could catch you off-guard here comes another tower for him for MBL and yos making archers these villagers need to run if I'm MBL I die use my scalp no no no skip oh never mind the pills we'll just survive unless they run into a wolf or something doesn't bode well for yo that he's backed into a corner like this it really doesn't but he has more fishing ships in MBL he hasn't had the deer which really sucks but MBO hasn't really been collecting that much anyway nice little gate from MBL so his villagers are protected and normally this is where you all as Spanish or either Waller or build a bunch of defensive towers but to wall you need to Scout properly and MBL's not scouted this area it's wide open for him I think a stone wall there look if he stone walls this deal is to go the whole way around he could stone wall there and and here so easily but then again this is just a palisade gate so at least he knows the pressures coming pretty funky game man pretty weird game I don't have a lot of words for how this one has gone down it's been weird but I like yours position more at the moment because he has actual military OMB ELLs making some skirmishers okay oh no yos made a move this direction see I didn't like the fact that he was using weak bills on the deer and this is why now he panicked hours after losing one of those weak villagers and he is building a blacksmith so he can get fletching for his skirmishers now if yo wants to yo could start to tower MBL a little bit it's not the craziest thought and also yo is defending here as well so another opportunity for yo would be to send a bill to the north but oh boy now he sees the skirts and now he realizes he needs to get out of here this has been good for yo but now this is risky I don't think he should stay here that chooses to mic her with the archers but his bills on the tower could die and now yos too far forward his archers are gonna go down his villagers are helping a little bit and he needs to run and that is such a risky decision to tower here but if he's forcing MBL into more towers than MBL will have that much less stone for castle in castle age now yo has so much more fish working for him he's so much more food in the bank he gets a tower up MBL didn't even make an attempt to counter tower that well i guess that's not a valuable area for him he wants to save that stone so one might think that MBL has no chance because mb only has a hundred food but remember the market exists for snuffing fans MBL has 800 gold and I'm sure that he's gonna buy some resources and go on up to castle age around the same time as yo and we always say it when we're talking about Spanish his Spanish get to conquistadors they can always come back and always win but not if they don't have a fish boom yo is docking on this side he could kill these for fishing ships which has brought in hundreds of food for MDL [Music] MBL's eco balance is way way off and i machen there's a bit of frustration like imagine picking mom wills for a map and then selecting spanish for whatever reason after being to one up and then falling behind because of that dumb choice and then you don't have spanish for cross in the next game which is better than mongols would be like your your whole your whole game plan it's thrown off because of it i imagine there'd be a ton of frustration so what i see happening here is as long as you as patient yo will probably kill these fishing ships and if that's the case he has his fish safe and secured on this side he'll have fish on the other side he just needs to withstand hold from the conquistadors the problem though is the castle is gonna be dropped on his frickin face man so maybe best-case scenario yo can somehow make MBL castle at home because the castles here good luck yeah maybe this is the way to do it may make em BL feel like he needs to castle at home but MBL has skirm even has an archer there two archers and he'll kill the archers and he should also see that there's a forward stable for yo the stables the thing to worry about because his scams don't protect him from many knights [Music] okay Yost our goes up MBL sees a stable gets its own tower up we'll shoot that down and now MBL is losing his fish see this is this is what I expected this is how you should play Malians you should be playing on water MBL needs a castle and he needs it soon oh he also can't take this wood line because of this sneaky tower from Yale but what a comeback in this series has been from yo and and I like this for yo the fact that MBL's castling here is perfect for mr. yo now he doesn't have as much threatening him on the front but I would still stone white either stone wall or castle at home thumb in yo shoes is this very dangerous situation conquistadors are insane they are the strongest castle each unit besides like maybe a monk and the counselor to conquistadors is just to prevent them from getting there there's no direct counselor to them that's the thing they has yo done enough has he done enough to keep MBL from massing the cogs MBL's fish are mostly dead he seems overrun everywhere