Jester and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle this is the jester guide we are finally doing it i'm actually redoing literally the entire thing because i just wasn't happy with it and also i feel like i can do a better job being a little more concise in what i'm saying and i'm trying to keep these guides a little bit shorter this isn't just for the viewers because sometimes they like the long videos some don't you know it really depends who you talk to but also for me personally this will really cut down on the time in editing which is usually the thing that bogs down these videos so normally it takes me maybe a day or two to record everything for the videos and then like editing could take 20 to 40 hours or something like that on these so we're trying to be a little more concise from my own sanity and my workload but we're always going to cover the stuff that you're expecting so the strengths weaknesses talk about the skills a little bit uh the quirks what roles these characters fill and some teams for them we're also going to change it up and i'm going to ask you to like comment subscribe all that nonsense join discord if you enjoy this stuff i'm going to ask you at the start of the video instead of at the end and see if that really does anything because i am a person of science and we're just trying stuff out who knows all right so let's actually get started i used to say that sarcastically but also it makes it easier now because i'm saying it halfway seriously it makes it easier to get yourself in the mindset of actually doing video game content i feel like i have some good energy right now but we'll see if this energy persists throughout the video who knows probably after an hour and a half of talking in between takes and cuts and stuff like that i'll get tired to start the strengths of the jester finale yes i have some weird opinions on this move maybe they're not weird but we'll talk about finale specifically later finale very good move for burst damage also really good at getting the jester back into the back of the party in case something happens either you move yourself up there you get surprised or an enemy decides to pull you or an enemy decides to push one of your friends behind you finale very good move stress healing the jester is the best single target stress healer in the game inspiring tune is very straightforward no nuance easy to understand you press it you get stress taken off your stress bar and you get a small buff to help you resist further stress damage very good move this is usually why people take the jester however i will say the next strength battle ballad that is why i take the gesture i think that's why other people do take them as well it's usually the combination of this and stress healing but battle ballad is in fact the best jester button and i will talk about that later as well bleed damage this helps the jester synergize with any heavy bleed teams there's a really good synergy between flagellant and jester not only does flagellance reduce bleed resist through debuffs the flagellant also has endure which is a pretty solid stress heal at the cost of giving the flatulent a little bit of that stress but then the jester who can give you inspiring tune to also lower large amounts of stress and give you a little stress buff or stressors this buff can uh start bombing the flagellance with inspiring tune as he's hitting endure which gives you a lot of raw stress healing output with no caveats like the uh the houndmaster where it's a percentage chance and he needs a uh special position in the party even though the gesture does have to be in the back for inspiring tune but you get what i'm saying right the jester is pretty move resistant he has moves that get him up forward so he's got dirk stab and solo those put him up forward you know solo puts them up to the front of the party i tap my desk in case that gets picked up on the audio and dirk stab moves him up one space and you can always just spam dirk stab go pass guard all that cool stuff and then he has finale to move him back you only get to use finale once so his dancing is kind of limited to going forward but there are some applicable situations and having movement resist or at least dancing abilities is better than not having them as we've discussed in other videos with like the leper for instance because he can't move himself or do really anything once he gets to the back it really hampers his effectiveness so the jester being able to move is a good thing jester has some solid dodge really aren't going to be dodge tanking much but in case you hit solo and you have like wilbur's flag or ancestors code and stuff like that it helps it's better than not having it it is his primary defense so it's a little touchy but it's better than having literally nothing weaknesses finale wait a minute shuffle how is this a strength and a weakness finale is weird that's why we're going to talk about it later but finale feels like a bit of a trap just because you have to take a while to charge it up and then you only get to fire it once and then when you use it really matters and then if it crits or not really matters so like i said we'll talk about that later but otherwise the jester has low hit points no actual defensive mechanics so he doesn't have shadow fade he doesn't have block he doesn't have stuns he literally is dependence on the rest of the team to keep him safe and hopefully his ability to dodge you can get him up to like 50 dodge pretty easily without buffs you know you just slap an ancestors code on him he's at 50. you give him a bolster he's looking really good but otherwise you have no defensive mechanics which does kind of suck the best defense for the jester is actually where you position him in the party so if you're trying to dodge stress you might want to put him up front a little bit if you're trying to dodge direct damage trying to put him in the back so just those little things but i don't know it'd be nice if he had a stun or some kind of you know massive giant dodge boost besides i think solo yeah i had to go back and make sure that solo did in fact give dodge i didn't want to give you some false information in the first five minutes so yes solo okay the next gesture weakness is the bleed abilities hit really awkward ranks they are mid cleave or not mid cleave but they're like mid-range attacks they hit ranks two and three specifically i'd like it if slice off hit one but it doesn't which means that the jesters targeting in battle is pretty weird i guess it's okay because that way he doesn't have the incentive to just spam damage abilities all game he can spend a couple turns using support and defensive abilities or i should say recovery so that's something i don't know it's weird i don't like the the way the blades work next up we're going to talk about the jester skills we're going to start with the camp ones turn back time is pretty good obviously if they're afflicted then this isn't worth using it's just a worse encourage but this is still pretty okay i do find myself not hitting this that often however if you have three points floating around and you just want a giant single target stress seal pretty good every rose