Editing DaVinci Resolve 17 Videos & Answering Your Questions.

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um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hello hello yep davinci resolve 17 came out uh exactly 13 hours ago take a look you can download it it's available it's currently only a beta though so keep that in mind there might be a couple of buggy things in there uh but yeah biggest difference um depends on what you primarily use it for but there's tons of things there's a whole new color it finally got an update and it's aware of content and the particular uh depending on what you're shooting your with your camera it can match a whole bunch of different cameras without using color transforms on each one the manage color engine or whatever you want to call it uh does everything behind the scenes that's really cool there's a whole bunch of new color tools there is now audio infusion which is amazing um the render engine for fusion got updated so different titles on the edit page are a lot quicker now hold on let me put some media in the in here so you can see so if i have this here and i come into titles i can come in and do like my wedding titles and they're fast i can now scroll on here and see what they look like which is really cool there's tons of different things that are in over the next two weeks if you've seen the videos on my channel i'm going to be going over them and kind of talking about uh all the different things that's like what i'm doing now i'm going to go through and edit a video that i just actually filmed and yeah if anyone has questions about the new updates they can ask i am all ears to help just ask away yes that's correct it's currently a beta version um it just means that there's it's one of the newest releases so there might be a couple of issues um and you just it's recommended that you go to the forums and tell them if there are any issues and then you know it's constant updates content updates so typically with betas and i don't want to say for this one for sure but typically every two weeks they do another build of the beta and then you know they try to fix as much as possible get it on as many machines as many diverse machines as they can and welcome all of the people that have issues to kind of vocalize those issues so that they can get them fixed yeah i would definitely i would definitely if you're doing paid work um i would definitely stay on the full release i always say that any project that you're working on just stay on that version all the new you know new bells and whistles shiny things they're always fun to play with but uh if you got a project that's paying you get the project done instead of having to deal with you know issues of stability or you know if you're using a plug-in maybe it just doesn't work whatever it may be i would say by all means just kind of watch youtube channel follow the website the forms see what's working for people what isn't working for people yeah there's a whole big hdr thing uh hdr was in davinci resolve before you just had to come into here um and enable it um that always that was in the last version uh but now there's a whole new set of wheels to do hdr a little differently than it previously was done i need to turn my thing off so i stopped recording three of the same track since now i don't do multi-track stuff anymore have a good one man this is super low i know my mic was so low how it works it's pretty simple there aren't a lot of options here it's the same audio it's the same audio so how's everyone doing today i'm guessing i'm getting more uh people outside the us since currently it's 2 a.m here germany what do we got 8 a.m right now australia 4 p.m i guess depends where you are in australia but so finally the timeout seven a.m just starting your day uh is the uk currently in lockdown did they start a new lockdown yet i wasn't sure if they did as well oh gosh why is this one so much louder it's pretty simple there aren't a lot of options here before oh yeah i don't even need the video on this i don't have my ad i have too many things in too many different folders ah that's a morning for everyone there four weeks ah that's rough oh man that sucks all right so this is way too loud i guess i really changed like move the mic that much i'm surprised i gotta cut down the whole ad read and not have this real long one so let's get started before we get started for those who haven't seen my content before i do have a website that's fully dedicated to everything davinci resolve you can go there and take a look at a ton of different tutorials i have as well as pre-made assets all right so jumping in here i have two files the xr part and the color page is a useful i mean so if you're using the davinci resolve managed color space you can future proof your project from my understanding so you can work in an even larger color space and then you can export to whatever you want and if in the future you want to re-cut that or do something else with that project you can always go back into it and export something else but all the work was done in a you know a bigger color space man i need everything to go back to normal i hear you ryan on that one so i found out a lot of stuff when i was making these videos i found out a lot of stuff about um well i mean if you guys watch this video obviously i'm gonna play through it a couple of times while i'm editing it but uh the source on the audio it has to be directly the file or straight from the timeline um which was kind of interesting to see hi how are you guys doing today so i don't know which is the better way to do this so when i film this obviously the video is um already embedded because i didn't really want to put an ssd in my camera and take another video so i just i just kind of used the obs and left it just like the stream but i might need to set up different scenes so that i can constantly move around the camera uh while i make