5 Beginner Teams: Darkest Dungeon

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what's up y'all shuffle back again with some more videos this time we are going to help out the new players with some starter teams because this is a question i've been getting the last few days especially because of the videos i've been putting out and the game pass and ps4 sale all of that cool stuff so for starter teams we are going to talk about some stuff that's pretty easy to use and i'll talk about how to gear them stuff like that and there are some that are a little more tricky to play than others but don't worry too much and i'll give you a quick tutorial on how to use them so before we get started make sure you check out my twitch channel i stream four days a week join discord if you wanna come hang out with cool people and if you like the stuff support on patreon all of that is fantastic and comes with their own perks so the first team that we're talking about this is actually the usual suspects and don't freak out here but my background has like all bunch of quest stuff here but this team is called tricky glory normally this is team red hook and if you move it the other way it's the usual suspects but the reason i would actually tell you to start it in this order is specifically because of highwayman and how this character plays but we're gonna start with crusader so pretty simple stuff we're gonna be running smite we have stunning blow steinball is just a really good move we have holy lance to move around in case stuff happens we get moved out of position because sometimes you know you get title slammed in the cove that does happen and then we have inspiring cry to stress heal and do some spot healing you can swap in battle heal for something if you really want to but i don't think you need bulwark of light and definitely not zealous accusation there's just not a build that needs that and for trinkets anything that gives you some accuracy because we don't have really any other way to get accuracy besides quirks so having accuracy with focus ring or warriors cap or reckless charm those are some low-level options surgical gloves are very good as well so anything that gives you some accuracy is good enough here then paralyzer's crest i like quite a bit this makes sure that your stun sticks somewhat reliably but this is your most flexible slot this could be something defensive this could be a survival guide this could be like i said defensive resist trinket this could be sign conscription or ancestor scroll if you have those as well to boost your stress healing those are all fine and dandy for vestal we're gonna run the stock vessel set up which is just the four middle skills this is the premier vestal healing loadout so we have judgment to zap things in rank 4 because this team kind of struggles with reach a little bit and we have dazzling light just because the stunt's good then we have the two heals her trains are pretty flexible usually i give her one healing trinket and then something else in this case i'm just putting the map on her just to give her some utility and the map if you watched my last video this is something that we can swap around to other people so that's pretty cool for highwayman so the reason we start him in three or potentially four is because like the more experience that myself and others have gotten collectively as a community as good as point blank shot is you usually want to have highwayman get his repost up and then start cleaning up the bank uh back ranks before doing anything else and if you put him in rank two where vestal's at and then you duelist up front and then use point blank shot you're leaving rank four and three open so being able to start him in three is good because you get to duelist on turn one that gets your post up and he's in rank two and he can use everything that's not point blank shot so you can still use pistol shot and shoot rank four or rank three so those are the squishy stress casters those need to go down first in most cases then you also have your melee move if you leave them in rank three for some reason if you're on a duelist advance you can still shoot and use your melee which is good these are both you know solid moves wicked slice also very good so leaving him there and giving him the flexibility in reach is very very nice since we don't have access to accuracy if you have like the crimson quartz set you can put it here but just another low level option or non dlc option is we have the sun ring this thing is solid enough it gives you some damage and accuracy and then we have surgical gloves which is to help boost our repost accuracy because repost has i believe 85 accuracy at i think at all times as you say max level i'm pretty sure it's always 85 and that's just bad so this this helps it this puts it up to 95 which is okay like you're still gonna miss stuff you know that's only like a sixty one percent chance that cult of switch that's kind of crappy but it's better than nothing so we can use duelist to go into rank two and then we have pistol shot we have melee and that's pretty much how this character plays plague doctor is pretty simple for this one so we have two blade moves we have blending gas which is amazing then we have battlefield medicine this is a flexible one usually vessel can out heal most damage over time effects but you really don't want to get crit you know you don't want to eat like a big crit with a blight on top of you so plague doctor does deal with that very nicely so i would still recommend leaving this on but you can swap this for a blast if you really want to but i've found this is good enough in most cases especially because we have two stuns that can hit the front ranks so we don't really need blast after that for plague doctor there are or i should say it's very hard to recommend something that replaces blasphemous file so for new players whenever you beat a boss you're guaranteed to get an orange trinket so you can wait and save your early boss kills until this pops up and i would recommend you do that if you like play doctor because this character is pretty strong without this but this character becomes like an s to your character when you put this on this covers so many options and the bonus 25 