you look the score is not going to be helping him he won't be happy about that you can't take one of his bloodlines because of the pesky tower from you know it and now yo what tower here is well which I love MBL's spending a lot of time with his conquistadors just clearing up the units in his base perfect play from you had Yoda's ran home the castle would have been on his face but the fact that MBL fell into the back foot the fact that I'd be a lost map control has really worked out for mr. yo but you have to take advantage of it you have to take advantage of it if your opponent is just chillin at home too often at lower levels because well you know people can't execute like the gods of the game people don't do that so so Wohlers and boomers they can have more of an opportunity people can get to console often and be fine but my goodness yo has 600 food 600 gold finishes the tower is being so annoying they kind of feel like he might just judge the imperial age at some point as going for his third town center now they extended that villager lead he has to make a lot of military to deal with the conchs but every single one he trades against to be perfect now Harry I think the way to go here is a bunch of crossbows and camels you already have the Eco lead going to imp doesn't really help you here he already had the Eco lead you already have the military lead actually in terms of numbers so no power spike is going to help you against cons except you just need numbers so that's why he's creating archers everywhere you look and camels on the front yeah camels crossbows also he's very very well protected that meal doesn't have husbandry does he have husbandry I don't think he has husbandry and see the camels are gonna be just enough just needs to hold just needs to lay versus yeah he's gonna kill that first wave of conks was so expensive for MBL he's only at 69 pop yes yos fishing on both sides this should be yos game and we'll go to game 5 ladies and gents if if this is Yost game if MPL somehow or can't somehow come back [Music] yeah the KD doesn't matter at this point yohko lose twice as many units as possible but it's the Eco he's just buying himself time and buying position MBL spending most of his time are all of his time freeing up map that should already be his and this tower another clutch tower from yo moving MBL to the right for wood which he has plenty of but it's just more inefficiency i can't help but be a little bit disappointed for MBL i could just see it you picked Mongols for Scandinavia you Oh nice shots though nice shots here we go this is where it could start this is where it could start for him possibly but yeah you pick Mongols for this map I still don't understand why he didn't use Mongols brainfart of the century then we'll go into Game five if he loses this where he's probably frustrated and annoyed that that happened and then he also doesn't have the ideal say if not that it would be bad his Mongols is always good but I don't know like as someone who has emotions is human with emotions I can't imagine that would make you feel very good I can't imagine that would put you in the mental state to to perform in a game five you need yep feel me yo just now has been loose as started to lose his buildings and you know what he's gonna do Imperial aged vulnerable on this side castle insane eco oh my god look at these fishing ships this is funny the fishing ships so this one has 15 food it can't go back because these two are uh oh no nevermind they're taking turns well wow they're taking turns how nice I didn't know fishing ships were so kind never minds sorry Dave's not here so I got to focus on that stuff did you know if you put a fish trip against the edge of the map it bugs out yeah Dave thank you there we go sorry Dave does not sound like that I'm just being a I still remember Dave and I were casting it was DJ who I forget we're making a bunch of puns and we're casting a game this guy's running around micro and crazy aggressive stuff so we're watching the fight or I thought we were and then Dave's like oh my god he built a fish trap against the edge of the map that's not gonna work that's like how do you know who that man how do you know these things just Dave things well I think that yo should just go full camel crossbows are helping for now but Malians lack bracer i think that he should go for poor camels and MBL he doesn't have the economy to do anything but continue with conks and if the camels are upgraded and in numbers and the heavy camel upgrade it would be a big big problem and NBL realizes that i sees the sneaks tables from yo in the south maybe you could buy himself time though though be cavalier okay maybe maybe MDL is can buy himself time and expand out here he'd have to survive for an awful long time but maybe that's the way to do it I mean Castle H conquistadors can hold against cavalier the problem is the conchs have to be in one group there is no way to stop an ID dad how long's him to be in one spot where Knights could split up and that's that's the problem Grimm thank you for 20 months