Antiquarian and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle welcome to the antiquarian guide so in this video we're going to cover all the normal stuff you're used to like strengths weaknesses how to play how to build an aquarian and then some extra tips thrown in wherever we can and then a few teams to get you started this guide is not just my work this time it is being mostly written by the awesome thick fanny sausage so if you don't know who that is he's one of my favorite people in the community i think he's one of the best darkest dungeon players just out there for sure and he is very big on an aquarian so i don't think anyone knows this character as well as he does when i mentioned doing this video a few months back he said he wanted to be a part of it so i have been talking to him over the last few weeks and bouncing ideas off him getting his input and i would go so far as to say he has done pretty much like 95 of the writing for this like i did the formatting and the editing and all that but in terms of the actual content since he is so good with this character i took every tip and team idea that he would give me and then we consolidated it and we discussed what to put in this video so i'm hoping that this does a service to him as well as everyone watching for my end of course if you enjoy what you see make sure you like comment subscribe all that stuff support the channel on patreon help keep the stuff going watch me on twitch join discord if you haven't and all that should be down below so thank you and now let's get started with what we usually do which is the strengths strengths of the antiquarian lots of gold probably no surprise you already knew that the primary reason to bring an aquarium is to get you lots of money and she does she does a very good job of getting you a lot of money which helps things like the bank if you are using the bank in your state or just keeping your state afloat in general the next strength is that she brings a key keys are pretty cool they are a 200 gold provision so it's a little more expensive than normal and not all characters bring provisions so when they do it's kind of nice and keys aren't like holy water or medicinal herbs where they're useful in some situations but not all keys are used in every single dungeon so that's pretty awesome and she brings it so that should save you even more money as time goes on an aquarium has a lot of synergy in dodge teams she has a lot of ways to boost her own dodge or the team's dodge she can also lower the accuracy of enemies through flash powder which means if you want to go some kind of like hyper stall strat or if you just need to stall in general or if you want to run a dodge comp like man in arms and bolster spam then she is a key component of that the final strength worth mentioning is that she is not as trinket dependent as other heroes are where like grave robber needs raider salesman or letter opener to really maximize what she's doing pd needs vial to maximize what she's doing an aquarian appreciates trinkets she does have some good ones out there for her but the other strength or the part of the strength i should talk about is that she doesn't need two usually to do her best so there are quite a few instances in the game where she can bring an extra trinket something like recovery charm or a virtue trinket if you're trying to virtue farming endless and stuff like that and she can hold other characters stuff if they're generic trinkets and then pass them around so they can use them as needed so if you learn to maximize your trinket swapping stuff like that and aquarium gets even more better and fills her role as a support very well weaknesses of the antiquarian there are two big ones that i don't think we can get around but they're pretty obvious the first is that she is a low offense character her moves that do damage are only two so the rest of her moves are support or niche abilities and they don't do great damage like nervous stab doesn't do much on hit especially late game compared to festering vapors and then festering vapors isn't that strong starting out and later on it only does like four tick which is okay but it does have omni reach so that means it can hit anything which is pretty nice so if you're looking for offense she can't really contribute that much but she can contribute in other ways indirectly to offense which is pretty cool and then later on when she can use festering vapors for four points of damage that's pretty good for cleaning up kills or setting up stalling and stuff like that so there is a little bit of nuance to it and some experiences required but it's like her offense isn't great but it's not to say that she can't at least chip in with some damage as needed the other reason the low offense is a negative is because even though she can chip in with damage there are some fights and specifically boss fights where it is better to bring as much offensive power as you can and rush the boss down and she does not help with that so if you're not looking for dragging the fight out to stall a little bit or using blight synergy to set stuff up then her offense isn't usually desirable second weakness of the antiquarian is she is just a very frail character she depends heavily on her ability to dodge or have people protect her either via guards like houndmaster and man in arms or using protect me on someone like highwayman or flatulence so if she's getting hit directly consistently she's going to be hurt and she's going to take some punishment and need some help in surviving so usually you want to run her with guards just to make it easier to take care of her how to play an aquarian so what are you looking for when you play an aquarian so you drop her in your team you have your other three heroes what is she supposed to be doing it's a pretty easy list to remember so the first is she should be supporting with her support abilities so either flash powder or dodge vapors or the spot heals they're not strong but they are pretty good if someone's getting repeatedly focused especially via protect me and if you trick it her up at max level without other stuff just like candle of life for instance her heel can heal for five points and that's actually okay because a lot of end game damage over time effects cap out at four there are a couple that do like ten or six or sometimes seven but those are fringe cases which means if she's able to heal for five that actually gets you not only off death store it gets you out of range of adoptic killing you so that's actually very relevant so as long as you're giving her some kind of bonus healing she can contribute a little bit she's not a main healer but she's definitely a support healer the next way she helps your team when you're playing her is you should be considering some kind of dodge strat dodge is not required but if you have two antiquarians dodge gets really powerful if you spam it if you have amanda arms for bolster and tactics dodge gets really good there are some characters like houndmaster they get dodge off guarding or grave robber with lucky talisman there's a lot of synergy out there for dodge if you look for it so you can gear up your characters for dodge and between an aquarium like one or two other skills and some trinkets you can reliably get your heroes to 50 or 60 dodge which will get you out of the way like about half of the time from most attacks in the game and that's pretty crazy so if you start thinking about it like i only get hit once out of every two times on each character that's nice and it makes a lot of strategies work that may not work otherwise or you're not as reliant on consistent healing output from some like festival because people just aren't getting hit as often another way to play an aquarium which is a very fun one to do is to use her for riposte setup so since protect me forces the character to guard her that means that characters that normally don't have access to guard like highwayman can use duelist advance to set up her post and then an aquarium can put down protect me on top of that to make sure that other attacks are getting forced into highwayman while also giving him some extra defense for when he gets hit but also giving you more post value you can even run this with man in arms so man in arms can do stuff like alternate his buffs and use riposte and he's not forced to use guarding in between there to make sure he's getting more post value it's pretty nice because action economy is a big deal and being able to take turns away from man in arms so we can do other stuff is very beneficial for him a nice thing to do with antiquarian especially in endless harvest is to use resupply so antiquarian not only generates a ton of money in your party she also saves you money in a lot of ways so being able to resupply for