stress penalty isn't really a big factor because plague doctor is fast enough to stun most backlines and not get hit with a stress attack sometimes she gets hit by one just because they you know outspeed her but for the most part she can control a backline while the rest of your team cleans it up so you get the stun you get all those juicy stats you can put a play grenade down the next turn and then dismiss and vestal are hitting the back ranks after you use your first duelist you probably duels in the right three and then zap rank four and that's pretty solid that usually gets their backlight in a couple turns which is good enough your second trinket i'd recommend something that gives you speed there are a lot of speed trinkets out there like feather crystal or swift cloak for instance or you can put on which file if you're low level but something like profits eye is really good this is speed minus stress to offset the file penalty and then more accuracy to hit those backliners this is probably the best stun setup for her trinkets but there's uh there's other things you could use as well on your first turn if you're gonna stun literally everything on the board you actually don't want to use duelist advance you can if you want to there's really no penalty to doing it but you lose turns off of your duels advance or post timer because everything's stunned and nothing's attacking you but what you can do is either pistol shot into rank 4 or into rank 3 or duelist in rank 3 those are all acceptable openers and then you can use blinding gas and then you can use the other two stuns and lock down the entire enemy team i'd almost not recommend stunning all four enemies unless you can guarantee some kills because if you stun all four enemies and you can't kill anything and then they all go next turn and you can't kill anything you get hit in the face four times which is not what we want to do we usually want to disrupt the enemy as much as possible but that means sometimes you may want to stun three instead of all four but it really is something that comes with experience otherwise plague doctor opens with blinding gas i think that's pretty standard like there are some arguments to open with play grenade but they are it's not the the starter strategy anymore i think it's just pretty much agreed on that opening with stun is better to slow down the stress that you're taking even though play grenade opener is more damage so what you want to do is open with blinding gas and then turn to play grenade and then turn three blinding gas and usually everything is dead or dying in the back line at that point and then afterwards plague doctor can chip in with noxious blast to make things miss the earth your party while they chip down with blight and then use battlefield medicine as needed vestal like i said she's gonna stun on the first one or two turns maybe use a judgment then turns three and four she is healing and then crusader is opening with a stun and then once you need him to do some damage after the back line's gone and he doesn't have to stress heal anyone you can start using smite and chop through the front with a team like this that has this much control you want to leave one very easy to deal with enemy up front so that's either a stress caster that has somehow made it up to the front of the party and it doesn't use its main stress attack anymore or this is like some kind of tank enemy like a pelagic guardian in the cove which uses zoc to cestus when it's by itself but that's not too detrimental you can heal through that you can corral that by stunning it and lighting and stuff like that so you want to kill the fur the back line as fast as possible kill the next like big melee uh threat after that and then just stall for like one or two turns to heal up because this team does have a lot of recovery the second team is one of my favorites this is a grave robber team obviously we have abomination and hellion vessel's just there to keep everything safe but vessel can be replaced with some like plague doctor and then this team becomes the four horsemen which it's cool it's a name team and all that but for this team we are using a couple things here we have a lot of control so kind of like the last team there's a lot of stuns stuns keep you safe this is why i usually try and have a couple on the team and for this team we have stuns from three different heroes but also we have some reach which is something the other team kind of struggled with just a little bit so we have iron swan from helium to reach into the back we have rank three reach with if it bleeds wicked hat can be bleed out if the area you're going to has bleed susceptible enemies and then you don't usually need these two but sometimes breakthroughs kind of nice in case you think you're going to get knocked out of position you can get rid of yap in that case and then we just have a bunch of accuracy because even though helen's accuracy is okay at 105 she has to hit the back line with swann which means she needs a lot more accuracy to hit those units so you have to get as much as you can in a lot of cases and even then she may not hit them she's probably chilling at like 81 something like that at this point on something like bone courtier which kind of sucks but this is the best you can do in that situation besides just stacking like another 10 accuracy trinket for abomination this is a human abomination team this is not transform abomination team if you do not have dlcs you do not get broken key and that kind of sucks because this character was redesigned or i should say balanced around broken key with the way manacles currently works so broken key fixes the accuracy issue that beast abomination has and then also you get a bunch of stun chance and then you have padlock of transference which gives you more sun chance which means that you can actually stun lock stuff pretty reliably you're up to 185 stun chance at max rank which is pretty phenomenal if i can say so myself if you do not have the color madness you'll see this can be some other form of accuracy this could be like ancestor signet ring or a focus ring if you really want to something like that just to like i said lock up the rest the accuracy that you're gonna need but it this team