Does the DaVinci Resolve SPEED EDITOR work in the Edit Page? Tutorial

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It’s the question everyone has asked since the Speed Editor was announced. Here are 10 ways the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor works differently in the Cut Page compared to the Edit Page. (It’s a yes, no and sorta kind of answer) Learn more in the YouTube video!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CreativeVideoTips 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

GREAT Video!

I'd like to use it... I already paid for it almost two months ago with my upgrade to Studio..... but B&H still hasn't shipped it. No ETA.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KB_Sez 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

i'm dying to use this thing. it's been sitting in the closet for a month now because i can't use it with DR16. :(

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/proformax 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
don't you just hate it when you go  to flip a light switch on and it does   something completely different from what  you expect it to do like turn a light on well today I want to show you the Blackmagic  Design DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor   how it works differently in the edit page  compared to the cut page let's get started one thing i love about the cut page is there's  a feature called close up it's this button   right here on the speed editor if you tap it  when you're in an interview with a wide shot   it drops a clip on v2 that is blown up you can  see it kind of just punches in so it's almost   like you have a second angle of the interview  all right you can actually also with the speed   area if you if you hold this down it changes  the y position so you can get that headroom   right where you need it to be now if we  jump over to the edit page this is where   edit page is different if you push  shift 4 that jumps to the edit page   close up button does not work unfortunately what  close-up button does you'll see here i'm gonna   push close up it actually drops the clip whatever  is in your source monitor on top so it's basically   a place on top um and i don't know why they  did that that way it could have easily been   another close-up maybe it'll fix that in the  future but that's one thing that doesn't work   in the edit page that does in the cut page and  that's the close-up button. So one thing that edit   page can do that the cut page cannot do is J and  L cuts so if we take a look here on that timeline   i have a b-roll shot that goes into an interview  and then i scroll over here to another b-roll shot   so what i want to do is i want to have this  b-roll shot overlap this section of audio and   then vice versa on the other end i want to do a  j-cut so i want to still have his audio talking   about this cabin the back of the house while we  see that so you can't do that in the cut page   unless you're using a video 2 track and i'll show  you what i'm talking about so if we go to shift   3 which takes us to the cut page and use the  roll button doing a j and l cuts really a lot   about using the roll button so we're going to hold  that and then you can easily see that shifted over   we'll go to shift 4 and it just took everything  audio with it i didn't have a choice of not   having that audio linked to that function so i'm  going to undo that it's escape double tap that   undoes that operation and then when we're here  in the edit page we want to make sure that our   auto track selectors which are these guys right  here are disabled so it's a shift click to enable   and disable so we're going to disable those for  the audio because we want the audio to stay put   and then the linked selection button right  here we're also going to turn that off which is   command shift L which is a great keyboard shortcut  to learn so now that that is all set up we're just   going to be selecting v1 and we can use the roll  button which is on the speed editor right here   we'll take this roll it over and you can see we  now have that overlap that we were wanting and   then we can go quickly over here to the tail of  it and roll and pull that up with the speed editor   and take a listen and hopefully it sounds  amazing and for some reason the lady said   to her husband i'm gonna go check the  back door i think i didn't lock it   well it's a good thing he went back to get that  door locked anyways that is how J and L cuts work   in the edit page versus if we go shift three to  jump back to the cut page you just can't do them   the one thing i will say is it here in the cut  page is it maintains that asymmetric sort of trim   that you had done so if i go and continue to roll  this further look at this shift forward go back   here it has actually maintained that asynchronous  relationship on the timeline which is awesome   these two pages talk to each other all  day long don't be afraid to use them both   at the same time and back and forth. So next up  is the detail level of source if i tap source in   the speed editor when i'm in the cut page click  that right there we can see up here we've got two   super long clips back to back  and it shows you this little   line right here tells you when we've switched from  one clip to the the next one so one's the wide   shot one's the close-up of this interview now what  i mean by detail level of source that's so good in   the cut page is if i mark an in point anywhere in  here and an out point and then i tap source again   that's magical look at that it just blew into just  the section that i had marked if i want to go back   i tap escape on the speed editor right there i can  clear my in and out marks by double tapping those   right there and i can see everything again so what  if i just want to refine you know this interview   is 30 minutes long or something i just want to  take a closer look here on my user interface   of just this section to this section i tap source  and now i just am seeing that section of it which   i can edit into the timeline if i'm in the edit  page however shift 4 to jump to the edit page   and i go up to source source button does  work so it pulled up that source clip   because source tape does not exist in the edit  page i can mark an in and out point all i want   and get frame accurate but i never am able to get  a more zoomed in view here in the interface as   opposed to if you jump back to the cut page and go  to source and i hit escape so i