Swine King Fight - Torchless Bloodmoon [Part 38]: Darkest Dungeon

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and we got another pretty cleanly we took what three ticks three ticks of stress secrets and wonders can be found in the stuffing of this place bad trinket i'm not a big fan of that one you don't take citrine on principle it'll never change the optimal play was to take citrine spear be decent this comp that would have been nice to hot swap on actually you're not wrong run redeem and suffer oh that's right over reclaim i'm just gonna assume fix said that like two rooms ago or whatever not two rooms ago but like he said it very preemptively just in case harry definitely not good this keeps him from dying which is nice don't need the stress heal that much so i guess we take the mark and then we have a mark here and we have flare okay there's part of me that wants to do some really backward [ __ ] like guard arb every turn so that way she can uh never get stunned by wilbur unless he like cleaves us pigs fear is usually bad but in a mark comp that's the point oh the spear is usually bad yeah yeah is there a good sp trainer besides the last one i like the venomous vial honestly i think it's solid but we're playing in a torchless so it gets a little more dangerous um the foot wraps are nice adders over what puncture got thickened caps i'm sorry thick the fang spear is like the one time it's good husfang would have been valued it would have that's playing very good in this fight i don't think we have to make any other changes yep oh prediction swim with no deaths i'm gonna hit this let me use the bathroom so i'll be right back [Music] uh [Music] it is a travesty a blundering mountain of hatred and rage i am muted okay so i said i like how thick said will would be gentle and then he opens with a [ __ ] stun on hard that's a little scary then i was like adders and i noticed that he has 20 blade resist so adders fine um [Music] can't hear you because the pig's squealing oh get [ __ ] wilbur i've never heard that sound what is that sound oh that was so good what the hell was that bizarre and yet satisfying do you spend a turn marking no because i'm gonna have to guard on turns i feel it so i'm just gonna go in your birthday you'll get points happy birthday i don't know what to do wild flailing ooh the resist get [ __ ] again wilbur put 96 on no because you want an even 7 000 total for now all right this is awkward um free speech he's not guaranteed to go first i'm gonna block just in case i don't get the uh i'll get my turn before him he's high rolled me before he has done so i'm actually just going to leave it so i'm just going to block this so why just why take damage right i'm thinking mark looks kind of good now no yeah i'm wasting dog treat turns i'm just gonna hit it don't even clear mark yeah you got it oh let's work with uh her that's a really good use of return he did flailing that's why did he do that i'm marked like why didn't you use a blood right there even like even though i'm blocking who cares [Music] that's my second guard i think yeah um i'm gonna guard in case he goes first here okay see the mark attack even there's no targets too can he must be really low there you go he just randomly picked art for that [ __ ] i love when the game doesn't play around its own mechanics very cool still marked and used flash to suffer this off actually yeah well yeah i'm definitely a fledger he's gonna shoot him again this is getting a little scary because we're kind of low for wilbur he's dead he's done two turns so when you start healing up so wilbur just doesn't [ __ ] cleave us when we die okay he i can actually lose someone this is exactly how it happened before it was [ __ ] um it was wild flailing into zero hp into um death blow off wilbur so this is exactly how it happens if i pull him up he cleaves me right if i pull him up so i don't want to pull him yet because i could just kill the uh the swine like i can kill the boss this turn he's guaranteed to just scream at me so you don't kill him here shouldn't block him to redeem fair wait what is the aoe yeah so i'm not doing it you do not pull over here you don't you do not pull because if i pull it triggers repost and backward scales here it's flange that's the issue flange has to go first flange is not going before this either block or move it's not i mean i can block for sure but it's flash i'm worried about i think he leaves the corpse he's gonna bleed out you ages will remind mark one kill wilbur jesus christ all right dude stand then you might not he doesn't leave a corpse he doesn't leave like a 50 hp corpse which would be a lot better for this fight if you did so it's block it's block i hope i don't get hit here pharaoh probably resists don't put that energy out here he's not going to killing where was an option he's still going to repost he still reposts if i punch wilbur right now and this dude's not going first he's going to bleed out afterwards just have to bang him three four chance for flash to live yep pretty much we survived jesus christ [ __ ] you wilbur he can still cleave too he decides to hit it i don't like that what are you doing that thor is not a myth not this time actually got one yep it's a different game when you survive that was tense it was okay we dodged back here which is nice yeah we got a lot of damage here so we're just gonna go in all right that's it what are you doing man pat wilbur he's good that's interesting yeah nice man who someone was about who was that anemone would have got like a massive payout dude holy [ __ ] uh we keep looking around i think such blockages are unsurprising so much faith and shelf bad odds