really feels better at least abomination feels better when you have access to dlc items actually great robber too so for vestal we talked about her earlier this is the exact same setup i talk about this like every single team video that i make that has vessel so it's just as optimized as it can be in terms of moves and then support trinket healing trinket for grave robber she's kind of flexible here so you can run darts instead of throwdagger but you only want one of these you don't want both of these so the whole goal of this build is to lunge into rank three on turn one so that gets rid of hopefully he gets rid of the stress caster you're gonna have to create if you're playing blood moon or stitching but on darkest i think you can hyrule and get a couple of them and then also abomination can help finish it off and then you have reach on the other two so that's always good but you want to get rid of rank three on turn one and then like i said helene iron swans turn or rank four on turn one and then after that grave robber on turn two or whatever can shadow fade and then either decide to lunge again or throw dagger and help helium finish off ring four the reason you need pick is because sometimes grave robber is sitting in rank two or sometimes rank one if something happens and you don't quite want her to move out of position yet so you need some kind of move to use in rank one graver cannot use any other attack besides shadow fade which is not an attack from rank one so if she gets stuck up there and she needs something to do and you don't have picks she can't do anything so that's why we always run pick just because those situations happen and you don't want to have her be the last surviving member of a team wipe and then she has no way to kill the remaining enemies so that's why you're in pick so it should always be shadow fade lunge pick and then one ear choice of range moves i forgot to mention trinkets so this is a high level set we have raiders talisman which is just fantastic all these stats are incredible in grave robber the minus hp kind of hurts but she's able to go into stealth so it doesn't matter as much as you would think and then there's some people that say she doesn't need the extra speed and i think ray robert always needs at least like two or four extra speed to make sure she can go before most rank three enemies and kill them so that's why we always run something like raiders and then letter opener is just incredible stats for one trinket like this is 25 damage and 10 accuracy on pick and lunge and then five dodge on top of it like there are no downsides there's nothing this this thing's incredible there's no reason not to run this if you have crimson court and you found it as i was saying before the way this team operates is grave robber lunges into rank three at the start of the turn hopefully she kills it if she doesn't then abomination is pretty flexible and how he helps clean it up he can either use b spiral if it's at like 6 hp or lower so you can just finish it off with a damage over time or you can hit it with manacles which stuns it and then you can figure out what to do with it later or you can run if it bleeds or use if it bleeds i should say to finish it that way you usually don't have to especially because hellion is trying to use iron swan in turn one and then after that grave robber gets to decide do i shadow fade to reposition and then do i lunge after that or do i throw dagger or do i just throw dagger for my rank two do i use pick after that there are a couple options usually she isn't using pick on turn two so it's gonna be lunge and then either shadow fade or throw dagger depending on how low the rank four dude is if it's not dead already and then turn three if you didn't shadow fade you're probably shadow fading so pretty easy to deal with the thing i always hear about grey robber players or like when people start playing grey rubber is they say that they don't want to build a team around dancing and this team is not built around dancing we just have two people in the middle with vestal and abomination who don't care if grave robber is in front of them or behind them so that's all you really need for a dance team like this is you just need the team to be able to operate when the dancing character or characters are in the first position and in the second position you don't need anything crazy like the whole team doing infinite lunge you don't need that abomination and vestal are stunning usually the front liners on turn one unless they're signing rank three depends on what the threat level is so you just lock down the front line finish off rank three kill rank four at the start of uh turn two hopefully with grave robber if it's low enough and then sometimes you need another iron swan which feels bad but it does happen and so after that you are out of threatening backline targets with two frontliners that you can just stun the hell out of and control from there and you have a decent amount of healing from not just festival but abominations absolution so steam looks a little complicated at first but it's honestly pretty easy once you play it for like a couple missions this next team is something i believe thick came up with and this team is actually pretty sick this is a jester mark team so normally mark for death is these three characters without jester and then has houndmaster but the issue with mark for death normally is that it's kind of slow in terms of actual speed unless it can camp and jester really ties all of this together very nicely and it's pretty awesome so if you haven't played something like this i suggest you do and for those of you wondering occultist does incredibly well in the front line so people think that he's really squishy he shouldn't be up there his stats defensively are kind of low he does have 30 dodge which is solid but it's the fact that he has hands from the abyss this move is absolutely nuts and he gets so much support from trinkets so you can get this up to 220 stun chance with a crit that is freaking gross with that in mind the reason also that we want gesture on a team like this is that occultists accuracies are kind of like bad so sac stab at a hundred people talk about leper accuracy this thing is pretty bad