Nightwatch: Leg Injury Threatens Man’s Life | Full Episode – S3, E5 | Part 1 | A&E

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tonight on nightwatch hey isn't it  he's more incredible he's critical when an officer is injured it impacts us all it's multiple gunshots that bone  is broken and those muscles are pulling   and it's sliding that bone like this in the city of new orleans there are as  many as 1 000 emergency calls every night   these are the stories of the heroes who risk  their lives to answer those calls police officers   firefighters and emergency medical  technicians this is nightwatch every city needs its heroes it needs people  who are going to take it upon themselves   to make things better in new orleans there  are heroes like this all around us and those   of us who help people for a living know the job  sometimes requires us to put our lives on the line   but we do it because we believe people are  worth helping the job is worth doing our city   is worth saving country with fire in the  8th 2247 adam is fifty one three five three   on the fifth with fire at twenty two forty  eight we wait on code four on channel one   thirty four thirty four hundred block working  seven let me give me some zuzu's right quick   that's my uncle called snacks zuzus  where are you from give him a neck   of this mississippi yeah i'm about to  find out zuzus i heard that in a minute 1566 okay when we arrive on scene we find the  victim at the bottom of the stairs bleeding   from his leg what happened man he knocked him  knocked through my throat he said somebody said   did he get in the car did he i don't  know he shot me from what's there 34s is a pretty serious scene police  anybody in there and we need to code   for the situation to make sure that  no perpetrators are still on scene   police anybody in here so ems can come in and  do what they need to do to save this victim   rule ems bro 1566 code 4 for emf 3225 in the area  many lights going on right now 137 right here as i'm walking up the guy's laying on the ground   and an er position is already on  scene where are you shot buddy he has multiple gunshots in both legs  also two gunshots in his right arm we need to get to the hospital as  fast as possible oh one two three oh   we're gonna run up to university okay  my name is landon right femur fracture   in and out to the right and then out to the  left lower extremities of the upper leg and   then in and out to his right arm elbow i mean  a gun shot to the leg can absolutely kill you   if you hit your femoral artery you're going to  be bleeding out in a minute he's got a hole he's   kind of through and through over here too yeah  throw him on the monitor get me a set of idols   i know man i know i know oh one two three  four oh okay blood pressure's taken now   we want to get them on some oxygen throw an iv in  i'll put an oxygen and let's go no man we don't   have time to go back to your pants okay 32 25  code 3 university trauma activation doc on board the problem is that that bone is broken  and those muscles are pulling together   oh and it's sliding that bone like this and that's  where the pain is coming from still bleeding so the doctor grabs traction on the leg and starts pulling and then i tie the leg off to the  stretcher what we're doing is we're   stretching that bone out to where it's back in  place so that all that tearing of the muscle stops   and as soon as we get it back into place the  guy's pain jumps from a tin back down to a five   how old are you my man 26. 26 year old male 2 gsws  to the right upper leg 2g of w's the left upper   leg two gto cevi used to the right arm pressure  is 110 over 70. in a few minutes 1325 in hospital   well i'm thankful we're at the  hospital because his right leg   is twice the size of his left leg because  he has so much blood in that cavity   he got super lucky no like center mass shots  yeah but those injuries changed his life yeah   that femur was bad though there's a lot of  blood inside that leg doctor and i put a   traction splint on it in the back of the truck and  just tied it to the stretcher like you showed me   i did teach you something yes rocking it nice job dude we got the winner down for a reason nice  night man it's cool sweating my nuts on for that's   cause you're a little on the heavy side when it's  uh 74 degrees outside but then an attractive dude   like myself it feels good to you you sweat yeah  when you say stuff like that bro i really do   question it question what our refresher man like  our friendship is solving this solid sound like   two men riding on a motorcycle sound like a fat  man on the tightrope he could give at any moment   i'm telling you going to a car fire on  bayou road hopefully there's no one in it you got some glass in your arms too yeah i was  coming around the curve right just did and it   just ran into the tree you know what i grew  up around here man dude that house was used   to get cars in the inside of it all the time  like this courage was just something else come   on here man let me check your blood pressure and  stuff we need to check the guy out make sure that   we get the guy good once over cause i mean it  was a pretty serious accident come have a seat   right there and you ain't falling asleep you ain't  been drinking nothing crazy like that no no no sir   where you coming from working yeah  i was working he had cheap out home   yes sir is there anything on your hurt man  no i'm good you don't feel bad at all no no   i'm straight yeah all right that's good i mean  just my pride in my truck bro you know what i'm   here now you almost had to ask that lady to fix  you a plate you was almost in a dining room bruh   dude everything looks good we we feel  comfortable on letting you go anything   unfortunately everything checked out  fine with him watch you step getting up   oh yeah i'm good he's gonna have to fill out a  police report before they tore him out of here third to 20. you're welcome for this particular  call you see all three services come together   ems fire and police we have tasha there she's  doing the police report we have fire there they   are making sure that we're safe that the car  don't spark back up and we're there for the help   side we're there for the patient but we're also  there for each other hey man don't forget your   glasses i see they're hanging up on your body all  right brother you'd be good bro all right tasha we got a male that's unresponsive in a bathroom  possibly not breathing possible drug overdose we've been dealing with a lot  of overdoses for a while now   probably more this year so far than i've  dealt with in a very long time if ever 62.10 hey is that one breathing he's more incredible  he's crying hey hey you oh oh get hurt we get a call from man unresponsive  in a restaurant hey there's one in   in the bathroom we walk in and there's  not one that's overdosed but two time is of the essence if your  brain is without oxygen for an   extended amount of time you can  have significant brain injury wake up dude narcan reverses the effect of heroin  their respiratory rate increases they come back   to life basically hey take them breaths brother  hey hello he's coming around just a stretcher   since we had two patients we called for another  unit ted and our katie got there hey hold up   got a little party hey you got any more narcan  and i asked my patient off to them hey stop it   you're going to the hospital  once we give a patient narcan   we have to bring him to the hospital because you  don't know how much opiate they have in their   system when the narcan wears off they'll  be right back where they work thank y'all you're gonna tell us what you took i don't know   i need to know what you did to  know how to take care of you   you overdosed on drugs 39. who are you to him he's  a recovering addict i don't know if he shared with   him okay what was what did he used to use heroin i  don't know he doesn't want me to say anything well   no listen i'm not the cops i need to know what  he used to use to know how to take care of him all right we're heading to baptist oh my god i appreciate you all you were dead five minutes  ago like not breathe in y'all we're both dead in   the bathroom by the time we're pulling up to the  hospital he's starting to understand what happened that was with you yeah he's good  he took a little longer to wake up i'm like i'm like waltz right  here yeah at rock bottom right now   there's no lower you can get  than where you are right now but you got to think about the other people around  you okay you have to let them be there for you okay be safe be strong let's do this get that  stretcher in here you're going to bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 273,328
Rating: 4.9269276 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch season 3, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 03, nigtwatch s3, Watch nightwatch s3, nightwatch se03 e5, nigtwatch s3 e5, nightwatch 3X5, Nightwatch part 1, Season 3, Episode 5, nightwatch videos, Leg Injury, Threatens, man life
Id: k-2nBdIyGFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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