can see the whole   clips again i just say i just want to see this  section to this section and i hit source again it   gives me that zoomed in view so i can work things  at a much more sort of refined user interface   level. Hey welcome if you're new here my name is  chadwick this is creative video tips where i help   you create videos that make a difference and stand  out! if that's the kind of thing that you're into   click subscribe right now so you don't miss out  on the tip next week now there's four ways you can   use a search dial that work in the cut page but  don't work at all in the edit page so i'll show   you those really quickly if you if you're unaware  so there's a title button right here if you double   tap and hold you can use the search dial to scroll  through and change to whatever font you want to   try out so that's one cool thing another thing  you can do is if you want to go down later in   the timeline you can change the default color of a  marker so if you double tap the audio level button   which is right here so double tap hold it brings  up a wheel and you can change your marker color   selection and anytime you drop a marker after  that which is like a double tap it's that color   and if you want to change it again you can just  double tap hold and let's make it red i don't know   the other feature i was going to mention is  the transition type selection so right here   i have a cross dissolve you can click on  the transition button which is right here   just hold that down and that pulls up every  transition that resolve has built in so you   can change the dissolve to like i don't know an  oval iris and sort of see how that that's a pretty   funky one but you can see how that might work and  then the fourth one that i was going to mention   is the interface sizing so over here on the right  side there's this little button here which if you   didn't know if you pull this up and down it makes  your viewer smaller or larger you can also do that   here with the search dial so if you double tap the  snap button you can scroll and make that larger   and smaller so the speed editor has all these  amazing buttons like a number pad right here   it would be great if that worked in the edit page  unfortunately it does not in order to do multi-cam   with the speed editor you have to be in the cut  page you use the sync bin button which is right   here and that pulls up the the clips you've synced  up so i've got a wide and a tight angle here   if i want to cut to something else i can just  click the cam 2 button hold it down with the   search dial and just sort of paint that on and  then if i want to review it i can hit timeline   and when i first met him i just so we can see  that did a nice cut now if you go over to the   edit page which is shift four we've gone through  that a bunch um you're going to be stuck to using   a traditional multi-cam style edit so in this  instance you can still do multicam for sure   it's just you need to know none of these buttons  right here in the center of the thing work the   move button on the speeder is a great tool it's  this underneath the split right here so if you   hold that down it's going to let you rearrange  clips so i have a clip of my boys here at the   end of the timeline and i want to move them to the  beginning so what i'll do is move the search dial   till it's selected over it i'm going to hold down  on move and you can see i'm able to use a search   dial to move that to the beginning of the timeline  and it just snaps that's the key here in the cut   page it just sort of snaps along the way maybe  i want to use um this as a in between shot i'll   take this i'll hold down on there and move that  to there so it goes from this shot down to there   and you know maybe i don't even need that so i'd  hit ripple delete you know but that move button   the importance of the move button here is if you  hold it it snaps the entire clip left and right to   get your story in the right order if you go to the  edit page however command plus on that to get that   zoomed in and if i use the move button now you're  going to see it behaves completely different so if   i hold it down it's moving but it's not snapping  in in any way it's kind of doing a slide but not   really because it's leaving those gaps and you  can't rearrange you can't change the order at all   so move button acts a little differently here in  the edit page hold up i want to call a time out   i know this software is evolving so i want you to  call out and leave a comment down below right now   on anything that you don't see working in the  edit page with your speed editor okay time back   in i want to say if you're getting something  out of this video tap the like button that way   everyone can learn from our tips about the speed  editor this is something you might not know about   these cam buttons here in the speed editor are not  just for sync bin and multicam they actually also   control your track selection for where you want to  target a trim what i mean by that is i have a more   complicated edit here on the timeline and it has  obviously you can see here there's multiple video   tracks one two three four these relate to video  tracks one two three four as far as the selection   of where you want to do your trims so if you're  in the cut page this is where they're different   if you're in the cut page these work so if you  push 1 here we can see we're selecting track 1   down here and if i push 2 it just jumped up  and it's kind of hard to see because it's so   tiny but that is green now so i can trim that  automatically it's jumped my little smart edit   indicator up to track two and if i want to go back  to one you can see that jumps back down to one   so if i want to make any edit changes with  the trim in trim out rolls any of that sort   of stuff it's controlled with these cam one  cam two buttons or whatever you're closest   to but this is nice because if you have a lot  of edits that are really close to each other   you can really target where you want the  edit to perform at now here in the edit page   these cam1 and cam 2 buttons do absolutely nothing  you still can edit and trim stuff that are on   those upper tracks it's just the way resolve  determines where you can make that trim at on   here so i'm going to go to jog so it's a little  more refined it's just whatever it's closest to   so like if i wanted to trim this thing back or  forward here it's just because i'm close to it   it's not because i've done any special