Make Stream Transitions with DaVinci Resolve

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so like the title says we'll be making this transition now you can use this transition for streaming or for editing but at the end of this video I'll show you how to take the file that we get out of the vent resolve make it more suitable for streaming applications like OBS so without further ado let's get started explore a wide selection of pre-made creative tools for DaVinci Resolve like titles transitions slideshows and info graphs like bar trucks and call-outs and much much more link in the description for more information so the first thing to think about is what are you gonna be primarily streaming at for resolution as well as framerate because we're going to set our project to whatever that is so we're gonna come down here to little gear click on the little gear in the master settings we're gonna set our resolution so watching twitch it seemed like people were doing I believe it was 1080 so 1920 1080 and then the frame rate of 60 so we'll click that and then click Save once we do that we can come over to our media pool by clicking up here to get our media pool right clicking in here going to new fusion comp and because this is just a transition we're just going to make it 2 seconds so there we go 2 seconds and 60 fps perfect it creates drag this down on to our timeline and then we'll jump over into fusion the next thing we're gonna have to think about is what do we want our colors to be for the theme of this you know what is your channel are they channels I don't know but what are your primary brand theme colors for this one I'm just going to be doing like a grey and a yellow I thought that those look pretty good together so we're gonna grab a background we're gonna grab actually grab two backgrounds I'm gonna name them differently so just hitting f2 I'm gonna make this one G and then take this one and make this one Y for green and gray in yellow so the yellow one let's pick a yellow in here so something like that and then let's do a gray as well okay so here are our two colors to view them you're just any node day one of you drag it into a viewer so you can see it okay so there are two next we're gonna grab a mask so grabbing down a mask and we're gonna connect that up to our gray so there it is clicking on the mask let's just go into one view for now and I'll pull this down a little bit all right so in here we have our mast that's masking out that background the solid background let's change the angle because I want this to be on an angle so I'm gonna do forty-five and I'm gonna hold down control and zoom out with mouse wheel so then we can take these and make them cover the whole frame so how the transitions work in OBS is you're going to give it a video and it's gonna play the video and then you're gonna give it a time to switch the sources so I think they call them scenes we're gonna be switching those scenes and you give it a time since this transition is two seconds the middle points gonna be one second so the sixtieth frame so if I come into frame sixty right here so what we want to make sure here is that the whole frame this whole frame right in here is covered by something that we're creating now it's gonna play this video and then at frame 60 it's going to be flipping the sources behind this video we don't want the viewer to see that flip so that's the whole idea here so at frame 60 you have to make sure everything's covered next thing we're going to do is we're gonna want to add in some type of an animation Allante here so if I come back to frame 10 let's start our animation there by bringing this over you're gonna notice one thing there's a corner here and you might think that that's okay I really wasn't a fan of that so what I'm gonna do is actually drag this out to make sure that the corner is above and because this is still in the center this corner will also be out of the frame as well so we're at frame 10 I'm gonna bring it way over here doesn't really matter where it is and I'm gonna come over to the center we're gonna click this little button here which initiates a keyframe and then we're going to move our playhead all the way to 1:10 and I'm gonna bring this to the other side so now we have an animation where it goes from one to the other the only thing you have to make sure is right here at frame 60 that were filling the frame up so take a look at this there we go we have a wipe right and we can we're done right it'd be the easiest way to do it but we need to add a little bit more to this you know increase that production quality all right so one of the things that we can do is we can just take this rectangle if we connect it up to the yellow we'll have the yellow do the same exact thing then we can take the gray and we can lay it on top of yellow by pulling out from the output here and dropping it on this output it'll add a merge and it'll kind of add it in the way we're thinking it right so whatever we're taking we're gonna lay it on top of something else so it brings out the merge and by default the way in which that we connected it the background image will be whatever we dropped it on top of and then the source that we pulled from if we look here it's gonna be the foreground and how merges work is it's going to take our background image it's going to drop that down so if we think of like layers it's going to drop that down and then the foreground is going to get laid on top of that and all of these settings are how we're going to add that foreground image on top of the background image so we have all these different settings that we can do it's a good thing to keep in mind the next thing that we're gonna want to do is actually view this so if I drag this up here now we're actually viewing what's coming out of here so that's something always keep in mind whatever you have it on that's what you're viewing