Low Level Builds: Darkest Dungeon

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what's up y'all it's shuffle and today's video is covering low level builds aka budget build if you want to call it something like that so i know it's kind of weird because everyone's level six but we're going to ignore the level stuff the reason is really just i don't want to start another file and have to get a lot of these resources back so just easier for me to show you this way the only thing we're concentrating on are the trinkets and the moves so the moves are supposed to be like the most general move set you can give a hero so they fit into most teams and if you want to do like a specialized strategy with some of your heroes you will have to move some of the stuff around but like i said there's just general this is if you're struggling with team building and you want to use a hero but you don't know where to get started this is where we're going to talk about that so all the trinkets are going to be either common or uncommon with the exception of the heads which are very rare but you can get those in extremely early and they're very easy to get you can either get them from secret rooms or collector okay so we're gonna start with leper and i'm gonna try and keep this to about like one minute per hero we'll see if i can do that so with leper i think these are his best four moves for like every situation so chomp really good basic attack hue that's just there to clean up if someone's like two hp solemnity that's the best self heal in the game this might be the best like singular heal in the game outside of divine comfort this thing is nuts and then we have intimidate which is a very flexible move for a variety of situations if you don't run leper and slot one you can put on maybe with stand but revenge is pretty bad outside of boss battles it's too slow for trinkets leper really appreciates accuracy so the noble warriors cap this thing is actually insane for the level five accuracy of no downside that's awesome i love warriors cap and even if i'm not able to find an early game i do i feel like a sense of loss in my heart by not having this thing it's very good don't underestimate five accuracy right it's always good and then for the green trinket i'm gonna suggest fortunate armlet again this is more accuracy for lever and a bit of extra crit is fine and he doesn't care about the plus stress penalty for hellion i think in most teams the most important moves that she has at her disposal are iron swan and if it bleeds the strength of helene is the fact that she can hit any spot especially from rank 1 but like if you don't have rank 1 you can't use iron swan but she can hit pretty much every spot on demand which is very nice to have so even if the enemy can't bleed usually rank 3 is squishy enough with no protection that helion's good base damage is gonna do enough just hitting them directly with this so it doesn't matter if they can't bleed or not so the other two things to fill out hellion i like yap as a panic button in case you're taking a lot of damage up front and you can slow down by hitting you up because it's a very powerful stun so i like to be able to do that and then for your main other attack that hits the front line it's either wicked hack or bleed out it really depends if the enemy can bleed at all if they can bleed then it's definitely bleed out if they can't then it's wicked hack bleed out as nuts don't let the penalty on bleed out fool you it already has plus 20 on top so it starts out plus 20 percent and then it's neutral and then it's minus 20 but the enemy is usually dead at that point so it's very good and for trinkets warriors racer this is pretty good to have uh hellion does melee damage with everything so having warriors bracer is nice the -4 dodge does kind of suck but it's good it's just 10 damage you can find warriors bracer pretty early and that's nice these surgical gloves i think these are warren's exclusive i don't remember ever seeing these outside of warrens so you may have to go there for that but surgical gloves are nuts these like in terms of the power level as a trinket these are definitely a very rare power level like the the five accuracy is nice but then the eight crit on top of it that is massive so surgical gloves you will see these pop up a lot if you can find these like these these things will carry you for like the game i can't say carrying a game that has this much variance but they're very powerful for crusader i like smite and stunning blow for frontline moves i put on holy lance for a variety of reasons this helps you if you get knocked out of place there are a couple enemies that can do that especially if you're in rank 2 and then there is the chance of full light surprise which is pretty rare but when it happens it is kind of frustrating so being able to holy lance to fix that is nice and then if you want to learn how to like make dance comps and stuff like that then you can run holy lance and it's probably one of the best dance moves in the game not only does it do a lot of really good damage it's on a unit that's very slow so you can always like the hardest part about dance comps is figuring out your speed priority and having crusader with holy lance makes that about as easy as it can be because he's always like most 99 percent of the time he's going last at least behind the other dancers so it's really nice to have then inspiring cry there's just a good stress deal so it should be on every crusader build unless you know that stress isn't an issue for that specific fight for trinkets since we said that crusader