has its thorn however this thing is fantastic this is so efficient in terms of point cost and effect so where it says all companions receive this that means that the jester himself does not get this but minus 15 stress doesn't seem like a ton right their camp skills obviously they get more but 15 stress is still respectable and then the minus 15 stress for four battles going forward that is huge that can save you upwards of i don't know if i wanted to do the math i could save you upwards of like 50 to 100 stress across your whole party across four battles that's really good you know would you take a cam skill for three points that prevents a hundred stress i would so really good this is probably one of the ones you will be hitting if you have three points and you're camping with jester tiger's eye this is just saving you one charge of battle ballad so someone like the leper as you see in our uh i guess default party here or footage background b-roll footage party tiger's eye pretty good it's like battle ballad without the speed and you get four battles of it so it's nice i do find myself hitting this if i have a dedicated like damage dealer in the party so if i'm running with leper i think jester and leper spoilers are one of the best duos surprisingly even though leper isn't a great character but being able to give someone an extra 10 accuracy is really helpful and then eight percent crit it's not melee crit it's not range crit it's just crit that is fantastic so tiger's eye probably the button you hit most often when you camp with jester i'm gonna scroll over here mockery i don't use this that often it's good you're effectively netting 20 stress by taking 20 or 20 off two people so that's 40. and then someone else gets plus 20 stress so it's effective stress healing of 20 however something of note is if you use something like every rose has its thorn which lowers the stress uh coming into that character you can use this first and then use mockery to reduce the stress inflicted by mockery so if you have camp skills that inflict stress on people for other benefits there are quite a few of those make sure that you hit this first or pep talk if you have those available and if you're going to end up using this and i think sequencing camp skills is one of the harder things to do it seems easy at first but you know for as much as i've played darkest dungeon i still make that mistake i go oh i should hit this first and then i hit something else instead talking about combat skills next dirk stab is okay it moves you forward one space the accuracy is average it has a huge crit modifier it buffs finale but everything the jester does buffs finale besides finale itself and the other important point is this bypasses guard i actually don't think it's that good of an attack to kill a guarded target because there's so many stuns in the game that are readily available to you and those are usually better at stunning the frontline enemy taking their next turn and then you get a free hit on the the guarded target and then there's damage over time effects there are just so many things that i could do like a cleave impale you know just so many things that i would rather do to kill a guarded targets or to disrupt the enemy then use jester's dirk stab for 10 damage so it's good for the movement okay for the bypass guard but usually you're using this to move more than snipe targets harvest and slice off we're going to talk about together and they're both bleed attacks that hit the same targets so the middle two so rank two and three as you can see here and they almost do the same thing they're very similar where harvest hits two targets for a lower amount it also has a lower bleed but it has the benefit of hitting two targets whereas slice off hits one target for a small of slightly higher average on hit damage in terms like you know the damage mod being 33 but it has a huge crit modifier and plus 12 which is really good so in case you don't know if you get a critical hit the chance to apply secondary effects so in this case bleed goes up by 20 percent so you see here it says bleed 140 percent base if you get a crit it goes up to 160 base before uh the enemies resist is applied to it so it's really good at the single target aspect and harvest is better at the group attack aspect sometimes you do want to hit two targets but it really depends what you're doing to determine which one you're taking so if you are going to fight a boss that can be hit by bleed usually you want to take slice off because it's a high single target thing and if the gesture can reach them then it's really good i'm not going to spoil on which bosses this is effective against but they do exist harvest is better for any non-boss mission usually because you just go through you do your hallway fights your room fights it's usually three or four enemies every single time which means there are usually middle ranked targets to hits or sometimes they have a big beefy front liner like the unclean giant but you know he takes one and two in terms of the enemy ranks and then you have like three and four for other stuff so harvest usually gets a lot of value and it's actually okay to run harvest all the way up to the boss door and then switch to slice off but i don't recommend running both together because they're too similar and it's better to just have other gesture buttons that are enabled than both blades which one is good depends on what you're doing and i hope that that somewhat lengthy explanation suffices i'm going to talk about finale last we're going to move to solo this is really just used to get you to the front so that you can use finale the next turn you know you just run all the way up to the forward spot this i don't use that often i would rather use dirk stab or have someone else move behind me or something like that that doesn't mean that solo isn't good it's more that it's a kind of low tempo move go figure you know solo jesters musicians stuff like that we're talking about tempo but it'll definitely get the job done and hopefully the jester can dodge a couple attacks by marking himself that's really the basis for it it also gives you the biggest bonus in terms of setting up finale so there is that you get to use it twice a battle but normally when you use it once you're finaled after so it's like why do i use it twice there are some cheeky team comps out there so you can run like highwayman and crusader for instance and then when you solo the first time you're probably going to be faster than highwayman who uses duelist advance and then crusader uses uh holy lance and all sudden gestures back back in rank three and then jester solos a second time that is doable more trouble than it's worth in my experience but you can do stuff like that otherwise finale or solo is okay battle ballad this is the best gesture button in my opinion inspiring tunes pretty good but this does so much for you and i did this video before and i ended up talking about battle ballot for like 10 minutes so i'm trying not to do that this time but the short end of it is it gives you a pretty solid finale buff it gives everyone in the party including the jester it says buff target but it should say buff