Shieldbreaker Cove Solo: Reviewing Viewer Runs [Part 46] - Darkest Dungeon

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what's up y'all shuffle and today we're doing another beer run this one is from gibral who i think we've featured before and they've been to my discord for a while but i haven't seen them for a while so hopefully they're okay but this is a solo shield breaker run and it looks like it's just a regular code mission but nonetheless still impressive and we're going to see why dodge is a busted mechanic and it's nice that it's going away in some capacity in dd2 at least with accuracy going away so i guess tell you the normal stuff if you enjoy the video thumbs up comment blah blah check out the box i don't like doing that for videos that aren't like big productions you know like this kind of that kind of stuff for this i don't know not a fan but anyway do it all right watching 1080p this time i think i forgot to bump up the quality last time on the uh the other video evasive luminous that's 10 extra dodge tough in case we do get hit and then kofo i guess won't matter if we're not getting hit and let me switch ears i feel like i hear better out of my left ear that's why i keep doing it my left ear and uh yeah so whenever i like record and edit and stuff like that i always have my left ear and stream and i think it's starting to wear on me yeah so we have a bunch of dodge we have no bonus accuracy which is a little scary there's no like um much call there's no natural swing or something so that kind of sucks but can't have everything right and so we have pierce puncture these are the two best moves on the shield breaker bar and it's funny because everyone thinks that pierce is completely unfair and it is honestly it's got too much reach it does too much damage it ignores armor that's fantastic but puncture almost as broken as pierce and since pierce exists no one talks about puncture which i think is pretty funny and then we have impale this is actually pretty good oh we're getting pale spam that's really good and then we have serpent's way just in case uh crimson curse pretty stacked sb she also made an endgame mission you can tell by the uh the candles hopefully we don't lose here i doubt it i think didn't your bill do the uh the solo grave robber i think that's what it was coral's starting off get rid of kofo blessed run hello that's a bit higher than it wants me it's right now just a smidge faster combat very welcome with a solo run here i'm gonna turn down my ear actually i should have double checked here uh it's still pretty loud now i'm gonna trust my instincts we passed what happened here oh she passed she had craving on turn one and then pass does that happen yeah she did it's been unforged all right puncture yeah oh the minus actually kind of hurting us we're due to get hit at some point these enemies have what's the chance to hit this thing you can see it obviously we're not capped i could crunch it if i wanted to um yeah so a bit unfortunate there but puncturing this thing up front means that we're not going to we're only going to deal with ceremony okay we're not going to deal with um stress and for these enemies since it's champion i think their accuracy is around like i think the low end good resist really needed that against uh arterial pinch but at this point i think a lot of their is like minimum 92 and top ends like 112 tapestry didn't need it resisted that's uh that wasn't worth it not to me anyway but yeah we needed antsy venom for that there's definitely a block and i'm saying definitely like i freaking know but i'm assuming block and then impale spam until everything's dead yeah the accuracy and champion pretty uh pretty high overall nice dodge jellyfish but thankfully we're dodging stuff it's funny watching enemies pass no stun resist what is up with this we're getting so lucky we're taking more holy water i think we could have i think we could talk less food but i don't know i'm not the one soloing dungeons starting to see that lack of accuracy is kind of biting us i'm surprised how much they're missing block very good i'm surprised how much they're missing considering the accuracy yeah i agree with the pierce is our impale not leveled okay so we don't want to crit the jellyfish because now this thing just passes back there [Music] oh we took damage eating all the food nice should have played better i'm kidding i really don't like traps in this game something i talk about quite a bit because the other thing you can do is scout them you can't do anything else you have to it's so messed up you have to scout them and then you have to succeed in disarming them which sometimes you're not going to i'm surprised that we're going for the thrall because the accuracy on thrall yeah how do we oh we do we double check so we double checked guarded so for those who don't know if you if you drink blood while your bloodlusted you get an extra like 50 damage like three turns so but you take a bunch of stress which means it's a really good power spike if you need it but it's like a very risky thing to do so you have to really time it well i like puncturing and leaving that uh that grouper back there to just pass guard failed that was pretty good what was i talking about though um yeah with the thrall i don't know why we let it we didn't yeah i mean we still let it pop which is good but i think the revenge i don't think it has over 100 accuracy which means our chance to get hit by that was very low something blocking and just letting it go off would have been uh good enough i mean it ended up going off anyway but nice to see a bandage because we actually need that espy camp buff yep so she's done all her nightmares the only thing that sucks is we can get ambushed here i agree with camping there because that way we get this buff from the statue so now sb just powered up for a while so damage until camp and then a bunch of prod and speed and stuff from all the other stuff which is nice it's very loud don't