is pretty slow caution cloak gets a lot of value he's usually going last anyway and if you want to cement him as the second person in the dance team then the -10 speed is also very helpful for that just to make sure you don't get like the one and eight and then we have the 10 scouting on top of it there's just really good scouting and i think crusader is probably the best person to carry this he's definitely one of the best he might be the best just because the speed is so low so this is basically just 10 scouting for nothing then we have as a green trinket paralyzer's crest if you're gonna run a specific like dance only crusader that's in rank three or four then you don't need this this could be just something else that gives you accuracy at that point but having paralyzer's crest there's a lot of stun chance for a green triangle plus 20 is huge other stun trinkets are plus 10 and so having an extra 10 on top of that on a move as good as stunning blue stunning blue is very hard for crusader like it's only half damage penalty and crusader has very good base damage so it hits really hard and then having an extra 20 sun chance on top of that is freaking nice go figure abomination is pretty simple to build he gets all of his skills at all time so you don't have to worry about what you're using it's more the strategic difficulty and abomination comes from playing him and knowing when to transform that takes a bit of experience so with abomination i guess the short way to think about it is transforms the panic button if you need big damage like right then or if you need to like slam to move or something like that those are the two situations i like it or if you're fighting certain bosses that come from altars with torches that require rake that's the other time with abominations trinkets since he is a dual damage type he does ranged and melee damage then having something that gives just flat accuracy like reckless charm is nice i think this is wheeled exclusive i don't remember seeing it outside of the wheel but it is a very good trinket this is like warriors cap where it's just gonna be good pretty much for a long time and sleep until you start finding focus ring for a green trinket i'm gonna give them padlocker transference because human form abomination is just really good at being disruptive with the stun and then the slam if you want to use that but having the stun chance be pretty reliable against even the front liners is nice again the same reason for paralyzer crests being so good is that it's 20 instead of 10. there's also no downside and b spiral starts off really bad but it scales up pretty quick i think it starts at two damage but then scales all the way up to five which is like ahead of the normal power curve so this is the abomination build and i think this goes without saying don't run the team like this i guess you could but um these the four people here aren't like for you to build around or like to build it in this order this is just so i don't have to go find them in my roster starting off our next four here shield breaker is a dlc hero she's like three bucks if you want to get her with shield breaker she does two things very well and that's moving and uh just doing solid damage overall so having pierce is pretty self-explanatory pierce is busted in terms of just what it can do it can hit all four ranks from three ranks which is just nuts this move is definitely stronger than it needs to be so yeah pierce is your main attack and you have puncture puncture is really good at pulling backliners up front where other units can hit them or sometimes if you pull a backliner up to the front then they can't use their strong attacks do not do this on the wheel fungal artillery will punish you for pulling them up which is why i really don't like them and then for moves for the other two since we're talking about low level impale is not good until level three so we're not focusing on impale they say pale or impale whatever so outer's kiss is really good if they can't blight then use expose this is just so you can move around if you need to and then you have serpent sway this is a good panic button so for trinkets we're going to be tanking her dodge a little bit so that's why we definitely need the blocks so we can survive just that much more but serpent sway is really good low level i wouldn't put it past rank two and then when i have a lot of gold in its late game then i'd put it to five it really doesn't have to go past rank two just because the speed isn't that big of a bump as it levels up and then having the two blocks is there from the first level of the skill so that's good enough for trinkets since shield breaker is a dual damage type she does range and melee damage reckless charm makes its way to someone once again so you have five flat accuracy for everything and then we have book of relaxation i like this a lot on shield breaker again she loses dodge on top of it and you get four extractors see which is really good for hitting those back liners and puncturing them up front if you need to or finishing them with pierce and then you attend stress on top of it shield breaker has a mechanic that i'm not going to spoil but it induces a lot of stress to her so if you're going to be doing that mechanic then giving her stress reduction is nice then we're going to look at flageroni here so flatulent he's a five move slot syndrome hero and that means that he has like five really good moves he can have on at all times and then the other two are kind of situational but this is what i usually run with flatulent so punishing reign of sorrows these