How to pass the IELTS exam | New tips

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hi there it's asiya and the question for today  is what can you do to give yourself the best   chance of passing your ielts exam the very first  time i took it was about 10 years ago i lived in   kazakhstan and i needed this certificate  to study for my master's degree in london   and i managed to pass a test with less than two  weeks of preparation i completed my master's   today i live in london and my score is 8.5 i  regularly retake the ielts test and i can tell you   it's still quite an intense experience today i'd  like to talk to you about the main challenges   you're likely to face in your exam and the  main strategies you can use to overcome them   i also have a study plan for you  to download okay let's get started   i retake my ielts exam every year and today my  english is so much better than it used to be   10 years ago but you know every time it's such a  challenge i feel all this pressure from the exam   and i feel like i'm running out  of time all the time and i think   it's quite likely you're gonna feel the same so  let's talk about each section and what you can do   in ielts listening time  pressure is a big big challenge   if you listen to the recording without any  pressure it's not that difficult if you look   at the questions they're quite all right it's when  it all comes together that it becomes challenging   so i think in ielts listening a big advantage  is knowing what questions are coming before   the recording begins and in the test they don't  give you enough time to read all the questions   of course at the beginning of each section  you will hear and now please read questions   from number one to number eight and at the  beginning you may be able to do that but   later in the test questions are long options are  long and there is no way you can read all of that   but at the end of each section they give  you 30 seconds to review your answers   so i think you should spend that time on reading  questions that are still coming the truth is   if you missed a question or two the probability  of getting them later is pretty low you'll be   much better off clearly answering questions  which are still coming and you can still come   back to those you missed later in the test if  you read the questions if you try to memorize   all the options then you'll be able to navigate  through your tasks much more efficiently and you   will feel that the pressure goes down because  you know what you're listening about i think   it really really helps and if you're wondering if  you're even allowed to switch to the next section   yes absolutely if you take a paper-based test you  get this brochure you will write your name and   the candidate number and then at some point they  will tell you that you may open it after that   you can turn pages as you wish you don't have to  wait for a certain command to do that if you take   a computer-based test then you will see a set of  questions on the screen and when you want to see   the next set you need to click on the question  for example number 10 and the screen will change   so don't forget to do that because screen will  not change automatically and at the end of the   test you still have time to review your answers  in a computer-based test you have two minutes   you don't need to transfer your answers anywhere  so you have two minutes to check a couple of   answers you missed and try to guess them from the  context in a paper-based exam you have 10 minutes   transferring answers to the answer sheet takes  two three minutes so you have seven minutes to   go through all your questions if you wish  before using this strategy in your exam   you should definitely try using it at home and the  best practice tests are cambridge english they are   really the closest to the real exam questions you  should try to use recent books number 15 and 16   in summer 2022 there will be a new book number  17. there are several free tests and you will get   links to those in my study plan they're helpful  but they're not exactly the same because they're   several years old like more than five years old  and of course there are some tests written by some   other companies or just published on some websites  in the internet the problem is that the level of   difficulty there may be different or there may  be mistakes and questions so the results may   be misleading and i really encourage you to use  the official tests actually these are the books   academic and general training number  16. let's talk about ielts reading   one of the main challenges here is that  there is a lot to read you have three   passages like that 40 questions and 60 minutes  to answer all of them and transfer your answers   if you take a general training test your  passages will be shorter but you have   five of them so you also have a lot to read and i  think if you just try to read the passage and then   answer the questions it will just take you too  much time what you can do is you can concentrate   on the questions in ayat's reading most  questions come in order you can read the question   and then you quickly read the passage until you  feel that the answer is somewhere here then you   slow down you read the question again you read  the sentence again you locate your answer then you   read the second question and you continue reading  the passage and so on in this case you will always   be looking for something you will know exactly  what you're looking for i don't mean that you   should look for a particular keyword the truth is  all keywords incorrect options will be paraphrased   that's the way this test is organized but at  least you will have the idea of what's important   and then you can ignore things which are not  important another challenge of the reading test   is that probably there will be words you  can't understand this section is the most   challenging in terms of vocabulary you need  the widest vocabulary for your reading section   but if you are looking for a particular answer  then some unfamiliar words are relevant you just   move on you know the very first time i took my  test there were a lot of words i didn't know   in the third section it was so hard but i still  managed to get banned eight in that test so my   strategy really worked and you should try to do  that too it will help you to concentrate it will   help you to direct your attention to the right  places and it will help you to avoid this problem   with unfamiliar words one thing when you read  the instructions for the reading section you see   that you're gonna have three sections  and you should spend about 20 minutes   on each section the truth is the first  section