need the secret room all right good luck espy she did it are we going in what's happening another thrall i would let me see let me do some uh on the on the fly stuff here let me take a look at what thrall's instead i'm gonna take a look at what the revenge's accuracy is sad champion the revenge has a 92 chance to hit us and gargling grab does has 82 percent accuracy i would not be attacking these personally that's me i'm not saying that as as criticism like you know for whatever reason but just a difference in opinion like i said i'm not the one doing solo challenges so maybe you do attack those and solo but i think actually like gargling grab isn't a big deal but having it pop and you don't have block up or something and that's like a 15 chance to hit or whatever it is it's around there so it it's still threatening i'm saying we're not seeing as much impale spam like i understand the need to kill thing like individual things quickly why do dodge go down is that from the trap is or is that one of the debuffs we're 66 instead of 76 so what what would cause that destroyed blades and wool natives nice quite two taps i don't i don't think we're gonna tap it for 20 yeah usually get that lucky i feel like the uh the puncture there wasn't an effort to not kill it maybe you could have impaled though if you wanted to not kill it i'm trying to i'm trying to figure out if that was to like just get one extra round until your next bloodlust which is these are the things you have to do when you're selling stuff is you have to like plan out your uh i forget what you're getting passive it looks like dodge because dodge went up to 83. yeah if you're end passive for a drink of blood obviously if you drink and wasting you go to passive and you don't die so that's nice then if you drink in craving you go to bloodlust but you get different bonuses in bloodlust we drink which is the damage that we talked about might give you speed too can't remember but i figured you're getting passive i am sad there's not more in pale spam i was really hoping we could just spam impale in every fight until everything dies because i've i've talked about how cleaves just aren't generally good in this game a couple of them are they're great for the enemies they're not that good for the player but they're still fun they are fun buttons to press see that crit's actually relevant because now he's up here yep hitting us for eight when that could have been a pass for another turn outs bet us we're back up to 76. i'm pretty sure that minus 10 that we saw earlier was from uh the debuff that we had that's what back all that's welcome to see or is it merely you know i thought we had too much food but if we're getting hit like once or twice a fight then um it actually doesn't matter a bit we can only get hit by three of these just heal them immediately oh no oh no it's tough because you have to get obviously the the quirks that you need to make this stuff happen like dodge quarks and uh whatever but dang it would be nice to hit some some accuracy from a quirk like natural swing it would have helped a lot because we can't sacrifice either of our trinkets for uh accuracy there's a stint where i was trying to play some uh rage shadow legends just in case they ever wanted to approach me for a sponsorship so i was like well maybe i will want to play the game you know so i started playing it preemptively i played for like two months and long story short not taking any sponsorships parade but i've been sent two notices anyway when i was watching those videos because you know i i like to learn like everyone else so i was reading or not reading i was watching videos on it and there's a big channel this dude named ash and uh he doesn't say accuracy he says accuracy like he doesn't say like a u parts in it so that always pops out in my head whenever i say accuracy now dude makes some good videos for the uh the content i mean i definitely learned something there that's been the way it's been something i've had to get better at and learn like i i've i've been trying to watch bigger channels that are successful and see how they do things and uh there there is a lot to be said about video pacing and uh time and stuff like that and organization which i'm trying to get better at people been enjoying it so far but there's more to learn what i don't like about this mash that we're fighting right now since let's talk about dd again that actually helped us out quite a bit though is i don't like that sometimes the game can just put people like put enemies in sub-optimal spots like it starts a cult of sprawler in rank 3 where it's going to do stumble scratch like i i don't know why it does that because the grouper can go anywhere obviously it's got attacks for every situation well it's got two attacks but it gives the cult of sprawler an actual sub-optimal start which actually helps the player so impale got some use it's pretty nice i don't know why we're opening stuff like we don't need it and just opening these chests and stuff like that that's a risk of um like getting bled or anti venomous or poison from the the chest also we could have held on to we could have held onto our craving a bit because we're wasting bloodlust turns right now faster walking faster combat regular scouting upset yo when's the faster obstacle destruction where's that mod just press it that tree just like blows up or the shipwreck's gone this is normally a very scary team to fight but two of them are passing and we have two blocks let's see what we're doing here because we don't need to cleave all these down so we're trying to kill the front two hopefully without crit like that because we don't get the crits and we don't leave the bodies or then we do leave bodies and that traps the other two in the back which is nice so instead of taking two attacks to turn we're just taking one until we kill this dude then we're taking zero oh my god it's unfortunate we're killing stuff so that's good it's unfortunate we're hitting that stuff i