are two attacks these are just good they cover every situation you can hit every spot which is nice to have and then you have exsanguinates if you don't think or if you think you're gonna need to heal another person all the time then you're gonna switch this with redeem but usually it's just flagellate they get slow and someone else is like missing 20 percent redeem is still good there but uh exciting as i say flagellate whatever but exsanguination does a lot of damage like if it hits it is a massive bleed i think it starts off at six six by three so that's 18 damage on a bleed and it has no damage penalty so he hits first like full damage plus he can only use it when he's low health which means it gets even stronger it's a really good move and it heals him on top of that and then there's reclaim so reclaim specifically when you're low level level it to two don't touch it again until i think four or five this is one of those moves that's a lot like impale where i guess like serpent sway where it has like break points where it's good like rank three is probably the worst of it because it's still the same amount of healing but it increases the chance to bleed flatulence so if you don't want that then you don't want to level but i think at four it's okay and then five is where it's at uh at its best and then like i said you can swap any of these for redeem depending on the situation but usually you don't want to sing and redeem together just because they kind of step on each other's toes but if you're in a very long fight then they're good but most the time they're not then for trinkets we're in a rock warriors cap even reign of sorrows is melee skill so everything that flagellum does is melee base so warrior's cap is very nice then we have bleed amulet so this doesn't make him resistant to his own bleed from her claim this gives him 20 bleed resist and then 20 bleed chance so it stacks against itself and it just zeros out so your claim is always at full effectiveness to bleed you but this is really good to stick bleeds on enemies and then it's really good to resist bleeds coming into flatulence so cultist brawler is very common swine chopper these are enemies that flagellum fights a lot and being able to resist those bleeds is nice and then the minus blight on top is a bit unfortunate but blight isn't as common although you can run into blight and bleed in every single zone so keep that in mind okay so i do have a couple low-level heroes here so we have let's we have man in arms and for man at arms this is like probably the best universal loadout like man arms is tough because he can just run anything he actually has a lot of different ways you can build them like there are like four or five probably effective builds that this character can do which is pretty crazy but this is like the most consistent and easy to play i feel like so we're gonna run rampart this is just damage and movement or not damage it's a stunning movement with a bit of damage and disruption which is nice bellow this is a cool move that i i really did trash on it for a long time but the more i've been using it the more i greatly enjoy it it does have to make two checks it has to make an accuracy check and it has to make a debuff check and when it tries to do the debuff check it applies both so it's both the dodge and speed at the same time you know it says resist twice which is strange but with bellow this is really good if you don't want to run battle ballad or if you're missing accuracy because it gives you basically five extra accuracy by the dodge penalty and then the speed down which is really good and then we have let's see and you can use it for every spot which is nice unlike battle ballad which can only be used from three and four we have guard that should be on every man arms build just because it's a panic button sometimes someone gets crit for half hp it happens and you want to save them so this is really good and then we have retribution this is a very consistent damage output for him this could be crush if you're looking for more targetable damage but retribution plus guard really covers a lot of options and mana arms has a couple difficult opening turns and he gets into a rhythm of like swapping guard retribution than like stun over and over for the rest of the fight bomb bolster just don't run bolster if it's not a boss battle this is not going to hallway battle it's too slow command is okay but usually bellows better if you can get it to stick let's see so dazzling charm this is to help ramparts stick the stun and the movement chance is nice if it goes off but honestly you're just looking for the stun in many cases so we just want to get that stun chance a bit higher and then for a uncommon trinket we're going to run booker relaxation again this gives us four accuracy this helps out retribution this helps out the melee moves and also helps out bellow so bellow has just four more accuracy to stick which is nice and then you get the minus stress on top of it man in arms i say like i've been saying it for a long time he usually dies to stress he can get hit pretty hard a couple times and like i remember i was playing torches i got crit for like 37 damage or something like that so like that kind of stuff can happen but usually what kills man in arms over a long period or like an entire dungeon is he just hits heart attack not heart attack he has high stress and then like he um you know he gets afflicted and then he skips his turn like that and that gets someone else in trouble so stress is actually a pretty big deal for this character which is why his up is reduce