Nightwatch: Motorcycle CRASHES Into Multiple People | Full Episode – S1, E8 | Part 1 | A&E

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tonight on night watch just bleeding he was  almost the back of the head motorcycle hit her   she under a car slid it under the car he's right  there it's gonna win get up get up get up get up   hey let me see your hands let me see your hands   they twerking on the bus up there hey hey hey  hey come on baby get in get in get something get on the bus in the city of new orleans there are as  many as one thousand emergency calls every   night these are the stories of the heroes  who risked their lives to answer those calls   police officers firefighters and emergency  medical technicians this is nightwatch i don't know if my job is more stressful than  anyone else but i would bet i see a lot of   things most other people don't most other people  don't deal with gunshots or stab wounds every day   most people they don't think about  survival every day like i do i tell   you what it put things in perspective it makes  you always remember how precious life really is country was fire in the 8th 22-47 pattern  was 35-51 23 in the fifth with fire at 22-48 little baby frog come here  little frog no come this way   you're going to break your neck i just want to  see you for a second i just wanted to hold you   2 6 2 6 go 38 22 49 32 he came in from td as  a traffic accident or underneath the vehicle   this could be bad this could be real bad and  christine's on scene she hasn't said anything   um yet so it probably it sounds like it  might be pretty bad nick and i get a call   for multiple patients that were possibly struck  by a vehicle there's a motorcycle right there we arrive on scene to find two girls that  were struck on their bicycles by a motorcycle   i hit a bike too obviously motorcycle hit her what  was she under she under a car slid under the car   okay is that her bike right there yeah  that's the other girl's bike back there   so she was hit by the motorcycle slid both of  them yeah okay cause we have multiple patients   so we want to prioritize does anybody need to  go right now you know where yeah we're not ready   we're probably gonna be activation what you know  where you at right now you know what year it is   i know it seems like a silly question our patient  was having retrograde amnesia asking the same   questions over and over and over again and at that  point you start to worry about is this something   as simple as a concussion or is this bleeding  on the brain she's like gcs14 retrograde amnesia   just bleeding hemotomous to the  back of the head okay no other pain   we want to take her to the hospital quickly  and get her checked out yep thank you baby   so you don't really remember what happened then  you guys sounds like you guys are riding your bike   and i got hit by a motorcycle and then you kind  of flew under a car you did lose consciousness   and you hit the back of your head really good  you got a big bump back there little pinch here   one two three she's gonna need a head ct to make  sure she doesn't have any bleeding on her brain a lot of times we post up at engine 27's house  um which is just a common post we go there a lot that's our family over there they  feed us and you know we hang out   and watch sports and do all  normal guy stuff i guess there it is man put my gloves on  bro uh-oh he got batting clothes   you get three hit him three pitches hey hold up hold hold up they're giving us a  call man we got to go next time how convenient   is that right 3620 patients collapsed  and advised that you stand in their chest   so apparently this guy is  unresponsive and stabbed in the chest   tenfold 1097 area come on wake up bro it's he  talking to your call hey man we're gonna set   you up okay get up sit up sit up sit down there  you go we got all right we got you man put your   hands on your chest put your hands on your  chest ready one two three let's go we got you   man we got you there you go oh yeah i said you  got two you got two punctures to the church   but we get them loaded on the stretcher  i'm not even looking at this kid's face   you know my thing is i'm looking at the holes  he has in his chest they've stabbed twice blood   is pouring everywhere we know we have to go we got  you dude you're going to be up yeah we got you man what's your name my friend  i went to school with you   what's up this titus man i went to school with  this guy immediately this call goes from being   professional to personal what's up family  like i'm gonna hold you down yeah it's me   look i'm not gonna let nothing happen to you i  need you to come now i got you man i promise you   tightest monitor i gotcha i got you look a lot of  things gonna be happening but i just need you to   keep talking to me all right yo you got the best  on y'all right i'm gonna cut your pants all right   man yeah yeah you got kids baby i didn't know  that we know each other too long for this bro   problems i won't let nothing happen we're  doing everything we got you got the best   time to go that's what teen time is oh i  mean