these videos who is that behind me yeah there's someone behind me man if there was someone behind me right now you know how freaked out i'd be luckily enough on my other monitor i can see behind me do i know how to reduce lag and playback uh there's a couple of different ways depends what version of davinci resolve you're on but uh you need to play something that your computer can run so i don't you have to figure out why your computer is lagging on playback is it just you know really high data rates from your camera or are you using a not like are you using are you filming in raw sort of thing or are you uh filming with a camera that has a very compressed uh codec either one you have to figure out what is making it what do you mean by reduce what are we reducing what would you be reducing speed i didn't even talk about the um i didn't talk about the offset let's just hope no one ever needs that and there we go so there's two different workflows um i don't know what the heck this is on my thumb but uh you can do you can do proxy and then uh with the new proxy mode you can use an external uh program to make all your proxy files if you want and change the codec change the resolution and all of that so in davinci resolve you have the ability to proxy and then you also have optimized media um but the whole goal and i don't think a lot of people understood this because i've seen a lot of a lot of uh youtubers bashing optimized media but uh the whole goal is to make um content that is easier for your system to process if you leave everything by default uh you're gonna make bigger files than what your camera typically uh is using so you have to change the codec to something that your computer can reasonably handle i think that's where a lot of the people that made those videos are running into issues but uh yeah there's a whole new proxy workflow uh hold on a second let me just make sure that all right so there's a whole new proxy workflow you click on here and then you have the proxy and you can link and you can link as well and that's where you can uh switch between the two so you can link if you use an external program to make all your proxy files like if you have an ingest system that brings in the full file but then while it's bringing it in it also creates a proxy for you um in davinci resolve now you can link both of those does that make sense i'm gonna have to like cut this off my finger i don't know what the heck is on there all right let's get back to it this was something else that i thought was super weird all the audio infusion is cached so it doesn't matter what you do on the edit page it never updates infusion unless you manually update it and there's nothing that monitors if there's a change so what i want to do to just show you how this works is i'm just going to have the loud part going all the way across here right so this is all just really loud it starts off loud and if we play this it's the same off my head for audio speakers but it's the same exact audio and that's not really good uh if i was to come back over and let's say we completely remove it and go back in we still have that audio so this is something keep in mind because keep in mind this is something to keep keep something to keep keeping so this is something to keep in mind something to keep in mind because this is something to keep in mind because you might go in and say okay i can't do uh my motion graphics to this let's pop in a different thing and then all of a sudden uh it's not working or you might be working on a collaborative project and someone might have changed the audio here but there's nothing to show that right here but here oh here there's nothing audio here but there's nothing to show that that it's to show that it's changed on the fusion page which is i feel like kind of weird and maybe an over oversight uh so maybe an over maybe an oversight uh so how would you fix this because here we have completely different audio than what we have represented in here and that's where this audio cache is all you have to do is click it and then if we look at this now it's going to have that new audio in there audio and we have that one new audio in there that we can now listen to and work with so that's just something to that that i noticed there isn't any type of like watchdog that we'll see if the audio track in the timeline was ever altered and some type of alert saying that you might want to uh you haven't had a cache or anything like that maybe it's something that they'll change in the future but i just want to make it aware for now uh there's a couple of things that i tried to do i wanted to see let's just reset this i wanted to see if there was some way that we could get these to be represented together um so i went in and it came to like linking okay well maybe linking works if i come over into now it's just going to look for that particular file so this particular file and it's still only going to be looking clip but if we ever try to play any of the audio it doesn't come through so that was something weird that i also know maybe there's a setting there that i haven't seen i haven't uh been made aware of yet but these are the things that i noticed um so i just wanted to share that but that's how you have audio in fusion it's not that difficult it is a absolutely the light to now have it infusion for now i can show you guys a whole bunch of uh a whole bunch of animations based off of audio and how to uh jeez my uhms nice and short how long have i been doing youtube um for a little while i obviously didn't start doing uh video editing i did other stuff and that didn't go anywhere so then i was like you know what i i like video editing i'll teach people how to do video editing because i can do that macros are macros real they were always made that way the only thing that they changed with macros is they took this is the only thing they changed so if i come over here before you make two