New Players, Hamlet, Expeditions, and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle welcome back to the new player guide so this is part two and this is picking up where the last one left off so in this one we will talk about how to manage your hamlet which is your base the town and we will also talk about how to build teams and what to look for in heroes so if you enjoy the content make sure you check out the description below there's a bunch of social media stuff like following me on twitch joining discord if you really like the work then you can support on patreon and get all kinds of super cool perks so thank you and now we'll start the video this is our victory screen here so if you have leftover supplies that sells them and then all the gold you found gets counted out so your items get sold automatically and then this total here is added to our mission reward of 5000 gold and then these heirlooms are used to upgrade buildings and that's how many we found and it counts all those out quirks so these are the passive things i was telling you about so we went from level zero to one pretty nice you can only go to level six we got two xp and then we got a quark this could be good or bad we don't know what it is yet it's bad it's very bad so slow draw minus four speed on the first round so this goes away after the first round thankfully but it's pretty bad means you're basically going last or close to last there's a lot going on with the town screen here so you always check to see your entire weeks this always goes back down to week one so you can see what you've been doing it keeps track of what heroes you're taking care of what they did in the week between the mission or like after the mission or whatever it is and you can see who you healed or who you brought items they got items they lost stuff like that who went on what mission if they were successful or not so that's pretty cool so it says they successfully escorted me to the hamlet the player is the heir of the ancestor they are not one of these characters so you're just kind of like this general kind of like xcom and stuff like that if you played that where like you're the the commander the faceless commander making all the choices probably just started from here but this is the hamlet this is the town that you get control of for the entire campaign it has various buildings that don't unlock instantly but the longer you play it only takes about four or five weeks to unlock everything and then you get one over here too so this is where you're doing a lot of your stuff you can see like the dungeons and stuff in the background which is pretty cool so we're going to start with the stagecoach this is like the lifeblood of your game for the first few weeks i mean it's just always the lifeblood but its biggest impact is probably in the first like quarter to one third of the game so you come here and new heroes are randomly generated and they're put in the stagecoach so if you want to look for new heroes if your roster is not maxed out then you come here and you look for heroes you look at what skills they came with what camp skills they came with we'll talk about camping later they don't come with gear usually and then quirks we can see what passive stuff they have so it's minus 10 stress that's pretty good ruins phobe is plus 20 stress in ruins which is a region that kind of sucks ass and so these other stats these are pretty self-explanatory so protection is armor so there's a percentage damage reduction dodge's chance to not get hit so getting hit and dodge is a combination of accuracy so for instance this has accuracy of 95 my dodge is zero which means i do not affect this in any way but someone like highwayman who has 10 dodge against this pistol shot which is 85 accuracy would lower it to 75 percent chance to hit pretty easy right max hp self-explanatory speed we explain that accuracy mod any bonus chance to hit crit very easy to understand damage also easy to understand then we talked about resist before so death blows interesting because when you hit zero hp you actually don't die you hit a state called death's door and then you have your death blow resist against whatever damage you take to not die so anything that does one or more damage has a chance to kill you at death store and it's a 33 chance baseline this can go up and this can go down depending on stuff but most the time it is a two-thirds chance to survive that is not great odds for you or those are not great odds i should say which means that getting to death store is kind of scary it's always a tense moment and even if you are bleeding for one point of damage that can still kill you so damage over time effects get much more threatening at death store than they normally are so just make sure you're not bleeding when you're low hp because something can hit you and then they can actually kill you there are other penalties associated with death store besides just the chance of dying there's things like minus damage minus speed and then like stress gained if you get hit by stress or just naturally occurring stress so you really just don't want to go to death store and also if you survive death's door so you just have to heal someone even if it's one hit point they leave death store if they get crit for a thousand damage even though they have one life they're not gonna die they're just gonna go back to death store so death store is actually interesting because it can give you more time to live than you would otherwise have but then sometimes you can just not work i shouldn't say not work but sometimes like the running joke on my channel is that death blowers this is a myth because like most of the time my heroes don't even survive a death store check they just freaking die so that sucks otherwise death door just makes a lot of tense moments and it's pretty interesting it makes this game different than a lot of other games alright back to the stagecoach sorry about that so we have these two and we need four to build a full team thankfully they gave us two extra heroes so she comes with her own passive she comes with certain moves unlocked or take her a sister ancestor talks to us and i'm not gonna go into the next battle but i'm gonna explain how this would work so here is the map for