settlers sherman swaying to redeem yeah i got it i missed it but i mean it's it's the same thing that happened last time where it's like i'm at half could i even redeem i think i could have right what did i not do if i didn't redeem what did i not do i suffered yeah okay but like it's it's the same situation that happened last time i lost someone to this boss where someone was over like like survivable they're around 10 hp and then it was wild flailing into wilbur so like that i don't know like do you do you play around wild flailing at that point i guess you do i suffer i did you suffer the death store buff on suffer oh my god did it it matter yo yo nice calculated suffer value and the chat rejoiced in the long-awaited world of suffer value let's walk around looking for loot suffers the best move it did the thing this time other worldly corruption let's see what this is then go up in like that i should have tossed the shovel cells mistake suffer change dd resist from zero to 12. suffer fm oh jesus suffer was always value we just couldn't see it oh yes oh my goodness dudes we can still get a hunger check which is kind of ass right now is anyone checking behind us that's your job dude you're at the back suffer might have done nothing that's also possible all right chat no one look at the screen i think i could have got something else too youtube what are you doing what are you trying to get into my blinds echo stop echo yeah you sir come here i'm kidding he'll never come here you got 11. man that rounding echo get out of the blinds oh my god stupid echo it's a kick over water bottle musical curiosity interest and obsession mile markers on my road to damnation what why are you melting into my arms dude oh you're so chunky logan gifting thank you thank animate thighs enjoy your sub yes prayer for them echo better bump suffer up it's here because of this i should fading oh my god just imagine the worst abomination then there's that one which is even worse what else is there to do yes yes it's like being held bumper crop b slayer kind of nice focus ring on a phone berserk mask can you guys just stop yelling at me jesus swear over targets people on death story he does it's exactly what happened last time like i i think i misplayed and then it was wild flailing into uh death door check and then willard just sniped him yes is this awesome found lawson found the free upgrade right that could be kind of nice i'm gonna put you down just stop playing in my blinds his aoe scream is also a kill move yeah that's why we didn't want to pull him up i think you knew that but for anyone who wasn't wasn't aware lawson found is the value it'd be a lot better if we had level five heroes actually we do have some level fives um how do we have hound master um and arb who would have thought arb is like one of the first characters to hit [ __ ] champion on this file it's a weapon upgrade specifically that's pretty good we're done with snakes for this bracket i think no wait do we have we have one more because we i think we missed one in veterans so we have one more nightmare that we can hit so that makes us nicer is nick here can you buy level five gear i can actually i can get the um the bank is it bank time to be fair you get the puppet theater too i can just get rid of the [ __ ] i want except the things i can't so i can only get like two things but i kind of want the bank dude you're bullied next it's uh that's right it is it is veteran and then the cc set is champion i think it's in our interest must be his true beast form yeah i kind of like that lost and found potential cure bully these are both nice um we can do a bank so we like save up uh a lot of stuff here geologic study hall someday if i hit the bank right now i'm getting i'm at 40 000 like if i if i round it up by 70 gold i'm at 40 000. five percent of that is two thousand two thousand a week it's gonna go a bit lower but that's not bad no wait the red hook do i have enough for the red hook it takes like 700 right take something stupid 50. echo what are you doing you're such a spaz are you playing with the toy okay you play through toy deep down you know geologists is the play i love that you gave yourself that nickname thick train gets we will need to grab more gold to get to 60. i'm gonna hit it can't stop me although i hear nick in the back of my head the guild isn't maxed the guild isn't max and to be fair the guild should be maxed can we get 33 more portraits the question is can we get 33 more portraits by the time we have um everyone level five we have to start leveling this [ __ ] up the answer is probably yes uh what's our blacksmith looking like pretty tight on these still in vet that's why i was thinking like it's either wait and worry about the guild and then get the bank later or get the bank now and get the value out of it for like 20 weeks i can build the bank now so that's what i thought i need to make some more money i have some trinkets to sell i can sell like one of the immunity masks i can sell a scouting whistle i can sell this i'm not using this probably this too marbles i have a lot of things i can sell swift cloaks um stun charm i could use that at some point sun sun is probably gone because we have the things where we want to stun we have things to help us stun them already echo what are you doing god your butt 33 portraits and 11 stacks tank the bank now you have less gold tank can take more portraits i mean i can always take more portraits so everything i'm not using not just duplicates yeah i'm gonna do it just get the fattest bank we can feels like a good step who knew capitalism is what you should focus on bank will tank now second medic screams