party it gives everyone a huge boost of speed like plus four speed will put even leper like in contention with some of the fastest enemies you hit this twice leper is going before the enemy team which is crazy to think about but otherwise you have huge speed bonus huge accuracy bonus and huge crit bonus so the reason these are really good is because getting to act first in battle means you can prevent everything else from happening to you so if your team is going first with their high speed and they're hitting harder and they're hitting consistently because of all the accuracy and offs the crits are reducing your stress because every time you crit you lose stress and it can affect other people in the party you're just doing massive damage you're getting rid of targets that can hurt you quickly and then you have accuracy which means you're hitting them consistently and this is just such a good combination of stuff to have this is probably the best ability in the game like i would almost bet money on it at this point and there are a couple that are probably in contention you know like impales disgusting and there are a few others obviously that are really good but otherwise this just does so much for your party this is like the best support ability and it can prevent a lot of harm so we talk about harm prevention right now and it can prevent a lot of harm coming into your party and it can help them recover by giving them stress relief through criticals and enabling all of your characters individual crit bonuses which do exist this just does so much this should be on every gesture build and i will probably pitch one in a team idea that doesn't have it but i'm just giving you options it's not that i'm saying that you shouldn't take this i think this should be on every gesture build at all times i got through that kind of quick in terms of how i did it last time so i'm actually a little happy with myself inspiring tune this is the main reason people bring jester especially newer players they just go oh this lowers stress and it prevents stress i just press it and it's easy to use it's easy to understand and that's fantastic so we do like inspiring tune the best spot i think for jester is rank 3 go figure battle ballad is also rank 3 so normally your support gesture loadout has both of these and you could argue the case that every jester loadout should have both of these unless you have two gestures or something cheeky like that but otherwise pretty effective press it lower stress prevent stress buff finale awesome stuff all right finale's the other thing that took a long time to talk about the first time i did this finale is complicated you get to use it one time it has the potential to do an absolute ton of damage like you can buff this up and get some debuffs on the enemy or have melee trinkets and stuff like that melee damage trinkets and this can break triple digits with a crit pretty reliably and you see that you go man why can't i just do this every single time this is amazing the problem with finale is it's very hard to set up in hallway and room battles because the average hallway or room battle goes for about four turns you know unless you're stalling or unless you get a couple credits it's usually about four turns so having something that is best when it builds up for eight turns seems lackluster also if finale crits and it overkills by like 30 damage it feels like a waste if you want finale to crit you know you have like 57 crit chance or something you have all your buffs going and you go okay i want this to crit for like 45 and just end this dude and then it doesn't and it hits for like 19. at that point it feels like a waste because it didn't do what it's supposed to and then you have to spend extra time killing a target that you were hoping would die to this so finale is just odd it almost never misses it's statistically possible to miss if you uh have like enough accuracy changes on both tar the gesture and the target but otherwise it's usually going to hit it's going to hit very hard and it debuffs the jester for i think three turns after that i don't think this is one you can use medicinal herbs to get rid of so you're stuck with the minus dodge the minus speed and the bonus to stress damage the other difficult part about finale is it moves the jester back three spaces and not two because it moves him back three spaces he goes to rank four which means he is locked out of things like harvest and slice off going forward so like dirk stabs usually the way to recover out of that but if you don't use jester to bleed the next turn you have to have some way to get him back into rank 3 without him moving himself he certainly can just move himself but it's not ideal and if you have a vestal she's not gonna be able to move jester so having that other caveat to finale makes it a little less appealing to me but don't let all of my discussion on the negatives talk you out of using this finale does have a couple of really good spots for it to shine in and i don't remember what i did with it but i had this clip of finale no joke taking a shambler down from like half hp you know it got a huge crit after eight turns but it did the job and it was actually pretty funny so finale is still good it's just clunky and all the after effects are definitely not good so i guess the way to play finale is to either if you're in the hallway or room battle it's spend like one or two turns use like battle ballad then inspiring tune and then dirk stab and then finale and try and clean up the uh the last kill that's probably the consistent way to use it outside of a boss mission otherwise on bosses definitely charge it up for eight turns and then just fire it try and you know snipe something for massive damage or pick off an ad if the boss is summoning that kind of stuff otherwise it's still a net bonus in boss fights just because it can do a lot of damage and if the enemy has a larger hp pool and you don't get the crit it's still okay because if you hit something for like 40 non-crit or whatever it is you're still happy you know that's still 40 damage you don't have to do later and if it crits for you know 100 then awesome for jester quirks these are pretty universal in my experience i usually focus on speed or defense usually both the reason being if jester can go first he can get battle battle down immediately which means he doesn't have to wonder if highwayman's gonna you know high roll his speed check and go first or bounty hunter this means that jester is consistently going first to buff everyone you know that's what you want your support to do you want your support to be able to establish themselves before everyone else goes otherwise i look for defense quirks the reason being with defensive quirks like steady tough hard skin unyielding all that stuff the longer your party can go without having to worry about jester dying are more turns that you to spend dealing damage the advantage of battle ballad as we've been talking about is the fact you get to go first especially after like two shots of it and you're always hitting hard or harder i should say because of the crit boost and stuff like that which does go off pretty uh frequently and having your