darkest dungeon this is where you pick missions to go to these two areas are dlc so if you do not have these installed you will just see these and there's still plenty of content in this game with just this stuff here right now since it's the tutorial we can only pick the ruins this thing here this little skull and the the zero the higher this number gets like you'll see you do missions and this bar fills up every time this hits the skull it spawns a boss and you have to beat the boss to get goodies and then there's certain there are a set number of bosses that show up in each region but i'm not going to cover bosses in this i don't want to spoil anything when you are looking at missions it tells you what the goal is sometimes you can camp so it says this one does not involve camping because this is short longer missions let you camp this is the level of the dungeon and this is what you get gold pretty obvious heirlooms we talked about that we have some right here i probably should have showed those off i think i'll go back and look and then you always get one trinket reward the harder the mission is the more valuable the trinket you get bosses always give you the strongest level of trinket once you beat them i shouldn't say the strongest but they give you very rare trinkets which are orange and those are pretty powerful so if you get an early boss kill you can actually get some really good stuff so just be on the lookout for those and i'll go to a different file that shows these off in a minute but other things to look at in town if you want to upgrade your facilities all of them have this thing in the top this icon except the graveyard where you can click this and you can spend heirlooms which are right here and then you get different bonuses it's usually just some incremental change so for instance increases the number of trinkets that i can buy it starts at two this increases it to four if i do it again i think it goes up to six and you kind of get the idea and then there's usually a second thing that reduces cost so these are both pretty powerful depending on what the facility is of course so for the stagecoach we get quite a few things so stagecoach network this increases the amount of heroes that we can see every single week here this is really good but you don't need more than four honestly like it's nice to see seven people a week but for most or yeah most intents and purposes four units is usually enough so i would not recommend going over four until like super late game when you're just you know messing around you want to get new heroes and then this one's pretty important the hero barracks this increases your roster size so right now i start at 10 and i can increase it to 13. i think it goes up to 29 so that's pretty good then experienced recruits this is usually not recommended for the start of a file or i guess for newer players it's still fine but i don't like this one too much just because experience recruits gives you higher level people with good stuff but you have to have all the other i shouldn't say all the facilities but you have to have the guild hall and the blacksmith really powered up to make use of this so this is a big investment and it doesn't really come online until like mid to late game so i usually don't like it that much for facilities let's actually let's jump out to a different file here so this is another file that's pretty deep it's almost at the end i probably could just beat this game if i really wanted to let me share with you town events so every time like you come back in the week during this game there are a lot of times you'll get a town event where it just shows this poster and that shows like what the effect is you know you get bonuses sometimes you get penalties so this is the hamlet all built up for the most part i don't i don't think i have this maxed out no i don't but you get the idea so for the facilities i would recommend the blacksmith super important this upgrades your weapon and armor so the stronger your weapons and armor get the more dodge hp damage speed and crit you get which is pretty cool the guild hall this upgrades the level of your combat skills so they start at one i think zero and then they level up to five and every time they level up they get more accuracy more crit chance and their bonus effects go up so like bleeds gain more damage per round debuffs get stronger heals get stronger crit chance goes up so a lot of interesting things that happen with maxing out skills which means that besides torchlight the other big thing to your success besides building teams as well will be having the proper levels of skills and gear to make sure that your heroes have the best chance of surviving if you have level five heroes and they have level two gear they're going to die so you always have to make sure that you're upgrading your stuff and staying on top of this because that's another thing that i see kill a lot of newer players is they don't have their gear and their skills maxed out they just send people into harder missions and they can't keep up with the damage that they can take and they also can't do enough damage to end fights quickly so when you look at the map here there there are a lot of options so these are red because they're level five missions but level three missions are yellow and level one missions are green green missions you can only take heroes that are level zero to two yellow missions you can only take heroes that are level three and four and then red missions you can take any one i should say you can take level zero to two or yeah zero to two on yellow missions as well they're just weaker and it's not recommended same with level five you can do it but it's just not recommended so when you're looking at missions you have a lot of choices the skulls or bosses the icons and the surrounding circle and the spikes tell you a lot about the missions so if it has three spikes it's a medium mission which means you get to camp so you see here we have extra or we get one thing of firewood which is pretty cool and then long missions have five and you get two campings long missions actually take quite a while you know the the word long is very explicit in how it describes this so if you do a short mission you can do it in probably seven to 