Nightwatch: Man Hurt After Crashing Into Tree | Full Episode – S2, E10 | Part 3 | A&E

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vehicle hit a tree fire department's up there you definitely hit it thirty  twenty we know it's location   we get a call for a motor vehicle accident where  a car has crashed into a tree the guy is laying   outside the car possibly unconscious after  an accident like that like i usually think   that he's been injected this is probably going to  be really bad maybe he's drunk ain't no time oh   straighten that leg up then all right there you  go what's going on dude yeah decide to come off   the road over here say hello there though  playing a right hip and uh right leg man oh   what's going on dog what's your name bro dominique  dominique i'm going to help how old are you   19 young brother just sort of weird  because it's a newer car there's no   alcohol in the car there's no traffic it's in  the middle of the night so it's really kind of   unclear as to what could have caused it i'm gonna  take you to the hospital man i can't pay for   it man we're not worried about your hands on the  hospital bill man your life is more than worth the   hospital are we ready one two three once i saw he  was awake and talking daryl said that he remembers   everything i mean that was enough for me to see  that he was stable yeah you gonna call his mind   well we gonna call him man as soon as you give me  her number let's talk about a truck in the light   where we can hear each other speak and all  that good jazz i think there's a lot more to   this story that he's not telling us tell me what  you remember man i was just driving down uh-huh all right man mama right here calm down the patient's girlfriend had just broke up with  him and he was pretty upset about it and so   the mom thinks that that may have been  a contributing factor to the accident we bout to leave you got to ride up front  with me all right baby all right all right doing good for yourself right now right it's  just his girlfriend do you think he did it   deliberately or just not paying attention  he was out of his mind for that moment   he had to be her good boy i'm just glad that it  could have been a lot worse you know we work i   work at him as i see all kind of crazy stuff  but i see the remorse in his eyes so hopefully   nothing like this would ever happen again  ever because he could see how bad he hurt you several other victims we receive a call about a  shooting multiple victims it's at a well-known   bar in a local neighborhood ems let's shut  down the entire 2600 block this is 27 so   shut it down right here as we're coming down  mlk boulevard there's a lot of vehicle traffic it's a chaotic scene of people everywhere  when i first got out of the car and ran   up to the scene it looked like a war zone  they're people shot and bleeding everywhere we receive a call about a  shooting with multiple victims   suspects have fled and ems is already  on scene you see an older guy shot he's   bleeding a little further down there's  another guy shot laying in the street ems has transported the victims and it's our  job to find out what happened and who did it   we got to preserve evidence that's primary  reason why we catch most of the criminals   so shutting down the street getting people  back they said they approach in this way   just canvassing for anything you feel may  be related to this possible weapons used   casings right there right there right there  security cameras witnesses you guys all i have   i heard about that that's great  this your car no that's not my call   i see this car just parked in isolation off  to the side it seemed out of place to me   got a gun in the car got a glock on the floorboard  yeah we bag of weed some crack in the door   there's narcotics inside of it so could be  the reason for the shooting at this point   it's definitely evidence it's in that area where  we blocked off what made you go look over there   you know what they do right here at this car oh  yeah all day every day i'm just looking for more   cases down that way you know you have blood going  down this way so i said let me go check this car any time we can get a gun off the street  especially on a street like that where you   know narcotic activity is known to happen it feels  like a small victory they could have been just   innocent bystanders most of the  time a lot of people that get shot   they don't beat a target that's a hot corner  with it dope all day probably you know aiming   at one person and anybody else around just get  caught up some person been installed they got   hit in the head with a bottle man this is crazy  what is going on stabbing codes just all day long yeah when we get on scene the guy's covered in  blood he's got blood on his face and his shirt   and it looks like he's got lacerations to his  head and on his face got you pretty good my friend   if you look like this how the other  dude looks crazy better people yeah you guys are pretty good   yeah he's swelling up back there too he's got a  couple of lacerations to his head that's probably   going to be closed up and then on top of that  he probably needs a tetanus shot definitely a   lot of reasons he needs to go to the hospital cnn  no dude is his nose broke is that like deformity   um it's a bridget let's look swollen but  it don't look broken they did a pretty good   job on you man man this dude got what you call  battle science got to learn how to bob and weeds all right my man um mr puffer floor and you could put us in route to two lane we all ate we're in the 5th district kind of looking  for any suspicious activity and we're the   last car in the wolf pack uh we have a now we get  around a bar and it's kind of happening outside and usually a lot of people hang around that  club and start selling narcotics around there   what they're doing the white haired they moved   billion cedric saw this guy standing around  and as soon as he made contact with police   he started walking away want to run you  running running 34-24 go go go you're the team in the front billy and  cedric spot a suspicious person   what's it doing the white shirt with the dress  he's going bruh so all of a sudden he just starts running as soon as the chase is on ali  jumps out he starts taking off after him   and i got around trying to  put him off take that corner hey daddy called up got too many burners bro my bad baby's old man you got anything else on you brother  you got to wait to remain inside talk about all the things you did wrong with  my man all you got to do is stay put bruh as soon as we secured him find  a large amount of marijuana   that he was out there selling  got a regular man silent again you have a right to attorney it  came from you can't be provided it's always a good feeling when somebody's  actively trying to get away from you   and you catch them and then you  find out that they're you know   drug dealer they got that pistol  with them all officers are okay   no weapons discharged yeah it's a good feeling  you put out the whole 3400 series on this the 10 000 block of current for a male stabbed  to the back for real we get a call for a male 34c   which is an aggravated assault by cutting 32.35  hunting let's do it stretcher and stuff yep he's   going to the trauma center what you got galen got  a stab wound right to the back maybe right there   okay when we pull up keely already has his wound  bandaged he's sitting up he's talking what up man see how big the night voice may change he didn't  see nothing he didn't punch in the face kick you   knock you out nothing like that punch in the face  a little bit okay just want to make sure he got   some no never left your feet all right we're good  i can't tell immediately if it's just superficial   that's the only one that i saw is right there  i'm worried that it could have penetrated the   chest cavity and punctured along how did you  breathe and feeling kind of should be okay   so that makes it critical in nature right  there we're gonna put you on the stretcher okay   he's gonna be transported to the trauma  center no matter what we good y'all we good he could be bleeding internally his  adrenaline could be going so he doesn't feel   a lot of pain at the time you put a little  oxygen on you okay but inside he could be   hemorrhaging uncontrollably and so this is where  time is truly up the essence we ready ready yep   see you didn't see the knife at  all tell me exactly what happened he jumped up and said what give it up  oh he's trying to rob you i said man   i do it in front of you okay so you never even  got to see the knife or anything all right   i mean you can see it's a good two centimeters  almost a full inch it's not a small knife we   really need to get them into a surgery suite so  where they can correct this vital area of the   body that may have been injured i'm from mobile  man oh okay you just moved here recently yeah   man tough story i'm sorry this  city's not always like this   city's got a lot of good a little bit of bad i  know i like this city okay i really do happen bro be safe be strong let's do this get that stretcher  in here they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 292,554
Rating: 4.9024124 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 2, nightwatch season 02, nigtwatch s2, Watch nightwatch s2, nightwatch se02 e10, nigtwatch s2 e10, nightwatch 2X10, Saints and Sinners, Part 3, Nightwatch part 3, Saints and Sinners Nightwatch, man crashes his car
Id: 9rF4s0DpJn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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