stress for bounty hunter so we have let's see we have both stuns in both attacks this covers a lot of options but you can swap one of the studs for mark for death uh the other two moves like cal traps you have to have like a specific team in mind or like a strategy or you're fighting a certain boss if you want to run caltrops then there's come hither which again usually requires specific teams that you're trying to run so the five moose slot syndrome kind of shows up again where you want like the two attacks the two stuns and maybe the mark because he can self synergize with his own mark but we have collect bounty there's just big damage let's synergize off mark if you have another mark hero then he can be set up by someone else you also get bonus damage versus humans which humans are very common i think they can appear like the bandits and stuff can appear everywhere except for like courtyard so they what is it so collect bounty usually has bonus damage in many cases uppercut this is a very good stun this is probably stronger than flashbang if it wasn't for flashbangs boosted stun chance because if you can uppercut a rank two to rank four they're usually like gone for three turns because they get knocked back and they're stunned and then they recover and then they have to use a movement skill to get back up to three and sometimes they only have a good skill from three slept to use another movement skill to get back up to two so this is very devastating flashbang this can pull backliners out or just stun anyone it's very good and reliable and then we have finished him which is specifically to hit rank 3. you don't really want to hit something that's stunned like sometimes it's nice when that works out because there are times when that happens like you stun a boss and you want to kill the boss you have to get the bonus damage but finish him is really for the reach more than anything else for trinkets we're running dazzling charm again this is for the boosted sun chance because i think bounty hunters best play style is running the stunts he's a very good control character like the damage is nice to have and it's it's there when you want it so like the way to play him is usually to open with like two maybe three stuns just to move everything around and disrupt it and then once you're down to one or two targets you just start hitting attacks or you can head up or cut again who knows it's good either way so you have surgical gloves making another appearance so we have five accuracy on all of our melee skills this just doesn't apply to flashbang sadly then we have the boosted crit on top of it so we can get crit uppercuts quick collect bounties crit finishings all of this is pretty nice stuff bounty hunter can also be used in like two or three and i haven't really talked too much about the rank requirements of the heroes because usually like you can look at this thing up here and it'll tell you so like the circles all the way filled in this is where they're best and then like they have most of their moves from here or up here all right now we're moving into some familiar territory because we have characters you start with so we have highly man and vessel coming up with highwayman i think the best loadout for this character is to run pistol shot point blank and duelist this is because this lets you have a movement skill to get out of any spot that you find yourself in if you don't want to be up front you have point blank if you don't want to be in rank four then you have duelists you can still probably start higher man and rank four on a lot of teams just because you get more duels value or rank three but these are really good to have you can swap out uh point blank for maybe grape shot if you don't think you're gonna get moved or if like you're fighting certain things but that that's about it usually you only want one of the melee skills pistol shot this is for the reach this is so you can hit everything like or you can hit those back liners that you need to hit because if you want to not deal with stress you have to kill those first and then we have open vein you can run wicked slice if you're in the ruins but even in the cove i would still run open main just because look at this so opamine has a hundred base accuracy at rank two it says 90. so accuracy is very hard to find early in the game which is probably the the most frustrating part about it so open has 10 extra accuracy as a move and then even if you can't bleed the enemy sticking this debuff of minus speed is also helpful plus if you're trying to stall for a bit longer it has lower on hit damage so it's easier to stall with this move is just very good i i think it's actually just better than lincoln slice in almost every way but wicked slice is still good that's what's crazy like both these moves are still good but i'm starting to ramble and then duels advance this is like i said to move around and get reposts up repost is just free actions free damage free turns basically and free turns are usually how you win in turn based games so for trinkets we're going to run reckless charm this is the same reason as the other characters that are dual damage types so highwayman has ranged attacks he has melee attacks and this flat accuracy helps on both then we have surgical gloves on top of that because this should give us a bonus to repost because i'm like 99 certain it is classified as melee so we have five accuracy on it which it does have bad accuracy and then we get eight crit on top of that which is just great to have and then we have a crit on top of open vein to help it stick better but like i said