keyframes boom make a keyframe make a keyframe this was the old way you would have to use a keyframe stretcher and state where those are obviously this is a video uh clip so the numbers are crazy but you would have to state where the start and stop of those keyframes are and then it would dynamically read the comp see how long it is take that that timing and then stretch it so instead of doing that they now added the modifier in here which i'm going to be playing with and seeing how it works and how i can add it into my my clip but now they just have this in here which is a little bit different um but it wasn't the biggest change because you could still do everything the other way but i'm curious to see the pros and cons of this i haven't seen uh much information on this and how it works dude i am gonna freaking deal with like mess with this on my hand forever all right anyways uh but yeah so now they have this and i mean if you've seen the video it's kind of cool it makes it a little easier because now you don't have to do math to be able to add in um curves that are easily changed uh now you can do it in here which enables people to make templates but then the user can go in and change things up very easily but my thing would be cool and like i said i'll have to play with this but can i somehow within here make a script or something that i can set up a whole bunch of different um pre-made custom curves anime animation curve one lookup what is that what does that do what is that doing i don't know i'll have to play around with that and see uh reset fusion cup i mean i think the workflow's still the same it's just now that fusion has audio you can now type time animations to audio so if you've ever seen based on audio like things moving around we cannot do that before you couldn't do that it was kind of ridiculous i played around a lot with and i never set it in here but i played around a lot with it to see if there was any type of uh variable or some type of data that you could pull out of that waveform and it seems like resolve or uh fusion just renders the waveform but it doesn't actually provide any of the information that it used to draw the waveform that i know of yet there might be some type of call that wasn't made public yet but or function that wasn't made publicly yet all right so now we did that sorry about that my hand was freaking bugging me now i take this add that on there um walk you through how it works it's pretty simple options here cool things you can't do anything before we get started all right here i have two files what the heck is this how's everyone dealing with the new quarantine here in the us we got like crazy numbers but they're like not doing anything about it i need stuff with like no lyrics so i can hear my freaking video as you can tell by default the waveform is pretty small you can zoom in and see purpose what do you think about the speed editor do you consider buying it at some point or do you already have i don't have a keyboard i just have a normal keyboard mouse only thing that's specialty actually no that's not true i have it's not even on my desk since i've moved but over there i have a panel um and then i just use a wacom tablet with a pen and a keyboard and mouse um would i use uh that speed editor i think it's a very niche product that uh it's for someone that all they do is just build out timelines because i feel like for me i would go from that that device that is very specific in its use and jumping back to the keyboard and going to that and jumping back to the keyboard i did earlier in my other stream what i said was i feel like that is for someone that works in news that all they have to do is get the footage off the camera card as fast as possible get it in ingest it and then build out a sequence quick um one of the things that i used to do is um stock video and when you'd be at events what you would have to do is you would get the footage in you would edit it really quick and get it on a stock site as fast as possible and one of the things that i was kind of uh saying earlier in the earlier stream today is if the olympics would have been happening this year there is a dedicated room for the people for media anyone that's taking like stock video or stock footage there's like a dedicated room for them to go and process everything so once something happens and it's like crazy uh that card immediately comes in uh the team member that's working with whoever's filming or the person that took the pictures or filmed they sit down at their desk they put it in they edit it real quick cut it up make it you know um to whatever the the aha moment is and then immediately render it out and send it to uh the stock agencies so like that i could see or if all you do is just build out sequences for me i and i don't know because that's not how i work but i feel like that device would be very it's a very different uh um workflow than what i'm used to so i would like all right so here's a perfect example the cut page i struggle fits the pros and cons of the cut page but i was just struggling and i feel like that device i might do the same unless um that was the the way in which i worked um then i would you know then i would do that have i played with the resolve gear yet no i have not uh if you mean like the the effect that they were talking about no i have not i don't know what that is oh that is weird that is an interesting little thing what is that used for it's got all sorts of things you have a little thumb control a bunch of buttons there's a scroll wheel i feel like that's something out of like a space movie or something you're controlling like a spaceship with that's kind of crazy looking if you guys have never seen that thing this is what he's talking about that he uses for resolve i don't know what the heck that one is that is all kind of buttons going all the way around that one's crazy looking but this is the one he was talking