Quirks and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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let's let the island shuffle we're gonna be doing a court guide today I got the idea from one of our fantastic viewers I was like hey that's a great idea let's do that so this is what that is and if you're looking for specific types of quirks like what do I put on my grave robber I'm gonna be doing class guides I already started working on them and in those class guides I will be going over which character chefs specific perks this is more of a overview thing going into the generalities and talking about what's usually good for pretty much everyone and what's usually bad for pretty much everyone which ones you lock in when do you lock the man why that kind of stuff so I mean looking at our notes that are off camera but they're very handy they're about a page and a half right now the general trend of quirks on what's good and bad at the same time they'll follow this idea for me and that is constant buffs are better slash worse than conditional buffs well I shouldn't say buffs but works right so an example would be a quirk like quick reflexes where you get +2 speed that is a constant no condition you always have it quirk very good and the inverse of it is slow reflexes which is a negative to speed and that is also a constant one so I would get rid of slow reflexes and I would lock in quick reflexes if that makes sense so something like winded which i think is either minus damage or minus crit or something like that when you're under half HP I would not be in a hurry to get rid of that because that's conditional that only comes up you know at certain times and usually those conditions can be fixed so they're not as threatening but they're still dangerous if you had extra cash and start getting rid of those but one of the things that players run into especially newer players is they think that any negative quirk they see on their character at all times just needs to go it shouldn't be there I'm scared it's bad the characters bad they have five negative courts oh god what'd I do it's like it's okay to have some bad ones and it's actually part of the strategy some of the bad ones that you have on your characters that accumulate they take up space from other bad quirks and it makes them harder to switch in so something like known cheat for example where you're not allowed to gamble with that character I don't mind if that gets a lot because I don't use the gambling hall so that actually prevents other bad courts that I don't want to see from being a problem you know they never show up because one of them is just blocked out by us some insignificant negative quirk that got locked in so top of the round what's actually good universally like if I see this pop up on my character should i lock that in the pics that I have for that are as I said before usually constant buffs but sometimes conditional ones as well so usually anything that boosts speed is fantastic so luminous with its +2 speech and +5 dodged very good I think that's a color of madness only but that's one of the benefits of having it enabled is you get luminous luminous is very awesome it's almost never bad for anyone unless you have a specific set up situation like your Bounty Hunter sets up your herbalist then you don't really want to put luminous on your herbalist but you can still make a case for it same with quick reflexes you don't get the Dodge but still the +2 speed very awesome and then there are some conditional types of speed buffs like early riser where when you're at a certain light level you get bonus speed which can be good if you play in that light level a lot because there's a the dark variants to when you're under 26 torch but there are a lot of places like crimson court which are always considered max torch so having anything that relies on the high light levels can be good it's usually safe lock-in it's kind of a distant third for me in terms of luminous quickly flex is an early riser but still something to consider if you're like hey I got some extra money I need this quirk lock it in or I need some speed rather any stress reduction cork is an instant lock in steady minus 10% tress probably top three quarks in the game stress hits everyone it does not discriminate it can destroy parties it can cost tons of money so having a constant minus 10% stress very good and then on the flip side of that the conditional versions like photo mania or whatever else can be good I don't usually lock those in but photo mania is kind of the tipping point like 20% a lot if it was 15 maybe not but 20% that little extra 5% makes it feel a little better defensive quirks that everyone can make use of like evasive which is +5 dodge lock it in everyone has to dodge something at some point so an extra five is usually good tough is another good one that's plus ten percent HP usually better on your high health characters I would put tough on a crusader or leper or a shield breaker before I put it on an antiquarian but it can still be good everyone benefits from extra HP because there are some things that just do like damage over time and not actually direct damage hits so tough still useful definitely better than things like hard skin which boosts your pride most things not most things there's some things that as we said do damage over time so the direct damage they do is pretty negligible you know if you get hit for one in bleed that's something that hard skin doesn't really help with instead of getting hit for fifteen and dropping it down to 13 or whatever it does however the calculation