if you're in the ruins then it should be wicked slice occultist is another character that is very flexible you can put them up front and you can do some stuff like stun and facilitate offense you can put them in the back you can do other stuff but i like to run occultist ring too so that's how i'm suggesting he's built so where he is on this bar is actually where i like to put him so with um you can put him up in the first spot too but front spot's usually more contested because that's for like helium leopard stuff like that and shield breaker if you ever so with the cultist sacrificial stab this is just a solid melee move that reaches into rake three the accuracy is absolutely garbage but it is nice and it can do some solid damage weakening curse this could be vulnerability hex if you're low level just because even if you're not marking something having the bonus or i should say the dodge penalty is inverse accuracy and that's really nice to have so weakening curse isn't actually that good early so i might switch these yeah okay and then we have the heel this should be on every occult spill just because it's good to pinch then if you're running a cultists up front he should have have hands from the abyss this move is nuts it is probably the best stun in the game especially if you can get trinkets at higher level because it can like triple stun enemies which that's insane is very powerful and has very big crit modifiers so always keep extra torches if you're on hands but that's that's it for that um all of his moves are pretty good and situational though the worst thing on his bar is probably roof spaghetti but even that's okay like you give him some damage and you're in the cove this actually it's kind of hard which is nice for trinkets we're gonna run speedstone you can find this pretty early this is a common trinket and it's just one speed that's nice one speed is you know impactful at these levels so you're gonna see this on a couple characters and then we have steady bracer this is somewhat easy to find as well the a10 accuracy this is specifically for hands from the abyss because the chance to hit rank three enemies like cult of switch and stuff without jester is not that high with hands like hands is okay it's better than sacrificial step but just make sure that you can hit stuff and i like that a lot plus let's say you want to run a cultist in the back of the party and you want to use these uh the roof spaghetti and the pull and stuff like that you can run pull them too but you know if you don't put them in the back then this gets even better because you have more accuracy on this and they have more accuracy on this so this this is a very versatile trinket for him and i do like it on most low-level occultist builds as always vessel is running the primary healer loadout so we have judgment for each the dazzling light is a great stun we have single target heal and then we have the best aoe heal or the only no one of two aoe heals in the game shout outs to flagellant but divine comfort actually sucks at rank one because it's one to three but when it hits like i think level two that's two to three then it's okay so having this at low level isn't that strong usually the single heal is just a bit better but this gets better like level one and two so these moves are very easy i don't think vessels should run anything else like the only time you even put these on is if you're running a specialized team or if you want to put up front to hit stuff with trinkets we're going to run survival guide this is just baby ancestors map this is 10 scouting 10 trap disarm and it lowers her speed her speed is important but not mega important and it's good i like survival guys she's probably one of the best to have it we have chargins this is the best low level healing trinket you could run junior's head but the bonus stress is probably difficult for a lot of new players to work around because they're not as efficient at team building so they don't stun as often they don't disrupt as often so the 20 stress actually impacts them quite a bit although we will suggest a a couple of the heads but i'm just saying that in case people are wondering why i don't put juniors here if you think you can handle stress junior's head is fine i'm actually gonna find her real quick it's in the the massive box please excuse all my trinkets so if you wanted to if you think you can handle the stress then run this it's just more healing output it's 20 stresses so it's a bit more dangerous houndmaster this was a bit tough to build like originally i was gonna have cry havoc but cry havoc actually sucks at rank one much like divine comfort so i don't like having cry havoc early late game it's good but early game it's not so usually i'll run it but for houndmaster i think every build should have hounds rush just for the single target damage and reach and guard i think these two moves should be on pretty much every hound master just because they are good they are versatile guard dog is very good panic button much like uh defender or whatever it is for uh man in arms and then the other two are a bit more complicated but i think in most teams if you're not in the ruins and hounds harry gets good because you have a chance to bleed stuff and it cleaves and you can ship out things that are low hp and that's nice to do and then lick wounds you don't usually find yourself hitting this unless town masters in light rain too so i think the mark is just better in many cases like you get more synergy with other heroes that have mark abilities and then you get the minus protection on top of it this is