15 minutes a medium missions probably about 10 to 20 depending a long mission can take you like 45 minutes just because the dungeons are so extensive so i don't usually recommend long missions they're pretty inefficient in terms of money but they do have the best rewards so that's that is something the best quest rewards so if you're trying to level up quickly media missions are actually the best short missions are the safest and long missions you just do if you have nothing else or if you're trying to get the trinket like i was saying as well the icon on the map thing shows you what type of mission it is so this one here that has the weird grid pattern this is always explore 90 of rooms which means you have to explore a majority of the dungeon rooms so these are actually the hardest missions because no matter what happens you have to explore the majority of the dungeon any other mission in the game like a boss mission or a collect mission or some kind of activate mission or a room battles mission means you don't always have to explore the entire dungeon sometimes you only have to go through half of it so they are very beneficial with explore like i take these if i have to or if i just don't care but normally i don't like to take these i'd rather do room battles if i have a choice or some of the other media missions are pretty good this hand icon this is a gather mission so you have to go into the dungeon and pick up three things if you scout it on the map it'll say quest location which is pretty cool and you have to put them in your inventory they don't stack so your inventory management is much harder on these missions but you always get a cool town event for doing these so always be on the lookout for media missions and what town event they give you so i'm not going to spoil what they're obviously but once you get familiar with them there are some really good ones and i think each region actually has a very good one to look out for the chest one is an activate mission so when you start the mission if i did this yeah i'm just gonna skip that warning you start with three items and then i have to find three things in this dungeon and i have to use these items on it and that's how i complete it so like i was saying before sometimes i can get through half the dungeon find all three of them and then i'm just done so they're actually very short sometimes which is pretty nice since we're here i may as well talk about this too so when you are preparing to go on a mission you will see all the items you start with since this mission has camping it gives me firewood and this is an activate mission so it gives me the three items i need i don't think i can throw these away or waste them so you're never in danger of losing these items and failing and then whatever other things your heroes bring will show up in your inventory sometimes people bring stuff for free which is pretty nice like this anti-venom comes from our plague doctor so she always brings one of these to the mission and this bandage comes from our arbolest so there are a lot of interesting things that the heroes bring they can bring pretty much everything up here except for like some of the special stuff but like you can bring a shovel some of them bring medicinal herbs and aquarium brings keys crusader brings holy water so sometimes it's worth taking certain heroes to missions just to get one extra provision because these are pretty nice and they're helpful but they also cost money so they save you money in the long run when you're going for missions it's there's like a cheat sheet on how to itemize but basically the easiest way to think about it is if it's a short mission you want eight food and two shovels and then like the other stuff depends on the region and then if it's a medium and long you multiply it by two and then multiply it by three but i'm going to do a provision guide at some point so don't worry about that right now but when you're here you gear out your characters you give them everything you'd want so for a medium mission like this i probably take 16 food that's a good amount i probably take three shovels and then just to be safe i would take like a couple of each of these probably two herbs two keys since i'm in the ruins where holy water is really good i take like three of these and then if i want to be super safe i take two stacks of torches i will use most of this over the dungeon i won't use all of it but i will use most of it so when you are also buying stuff you can click one at a time but you don't have to do that you can actually use shift so if you hold shift and left click it'll sell a full stack or it will purchase a full stack so that's pretty nice so you can actually decide how you're buying stuff this way and then the stuff that your heroes bring you actually can't sell them so that kind of sucks if you beat the mission you still have them they sell automatically and then finally if your mission has camping you want to bring extra food because when you camp you have a choice of how much food you want your party to eat because you get different effects so now that that is done i think we will talk about some team building and mission selection picking a mission is a very big decision you'll do it so often it won't feel like a big decision but it impacts quite a lot in your playthrough so when you pick a mission you look at all the regions you look at the mission types you look at the rewards you get like all of it matters the heirlooms matter the trinkets you get matter the town events that appear matter sometimes there aren't town events because it's a short mission sometimes the trinkets just garbage and you want to sell it especially this one otherwise when you're looking at these you have to look at your roster decide who is fit to go on a mission and then who does very well here and then once you've decided that you start building your team but then you also have to do some more town management so if i wanted to go to the wheeled for this mission let's say like let's say i wanted either this mantra of fasting which i honestly wouldn't because this thing sucks and if i wanted this town event i go okay so how do i do this i look at the wheel and this comes with a lot of experience i will make region guides at some point