jester able to survive or dodge or not worry about like an extra bleed tick and stuff like that means your team can just focus on doing a little bit more damage before having to do things like guard or heal or stun you know to prevent him from taking damage so i do like having one or two defensive quirks if i can find something else to lock in speed if you have a consistent jester team musical is okay especially like a farmstead team if you have a dedicated farmstead team then having musical on a couple people or everyone is really nice it just boosts inspiring tunes healing effectiveness never bad and it kind of frees up a trinket slot so if you have everyone with musical that means that jester doesn't have to use the bright tambourine he can use something else instead so if you're going the damage route i would actually prioritize precise striker and potentially deadly as the the second damage quark just to get the extra two percent crit because i don't think slugger is great for bleed damage and you're really looking for slugger to help on finale damage by giving you an extra raw 10 but i haven't crunched the math on it so i'm wondering if stacking crit is more effective damage than an extra 10 percent considering jester's base damage is very low at 7 to 13. if you want to go precise striker deadly and slugger and just go like smork hyper aggro then that's definitely an option but otherwise i think melee jester is pretty easy to build now is probably the part of the video most people come for maybe i don't know actually i don't know how helpful the team section is in these videos to people but i've had people talk about them so we're gonna keep doing them the jester teams we're going to start off with the supports archetype when i say support archetype like these first two characters are almost inconsequential it could be literally anyone else and this team has so much raw recovery between jester and vestal which you know sometimes i call it justile that's it almost doesn't matter who comes up front because you have so much just recovery i'm repeating myself there's just so much recovery i'm recovering this audio right now it just doesn't matter how much damage you take it doesn't matter how much stress damage you take as long as you have enough turns and you don't get like rolled over by consecutive crits then you can usually recover over the course of the dungeon with this team it's really powerful there's a reason that when you see a lot of high kill counts in farmstead it's usually jester and vestal together just because of the uh the consistency and the recovery potential jester himself is pretty flexible here in terms of trinket choices i take the bright tambourine just to have extra stress healing output and then i like a defensive trinket so this is going again with my quark selection you can see it here i haven't found speed on this guy yet but this is what i've been rolling and having some kind of extra defense helps him you know stay alive longer the combination of hit points and dodge is fantastic the minus accuracy does not matter because you have battle ballad so this is a cool trinket set up you can use pretty much anything else this could be another support track instead of overture box or something else instead of stress healing the world is your oyster actually what else is there just real quick so if you're low level gestures low level trinkets are actually okay lucky dice are great and then anything that's like defensive you can give them a survival guide too for instance there's just a lot of options for skills in battle obviously battle battle and inspiring tune i don't have to sell you on these i think dirk stab just because it helps fix positioning and then you have finale in case you want to get some damage off uh let's start with shield breaker so shield breaker here this is one of my favorite setups the only thing it lacks is accuracy which jester fixes so you don't have to run accuracy here shield breaker has some pretty solid accuracy across the board usually 1010 or 1010 110 and then the the couple 105s here and also you get uh armor pen from where's the snake eyes there you go so there's a lot of just direct damage potential here plus some blight and then if you want to put bleed on instead to have like the dual advantage or the dual damage over time you can so pierce for reach and armor piercing to fix positioning also puncture this is mostly to help lepre and again this is another thing that breaks guards so we don't have to worry about stuns we don't have to worry about dirk stab like just break guard instead put that squishy target up front get them chopped by the leper you can also use adder's kiss instead of puncture if you want like more direct damage my phone just beeped but i think that leopard does enough front line damage that you don't need outer's kiss impale is one of the best skills in the game just absolutely nuts in terms of cleave damage and having the ability to get some damage rolling on everyone and also the backline targets is just fantastic and serpent's way to protect yourself for trinkets this is one of my favorite setups to run on shield breaker so we have a ton of extra hp from our cure bully here boiley i can't pronounce that correctly i looked it up and i still can't do it and then we have spectral spear tip giving us some extra hp there's just a lot of damage and a lot of survivability here the extra blight chance on spear tip you could argue that is why you should use adder's kiss but i would also say that you get a flat 15 damage which helps pierce so you just cover a lot of bases i still think this is okay but if you want to use adder's kiss this is definitely a reason to leper i'm just kind of rolling right through aren't i leper is the like best friend like the bff of jester i think that normally leper is a pretty bottom tier hero i think we all know shortcomings the accuracy the position dependency stuff like that but the jester fixes every almost every bad thing about leper except his positioning and we're just going to hope that this team has like enough movement and stuff to fix it a little bit between you know impale moving us back you can even run exposed if you expect to get shoved back repeatedly or have leopard shove back and then we have the battle bella to increase his accuracy which fixes his main issue and then also it just raises his crit rate through the roof which leper with his massive base damage likes crits so anytime leper crits it can go up to like 60 damage pretty easily or like maybe 45 on hue or something like that so having crit accuracy is something leopard desperately craves which means he is best friends with jester they never even encroach on each other's positioning in battle so we're gonna start with chop you just use chop to hit things we like that hue this is potentially changeable just because sometimes you don't need a cleave but you have impale which is the best cleave so having two things to cleave down the enemy team is pretty helpful this is really good in farmstead as well where some of the uh i feel what they're called the husks that's it so the husk enemies and stuff like that they're not generally the most durable so