itself and then hands from the abyss at 110 is not usually considered guaranteed against a rank 3 like cult switch or spitter pig or something like that so having jester to fix the accuracy on this move is awesome plus look at these crit modifiers that this character has he has 13 on hands for the abyss he has nine on hex he has another nine on curse and then sacrificial stab has another 13. so you're stacking more crit from battle ballad on top of that which means occultist becomes the stress healer of this team because every time he's hitting stuff he's critting and he's healing the team with uh or he's stress healing the team because of it and he's also sticking his stuns even more reliably because he's critting so occultist is very important to this team this team runs actually just well when everyone's doing what they're supposed to but i guess that's what all teams are supposed to be doing so we have hands from the abyss probably the best in the game it lowers torch so when you bring occultists and you're going to stun with them make sure you buy extra torches we have hex because we have two other people that need mark on the team and this really gives occult something to do when he's not stunning we have the heel even though the heel is inconsistent in terms of what it can roll it's still really good to have and the rule of thumb with occultist is you do not want to be healing when someone's at death store the reason people hate occultists is because when they hit zero and occultist tries to heal he also hits zero and then he bleeds them which is the you know the mean and the reason you don't want that to be happening is because occultists can roll zero you should be healing when people are at about half hp not when they're dying but this is also why we have our blessed on the team so we have also sacrificial stab this could be weakening curse if you really want to but we have saxtab just because it's a melee attack and it hits rank 1. and then like i said for trinkets it's very recommended that you have the dlc if not then you can run like a stun amulet instead of bile sand but vinyl sand is just so nutty as a trinket that i really think that if you have the dlc those things should be on then we have demon's cauldron which is occulta's personal trinket this gives him another three crit and the virtue chance and bonus stress doesn't really matter because he's critting all the time so unless you're playing torchless or he just gets focused fired by stress casters he's not going to afflict we have bounty hunter so bounty hunter is interesting he doubles as like a damage dealer and the setup character which is bounty hunters like core issue which is why if you run two bounty hunters together they get a lot stronger so we have collect bounty this is just huge damage against marked targets and human subtypes we have marked for death those to help our blessed and also shred protection off enemies because sometimes enemies do have protection like enemies you wouldn't expect have protection so things like the ones in the wheeled uh some of the slime the big slime and the fungal artillery and the fungal scratchers they all have prod they have to be worried about and this helps deal with it virgo has prop for some freaking reason i don't understand so we have ways to deal with it and then bandits then we have flashbang this could be uppercut but honestly uh we have a cultist who should be stunning rank one if needed and then at that point bounty hunter is killing it so i think flashbang is better than uppercut in this team specifically but uppercut itself is an incredible move so don't sleep on it and if you want to run that instead i would not blame you we have finished him this is specifically for the reach collect bounty cannot hit rank 3 which is very unfortunate so finish him is kind of an anti-synergy move because usually if you stun something you're not trying to kill that turn but this still comes into play because sometimes you stun a rank one enemy with a cultist so you get the damage bonus by hitting it and that's fine but this is primarily to hit rank three that's all it's there for four trinkets again more cc trinkets we have the bag of teeth so those crime lords molars this thing just getting one bonus effect so if they're marked or stunned or bleeding it's 20 bonus damage and that's already pretty freaking good it's very easy with this team to get two of these effects on something like mark and stun or mark in bleeding or stun them bleeding and then you have 40 bonus damage that is starting to get into some pretty huge numbers so if you use this on top of collect bounty on top of mark it's like let's say we have two of these so we have 40 bonus damage then we have collect bounty which is another 90 bonus damage so that's 130 bonus damage against like one target you're already more than doubling your damage that is freaking gross like your base damage is probably 18 to whatever the hell at that point and that is absolutely nuts and then we have hunter's talent is just better focus ring there's bounty hunter exclusive if you run this trinket make sure that you take it off when you camp so you don't have to worry about consuming extra food but it's just all upsides this thing is incredible jester this is the primary engine of the team occultist is pretty necessary but it's really jester that makes his team go so we have battle ballot this is the best just party buff in the game this thing is completely broken this is one of the best skills in the game and you hit it once it's already giving your entire party like two extra trinkets you hit a second time and you can stack it like absolutely absurd you're going first you're critting you're getting stress healing you're not missing they're dying this move like this ability is so absolutely broken inspiring tune if you need it usually you don't usually your stress levels are pretty manageable without it so you don't have to worry about that we have dirk stab because bounty hunter and occultists don't mind being moved back one or two spots so like bounty hunter can still do literally his entire kit that's another reason not to run uppercut is bounty hunter can use his entire kit from rank three so if jester dirk stabs to use finale