rounds up accuracy and crit boosters are very safe lock ins everyone usually makes an attack even your Vestal even your occultist has to swing at something even your antiquarian crit boosters are really good just because crit itself has gotten better over time so anything that helps you create more and enable crit buffs and reduce stress that's always good and then the last of our Universal lock-ins are the more specialized quirks like corvid quirks which are from the bird and prismatic works from thing from this those are all usually good a couple of them aren't good I think there's like a corvid one that boosts disease resists you cares and then there are some coem color madness the thing from the Stars there's some of that things specific quirks which are some are better than others but they're all usually pretty good so anytime you get like a really special quirk from a mini-boss or slash boss whatever you wanna call them definitely consider locking those in especially if you already have five corks on deck you don't want it to rotate out the game seems to favor maybe I'm just being overly suspicious it seems to prioritize you're really good one you know when you have Slugger and armor tinker and your armors at level 5 the game will usually pick Slugger it feels like before armor tinker then there's some niche specific type of picks where they're not universally great but again depending on the hero themselves which we'll get into more if the class guy can be really good so any damage or crit booster for a relevant type is good for instance if my herbalist rolls unerring which is plus 10% range damage I will lock that in same with eagle-eye plus range crit I will lock that in those are good if my árboles got slugger I would remove that or I would hope that it falls off at some point because that does not help her at all then there are strategy enabling quirks like on guard and quick-draw which boost speed on round one very good for things like plague doctor where you can put the plague doctor to like 13 speed or 15 if you have something else that boosts speed on turn 1 which almost guarantee she's going first outside of a surprise and then you get to hit that back line with a stun or a dot and not have to deal with that stuff so very helpful so any combo enablers like that can be really good to lock in so you have to kind of think more about what the team's synergy is and then if they rely on other characters you know like if you want your árboles to go less and you want your bounty hunter to go first that's always a good example you want stuff that helps them both do that and then you want the bounty hunter and the árboles to always be together you know if you have like a strategy that you only use some of the time usually don't want to lock those kinds of things in if that makes sense and I feel like I'm starting to get tangental so I'm gonna move on most of the enemy type Slayer quirks aren't justifiable to lock in except for eldritch and maybe beast as a distant second the reason being depending on your game usually you're trying to beat the darkest dungeon which is probably the hardest set of missions in the game and eldritch is rampant in there so if you have eldritch Slayer and hater those are usually good to bring in when I started finishing my Blood Moon run or when I start realizing I was getting to the end I started locking in those things on like my highwaymen and stuff like that once you beat the darkest dungeon you're free to unlock them and get rid of them they're not as important at that point but before you beat the game I would say eldritch is a very good lock in because eldritch enemies pop up in a lot of places they're the main enemy type in the cove they're most of the enemies in the weld I've been saying wield apparently it's weld and considering how tough the darkest dungeon is since the enemies basically go to level 6 instead of level 5 you need all the help you can get so being able to reduce their constant stress and make up for their slightly and stuff like that having eldritch slang stuff is very good so very safe walking again not Universal you don't want eldritch Slayer whatever the plus crit is an accuracy on your vessel not usually great but the one that like - the stress that could be pretty good but really again it kind of depends on the character that's why these are more niche picks and then there's a shout-out to a actual negative quirk that can be good it's called risk-taker where you have - dodge but then plus damage which can be good if you don't care about the Dodge you just want to maximize your damage a free 10% as a negative can be pretty good there's no guarantee to lock in I think because I don't think you can lock in negative corks sadly so you have to hope that it rolls into a lock which you can do your best to allow it by constantly removing your lock negative corks but otherwise don't be too afraid of that one if you can make use of it it's like rabies rabies is a disease where I think it's - accuracy and plus damage or it's the other way around and I'm pretty sure it's plus damage and they're presented to you as negatives but they can be worked around and can actually turn into positives if you do the proper setups so don't be afraid of those my picks for instant removals are anything that can really detriment the party instantly or cost them turns or ruin curio for instance so normally my top four for instant removal are kleptomaniac which makes your character steal loot which is freaking horrible this cannot proc in a room I think it's only in hallways but still that's dangerous you don't want