Nightwatch: Mardi Gras Band Member Faints | Full Episode – S2, E1 | Part 2 | A&E

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night number two i know right you ready it's  gonna be crazy there's so many people out already   last night look at this stupid guy what's up  man you're sneaking off what's up bro how you   doing man i'm all right man you walking  tonight short stuff yeah i'm walking   about a couple of blocks away yeah  hopefully tonight we'll get better nights it is pulling off what's up look at that  man how you doing bro what's up good man   they had to switch all two up huh you don't  want to be uptown with the hitters no more   you all got promotions yeah congrats to y'all  yeah man y'all deserve it yup day two y'all   ready just hopefully no no shooting man there's  too many people for them to be shooting yeah   too many old people too many paramedics give it to the drunks and the fights y'all come back and hold us man i got you  man yeah i need anything you know same way my   brother come here all right y'all be good well  that was nice i love those dudes you know they   both got promoted to sergeants which is amazing  yeah yeah that's awesome they deserve it yeah so see this is my favorite part  of high school yeah he's marching   in the parade one in the band i  don't know and i was a cheerleader nick and i are standing up watching  one of the parades outside of the truck   and we get a call for one of the band members  that is now down where is that it's gonna be   south liberty for now 30 23 right okay and we're gonna have to bring the stretcher across  the parade rod i don't know when you're in a   marching band during mardi gras you are marching  several miles every day so it can be a dangerous   situation for somebody who may have a pre-existing  medical condition look yeah they are 32-32 17 how you feeling not too good huh when  somebody passes out you want to rule out   the most life-threatening emergency that you  can get so first off see if they can wake up   see what their speech pattern is make sure  it's not neurological get some vital signs   see what's going on with their body so you can  kind of plan a course action to help this person   nick are we crossing the route the challenges of  you know actually picking someone up on the parade   route is your crowd it's like being in the middle  of a riot you have to stay focused keep yourself   and your patients safe and be able to get them  into your truck without you know any further   harm so we're crossing the route i don't know how  old she is 17 17. okay she can go to lane hey how   do you feel can we have that guy give us just a  minute all right can you tell me your name gabby   are you hurting anywhere no no you're marching in  the parade yeah you're gonna be all right sweetie so did you see what happened no according  to the kids they said that she's showing   the signs anything she just hit the girl any  possibility you could be pregnant sweetie   no okay there's always a little bit of relief  when their eyes are open and they're speaking   you know this person looks okay right now so you  know they're not dead and that's a great thing um   i can work with that i think you're dehydrated  as what happened probably from you know wearing   the jumpsuit and everything being hot  was just entertaining you missed it   come with the parade the end of the  parade oh are you a senior oh boo feeling any better she's upset because  she's missing the end of the parade   she's a senior you know our hearts go out to  gabby because she worked so hard for this and   her experience got stolen from her from a medical  issue 32-32 it's valentine's day valentine's day   our women are at home with no men well that we  know of right that's why i came to work so she   could spend valentines with the ones she loved  my new baby boy tana she's probably giving him   all the intention he can handle contact is gonna  be running me in a second now canal indicator we do have the stabbing i think says it's definitely gonna  be a trauma activation right where's he stabbed that joke and a net where's he stabbed that joke we were called over to the parade route  to help a gentleman that had multiple   stab wounds and lacerations to his head  and neck got his ear there you have your   carotid which is one of your main orders  that run through your neck so that's a   big worry now if that got nicked then we worrying  about him bleeding out and blood is everywhere what happened man i guess this guy was looking for a little  valentine love you know but this knight   went in a whole different direction oh he got you  the news too what did he cut you up with a blade   he said he thinks it was a razor blade and boys  ain't bought them fish no move bro valentine's   day is not supposed to be about fighting anyway  but you know what thank god could have been a lot   worse than what it was dude all right dude look  we're getting to the hospital thank you titus 32 20. show me code three times son so you  said you think they got you with a razor blade   we'll fight then i ain't feeling nothing to  know somebody pulling me back dude like you   leave yeah i'm just gonna kind of lay this  across your neck i think the worst one is   because it feels kind of open yeah i don't want you to blow it or  do anything with that nose okay say bro you must have been washing that boy he  probably ain't want no parts of you bro there   were two of them all and you still was wearing  them say better for him to pull out of blade   that boy that's a soccer move only cowards  do that we're gonna get you all fixed up   you're probably gonna get a bunch of stitches  in that nose and neck man the one on our nose let's hope it's the last time right dude just go crazy man it's valentine's day is  mardi gras all wrapped in one i guess it's kind   of big little words getting stabbed on valentine's  day yeah i can kind of play it out in my mind he   probably tried to holla at her and she said like  i got a man and then the man showed up and the man   showed up hey that's why you can't talk another  man woman i leave him alone man one woman man man   good job on that one though never had my ass  whipped but never been stabbed either see i'm like   like smoking joe fred's how come you always  call me smoking joe you call me smoking tea hey last year we picked up a young lady named hope  she broke down on the side of the road her leg had   gotten crushed and pinned between some vehicles oh  my name's dan okay i'm the paramedic that's gonna   take you to the hospital all right her leg was  just tortoise stretch and i'm like this patient   life would never be the same what happened would  you have to go yeah what happened um i had minor   minor uh muscle damage to the back of my calf but  no broken bones good good they had to do a skin   wrap on me they did the skin all right but yeah it  was crazy it's not very often that we get to put   our eyes on somebody afterwards right right you  just don't even know like i'm so glad to see you   walking around like you just don't even know so  you're good to lay it good yeah so you can dance she's going to parade walking on  a leg that would just shred it   a few months earlier it's a great day like come  on man you can't write that do that it's crazy man   you know you don't get that paddle in the back  too much but when you do it's kind of work   oh dude like gave me goosebumps when i realized  who it was making the difference b that was   all right that's all i lost hey bro for real  hey man we're gonna get ready to do it again   be safe be strong let's do  this get that stretcher in here they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 182,842
Rating: 4.9433069 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 02, Nightwatch s2, Watch nightwatch s2, nightwatch se02 e1, Nightwatch s2 e1, nightwatch 2X1, Nightwatch part 2, Season 2, Episode 1, nightwatch videos, Mardi Gras Band Member Faints, Mardi Gras, Band Member
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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