about it's got a little thumb joystick i don't know what that one is maybe two joysticks a big one and a little one maybe a button right there a little scroll wheel right there i have never seen one of those before it almost kind of looks like those split keyboards but just for one hand oh man look at that picture it's like a little button there too huh nope never used one of those do i have a favorite feature uh a couple uh obviously audio and fusion amazing um the new well i haven't played with them yet um to see like the benefits of them but all of the new vector shapes or the new tools infusion for vector stuff that should be interesting because that means that i could have really busy complicated um fusion comps that don't take a lot of processing power to render out hopefully fingers crossed on that um the the way in which that this whole new panel looks like look how small everything looks they got rid of a lot of the empty space um now there's a lot more control here and we can see all of the different um potential things you can change across the top uh i think it just looks really cool um the stuff on the color page is pretty cool the new color warper is pretty interesting i'm pretty happy with the stuff that has come out so far what i would say if you don't think you have a good enough pc you can always give it a try uh one thing that i really like about blackmagic is if if it doesn't work you can always go back to an older version some people don't know about this but if you come over to the website here on the website and you go to davinci resolve and i'm guessing that you have the free version and not the studio version but you can just scroll down this and you can try older versions obviously the older you go you know um the less and less features are going to be around but you can go all the way back like look at davinci resolve 11.3 you know so you can go back pretty far this is 2015 so this was working well on 2015 systems so i would probably go to whatever the last full releases so this is 15 before 12. if i went to 12 i'd probably go to whatever the last release of 12 was and so on um but yeah is this out already or still in beta uh davinci resolve 17 uh it's currently in public beta so you can download it and give it a try on the website um yeah it'll probably be in beta for a little bit just because it came out what 13 hours ago when will they get the quick edit bundle i don't know you just have to uh this is what i would do go to the davinci resolve website go to resellers uh depending on what country you're in obviously put that information in and then you could look at the resellers there's tons of them and then obviously anything that's the authorized resellers the online stuff those are like the big like websites so in the us this uh b h is like one of the big ones and uh so they currently have 16 um stuff on here so i'm guessing once they start to sell 17 they'll probably have that bundle the other thing you could do is you could just call them and and ask them if they have the bundle or when they're going to get it but i have no idea when they're actually going to be getting that unit he didn't really say and he just said like oh it's going to be bundled but he didn't say like when it was going to be released collaboration mode i think collaboration is very useful if you're a single editor obviously it's pointless right but if you work with a team it's very useful there is a reason why it was only in the studio version for so long uh and the only reason why they're putting it in the free version now is because of what's going on in the world and it's hard to get someone else you know sitting next to you at a computer so i wouldn't say it's a gimmick at all i'm not sure what you mean legend can you order it online well i just looked at the biggest reseller in the in the united states and it wasn't on there so um i'm guessing that it's going to be on the on those sites too i wouldn't see why it wouldn't be um because there's a lot of places especially in the united states there's a lot of places with that don't have black magic stuff unless you're in one of the big cities so buying online in the us is kind of the only option for a lot of people all right i don't remember where i was at uh audio maybe i should turn off my head or the speakers but it's the same exact volume and that's not really good if i just come back over jeez there's so many of them okay really good if i do come back over and let's say we completely remove it and go back in we still have that audio so this is something keep in mind because you might go in and say okay i can't do uh motion graphics to this let's just pop in a different thing and then all of a sudden it's not working or you might be working on a collaborative project and someone might have changed the audio here but there's nothing to show that it's changed on the fusion page which i feel like kind of weird so how would you fix this uh because here we have completely different audio than what we have in here and that's where this audio cache is all you have to do is click it and then if we look at this now it's going to have that new audio in there that we can now listen to so it's just that you might want to wine was ever altered and then some type of alerts and that you might want to you i just wanted to make you aware for now um it's just going to look alright i just wanted to show you that's how you have audio infusion it's not that difficult it is absolutely the white stuff i can show you guys a whole bunch of animations all right um are you actually opening up davinci resolve or are you opening up the control surface program to configure your to configure a uh like a advanced panel [Music] i don't think i ever did much in 3d texts i mean that could be something uh i i'm probably for the next two weeks i'm gonna be making stuff specifically based around the new updates and you've been able to make