The 5 Best Trios: Darkest Dungeon

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what's up y'all shuffle and today's video is going to focus on the best trios in darkest dungeon i'm going to list five but that does not mean these are the only best trios there are other ones out there and before we get started with the video if you enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up leave your thoughts down below in the comments and if you want to check out the other stuff in the description box like discord twitter twitch and patreon that'd be very appreciated the reason i'm focusing on trios is because a lot of people have trouble with team building in this game and so this way you can have some kind of huge framework that puts most of the team together for you and then you can just drop one extra person in there that seems to fit and has some synergy and this team will likely succeed barring some kind of horrific chain of rng or some gross misplays the first trio that we're going to talk about is plague doctor jester and occultist i've talked about this three or this set of three a lot in my videos over the recent weeks and this team is really good just overall because it has ways to do damage it has damage over time it has like direct damage it has finale which is a big nuke it has battle ballad which gives everyone speed and crit which is fantastic it has healing from occultists who can heal from anywhere that has stuns it has battlefield medicine it has so much across three characters and it's very flexible which is why i like it a lot all you need to complete this team once you have these three is to just slap some kind of front liner up front that can take advantage of everything presented the best examples would be leper hellion and shield breaker there are others you could use but i feel that those three i just listed are the best ones to cap off this team and the reason is the three in the back so plague doctor gesture nicolas those three like i said have a lot of control you have buffs you have all this stuff going on that whoever your damage dealer is up front has their choice of just doing kind of whatever they need to so you have three different ways to stun on the team between everyone and then you have your buff from jester and then you have your frontliner who can just pick off whatever easy target they need to another great part about this team is it has two healers one is consistent one is inconsistent that's a cultist then you have a stress healer so if you need to stall at the end of a fight you have your two stunners dropping stuns you have one person stunning what have you and then you have the other person healing and then you have jester just dropping out stress heals all over the place and this team can recover fairly easily another nice part about it is if you run something like hellion you have extra stuns which help a lot she has adrenaline rush you want to stall that too if you run leper he has intimidate so between intimidate and weakening curse you can just put someone's damage to literally zero at least after a couple rank ups in the skills and that makes the stalling that much easier it's worth noting that the leper variant of this team excels quite well in the courtyard specifically but you could run it other places but if you want to run something like shield breaker i like that the most in the cove and then helene kind of goes anywhere just because she's a damage monster and shield breaker is to a lesser extent we're going to stick with play doctor for our second trio and the next one is going to be plague doctor hound master and flatulence i do like the idea of running bounty hunter over houndmaster so that's pretty close in terms of overall effectiveness but for different reasons like bounty hunter has a little more control he has two stuns that he can throw out he has bigger damage than houndmaster but he offers a little bit less in utility compared to houndmaster i also forgot to mention that bounty hunter does have a bit less reach than master which does kind of suck i've talked about this in other videos in the past but plague doctor and flagellant are probably one of the strongest duos in the entire game i would say it's like a top three in terms of pairing just because they have so much control and speed and healing between them as well as damage over time and flexibility which is very nice which means that since this pair is so strong together you can throw two other characters in here and it should do fine in most cases but if you really want to take it a step further then use someone like houndmaster what i like about having houndmaster in this team is he adds a bit more in terms of variety than bounty hunter bounty hunters just damage and stuns both of those things are fantastic but houndmaster does just a bit more for instance you can put houndmaster in rank two three or four he can go pretty much anywhere in this party that's not rank one he has his own stun in blackjack he has a self-heal which is pretty nice he has reach into rank four he has a cleave which synergizes with play grenade and reign of sorrows if you want to put him in the back of the party then you have access to a group stress heal which is never a bad thing and then you also have a guard and although i would say bounty hunter is capable of more damage than houndmaster our favorite dog person does bring a couple dog treats with them which do help his damage when you need it with this much emphasis on bleed damage obviously the scene can't go to the ruins but you can still take it to the cove the cove does have bleed resistant enemies but they're not bleed immune like the skeletons are a final point of hound master over bounty hunter is the fact that houndmaster has better camp skills than bounty hunter he has access to nighttime ambush preventer which the other two do not have and then you have more scouting chance from his stuff meanwhile with plague doctor you have stuns and then you