Nightwatch: Restarting a Man’s Heart | Full Episode – S2, E10 | Part 2 | A&E

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we got a call for a male that was possibly  shot and it's near the french quarter somebody in the handcuffs already  where you got a victim at boo black mustang all right is he dead probably honey he's dead hey my man you  awake get the stretcher he's obviously bleeding   i mean yeah i see that but is it like 34 it  was really hard to figure out where he was   shot and even if he was shot because the way his  position was i don't feel a pulse his vitals were   essentially non-existent he was assistedly not  breathing no heartbeat he was fixed and dilated   whatever he had we hurry up and put the monitor  on him just to see he's got electrical activity   get him out ea get him out okay this person has  a chance so we need to kick it into high gear he's got electrical activity  get him out yeah get him out   got a whole pool of blood we get  this special possible shooting   and when we arrive on scene we think our patient  is deceased and we quickly find out that he's not he does not have a pulse but he does have the  electrical activity so what we're going to try   to do is cpr as with any trauma victim that is  has any chance of life time is of the essence   so we've got to do everything possible to  restart his heart all right all right he's shot he's got a lot of blood in his airway his anatomy  i could see that his airway was totally screwed up   but give me a tourniquet which confirmed that  there was some traumatic injury that occurred   to the neck that affected the airway that's  what got him is whatever it is one over here   all right you want to show up you want to hit  him with iris yep everybody's good all right i have the utmost faith in the trauma  center let's get some kind of airway   and then we'll roll so i hope  that we can get him there   and they can get a pulse back and maybe get  him to surgery and and hopefully save his life   62-15 they have a code for nopd's on scene  the person was struck in the head with a   crowbar we're going to roll over that way  and back the unit up crowbar can do a lot   of damage it could be something superficial or  it could be a fractured skull 62-15 on scene   we get there and nopd had secured the scene  for us and the guy's laying on the steps   yeah look at that arm's all swelled up the  hitch in the head too he's got deformity to   his left forearm i know immediately that's a  defensive wound trying to block it and keep it   from hitting him in the face or the head oh  i know baby i know that arm might be broke   can you move your fingers squeeze my hand just  move your fingers for me all right that's all   i needed you to do i knew that his forearm is  definitely broken when you're hitting the chest or   anything like that i'll proceed to check his chest  and abdomen area this hurt and where i press here   take a deep breath how's that feel they got  you in the side which they hit you with baby   all right look we're going to splint your  arm real quick and get you rolling all right   we're going to start wrapping them up we  got to get them on the spine board and see   collar and stuff we're gonna go ahead and bring  him to the trauma center just in case he does   have a skull fracture spawn board on this side  of them huh one two right you feel any pain here   okay one two three i'm gonna take them  off to university i think that's the best   so we're going to green street it is a mail  actively seasoning uh-oh it's gonna be on my side   hey darling y'all called yeah he had to see you  at night and fell down and he had his face okay   when we walked in the door the patient was on the  floor right next to the sofa so our first guess is   he fell off the sofa when he started seizing  another promised massage calm down calm down but not today the patient's mother warns us that sometimes  after he comes out of his post-dictal state   that he can be a little bit combative  and these kind of calls can go from   low intensity to high intensity in just a  matter of seconds hey you had a seizure yeah   when we first wake him up you can hear  there's some slurring in his speech   and it's concerning because slurred speech can  be any number of things is he intoxicated is   he having a stroke you know what medicine  he takes he's not taking any advantage he   doesn't take anything for his seizures okay  and when's the last time he had a seizure so we had seizures pretty regularly huh yeah we  got to bring you up to the hospital okay that's   not my favorite we're going to  stand you up kenneth you ready   to mama come on kenneth come on come on i don't  want to believe it put your feet up underneath you   if he does have another seizure we want to be able  to stop it as quickly as possible that involves   getting an iv as fast as we can so that we can  give them medication i'm missing your arm kenneth   let me see probably that's all right kenneth  olympia my dad right there i know that i've   definitely seen it where patients who have just  had seizures are aggressive they don't realize   that we're just there to help them oh it's all  right my dude it's all right just a little needle alcohol and a seizure patient can lower  their threshold someone who has as many   seizures as he does he should be taking  medicine all right see you there thank you you heard where it is yeah 64g in progress usually i don't like to go to the  scene at first because i like to   fan out and start scanning the area see if we can  find them 3424 you can put us uh 1097 in that area full blocks away saw this car coming down  speeding down the side street spotlight the first thing i want to do is get the plate and  get it in the computer so i have more information come back to seven eight car comes back  stolen six seven a we're definitely stopping oh hold up there's four times bro   in my mind it's a felony stop see everybody's  hands hands out the window everybody everybody   they can be armed and they can start shooting at  us back seat right put your hands out the window ellie and i are responding for a call for armed  robbery when we see a car full of guys that match   the description oh hold up there's four times see  everybody's hands hands out the window everybody   everybody backseat right put  your hands out the window   let me see that other hand all of them legal  step out step up bro keep your hands up paul going to north clayvon 18 go4  they just had an armed robbery okay they got the pistol in there cereal numbers  crashed off it's probably going to be from   64. which is going to be stolen right i got  a uh stolen pistol i need to check we have a   confirmed stolen vehicle a pistol with a partially  obliterated serial number and a large amount of   cash on one of the occupants it's not looking real  good at this point when i looked at that footage   we called for the fifth district detective that  came and looked at the video from the store   he had the tattoo in the face  what are our red pants or anything description he came on the scene and verified that  these weren't the guys uh i mean he goes to tell   you you don't know who you're stopping you know  all four of them take a ride let's have a seat   these weren't the armed robbery guys that we  were looking for but we were pretty glad that   we stopped them because we've got a gun stolen car  and we ended up getting a couple bad guys off the   street be safe be strong let's do this get that  stretcher in here you're going to bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 391,284
Rating: 4.927155 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 2, nightwatch season 02, nigtwatch s2, Watch nightwatch s2, nightwatch se02 e10, nigtwatch s2 e10, nightwatch 2X10, Saints and Sinners, Part 2, Nightwatch part 2, Saints and Sinners Nightwatch, Restarting a Man’s Heart
Id: 05PQ43-vDFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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