extra provisions when you're doing missions even though it is pretty random most provisions do find use in a dungeon or in endless and her being able to constantly resupply can actually help you go a lot farther or make sure you can get extra carryo that you normally wouldn't have been able to another benefit of her camping is trinket scrounge and the percentages for trinket scrounge are pretty interesting even the very rare trinkets are four percent chance to appear so that's one in 25 and the blue trinkets which are the hardest to find in the game just by like how often they show up in loot pools what missions you have to do and then how many of them there are blue trinkets are actually the rarest and the hardest to get so she has a 8 chance to get you blue trinkets and that's pretty nice and even at the worst case scenario of trinket scrounge just hitting garbage in terms of trinkets it's still 750 gold minimum and it's only two points so like would you take a camp skill that gives you 750 gold that's pretty good especially because she's already saving you inventory space by stacking your gold tire even though she does find the antiques but sometimes you can just high roll and find some really good trinkets through trinket scrounge so definitely don't sleep on that move i talked about her offense not being the best but she can still snipe things with festering vapors since it has so much range so being able to just target things with blight even in rank 4 or wear down front liners or have this good but low like per tick blight to help stall a little bit more on top of her ability to mitigate dodge and accuracy means that she can snipe things with blight and help your team stall a bit better and that's pretty nice and very welcome especially for someone that can't heal as effectively per heal the final thing of note on how to play an aquarian is that she is a very good candidate for helping with trinket swaps i mentioned trinket swapping earlier it's kind of an advanced strat it takes some planning but once you plan around it she can get you a lot of value by letting characters bring basically third trinkets that they need every now and then like recovery charm or other just neutral trinkets that are very good you can just drop on people and that's pretty nice the fact that she can bring extra trinkets that she doesn't need all the time and pass them around to get you things like virtue farming or extra healing ability and stuff like that is really nice so if you're actually looking for this synergy and you plan around it it's going to get you a lot of value even though it may not be something you're used to doing but it is a good thing to get in the habit of doing it's time to talk about the antiquarian skills right now they're pretty interesting they're rather diverse in terms of a skill set they do a bunch of different stuff so i'm going to start with nervous stab this is not great as a melee just because her base damage is so low the accuracy is pretty bad too but it has a massive crit modifier and the nice part is it can reach up to rank 3 from anywhere so it's not bad in a pinch but it's usually not one you're focusing on especially in late game festering vapors this one's pretty nice though so we have pretty solid i shouldn't say solid this is really good base accuracy at 115. it also lowers their blade resist to help chain it or if you have other blight synergy going on and then 12 points on blade within like a one or two point on hit isn't that bad and then a positive crit modifier plus this can be used from anywhere to hit everything that is the best part about this other blight attacks have like certain range restrictions or they can't be used up front for instance but festering vapors can hit anything from anywhere and that alone makes it actually a very good move especially in late game this is usually your go-to damage move if you're not gonna run nervous staff for some other reason get down is interesting like the stats on paper are good you go back to you get a ton of dodge you get a ton of speed you get extra blight chance but this is more of a panic button than like i'm building around this skill because if you want to go for speed and dodge there are trinkets for that if you want to go for blight skill chance they're trinkets for that so this doesn't really fill either of those purposes its primary purpose is just to be a movement skill so if you're against a boss or something that you know is going to move you out of position or if you just don't have a good idea for a fourth move then put it on because sometimes you can get surprised at full light or you get pulled out of position and this is nice to help you fix it especially because it goes two spaces there are not a lot of moves that can go back more than one space in this game there aren't that many moves that go back in general but the moves that go back to that you can use as a character are i think get down shadow fade and then finale technically that goes back three otherwise you don't really have other options so this is a really nice move to help you go backwards because there aren't a lot of things that do it normally flash powder is a great move you may not think it's that good at first especially because dodge vapors exist but the amount of accuracy this takes off is always going to be higher than dodge vapors so that alone makes it pretty good you can use it from anywhere to hit everything where i believe yeah you can only use dodge vapors in the back so this is a really good move especially up front and since it's got a very high accuracy penalty tied to it it's really good to help you stall like i was saying before so if you want to spend a couple turns healing up and aquarium helps you do that and this thing absolutely decimates enemies that are you know like single target enemies that greatly depend on having to hit the team like hit you to function so maybe not the enemy supports but hitting those size two enemies like the big worms and the warrens or ghouls or bone commanders or giants like this is just good against all of those so if you really need to bully a specific target this is fantastic at helping you do that and i would say flash powder is probably one of her top two or three moves just because of that like she has some good moves all around but flash powder like the more you play with it the more you're gonna realize how valuable it is and sometimes it's just all you want to do in a fight if you don't have to heal or do anything else plus the ability to bypass stealth is never bad especially on someone as fast as an aquarian because she is one of the only characters that has a pretty solid chance especially with her bass trinkets of tying like speed tying with pink fish or going before them sometimes and anything that is not pink fish she's going to be fast enough to go before them and take them out of stealth which makes flash powder even better fortifying vapors is interesting because you can use it preemptively to buff up your resist and then you know chip in some healing she's not a primary healing class this is just here as a support heal kind of like crusader in a lot of ways but it's good enough to get people off death's door and sometimes get them past a plate tick or a bleed tick in you know the same case and that's good enough especially with trinkets so this is it would be nicer if you could use it in ranks one and two i don't know why you can't because vessels should be the only character that's locked into ranked position healing everyone else since they're not as strong in terms of healing output as vestal they should be able to use it anywhere so i wish you could use it up front because i would just make front and aquarium even better but this is it's good enough so if you're running backline in aquarium there's no reason not to use this and you should probably be trinketing it up so it's getting the maximum value out of its very small heal amount invigorating vapors is not that good early and its best rank is actually rank 4 because at rank 4 it's a nine point dodge buff which is good and then at rank five it only goes up one point to ten and it costs you like the most money so there are many cases where you wanna leave this at four just to save money because one point isn't enough to write home about especially with the amount of money it's gonna cost if you're leaning into a dodge strategy this is the go-to move because it affects the entire party it's not just her it says buff target but it should say buff party it buffs the entire party for 10 dodge which is pretty nice and if you stack it on on top of other things like bolster or tactics or hound masters guard for instance those are all dodge moves then it gets even better jester was solo that gives them a big dodge bonus which is what makes davina