if we have two views up here let me set that the fit we can see that we have two little dots if we click these dots I'll just be which viewer and you can also drag it up to the viewer to see that right okay so what I'm going to add in next is I want the actual wipe over to have that accent color like at the beginning of it right so what I'm gonna do is grab in a transform node that's this one here I'll just move this other one over and we can take this rectangle mask and manipulate the mask not any image we're gonna manipulate the mask so if we come from the mask and we go into the in of the transform typically these would automatically connect up to the mask which was would be the blue while we're gonna connect it into the input so now that allows us to take this mask input and manipulate it and then we're gonna come out of the transform and then into the yellow right and now we can manipulate that mask node that we currently had so keeping all the keyframes over here we're just going to manipulate the mask that gets pushed into the yellow so we can do here is if we move this now we have a yellow but the cool thing is we don't have to keyframe anything anymore because they're automatically just going off the keyframes of this rectangle here but one thing that you'll notice is at the beginning here because we weren't previously we didn't think that we would need it we're gonna have to bump this back just ever so slightly so coming into the rectangle coming back to frame 10 where that first frame is we'll just bring it back ever so slightly just like that so the yellow is out of there and now we have a nice white so coming to frame 60 perfectly fine even if there was a little bit of yellow showing here doesn't really matter as long as the frame is covered that's all that matters right okay so and then then that goes off looks great next I'm not a huge fan of it looking so flat so what we could do is we could add in a drop shadow onto this gray because the gray is being laid on top so if we want it to visualize this a little bit better we could actually once my auto-saves done will drop that down and we can visualize it like this so the green is the foreground right so that's this gray what we can do is we could then add in a drop shadow to get tools you would just right click we can go to add tool you can go through there or you can come to effects library and you have the tools here or I like to use is the Select tool so we're hold down shift hit spacebar we got our select tool now if we know the name of the tool we can type it in here drop so we get the drop shadow node and boom now we have a drop shadow right there's one weird thing that I didn't like about this though we come back to the beginning and we start to look at this it's like it's like these corners they don't go all the way down and all the way up it looks like it's kind of like I don't know it looks like it's growing here right doesn't look like it's already there it looks like it's growing as it goes so I wasn't a huge fan of that so instead of doing that I'm just going to make my own what we're gonna do is I'm just going to take the gray and we'll paste that and then I'm just going to copy this rectangle and paste that as well connect it up if we take a look at this what we can do in this rectangle now is we can increase the blur so we'll use that for us also go into the gray and make that black because we want it to be a shadow we're gonna take this this gray and drop it on top of our new drop shadow that we're making so if we view it there and now we have a little bit of a drop shadow and we'll connect this into our merge we view the whole thing we have a little bit going there additionally we might want to we could add in the transform it's not connected correctly we'll connect it up that way and we can bump this over ever so slightly so now if we look at this we can move that drop shadow until we get it to a spot we'd like also come into here maybe drop this down just a little bit and now we don't have that like growing effect happening right it's kind of there alright anyways you're gonna do that you don't have to but that's what I'm gonna do there all right so then next I want to add on a yellow little stripe to the back here so we're just going to take all of this yellow stuff copy it we're gonna paste that and I'm just going to add it on because I want it to be on top of all of this so we'll add it on here we could take this rectangle that we've been working with and we shrink it down this is the new rectangle and in this transform we're just going to bring this back now we have that little yellow line I think I want to actually make that a little smaller make that a little smaller there we go just a little accent right and so far we got something that that's working out obviously until it caches we got kind of slow there we go that's at 60 all right so that's where we kind of have but this little middle point here it's kind of glad there's there's not really much going on if you have a logo you could throw a logo in here that would work if you have a 3d version of your logo you could throw that in here fusion allows you to bring in your three objects so that's something that you could do but I don't have any of those so I'm just going to use the tools that are in fusion and one of them is the 3d text so I'm just going to grab in the 3d text I'm going to need a 3d camera and a 3d renderer so I'm going to take my camera connect it to the output of the 3d text which will add a merge and we'll connect that into the renderer I'm going to bring up two views here put the renderer over here and the merge over in this viewer come into our text and we're just going to type in JR TV so there we go and we can change the color let's actually grab the other color we were using so I'm just gonna grab that hex number bring it up to our texts come into here and paste that there