having the ability to just hit them really hard and hit all of them is awesome revenge may feel like overkill this is not something you use in hallway battles revenge is mostly for uh boss fights or mini bosses and stuff like that it caps out your accuracy i did some math before you know i started recording but even with three shots of battle ballad the leper is not hit capped on some of the most evasive enemies so revenge should put you over the top on like everything that's not shrieker the bonus damage taken is a little frightening but you have shield breaker up there blocking to hopefully soak some hits as well so this is really just a net benefit and leopards dodge is trash anyway so who cares about the minus dodge you could use withstand if you're expecting a lot of incoming status effects but you could also run like fortifying garlic or cleansing crystal solemnity this is just in case the leper gets into trouble he can at least heal himself for a little bit and not die it's pretty hard to take down leper unless he gets like mega focus fired so this is more insurance than anything else and intimidate is interesting but i don't think it has a place in this build there are times to use intimidate but since we have shield breakers shoving yourself back and forward repeatedly intimidate is inconsistent at best oh man i desperately needed some water my voice is starting to go out i've been talking so much but surgical gloves they're too hype the downsides aren't even that big a deal you're probably like oh the movement resists that's like lepers bane but his move resist is already pretty high base i think i think 120 is among the highest so is that 100 or 110 80 90. yeah i think leper actually has the highest base move resist so these don't affect them that much and there aren't too many enemies that like to push leper so i think there's i think the one you have to be most afraid of is title slam so definitely take those precautions but otherwise these are just good if you get them slot them on but again any other melee damage booster can help us so slayer rings lower level melee damage trinkets actually let's see what there is real quick uh i know there's that warrior brace where is it do i not have it huh i guess i don't have it on this file yeah there's a low level white one that has like plus 10 melee damage slayer rings are good brawler's gloves not that good with shield breaker but slayer rings like i've been saying berserk charms okay um any dedicated damage dealing stuff for leper specific trinkets you could use a berserk mask you can use fortune armlet you could also use a defensive thing like immunity mask if you're trying not to get bled and stunned and stuff like that because lepers bleed resist is actual trash so you have a lot of options here but i definitely recommend stacking as much damage as you can on leper because it's gonna feel great this is one of my favorite teams to run do i even need to talk about vestal i talk about her in every single video so just the short end best support loadout for for her you have judgment to heal herself you have a okay stun the boost light meter which is always helpful then you have the two good heels you have some kind of healing boost trinket salacious diary is her best one i think sacred scroll has too many penalties like the minus damage and the the minus stun chance actually suck pretty hard so i don't like sacred scroll that much and junior's head is actually probably the most usable here if i can find it because it has the massive you know plus 20 stress but you also have the best stress sealer in the game so it actually kind of evens out and then for the other trinket i say some kind of support trinkets so ancestors map is obviously top tier otherwise it's survival guide or ancestors lantern or just something like that as i said before this is one of my favorite teams to play the reason is it has a lot of recovery potential has a lot of damage potential it can work in pretty much any area effectively even the play resistant ones just because you're focusing mostly on direct damage and recovery in terms of your game plan and this team can even go pretty deep in farmstead playing it is really straightforward the jester spends probably the first two turns hitting battle ballad just to establish tempo for the rest of your team vestal is spending turn one probably stunning in most cases unless you really need to heal from a previous fight so she's usually stunning turn one and then healing as needed but also you have so much offensive uh strength i guess that helps you run over the enemy very quickly and go first and stuff like that that vestal can consistently find turns to throw out judgment and help the shield breaker in cleaning up backline enemies the added benefit is also that if vestal is going to say gesture if vessel hits a judgment crit then she gets a bonus on healing which helps her next group heal or single target heal or i guess judgment heal if you're just spamming that shield breakers turns are rotating between impale and pierce or puncture the times you want to hit puncture are if there's an enemy that pretty much just becomes non-existence by getting moved so either you push someone into rank three or pull someone into rank one or two there are a lot of backline enemies that once they come up to rank one they just have like a dagger or like some kind of crappy melee attack or there are some enemies that once they go into like rank 3 they have to use something like stumble scratch to move up and just be worthless this also helps in the warrens where i talked about the skyver pigs and my blood moon guide where having enough speed lets you go first and pull skyper pigs up to rank two so you don't have to worry about getting absolutely dumpstered by some of those attacks and they have to spend their turns you know retreating especially once you start going first and shield breaker has enough like baseline damage her baseline damage is pretty good that between impale and pierce she can effectively take down those back lines you don't have to worry too much about them leper is really brain dead in this team as long as he goes after jester to get his accuracy buff it's literally just chop it's chop if they have a solid amount of hit points it's hugh if you think creating one of them for like 25 will clean it up so it's really whichever seems more appealing but you're just hitting those unless the collector shows up then you hit revenge and then you proceed to hit chop and you this next team i'm going to talk about is a bleed setup it has the same recovery ability of the justal combo that we have in our back line but it trades direct damage for bleed damage the first skills for jester we have the two support ones for the same reasons as before they're just really good finale can fix positioning this is mostly in case you get pulled or surprised otherwise you don't have a way to move up reliably and then we have harvest unless we get to a boss store then it is going to be slice off the reason is we just want as much bleed damage on as many people as we can at all times for trinkets we're going to look at a lower level setup there are obviously stronger variants of this