when you start the game you don't want Renauld to pocket that Sapphire and that 500 gold and that's shovel or whatever you end up finding randomly when you're you know like level one and that money could really help out that always feels bad and there are ones like impostor syndrome which can just make you skip a turn that's frickin awful don't don't allow that to be there and then as we were saying before the curio interacting negatives can be bad but when it's a specific one like I think Tipler or whatever one makes you drink stuff you know those aren't too bad they happen more frequently but those curio are not asking depending on the area the ones you want to get rid of are compulsive and curious because those apply to all curio and that's just the character will touch everything that you come across that can proc to three times in a hallway very not good so I think those are high priorities to get rid of other instant or near instant removals or resist penalties so anything that lowers your bleed blight disease and death low resists just get rid of them especially the bleed ones cause bleed is probably the most common damage over time type so you don't want to just be more susceptible to it that'll also screw up like your occultists if you like using the occult so steel no one likes that nervous is a plus 10% stress gain just get rid of that it's the opposite of study we said that steady is probably the best or one of the best quirks in the game it's arguably the best considering how stress works which obviously makes nervous it's inverse one of the worst quirks you don't want just a flat and plus I was about to say - plus 10% stress definitely not good on the back of that mercurial which reduces your virtue chance get rid of that because getting afflicted is already scary enough and you really want to keep your virtue chance as high as possible on the flip side irrepressible I believe it's the one that boosts virtue chance I would not lock that in I know it sounds kind of weird but that's because you're trying to ideally not have stress go off or you trying to not get afflicted but you could still make a case for locking it in I usually don't because again it's a conditional type of thing and the negative hurts more than the positive that makes sense anything that penalize does damage and accuracy to a type that matters is something to get rid of so we keep using the árboles as a good example any time she has a - - range things like scattering which is - range damage just instantly get rid of it don't deal with it likewise goes for the stagecoach if I see again the árboles roll in was something that you know lowers our range damage or range crit I do not recruit that árboles because I'm gonna have to get rid of it anyway but then also on the flipside if your árboles gets a - - melee damage who cares that's one of the ones you kind of want to have hang around but the general rule of thumb is pretty much any inverse of the good picks that we were talking about before so you know you have luminous and I think it's fading the inverse of luminous I think that's what it's called we have the minus two - five dodge something like that is horrible - % HP obviously terrible - dodge - accuracy - create all those get rid of them if they apply don't even think about it plus removing negative quarks is cheaper so never feel too bad about getting rid of them another one that I would actually get rid of seems kind of a low-key choice I think it's called gambler it is one that forces your character to gamble in town I hate gambling as a stress reliever it just does not seem great there are potentials to lose things like money and trinkets never good so forcing a character to use the gambling hall very bad I would try and get rid of that which is why I will also leave in the court that makes it so they can't gamble that's never bed because gambling you know very orangey things to lose besides stress not cool and then nervous bleeder we get rid of that because bleed is a very common damage over time type and we don't like accuracy penalties so get rid of that faint it's a phobia is another one we get rid of just because finding yourself under half HP is not that uncommon and then plus 20% stress is a lot that can actually really be hurtful and the other thing too is the game's AI likes to snowball characters which means that if someone seems like they're high stress or like a weak link or something like that the game does seem to target them more so when you get under half HP and your stress starts going up like that character is going to get focus fired more often than not so that is one to get rid of even though it is a conditional one is a very dangerous conditional one that you can't find yourself in a lot and it can snowball out of control pretty quickly you know under half HP and minus crit that's not huge it sucks it's not game breaking but stress can end a run stress can kill a party so we don't want to deal with it and there are places like the darkest dungeon or maybe the farmstead where stress and low HP are more common you know so it's very common to be under half HP doing most of the darkest dungeon stuff it's just the nature of the place things hit pretty hard they have a lot of multi hitting attacks so you just want to minimize all of that as much as possible and then there's some positive quirks that we can actually ignore any area specific bonus like reduce stress and ruins or plus damage and ruins just skip those because again their conditional they're not bad to have you know when I'm looking through a party I'm going into the Warrens for instance