Nightwatch: Man Hit On Head With Hammer | Full Episode – S3, E5 | Part 2 | A&E

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so nick yeah oh yeah guess what we got  a call okay are you ready let's do this i never clapped that much it was an  over-exaggerated holiday but it was still good   maybe we should do dan and titus that would be  interesting do dan and i'm gonna do titus all   right well you know i gotta have my jail and i  gotta have my gum and your breath still snakes   you're the one over there eating the chicken  wings though you calling me fat see how skinny   i am right now my abs are showing through this  shirt like literally my hair is gelled my abs   are showing i'm ready the ladies love me i'm  ready they love it they know me out here 32-32   we all see come on let's go we get a call for a  male that has been hit in the head with a hammer   so there's a few cops outside but it doesn't  look like anybody's kind of running around so   i figure our patient's probably pretty stable  how are you what's up what happened here   [ __ ] hit me with a ham all right but we  walk in and there's blood everywhere oh i'm   bleeding all right oh yeah you got a vessel have  a seat right here this guy's got blood all over   himself all over his face i mean he's bleeding  into his eyes you got hit once did you get   knocked out no she hit me with a camera right  now you got a tough head man we need to get him   into the unit where there's much more light good  to go so that we can get this bleeding control we're gonna take care of it for you don't move me  open your eye yeah there's a lot of vessels that   run through your head so it's not gonna stop  on its own you're gonna have to actually have   some sort of stitch or staple in your head to stop  bleeding i am going to put a little needle in your   arm though okay you got to give me a lot of uv  little ivy yeah you got to keep your head still   for a second all right what happened that girl  you got he's freaked out on me that's your boo   not like a boo-boo right yeah that's arterial  like a mother now i'm looking good huh   craziness any kind of uncontrolled bleeding is  not a good thing when you look at the wound you   actually see with his pulse that the blood's  actually squirting out of his head going down   my you've got your writing a little harder on  your forehead where's the combat about that   let's do it we have something called combat gauze  it has chemicals in it that's supposed to restrict   the blood vessels as much as possible and you  want to put a pressure wrap on it to stop the   bleeding you got a lot of hair bruh you do got  it i like your hair if you ever met me i move   people you're a people mover no i'll move like  furniture oh outer removed a uh refrigerator   just like this wrapped it around like  a refrigerator thirty two thirty two   uh show us some route to university please  this guy is so lively and happy it's insane   the happiest person i've ever seen after getting  hit in the head with a hammer i got to sew that   blood vessel up that's all that vessel that's  bleeding out yeah they got to put a stitch on that   let's see your arm what up guy  you're so happy you're like the   happiest little trauma patient ever  i can't imagine why somebody hit that dude i told you i was looking like to get like a  pet shark or like a little jellyfish stingray   what yeah i researched them jellyfish  they don't live that long ain't got   to keep it kind of cool troy and i have  been partners for like around six months   are you gonna do it at jellyfish you can't play  with it so it's not a pet don't call it a pet   it's a packed jellyfish he's an amazing  person to work with because he has the   same drive that i have you ever seen  spongebob man you're out of control yeah we're patrolling one of the most active  corners probably in our district sound bad way   to get them we're always having problems with  this house i mean there's been shootings drug   deals it's just a house that we always just have  to keep our eyes on ooh move somebody's out too somebody was just in this car huh get  out the car get out get out of here   get on him darius you ready let's see put both  hands out the window bro let me see your hands   look he put in his mouth look down he's up  right put in his mouth get out get out as i   approach the vehicle he's consistently reaching  down pull them out the car open them up get out let me see y'all here through both hands out  the window bro he just put in his mouth ladarius   look right put in his mouth get out get out  as i approach the vehicle he's consistently   reaching down he could be actually trying  to get a gun concealer gun pull him out the   car open the car pull him out you got to bust  the window bust the windows bro put your hands   up you just do it in his mouth bro oh as he's  starting to comply i realized that hey it was   he was a known drug dealer across the canal we've  been trying to get for months get out turn around   bronze put your hands on your hoods 15 68.  