i like the block there she'll breaker killing an average of one every two turns that's with blocking she blocked twice and killed four things in the other seven turns seems kind of good looks like we're almost out here though what's the time at it's six minutes this was chill we've seen a couple solo runs before i think oh that map is so troll we're gonna know if we're done here after this i'm assuming we're not judging by the length of the video yeah as far as solos go there's one of the the cleanest i've seen like even though the i don't like i like we've had people solo bosses and stuff before or like end game missions and stuff and those are like really really difficult and uh you know it feels like luck is an even bigger factor than just like you know the dodging stuff like when nick has to farm for virtues for it for example i like this though i like this run a lot so far it's it's chill like yo get hit every now and then but like we get to see shield breakers entire kit being used that she has like every move has been pressed every move has done something valuable um it's not endgame enemies but it's like a long mission so the stakes are still pretty high like if this was a short mission i could still watch it but you know you got those people out there that wouldn't take this seriously eat the food i don't know how those citrines are in the inventory get rid of them ah that's not the last fight we hit the boss relief dude i started hitting these bees tater i don't know what it is these things are freaking money because i don't i don't like hitting them because you get like a 33 chance of either stress or disease or something like that i forgot what it is and then it's a 66 for a quirk and i have hit some some winners out of the boss relief man i've hit some uh i've hit luminous out of it i think i've hit like precise striker on leopard i think i hit a precise i think that was how mcstab got precise striker i think i'm like curious and he touched the boss relief and he gave so precise striker i gotta go dig through those videos i gotta make the mcstab montage i'm kind of sad because i didn't i didn't record twitch chat for the uh the important one which is the first end game mission when mcstab rose to godhood so i don't have the chat replay i'm actually sad about that that's kind of the reason i didn't want to do it anymore but also digging through footage is a pain in the butt like there's one thing i don't enjoy doing in terms of making content creation it's digging through footage to make stuff so i'm kind of at the point where i don't know why you have dodge when you're sending that's so funny such a funny interaction doesn't make sense because you know if you know your tt rpgs and stuff if you play pathfinder if you uh if you're stunned or whatever i think you're considered flat-footed which means like you lose a bunch of you lose your dodge bonus to your armor basically that's what should be here yeah so i've gotten a bit better about organizing clips which helps the the footage thing a bit but i know i just i don't like digging through stuff especially old stuff a lot of times when i make videos now like i i have footage just laying around of random teams fighting random bosses and stuff like that i've just had them for like a couple years but i don't even use those like i i just scroll past everything that i i don't have specifically organized in like a folder in my my footage hard drive so i feel like i feel like i need to organize it but instead i just i waste like an extra 20 minutes i go record something instead of digging for it the nice part is though when you start digging up not digging when you start recording a lot of background footage like if i don't use the entire thing for a video then i'll just use it for a different video too so it's like you'll see some things repeats like i think one of the things i did repeat was um when i was in cove i think i ran two abominations plague doctor and occultist and i had this one fight where like collector didn't get a turn and it died and i thought that was pretty funny um i so i showed that twice but otherwise like that that was like a 35 minute mission i think and i use like both halves of it for different stuff i don't know if anyone cares i talk about how to youtube stuff but how to make videos or whatever but that's what i'm doing i guess for any of you aspiring youtubers out there um organize keep track of your stuff it helps a lot so we're done triumphant pride no there wasn't a dizzying ball it wasn't much for me to like dissect there just like all right we dodged cool and all the stuff i had to talk about was at the end so i'm not trying to seem like i was rude by by just you know telling stories at the end there i i thought we were just chilling so oh we can get an ambush okay good uh hopefully you don't lose b-stater i guess it doesn't matter because this the um the file's over the end game's done shield breakers beat all our nightmares so it's like who who cares soft oh that was weak all right jebel thanks for sending that in that's pretty cool um submissions are done for view runs like i said i've got like four i think four more and we're done and then we'll chill and then once i get oops once i i have to make a video on this specifically but once um once dd2 comes out and i get comfortable then i beat it a few times and stuff like that and um i feel like i understand the game a bit then i'll open vr runs for uh for dd2 i'm not sure how we're gonna do that yet like maybe just send me like a region or something or like a boss fight i don't know but that's it for this video so thanks for watching i don't know what's coming up next i'm supposed to be working on the occultist guy but i just haven't had time and um yeah
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 317
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion, react
Id: YUmnlcb6iyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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