comedia so good if you run it within well you have to run it with an aquarium but it makes antiquarians roll on that team even better so if you're going for a full dodge type of team this gets really good and it's not good until late game it's not that good early because the mount is so small but by the time you get to late game you have a lot of trinkets and quirks locked in and stuff like that this gets a lot better protect me is a very cool skill you'll probably be running it on every antiquarian build it's good in a pinch as a oh crap button but its best purpose is to enable repost users like highwayman or manandarms because this way mana arms gets to free up an extra turn by not having to guard and dismiss or i should say higher man can just a duel advance and then you're focusing more attacks into him so he gets more swings that's just good all around plus it gives you a nice defensive bonus on top and the mark part of it is kind of a double-edged sword because there are some enemies that get mark's energy and punching highwayman with mark synergy is kind of scary but punching man in arms with mark's energy isn't as bad but it's another way to draw fire so this is a very cool move and it opens up a lot of stuff and it's not even just for post value you can hit flagellant with this to focus fire him even more i showed this off in my flashlight guide so go check that out if you haven't but you can focus more attacks into flagellance so he can get his health lower more consistently and be able to use his low health moves very awesome time to talk about these camp skills so the first one is curious incantation one point for minus fifty percent stress that is huge if you run teams that have a couple three-point skills for instance or even just one three-point camp skill that you're running usually you float a point so having a one-point camp skill at any point is really nice because you will find times to hit this there will be times you spend 11 points or 13 if you have the bonfire and you go i have one point left i'm gonna hit this it's great it's really good value per point strange powders do you like withstand on leper i do do you like resisting every stupid thing that happens in the game great now for two points you can give everyone an extra or one person i should say an extra twenty percent chance to resist everything that is not stunned or death blow that is pretty freaking good again her camp skills are cheap enough in terms of their point value to where it's very easy to weave these in and they're pretty high value every time you hit one of them and we haven't even gotten to the good ones yet these like the first two are good the next two are even better so as i alluded to before you have a four percent chance of getting an orange trinket from scrounge which is already pretty good you have an eight percent chance of getting a blue trinket very awesome that's almost a one in ten you have a 20 chance of getting a green trinket really good value especially at lower levels like you have to think about it that way if you take a level zero or level one anti to a mission and you can't you can like power creep your own game if you get lucky and snag some good trinkets early you know like if i could get a focus ring at level one i'd be down give it to me so you have 20 chance of green i think 20 was a 28 chance for a regular common trinket and then you have a 40 chance of a very common which they don't differentiate in the game what's very common and common but they do sell for different amounts so you have about a 70 percent chance of getting the white trinkets they have a 20 chance of getting green and then the rest is for uh blue or orange still pretty nice you can't snipe any other trinkets that i'm aware of outside of that but it's still good value even if you don't get a good trinket this is minimum two points to get 750 gold like that's the low end if you don't want the white trinket or green trinket you get that's even more money so this is just money in a different way pretty nice and at low level when trinkets are scarce this is just value this skill is very good and another reason to take an aquarium especially if you're camping resupply one point to get a random supply item i believe this is three uses per cap so you just hit it a few times and it's random sometimes you get you know holy water sometimes you get a shovel what have you sometimes i think you got a torch and stuff it's all helpful in some way especially if you are in a dungeon that's randomly just draining more resources than normal or if it has more curio than you're used to then this gets even better this skill is probably at its best in endless harvest it's probably the best reason to take antiquarian and that's because if you are going deep into endless harvest supplies start to become scarce but the ability to bring out three extra supplies every time you camp is pretty nice especially in that situation so don't sleep on this move and then there's the final point that it again saves you money this is just money generation in a different form and aquarians all about money and it's no surprise that two of her camp skills give you more money an aquarium has some interesting trinkets so let's talk about those bag of marbles 10 dodge actually really good for a common trinket if you have nothing better slap it on helps in the dodge spam especially if you don't have a protect me target carapace idol again not quite as good as the dodge marbles potentially it's also green but it's still welcome to have some kind of defense but at this point you probably have teams you're consistently running or other good trinkets and you have good protect me targets so this isn't as good as it is compared to the marbles but still not bad but if you're using protect me consistently then you probably won't need this except against cleaves but usually it's better to dodge cleaves than get hit by them blood course medallion i like on paper but honestly not that good in practice this might be your weakest trinket it's up there but the healing received at green you're probably gonna find recovery charms soon and that's in blue or maybe you scrounge it i don't know but this the penalty i shouldn't say the penalty the downside of this trinket is that you can't give it to someone else i would rather give someone else 33 healing received and then heal them on top of it then give it to antiquarian fleet florin okay now we're getting into the super good trinkets for an aquarium this was four speed and this used to be only four speed it got buffed so being at four speed alone already fantastic and aquarium low speed this gives her more speed then the debuff chance on top of it to help stick flash powder awesome this helps her go first and then stick flash powder at the start of the round and disable threats very consistently sign me up candle of life another trinket that i believe got a buff i think it used to just be the 50 healing and then they gave the 15 max hp on top of it so before i was saying the carapace idle not that great because you know it's protection you're probably having someone guard for her and stuff like that but this is 15 hp which is nice and it's rolled into extra healing that is good this brings her healing from three to i believe five at max level and that turns her into a decent healer so if you get candle of life put it on this and the fleet flooring together covers a lot of bases very helpful so definitely be looking for this if you're going to be running an aquarium consistently her crimson quartz set is interesting because the stats on them are very high just across the board and it gives her a very huge power boost if you get the entire set the 2-3 by itself isn't amazing like 50 bonus damage you see that you go wow that's a lot but you have to remember her damage stat isn't that high and if you're boosting the festering vapors on hit by like one point who cares the crit is very relevant being able to stick crit anything so crit nervous dab or crits festering vapers for instance gives it extra duration extra chance to apply that's always welcome so the crit is more relevant than damage but the whole set together is really good so we're saying before that speed and dodge are welcome on her she has four and ten for the entire set that's already fantastic that's two of her other trinkets rolled into a set bonus and i like that a lot masters essence so here's the other half of the trinkets that she has which is why her set's so nice it just consolidates everything that she has into two trinkets except for the carapace idol and the blood course medallion otherwise she gets everything else except for i believe also bonus hp but who cares at that point you have 50 bonus healing extra blight chance massive debuff chance on flash powder making it even