is quite a lot easier than the last   so if you spend 20 minutes on the first probably  you're not gonna have enough time for the last   so you should go through your test more quickly  try to finish the first section in about   15 minutes 20 for the second 25 for the third or  if your english skills are good try to go through   your questions even more quickly and if you  complicate an answer move on to the next question   and then you will return to those at the end of  your test in my test there are always questions   i can't answer straight away probably three or  sometimes even five and i i return to them at   the end it really works much better because at  least you answer 35 questions already and then   yes maybe you answer the remaining five maybe  not in any case you're gonna get a great score   let me quickly mention which questions actually  come in order so most of them true false not given   yes no not given questions missing information  or filling the gap multiple choice questions   notes diagrams all those questions  are in order but matching information   questions are not in order for example matching  headings here you should read one paragraph   then match it to the heading read the second  paragraph match it and so on in this case   you don't have one question but at least  you have one paragraph to concentrate on   and you'll be able to work with the task more  quickly this way and at the very end of your test   you may get several questions which are not in  order because these are the hardest questions   of your test most of them are in order ielts  writing i think this is the main challenge of   the ielts exam but many people don't know about it  i remember when i was preparing for my first exam   i knew i couldn't answer all the questions in  ielts reading i knew that ielts listening was a   challenge i knew i couldn't speak fluently but  i was writing well i i could write something   like whatever and i got my lowest score  in ielts writing just like most people do   the thing is there is a big mismatch between  what ies candidates think they may need   and what ielts examiners know they need i as  candidates often think that the problem means   that they don't know enough about those topics but  ielts examiners don't say oh he didn't know much   here is a low score no they say well ideas  were there but they were not developed the   position was not clear ideas were not linked  together and in task 1 there was no overview   requirements are much more precise the truth is in  ielts writing you're marked on your english skills   and also on your writing skills fifty percent of  your score depends on your vocabulary and grammar   or your english skills so you need  complexity and accuracy for a high score but   50 of the score depends on how well you write  your answers do you fulfill all the requirements   do you link ideas do you develop ideas is your  essay logically organized and easy to follow   you can learn how to fulfill all these  requirements pretty quickly and i think you should   really spend some time on preparing for ielts  writing you know i've spent several years looking   for the best strategies to pass the ielts exam and  over the years i've created a number of courses   eighty percent of information there is about ielts  writing that's because step by step preparation   really helps them i'll link my courses  in the description but with the course or   without a course here is what you should do first  of all you should learn what the requirements   are and how to fulfill them then you need  to write more quickly so you should learn   what you write about in each  paragraph of your task 1 and task 2.   then you should learn what types of  tasks you may get in task 1 and task 2.   then when you see the task you know exactly  what to do straight away it saves time   you should read some well-written answers to  know what you're aiming for and then you should   practice practice practice and really spend  enough time preparing for ielts writing let's   talk about ayat speaking this is a face-to-face  interview with an examiner or is it is it actually   an interview i've taken it a number of times and  it's not like any other interview where you expect   that you will get a question you have time to  answer it and then the next question and so on no   in ielts speaking you sit there constantly  bombarded by questions and quite often you   hear the next question before you finished your  answer the examiner may interrupt you any moment   and this is normal it doesn't really mean that  your answer was incorrect it just means that they   need to move on to the next question after all  in ielts speaking it's the examiner who manages   the time so each part may not last more than  like five minutes in parts one and three so two   minutes in part two and the examiner has to ask  you questions on a certain number of topics so if   your answers are too long they will interrupt  you you should practice your answers at home   you should practice with the timer answering  common questions answering difficult questions   from recent exams i have a number of videos about  them but don't concentrate on part one too much   after all this part is to warm up these are parts  two and three that will really reveal your score   and it's important to talk for the full two  minutes in part two whatever question you get   so you should practice doing that at home  you should practice giving longer answers   developing your ideas in part three and if you  don't live in an english-speaking country yet   you need to practice talking every day at home for  15 minutes and it will help you and one more tip   many people feel that they don't know what to say  because they want to say something smart it's an   exam after all it's not that kind of exam being  talkative is the best thing in ielts speaking   don't be smart be chatty and you pass it the exact  steps you should take in your preparation depend   on how much time you have before your exam so i've  created three ielts study plans for seven days   one month and three months and you can  download yours if you follow the link here   and my ielts preparation courses are linked in  the description please check them out if you're   interested and thank you for watching me today  good luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 265,017
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts 2022, ielts 2022 new tips, ielts reading, ielts speaking, ielts listening, ielts preparation tips, ielts preparation tips and tricks, how to pass ielts, how to pass ielts 2022
Id: BwMQqNskkP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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