and sell these probably not using the wrathful honestly fasting see i'm probably not using this either and keep the knock-off tim's camo cloak still has some use okay shield breaker dies next mission nick blames the bank they confirmed disgusting communists money printer yeah it's getting up there can't just inflate the economy what do you mean we just print money yes at least this country does not get political but quantitative easing let me sell this i'm not gonna use this um extra marbles i've been using like support stuff on anti i think it's good it's a good start um am i ever gonna need the unmovable helmet again i don't think so i think we're done with that i think you can't run an economy purely out of feelings don't worry money goes away fast to champion yeah it's going to be gone we're gonna need like 300 000. of course you can print gold yeah to be fair the ancestor printed gems according to the siren lore fair damn what a good what a good idea or a good point sell some cc trinkets can i i don't want to sell cc trains but if i get them back in the pool i don't want to see jester's [ __ ] are you two fighting echo why are you being such a punk okay can we sell the second scouting or the scouting whistle nah that's fine he throws some sp in the co for some citrines we're gonna do this so let's take she got cove explorer oh it's alkophobe oh i should have got rid of that i wasn't even thinking about it dammits the upsides were massive and the downsides are also massive can i still get around this can i still play around that [ __ ] part of me says yes moon cloak we have one do you want us to sell another one red hook red hook wait red hook the bank is a plot hole 5 out of 10 stars or yeah game two hard rng take her and use the coral we have to find the coral i may take her anyway i think i can get her i can get her stress under uh under normal like i can use the aria box and that's okay and we have a beast hater so we already knock out some of this but it's just it's bad the rest of it mormon cloaks the better love that stupid trinket it is pretty solid i haven't used it enough if you're give one your bliss to the fish folk for more gems and trinkets fun fact the reason why the mariners demanded more pay was because the world was suffering from massive hyperinflation due to the ancestors like you got the money dude right no now [ __ ] you and then he sinks them this is so good light sensitive okay that's fine both my pd's are stressed so i can take this one okay let's get some people healed up here i want to lock the song guard as expensive as it is we don't lock it this this round actually because like we need to get that bank value do we need to put anyone away or do we just let the bank get like one fat ass tick guys get rid of gambler kind of want night owl locked in okay i have a lot of things i can actually get but let's try and get the bank over 100k yeah probably cure some more diseases i do i have leeches on this team i got the og oh goodness i think we take the other one like yeah i can camp this off that is pretty freaking bad to camp off do we try it we just camp early is that the answer we just camp early right he's got a weapon and armor tanker what the [ __ ] is this character he came in with a cove scrounger cove explorer warns explorer warren scrounger and then he got like weapon tinker and then he got armor tinker head to bed all right jacqua camp early clear disease get stressed buff from beating nightmare that's not a bad idea deal the explorer looks i was like what was dora's brother's name right name is diego the economical occultist the eldritch scribblings of the free market i stress to clear anyway yeah all right yeah oh let's upgrade some stuff here ah she doesn't need the extra thing i want the armor buff shielbreaker's four and four yeah nice not bad do we run dirk stabbing this setup let me still keep slice off not paying for one point on this not paying for one point on that either honestly disorienting i think this combo gets through most of this yeah and what are our camp skills so leeches that's the important one we have touch god in case something goes wrong we have a thing shield okay we don't have mockery and then okay we got snake skin all right this is okay listen the bank just makes money out of thin air rank three sp with expose and puncture i never tried a backline dance sp that i can remember hydrate why can't we throw alluring women into the ocean in exchange for gold instead i don't know the ancestor i guess took the last customer on that one anchor actually represents the change of the capitalist economy to your free will jesus christ oh [ __ ] never change twitch chat hey are you in such a butt hmm okay expo's not as good here until we camp honestly do adders although i'm paying with pd is pretty nice i don't have enough cleave on this team you know the real dark extension is the bank we made along the way drink the proletariat the point is the bank is run by eldritch people it all makes sense now i did not do trinkets i almost went out without trinkets out of it bad news we're gonna have to camp in like the second room or some [ __ ] um so we have cove explorers that's like one you have to focus as hard on scouting trinkets i'm gonna give pd just as much speed as possible although we lose to spear fishing pretty hard but maybe we go first we stun them and then we ruin the spear fishing that's that's a plan bear stones i think we can give them some uh scouting although the survival guide is kind of nice here but let's see so we have ten there are two cove explorers i have code venture okay so i have 20 there and 15 so that's 35 so i'm at 60 scouting moon cloak