like the ancestors pen or whatever else is out there i'm too lazy to think about right off hand but we have a couple green trinkets here bleed amulet is just amazing for any bleed character it's just good bleed is a very common enemy uh damage over time type blight exists but it's not as common so having bleed resist is amazing and following that jump cut our second trinket is going to be something focused on crit chance usually just because it helps us stick bleeds just that much more effectively but also just the extra damage is nice and the potential stress recovery so this could be the critical dice just because i wanted to show off a gesture trinket but also this could be surgical gloves or ancestors pen which i don't think is as good on this build as like a dedicated melee build but you know it works otherwise anything that gives you crit is usually preferable this could also be a defensive trinket if you just want to rely on the bleed amulet doing your heavy lifting so this could be some kind of dodge trinket or bright tambourine to support there's just a lot of options here flagellant here is going to focus on as much bleed damage as he can possibly squeeze out you could run endure over one of these skills probably i don't want to say extinguish maybe redeem but it's kind of hard to give up such a a good spot heal like that anyway your goal is to hit rain and sorrows the first couple times and start hitting punish once the back line's gone and hit extinguinate as you get low hp the bleed amulet helps you stick bleeds as well as the bleed resist debuffs that the flagent likes to stack so all this kind of compounds and you can do a lot of things with your second trinket which i guess has been the name of this team so far but i like to use some of the thing trinkets like mesmerizing eye because the flatulence who gets boosted at 40 hp is exactly the cut off for the mesmerizing eyes or the thing from the star trinkets so having one of those can usually give you something pretty cool and having extra crit chance when you don't have to worry about your accuracy is pretty awesome so just helps all that damage come in helps those debuffs stick to help stick your bleeds later on and exsanguinate critting is like 60 damage or more it's so good so having just a ton of crit is amazing so just a very high bleed damage setup here for flatulence houndmaster is our other character that gets to focus on being just hyper damage so we have the two dog attacks from rank two the cleave and the single target are both good for their own reasons if you want to just bleed everything out over like three turns then having hounds harry is just good for that and once you have bleeds established hitting hounds rush to do bonus damage because of your trinket set here is also super awesome you don't really get a chance to mark with this team but we're not in it for marking we're in it for bleed damage so that means that this team doesn't get to go to the ruins it can go to the cove and still bleed stuff especially with flagellant but the ruins pretty much lock us out but that's okay since the ruins are in fact the easiest area lick wounds just in case because there's really not much else you'd use here except maybe guard dog like guard dog is the only other thing you would substitute out instead of lick wounds which you could do they're probably about equal to me and we get a chance to use blackjack so we don't have a lot of stuns on this team we have two stuns but they're not like great stuns they're not blinding gas they're not yap they're not a you know flashbang which can also shuffle which is awesome we have just two very solid direct stun attacks and then one of them is also on vestal so really we only have access to one consistent stun that means that this team can be changed around like you could put bounty hunter instead of uh houndmaster here because bounty hunter has a couple stuns and then he has bleed with caltrops and he knew his own stuff and some direct damage but normally when you run damage over time you like to have stuns because that helps the dots tick for longer or i shouldn't say it longer but it helps them not attack and kill you while you're killing them and then you get to use those terms where they're stunned to spam recovery so we don't really have that here but we do have the still good and amazing solid recovery of just the gestalt duo but having an extra stun is very helpful so there will be a lot of times that blackjack does get pressed in uh this comp for trinkets i like to use the crimson quartz set just because it's really good and trinket sets are pretty fun in my opinion it's just cool to put on two things and get a set bonus maybe it's that d2 nostalgia you could run a stunt trinket but uh blackjack has a higher than average stun chance so you don't really need one which means we can get away with using the crimson quartz set which gives us a ton of scouting our base scouting goes up to 50 before we do anything else which is awesome and the minus surprise chance is just good and we also have the increased accuracy the lawman's badge is actually kind of crappy on this team it or this uh this setup the reason being we don't need the range accuracy at all so if you don't have the whole set don't use this right because we don't need the range accuracy we're not too concerned about the healing skills the stun and debuff resist do kind of suck especially the dd buffers this but in rank two there aren't too many things we're looking at that'll stun us besides maybe title slam i'm sure there's one other i can't think of right offhand but we want this for the set bonus the extra 25 damage versus bleeding and five percent crit is pretty hefty so this kind of fixes all of hound masters normally garbage uh backline damage he goes up to like 8 to 15 i think with the effect going and then he's sticking bleeds on top of it so his effective damage goes up by i guess 25 probably a little more than that mathematically because of the crits and i think i've talked too much about houndmaster so let's go to vestal chan man the need for these jump cuts is coming at the worst time possible so yeah vessel chan no surprise the skill loadout is what we're used to this is a low level trinket setup you can use survival guide and stuff but giving vestal some extra stun chance is nice because we need to hit those stuns with a bleed team and if you need a low level healing trinket there is the chai virgins charm you can also use something like survival guide or any other kind of supporting defensive trinkets that are out there or i guess even junior's head because it's pretty easy to find junior's head early on the way to play this team is to get as much bleed rolling as possible and then sit back and spam recovery for the last couple turns so your first one or two turns unsurprisingly are probably battle ballad just to get your crit and speed up and then after that the gesture hits harvest once or twice or slice off if you're running that and the flagellate hits reynosaros probably one time maybe two and then switches to spamming punish to help kill the first person because you have a an almost glaring weakness not weakness but the rank one enemy