have flexible damage over time so you could put her in rank 3 for incision or put on rank 4 or 3 and just spam the blade attacks those are both pretty good and then flagellin can function as the main healer of this team something people keep sleeping on with this character is that flagellant can be your only healer if he needs to be all he needs to accomplish this is really one bleed resist trinket and then you just start throwing out reclaims on everyone who gets it even though this is second in the video i would say that out of the entire five that i'm listing this is probably my favorite one the third trio is going to include your starter pair of heroes so highwayman and crusader aka dismus and reynold and we're going to throw in a cultists with them for good measure i think my favorite part about this trio is that they're pretty flexible in terms of positioning so you can have a cultists up front or you could have crusader up front and you have different stuns that you can use you have different ways to facilitate offense with the cultists or you can put them in the back so you do stuff like roof spaghetti or sacrificial stab or you can put highwayman and crusader in the back of the party or in the middle of the party so you have this dance core with duelist advance and holy lance which i talked about in the previous video so there's just a lot going on on this team you have reach you have good damage you have stuns you have heals it really does cover quite a lot between three characters something else that's very cool about this trio is that when you have to camp you have a lot of options obviously you can use highly man's very good camp skills to increase his damage but if you want to go the other route and use the cultists we have some very interesting camp skills that do things like remove mortality debuffs or give you extra damage or have a cheaper nighttime damage preventer at the cost of stressing your team you have crusader on the team to offset that so you can either spend some time in camp with crusader to get rid of the stress caused by a cultist or you can do it in battle with inspiring craft speaking of inspiring cry if you're going to use a cultist as a stun character when you use hands from the abyss it lowers your torch so a way that you can offset this without burning through your torches very quickly is to use inspiring cry once or twice a battle to offset the torch drain from hands from the abyss it's hard to say one or two characters just off hand who would fit really well in this team just because it's so flexible it really depends on what you're trying to do you have highwayman and crusader who can do really good damage you have crusader and occultists who can stun who can also heal and they can do most of this independent of where they are on the field so at that point you have to ask yourself if you're putting the characters in certain spots what do you need after that if you want to put a cultist up front so he can stun more often then you have to find some more damage for the team in that capacity grave robber fits pretty well but if you want to put a cultist in the back where he could be more supportive then you have to have someone up front that can either take some hits or control the front line if you want to leave highway man and crusader up front so you have dual savants into point blank and then you have stun with crusader which means crusader is doing more of a support role then you probably need some other damage on the team somewhere also do not get it twisted even though you have crusader you do not have to take him to the ruins for him to do good damage he actually has some really good damage that he can do anywhere as long as he's using holy lance sticking with the cultists but number four is going to be arbalest occultist and man at arms something i forgot to mention in the previous team when i was talking about occultists and crusader is that since occultist is pretty inconsistent with his healing especially at lower levels being able to have some other supplemental healer with him does help balance him out that means that occultists can focus on stunning or doing whatever else he's supposed to be doing on the team then you have crusader or in this case arbless who can drop heals on people that need it just like last time occultist provides his trademark flexibility for the team but then you have someone like arbolest who's there to deal damage to the backliners and then heal people at the end of the fight man in arms is pretty interesting in this team so if you haven't noticed by now there is some kind of mark synergy with occultist and arbolest but man in arms specifically does add quite a bit of value to this trio that value takes the form with man in arms and the fact that he can stun things with rampart he can guard people that get hurt and then you can use one of the moves that i slept on pretty hard at the start of my dd career and that is bellow one of the inherent issues with most mark teams that red hook tries to kind of get you to like they try and guide you to them is that they're generally pretty slow and mark is a playstyle that you do want to be able to control a little bit of the fight and then get set up so you can do all your damage and not be interrupted doing it so one option is to run jester but the other is to run mana arms i will admit that man in arms is a bit tougher to play than most characters just because he has a swiss army knife type of playstyle meaning he has a tool for pretty much any situation that you can put him in but as long as you're comfortable taking the time to explore it and understand it then you will find a lot of things for man in arms to do and he will feel like he's contributing another reason i greatly appreciate men in arms with characters like a cultist or arbless it's not even so much the marx energy that they provide it's the fact that guard is a mechanic that gets better when you have really good single target healers