the best way to drop protection in the entire game except maybe snake eyes from shield breaker but that amount isn't as high so when you have target whistle you can lower someone's protection by a lot you don't need to trinket for it because the chance is very high baseline and that helps your other damage dealers get through the enemy tanks that are sitting up front for trinkets a good low level trinket is agility whistle how master has a lot of good trinket options like bleed amulets another really good one but i wanted to make sure that i only had one common and one uncommon trinket on each arrow but this is a very good consideration but with um this you just get some speed you get some dodge that's good enough honestly that that's fine and the debuff resist it kind of matters but then it kind of doesn't if you put them in rank four so with steady bracer this is the same thing with the cultists there's just 10 accuracy houndmaster has very bad accuracy he's got 105 at max level for someone that's trying to hit into rank 4 where enemies commonly have about 34 dodge so your chance of hit is usually about 70 to 72 without trinkets or help and that's why you should get some kind of accuracy on this character houndmaster is also very flexible you can put them up front and run blackjack from rank 2 or you can leave them in the back and run something else so really where he goes depends on what moves you give him but i think it's easiest for most people to put him in like rank three or four and then just do something like this up next is my personal favorite character so with gray robber the moves i always suggest running pick to the face because sometimes you don't want to shadow fade and you want to leave her up front to protect other people or finish off a target because having a shadow fade means you're not spending a turn killing enemies so having picked to the face is just there for insurance and cover options lunge every like most grave robber builds unless they're dedicated range builds should be running lunge and even then i would still suggest they run lunge just for positioning to help out or like get some extra burst damage because it hits harder than the range attacks so you want to start grave robber in the back of the party so either three or four and then open with lunge and then after that you can shadow fate if you want to or just use pick if the fight's going in that direction or use throat dagger i think that between pick and throw dagger you have an answer to armor which is commonly up front not in the back and then you have higher base damage or burst damage i guess to kill the enemies in rank three and four which as good as darts are darts it's weird because darts are an incredible move but i think running throat aggro and darts together is usually not good and then having pick kind of covers the option of poison darts but it because it's weird because these go through armor too that's kind of their their best thing to do but also helps to stall so i'm not quite sure but i think i think this is the best just easy to play loadout for gray robber although you will probably find yourself wanting darts but i'm starting to talk too long about that um with the trinkets we're gonna go with reckless charm grave robber dual damage type she has melee and range attacks so having reckless charm covers both options it is nice to have a bit of a bit extra accuracy for these two moves if you decide to run them and then we have dismiss head so i said i was gonna not do very rare trinkets except the heads and that's because you can find the heads relatively early and easily in the play through you will find these because you will fight collector at some point or you will find a secret room on a map and you will get one of the heads there's only three of them so you will find these probably by like week 20 in most cases so i think that someone who can protect themselves as well as grave robber by either moving or going into stealth she can handle the penalty of the minus hp she also is really good at killing things so she's probably gonna get the kill on most enemies and that gets her stress work down so she's able to dodge stress by going into stealth and then she's able to work off the stress that she gets by killing enemies which means these downsides are pretty uh muted and then you get the huge damage on top of it which helps lunge secure those early kills jester there's another tough one to build because i like jester in the back of the party with uh ballad and tune this is just like you can just play both these buttons and it doesn't matter what these are and your gesture is going to be fine but if you want to do other stuff with jester then dirk stab if you're going to start him in four is nice or if you have like a team that can accommodate finale i like having finale just in case someone gets pulled or pushed around or if you get surprised you have to finally turn one which usually isn't that good but sometimes it's warranted and finale like even if you don't have dirk stab like if you run slice off instead which you can do like you can swap out dirk stab for slice off like even if you don't run dirk stab there are a lot of enemies in this game that can hit your rank 2 unit and push them backwards so there's stuff in almost every region that can do it i think especially because bandits exist i think bandits make it possible in every region that is in courtyard to get pushed which means that the enemy can actually set up finale for you sometimes which is nice to do so sometimes your other dude gets pushed you you know you hit these a couple