NEW IELTS Speaking Questions & Sample Answers

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hi there it's asiya and welcome to the  latest video in which we've selected   the most challenging ielts speaking part  1 questions reported in recent exams and   answer them there is also some useful vocabulary  to help you improve your answers in a pdf guide   with the recent ielts writing and speaking  topics for you to download okay let's get started   okay the very first topic is mirrors and the first  question is how often do you look at yourself   in the mirror i could say i always look at  myself in the mirror before leaving the house   i work in a professional environment and since  i meet new clients every day i need to make sure   that i look immaculate i sometimes carry a  compact mirror in my purse so i can take a   sneak peek at myself before entering the meeting  room some people might think that those who look   at themselves too much are narcissistic but  i like to believe that i'm self-aware instead   okay that was my answer and if you're one of those  people who don't really look at themselves much   just keep the part about the narcissistic people  here is some vocabulary immaculate means perfectly   clean neat and tidy a compact mirror is a small  handheld mirror a sneak peek is a secret look   narcissistic is extremely self-centered  or having too much interest in yourself   and to be self-aware means to know  and understand yourself very well   the next question is would you  use mirrors to decorate your home   absolutely even though i know very little  about interior design i'm pretty sure that   decorating with mirrors has more benefits than  just giving your place to check your outfit   for example a mirror can be used to create the  illusion of space and make any room appear bigger   you can also place a mirror opposite a window to  increase the amount of natural light in the room   mirrors can be easily integrated into all  styles of furniture so i would definitely   give them a chance when decorating okay interior  design is the process of decorating your home   an outfit is a set of clothes that you  wear together next an illusion that's   an appearance or effect that is different  from the way that things really are   and you can talk about natural light  that's the light coming from the sun   and artificial light which comes from electric  lens to integrate means to combine several   things one with another so they become a whole and  to give somebody or something a chance is a great   idiom it means to give someone an opportunity  to do something next where do you put mirrors   well there are so many options when it comes to  placing a mirror in your home the first place most   people might think of a mirror is the bathroom or  next to the wardrobe i believe it's a great idea   to have a big nice mirror mounted somewhere near  your front door then you'll be able to do a last   minute check on your hair before going out i've  also placed a mirror above the fireplace in the   living room to make the room appear more spacious  i've seen people place mirrors on the ceiling   which i think is pretty bizarre to mount is to fix  something to the wall and bizarre is very strange   or unusual in the next topic is headphones the  first question is how often do you use headphones   i pretty much use headphones every day i use them  not only for listening to audio books and music   but to work too we often have conference calls  so i use the ones with the built-in microphone   i also have a pair of noise cancelling headphones  i put on when i want to cut down on the background   noise and focus on my work i sometimes wear  them to survive the long commute to work   here is the vocabulary a conference call is a  work call that involves at least three people   and the built-in microphone is when you have  your earphones with the mic in to cut down   is to use less of something when you are talking  about background noise you mean all the noise   around you which is not coming from one particular  source and a commute is the same journey you take   regularly between work and home next what types  of headphones do you use well i very much covered   this question so let me add a little i just bought  wireless headphones and i absolutely love them   although they are a bit pricey they are worth  every penny they are convenient because i'm   free to move around without having to worry  about the codes and tangled wires they are   also lightweight and comfortable and i couldn't  recommend them enough and here is some vocabulary   means expensive and to be worth every  penny is a great phrase which means that   you don't regret paying a lot for that cord is  the piece of wire that is used to connect your   equipment to the power supply if something is  tangled it's twisted into an untidy mess next   what type of situation would you not use  headphones in well i never use headphones when i'm   driving a car or riding a bike it's also illegal  to drive with headphones or earbuds where i live   the fines and penalties are high so i would rather  not risk it i also never wear headphones when i'm   talking to people i find that to be disrespectful  some vocabulary illegal means not allowed by law   and ear buds are those little things you  put into your ears to listen to your music   a fine is money you have to pay as a punishment  for not obeying a law or a rule and a penalty   is a punishment for doing something against  the law disrespectful means lacking respect   or care the next topic is pets and animals  more generally and the first question is   what is your favorite animal i love elephants  they are one of the most intelligent animals   and they are also known to be very sensitive and  caring elephants can develop deep social bonds if   a baby elephant cries the entire heart will get  together to touch the baby to help it calm down   they're also pretty unique no other animal has  such a long trunk and large floppy ears okay   the vocabulary sensitive means easily upset by  things others say or do a bond is a connection   and a herd is a large group of animals that get  together if something is unique it's one of a kind   and when you're talking about an elephant  you can mention it's trunk the long nose   or it's floppy ears they're floppy because they  are soft and they don't keep a firm position so   they are floppy next have you ever had a pet of  course i love animals it might sound strange but   i have a cat and a dog that get along very well  the cat can sometimes be moody or even mean and   i'm not always fond of her our pudo on the other  hand is always cheerful and everyone loves him   he's like my shadow and i can't  imagine my life without him   okay to get along means to have a  very good relationship if someone is   moody it means that their mood changes  suddenly and they become angry or just upset to be fond means to like someone or something  very much and a poodle is this dog that jumps a   lot and you can sometimes see it in circles next  what is a popular pet to have in your country   i guess most people keep dogs they're fun  loyal and highly sociable companions who   tend to keep us healthy too people who walk  their dogs have a regular exercise routine and   it shows i've noticed that they're  usually more active and in good shape dogs   are also helpful because you can train them  to guard your house or keep your family safe   sociable means friendly and a companion is someone  you spend a lot of time with to be in good shape   means to be fit and ready for something the  next topic is science and the question is   do you like learning about science absolutely  i'm a very curious person and i love that science   challenges us to always ask questions i don't  think we should take everyday phenomena for   granted we should try and question things  around us instead understanding life from   the scientific point of view makes everything much  more sensible and it gives life a deeper meaning   okay to take something for granted is to assume  that something is true without questioning it   phenomena is a plural phenomenon and that's  something that exists and can be seen or   felt especially something unusual and  interesting and sensible means based on good   judgment okay the next question is what  science subjects did you study at school   if my memory cells were right we had lots of  science classes from primary to high school   we learned about plants and animals water weather  electricity magnets and so on in high school   i studied biology physics chemistry  geography and astronomy and they   were all quite demanding classes i always  found astronomy the most intriguing because   i've always been interested  in space and loved stargazing   okay if something is intriguing it means it's very  interesting because it's unusual or mysterious   and stargazer is looking up at the stars as a  hobby the next question is do you think science   classes are important well i guess it depends on  each person's interests and way of life when it   comes to me i believe that science helps us gain  a better understanding of the world around us   it's interesting because the more we know the more  we know we don't know and as a result learning is   a never-ending process and i love being part of  it on the other hand uh some people prefer to   specialize in a certain field such as literature  and or arts which is fine each to their own okay   never ending is a nice adjective which means  that something never ends each to their own or   to each their own is a phrase used to  say that everyone likes different things   these are the latest complex topics reported in  ielts speaking part one but many topics are used   over and over again such as wearing shoes  or jeans writing with a pen or pencil   trees and we've covered all of these topics in  the previous videos you can download the pdf guide   with recent ielts speaking and writing topics on  our telegram channel if you follow the link in the   description and for more i have speaking topics  and sample answers please watch these videos here   thank you so much for watching me today good  luck with your preparation in your exam bye
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking topics 2022, ielts speaking sample answers, ielts speaking questions & sample answers, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 1 questions, ielts speaking tips and tricks
Id: DjRulV_UUjU
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Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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