uh 3d stuff like 3d text in that in fusion for a long time but i can definitely dive into that kind of thing that stuff's pretty simple you're very welcome and uh good luck with the youtube journey it is uh an interesting one to get involved in you put a lot of time and effort into some videos and for some reason they never get any views and then other ones that you don't put any time into all of a sudden those get a ton of views it's a very weird uh it's a place to uh creatively make content it really is i don't really check my system resources uh what people have been saying throughout the day and one thing that i noticed is davinci resolve runs significantly smoother especially fusion stuff for the edit page so like being able to go in here and see all of these you know just very simply being able to scroll through and see all the animations very quick i think that's super cool i don't think the old version of davinci resolve had the ability to run things that fast so that's pretty cool which one should you download um not sure what you're talking about i'm not sure what you mean with the music clip at the same time i'm not sure what that means question i'm waiting to get my hands on a 30 90 when in stock do you think it's possible to edit is it possible to edit 8k footage in davinci resolve oh man you don't know what is possible let me just show you since you don't know where is it i don't know which page it's on uh maybe it's on the edit page there's so much stuff on this freaking web page i have a vague idea what it looks like so we'll just go through things really fast until we find it i just know it's blue okay that's not it am i going through the same stuff over and over again uh nope not that it's very big somewhere in here somewhere in here it's very very big but it's possible and i wish i could find it but it's 32k you can render or you can work in somewhere in here how do you update you go to the website you download it and then you hit hit install and then it will uh you just install in the same path of whatever your current one is installed at and then you should be good i have no idea where i seen that the one time because when i seen i was like oh okay that's kind of crazy there it is up to 32k resolution and then the the joke was all right i'm gonna get raw content that's 32k 30 seconds of footage is gonna be 20 gigs or 20 terabytes excuse me there you go look at that hasn't crashed in 17 yet typically crashes two to three times in 16. it probably is just for a studio because we're looking at the studio stuff but uh the free version if it's still the same it's 60k or 60k 60fps at 4k yup all right so we'll close that and i think that this video is done now i just need to add some music to it all right so go in here over here um what am i going to use definitely going to purchase the studio version i don't know if you seen in the uh event but now they added this thing uh i don't know where it would be panels maybe oh keyboards here we are so they added this thing here right this is like the new thing and this look keyboard is 295 dollars but he was saying for a limited time they're going to include this free with a studio license so you buy the studio license for 299 and then you get the keyboard which is valued at 295 and you get this for free it's a limited time thing and you just have to contact your local whatever your local reseller is and ask them when they have them in and then you know then you'd purchase that but yeah that's going to be bundled with the license so if you use it or not you know i would say at least wait for that deal so then you can you know give it a shot and see what you think of it it has it's battery powered and it runs over bluetooth but then it also has usb um so yeah it's definitely a good deal to take advantage of um if you're you know in the market of purchasing you just have to kind of wait until the uh the uh resellers have it in stock um but yeah yeah i definitely am putting in the hours and streaming um i mean let's be honest this video probably would have been done 40 minutes ago if i wasn't streaming but it's perfectly fine i'm all for it so finally time has come where we can actually get audio in fusion there are a couple of caveats here there isn't a ton that we can do outside of hearing the audio and seeing the waveform but at least we'll now be able to time all of our animations to audio which is amazing before we get started for those who haven't seen that before i do have a website that's fully dedicated to everything take a look at a ton of different tutorials i have as well as pre-made all right so jump in here i have two files so finally the time has come where we can actually get audio in default you're not going to have a good one would have to do is scroll through here so just clicking and scrolling through now we see oh geez the scrolling in the audio i was like what the heck a waveform and i'm a little bit bigger what are we downloading without winrar i'm confused it's so quiet without having music hey scroll timeline it's working oh man i got so much stuff on my desk right now all these damn batteries but it works oops if i'm on my actual timeline you have to hold down control all right yeah control but overall what am i doing why am i doing it this way i'm like making extra work for myself not alt plus what control not alt control um in this video i kind of show one thing that i wasn't a huge fan of oh there was there's there's one thing i doubt a lot of people are going to see it as an issue uh while i'm editing this other video you'll see the thing that i was talking about when you let me put it over here so i don't mess up this project but if you bring a clip in right and then you come into like and let's say you put this effect on here currently you put the effect on cool this effect over here is a fusion comp right so the effect itself has a fusion comp right so we have a fusion comp here um