times the finale's charged up and you just nuke something for trinkets lucky lucky dice monkey lucky dice are good early game you get four accuracy accuracy is very important stat you get four dodge dodge is a good stat early like dodge scales very well in early game just because of enemy accuracy break points and so we have barristans on top of that so this is the other head that we're going to be using i think jester is probably the best one for this the reason is unlike vestal who can struggle with stress reduction jester doesn't jester has a button that lowers a bunch of stress every time you press it so he can get away with using bears instead so you can just get hit with a couple stress moves hit this once or twice in the battle and you're okay next up is another character you start with and that's plague doctor for this build plague doctor can go pretty much anywhere and she'll have a bit of trouble sticking blight in the room not the ruins the wheeled and the warrens but honestly this is still worth trying but if you do go to those places you can swap into incision instead for the blight moves and usually don't use vapors because it's too slow outside of most boss battles so with a plague doctor stuns went everywhere which is why we have blinding gas that's just the best it's probably the best on the game just because it disables the backliners on the enemy team which are the support and also the stress casters so we have noxious for upfront damage it also helps with stalling because it lowers accuracy it's really good play grenades is just double dot or double blight damage over time on the back and then we have battlefield medicine which at any level this is a very good move just because plague docker is so fast she can take bleeds and blights off not only herself but another person at the same time and heal them for you know a couple points disorienting you can slot in as well but i think medicine is just too critical to uh to pass up but this is also a good one to read for trinkets which is vile this is just better dazzling charm it's 15 stun on plague doctor this helps her stuns stick that's great then we have swift cloak this is a really cool uncommon trinket because it gives play doctor two speed it's better than speedstone just because it gives one extra speed point and plague doctor is a character that wants to go first plague doctor wants to be the first person to go or the second she doesn't want the enemies to go before her i'll just say it that way she wants to go before the enemies so she can stun them so she can disrupt them and dictate what's happening in the fight and this helps her do that are blessed so with our bliss i think this is the best loadout for her just because we have sniper shot for damage we have battlefield bandage like these two moves are the most important on the bar so she spends the first couple turns shooting enemies and then she heals afterwards and this feels very good it even stacks its own healing buff on top of someone so even if you don't have trinkets after one or two casts this starts to ramp up pretty good we have rallying flare for just getting rid of like mark synergy that pops up like spiders that like to stun and mark this helps you deal with that if they don't stun our bliss there there's mark synergy in the warrens there's mark synergy in the wheeled there's mark synergy potential in the ruins just because you can have crossbow skeletons and cultists which actually can they show up together i think so anyway so rallying flare is just really good it covers options it gives you torch and later on in veteran and stuff when stealth enemies are more common this helps you deal with them and we have suppressing fires so the last move can be probably ebola or suppressing fire i think blind fire is just not that good and arboles has the worst mark in the game it's usually not worth using it's usually worth bringing someone else that can mark there are times to do it but i honestly just don't like using it and the suppressing fire is nice because there are some enemies that aren't stress casters that this just shuts down like bandits when you run into the bandit trio this shuts down the backband it's like that's it um this is really good against the spiders because they can't quit you after that because the crit debuff on suppressing fire is so high that almost all moves from backline enemies go down to zero chris they can't create you after that and then the accuracy cut is very heavy so i like that a lot but suppressing fire it's good in the warrens it's good and against some ruins enemies like the crossbow skeletons it's good in the cove like the pelagic groupers aka cove lepers shuts them down like this move has a lot of applications it's very good so i usually find myself hitting this way more than saying i wish i ebola but bowl is probably the like best uh replaceable thing here for trinkets dismiss head making another appearance the reason we can run dismiss head on what you call it on our bless is because her base accuracies are very high at max level that she can kind of afford to do this she's going to be like maybe 80 chance or something like that to hit most backliners but that's okay if you want to give her accuracy you can but if you want to go like big damage dismiss head is probably the best on her just because she has very high hp baseline and that really helps dismiss head or like she doesn't feel the disreset penalty as much and then because she's able to kill stuff pretty easily and clear stress if she wants to actually that doesn't play her but since she kills enemies pretty