bounty hunter doesn't lose a single thing so we have dirk stab to set up finale do a little bit of extra damage then we have finale to just blow up a big threat there are two primary ways to use finale the first is to drop it on like turn three to blow up you know some medium-sized threat and then the other is to charge it up like six or seven or eight turns eight turns is usually the max and then blow up something that's like super threatening like an actual boss like shambler so having this setup we give ourselves finale but you can also run slice off to get bleeding and that sets up the bag of teeth so you're very flexible in this regard but i i'm not sure which i like better because if you set a bag of teeth with the bleed you get more consistent damage but finale is just like good in terms of finishing fights also if you get thrown up to rank one on turn one like you get surprised then you can finale it's not advised but it's a solid way to get back and like not lose too much tempo for trinkets you can swap one of these i'm just showing you two different options like everyone thinks of dodge jester so this gesture be up to 56 right now because of a quirk and this is good but we also have bearson's head and protection adjuster is surprisingly good even though he has some solid dodge he does get hit from time to time and being able to shrug off chunks of damage gives him a lot of survivability that he otherwise doesn't have and prod is more consistent than dodging so definitely don't sleep on giving him protection but i would advise against heavy boots just because he needs all the speed that he can find finally we come to our blessed she is the primary damage dealer in the opening rounds and then she's support for the closing rounds so the way i always describe arboles play is she's shooting on ranks one into her turns one and two and then on turns three four and five she's usually healing or supporting so we have sniper shot we have two ways to set a mark on this team so she doesn't need to set up her own mark and she's usually slow enough that it doesn't matter mine currently has quick reflexes but i haven't locked it in so there you go yeah we set up mark with one of the other characters and then our bless shoots rank four and then we work our way to rank three and then after that our bless is healing suppressing fire is a very strong move it's also made stronger by some kind of debuff chance so either bedtime story or wrathful bandanna these are both pretty good for suppressing fire this debuff only lasts two turns but the minus accuracy is important but i want you to look at the minus crits so the way suppressing fire works against enemy crit is in most cases like the vast majority of cases if this sticks one time the minus 19 crit debuff you are not going to get crit by that unit it's like mathematically impossible for most units to quit you at that point and that's fantastic so don't sleep on this it does some chip damage there are some applications to it like sometimes the back line is super prod heavy and you don't want to deal with it or swinotar retreats to the back and he's getting ready to charge you so you suppressing fire the giant worm and the warrens you can also use suppressing fire on that lots of good applications for this move battlefield bandage this is why occultists is okay to run heal usually occultists can still do okay with solo healing but you don't want him to be solo healing especially a frontline occultist so having some kind of off healer that's consistent is a good way to deal with when he rolls zero so if we have occultists focusing on stuns he throws out like some garbage he'll we still have arboles there to pick someone off death's door so they don't die this is just a good move and this is what you're doing on your last turns then we have flare just to get rid of some stealth if the enemy has stealth but it can miss which i hate quite a lot and the minus stress or the stress deal i should say just doesn't matter this is really here to clear stun and mark which is why it's okay if your arm list is a couple points of speed lower than the rest of the party for trinkets we're running the crimson court set you don't have to run this but this really puts together a lot of stats for her so we have bonus healing minus stress those are both pretty good we have prod for the whole set which is fantastic and then bedtime story does so much in one trinket so it gives r some extra accuracy against rank four and rank 3 units which she already has really good accuracy but she's not quite hit capped by herself so this gets her there unless using a cultist mark then he gets her there too so that's fine but it gives her eight percent bonus credit against mark targets and are blessed as a hero scales very hard off of crit so her crit you know anytime she does a crit because you have this trinket and then sniper shot gives you bonus 13 crit against mark targets on top of the plus nine that already has so it's plus 22 percent crit uh yeah crit for this one move and with her baseline here this is this move right here is at 32 crit by itself this trend could put you to 40. that's pretty good right and so are blessed has a critical buff so if you never noticed units that score critical hits receive a buff for a certain amount of time arbless buff is bonus damage against marked targets up by 33 so anytime she crits something she starts to snowball and so if she crits back to back she can hit like 60 damage very easily so don't sleep on crit it's very good for her and then we don't care about the move skill chance because i don't like bola people say bull is fine but i think bull still sucks and then we have debuff chance to help the suppressing fire the way this team operates is on turn one gesture uses battle ballad occultist probably stuns some threat in one of the front spots and then bounty hunter marks rank four are blessed shoots rank four rank four usually dies turn two probably a second stack of battle ballad you mark rank three with someone else it could be a cultist it could be bounty hunter it really depends who goes first then orbis shoots it and then after that you're chilling and so we have from that point we have two stuns we have flashbang we have hands