if i come over here there is no way to cache that fusion comp so whatever your system plays back at you can't cache that so you can see this is only five frames so that was one thing that i see and i was like oh that kind of sucks but it's only with those if you if i go inside of here and make a fusion comp right and just connect that up so something's different this will then you know have the cash bar so then you can cash right so then you can get good playback but obviously i just put a text node in there so it would it you know would play back smooth anyways uh but now it enables you to cache so the effects not being able to cache but they're running fusion so that that was like the one thing that i noticed uh that has been an issue so far but like i said still in beta obviously some of those things might have been in oversight or just haven't been um nothing has been done yet can you render it um the effects yeah you could render out the effects the other thing i was thinking that you could be able to do so if i bring this in and i put this on here the whole idea with these effects is to speed up your process right so you don't want to be jumping into fusion unless you are going to make something that's custom uh the next video that i'm going to be editing uh tonight uh i jump into this and i talk about how this whole effects stack works and how you can switch up the um how the effects are processed and how each effect is its own fusion comp which is a good thing uh but the whole not caching thing is an issue obviously the one thing that i didn't try that i thought about afterwards is if i come into fusion through the comp what i could actually do is right click on here and cache the disk right i could do that but that is so outside the scope of what someone would actually realistically do you wouldn't want to come into every uh edit page fusion effect and cache it this way so that's obviously the wrong way to do it it should be something that's just done here or just maybe like a button you click cache this or bake this you know effect or whatever um but yeah so that that was like one thing that i noticed so so far everything else has been pretty good in this video that i'm editing now about the fusion audio there was like one weird thing so audio that goes into fusion it's all cached audio and if something changes on the timeline it's not represented in the fusion comp because it's a cached version of the audio and there's no like watchdog or anything that tells you that it's out of date so that's something else that i that i found that was kind of like it's kind of weird to be represented together okay and it together get these to be represented oh gosh maybe not that to be represented together so i went right in and i came to like linking and i was thinking okay well maybe linking works if i come over what does this program do this is a video editing program that does a lot of things in video production all in one so right now i'm just editing a video that's going over all of the updates that have recently happened to this program so it's like a program and a program because that program is this program i've been up for too many hours thanks for watching see you guys oh jeez that's the end of it what the hell is this oh that's my end card just off of audio and how to animations show you guys a whole bunch of animations based off of them yeah really is inception and i'll go even a step further boom you guys a whole bunch of animations based off of audio and how to put together all right that is such a bad spot a bunch of a whole bunch of animations based off of audio and how to put together now i can show you guys a whole bunch of animations based off of oh don't tell me you're a hater of obs animations based off of audio and how to put together a bunch of motion graphics with audio so yeah that's pretty much audio infusion with that being said my name is jr thanks for watching see you guys in the next one oops yeah thanks for watching see you guys with that being said my name is jr thanks for watching put together a bunch of motion graphics all right oh subscribe button subscribe button audio turn this down negative five i really end it like that with me down there with audio so yeah that's pretty much oh that sucks that sucks a lot i'll do that because your eyes are going to be over there so yeah that's pretty much audio infusion with that being said my name's jr thanks for watching see you guys in the next one i should be able to render this right while i'm streaming hopefully it doesn't break anything youtube let's get the audio going and go back to tutorials audio did i really screw up this freaking i don't think that'll mess up anything so yeah okay there we are ah changing the freaking location again damn it hold on fusion audio boom all right actually hold on a second if i stop this nevermind try it again replace all right oh man people are talking about a lot of computer stuff you know is it possible that you do shortcut overlay stream so we can see what shortcuts you're using uh the shortcuts i'm using are all not mapped to anything that is in the default so you're gonna see me hit my f buttons a bunch um so it wouldn't really show much unless i can map to what it's calling in fusion but i feel like i would have to make a whole spreadsheet so that when i hit f2 it says like whatever it is in fusion shhh i could i could film one more i could i could uh are you asking me if i do i have uh color panels yes but because i've moved to a new location they're currently sitting on the floor uh i just use a wacom tablet which is like this little guy i just use a wacom tablet and a pen and then just a keyboard and mouse can you key frame a resize video frame to flip like a coin resize video frame to flip like a coin not entirely sure i know what that means i don't know what a resize video frame is but if you wanted an animation of a video flipping like a coin