we go a little bit about 3d using the middle mouse is going to be your best personal best friend whatever it's gonna be your go-to here holding down middle mouse allows you to look left and right and then there's a couple of different modifiers like you can hold alt and middle Mouse it allows you to like rotate holding down to control and scrolling in and out allows you to zoom in and out those are primary the things so just looking at this now we have our camera way up here that's why we don't see anything in the viewer because the camera is actually looking through this so if we pull whoops if we click on the camera and pull the camera back now we can kind of view that here but if we look at our text here it's really thin there's no depth so what we can do is on our text come down to screwed and we can add some thickness to it but currently you can't see it here here it's kind of difficult to see the thickness you can see the bounding boxes around because there's no cameras right so there's no shadows so everything just looks really flat we'll fix that but for now this is our main feed that we're looking at here we're gonna pull the camera back a little bit so we kind of just have it right in the middle I think I need to move it up a little bit that looks about Center and I need to get rid of this font pick a font that I like here's a good one I like that font and just bring it back a little bit more I think that looks good so let's add some some like 3d stuff to this like show some death with some lights so this little light right here is our spotlight that's gonna be the one that's going to cast our shadows let's connect this into our merge currently don't see anything that's fine because we got to come over to our render and enable lights and shadows and everything's black because we need to come into our spotlight which is right here and pull it back and then there we go look at that so there's a couple of different settings that you can do here but I'm gonna kind of leave it right in the middle there you can change like the cone and the intensity and stuff like that but my big thing is I don't want it to be like super bright words like blowing it out like that I wanted to be sort of bright something like that because if I come into my text and we come over to rotation I want to be able to look to wrong way I want to be able to rotate it like this and we get that like shimmering effect right so that's what we're gonna be working with but you can see that on the sides here because there's nothing to bounce the light back in there we it's like pure black which isn't really good so we need to add in another light here so just making sure that nothing's click shift spacebar if we type in light we're gonna see all the different lights that we have available here and I'm going to just get an ambient light so we're just gonna add light to everything and we'll connect this into our merge and now it's kind of lit up that a little bit we can increase this and really start to get rid of some of those like real harsh shadows so let's come back into here and rotate this that's looking a bit better right so that's kind of what we're going to work with here and the idea here is I want this to go from here what is that 90 so keyframe the playhead all the way over here at 90 and come over to the other way and make this negative a 90 and then right in the middle it's going to be facing us so while it's being revealed it's going to kind of have just that little bit of like specular like flashing there or whatever you want to call that okay so that's looking good I think that that's pretty good for now let's add this in to our whole project here so we'll move this up a little bit here's all of our 3d stuff that we've been working with and if we take a look at what we've been working at with here we are going to be adding this all onto this gray here so that's the main thing that we want to coming out of this renderer it's going to come out as 2d and we're going to be adding this on to just this gray here so if we take a look here we have this little bit here is all of our gray stuff because we had the G's here for the gray review this this is just the gray stuff and this is just our main gray this is our drop shadow so we don't really need that we need to be concerned more about this gray here so what we'll do is we'll actually go from this rectangle into the renderer and the reason why is because I want this to cut it off when it the gray is not being shown right and then what we can do is we can take all this and add this in after all of our gray so now it's only showing up here because if we didn't have this connect it we would see the whole thing and that's gonna look weird so we're going to add that in so it's only on just this little bit so that's the only time we see it and then it kind of goes you know away with that gray as well so that's that's the idea that we're going with here but there's a still a couple of things that could bring this out like maybe almost like a spotlight on the background so let's do that let's grab another background and let's grab this yellow we'll just kind of use the same colors throughout I guess I could have made that good added that on and let's grab a rectangle going to add that on and let's add this right to this gray right so that that initial gray that we had we're gonna add it on there and in here we're going to just go like that and let's soften this and I think we need to make this a little bit smaller so soften it something maybe something like that okay and maybe the blend mode just ever so slightly bringing that in but then we're gonna notice something else here is that we're now seeing it here where we shouldn't see anything so we'll have to take this rectangle tie that into the ellipse and then on the ellipse what we're gonna do is we're going to use multiply so anytime they overlap this mask