IELTS speaking part1 (Sky and Stars)

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[Music] now this topic is the sky and the stars right now this could be related to other topics particularly about the environment possibly okay let's look first at some possible questions on this topic do you like to look at the sky do you know much about the stars how did you learn about the stars interesting questions right let's have a look first at some useful vocabulary you may need to talk about this topic first of all constellations right constellations are patterns of stars or a group of stars that make a shape you may be you you may be familiar with the big bear or orion pegasus gemini leo in fact a lot of the horoscope signs leo gemini capricorn also have constellations right so if you're looking at stars you're looking at the night sky the night sky right notice we often drop the t the night sky so if you're looking at constellations you're looking at the night sky maybe with a telescope maybe with your naked eye also you may be looking at a sunrise so in the morning actually better than the morning say at dawn dawn is that moment when the sun is coming out so you look at the sunrise at dawn and the sun set at dusk what a great word dusk dusk is that time of day when the sun is setting right nice vocabulary and you can also talk about the the line on the well it's called the horizon the skyline that line where the sky meets the sea that's the horizon so all of these could be useful to talk about this topic let's look at the first question and try and give me your answer first okay so do you like to look at the sky okay thank you let me give you an answer yes for sure i mean whenever i get the chance i love to take in a beautiful sunset or sunrise mind you um i do live in the city so the sky is often overcast or polluted and it's not easy to catch sight of the sun or the stars right nice let's have a look at the language here so we said yes for sure right that's the the signpost at the beginning whenever i get the chance i love to take in a beautiful sunset to take in it's almost the idea of taking the picture or the view into your eyes it means to enjoy a view i like to take in the view of the mountains i like to take in a beautiful sunset right enjoy the view mind you good connector showing that something opposite is coming right but however mind you i do live in a city so it's difficult the sky is overcast so instead of saying cloudy right with lots of clouds overcast it's a nice word or polluted right which means it's not easy to see the sun or the stars and instead of to see we can use a nice idiom idiomatic expression to catch sight of to catch sight of just means to see but a lovely expression it's not easy to catch sight of the sun can you say that catch sight of the sun catch sight of the stars very nice great good great remember you can stop this go back and practice your answers again let's move now onto a second question let's see what you think do you know much about the stars okay great here's what i might say to be honest not a great deal um i mean i learned about the milky way at school yeah and i actually have picked up the name of a few common constellations from a mobile app so i learnt about the great bear orion and things like that okay so let's have a look some of the language here i began with a signpost to be honest means i'm gonna well speak honestly right um because i'm actually my answer is no not really um but i phrase it in a kind of a softer way right to be honest not a great deal i don't know very much not a great deal i learnt about the milky way the milky way look it up in google it's part of the universe it's part of a group of stars that we have in the universe and actually i've picked up something to pick up something here means to learn in a informal way so not you don't pick up by studying but you pick up by doing things in an informal way so i picked up the names of some constellations i mentioned one or two the great bear and orion you don't need to give a list of like 20 constellations that's not going to impress your examiner they'll just think that you've memorized them but you can throw in one or two that would be nice right the great bear orion things like that right great nice answer okay go back review some of the language practice your answers and try the third question and try making answers yourself okay great that's it
Channel: IELTS Speaking Success
Views: 1,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7CxkA49aTbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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