New Fusion Shape Tools in DaVinci Resolve 17

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i'm always happy to see new things that are added into fusion and today we're going to take a look at the new shape tools that are in fusion these are vector based so they're a little bit different than typical image nodes that you would connect they connect similarly to how particle systems would work or how 3d systems work where you have to have some type of exit node into a 2d environment similar to a render node found in both of those others that i just said so we have to connect them up in a very specific way and that specific way is just connecting everything into a uh what's referred to as an s renderer and then that will spit out a 2d image that we can then process within the pipe of our fusion comp so let's jump into it before we get started for those who haven't seen my content before i do have a website that's fully dedicated to everything davinci resolve you can go there and take a look at a ton of different tutorials i have as well as pre-made assets there were a couple of interesting things that i did notice about um when i was looking over the documentation and i was looking at the actual tools that are in fusion right now in the documentation there are talking about 14 new tools but current build of davinci resolve 17 there's only 13 tools so i'm hoping with the addition to actually getting icons for these uh that they'll be adding in that 14th tool and possibly more um or maybe they're scrapping that one i don't know yet but uh yeah let's just jump into it so to be able to get to these nodes they all start with s you can either click into your node window and go to add tool and come down to shapes here are a list of all of them obviously when you're starting out using them you're not going to remember the name so here are the one way to to get them the next way is you come up to your effects library come into tools go down to shape and here they are again or you can right click or excuse me hold down shift hit spacebar and then type in whatever you want into here and then those tools will come up as well there is some customization in the new ui i'm going to have a video later on talking about how to bring them in i currently added them in but right now without having icons there you can't really tell which one is which without looking down in the corner down there to see all of their names so let's just jump into a couple of them so the first thing i said is that you're going to need an s renderer and there's a weird thing with uh dragging these down that i don't know why sometimes works uh within that new uh aspect of the ui so we'll grab that and let's just grab in a ngong and uh we'll just connect that up and one interesting thing with these is because there's only going to be one part of this whole structure when it comes to shapes that actually spits out pixels you always have to view everything from the renderer maybe in the future this will change but right now you have to view everything from there so when you're making these adjustments you can't single out things like you typically can with most node environments so just something to know because if i just play this you don't see anything so now that i have it on here there are a couple of tool or a couple of different settings over here that you can play with the whole thing to remember here is that these are all vectors so you're not gonna get like um any type of like gradient like fall offs like you would typically get with a mask where you can you know do some type of like blurring or blending so i'm just going to turn off solid for now let's add in some border width here and maybe take down the size just a little bit obviously we have size controls here so let's change this to let's do like two and two and there we go and let's bring down the size just a little bit and maybe bring this up a little bit on the total size so there we go and we'll bring this down just a little bit so now that we have that there are five different groups of types of nodes that they have i'm reading from the documentation here you have the generators the multipliers the modifiers the combiners and then the final render node so let's just go over some of this stuff and how i view that this being very powerful remember like how i was saying there's only one node here that is actually making all of the pixels and what that means is that for very complex projects that you're going to be adding a lot of stuff in here since there's only one node that's making the actual image all of the other stuff is very small when it comes to data size so i'm about to make somewhat of a complex uh uh project here and we're just going to play it and then look at what our current render cache size is so currently we're at uh let's just purge this right now so currently we're at 2.5 gigs right and what i'm going to do is use one of the modifiers i believe it is and that is going to be s grid so i add that on and i already have a three by three grid of the thing that's piped into it uh and so i can come into here and let's add uh some extra stuff into here so i'll bring these a little bit together right and now i can just make these significantly more um and with it going to the end if you're not that familiar with how fusion works uh with a lot of tools unless they have a hard limit you can just type in another value in here so i'm just going to type in let's just do 25 so now we have it fully filled up right could bring probably bring everything in a little bit but i want to show you one other aspect of this new node structure and that is uh dealing with merges so just like with all other nodes uh when you take one out of one and add another out it's going to add the merge that will work with that particular aspect of the node tree and it's going to bring in an s merge these s merges work similarly if you've ever done 3d in fusion they allow you to add multiple things on there so if i wanted to i could copy this and add this on here you know take another one and add another one on and it'll keep going the one thing that i did want to show you is because we're in a 2d environment you're going to have some type of overlapping so how is that overlapping controlled and if you don't know you can left-click and drag and it automatically connects right but if you right-click and you bring it down it'll give you uh an option of which connector do you want to use and with the s-merge as you connect them they keep adding more inputs so how the inputs work is one to whatever they keep getting stacked on top of each other so if you're working with a whole bunch of shapes and you're stacking them on top of each other and you're not sure why one is stacking on top of the other you can always drop it down like this and then you can see the numbering order of those different inputs and connect to the correct one that you want so yeah that's how that works so we'll just work with two for now and let's just do this half the size and i have two there now the other thing too is they have styling to change like the color there isn't any type of gradients in here yet but we can at least change the solid