with this mask then the final result is going to show through which is whatever is results of this right so that's the only time that that's going to show through so that is looking a lot better okay so now we have all that take a look at this it's really coming together starting to look good there's a couple of couple of extra little little touches to add to this I think one I think for the the render this little render here I want to add like a just make it look a little older right so what I'm gonna actually do is a chromatic aberration so we'll add that on here if we take a look at this and let's see our settings here so if we scale this what does that do okay what does this do all right we make this bigger oh yeah there we go it's looking a little cooler look at that already I think we could add one more thing on to hear some we could add in some noise film green film green I don't know which one to use hmmm see what that looks like okay I don't see anything doo doo doo doo doo let's use the other one see what that one looks like because I didn't even know that there was multiples to view that oh hello that's a lot of green strength that is a lot of green okay maybe that would work done a little bit of texture to it not looking all that bad one other thing I think that this gray here the main gray I want to add a little tint of like yellow in there and it tied in a little bit there we go a little bit of yellow in there right ever so slight and think I'm also going to add into all of this Mik mess almost like a light leak thing so I'm gonna have to kind of create this on the fly here I don't know if that's moving too fast or fast enough but let's use that let's feed that in and use this yellow again to do that okay so there we go one of the other things I can do is I want to skew it a bit so let's come in here and make the think that's right the Y I have to view it yeah so we'll skew it a little bit something like that I think that that's a little much though hmm maybe something like that would work I think the other thing too I want to add in here is glow all right where do we add it end in this mix okay so we added in after the camera I'm guessing so we'll add or after all the 3d so we'll add it on there like that and then we need to also get this rectangle again connect that rectangle up take a look at that that looks like let's go into screen and bring this blend way down all right so how do we look after everything oh that looks terrible what happened here they might want to turn up the ambient light source a little bit when it gets here it's kind of dark there we go I feel like this is like overpowering we're just kind of playing with it until you get something that yeah I'm happy with but the other thing that you also have to remember is that this is only two seconds long so I'm just gonna clear my my cache quick I'm gonna let it cash out and see what this looks like okay so now if we look at this while when it's cached goes by pretty quick it's kind up to you if you think that the that over light that with the light is a little too much I think it is a little too much and what I think we're gonna do is maybe remove a little bit of it from the middle so actually connect this into here and how would I do this subtract so if I come into here maybe open this up blur this a lot maybe something like that that might work so I just in this ellipse I turned it to subtract so it's going to take these input and then it's going to subtract whatever you know this is as well so you'll still have like that only using that the one area but whatever is in here it'll also get subtracted so that ends up taking this effect to turn it on and off we can see that we have a lot here turning it off and kind of being able to see the this a little bit okay so I think that that's good so we'll just kind of roll with that I'm going to connect this up to our media out the media out will then allow us to go back to the timeline so if I come back over to the timeline now we will see it over here and if I was to I have mine set up to to auto go after five seconds so five seconds pass by now it's going to cash this and if I was working on a normal project we would want this cash to happen just to make things go by a little quicker while we're working on the edit page but it's not really that big of a deal here but now we can view it and that will be our our animation pretty much for this some stuff I really don't like I say I'm gonna go in and and change here I don't really like that yeah hold on I come back over I just have to do it I think I'm going to get rid of a lot of this I'm going to do it like that it's like this cache again and see how it looks so there we go there's our new wipe I guess that would be it so now let's go in and actually render this alright so now it's time to render out we're first gonna pick a location for now just the location you know of and then you're just going to type in a name we're gonna go into individual clips this will allow us to get the Alpha out of them we're gonna have to go into uncompressed I kind of wish that dnx H R worked but it seems like the tool that we'll be using doesn't understand where the alpha channel is so hopefully that that that will get changed what I'm really hoping is that the tool that we're using the encoder will get added into DaVinci Resolve since it's all open source and it's used by a lot of bigger people like Google so but we're going to go into uncompressed and we're going to go to be gra8ful feh and we just want to make sure that it is on straight once we do that we can add it to render queue hit render and then here is our folder that we have that file in right on our desktop the next thing we're gonna do is going to open up a browser if my browser opens up we're gonna open up a browser and we're going to search for ffmpeg and when we click on it we're going to see download and this is