better so her set's one of the best and i do think the essence is better than the two of three but they're both pretty good well maybe not the two or three by itself but to set together fantastic masters essence by itself also fantastic smoking skull is a very cool trinket at first glance you may not like it but it gives her 35 dodge her base dodge is 30 so this gets her up to uh 65 baseline which is about 50 chance to be hit by almost anything at champion or less than 50 that's a lot so that's really awesome to have and the condition of shard dust is interesting because you're not going to use shard dust often if you do bring it because it's very situational so it's going to be sticking in your inventory like the entire time but also the same time shard dust being that way means you're not gonna take it all the time so smoking skull gets less attractive at that point but overall it's still pretty nice and i think it's a fairly cheap trinket if you have all of this dodge you're not worried about your blade resist because who's hitting you at that point and then as i was saying before the minus 15 accuracy isn't as big of a deal because things like flash power have high base accuracy and then the rest of our kit i believe festering vapors has 115 also so you're down to base 100 not the end of the world and then the support skills don't need accuracy because they're support skills just a very good trinket overall and in general and aquarium just has good trainings they're all pretty nice with like minimal downsides or risk quirks are interesting for an aquarian because she's not as cut and dry as other characters where you just get hippocratic on vestal or speed on grave robber crit or something like that an aquarian can trade some of her quirks not only for her own benefit but also the team so the first ones we're going to talk about are anything that gives speed or potentially dodger pretty nice so quick reflex is luminous always amazing quick draw on guard fantastic hippocratic another one so to give her some extra healing boost is pretty nice and then finally ones we're talking about are anything that help in areas so region specific scouting quarks like scrounger or explorer those are pretty nice to put on her so if you go to some region quite often like the cove for instance i don't know but if you're going there quite often you can get a cove scrounger on her and that's pretty nice so her ability to trade one of her trinkets or not trinket slots her quark slots i'm in trinket mode sorry but being able to trade one of her quark slots for something that is really beneficial to the team that you normally don't lock in they're just nice to have is pretty interesting so if you find yourself with an extra slot and extra cash because she's going to be giving you a lot of extra money then consider locking something like that quirks that give defensive value are things i usually talk about but they're not as critical to someone like an aquarian because she can actually force other people to guard her and then she also dodges a lot so you don't really need things like tough and hard skinned as much as you normally would but you know if they land on her like they're not the end of the world but they're probably still not worth locking in the first team i'm gonna show off here is a pretty standard type of an aquarium team if you want to safely farm with her and your teams the key is to just bring a solid healer and a lot of damage output and this way she can really just do her job and not have to worry about getting beat up because there's a lot of protection and high damage and health and stuff like that so this is just the goal is to use protect me on highwayman and between him and whoever else is in the team they will kill everything and keep you alive so for an aquarian if you are low level nervous stab is better than vapors or i should say festering vapors but if you're higher level than festering is very good as a move then we have flash powder this is to bully certain enemies that are big threats or if you want to stall and heal up excellent skill for that we have the heal because chipping in on healing is great and then we have the protect me and you know i said the protect me but we have protect me and that is to just force people to hit highwayman and hopefully get themselves sudoku upon his knife for trinkets we're going to examine a lower level setup so fleet flooring is just amazing four speed helps an aquarium get established then we have 20 debuff chance which helps flash powder stick and that's awesome then your second trinket can be anything that's utility i put seer stone here just as an example even though it does lower her speed by a point the net benefit of plus three is pretty good from the flooring and extra scouting chance is very helpful not just for preventing ambushes but also to find secret rooms to get yourself more money next up is highwayman so he is the star of our damage dealing here and we have duels advance this is part of the protect me combo so turn one protect me and then duels advance you probably duel us into rank 3 set up her post and then just watch as i'm a man shreds everything he probably gets hit two times you want to get hit at least twice i should say targeted twice on the first turn so that's just a lot of return damage very awesome we have point blank shot in case we end up in rank one it's probably not gonna happen but it's there uh this really helps with surprises so it helps you get back into rank two so you can do stuff like dual semants then we have pistol shot which is for cleaning up rank four this will help whoever else is on the team in doing so very awesome to have then we have wicked slice if you're going to somewhere they can't bleed easily like the ruins or the cove but you can take open vein honestly to those areas too just for the speed debuff but wicked slice does have a lot more on top damage and that makes it a bit more desirable so if you're going to the warrens or the wheeled or courtyard for instance i would probably run open vane i would still probably run it in the cove to be fair the only time i would take this off is probably ruins and i know some people don't like that but i think the damage change isn't as high and impactful as you would think and as long as they can bleed then the damage over time is very nice and it has higher base accuracy all that type of good stuff trinkets for highwayman again we're gonna look at another low-level setup so anything that gives you a little bit of speed or damage is welcome especially accuracy hybrid man does like accuracy quite a bit so i just have a speed stone on here very generic and then we have a sun ring which is more accuracy and damage in high torch if this was max level obviously i would be running something like the crimson quartz set or crystalline gunpowder yes i am starting vessel in rank 2. you're probably wondering like why i'm doing that and the first reason i'll tell you is that because rank or not rank but turn one vestal is most likely stunning something so you have dazzling light which means her being in rank 2 just doesn't matter at all and then the other reason is you're using duelist advance on turn one which is so high roman can get set up and this way you don't go straight into rank one and instead you go to rank two which gives you options of shooting stuff with pistol shot or using one of your cool melee abilities so that's why vessels in rank 2 but no surprise here we have dazzling light we have judgment both just great moves we have single heal we have group heal no reason to run anything else in this type of situation we're running a low level build so for trinkets we're going to have the survival guide this gives us a bit of scouting trap disarm always welcome stuff especially at lower levels and then we have chariots charm because any gain of healing is very welcome on vessel especially at lower levels and we have the option of junior's head as well if we happen to find it which is pretty easy to find arguably easier to find the charions as well but at that point stress may be a little dangerous early on because you don't have as much optimization so definitely be aware of that this last character can honestly be whoever you want i ran crusader here just fine you can run bounty hunter you can run literally anyone up here and it's just fine so i have helium for this example and to start with our skills iron swan pretty mandatory like this is just such a good move and we can hit rank four this pairs up with pistol shot judgment festering vapors to get rid of rank four which is very nice we have yap to protect us so it's a double stun really awesome never a bad thing to have we have if it bleeds this is specifically for the reach and this is a move i run in ruins like the ruined zone