is probably the least threatening but it's also the one you have the hardest time hitting because harvest doesn't hit it and hounds harry hits it but you know for like three bleed that's kind of eh so flatulent just rain sorrows probably two times then punish the rest of the fight the hound master can hit blackjack and hounds harry and just kind of rotate those if you want to bleed out everything or it's blackjack and hounds rush and just try and wear everything down that way and you know burst down certain targets with hounds rush if you're in like the warrens for instance where this team is probably going to enjoy itself because of the increased beast damage that houndmaster has you're going to be hounds rushing on turn one to snipe the stress casters like the spinning pig or gosh what else is there there's like that drum pig and then there's the skyver like all of those the houndmaster wants to hit directly on turn one if possible especially the skyvers so if you're in champion warns and you see a skyper pig that is a dog biscuit and that is a hounds rush like there is no negotiating that and for swinotar not too scary and then in the wheeled you probably do the same thing against the hateful virgos where you hit the dog biscuit and then you attack that thing directly so once the big threat in terms of the backline is gone or about to die from bleed damage on the enemy team then you switch to hitting hounds uh harry and then spamming blackjack and stuff like that especially at the end of the fight just rotating blackjack on two targets and spam healing very effective vestal of course is doing her best she is hitting stun on turn one and then healing is needed this team has a little more spread out damage especially for the back line that i don't think vestal is really required to use judgment anymore so you can just like rotate stuns and heels and still be fine as i said before this team is good anywhere except the ruins so if they can bleed they can die you can take it to anywhere else one final note about where this team goes is it does very well in crimson court because crimson court is very susceptible to bleed and any boss that has multiple turns or multiple actions per turn there are quite a few of them this team can really put some damage down on because you can hit those rhino sorrows that hounds rush and like that slice off and you can have like 25 bleed going for like their three turns or something like that it's very easy to get a lot of bleed damage out of this team and it can shred certain bosses i'm going to be honest i did not want to cover this last team but then i thought i really need a finale team and the one i was thinking about doing just isn't as cool as this and i envisioned myself getting several comments of people asking shuffle where's davina comedia please we need the divine comedy in our lives like all right fine so i'm just going to cover this team because i think it's the best example of finale that you could probably get you can run other stuff that's a little more consistent like vessel combo with two dancers to give yourself double solo on jester but this team works surprisingly well all things considered so let's look at these gestures first i think you should make all three of them different colors just so you can tell them apart and the jesters are actually pretty reliant on speed which is why i think this team does better in late game than early game because that way you can get the jester district which is a little extra speed on top plus two and you want your third ranked gesture to have the highest amount of speed the reason this gesture needs the most speed is because he wants to solo first and then you want to go in a descending order so after rank three jester gets to solo rank two jester has to solo after that and then rank 1 has to solo last because this way it gets solo up on all three of them and they're all dodge tanking at that point it's okay if you get solo up on like two of them or even one it's not the end of the world but this team does function a lot better if you can run it in the proper speed order which is pretty tough to do so you just gotta get them one or two points apart and then just hope that you know the the dice rolls favor you all these gestures will have the same loadout so you have dirk stab to move around with and this is surprisingly good when you have three gestures i know i talked earlier that it's not my favorite move especially for sniping targets under guard but when you have three jesters that are doing this to targets that are guarded it's actually really funny and fun to do so having this is pretty consistent in terms of damage output and it also baits the enemy into guarding low health targets and wasting their turns which is really nice you have battle ballad to give yourself a stronger finale buff than dirk stab this is if you find yourself with nothing to do on your rank 3 gesture or if you have a jester that finale's early and he's just in rank 4 then you can hit this a couple times otherwise it's good it's here for again consistency and having the highest amounts of uh damage potential besides solo also you don't need inspiring tune because none of these people should be getting hit that often and if they are getting hit with anything or stress they are getting so many crits between each other that you're already working off stress so you don't really need inspiring tune solo this is to give yourself the biggest finale buff possible obviously and get you up to the front chaining solos is kind of important so i guess we'll talk about that after i go through everything then obviously finale this is here just to kill stuff after x amount of turns if it's a short fight you want to fire this earlier if it's a long fight you want to do this at the end but you should be using finales when you know that the fight is over so you measure out the the team's hp the enemy hp and you'll get used to this the more you play it and then you go okay they're all at like you know 20 each that's three finales or once it's 60 that's two finales and then you just go down that way so you want to be spending two or three finales and then the fight's done that's the ideal way to be playing this so if you're finding yourself at that mark very consistently then you're probably doing this correctly so the front gesture has the lowest speed here and you're just trying to put crit and potentially dodge trinkets on each of them just to give them a little more damage and defense crit is a much higher damage stat for finale than raw damage so we're trying to stack crit as much as possible where we can and this can be any combination of stuff this doesn't have to be wolver's flag this could be a camouflage cloak or a feather crystal if you really want to there are just so many dodge trinkets out there but you just pick the good ones that you have available to you and then the same thing for the next one rank two gestures should have some kind of speed item and then some kind of dodge item and then rank three gestures should have the highest amount of speed and then also have dodge and potentially some damage it's okay if the third gesture has the least damage just because he's