sort of  selection so it's a little bit more automatic   but it's nice to have that more precision control  over in the cut page shift three to get back there   you can see this little red indicator and that's  all controlled from the cam buttons the edit page   lets you drop a marker or it says mark here on  the speed editor it's the audio level button if   you double tap it you can drop it directly onto a  clip itself which is really nice and handy because   you're going to move that clip around a lot of  times and you want to maybe have that mark or   that note attached to the clip whereas any any  cut page if you drop a marker double tap it's   always specifically just to the timeline as a  whole so if we go back over here to the edit   page there's a little trick to setting this up so  right now you can notice as i move my search style   it's sort of selecting the clip as i scroll over  it the way you do that or where you allow that   to happen and this is how you get that marker  to appear on the clip and not on the timeline   is up here under timeline there's a thing called  selection follows playhead if that is unchecked   it's going to apply the mark to the  timeline up here in the timeline header   but if it's selected and you have or if  you just manually select a clip like this it takes precedent over the timeline when you drop  a new marker down so that's a great thing that you   can do in the edit page that you can't do in the  cup page with the speed editor now we're looking   at the smart insert button here on the speed  editor it's the upper left button i use it all the   time what it does is in the cut page you get this  smart indicator placement location whatever you   want to call it if you get close to whatever the  nearest thing is to the playhead it sort of will   snap to it so in the source i've got a clip that  i want to drop right in there and insert into that   spot i'll hit timeline to see where that goes now  you can see my playhead is not exactly where this   indicator is well it's going to drop a clip where  the indicator is in the cup page so i'll hit smart   insert and it has dropped it right there without  messing up the end of this amazing cow town usa   title now the edit page is totally different smart  insert becomes insert so let's undo that double   tap the escape button let's go to shift 4 to get  to the edit page and i've still got the playhead   here at sort of that same spot i've got source  so i can still see that clip i can mark my in   and out wherever i want on it the search dial and  now if i hit smart insert here on the edit page   look at that it actually just doesn't insert a  normal insert it doesn't pay attention to any   of that sort of smart locating of the next edit  point it has sort of split this clip that had this   amazing cow town title so that's not what i wanted  you could still do everything totally fine here in   the edit page with insert you just have to be a  little bit more precise so you got to get that   that playhead right where you want it to be and  it's a little bit tricky to do with the search   dial it's almost easier to do with up and down  arrows but if you did it there you could still hit   smart insert and you'll get the same effect  it's just a little slower so i think this video   would be short-minded if i didn't explain  the fact that the cut page and edit page   actually are fundamentally different editing  environments and situations and that's why the   speed editor works differently in those areas  so the cut page at least on v1 is a lot like   final cut pro 10's magnetic timeline is what they  call it um it's basically a rippled timeline it's   every time you make a trim it's not going to  want to leave a gap the edit page on the other   hand if you're in selection mode it will leave a  gap so it maintains the timing from beginning to   end the full view and review button is powerful  it's this little red button right here what it   does if you tap it in the cut page double tap  it it takes you back to whatever your pre-roll   and going into your post role is set and your user  preferences for editing i'm going to hit escape to   back out of that so we don't see a full screen  and hit stop now the way it acts differently   in the edit page shift 4 to get jump over to  there is if you double tap it watch what happens   it just goes right back and forth so in  other words it doesn't do the review function   in the edit page you can tap full view and it  does go full screen you're just going to have to   manually go back with the search dial and manually  push play so it's a little bit more effort it's   still doable just a small thing to take note of  and before i move on to my bonus tip about using   this search dial in the color page i just want  to let you know i have a whole playlist about   the speed editor and davinci resolve it's it'll  pop up somewhere around here right now uh click   that if you want to learn more about it and get  up to speed with the speed editor that was that   wasn't good um anyways i'd love for you to check  that out you'll learn a ton so you made it to the   bonus tip we're over here in the color page and  what you can do with the search dial with the   speed editor is if you hit command w that goes  to your image wipe it's this button right here   and you can wipe whatever section is for the  comparison to do like a color matching shot   matching to another shot that you have over here  in your gallery whatever is selected over here so   you can clearly see the speed editor works in much  more than just the cut page if you want to learn   more about the speed editor or DaVinci Resolve  in general i have a great playlist that should   be popping up somewhere right now and click  on over there and i'll see you in those videos
Channel: Creative Video Tips
Views: 15,215
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Keywords: DaVinci Resolve Tutorials, Resolve Tutorials, Speed Editor, DaVinci Speed Editor, Creative Video Tips, Resolve 17, Resolve Studio, Video Editing Tips, How to use DaVinci Resolve, Does the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor work, Resolve Tutorial, DaVinci Tutorial, How does the Speed Editor work, Cut vs Edit Page, Cut Page, Edit Page, DaVinchi Resolve, Blackmagic Speed Editor, Speed Editor in Edit Page, Speed Editor J Cut, Resolve Close Up, Speed Editer, Resolve 17 new features
Id: a2gf1daaOpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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