from the abyss to work on the front two units arbales can sit there and spam heal jester can hit dirk's tab and then use finale afterwards a rule of thumb though you don't always have to mark with mark teams it's just helpful sometimes marking is usually somewhat of a tempo loss not a huge one but it can be a tempo loss and that's not usually ideal but mark really excels in those hardier units especially on blood moon and stitching when they get more hp like if you're thinking oh i crit for 45 and get something that has 20 hp why do i need mark well sometimes you need to create a backliner that has 35 or 40 hp and then sometimes also you fight size two enemies so they're really big enemies and mark does a very good job against those and then mark is also very good against bosses so mark does have a lot of applications even though it's not the best thing to do against really squishy targets but it's still not even bad in that case i'm not gonna lie this team is probably the strongest one on this list or in this video this team is like absolutely disgusting the reason is the combination of plague doctor and flagellant is one of the just most controlling oppressive combos out there it has some really good synergy with like the two of them have a lot of synergy with each other they destroy backline pairs like no one's business and once they are out of backline targets you can you know bleed out the front ones and stall which is pretty nice so this team it's like two pairs together so plague doctor and flatulent amazing together houndmaster and bounty hunter also very very good together i wouldn't say they're the same power level as the other two but they're very strong together starting off with this flagellate here punish this is your default attack move so you just run this no reason not to rain a sorrows same deal you need this on your opening turns with plague doctor to crush back lines and then we have exsanguinate which is a very good low health skill and then you can run redeem if you want to but flash is kind of main healer also on this team so reclaim gets really good for main healing so i like these four together but you can swap one of these for a game if you really want to but it's a little bit harder to set this up so if you wanted to run redeem i would actually take off exang and i would take off the flesh heart like i would not give him bleed resist at that point just so he could like bleed himself with this and play doctor curious as needed and then you could use redeem but that's some advanced play i know a lot of people watching this probably don't feel comfortable with that but reclaim even though it can bleed flagellate the main point of it besides healing another unit with a very powerful heal over time effect is bleeding flatulence so you can get his low health stuff that's the short end of it i made a on the guide if you need further explanation our trinkets we're using flash heart just because this almost makes flagellate bleed immune to his own reclaim which is great and then he gives them 15 hp on top which is just good we have signet ring because this synergizes pretty well with flesh heart so anytime you stack prod and hp together it gives you a lot of effective hp and that's really nice to have and then we have a bun or a little bit of extra accuracy so we can hit those backline units you could run bleed charm or bleed amulet in here instead pardon the mess of this trinket box but i just passed it so you run this thing instead which is extra bleed skill chance and bleed resist which means that the reclaimed bleed chance evens out so you get like no positive or negative from this but it does help you stick the bleed just that much easier so we have hound master with the crimson cord set since flatulent is crimson court you need this dlc to play this team but because of that we can actually run a crimson quartz set and not feel bad about it so crimson quartz set just great overall we have a lot of bleeds going on in the seams so why not use the evidence of corruption and the lawman's badge which gives us more damage against bleeding targets the evidence of corruption also gives us 25 scouting that's nuts minus surprise chance that is also nuts this is almost this is arguably better than ancestors map if you can handle traps so we have the lawman's badge which is okay i really don't like this thing as its own like singular trinket like i never run this thing by itself in most cases but the reason you run it is strictly for the 15 accuracy or the 15 accuracy i should say that's that's the only reason you run it you don't really care about the rest of it the mind or the plus stress healing in camping is fine the healing skills with like wounds is fine but you're not running like wounds sometimes and then we have minus stun and debuff resist so you're kind of incentivized not to guard and then the minus debuff affects target whistle but even at minus 20 target was oh no it's i thought was do you have chance steve buffers this excuse me i was about to go into tangent but yeah so for moves we are running hounds rush this is single target damage this is fine we have hounds harry this is cleave this puts bleed on everything so houndmaster can set up his own set bonus again so you can actually just spam this and get 25 damage bonus and 5 crit which is cool we have guard because there's no reason not to run guard even though i suck at pressing this button like people will make fun of me for it i've lost like three characters because i forget to press this button or i forget that it'll last one turn so remember the guard dog lasts once or only it says to but it actually takes down the first turn so guard dog is solid it's never bad to half guard you could run like wounds if you really wanted to because of the laven's badge but i feel like the steam doesn't need it so i don't put it on then we have blackjack which is to stun the front line stuff and sometimes rank three it's just good for bounty hunter i forgot to change the moves here but you know what this this set actually still works surprisingly go figure so with um because i changed the trinkets but not the uh the move set but we have collect bounty for mark's energy and human damage bonus we have mark to set up houndmaster