cause we got a lot going on right there   i know right now i have to professional  and do my job because that's what's going   to save my friend's life 30 20 we're at the  hospital good uh titus is taking you out okay   who's his last question 140 overnight i'm good  yeah he's still doing good this is where all   the best doctors are there's gonna be a lot  of doctors asking you a bunch of questions   all at the same time okay you got to  stay awake and answer them all right   yo man that we just picked up man been knowing  us since back in the day dude we just cut   cuts classes together back in the ninth  grade really cool cat you know when you   when you recognized him usually when i get too  patient i'm not seeing faces it's just seeing   what i have to do so i'm going through everything  in my mind so once we got him in the truck and   i realized he was kind of stabilized i want to  get that blood pressure that's when i actually   looked down at his face like i know this kid i  guess new orleans is so small in the job we do   you never know who you run up you know run into  that's why like calls like that make this more   than a job you know what i mean so you're real  yeah you could tell i hit you at home a little   bit with that dude you know i mean i wasn't  expected to sit usually you know we prepared   for a lot of stuff for seeing somebody you know  i think him knowing you was that kind of he asked   a couple of times on the way to the hospital but  he was still in the truck all right and everybody   should know man you don't die in my truck dude  you die on your own time man you know what i mean if i had infinite income i think i would still  do this i would still do this because i love   it my name is jaray bridges i work in the fifth  district of the new orleans police department i've   been a police officer for about five years provide  infinite income i would like i would want to like   give back and you know create some businesses in  the community and stuff like that my decision to   become a police officer here is my love of this  city for my love of the the people their safety   and protection so this city can continue to be  as vibrant as it always has been see i don't   know what i do with an abundance of money driving  the night walk with lamborghini i probably dropped what do you see subjects our job is to   roll through our district and look  for any type of suspicious activity   what the hell it's going to be some stuff it is  grown as been in a park grown men hanging out at   a park at night it doesn't get any more suspicious  than that and we've received numerous complaints   of drug activity in this area before you should  just get up walk that way and not pull up that way i need back up go around the other side what the  hell it's gonna be some stuff it has grown ass   been in a park grown men hanging out at a park at  night it doesn't get any more suspicious than that   and we've received numerous complaints  of drug activity in this area before we had another unit in the area so  as soon as we spotted these guys   how you doing we call for backup stop please  you gotta run the person isn't gonna run from   the cops unless he's guilty of something i  need backup bring the code break the call   as soon as this kid hits the field i know that  timing's going to be a factor in everything   calling out your positions 1566 i'm in the 1200  block of his life trying to get a perimeter set   so you can apprehend him as as quickly as possible  get on the ground get out of the wow yeah uh-huh tonight our perimeter was solid and we caught our  suspect in the park huh yeah what you running for i heard a boom when i went back  there and there's a shed back there   does he have anything on him as i was chasing him  i heard him toss something unless he has drugs or   a gun we don't really have much to hold him on he  might have been in the shed or he threw something do his jacket off here we go into a  couple of the yards of the residences   searching high surging low looking  for anything that looks suspicious there's a gun back here it's a smaller version of probably a nine  or a 40. yeah yeah i do it sir i saw you   had i saw you had dogs i noticed that  they're inside now would you mind keeping   them inside for a second while we retrieve  something from your backyard okay thank you when we recover a gun off the street it's a  great feeling because that way it cannot get   into the hands of any other perpetrator it's a  glock 26 9 millimeter can commit no more crimes   no little kid can find it in the field and  play with it so it's absolutely a great feeling be safe be strong let's do this get that  stretcher in here you're going to bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch season 1, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 01, Nightwatch s1, Watch nightwatch s1, nightwatch se01 e8, Nightwatch s1 e8, nightwatch 1X8, Nightwatch part 1, Season 1, Episode 8, nightwatch videos, Motorcycle CRASHES Into People
Id: ZMayIempoYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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