i should say and i've had people ask they say why do you have this if they can't bleed the first part of it that i'll say is that helene doesn't lose too much damage by or considering how high her base damage is so the -35 is kind of noticeable but not that bad especially later on when helene gets more access to damage trinkets and crit and stuff like that but this is specifically for the reach and rank 3 specifically is such a squishy spot in something like ruins that i don't mind hitting a bone courtier for like 7 to 12 at low level because it's still enough to usually get rid of it especially on top of some other form of damage and dazzling light chipping in on stuns it's just good the reach is nice to have and if you don't want to run if it bleeds ask yourself what else you're going to run instead because your other options are potentially wicked hack and you lose rank 3 damage or one of the other two and they're a bit sub-optimal considering the nature of the team your last choice of move comes down between bleed out and wicked hack if you're not in the ruins then you're running bleed out if you are in the ruins and it's wicked hack there is a case to run wicket hack instead of bleed out but those are some you know fringe scenarios like movement otherwise i think bleed out is just a very strong move in general so don't be fooled by the minus 20 damage mod after you use this one time it's still a very powerful move and it's got plus 20 on top of it so that means that if you use it once you're still positive 20 damage you use it a second time you're neutral and that's like the whatever you're hitting with bleed out is probably dead or dying at that point and that's fine you don't need to press this more than two times in most cases unless it's a boss and then you hit it a third time then you're negative 20 damage but it's not that big a deal it's the speed modifier that's actually a bigger point of contention and i will argue that since bleed out has this massive crit modifier and the bleed damage on top of it hellions crit or yeah off is she gives herself 33 damage against bleeding targets which means the damage output from bleed out spam is absolutely monstrous it doesn't really need much setup besides accuracy and this will just absolutely blow things up and i need to stop saying absolutely but that's just to try and convince you of how strong this move is again with the trinkets we're going with low level setups so we have damage stone which is a power creep against warrior bracer which i need to talk about when i make another sins video but that's in the future otherwise just anything that gives you damage or bleed chance is pretty nice and the warriors cap because helium does like to have a bit more extra accuracy once you get to higher levels this will be something like heaven's hairpin or hell's hairpin if you're playing torchless or crimson quartz set thirsting blade like there's so many good contenders for helen trinkets just overall that add to damage that's like you will be picking some form of like this stuff so just be aware i'm sure you know you probably played helen you probably know what buttons to hit what trinkets to drop this type of team is very straightforward with an aquarium i feel like i say straightforward a lot when i talk about teams but what i mean is the game plan is pretty close to solitaire you use protect me on your reposed character you use your post skill on turn one and then you just drop stuns and stuff like that so for this example team you know i have like crusader in the background for this footage is you like i said protect me duels advance dazzling light that's your opener probably dual surveillance into rank 3 just to get the damage because that's usually a support unit and then if you have crusader then it's stunning blow up front if you have helene then it's iron swan into the back and then there's other characters like shield breaker you can use instead there are a lot of options here but just know that the goal is to slow down and disable and then get rid of the backline enemies just because stress is much harder to deal with so getting rid of those is a lot easier and it makes things safer and then you have all this awesome damage potential from dismiss aka higher man to throw up to the front units the other reason to focus the back line as well is since you are using protect me which is a marking guard skill that means that duelist advance will put highwayman up to the front or into rank 2 i should say and he's up there with a mark and a guard so there are going to be a lot of hits that go into him so that means he gets a lot of counter attacks especially the front lane units so it is not uncommon to see highwayman get two or three ripostes sometimes even four on the first turn of the battle and that's a lot of damage sent back into the enemies even though the accuracy isn't that high as long as two of these hit he's putting out a lot of damage each turn and so focusing the back line becomes a lot easier because he's still able to kill the front line enemies while you focus the backline ones just because of the value of her post other than that keep stunning use festering vapors or nervous stab to help chip out on damage and then throw heals where people need them this is a really safe archetype of team to be playing and as long as you have some kind of protect me target for an aquarium and efficient healing output it's gonna be pretty hard to lose anyone especially with someone as squishy as an aquarium this next team i'm pretty excited to talk about this is thick's farmstead team he took this to over 10 000 kills which is currently i believe the highest recorded amount of kills in farmstead so very awesome if you want to see this team in action doing that it's on his channel i'll link that down below of course and if you're planning to take this to farmstead there's a lot more that goes into it especially like trinket selection stuff like that but that's for another day if you are trying to run this as a regular just dungeon type of team it works just fine and we're going to go through that type of play style starting with an aquarian our skills are festering vapors this is just reach kill securing damage works against prod stuff like that we have flash powder this move is incredible it bullies single target enemies lets you heal off them stuff like that we have fortifying vapors because you know antis in the back we need the heels and you don't want a cultist as your solo healer so having someone else that can chip in and get people off death's door while you wait for him to roll over four is very welcome and then finally we have the protect me i did a take of this before and i messed up and i said the protect me i'm just going to keep it screw it with protect me it's really good to put on specifically man arms so you can get repost up and then force people into hitting him so you get you know all that repost value this team can be modified to be a dodge team with invigorating vapers it's a lot slower in that circumstance so it's probably better to run it as something like this and that's where flash powder gets interesting because having a dodge team with like double antiquarian and bolster and using shard dust to refresh bolster and use that over and over that is good for certain fights there's nothing wrong with it and then you have tactics to help it out even further but flash powder and stuns is often enough to get you enough dodge value where you don't need invigorating vapors it's just too slow for trinkets we're gonna start the master's essence you get all this awesome healing chance or not healing chance healing skills boost blight chance debuff chance everything and aspiring and aquarium needs in her life and then if you don't want to run the full set you can run the map the map is probably recommended just because it's guaranteed 50 scouting for your entire party and that's very welcome so having this can make sure that anti fulfills her job as a support role next is man at arms who could actually be ran in rank two so you can swap these two if you want you can also open with rampart if you want to as well and if you're gonna run crush you probably need to start them in rank two if not then you can run something else but this is i guess if we're doing it like this then we probably run this so the whole thing here is to have the retribution with anti-using protect me that's a lot of good damage return fire there and then we have bellow which is a move that's been growing on me quite a bit and this lets the team fix one of its core issues which is it isn't generally a fast team and it doesn't have something like battle ballad to supercharge it so instead of that you have bellow which means the entire enemy team goes after you so that fixes the speed issue