a little too much i do like the overture here helps them stay alive a bit better okay gotta camp early camp hard okay let's do fine do five minutes on this yeah who's the most bass dd character after leper um crusader i know maybe no it's a cultist stephanie cultus spent all your gemstones from last mission on an ocean gf and the real darkest dungeon is chad's sex dungeon yikes yeah given the occultist went to liberal arts university is it possible he's also a comic he's just educated wink why are you fighting over a stupid toy god goodness echo recover these lost shipments we have together too that we may prevent them from falling into even less scrupulous hands do you think we have all the food because let's see hold on one two three four five six one two three four five six it's the exact same case that shambler i want to have the all gun t-b-h you get this on the way back not capped feels bad colton sold off his soul to pay for his college debt oh [ __ ] the darkness we got that like four times today stun cleave all right let's go fast let's go fast let's go first let's go often we're gonna pierce him and hopefully we can get him oh goodness i forgot about this are we resisted that's good that all coming in on me we're gonna try and kill this dude then puncture this next turn this doesn't kill if we do this here for double stud 8080 we have what 70 chance is this someone okay i'm gonna yank this thing now all right nothing's just gone that enemy died to one move puncture um i think we get a bit more damage here in speed most characters have 10 sps 20 for what oh trap resist it's not quite a true rogue okay that makes sense sbs 20 despite only having one hand we've been over this she uh she she disarms the traps with her spear i think she pokes them that's what people do in tabletops they get like a 10 foot pole and then like go down the hallway poking the hallway so they don't set [ __ ] off or so they try and switch it off before it hits them before they walk into it it's my bleach chance 80 40 it's not i let's get this stab that should be enough double stun the crab why not i'm in damn it sp is the 10-foot pole trick commonly found in most tabletops yes how about that mf11 football oh god oh no that's just a finale is that finale yeah i guess it is since we got this stun i mean just spam blight up there i think adders get slightly more value over the entire course of the fight here it's nine people with ten percent three with 20. let's get him out of there i'm waiting for the crit stab here 11 foot pole meaning chad's thundercock all right nice welcome crit i'm always down for crits 15. it's dead and two but we also just stab it gotta do three more damage i don't think i can do three damage oh no it's gonna get an attack oh [ __ ] this is not okay adders appears to the same damage up to 30 prod oh wait we can do some damage okay we found it that's good to know that break point the same amount of damage up to 30 prod i knew she was gonna credit after that pierce does more okay so the hookahs have 150. this expedition at least so it's a little bit better grave robber's hogging all the trap disarm chants i think she gets passed guaranteed at every point in the game i think like level zero with no trinkets she still fails but she uh another mariner she definitely gets up there another misfortune oh just so [ __ ] easy isn't it that's it this mission got a lot easier ray robert deserves it to be honest i mean it gives her something to do told me i appreciate that sb needs to roll a little bit higher she's not they want to stun the raw yeah we're definitely actually we're still in the fish now since we got punched in the face the true crit or not crit but stress caster has revealed himself don't agree she deserves the boon but save some for the rest of us okay oh we say we're going to camp early so we're going to have to camp after this this slice off gets pretty good that should be enough if it sticks it did the cleave let's do this front dude if we get to go first precision and power buffoon status flumix true stress caster oh my god the true stress healer yeah that stick is that okay that's right two points damn move past him that's not okay um this is a bit scary because this thing doesn't guard and i just get punched i get crit i'm just dead i'm dead to [ __ ] bleed this thing is lowered speed so i think we go for the double stun i think we're pretty good to get a double stun so what am i doing pd would i rather just do damage with her than the nut cure i think i would uh curing our own bleed protects us against the stone resistance here we adders eradicated [Music] and stick two on this guy i have no other way to do damage to him right now i can stun him okay that's fine he's dead he's dead hopefully he's low enough that forget about that so hopefully he's low enough that he guards but yep here it comes yep exactly like we [ __ ] predicted that's exactly exactly it a singular strike i felt the crit building it was within him can't even cure my mortality debuff because i'm a cultist fish always crit true they do be critten though buffoon is always flummoxed um this helps shield breaker kill it pd going off okay it's done um some cures in definitely gonna rest here of course classic occultist is my life on the line three wow okay ah so scary i don't have a bolt or experimental because that would have been the time to use it actually let me use leeches so i get to heal something there time for some experimental i would have hit it didn't have it an uneasy companionship sorry i think we got enough healing up from this okay no snakes what's that your two health from max crit 44 heal and bleed true but also white