he said twitch sub streaks are like punks there's no way to stop them thanks man [Music] well I mean it's funny you say that because this might be the game where the cogs get stopped but is only because of the economy from mr. yo the KD is not going to be pretty for him at all [Music] there's a trample in the front for yo trepang down some of these towers he really just oh this is big yeah he needs to stop TCS from going up stop em Bo from expanding o the T season 99% okay it goes up that's where yo needs to hit use his mobility kill this and then run around and kill this as well em Bo can come back he can he shouldn't but conquistadors are an insane unit but they're unbeatable in Castle H in imp their strength drops offline that's when like heavy camel and and Halle deer and things of that nature can work really well but it's kind of surprised that yo didn't go for camels and for Cavalier mean both are going to be strong but we lost one trip there or lose another here now he's getting for Rimbaud so his calves will have that extra attack +7 attack soon hmm [Music] know that the danger here is if MBL's eco gets to the point as he's being rated over here oh I know get hit here as well this is a huge deal if a meal is eco get to the point where yo kongsuni helps Malians can't fight that at all so that's why yo needs to finish this off quickly cuz right now MBL can only afford conquistadors soon if he's able to clear up all this these raids which he's having real trouble with that's then MBL will be able to make Alps and I don't know I'm looking at the population 106 to 5 verse 105 yo is running around in circles making fel chase and canned that can MBL save this castle if they both hit it's dead it's dead no way whoa it's not dead it is dead it's not dead it ah wow it survives well that helps that definitely helps he's still being raided everywhere you look a rating here Rams are on the way here and BL stuck in one spot and he can't take any of the map yeah he's still he's still probably dead now the castle stays up but he doesn't have the Eco for this he's getting supremacy as those villagers can survive the raids that's how rough his situation is at the moment Yoshi just continued the spam Cavalier and take us to what will be a game five guys exciting stuff man [Music] man MBL he had it he's up to one it mongrels available for this map he didn't pick muggles this series is not over folks the yellow is not going away quietly beat tattoo earlier MBL's just oh he strike two trying to build an elaborate trap as yo continues to run him around in circles that's got to be annoying now the castle goes down and MBO will gg and we will see a game five today wow I'm loving this I am loving these games today and we have another set between Leary and Tatsu later on as scheduled to be in 45 minutes actually so I imagine after game 5 ends whoever wins that will move right on to leering tat Oh we're tato we'll be looking for a better result obviously after the loss earlier versio yeah Emil can definitely win Game five is it's not now nowt sibling I think Spanish are just as good on cross as Mongols art but the thing is this is the game where he should have had Mongols this is the game that he probably shouldn't have I don't want to say you shouldn't have lost but he should have had a better chance than was Spanish that's all the game plan was definitely to go Mongols here I just don't know what happens at s and and M are not really close in alphabetical order so he definitely chose Spanish but he's got to put that out of his mind now it's not up to me as a caster I have to harp on about those things because I have to I have to create controversy and drama but as a player you have to forget about that somehow and move on to the fifth game because at the end of the day if you even wouldn't fifth game none of this matters right sorry I realized I said SNM I should it said MMS my bad but GG mister yo mister yo comes back ties it up two two two don't go anywhere we have one more game remaining in this best-of-five 124 units killed for MDL yo extended that eco lead in castle aged outstandingly more food wood gold and stone collected for yo and so the next game will be on cross NBL said see this is kind of what I expected MDL says so frustrating yo says you haven't lost yet and then MBL says india verse mongols dot dot so MBL basically saying before the game even starts that he doesn't think that he is in a great position with mongols on this map so one more game and this is the way this whole three three-day event works we have three best of five today three best of fives tomorrow and then the final on Monday if mister yo wins this after already beating Tatsu earlier today 3-0 yo wool one two best of fives out of the three that he will play so he puts himself in a great position to get to the finals it will be Sunday grim so so today is day one tatto and Leary will play after this set later on bear care thank you for the 12 months thank you to the two thousand people who are here watching Age of Empires 2 right now you guys are the best