and also it fixes the accuracy issue and then if you decide to do some marking with occultist to set a pound master and i guess the other characters too because of the crit chance being applied to everyone then it helps in that regard as well no surprise that defender rounds out the cast this move is just good doesn't matter if you're level zero or if you're level six defender is probably an auto include in 99 of man in arm's builds for trinkets we're going to start with the camouflage cloak 15 dodge high torch those are places we want to be and the stun chance or the storm resist i should say does kind of suck but surprisingly mirror shield offsets it but you don't have to run both dodge trinkets if you don't want to you can run one of these i know mere shield isn't a high priority purchase for everyone but this is one of the trinkets that took into the 10 000 kills farmstead thing so i think that even if this isn't one of my favorite trinkets to run i think it's a little conflicting with itself stats wise if someone can get 10 000 kills in farmstead with it i think we need to re-examine that type of analysis assertion i'm not sure the correct word here but we definitely need to rethink the value of mirror shield so mirror shield enthusiast rejoice it is here and you don't have to run both of these but like i said it is nice to have stun resist instead of not having it for skills we're going to start with hounds rush no surprise it's reach it's damage it's consistent and has mark's energy best attack move for this character the rest of the moves are pretty flexible depending on what you need you can run hounds harry it does pretty well with bellow in terms of just cleaving down enemies the reduced speed and reduced dodge and stuff like that and then the increased crit against crit target or i should say mark targets if you decide to run mark is pretty helpful otherwise like i said you can swap any of these around if you put houndmaster in two i do recommend blackjack just a very good move starting rank 3 is never a bad thing i also like the guard just because the more guard the better sometimes people need to be guarded and sometimes you don't always have the right turn available and this helps quite a bit with that but when i was watching thick play this outside of farmstead he was swapping between the mark and cry havoc and stuff as needed because sometimes you go through a few fights you take some damage and then you go into the next fight you have like you know full hp so you don't need to hp heal you're not too worried then you just swap out the guard or the hound's hair or something like that then you just hit cry havoc a couple times after perhaps ramparting past houndmaster to put him back into the spot in the party that he can use cry havoc from for trinkets having some extra dodge does help as you see our houndmaster is at base 45 and this will actually go to 50 with the candle activated that's before any other buffs that's pretty nice a champion because most accuracies are around 107 or i believe 112. so you're sitting at about 50 or should say 45 to 55 percent chance to dodge at that point and that's pretty good i like that quite a bit and the coat like i said just raw dodge value and then we have the candle which gives houndmaster some speed which the team does like to have some extra speed gives them some damage and then if you combine this with bellow you don't really have to worry about the accuracy because they have lower dodge and then houndmaster can really carry the damage load for this team because that's pretty much his primary job he is a stress healer for this team and man in arms can do some repost magic and even occultists with sackstab can do some cool stuff but primarily houndmaster is your damage dealer so it's best to set them up to be that occultist is pretty interesting in this team normally he's more of a stunbot type of character especially with cauldron but for a team like this he can actually dish out some okay damage and that was pretty cool to see when i was watching thick play and show me actually how to play this team properly because i was still messing up even though i was practicing with it so it was nice to have the gaps filled in there so with occultists we have sac stab once they have like a sacabella on them the accuracy isn't as big of an issue this thing has a massive crit modifier it's gonna crit all the time especially if you're on the cove well not that he gets like bonus crit against eldritch but he gets bonus damage against eldridge so it's gonna help quite a bit in that regard then we have reconstruction because this should just be on every occultist it's good in a pinch it's always good to have this we have the mark to help set up houndmaster and set up the secondary effect of bellow which is the extra crits received and if you can get occultists to consistently go first which shouldn't be too difficult unless you stack a bunch of speed on your houndmaster then instead of opening with stun you can actually open with hex on the toughest thing or the most dangerous enemy on the team to try and burst them down and that's pretty nice finally we have hands from the abyss it's probably the best stun in the game i'm still gonna keep saying it it's incredible and if you're gonna run this type of setup with hands and this team sometimes this team can feel a little bit slow in terms of killing power so make sure you bring a lot of extra torches normally for hands from the abyss you bring like two or three extra torches but i would actually recommend close to as many torches as you can carry at that point if you feel like you're gonna be going too slow so definitely take some finesse to get this team down for trinkets we're running wolver's flag the extra dodge no brainer stun resist fantastic you do not want a cultist to get stunned he provides too much stuff to the team to get slowed down by something like that so it is nice that he can not get stunned as frequently and dodge more consistently the demons cauldron this is exactly why you take frontline occultists this trinket is nuts it gives occultists up to 200 stun chance at level six and if you crit it's 220 and you have very high crit rate at that point so do not skip the opportunity to get this trinket if you like to play a cultist if a cultist is one of your favorite classes use an early boss kill to get the cauldron it is worth it the way to play this team in expeditions is to use a cultist to set up kills for hound master via hex and then using an aquarian to help man in arms set up her post and then you can also open with bellow i like opening with bellow quite a bit as well it really depends on the enemy group you're facing so if you feel like you should bellow then bellow first and use flash powder or if you feel like you can get away with using retribution first then use that and then use protect me either one of those openings is pretty good and then after turn one has gone by you have your mark hound masters tearing into the marked target and then occultists can drop some stuns you can use your other stuff with mana arms like guarding or if you need to refresh retribution or use crush whatever's going on rampart you have a lot of options there and then an aquarian is pretty much using flash powder to get certain targets out of stealth if need be so you can pick them off for instance there are pelagic shaman in the cove and those dudes like to go into stealth and if you can get antiquarian you go first you can flash powder them out of stealth then a cultist can hex them and then houndmaster can hit them and that's a pretty nice bunch of synergy there other than that an aquarium is using festering vapors to help secure kills and then using flash powder to bully very dangerous threats that need to have their accuracy down by 30 percent flash powder again being an incredible move and then if she needs to heal it's there and you can help support a cultist that way take the pressure off him to be a primary healer and that way he can throw out more stuns or sacrificial stabs that is the other thing i forgot to mention do not sleep on sacrificial stab as good as hands from the abyss is as a skill don't fall into the trap that i did where you press it constantly instead press it once or twice you know helps slow the game down and then once you have a target that's left with flash powder getting spammed on it so it's just stuck with you know minus 30 accuracy the whole time you can proceed to spam sacrificial stab and occultists can put out some solid damage at that point when i was doing this team in testing the turns i had the most trouble with were manned arms because he has a couple different good openings depending on the enemy comp and also his turns are just difficult in general because he has so many different