but when you're looking at this you go okay the wheeled what works in the wheel i know that there are some enemy tactics that i could disrupt and bleed damage does pretty well here and stuns are kind of nice so how would i build a team knowing that so when i build teams personally i don't know how other people do it i go with a card game philosophy and in card games like you know magic or hearthstone stuff like that you say to yourself what do i do to win the game like what is my win condition for this deck and the same thing applies to when you build teams what is my win condition for missions how do i kill monsters because you cannot beat any mission in this game without killing monsters even if you retreat it puts the same fight you retreated from in front of you so you have to go through it if something is behind it in order to clear the mission so in this case how do i kill monsters in the wheeled okay i want to go for a bleed damage setup who has bleed damage flatulent has bleed damage he has some okay stuff here nothing in terms of his negative quirks are bad for the wheel that i'm aware of i think blood thirsty kind of sucks compulsive sucks but it's beyond the scope of this also how do i have four things locked in what the hell so i go okay bleed damage is big i'm gonna take the bleed king himself i'm actually gonna put him here because he does okay in both of these spots then i go okay who else does pretty good bleed damage i do like helium helene does pretty nice here is this helium better than my other helian she's not this helene very suited to the wheel like not only does she have no negative quirks she has a pretty good offensive quirk and then she has bonus scouting here so she's really nice to bring here so i'm actually going to take this hellion and so once i've decided i'm taking that hellion i decided how i'm killing monsters i have two people that do bleed damage helium does a ton of damage so helene's probably gonna carry my damage load for the most part so now i know how i'm killing monsters how do i make these two better at killing monsters and keep them alive i'm gonna go down here and look at other characters like i'm not gonna explain all them like right now you know i'm doing guide series and all that but just to make this quick i know that vessel is a pretty solid healer she's easy to play do i have any pro wheeled things on this vessel i have eldridge slayer that's kind of nice so is hard skin i have nothing here that's really amazing you know she has a couple things that are okay but do i have a better one i do look at this wheeled tactician bonus damage in wheeled minus stress and wheeled warren's phobe this isn't the warns the yips this kind of sucks so there's just minus five accuracy on everything i do but this is pretty nice so i'm going to take this vestal how do i round out this team now i have a few options one really easy one is to bring another support class i could bring jester jester has no negatives here i could build him to do well in the wheeled plague doctor do i have a plague doctor that has anything good for the wheeled not really but i could still bring one so i would probably bring a plague doctor here so what can i do with plague doctor now so if i look at her stuff i have some blight attacks and i have some other attacks that i may not want to use but since i know how to build plague doctor i know that stuns are good so i'm going to take all of her skills off so i can pick what i want so this is a double stun it stuns two enemies at a time i'm gonna pick that this is level one so i would normally level this to five since she's a level six hero so there's a bleed attack that she can use from the spot so i would take this same thing with battlefield medicine this is a cure you know it heals me it cures blatant bleed that's pretty nice i would take this and then this is another stun that also gets rid of corpses so i would take this too and that's how i would build this character i would look through hellion this is a pretty solid helium loadout it's got a lot of bleed damage between these two moves it has another move that can hit to the back then flagellant has a bunch of bleed and then vestal has a pretty good healing loadout so i know i'm kind of speeding over what the abilities do but i'm trying to you know have some brevity here and this looks pretty good so now that i know that i want to run this team i would just leave it here i would pick trinkets later i'm not going to spend time picking trinkets that's just a lot to look at but that's how i would do it and then i would come here and i would decide okay do i need to do anything with these buildings before i go because these upgrade your heroes when you put them in there so i can just upgrade her decision for instance and just max it out pay some extra gold to do that so now she's ready to go actually i could do my medicine too because i forgot to level this and then i have to decide what i want to do with these buildings because this heals stress the abby there's one way to heal stress the bar is another way to heal stress i actually like the abbey more than the bar personally there are a lot of reasons to like the abbey the bar has some negatives to it then there's the sanitarium which is interesting because in the sanitarium you have the treatment ward for quirks so i can put this grave robber in here and if i wanted to lock in some corks i could click this so you get the lock now i will never lose this and it costs a lot of money and then i could also get rid of this at the same time so i could spend 12 500 and then i could click this button to confirm her being in here and she would be in here for the entire week so while my party is adventuring in the dungeon she is getting this service of changing her quirks that's pretty nice so when you are going out you have a lot of management to do with the rest of your roster like i could put someone in here to start stress healing them because the abby is a stress healing facility i'm gonna take this guy actually so if i wanted to heal all this stress here he has uh 74 out of 200 i'd put him in there i would click this he's stuck in there for at least one week sometimes it can be more and so while i'm out here adventuring he would be healing so you