community on Twitch don't tell the the millions of other people watching stuff on Twitch that I said that but thank you all dankey kahng says hi I'm new you new to the stream what welcome man a hair faux robear care thank you all for the long time Reis ups and Grimm gifted subs - all right let's do this guys let's get into the next game as always for all primes subs don't OHS all that stuff I get to it in between games fortunately for us we didn't have a long time in between games here so we'll hop right into it and welcome everyone to cross I need to switch the colors again to be consistent with previous games we brain fart there we go boom perfect we're in the game let's do this MBL is in the blue he's played well today he was up to 1 and he blew the lead it's tied up now he's playing as the Mongols and you know is in the red a yo is playing as Indians and BL says there were there would be a chance if I could steal all your resource so MBL has this defeated mindset of I have no chance here which is huge but mindset is everything right it going into a game 5 if you feel you have a sieve advantage I don't think you should be talking about it to your opponent 40 seconds in I feel like ideally you're like alright it's gonna be tough but let's work hard and try and win this thing I'll talk about why MBL might think that here in a second but but anyways in the north of the map south and map east and west there's ponds and this map is called cross they're actually using the version from the first hidden Cup so you have a fine mix of water control needed but also land control land aggression and Indians are really good for this because they have cheap villagers to create bills on lands they have excellent camels and then on top of that you know since they're saving resources and because of the build loaders that yo will go for he could fight on water - mumbles play out similarly and Mongols have a hunt bonus so they'll collect food faster and get the feudal faster but normally you'd see the same from them on a map like this where they have the mobility on lands two Scouts Knights camels and then get to water I think the reason that MBL's so disappointed well we already we already mentioned how he wanted this sieve for the previous game but also that Indian camels have hi pierce armor so to try and get to manga die with Mongols is is even more difficult because even getting there or going for any type of Archer unit against sorry hit my mic Indian camels is rough imp camels easier to get to and also arguably a bit stronger than the manga die so we'll see I think that the faster feudal needs to give something to NBL in this game that's the one big bonus he has so he should bring in his pigs quickly and maybe consider a doc approach like one build order you could try is his doc your opponent spawned with a fast feudal and kill their fishing ships that or he should go for Scouts of some kind yo will probably realize that he'll be later to the fuel age and so you'll begin to see some walls come up which is a very smart decision hey what's up Tom Hanks yeah maybe it's a bit of mind games maybe maybe MBL feels as though maybe he thinks that he'll win this and he wants you to get confident I don't know so here's the deal let's say MBL loses this that means mr. yo would have won two out of the three sets you'd be playing at the group stage how did that feel survive yo as a lucky boy so that'd be very good for yo and that gives him a good shot to get to the finals and fight for the thousand dollars on Sunday if MBL loses this though while it's good for yo it's not that bad for MBL because MBL will still play two sets tomorrow and while he needs to have strong performances against good players like tattoo and leary others there's still an opportunity there so we'll have to see but it's not like it's the end of the world right it's a MBL on his way to futile H walling up the stones could be questionable for him to it this stone at this stone could be tough to lock down but that's that's we're talking way later in the game what does MBL choose to do with his faster uptime is it the stable yeah barracks and then most likely is stable now if you look at the way that yo has walled this does not protect him from a sneaky dock later on and BL could dock here and killed these fishing ships so he needs to be aware of that possibility t90 hey did you get access to Age of Empires 2 definitive edition so I'm not allowed to talk about anything regarding Age of Empires 2 definitive edition because I signed a nondisclosure agreement but I am a popular Age of Empires 2 streamer and youtuber so Microsoft would be very dumb if they wouldn't give me a copy of it and Microsoft's are not dumb all the time no they're not dumb Microsoft don't don't don't take it away from me I'm enjoying it this is awkward guys because they listen to my stream in their studio I know that some do anyway so they're either like wow we're getting tired of this guy or they're laughing or this just get really awkward yeah allegedly enjoying it can either confirm or deny so