going to be soloing first and that's like the important job so maybe if you have a gesture that doesn't have any melee damage quirks this is the one you give all the speed to i actually have two of them that don't have anything like that i only have one melee damage gesture and then the anaquarian has a very specialized set of skills i don't know if that's like the taken line i don't think it is i think it's close but not exactly and so i gave her the crimson court set but you can give her anything that gives her dodge and speed and i'm gonna stress again that this team really does need speed it needs speed more than anything because it has to set up before the enemy starts hitting you if this team cannot have like three people go first it's gonna struggle in most fights so having it able to go first lets everyone get solo it lets invigorating vapers go out it lets everything happen it lets you go first it's just a very well oiled machine so speed speed speed i sound like a commercial at this point but the antiquarian i gave her the crimson court set because it gives her dodge and speed and also a couple other goodies the set or not the set bonus but the 203 isn't that great my chair just popped so it's probably distracting me already but i do like the master's essence to give her some healing skill and blight skill so this is just to make it if the jesters do take some damage she can actually help them recover just a little bit and then if she has to chip in with festering vapors to help out with damage she has something to help her do that but otherwise this could be again speed speed and dodge or just healing just all kinds of stuff can go here the move sets i do like festering vapors over nervous stab for damage just because you can hit everything and it's just better long term damage than nervous stab we have get down in case a surprise happens or if some random thing just pulls antiquarian to the front or you have three finales go off and antiquarians in rank one you have something to get back you can even use this in rank three and four which is pretty crazy so if she ever needs some extra speed and dodge you can just hit this a couple times but mostly your turn ones are gonna be invigorating vapors just to help everyone get out of the way of stuff a little more consistently then we also have fortifying vapors just to heal in case someone hits death's door which is very possible with this team as i said this team is very fun to play i actually really enjoy it it works pretty much everywhere just because it's hinging on just raw damage instead of like blights and stuff even though you do have an aquarium for blight but this can go to any region it has a very solitary style of game plan where they just want to go first they want to dodge they want to dirk stab all the squishy targets and then they want to finale all the the big targets and then the fight's over it plays the same every single time so once you play it a couple times you'll probably get used to the the pace of its and when you should be doing what and as long as you have solo up on each gesture for like the entire fight then you're doing it you know correctly there is a little nuance to this team so you have to be looking at the fight that you're in and you have to understand the enemies a little bit to play this at probably the maximum efficiency i think so for short fights you want to get both solos on each gesture down as early as possible the reason for this is once you have each uh fina not finale each solo up twice then you're just gonna erase anything that you hit with finale so the average room and hallway battle is like four turns so you should be shooting for that so getting both finales up at the quickest way possible or the quickest pace is ideal and then for longer fights you want to stretch out your solos the reason for this is the solo dodge buff is so important to the jesters that if you're fighting a big beefy enemy like the swinotar i guess i should say big porky enemy or if you're fighting just anything that has a lot of prot this team does kind of hate prot but it's able to punch through it hard enough if you can get your eight turns of finale charging up so you want to make sure that for those longer fights you use the first solo on turn one because everyone needs to dodge and then you want to use the second solo either like on turn six or five so everyone has dodge till the end of the fight or you wanna hit uh solo on like turn seven so you get up to the front easily it's one of those two but you want to make sure that you have the second solo there to give you enough up time on dodge and then also the positioning and hopefully you have everyone in the right order because once finale starts going off it's uh pretty much the end the one time it does suck is if you are on like turn eight and you have everyone charged up and the slowest jester in rank three just happens to hyrule speed then he has to like waste his uh solo buff so just be aware of that like i said if you're dropping finales on turn seven or turn eight then everything should be dead an aquarian's job is very easy here she is literally the fog machine as was described i think in four two flows video where this is just a band of jesters and a fog machine and an aquarium using invigorating vapors i think that is like the most perfect description an aquarium is using invigorating vapors for like the entire fight unless she has to chip in with festering vapors on damage or heal someone or use get down but you're pretty much just spamming dodge and trying to have a hundred percent uptime on three stacks to keep your gestures at like a hundred and ten dodge probably higher if you can get both solos you can get up to like 140 that's pretty sick i do like that idea too i should say the visual for this team where it's literally three psycho clowns knee sliding with their loots out playing just music scaring everything they randomly just show up and stab you with the knife and you can't hit them back for some reason and they just run around there's a bunch of fog everywhere it's such a funny way to think about this team but it's like i said it's one of the funnest things to play in this game all right y'all that's gonna do it for this one thanks so much for watching like i said before join discord if you haven't stay tuned for other darkest dungeon guides i'm really trying to push these out before darkest dungeon 2 comes out so i'm trying to put a lot of my work into it and i may end up having to pull back on some of the play through stuff which would be kind of sad but you know what i think this is more important right now so we'll see what happens like i was saying thanks for watching join discord let me know what you think down below let me know what works for you what doesn't because healthy discussion is always fun to have and i think everyone benefits from it so i'll see you later
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 49,367
Rating: 4.933754 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, admiral bahroo, pvp, butcher's circus, butchers circus
Id: 3ulLuT6eNi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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