Nightwatch: Person Missing After CRASHING Into Tree | Full Episode – S2, E2 | Part 2 | A&E

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during a routine traffic stop the  driver took off so we began to pursue it   we just crossed benefit he's reaching i think if a police officer ever told you that  he didn't fear for his safety at some point   i'd say he's lying to you you just turned on throw  it listen to me next time i tell you to back up   fear can only really help you in my opinion  you're more aware of what's going on around   you you probably hear a little better see you a  little better back home he's continuing to fire   jay stay the back off hand right now take some  time you can't they got people he's still shooting the vehicle is about 10-7 we're gonna  have to stop vehicles better start getting   around here we're gonna need a perimeter we  started telling eunice they better get here   because he's gonna bail out and  it's gonna be in one of these blocks   you gotta do it when i saw his driving  door open that's when i got really scared on foot black shorts green shirt as soon  as he made the turn i saw him stopping   and tossing the gun he taught the gun as soon  as he did that i just try to cut him off and   he jumped in to one of the backyards stop  you caught we ran to the back of the house   i went through one gate he jumped over and then  he jumped over the second and we lost sight of   him and i just ran back out started setting up a  perimeter real quick get a perimeter to say get a   perimeter set go back in your house lock the doors  he was heading to this way he was banging at us so he definitely didn't get it get  up no i didn't get out unless he's   flash gordon just one part one part went in right  there right there right here light this block up   state police was out there they brought the  helicopter and trying to help we got a good   parameter it's tight once he went into the  block we backed out the way he got out of   here look at this no he did not bro you're  calling for canine to set up so we can go   do a black search on him k97 yet those dogs are  absolutely fantastic unless you're the one running   from them i guess the first one i banged back  instantly and then i stopped because we were   going around corners and they're banging  i didn't know what was on the other side   yeah yeah i knew we're not gonna shoot at me when  he first started shooting that's when ali returned   fire like twice backed off because he stopped does  that mean yeah does that mean i'm aw come on man   yo you sidelined buddy they had to put me on the  sideline because they have to make sure i was   justified as far as shooting goes and they need  the ballistics for my weapon and everything else   yeah like i said it's the worst part of it being  sidelined at the end was the absolute worst so we're going out a vehicle that struck a  tree and people are trapped no problem with   way out there they drive like jackasses  way out there it's like an indie race car are you rapping in your head no i don't know  where that came from i'm wrapping in my head   i'm always rapping in my head it's like a constant  dance party in here yeah sounds fun 32-32 live in   the area looking this town oh damn it's town to  do that what's up man is there anybody in there okay since the police department was actively  looking for the patient i decided to look around   in the truck to see if maybe i could determine  how injured he might be copy cancel 35 no one's   trash yes ma'am yeah they got blood on the  steering wheel a steering wheel see they   got hair in that windshield and everything  yeah like the front of that is demolished   he didn't have on a seat belt because he totally  bulls-eyed it that's definitely head imprint   there's a bottle of hot sauce oh yeah on the  floor what kind of hot stuff the green one damn how do you even get out climb through the  window it ain't it kind of sucks knowing that   this patient is out there somewhere and they  need medical attention and we can't find them   what is that a service road yeah is there  any break in the fence nope sadly there's   a million scenarios on why this guy could have  ran could have been a head injury he could have   been in a stolen vehicle he was probably signal  19 yep and didn't want to get arrested so we ran   probably at his house right now chilling 32 32  in the area we tried to look around for this guy   they said he got out of the truck ran and jumped  the fence you don't see him so he's gonna be goa   we looked around a significant period  of time trying to find this guy   couldn't find him so hopefully he took care of  himself and got the proper level of care he needed   tell you one thing your boy's got a busted up  face a busted up head right bust it up chest   yeah cause that steering wheel was all kind of  deformed oh yeah they said he was limping bad   they said a [ __ ] guy jumped the fence is what  he said you get don't drive drunk let's do it okay okay we're right to a female that has had her eye  bitten out by another person this would be a   first for me now you got me yeah the eyeball's out  of the socket and dangling is it is that correct all right we get shootings and stabbings from this  particular area quite often so it's not unusual to   get a traumatic call but i've never had anybody  to have eye bitten out how you doing she ran all right we got patient contact we got to get her  on the stretcher baby get that stretcher in here   don't worry about that right now how'd it happen  baby she got bit can you see i can't see them   okay what's your name alex okay put some seat belts on where's the pertinent the perk we got called out for a woman that had  her eye bitten out the entire eyeball was   out and just kind of sitting outside of the  eye socket but how long could this happen   all right you're not hurt anywhere else huh  baby all right can you see out your left eye   all right i can move the eye okay don't do that  yeah or just just just you don't don't grab it   i'm not i'm just gonna just leave it just sit  it on there it's sergeant charles talk to me um i think it was a prostitute and her print was that  story says something to me but that's not my thing   right i guess she thought he was trying to  get me out trying to talk to him we got into   an altercation she put her hands on me i swung  back and when i swung back hit me in the face   don't worry baby i'm sorry that's it that's it all right let's go i don't know anything about  how to know how she looks we got to go search   yeah all right guys let's go i don't think  that it was bitten out from the way it looked   whoever did it had some long and sharp  fingernails and literally just gouged to eye the pupil and everything was deformed  so more than likely she's gonna lose   that eye and uh she was pretty calm  so i don't know if i'd have been that calm pd is on scene with a patient that is complaining  of irregular heartbeat oh oh oh i hope this is a   vtech i hope for the patient is not we could fix  that i think just when i show up on scene people's   heart rate increases you think it's cause you like  so fine that's right is that what it is that's it   hello we can see our patient she's in handcuffs  has a few police officers with her that are   currently talking to her what's going on baby i  got punched in the head in my life and could i   just have a breathing treatment she gave me my  ass in front but that's not working right now   okay well we'll see if you're if it's your  asthma or if maybe it's a little anxiety okay   is she 10 15 or what yeah this patient is  obviously emotionally upset she's crying   you know she's not in any respiratory distress nor  does it appear that she's having a heart attack   but her emotions are on high right now take a deep  breath all right you're clear but you said your   eye and your lip is where you got hit okay which  eye was it that one i can see it's a little red i'm doing it all by myself she was upset because she got home from  work and went over to her boyfriend's house   just to find that there's another  female inside of their home   he started pushing her and you know a  table got broken and he called the police five years together that's just like a waste of  my life but i'm thankful for my kids right who   has the kids my mama has them now right i feel  very sympathetic for this patient this is a mom   who's you know working full-time job to take care  of her children you know she now is looking down   a road where she's got more obstacles that were  just thrown in her way i don't have no help you   try to ask the government for help and stuff like  don't get yourself caught up in that you wanna   you on a good path right now with working and  supporting your kids in other ways because i'm   gonna tell you you really are on on the right path  by doing it yourself because you're you're also   teaching your kids to work you're really doing  the right thing and if he doesn't want to be there   he doesn't have to i care for all of my patients  whether they need you know my top-notch paramedic   care or whether they need just someone to just  hear her side of the story you need to get you   one like tall and luscious right here that's what  you need i asked my wife she might beg to differ   be safe be strong let's do this get that  stretcher in here you're going to bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch season 2, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 02, Nightwatch s2, Watch nightwatch s2, nightwatch se02 e2, Nightwatch s2 e2, nightwatch 2X2, Nightwatch part 2, Season 2, Episode 2, nightwatch videos, In the Blink of an Eye part 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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