MDL clips type wall villagers which is why yo has sent so much over here like this watch yo is expecting a scout to be around here he fights with his villager because his own Scout is waiting Co has played this perfectly I don't know hard to say but I think MBO should have taken a bit more of a risk risk to the dock now hasn't scouted that side but I hate him that wolf is is like underneath he'll take the wolf was underneath the villager MBL is making a move to that pond I think unless he sent is he sending another bill now what's going on this guy's getting cold feet don't get cold feet Marv come on dude he's going back home to the couch that's such a big deal if nvl would try that and have success that's a way to get an edge over Indians hmm well yo is doc the left-hand-side MBL has just been fishing in one pond so pond control and lands control this is where MBL begins to feel a bit desperate I'm sure because he's aware that he hasn't killed he owes fish and yo saves so much food creating villagers I would say that Indians probably a top-three cross Civ Indians Huns Spanish Byzantines are actually really remarkable on this map this will be the series guys this will decide the best of five yo is still more focused on the ponds than anything and he hasn't seen the villagers coming forward now how are he react to this MBO wants to tower hop through he wants to get in now and so yo realizing that will place a palisade to stop the tower hot potential and now he'll place the defensive tower back here so to give you an idea of how good yo is at judging the game this tower is placed perfectly it's not too close not too far it stops em yell from pushing in now the downside here is MBL might switch sides and if he's now on Stoney can't build more towers I don't think MDL can hop through here I just don't know what he's accomplishing right now he's trying oh you know should should be able to defend so comfortably here and now he's going into archers that is a good thing to have the Indian player go archers as opposed to camels good work from MBL to attempt the spearmen into his tower fire this is a lot of walling that you would have to do behind all of this so I think yeah well let the units in and Colet the unit's in oh wait it's the outpost here now you can wall like this yeah well like that that's smart [Music] so this is a combination of of yo having cheaper bills also creating fewer units that he's created a lot less Spears and a lot less Scouts in this game so that's why he has so much food banked up and oh hope he doesn't save the bill MBL's pressuring tower after tower after tower now what's cool about this is if this games even and we get to Castle age MBL will have stone for manga died most likely so he's fast-tracked in the manga die choice it's not a bad logic but yo well you know what MBL is almost up as well it's gonna say yo almost click up the mal is not that for Andi what I don't know how that villager survived to be honest then watch MBL's will probably die huh nope risky well I like how both players have played its solid defense from yo bottom yells on the way up as well I think MBL has done a lot more than even I expected here and now he forward her chair ranges my goodness so he won't have the stone for the manga died only 70 and he wants CAV archers or maybe even crossbows and yo is making stables so when you have the the safe fish you can make camels you would think that he wouldn't have the Eco to make camels but he will because of the fish and NBL is probably expecting him to go arch oh no MBL is expecting archers so he's going for a hard counter and squirms and we all know that camels count their scams Wow okay well on the bright side for MBL Phoebe uses this position on the front it's not the worst thing ever because he's still safe at home but there's not something he's planning on doing I'm sure you know building another Tower doing his best to keep MBL from towering his stone both players will probably get the towers up yo could lose a villager I kind of expect him to dodge though oh never mind Oh yo skidding crossbow and he has the unit's running behind MBL's wood line did mdl realize that I think he did I think he saw that where he expected it or something that was brilliant response from MBL and now he might drop off stone because he doesn't have the tower or sorry he doesn't have the tower it doesn't have so and fill the tower and okay guys what's the problem with forward military buildings chat helped me out what's the problem with forward military buildings does anyone know I really need some help here I need you to tell me because I talk about it all the time and it happened so frequently anytime someone builds military buildings forward MBL needs skirmishers to defend his skirmishers came from a forward position this could be the game if MDL loses a ton of villagers which could happen this could be the game because well he has squirms to defend from crossbows the scrims do not help against the camels so a panic TC goes up can mvl hold on still shooting over here with this towers which