I'm gonna kill a boss I will prioritize a character that has awards boosting effect of course but I will not lock it in because I'd rather be able to take that character to other places and usually the benefits aren't as amazing as they could be you know like plus 15% damage on the ruins whatever I'd rather have unholy killing things if I was gonna go that route so you can really just make more use of more Universal type of course instead of these specific ones than each ones don't tend to have you know the juice is not worth the squeeze is they like to say that's probably the best analogy this probably goes without saying weapon and armor tinker just get rid of or not get rid of but don't lock those in just because your armor and weapons will cap 5 and locking them in pretty much offsets any cost of gold that you save so when you have them they're nice but definitely not worth locking in I'm actually redoing the audio on this part I was gonna say that non eldritch killing quirks are just bad because we like to kill eldritch because those are the most common things especially at the endgame but the more is thinking about it beast slaying is pretty good because there's a few different spots that have Beast especially the darkest dungeon also has a lot of a hybrid beast type so it'll be like eldritch beast at the end of the game so that's usually pretty good to have and then I was gonna say what about human and then I was think about it humans show up in like every area potentially they're the least common in the cove but they're still always present because the cultists and the bandits so human is still okay and then like I think everything in the or most of the things in the Warrens and the weld have a human subtype so it's like human eldritch or human beast kind of thing so humans still not bad so actually the only bad enemy slang type is unholy just because unholy is not super common so actually the other ones are okay to lock in I would think I'm gonna in real time correct my own opinion as more facts or popping up so that's pretty cool and we'll say positives to ignore to wrap up this segment is camp skill boosters no one cares you know plus 20% healing in camp not a big deal maybe plus 20% for stress reduction but I still unlock that and I'd rather just do everything else because camping isn't super common like you have to take the character it self to a mission that can camp and that's not every mission some of the harder ones you can camp in but sometimes depending on the team comp and the situations that arise you'd rather use other skills so you know what if you camp and you need the healing instead of the stress healing you know I'd rather just not force myself with the camp skills so they're usually not good to lock in one of those things again good if it works not good to lock in so we've been doing the compliment sandwich kind of thing like the positive and then the negative then the positive again negative corks that are worth ignoring are any phob corks if the character never goes there so like ruins fo+ stress and the ruins well my flagellants never going to the ruins if I can help it you know I'm not gonna have them in a spot where their bleeds don't work against seventy percent of the enemies so some of those are okay to leave then they're damaged penalties that we talked about before damage penalties that don't apply to the character so we are saying that the one that lowers melee damage for the árboles no one cares and likewise scattering which is the name of the one that lowers range damage if your Crusader or leper rolls that no one cares because they're not using rage attacks anyway any specific stress recovery activity that is not named gambler is okay to ignore so if you have something like your character only praised in town for stress relief that's fine I like sending them to the Abbey so there's nothing lost by having something like that then there are torch penalties for light levels that you do not adventure in that sounds kind of weird to explain but or to say like that but what I'm getting at is for instance say that you have some quirk that lowers your speed by two when you're in torch that's under 26 so you know very low light there's a penalty well I'm never playing in low light anyway so I don't care likewise if you have a game that you're trying to do dark runs you're trying to beat the game torch loose or something like that anything that penalized you for high light usually not a huge detriment outside of the Crimson Court so pretty safe to ignore those and then there are minor conditional penalties which in the grand scheme of things don't really matter like slow draw on a slow character not a huge negative things like column and winded which lower your speed or your damage on turn one that kind of stuff not a big deal can usually make do unless it's really counterproductive to the sack strategy you're running I usually don't care about it you know like if my vessel gets column which is lowered 15 percent damage on the first turn I don't care just because usually turn one if my vessel doesn't need to heal she's trying to stunts she's not trying to clean up a kill with judgment I mean it does happen but again not a huge detriment not something worth sinking gold into to get rid of unless it's again counterproductive to what you're trying to do and then we would be remiss if we did not talk about our hybrids so things like the abomination the grave robber the highwayman shield breaker things like that where they can fulfill multiple damage types for instance like what do we do about them you can lean into one