always have to make sure you're doing stuff with your facilities before you go out adventuring which is one of the hardest things to keep up with i was going to talk about camping but i decided that there are a few things i can cover at the same time here so this is a fight that's about to end this thing is going to bleed out to the bleed damage here and just die there's nothing you can do about it and we're on turn three you notice our light is maxed out right now this is the team that i was talking about bringing here so it's doing just fine i switch files because i didn't want to play that file i played a different file so we're this far into a medium wheeled mission and this fight's about to end so i've been talking about light level and manipulating it and stuff like that to get the most out of your advantage so right now i have almost max light this fight's about to end and i'm gonna camp so i'm gonna show off a few different things at the same time so when i mouse over this uh the torch meter i can hold control and then shift i don't know why it's not showing the controls here i can hold control and click it in radiance may we find victory that wasn't supposed to happen is it shift yeah i can hold control and click it and it burns a torch i can hold shift and click it and it goes down by one level i can also hit t for the torch i don't have to hold ctrl to do this i can just hit t and it uses one torch one torch is equal to 25 lights so you need four torches to max out pretty easy to get but i want more chances at loot from this encounter i have one plus on loot that's pretty cool but if i hold ctrl and shift it's not just shift i can do shift and get through it like this but if i max back out if i'm at max i can hold ctrl shift and then left click and it wipes the entire torch out so you see here pitch black it changes it gets scarier the stress goes up monster damage goes up crits go up surprise goes up but look at your loot chance i know it's a bunch of pluses i wish it was actually a percentage that it showed the player but my crit chance goes up and my loot chance goes up so this means that when this fight ends it's gonna draw more chances of uh goodies and gold so i'm gonna kill this thing now the greater the glory and normally this here is probably what i would have gotten normally or maybe these two and this but this extra gold stack this is definitely a torchless drop so this is pretty nice so now i can pick all this up but it gets even better this is something people still don't know even like people who've played for a while you can actually camp with the victory loot window open so this doesn't work for curio windows like i can't open the chest in the background and do this but if i need space to pick up all this stuff and i don't want to throw things away you can also throw things away by holding shift and clicking so shift and left click that tosses it out of your inventory it's a big part of doing missions where you have to manage the inventory and decide what you're going to keep and not keep you have to look at how much the dungeon is left which items you think you need and in this case i want to take all this so i got rid of that stuff to make space and now i'm going to right click and use the camp so once you have the camp window you can choose to feast which heals 25 of your hp minus 10 stress this heals for 10 percent of your life no stress the seals for nothing but it saves you the most food and then you can starve them which is not recommended so i'm going to use feast and i'm going to heal him for 25 i'm going to cure some of the stress on these heroes and now i cleared up a bunch of space now i can actually probably take most of this so the only thing i couldn't take was this gold stack but i can also swap this out so i'm going to take this instead of the bandage and i'm done with my inventory goodbye bandage the reason i have 14 instead of 12 is because i have something called a district which increases this by two but normally your camp points are limited to twelve camping is a huge deal in this game camping can do a lot of stuff for you it can help you recover from a hard fight that you just had it can give you awesome buffs that help you take on more fights ahead of you or give you scouting in case you're trying to find a secret room or find the best path through a dungeon or if you're gonna go fight a boss you can't before the boss room that way you can get your buffs up and have the best things to tackle the fight with so i can't i have 14 points and each thing costs time so it shows you the time cost and points and what the effect is when you are going to camp in a mission this is when you need to pick your camp skills and it is very important that you plan out your camping you should have the camp that you want to do if everything goes well and then you should have the camp that's like oh crap something happened i took a bunch of damage when you get more comfortable with the game you just put on the cam skills you want you go okay i can probably use any of these but you still want to plan out what you're doing especially when you get to the campfire itself you want to make sure you have enough points to do everything so i'm going to start with sanctuary it has a bunch of text on here it's not that important for this example but what it does is it prevents nighttime ambush so when you camp you have a one in three chance of getting ambushed in the middle of the night and that surprises your party and you have zero torch light and it's a group of enemies and sometimes they can be very dangerous so if you want to make sure that you aren't ambushed you would pick something like sanctuary or bandit sense or houndswatch there are a lot of different skills that prevent ambush so i'm going to pick sanctuary because that's the one this team has so it took four points she says something cool my points are down to ten and now i cannot be ambushed at night so now that i have prevented the ambush i'm going to decide what to do with the rest of my points so for instance i have leeches no one has blights or disease in this team i can tell by this box here so there's no point to using leeches flagellant is kind of hurt if i didn't have vestal and i needed some healing i would consider