things he can be doing for man at arms it's like do i use one of my cool buffs or debuffs like bellow and command do i drop a stun right now with retribution do i go for big damage with crush if i have it on or do i just keep retribution up and i think it's the retribution instead of rampart when i was talking about stunning but you get what i'm saying either way the thing i do know is that in regular hallway and room battles you are not bolstering so don't put it on this final team is pretty fun to run it revolves around flagellant and plague doctor destroying backline units at a very efficient pace and then we have musketeer to help out and aquarian is there up front because i wanted to show something where she is up front a lot of people think that she has to be in the back where she's safest and she is pretty safe in rank 4 but i'm here to tell you that if you put her up front and have someone like flatulent then she can just spam protect me on she's usually pretty safe especially if you have some familiarity with the regions you're going into so starting with the moves we're looking at nervous stab we have nervous stab we have festering vapors because of the crimson cord set and we have two damaged things up here i considered replacing one of the attack moves with fortifying even though she's up front and the reason is sometimes you fight something like giants in the wheeled which can scramble your team or you fight uka crabs they can title slam her into the back if for some reason protect me falls off or you just don't put it up or something like that so it's really just a matter of knowing the region you're going into and then planning accordingly but you don't really have to take fortifying that's more just like a heads up type of thing and then obviously we have protect me because we need flagellant to take all the hits for us for trinkets i put on the crimson cord set because antiquarian does want speed and some dodge in case some little thing on the enemy side high rolls you is pretty welcome and then obviously an aquarium gets all of the massive upsides from masters essence between the blight skill chance the debuff skill chance and then the extra crit and damage on the two of three which is pretty interesting because if you're on plague doctor like how we're about to propose then there will be ample amounts of light all over the place which makes nervous stab a bit better actually i should say this also applies to festering vapors as well the damage isn't so much the deal like the on hit damage it's nice but it's not amazing it's the eight percent crit that is pretty good that's a lot of crit so if you can just stack this up then you're looking pretty good flagellant running some pretty standard stuff here so we have punish reynosaros these are our attack moves we have exsanguinate to cell fuel and then we have reclaim which is one of the just best moves in the game obviously it's just super amazing awesome for the healing output potential that it has and if we're going to run this consistently and not run musketeer slash arbalest as a mainline healer then we need flesh heart if we are planning to have our blessed or musketeer carry a lot of the healing burden then we don't have to run flesh heart we can actually run something like cruz bell that was thick's idea and i thought it was actually pretty cool i did like that idea quite a bit but overall your trinkets are pretty flexible and the moves themselves too are also flexible when i was watching thick play this after i proposed the idea he was showing me like what he would do with it and i saw a few fights where he would have high values of stress on something like musketeer then he'd swap to endure when you walked into the room well you'd have endure and then suffer so you put both these on and then you suffer once and then start hitting endure a couple times to stress seal the other people i thought that was pretty cool so if you do camp missions where you're allowed to use lashes solace that strategy does have a lot of merit so definitely consider it have to think a bit more and plan ahead but it is worth doing for trinkets if we're gonna do the healer or i should say main healer flash we're gonna run flesh's heart this is so reclaimed doesn't bleed him and soak up plague doctor turns of her having to use battlefield medicine it's just incredibly safe and nice so that is probably our primary option blood charm also works that's the 30 bleed resist trinkets so that's an option too otherwise if you really need to you can slap in something like bleed amulet to get yourself some extra bleed chance and then our final trinkets is just something else that gives us a bit of offense and defense which is ancestor signet ring i think this is quite awesome but again this can be really anything this could be cruz bell if you still want to run that this could be mortar seal this could be bleed amulet there are a lot of options here plague doctor has quite a lot of flexibility on this team when i originally thought of this idea i thought i would put incision and stuff on plague doctor and run a rank 3pd with stun and bleed setup and then when i proposed this to thicke and he started playing he just went straight blight and actually ran this so he had vile and then i don't think he had distillation on the save file but that's what he wanted to run he instead used hags ladle which i think is a very awesome alternative if you need to but it's basically just stacking a bunch of blight chance because there's nothing that's fully blight immune in this game i think the thing that gets the highest is hateful virgo up to like 140 blade resist but i don't think anything gets past that there might be like a 160. regardless if you stack enough blight chance on your trinkets you can punch through it which means it's still probably better to do that than running incision i'm sorry it's all you incision enthusiasts out there but that just seems to be the way it is and that will make sense when we start talking about the skill selection the first skill is noxious blast so if you can't run like a 180 blight chance setup like we have here then incision gets a little more appealing otherwise noxious blast is there not just for the damage which is pretty nice on it it's actually the minus accuracy that's the primary purpose so between flash powder and noxious blasts and you're gonna see suppressing fire we have three different ways to lower accuracy on the enemy team and an aquarium can hit all four ranks with flash powder which means this becomes like an impromptu dodge team with a lot of control our second skill is play grenade this is very critical to the backline destruction combo between reynosaros and this so we want to make sure that our status chances are high enough to where these both stick because they ramp up very quickly next we have blinding gas because this move is just incredibly potent if you start by opening with this alongside reina sorrows and then play grenade the damage over time effects ramp up super quickly and you can actually destroy both backline enemies in no joke two turns it is so consistent how fast you get through a backline with plague doctrine flagellant and that's very nice the final skill is battlefield medicine there's just no brainer to this it's a highly efficient cure skill it's nice to get bleeding blood off people very quickly it hits two people at the same time for the damage over time curing effect it hits plague doctor herself as well as since plague doctor is such a fast character she can usually go before the other characters in order to get the saw them so they don't take extra damage which is very nice if you plan to run this with incision then the only change i would make is instead of distillation we would run bloody herb and then instead of noxious we'd run incision and it becomes more of a damage focused team at that point which is still fine you just have to switch up what are blessed musketeers doing because they're going to be focused a little bit more on healing than normal our final character is musketeer so if you are a new player and you don't know what this character is she is a dlc reskin of arvolest they are the exact same class except for one small difference in one trinket that you will probably not use anyway so don't worry if i'm talking about musketeer i'm just showing her off because a lot of people my discord like musketeer so i'm going to use her for once otherwise if you don't have her just run hard it's the exact same thing and it's the same build so don't even worry about that with musketeers so we're going to run aim shot this is just good damage everyone likes damage and this helps the backline killing aspect of this team and also helps secure those kills just a bit easier because sometimes reynosauros gets