healing when they're two under i've done it i can't front you still gas up shield breaker for dimage throw that og i forgot to take out my stress trinket nice good play very smart play the best play dark strength i don't think we dark strength i kind of want you snake skin is snake skin too defensive can knock off 30 stress that's pretty hot do your snake skin or turn back time i'm not sure reconstruction low rolling is just occult is procrastinating true like how cold this lets his skull see the fire he's being nice so he's like here okay dirty stress affliction is kind of bad let's do another pull real quick think turn back is the play any stress casts and two bad crits fair down with it the light the promise of safety we're gonna come back this way anyway so let's just keep our loot open second coral mega value i kind of want to get rid of actually yeah there are two bad ones on here let's get rid of one hopefully all right got the worst one but you know what we snipe code phobe so it's fair okay this is awkward the ghouls show up in the weirdest matches dude and then the weirdest spots within those matches should be done if it sticks nice hopefully we can send this one okay got negative some resist i forgot these existed honestly i always forget about the jellyfish they're not that common why the [ __ ] does the cultists have literal baby skull it could be a shrunken head that tech exists nifty for keeping candles in uh i think i still stabbed this i should have double stoned i'll see my turn three nice resist when you needed it most but you're also the [ __ ] healer echo stop it chasing your brother around like a jerk i guess we're gonna heal with um no let's let's stick this we'll heal with uh occultist that's ten it's down two this is fourteen didn't stick okay so it's down fourteen all right it's dead i got enough damage over time to stick on okay not bad just need a little more occultist 420 daughter points blaze there's a dd fan cinematic where the leper shrunk his head so it's kind of canon jesus who likes being in the back line for some reason it's a weird spot when it's back there too finally took you three [ __ ] times to get there there's a consideration for ballad because of uh so i can't see what that room is i might have got the uh the speed up for it there's a fight right outside the door love the occultists he's the embodiment of this game he really is i know scouting feels bad leave stuff on the way back to life with a singular purpose okay i think this is our first one here weird little surprise there actually sort of relevant sort of not um i think we're gonna like we'll see what happens here because i want to okay yeah i feel like he's always hard focus pd clarified in a single strike we hope a cultist goes first he's probably not going to we also try and just hyrule this yeah annihilated okay we stun this one we're in a battle ballot so we should go first next turn the sun's safer the stun wins like a hundred percent of the time instead of just really nice iron man's a good contender as well that's true all right nice this thing just bleeds out and now we don't have to worry about stress wave maintain the offensive let me kill myself here do i heal this raise the bandage you're scared to might have been a bit better let's see would it maybe let me expose and hope i don't like kill it or something okay we got a crit a puncture actually oh god glad i did not put any damage over time i'll try and hit pd twice we'll see let's screw myself here didn't you say that today oh baby school is a cool bong what the [ __ ] oh my goodness let's stall for like one turn that's fine i guess that's what i wanted it went it stabbed me for a [ __ ] ton of damage getting a call right now that i can't answer i'm streaming nice blossoms you got some food as victories mountain you have to be lord chan for the relic here sadness actually we're coming back this way i think we still take in case for some stupid reason all three are packed in the end of the dungeon finding the stuff is only that's probably rid of that too oh my god noise noise has ceased okay there's two we might do it i was gonna laugh at that i saw my beloved oh my goodness let's say that i almost died for it okay that's sometimes this game does [ __ ] like that chef flu fm that's a new one 25 jesus i think we just exposed i don't have exposed i took it off because i was like i don't need this [ __ ] this is better against pinch but it's worse against title slam i should have done that yet actually i kind of need dirk stab this is like the worst position for this team to be in right now nope the thing i said i lost to is the thing it did there's an affliction like i'm too [ __ ] slow because that's stupid surprise i'm just gonna spam target my gesture and i can't do anything about it that damage buff i can't even valid like i have ballot ballot is the winner it's still valid because if i use stress heal i still flick there's nothing i can do about it so i need to power up the rest of my team i guess we're killing this thing first not relevant but you tried out that martyr team the other day pretty funny and torchless that's good did you have any problems i felt like it uh got scary sometimes when i was using it i mean i died to a [ __ ] shambler with it so okay somehow we did not get stressed that turn do we still balance a second time i can't pierce just feels bad this thing still has 49 hp excuse me don't want to pull him up when he has extra damage accuracy and crit i don't know dude i'll pull this one try double sun come on occultists pinch okay resisted good news pd is just trying her ass off i think it appears this time stress wave hitting