meaning that even though you can guard people who are low it's sometimes okay to guard people who are at full hp just because you want to funnel all of your damage into mana arms and then heal one person this means that the healing buff from arbor less bandage gets much better and then a cultist even if he high rolls on a heel since man of arms has so much hp he's not likely to overheal by that much the only thing missing from these three is some form of really strong and consistent damage that can hit rank 1 specifically but even then that's not really so much of a problem because you have two stuns up front and then you have arborless spamming bandage so you can kind of stall while you wear down whatever's left especially when you consider the fact that if it's like a size 2 or just some really strong frontline bruiser you can hit them with weakening curse while man in arms spams guards so they're doing no damage against someone that has 60 or even 80 protection what team discussion video would be complete without mentioning jaistel for those unaware jaisal is the nickname given to jester and vessel which is a very common backline pair that people gravitate towards especially early on in their darkest dungeon careers and sometimes you hear this negative stigma about it but that's honestly not so much to talk about that it's garbage it's the fact that jaisal is really consistent in terms of recovery that since a lot of people just gravitate towards it they don't usually learn to build other teams so kind of gets that negative connotation from that instead and that doesn't mean that you're bad for running it or that it's a bad duo between the two of them quite the contrary actually many people still busted out even good players when they feel they need to with that said the final trio of this video is going to be vestal jester and shield breaker yes i understand that shield breaker is dlc and you can throw someone like hellion or leper up there and they'll do just fine but honestly shield breaker completes this pretty well compared to other heroes the specific reason that i include shield breaker is because this team with vestal and jester they kind of struggle with doing damage to rank 4 besides vessel herself which doesn't really do great damage and since the two of them occupy the back year party that means that whoever's up front has to be able to hit rank 4 consistently so because of that shield breaker comes in and actually completes this because she's able to use something like puncture to pull someone out of the back up front which diminishes the need of your front line to also have reach instead the strength of running justile as a pair is the fact that they have the highest recovery output in the entire game the issue with running jaisal is that they clog up your back line with two heroes that don't like to be moved out of position and to make the most out of this recovery you have to slow the game down so either stuns or stalling are recommended but if you're fine with a slower than normal playstyle and you have shield breaker then all you really need to do is just throw pretty much anyone that can do a bit of damage up front with her and then you're fine my immediate recommendations are leper or highwayman leper has the added benefit of being very tanky himself with his own great self-heal and since you have so much recovery on this team he's not as needed or required i should say to do his things like intimidate or withstand then you also have the added benefit of shield breaker being much faster than leper who can puncture a squishy backliner into leper for him to chop and kill him and has the added benefit of having some pretty decent speed himself and good damage he also has reach at the same time since vestal is often the only form of stunning on this team her post gets a bit better since it has more actions to counter-attack one more quick thought that i forgot to mention is that you can certainly just run another shield breaker and this team will be fine the gestalt shield breaker archetype is really good in pretty much any area just because recovery is usually nice to have and then also you have shield breaker who has pierce which gets through pretty much any enemy out there and then puncture for backliners so because of that since it's so good in pretty much any area you take it to that means it's actually a really good comp to run for endless harvest there are quite a few teams out there that can make it to the first couple bosses in farmstead and that's fantastic but a lot of the time if you see super deep runs from people that aren't you know on the caliber of someone like thick you're gonna see this comp you're gonna see jaisal and shield breaker all right all that's gonna do for this one thanks for watching if you enjoy these types of videos let me know give me the thumbs up comments all that stuff if there are any other aspects of team building that you want me to cover in the three weeks we have left until darkest dungeon 2 let me know and i'll try and get to it but i've been getting a lot of video suggestions and they're all for the most part fantastic it's just that i'm running out of time so i need to do the things i need to do first and then we'll see what happens afterwards anyway that's neither here nor there like i said if you enjoy the video all that normal stuff check out the description box for all the cool links and then stay tuned for other stuff like the occultist guide which i'm writing right now so we'll see what happens with that and then the final part of the tier list will probably be next week or the week after i'm not sure yet still finalizing it but yeah that's neither here nor there so thanks for watching and i'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 7,549
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion, final boss, react
Id: 9bkzdy196mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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