yeah you could do that in fusion yeah i really wouldn't mind you know showing what i'm hitting on my keyboard but uh they're not gonna be mapped to like the default stuff in fusion so i'm not sure if people would really gain much information from that yeah those new i want to see what the new horizons paired with the new gpu for that rage mode that they were talking about having a cpu gpu combo i'd be super curious what um like the beneficial side for like uh video production software would be like i'm super curious on that all right so this is pretty much done so next i gotta make another project new project i don't even know what to call this one uh okay why do i have two video clips here oh that's the wrong folder all right so we need that i need to come over hmm all right what else do i need come back um youtube tutorials all right all right so we're taking a look at fusion what's the easiest way to edit keyframe something in resolve what's the easiest way to edit keyframe something and resolve uh you want to edit keyframes is that what you're trying to do if it's on the edit page you just come in and you click and you add a keyframe and you add a keyframe this one's volume so they're all right here i can change them um the transform's sort of the same so i could click a keyframe click a keyframe and then you can click here and then this is the zoom right because we're on the zoom and then i can take my keyframes i can move them i can click it i can have them do like some easing in and so on that's how you do it for the edit page at least fusion's a little different is i'll show you here before we get started for those who haven't seen my content before i do have a website that's fully dedicated to everything davinci resolve you can go there and take a look at a ton of different tutorials i have as well as pre-made assets i'll show you here yeah did i one shot this or did i mess up a lot [Music] so they're not going to affect one another as well as the video track or the video clip on the timeline has its own fusion console so that they're not destructive to one another so you can completely deposit something on the video clip itself but then add effects layered on top of that that are all in the world before we get started for those who just let's just jump into it before we get started for those who haven't seen my content before i do have a website that's fully dedicated to everything all right so we're just going to throw in a clip here and the first thing that you're going to see is [Music] what's the verdict on 17 so far so good haven't crashed a ton i've only i crashed twice yesterday uh i don't remember exactly what i was doing to cause those crashes but yeah but so far so good editing wise at least you know i edited one video a little while ago i just um now i'm editing the second one so far so good no no issues alabama jeez i missed a bunch of stuff hope you're doing well yeah the vast majority of stuff in uh davinci resolve is uh in the free version are you using autosave yeah i use auto save and then uh i hit i save a lot i do this a lot control s it's instinctive i do it all the time is this really low for everyone or maybe you guys can hear it but um not sure how i ended up here isn't that the uh the amazing thing about youtube you end up in random locations you have no business in being in and then you stick around and you're like i might have learned something there i might not have but yeah somehow i got here the rabbit hole of youtube i guess my question that i have for you since you don't know how you got here are you a video editor at least do you edit videos one thing that i forgot to do and i'm normally good at this is i completely forgot to see what's in studio and what's in the free version i completely forgot that i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna send an email and see if i can get a list of all the things that are in studio versus all the things that are in the free version of all the new features uh uh but there's something really cool if you didn't see it here so we have here the ability to change how the stack works so we'll just add something else here these are the little things that i like how that they have like all these animations now the little things one thing that i learned is all of the the two i know oh okay yeah yeah oh i didn't know false color was as well yeah there's uh the studio version and then the free version of the beta they're both on the website me it's very hard to tell with a one-time crash thing like that you would have to do it a couple of different times to be able to figure out why it crashed is it like a particular tool is it a some type of value change in that tool was it just a random instability crash that you can't replicate the only way to fix stuff is being able to uh replicate it because then it's easier to find the the cause the root cause of the crash that's what a lot of people fail to do on the forms is they fail to give enough information to make it replicatable to be able to to do again to try to figure out the root issue you can switch how things are stacked that's where they quickly need to switch how things are uh so now we see everything that comes in here that's all the stuff that is prior in the stack right so all the stuff is getting rendered first and then because uh the drone overlays next we're going to be taking a look at that drone so now we look at the drone overlay here and if we open this box zoom out just a little bit now we can come in here and change any type of parameter and it really depends on the creator of the template but now we have the ability to come in and change things to be very specific right now use that as a starting point settings but also if i click on this i still get those same settings here that i can edit um now it's as simple as jumping back to edit page and we're back here uh working on this project again if you want to come to