for three as whack it had damage buff but i see what you're saying the comp of double nasher crone and virgo [ __ ] you up super hard enough to flick flange but it was because you were missing a lot so probably not gonna run cc set on occultists and just do cauldron stigma that sounds better and torturous it's a little scarier because you have like 135 extra stress at that point but that does sound better eight to fifteen i just yank this one too do i yank this and hope it stabs me whereas this one like for sure stabs me i guess we do um you're running martyrs in memory of course of course it's been a long time since i've seen a paramount virtue any cost instantly doing show this affliction which one is selfish god damn it uh stunned this that surprise just god that was so much stress i took like 80 stress because of that surprise probably more the only stab in one i thought they could you stab at it too not that it matters i guess at this point now um actually i should have done this one that was a mistake actually i can still pierce it okay i'm bad real gamer virtue every time yeah pistol is definitely a good option oh that sounds fun like sticking a ring for the added prod lets them be less squishy up front one of your cold success hard skin so you just get 20 fraud sounds very awesome um so we used ballad last turn because he was afflicted that was exacto i should be giving that to someone else especially his [ __ ] tone deaf so it's just like super bad um we have to do three damage can we do three damage with stab we can just virtue sean's only seven one thanks for the stream good night all right lance take care spam the tune it's pretty hard to do that right now the greater the glory expand the heel though actually yeah like sitting there ring on man arms more bellow accuracy oh shield breaker success just shield breaker [ __ ] or is it merely a trick of the light this dungeon is very hard right now oh my goodness rewarded rewarded for picking that up back there this dungeon got a lot easier with that oh my god dude so we don't need any more shovels so we can spend them here wealth beyond measure awarded to the brave and the foolhardy alike during shield quake draw man in arms gang all right clean it up on my loot oh oh nice booty klepto oh you know it's selfish god damn it [ __ ] selfish opens it safely steals my [ __ ] guardian shield seems like a meme trinket it's not great but i mean you can make it work that's good enough okay there might be a fight in here so it's worth eating all the food we scouted it okay no fight oh that's a little five people over evasive he hit kobe venture and he's still getting like stressed out god damn dude you get rid of this that's kind of bad i mean sp get more damage isn't a bad thing yes we knew you were done when she bust that pink fish oh she leveled the five too we are raising an army skipper i never thought i was gonna have two shield breakers by this point i thought i was just not running them at all in this file oh this is pretty [ __ ] good it's too late i don't know why i'm looking at these characters that's pretty damn good though king god destroyer of worlds where's your money oh what did i miss oh an affliction nice job the espys would prevail they made it petitioned to diego name into or to turn his name into diego the cove man i don't know if it would fit all according to cake occur you're telling chef about hi my qdc protect me anti yeah you were got some level 5 people this is this is interesting i'm not gonna say we can do it but it feels like we're getting close to being able to do it this might be puppet theater time i did i said i wasn't gonna get it but this is definitely puppet theater value it's only five thousand do we puppet theater here but then we're kind of out of crests and how many more requests do we need we need at least 49 here and 84 geez we need almost 200 we probably can't spend it quick draw charms so we can round round start duelist yeah so you you round start duelist and then you keep the uh the crit for like every post that's coming out for the rest of the round which is really nice diego ocean man i don't know if i spend the crest on the puppet theater but i um sent me a wipe of the man-at-arm party that usually uses qdc did you send me a wipe i even have anti i got the bank i still have i can't level anyone else really and anti is still going to compound the bank interest or the bank value so it's really not it's still not bad i should be running her and she's also a contender for dd2 but it might be a little harder to pull that off in a torchless qdc is really good plus man arms has hot to trot some turn one power that is it's quite a lot okay i think i'm done today chat but you all are fantastic thanks for hanging out uh i make youtube videos if you're not aware follow the channel that [ __ ] join discord if you haven't i'll be streaming tomorrow i don't know if we're doing this or something else yet we might do mod run i don't know but i will see all of you tomorrow and i'm going to try and finish a video tonight i have a video on action economy that i'm working on and it's i've got the audio done and like i could just throw background footage over it and just put it up tonight if i really wanted to but i kind of want to do some effort so i'm not sure i'm gonna do it yeah you're fantastic i will see you tomorrow you
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 3,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion, final boss, react
Id: 2AlaltwKzJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 8sec (3968 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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