color to something so there we go from here i can start to add in some animations so i'll just come to one end clicking on here and let's just change the angle i'll come to this side and let's just make this eleven thousand okay so now if i play this we can see that we have it spinning let's look at the amount of ram that we're currently using and we're going through the whole thing at 20 frames a second currently look how much ram we're using while i was filming this i completely forgot to move my camera so you're gonna have to kind of pardon me on this uh all together throughout this video making this i've used a grand total of i believe it was 13 megabytes of ram to render this out right that is if you've made motion graphics in fusion and with all of the old tools that we were using in fusion you had to connect a lot of things you had to connect a lot of tools together and those tools were spitting out images and because they're spitting out images it would be significant in the overall amount of data that we'd be using because we would be duplicating whatever on the initial node that we're copying so let's go with the other one and do the same thing is we'll come to one end we'll come to the other end and let's make this a negative uh 11 000 or let's do 1100 so now we have okay this might be going too fast over here so let's drop one of these out okay so now we're playing it they're both going in different directions and look at our current ram usage absolutely nothing we could go into them and let's say we want to change the length we could change the length of them obviously you would be able to go in and animate these but this is just showing with this new way of working with i guess shapes and vectors just how lightweight they are now this isn't something that is like mind-blowing tons of other programs did this but it's great to now have it in uh davinci resolve or with the addition of davinci resolve 17 now getting this infusion like i said there are still some things that are a little weird and this is brand new so these things are just going to have to be are going to get worked on i can definitely see at least one of these and let me show you exactly what i mean by things can get a little weird so if i was to bring in an ellipse and i'm not entirely sure why i can't drag anything from these okay maybe i just have to click alrighty then so i'll just go here and drop that on there sure whatever i wish i could just drag all right so let's just have just these two right uh and one thing that i noticed i'll back up a second one thing that i noticed is that if you had really big projects and you were like breaking the connection between so let's say we would have this on here and we'd be breaking the connection here to connect something else up i've noticed some like freezing davinci resolve never crashed but it was like a little bit of weird freezing and you know we're still in beta so there are some weird things going on but let's go back to this ellipse tool let me show you this so i will connect this up and let's go in and just add a border so we have a border here now we have a length right and with the length is pretty cool because we can go around like this and we can change this this is all been stuff that we've been able to do uh with other uh mask tools but now we can you know great this is where it gets weird so typically here let me show you so i can alright so typically if we want to go one way right we can do that but let's say we want to spin this the other way so we could go to like negative one right and now it'll go both ways right so we have the ability to spin this both ways right negative one to one but let's say we want the length to go the other in the other direction right so maybe we want this to draw on clockwise instead of counterclockwise how would we do that so if i i thought hey let's come in here and put a negative one oh that's weird uh you know so there are some weird things that are currently going on and it's like what is that now there's just there's a couple of weird things that are currently going on so if you're working on this until they kind of figure this out and get this all working um this is how you would get it to go in the other direction for now one thing that you can do is one of the other tools that you can use is an s transform so right here we will add that on and then we'll take the x and we'll make the x negative so what it's doing is i'll just show you here so just taking the image from one way and it's going the other way right so now if i come into here and i change this position now it's going clockwise right so it's going clockwise now um so that was my my work around for uh being able to go clockwise there's just a couple of weird things like i said brand new tools they still don't even have icons but they are amazing look it uh we've been playing around here and we used 17 megabytes of ram so there's a lot of potential here um you know in the in the coming weeks months i will definitely be making some really cool projects with this just kind of want to show the tools a couple of the issues that i found so far but the sheer potential of these tools and for the ones that didn't know how they connect up and having to use renderers and stuff like that everything does have to get piped into a render and then coming out of here can go into any other part of your project because once it comes out of the render it is now a image with pixels so it's a 2d image with pixels so you can spit that to just about anything i think that's pretty much it for the shape tools like i said in the coming months i'll be making a cool project something i don't know yet uh using these but give them a shot if you find any other bugs let me know and i'll try to pass that along to them and let them know you can also go to the forums and tell them yourself but uh yeah super excited about this because uh making really complex motion graphics before it was only possible by systems that had enough ram now you could make this on a lower power laptop and have almost no issues one other thing that i did want to say now i'm talking about powerful systems is i think it's because all these tools are brand new and they're not legacy from you know in the past but making complex stuff with this so far i've noticed that it uses all of my cpu and all of my gpu not like 100 but it's using it they're working together uh it's not like there's just you know my cpu getting blasted or my gpu getting blasted they were working together to you know crunch the numbers for all of the calculations which was freaking awesome to see but yeah i think that's pretty much it on here kind of ranting at this point uh let me know if you guys play with this if you guys find any other bugs but that's pretty much it for shapes infusion in davinci resolve 17. with that being said my name is jr thanks for watching have a good one guys [Music] you
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 13,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 17, Fusion, Shape node, Shape tools, vector tools
Id: D64vYK3aXFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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