resisted or there's a particularly tanky backline enemy like skyver that you have to punch through and this helps you do that you know you can't get rid of them in two rotations of damage over time and that's pretty good we have screen this is helping our impromptu dodge comp even further by spamming flash powder and this a lot of backline enemies just between those two already have minus 35 accuracy and that's a pretty good amount the minus 19 crit on this means that any backline unit outside of like not even blood moon it has to be torchless and blood moon otherwise they cannot quit you and that is freaking nice because there are some backlight enemies like spitting pig in the wards that do like to crit you quite frequently or hook pigs that like to move back into the back ranks of the enemy party again this helps against them quite a bit no surprise we have the bandage it's healing received it's on heal is pretty good and it helps reclaim most of all actually so if we're in a position where someone needs a lot of healing quickly we can hit reclaim that's already 12 healing over time and then we have patch up slash bandage on top of it and at that point it's i think like six i think it's six a tick from how it rounds up it might be seven i'm pretty sure it's six and that turns reclaim into an 18 point heal without creating that is freaking good i like that quite a lot and then our final skill is flare or skeet shot depending on what class you're running if you get scrambled which this team can handle being scrambled it's not ideal but it can do it you have something to do up front and then since musketeer is kind of slow and the rest of the team is incredibly fast she will have the chance of getting rid of stuns and mark because she goes way after everyone and it's just not going to matter for trinkets you're pretty flexible you can run support stuff like ancestors map sear stone or you can run medic screams or you could run damage so in this case we have the fuseman's matchstick this is just a lot of damage and a little bit of extra speed this helps in again securing those backline kills because musketeer can get a little bit of extra damage off suppressing fire if you're running that or she can just do aim shot and hit the more threatening backline target very good especially if there's resist always nice to clean up those kills and then we have the raffle hat slash bandana which gives us even more damage in rank four but this isn't really here for the damage it's mostly here for the debuff skill chance because if we want to run the accuracy hate setup it is nice to have the accuracy debuff actually stick because getting resist is not cool the minus 50 healing skills is very bad don't get me wrong but in this setup which is what i was alluding to before with flesh heart on flagellant you can afford to run this because all you're trying to do is stack the healing receive buff on someone and let reclaim do the work at that point or battlefield medicine if you want to boost that up to four or five so we can actually get away with one of the wrathful trinkets here and that's pretty nice otherwise like i was saying this could be a lot of stuff here this could be the crimson quartz set this could be support stuff this could be one damage trinket and one support trinket this is probably the most flexible class on the team it's also the most easily replaced and it really depends on what flagellates doing to dictate what's forgot what the name was our blessed or musketeer doing at the same time if you want to switch someone out for this team it's probably musketeer and it's probably for houndmaster because he adds just a little bit more damage and then you offer some other utility stuff which is pretty nice when playing this team it's pretty close to solitaire for the first few turns it's most likely always going to be blinding gas on turn one and then reina sorrows and then protect me on flagellant this way your front lines protected the back line is stunned and you're setting up for the second turn and then on i should say also arboles and musketeer are probably using suppressing fire or their sniper shot depending on what the enemy is if you want to get rid of something very quickly or if reynolds sorrows gets resisted then it's sniper shot if you can afford to slow play it then it's suppressing fire because the stun on the first turn really helps to get the second stack rolling because you get the first stack of smoke screen or suppressing fire and they're stunned and then you have a chance to get the second one before they can really do much about it and that's really nice plus it also wears them down a little bit more which helps the dots finish them off turn two it's another round of rain of sorrows and then another i should say the first round of play grenade and at level six with level five skills between them that's already 16 damage over time you have 10 from the bleed and then six from the blade and then if you're considering that they already took five the previous turn from the first hit of reynosaros just the bleed alone not even including the on hit you're already doing about 21 damage by turn two in just damage over time alone and then if you include the on hit stuff and then maybe smoke screen getting one or two damage on top of that or the aim shot you can see how it's very quick to get rid of both backline units no joke by turn two it is very consistent so that is why this synergy is so strong specifically between plague doctor and flagellin an aquarian has to assess what she's doing on turn two if there are things like cult of sprawlers that are vulnerable to mark tactics so you force them to hit flagellant or i should say also fungal scratchers in the wheel those also target mark stuff if you can force mark attacks against the target then use protect me on turn one against flag and then you don't have to worry about re-upping it because the mark is still there it's not so much the guard effect but the other really interesting interaction that anaquarian has is if she's fast enough and you're against something like double gunner bandit which later levels both have stealth or i guess two pink fish sometimes that happens as well having an aquarium use flash powder just to get one of them out of stealth so you can chain the blinding gas and reynosaros by at least having one exposed target is really nice that does happen quite often especially in some of the later versions of the dungeons like the higher level ones because you have things like hook pigs that are stealth you have crohn's that are stealth you have pink fish that are stealth and then you have what's the the final one oh bandits that's right so we have a lot of stealth targets and flash powder with fast and aquarium can snipe those out and let all of your delicious cleave goodness go into effect once the back line's gone you can concentrate on killing the more threatening frontline enemy and then finally just spamming flash powder and maybe noxious blast to lower their accuracy further on whatever frontline unit is left and then use all of your awesome healing skills like bandage and reclaim to help recover all right all that's gonna do for this one thanks for watching and again big super mega girthy thank you to thick veiny sausage who like i said pretty much ghost writ this entire video i just added a couple things here and there and then i provided the voice so super big shout outs to him go check him out if you have not his videos are very entertaining they are some of my favorite in the community as i said before i will be plugging these videos as hard as i can down below if you are interested in my stuff as always i have the description box with patreon discord twitch go join all that stuff support the channel however you see fit come watch the twitch streams i stream four days a week always awesome stuff and for the next guide since we're finally done with this one i believe it is leper that'll be pretty interesting because leper is quite linear as a character there are some things you can do with them but really at the end of the day it's just giving him 20 accuracy and having him press chop so it'll be pretty interesting to explore that character a bit further thanks all of you for watching thanks to thick for helping out and for wanting to be a part of this and i think that's it so i will see y'all later in the next one
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 40,470
Rating: 4.9474216 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut, hidden squidz, bloodmoon, mods, christopherodd, marvin seo, indeimaus, splattercatgaming, northernlion
Id: 8WAMK9p90Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 53sec (4013 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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