regularly she can work off her own chest and then for the other trinket i love medic scrapes these things are so good this turns her into a comparable healer to vestal early on honestly because if you can't find chyogens then vestal her healing is kind of lacking and then if you can find these like you're going to be putting up like vessel numbers the only thing is you can't aoe heal but that's vestal and she has a stun too but i like these a lot we also have like camp skills they can heal and these greases apply to that as well i forgot about antiquarian who is our last character but there is some nuance to antiquarian that we do need to cover for low level and aquarium i think this is the best loadout you can run festering vapors once it hits like level two or three but nervous stab starts out as more damage flash powder way better than dodge vapors early on dodge vapors are terrible until like rank three or four like that's when they're usable early on they're not that good because if you want to shut down like one threat then flash powder does that so you think that like if i you know in this case if we look at it like this flash powder debuff 15 accuracy this puffs 10 dodge although this does have to make two checks it has to beat the accuracy check that has to beat the debuff check that that is the thing it also decels that's nice too with this we can consider this as giving the entire team 15 dodge instead of 10 against one enemy this is really good against certain like big threats that like to either do like big damage or i don't know just profit off of someone else buffing them up so like gunner bandit it doesn't have that high of accuracy so being able to flash powder it so just misses your whole team with that cleave is really nice there are some backline damage dealers that this is really good shutting down size twos this dominates against so flash powder is very good early the heal this is really just the best option out there even in early game just because like one point of healing that gets someone off death store and that that's that's good that's good enough uh protect me this is fantastic at all levels this should be on every ant aquarium there's usually i should say whenever you make an aquarium team you should have a protect me target on the team just just do it it's much easier it keeps her safe she's very squishy especially at low levels when she doesn't get all of her you know good trinkets and dodge and stuff like that and we have never stabbed because this out damages festering which i think i said for trinkets she can hold survival guide just because one of antiquarian's strengths is that she doesn't really need personal triggers herself so she can either hold common trinkets to pass around to other people or she can just run utility training it's like survival guide and then if you're worried about her taking damage you can run camouflage cloak there are a lot of other stun trinkets or not stunned dodge trinkets out there and speech rings and stuff like that are very good for her as well i have never tried barristan's and aquarium i think that's because she gets karapus idol so it's like why bother anyway i think that's it for everyone i'm gonna i'm pretty sure i covered everyone so i'm gonna double check real quick and then we'll do an outro all right cool we did so that's it for the video thanks for watching like i said i'm doing this because a lot of people said they wanted to just see low-level variations of stuff for characters so i think these are the easiest way to build each euro at like apprentice level this gets them to fit in most teams if you don't have like a specific strategy you're trying to run and i think this should be easy enough to digest i hope so for next videos coming up the crimson court guide is taking me a while i did not want to put a date on it i put a date on it i'm regretting putting a date on it i'm still working on it i'm i'm trying and i'm also going to start doing region guides because people have been asking for those and it's gonna be like here's you know the ruins here are the the enemies of the ruins here's what they do here's like the big threats in the ruins here's the curio the ruins they should be itemizing for and here's like a good team that can trash the ruins so i'm gonna start working on those like this week i'm gonna start scripting them but i'll see how fast i can record them they're gonna be a lot of editing it's more the editing process the recording process but that's it for this video thanks for watching check out the box below for cool stuff like twitch discord patreon and twitter i stream on twitch four days a week the streams have been very fun lately we've been streaming deathless blood moon i'm trying to beat the game without losing a single hero that's been pretty cool so that's it for this one pulled the headphone but anyway thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 13,809
Rating: 4.964602 out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon tips, darkest dungeon gameplay, darkest dungeon 2, darkest dungeon guide, darkest dungeon tips and tricks, let's play darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon walkthrough, darkest dungeon crimson court, darkest dungeon hints, darkest dungeon tutorial, darkest dungeon beginner, darkest dungeon beginners guide, darkest dungeon help, guide to darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon 2021, darkest dungeon builds, darkest dungeon teams, darkest dungeon comps
Id: oquWvKqCxW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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