900 block we're gonna be called for can you   let me know what's going on sir please it's an  investigation right now we're going to tell you   get them away from the car bro bring them by  the car what ain't done all right okay look   look don't just step away unless you want to be  part of this we notice that people are starting   to come out the house asking questions yelling  as we search the vehicle we need to make sure   that the scene doesn't escalate any further yeah  he ain't though boy nice i watched him like the   weight placed on his wheel and then he swallowed  it i mean for him to be that desperate to try to   attempt to eat heroin i mean just let you know how  desperate he was about not actually going to jail   i mean if it busts and it gets in his digestive  system he can just die right on the spot you got   an id on him check this thing the hydrocodone  that's hydrocodone get him with a friend   corey sit him down corey search him really good  and sit him down couldn't eat all of them we   found that he was in possession of bags heroin  and several pain pills that's what my partner   yeah the right to remain silent or anything you  say ken and we'll be using entry in the quarter   log what's going on where are you going why y'all  taking him here on the rest that's called fat   button if he under a wreck yeah i'm going to jail  he's going to call y'all from locker room bruh i'm shocked right now that we stumbled upon  him with one bag like that you know basically   we're trying to make the city safe one block at  a time he's like one of the biggest heroin deals   down there he just got sloppy finally to finally  actually get one of the people who was actually   contributing to the problem in that area it felt  really good you believe that finally got him huh titus and i get a call for a lady that has leg  paint apparently she fell a few days ago but i   mean that's a very run-of-the-mill type call  for us so i'm not expecting anything serious you doing baby 32-22 going on right i don't  know how this one yeah it's all swollen this   never looked like this before sticking out  like this all right baby look we're gonna get   the stretcher she had an obvious deformity  to her hip this lady's been dealing with it   for four days i guess she just thought it was  just something that would go away but this is   something that definitely needs attention  look you just get under her shoulders i think she dislocated a broken hip one leg  is shorter than the other right there you   know that's the ideal candidate for uh fractured  help we're going to take care of it hey look do   you want to have poos tips for this lady no four  days is a long time to go without getting that   fracture looked at it can be healing incorrectly  it could be bleeding all right baby let me get   some vitals on you all right what does that mean  i mean take your hip and stabilize it's not an   acute fracture it happened five days yeah so are  you sure we shouldn't have foods it's your call   all right yoga's just as gold as mine all right  so you tell me what you wanted well i'm gonna go   with your your decision i've been working the  longest we've both been there alone we've been   here a long time we just want the best for you  we bounce ideas off of each other it's a good   day yeah you gotta work together right now i'm  not gonna lie he gets on my nerves sometimes just like you hit the nail on the head he's  the wife ah yeah he tries to put me out there   hey look we're going to do a little iv on  you baby all right big stick over here okay   wow i'm sorry that was more of an issue for  you than the hip all right and then i got   to get up front and drive you it's going to be  bumpy you're not going to like me for that too   i'm not going to win this one 320 right the  ocean all right here we go yeah he's gonna   make it a little bumpy if that helps it's broken  like i suspected definitely surgery putting some   pins in there maybe a plate this is just located i  mean you see how the foam like you could tell how   this side is but since it's four days old i'm  just gonna keep it in the position of comfort   cause i don't want to wrap and get it tight  because it might have already set all right   there we go all right love we pulling up right  now right baby four days with a broken hill you   gonna make me feel bad next time i stuff my toe  wasn't too bad i tried she said that you did a   good job so i'm not even gonna clown you on it  can't climb me on something that's true what uh be safe be strong let's do this get that  stretcher in here you're gonna bleed to death   they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 224,258
Rating: 4.9221997 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch season 3, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 03, nigtwatch s3, Watch nightwatch s3, nightwatch se03 e5, nigtwatch s3 e5, nightwatch 3X5, Season 3, Episode 5, nightwatch videos, part 2, Man Hit On Head With Hammer, Nightwatch part 2
Id: aqZvV1h0IgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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