so we can like mark a big beefy dude and houndmaster can run into it for bonus damage and then bounty hunter can hit it the next turn for bonus damage which is cool then we have flashbang because more stuns is good we already have rank 1 stun so flashbang is fine for the rest of it let me finish him for reach you usually don't need this so it's like your most flexible move and then for trinkets we have stunning ambulance to help six stuns then we have hunter sound because it's just that good as i said in the previous team segment make sure you take this off when you're camping so you don't eat extra food you don't need to take this off during a hallway hunger check because it doesn't apply to it when i say it doesn't apply to it i mean that the percentage isn't 100 so you never eat double food and that's pretty cool so don't worry about that playing doctor here with another dlc trinket but this is the pretty standard plague doctor loadout you can move these characters around too by the way you could put plague doctor in three and run incision and put houndmaster in four and bounty 102 this team is pretty flexible like that but i i like it this way the most so far so we have blight blight double stun and battlefield medicine to cure status especially because plague doctors so fast she can cure other people before they have to deal with stuff and this also gets rid of reclaims bleed effect if you need to for trinkets as i said before the vial is something that puts plague doctor into a god tier character like if she doesn't have this she's still solid but this really makes her incredible so you should be getting this i can't i can't recommend something to replace this except maybe prophet's eye but that's just because this thing is so strong individually that it's really hard to find enough value in one other trinket to offset what you lose from not running this we have the ashen distillation this gives pd 20 extra dodge if you actually just baseline i thought the dodge was conditional excuse me you get healing received is conditional and then you get bonus blade chances the reason we have to stack so much blight chance is because this team doesn't do that well in the ruins just because of the huge bleed resist and so if we run this team somewhere else like the warrens the wheeled or crimson court then blight chance or i should say blade resist gets much higher that's just the nature of the uh the regions so we need to be able to punch through that blade resist with flight chance and stacking both of these trinkets gets us there the way to play this team is about as close to solitaire as you're gonna get in this game and that's just because they're very fast so they can control the entire fight they have a bunch of stuns like there are three different stuns on this team technically four if you include flagelland dying as a stun move and so on turn one we drop reynosaros with fledge and then we use blinding gas to play doctor turn to a second hit of reynosaros and then play grenade and at this point they have two stacks of reynosaros one stack of play grenade and they're just coming off a stun or whatever and so they're taking a bunch of damage and then no joke turn three you can throw another blinding gas and they just bleed out and they're gone like this team gets rid of both backline units by turn three so consistently that it's absolutely gross that's why i like this team so much that's why plague doctor and flatulent are so good together because they just wipe out backlines with no issue unless of course there's some kind of two-space enemy in the back which is pretty rare but that does happen i'm looking to use swine attar and ghoul so if you're not running into that stuff then you can wipe out both of them but they still do so much damage that even size 2s go down houndmaster and bounty hunter are spending the other turns either stunning frontliners or setting up marks and softening up the the bigger targets or even helping out with cleaning up the back lines so like one hounds harry on top of the huge amounts of damage over time from the other two characters it's so consistent and safe to get rid of enemies this way and then after that you're just chilling you get rid of the front line after that and you rotate your remaining stuns and mark when you want to blow something up and then just start dropping reclaim that's probably the best time to start using reclaim is once you're down to like one or two front liners because the healing will pick you back up for the next fight this final team is pretty simple and effective and it's an aquarium team so you can safely farm with it this team is good both early game and late game so don't worry about what point of the adventure you are in and like i said it's pretty simple and straightforward so let's start talking about it so we have hellion we have iron swan which is the best skill in the bar we have you up just to stun stuff this could be something else we have if it bleeds for reach and bleed damage then we have bleed out because i want you to get used to using bleed out this move is absolutely gross it does so much damage you want to use this at the end of the fight to clean up the last target you don't want to use this at the start because of the damage penalty for trinkets we're running a bunch of accuracy so we have surgical gloves and we have heaven's hairpin these are like they're good they're early like early mid game trinkets um they're both a little bit tough to find but if you can get something like this you're good enough and we have eight percent crib which is good oh yeah and then we have minus 25 stress so and everyone's playing at high torch so that's why these things are still fine and dandy look at that vessel's running the exact same stuff except she has a baby version of the loadout i usually suggest for trinkets and aquarium this is where it gets interesting so anti uses these three moves primarily but you can switch stuff around depending on what point in the game you're in so if you're in early game the dodge vapors aren't that good the heel is pretty crap but it's still one point flash powder is amazing at all points in the game and protect me is also very good as well if you are early game you might swap