is really nice yo has a lot of candles I think MBL needs its own camels or something like the the Eco balance is so bad for him look at that oh my goodness so inefficient well I think MBL probably didn't expect to get to this point yo we'll start to take the vill lead now with the cheap Indian Bills 3 TC soon for him on top of the fish he has and that's something MBL could do is you could dock over here or it could just use curves tool Olie pick off the fish but those skirmishers definitely weren't contributing much and here we are this is what we expected Indians to get to that the boom and the camels after all of that they got there and yos not really friends I think he'll be happy with how he disrupted MBL's economy and he decides to come over here to kill these towers and MBL he's not too happy about that so he'll Stonewall this up but he really has no defense the ranges will be useless and maybe now he'll make a run for the dock all of this you should see ya yo seize that so that villager will die and I guess the other villagers will eventually die but they're inside the tower for now she's dead so this is a weird position for the Mongol player because you're in this weird weird state where you're not making units that you're going to make long-term and it's it's why it's another reason why Indians are so dominant because not only do they have the cheap bills not only are their camels strong but the camels are something they continue with all game so everything's streamlined your whole eco setup for making wood and gold units the whole dice a wooden gold food and gold units the whole time that's not the case for MBL he's making skirm now he'll then he needs to get the stone build castles then stop stone it's just so tough to get to manga die so the camels will be massed and prepped and probably upgraded before MDL gets to creating manga die and that's why Indians are so solid in the sieve matchup and that's why you probably would want Mongols and scandi where you could make more use of that make more use of that hunt which we discussed in game 4 so emil did stop yo from docking here i like that 88 population verse 92 but this despite the game being so close well you know what yo didn't have horse collar for 20 farms oh no you know what check this out guys all of these farms have less than 100 food his farms are about to expire like crazy MBO a meal could do this because of the lack of horse collar I don't think y'all will up to in here as quickly I know that we meme about horse color and whatnot but that is quite a big deal I can just watch farm expires he doesn't have the wood and MBL's building a castle yeah it's a re seed 10 to 15 farms over the next minute oh my goodness and he'll want the place of castle here that's not gonna happen no that's not gonna happen MB already has a castle up and MBL will be making manga die wow MBL still in this he's still in this and he's gained quite a bit of momentum I think the IMP time will be important if y'all can get in faster and Trump this down that could be nice but MBL will click up at around the same time like there's some big eco problems going on for yo on land and create hold from MBL this castle needs to stay up because his goals are forward as well all right well also these villagers have finally died great value from them though and the ELLs on the way up first Yoshiko balances way off Wow can MDL do it he was so pissed at himself for picking the wrong Civ in the previous game which then affected this game he'll be on two castles guys to cast is producing those devastating manga day that he'll easily wall these units out for mr. yo the snipe any crossbow he can and I imagine he'll build the next castle soon and on this hill yo is let's minute and ten seconds behind yo has docked this out though and both players will be fighting for the fish there but fish become less and less important now that's why they're both farming I fear for MBL because he still doesn't have the food eco to make elite magazine he doesn't have the resources for that Italy manga die take more upgrades than heavy camels it's bracer chemistry Parthian tactics thumb ring the elite magnet I upgraded itself then bloodlines husbandry all those things from the stables so there's so much takes so much time oh my goodness yo wants to Trev these castles down he wants to stop MBL from getting to the manga day now big thing here is MBL just saw these castles so he could start with the trebs with this faster in okay does anyone know if both SIVs get masonry this is probably something I should know cuz it wouldn't be a surprise to see both players getting masonry now as well which would give their castles more HP - I think Mongols do I think most sibs do so imagine Indians do as well keep an eye on the top right because masonry would be a very strong text to get if this becomes a trevore and MBL will start the tread war but yo will follow yeah will be a trip and a half behind hmm see it with heavy camels you could dive in kill the trips you know just needs to win the trevore so it doesn't matter how