this takes four points big old fat heal and then for four battles he has healing received increase which is pretty nice that scales your healing that you give to him by 33 let's see i can lower his stress by 15 by pressing encourage so i'm gonna do this so now he's down to zero what else can i do i can make helium stronger by giving your 10 crit that's pretty nice i can give her 25 damage both these are pretty good there's nothing on flatulent i want to do there's nothing on plague doctor i want to do and there's nothing here i want to do so i think i'm just going to get myself crit this happens quite a lot when you have skills that cost three points is you have one remaining so usually you have to have two that cost three to even it out or one that costs five which is just one in the game that does that but those are some examples you can run camp skills that all cost four points you get three of them or you can run a bunch that cost two you can run a couple threes you can run like two threes and a four there are a lot of ways to spend these points but getting the most out of this gives you the biggest advantages since i have nothing else i think besides this that costs one point oh i have the cure okay so i can use this still it's not much but you know it does something now i've used all my points and i'm gonna hit rest so during these speech bubbles they're called barks you can actually click to speed through them when you camp it always maxes your torch when you come back to reality or like the actual mission screen and then you can go through the mission as normal so but for all intents and purposes i'm done here in terms of explaining this and also when i showed about snuffing the torch earlier if i didn't have camping i would have left it snuffed so i would have got the bonus loot from that fight and then i could have opened this chest with this key and then i would have got extra goodies and if it was torchless i would have got like probably another thing here so there's a lot of cool stuff you can do i don't need any of this right now so i'm just going to toss it but that is the camping example i don't feel like finishing this mission so i'm actually going to abandon just to show you what that looks like but normally if i was playing i would go through the rest of the dungeon and try and finish it it's 100 room battles so i'm either going to finish it here but likely like here or here so this is still about 90 of the rooms i'm gonna abandon so since i abandoned i don't get any of the goodies but i get to take all the loot out of here which is pretty nice and you have a higher chance of getting negative quirks i believe so that's kind of bad i also got a disease that sucks can we go back to town all the decadent and so we had this grave robber recovered stress i'm on week 450 this file is the first file i've ever done so i mean all the numbers are bloated don't don't pay attention to that but that is the cycle of play you do a mission you come back you look at the stagecoach see who's in the stagecoach like who do you want to take with you and then you put people in facilities you heal them up you lock quirks and that is how the game is played so put everyone's into town activities go to a mission come back get new heroes do more town activities go to missions eventually you unlock you know all the bosses you fight the bosses you get strong enough to fight the monsters in the darkest dungeon which is the end game dungeon then you go into the darkest dungeon you do all the missions there and then you beat the game so it's it's really fun and if you're not playing in stygeon or blood moon don't worry about losing heroes because even if you lose heroes you will always get an apprentice mission to start over on and you can always get new heroes from the stagecoach so it doesn't matter what happens if you're not playing stitch in your blood moon you can't get a game over and end the game you can just get set back so as long as you're persistent you will accumulate enough advantage to complete the game you will get enough trinkets you will get enough resources you will get enough upgrades and good heroes at some point it may take you 200 weeks but that's okay and then you'll beat the game so all you have to do is be persistent my final tip is to remember that the game is a total rng fiesta it's all dice rolls you will get lucky you will get very unlucky sometimes oftentimes that is what kills characters it's some combination of your own mistakes but it's usually some kind of stupid string of like five percent chances that happen and that's what kills people so i'm not going to tell you not to get frustrated i'm just going to tell you that it happens you can always look up videos of people getting their ass kicked and feel better because there's misery and you can share in that misery and laugh at them and then feel better about your own situation so just try and keep a level head and if you need to take a break definitely do that and come back to it all right well that's gonna do it for this video thanks for watching i know it was a long one so i apologize but i had to make up for the fastest guide ever by having a super long guide as i said at the start if my guy did not meet your needs definitely go check out other people's stuff there are a lot of tips there's discord not just my discord there's the official darkest dungeon discord there's reddit super helpful people on reddit and the discords go check it out and as far as my stuff goes i stream on twitch so go follow that the links down below i go live like four days a week i make videos here on this youtube channel obviously and i have a discord that has like 500 people very cool lots of helpful people so join it if you want some more tips and you don't want to wait for my videos next time it's probably the antiquarian guide alongside the other stuff i've been uploading and that is it i'm gonna drink a full glass of water because my throat is absolutely dried the hell out so thanks for watching and i'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 15,327
Rating: 4.9603958 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion
Id: dmmEhbCSfjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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