this for maybe i guess nothing actually i think this is still worth running but early game festering vapors isn't that good it's like one on hit damage and like two damage over time that's pretty crappy and the nervous stab is actually better from like level zero to two but after that i think what is it festering vapor starts to pull ahead in terms of damage i did make an antiquarian guide if you have not watched already but the long story short with flash powder is the debuff chance on this move is solid and then the minus accuracy is very powerful so what you do is you pick the one thing you want to destroy so that's what helium and highwayman are doing for the first turn you pick the one thing that you need to stun and then you stun that and then whatever is left that's also a big threat usually some kind of melee monster is what gets hit by flash powder repeatedly if you don't want to use flash powder for slowing stuff down usually at the end of the rounds i should say so near the end of the fight flash power gets better but for the first one or two turns you should be using protect me so protect me goes on highwayman to give him a second way to get repost which is where a lot of the damage on this team comes from for trinkets we're using the fleet flooring just because it's speed this lets an aquarium set up before anything else happens then you get dbf chance for flash powder we have feather crystal again for the bonus speed and then the bonus dodge is pretty nice in case something for some reason outspeeds her and you don't have protect me up yet and then you can still have a chance at dodging stuff highwayman we have duels advance this is the bread and butter of the team so the whole goal is to press dual surveillance to get your post up then use protect me to force highwayman to guard her and then after that you have two targets that can trigger riposte that makes it way better so any cleave can set off for post any direct attack against antiquarian will set off for post and then dismiss getting hit normally i should say higher man getting hit normally sets off or post this is also why we stack accuracy we have pistol shot for the range we have point blank in case we end up in rank one but this is actually something you can get rid of you can run really any of the other three moves at that point instead of this because it's very rare that you're gonna hit rank one with a team like this with uh specifically this team and then open being if the enemies can bleed and then wicket slice if they can not pretty much only the ruins is where i bust this out like even in the cove this is still solid because sometimes it sticks and the minus speed penalty as well as the bonus accuracy makes us pretty good compared to the wicked slice damage bonus for trinkets we're running some low level stuff we have surgical gloves to boost our repost value and then we have reckless charm which is just five accuracy on pistol shots and repost and the other melee skill for this team hellion opens with iron swan if it doesn't die she probably does it a second time if pistol shot doesn't kill it then after that it's if it bleeds then if it bleeds again and then probably bleed out to finish the fight with vestal you can start highwayman in rank 3 instead of 2 or not 2 instead of 4 if you want to so that you don't have to worry about the single target healing but you usually don't have to you can run the team as it's listed and do just fine or then switch it if you need to like after a fight and so we have dazzling light for the first couple turns because you're going to mitigate more damage than you probably need to heal my stunning stuff which is very nice and then after highwayman has dual surveillance pasture if she doesn't have to group heal she can just use single target heals and then judgment if it's worth using an aquarian has two different openers in this team she can open with flash powder if the situation calls for it which is something that does take some experience and then she can open with protect me usually if the enemy has a very high likelihood of targeting an aquarian i will probably open with protect me but if it's got like a size 2 enemy or some kind of like really big bruiser that i have to get rid of or at least sideline very quickly then i will start stacking flash powder especially for post doesn't get much value in that fight and then if you do go the protect me route you just drop it on higher man for like the first two turns use dual surveillance highwayman just blows up everything that attacks him ideally and then after that you can use flash powder to bully the remaining enemies and spam healing moves to recover highwayman also has a flexible opening you could use the duelist advance into protect me combo on turn one or just dual surveillance on turn one or you can use pistol shot if you have a very dangerous ring four enemy like madman and you hit with iron swan i am probably gonna use pistol shot like 100 of the time to try and get rid of that unit instead of worrying about reposting the rest of them there are some enemies that have to go down as quickly as possible and for post doesn't help you do that you're not pressing it otherwise once the tough backline or i should say the threatening backline enemies are gone you're gonna be spending the rest of the turn just hitting wicked slice pistol shot then a second duelist advance to close out the fight and that's usually pretty chill and easy to do all right well that's gonna do it for this one thanks for watching let me know what you're thinking down below if you like the video give it a thumbs up if you want to come talk about it then join discord if you also want to check out patreon for some cool stuff go ahead and do so and then finally i stream on twitch four days a week usually darkest dungeons sometimes some other games so if you want to go check that out then you are free to do that as well so yeah thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 72,068
Rating: 4.9670005 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, build, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion, react
Id: WJy0mU9N_vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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