many camels he sacrifices here well I mean it does kind of matter but the point is kill the traps and in all MBL building the gate while I like it because he knows the situation he's even getting pikemen which is never ideal ideal sorry as Mongols I just mixed ideal and idea because I think it's a nice idea there's also a nice idea for yo to come this way and BL saw that what a close game a hundred and forty population for both my goodness so if yo sees manga die and pikemen he will need to make skirmishers and he's making plenty of squirms MBL is attacking us trebuchet someone asked earlier when do you attack the opponent reps and when you attack their Casas when your castle is being attacked that's when you attack their castle oral boy or that's when you attack their trips I'm screwing up with the casting here yo dives in he kills one trebuchet he's killed one castle this is so dangerous for both players for the series can MBL hold on I I feel like it's better for yo this skirmishing was brilliant the manga die aren't elite the pikemen they're only pikemen that they barely even have the fuel age armor upgrade MBL has done his absolute best in this series yo has so much more now and yos killing all the treads it's all falling apart for MBL the pikemen won't even touch the camels and well this trip died as well it almost does but I think it will now it's dead as no protection and then MBL's castle will die and MBL will die and and lose the series it doesn't find another counter [Music] you just can't do it now just can't do it you'll lose your castles you lose your stones you lose your Gold's MBL is no chance yo just just has to kill this frickin trebuchet my goodness here we go and and of course you can make bomber canyons as well MBL has to commit everything to saving this castle and an even Nana I'm not sure manga died or the answer now in the south MBL has some fish there that's nice MBL calls the GG it's trying to find some positives there but there's really no positives yo wins the game MBL was to one-up and yo comes back to win three to two this was after mr. Yeo won earlier today versus tato the way this is set up is that of the four players who are participating everyone will play three sets yo plays two today and one tomorrow today he faced a toe today he faced MBL and he got the winds MBL only plays one set today today he just played mr. yo and it ends in a disappointing loss tomorrow he will play Leary and tatto but my goodness there's a couple takeaways here alright there's a couple takeaways first off yo is in excellent form he is an excellent form if you didn't see the set between tat so earlier it was well played from tat so tatto always has excellent strategy he preps he knows how to utilize the saves and the maps which is something I'm Bo kind of struggled with here but yo got the winnin and dominated them and then here yo showed how he can come back in games you can come back in sets of games and it's very likely that yo might be in the final on Sunday if he continues to play like this now MBL this is why you have to look at it he's disappointed because it's his own fault really he chose the wrong civilization in the previous game it wasn't a sieve neither of these were SIB wins by any means but by choosing a Spanish in the previous game he made his life very difficult on this game knowing cuz he knew that Yale was gonna pick Indians here he knew I just don't know what was going through his mind when he eat shows wrong sips but the way MBL has to look at it is he just lost to a very good player and tomorrow he'll play two sets and if he wins his two sets tomorrow then he's still in the driver's seat and could still make it to the finals so in 15 minutes Leary and tatto play I'll be the second showing for tattoo today and it would be the first for Leary so I'm excited to see how that goes but let's look at the achievements for this game and we'll sum this up a little bit and then I'll probably take a short break before casting the next set but man these games have been good that said especially it was crazy 90 units killed for yo but it all came down to his eco lead his eco lead and then his composition the skirmish insane because had he gone only camel then he likely would have died to pikemen Magna die even then it's debatable but adding in the scurbs was the key they're so well played I have to say MBL did better than I expected in the SIF matchup the forward definitely slowed yo down it was the way to go about things but still he wasn't able to do enough to stop mr. yo from killing those castles
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 102,647
Rating: 4.7345753 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, Wolf Nothing, Expert Game, 1v1, TeamGame, Viper, Daut, Tatoh, RTS Games, Throwback, Nostalgia game, Towers, Mastapiece, Tutorial, Disgusting, Fatslob, Hairy Davis, Snippy, Eli, Infaboat
Id: nl0Jmb_23WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 32sec (9692 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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