attribute of their damage type like if you just went this grave robber is lunging and using pick to the face all the time that's her loadout I don't care about throne dagger or anything like that then yes you can lock in things like Slugger or precise striker and stuff like that but otherwise for hybrids safe picks are the more Universal type of Cork's again so like steady quick reflexes deadly tough luminous anything that can be used in any position stance kind of thing usually really good very safe picks so if you're not sure what to get then just get something that they can always use not something they can use some of the time again we're going with constant over conditional man that's almost a tag line crap I could just use that for the video I don't know either way we're about at the end here hopefully this is short enough and to finish this video off when do you lock in quirks might be sitting there shuffle you know I have these really cool quirks that you just told me we're fantastic when am I actually supposed to lock them in great question positive quirks best time to lock them in basically if it's just amazing like if your leper hits Slugger or precise striker or something like that you know to boost their physical earlier not physical their melee damage there you go it's usually very very safe to lock in especially if you use the character a lot if it's a character you don't use too much like if your antiquarian hits luminous still not bad but if you're not using your antiquarians every run I wouldn't do it but otherwise anything that is just fantastic for that character feel free to lock it in especially if you have extra gold that's kind of the defining part is if you can afford it right if you're trying to pick between lock quark or raising the armor on three characters I would take the armor first but otherwise if you just it's kind of weird you have to feel it out if you're like it's time you know there's no mathematical answer to that question but I will say it's better to lock in quirks early than it is to lock them in later just because of the rising gold cost if you're very lucky and your level zero Crusader hits steady or something like that feel free to spend the gold especially because it's only gonna be like a couple thousand I think at that level instead of ten thousand or seven thousand whatever equals out to I forget what the building upgrades reduce it to you know you'd rather lock in a quirk early if you can help it then locking in and later but sometimes those are the breaks sometimes you don't get slower until level six whatever and then finally when do you get rid of a court either a negative or positive sometimes you don't want the positive you want a free up space but we're gonna be talking mostly about negatives here you want to get rid of a negative quark ideally before it locks in just because the cost goes way up once it's locked in so you know if you're like a little free and you get kleptomaniac after a mission just get rid of it I wouldn't even worry about gold costs at that point just something that detrimental just get rid of it get rid of it early if you don't have the gold at the time just bench the character for however many weeks until you can actually afford it but otherwise anything that is very negative in its effects such as nervous kleptomaniac things like that get rid of it don't even don't worry about it don't think about it just just do it because often times the negative quirks can cause more damage or cost more gold in the long term than they cost in the short term to get rid of so if your kleptomaniac only costs you know a thousand gold or something to get rid of at a lower level just do it then because the moment the kleptomaniac steals something you've already lost money like you can just total all of that gold ain't you the cost of removing the quirk so like you want to run your kleptomaniac steals 3000 gold all of a sudden it cost four thousand to get rid of it instead of one 1000 if that makes sense long story short don't be afraid to purge negative quirks that you just think are disgusting that's gonna do it for this video thanks for watching next up our class guides I'm already working on a couple the first one coming up is the grave robber I got the most questions about her after I put up the tearless and stuff like that and I feel like the more complicated characters to play probably warrant the guides serving me going that way it's in the works so soon TM you know these videos take a little bit longer than your standard let's play which is why there's no real timetable for them but hopefully sometime next week maybe in the latter part of the week is what I'm shooting for we'll see I already have the background footage so it's more just the the talking and the editing which is gonna take the most time anyway yeah I hope this was somewhat informative I hope you enjoyed it then of course bring your lovely self to the discord which is always in the bottom description thingamabob and it's on the front page of the channel and all that kind of stuff we already have a few people there's like a dozen of us I think which is cool we just post memes talk crap so yeah please bring your lovely self in there we'd love to hear from you and that's gonna do it for this one again thanks watching and I'm gonna shut the hell up and end this video see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 127,206
Rating: 4.9421091 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut
Id: r3vYHAbrJmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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