for all of the operating systems so just pick whichever one that you're using and then we're going to download that and then next we have to go to where those files are so if I take a look here here are the files that came in that download and we're gonna look for the ffmpeg executable so the location of this is what we're gonna need to know if you're on Mac you're gonna be looking for your terminal to put in these commands if you're on Linux it's also turnable if you're on Windows it's gonna be your command prompt so I'm gonna do the windows route obviously I'm on Windows hitting Windows key and typing CMD for command prompt now this comes up next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna just come in I'm just going to copy this and we're gonna put in CD and then ctrl V to paste that location in I'll put hit that in now we're in the this folder right the next thing we're gonna do is we need to this is the command that we're gonna be running its first gonna run the command it's gonna want to know what files that we want to do so it's gonna be our main file and then the codec that we're going to be using vb9 which is the same thing like YouTube uses and then the format of the codec that we're gonna be using it's the only one with alpha so we have to use this one and then what we want our file that's going to be completed when it's done getting encoded we're gonna put a file name here and the container is going to be WebM so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to take this drop it in here now you could put a whole file path in here but I'm just going to make this super simple so people understand right click I'm just going to copy that name and put that right in here and we see it this is an MOV can also come in here see it's a dot MOV and then we just need to determine what we want our new filename to be I'm just gonna leave it in file whatever it doesn't matter and so I'm just gonna take all this I'm going to copy this come into our command prompt it knows the exact location I'm gonna paste this here hit enter and now it's going to start encoding it with this new format so if we take a look over here our file we can see here is almost a gig big now if your computer if your computer streaming has a whole bunch of sources going you're playing video games or whatever your stream is pulling a gig file to do a transition is ridiculous I wish some of the other codecs would work to be able to convert but it seems like ffmpeg doesn't know the Alpha channels and stuff of the other codecs so this is the best way to go so it's done so now if we look in here if we go to refresh we have our main video file which is almost a gig big and then we look at the web M file it's one megabyte big so that's a big difference in file size so now I do not know how this is actually going to work can I open up another OBS at the same time I cannot launch anyways let's see what happens hopefully this doesn't ruin my recording okay so here is here is my other one so let's go to that file let's over here we're going to add a stinger and we'll name it whatever new and we need to go to this location obviously you can put these anywhere on your system but I'm gonna go to this location of that new file add that new file in here transition point this is a millisecond so this is going to be a thousand milliseconds hit okay so now it's on here so now if I go to another scene now we have that transition that happens yeah so that's kind of how that would work it's that simple ish I mean I kind of wish that ffmpeg would be implemented into DaVinci Resolve maybe they will cuz it open-source and a lot of different services use it so it would be great if it was and I've seen that like adobe has included it to make it easier to do these processes so you don't have to go through this manual way of doing this but you know with the bench resolve it is possible so don't think that oh I'm using DaVinci Resolve it's not possible because this one little thing it's definitely possible you can create any animation this animation that we created today isn't spectacular but it at least shows you that it's possible there are a ton of different things that you can do to simply add these things in and you don't have to you know be working with a gig file because I guarantee you this file would work I'm not playing a video game or anything but how would I edit this this file would work so if I went into here and grab this other file did the same thing it would work right but I'm grabbing a gig file and if you're you know pushing a whole bunch of frames Amole going at 30 frames right now that would be a bit intensive so you don't have to go through that whole step of doing that but you know just look at the difference in size you know it's going to be an extra heft to your computer especially if you don't have the extra resources to be able to deal with you know that that so that's how you would do it I'm kind of just rambling at this point that's kind of all I have if you want the pre-made project files they will be available but yeah that's all I really have for you for today let me know in the comments what you guys think about this if you want to do a transition in a different style you now know that it is possible and you can use ffmpeg to make it into a smaller format that like OBS can use that is an option I have plenty of other videos going over different styles of transitions you could do one of those and then go through the whole process of reinforce so that it's lighter weight but yeah that's kind of all I got through today that being said my name is JR and thanks for watching guys [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 52,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 16, obs, streaming, twitch, mixer, fusion, webm
Id: xyHtR8zdTMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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