night vision you can come in one you can start working on this and as you can tell with this night vision one um we're not seeing that drone overlay because this is the first thing in the step that's getting processed uh same thing here you can open this up and then you can go into each note you can learn how the effect is built well as you can go in and make these changes if the night vision tool set that was made available isn't enough just like i said this is all really going to be dependent on the creator of the template you should probably if you're losing hours of work you should probably turn on autosave learn about how you can um having auto save on being able to have multiple versions of a save i have a video all about how you have multiple versions kind of like shadow copy if you know what that is uh in windows but you can have multiple versions of a save multiple auto saves stored and then hitting uh control s consistently stops you from losing hours and hours of stuff uh these different uh things that you had graphics like i said check that video out probably later this week and now let's say we need if you have 16 studio will 17 cost any additional nope if you had davinci resolve 12 you had the dongle you would still get all the new versions yeah once i get through all of these um videos going over all the new updates i'm going to ask the community for ideas and i feel like some of them are going to be very beginner and then some are going to be um people that have followed along on the channel for a longer period of time that they're going to be like more in-depth tutorials that's the uh the idea currently at least we'll see where it goes but that's currently the idea the sky or playing flying or there it is we can add that in here and this will then look like it's a part of the video if i click on here and this is just to show you let's say you know this was a plane or whatever i just wanted to do here but i think i get the idea here how this is all processed actually i know i changed this a couple of times that looks bad all right we're gonna fake this a little bit we to be kind of a tint up be kind of a tint of green tint there so we can see that it is definitely processed a tint of something so you can see that kind of a tint of something so we can see that it is definitely something you can see that it is of something of something so we can see that it is definitely processed um these days you can buy a dong activated license on the dongle version better for reselling i i don't know about that i never tell anyone to buy any of the dongles because there was a lot of fake ones on ebay so i always tell people to buy from a reseller that is listed on the blackmagic website if you like google fake davinci resolve dongles there are tons of people on reddit talking about how their dongles stopped working after one update all the different different templates oh gosh here we go with messing up stuff that is yes i was one of those stupid ebay sellers oh geez that sucks man yeah there was uh i found uh people that were selling on very very popular websites let's just say that very very big companies in the united states um that weren't on the website very very big reseller or marketplace should i say very very big marketplace that was selling um like the knockoff dongles primary facts and you can have someone that is doing very in-depth compositing they can do the whole deposit but then you can have the editor throw some type of little uh effect on top this sounds kind of shitty on top of it that you might have got from the previous hack or that you know you guys made honestly you now have the ability to simply go through change how things are processed i mean i get the idea what i'm trying to explain here just is coming off really bad sorry was there any way to get your money back like did you file something with ebay that it was a fake uh dongle what's the plan for the room i don't know i've been thinking about it there is a sofa downstairs i could just bring up i have a sofa that i could put in here i don't know yet oh it worked for a year and then it finally stopped working that sucks if you want to be a part of my community it's probably best not to talk about the crack software thing i know where you're kind of going with that to explain but i really like how the uh how it has a free version and i feel like people should just use the free version instead of uh trying to crack the studio version not really a fan of that kind of stuff uh but for the room i don't know yet i have some cool i mean i have some really big ideas that i would like to do but i don't know how like realistic they are this is what i would like to do oh let me find a picture something like this would be freaking amazing obviously his room is a bit bigger but uh i do have a good amount of room in here um but i don't know yet i was going to go all out on this room and get multiple cameras and stuff uh but then a couple of things fell through so i'm just kind of riding the wave and seeing how the uh streaming plays out if i'm really into it if i like it and then if i am then i would uh probably dive into uh building more things uh this is a popular um edm artist his name's dead mouse yeah the only things like i spent uh money in is i had to get fiber um from this room to the basement because the basement's like where all of my server equipment is that's like the only like big thing that i had to do so far um but yeah i just kind of want to play it out and see where things go um because i'm still not sure so far i kind of like streaming but i'm not sure like how long term or how big it could actually get is the wheels in the color page they they just became like really thin i don't know how small your screen is but and i don't know if there's like different modes to make them bigger if you need oh i mean you could go old school and just use use the bars that's how color grading used to be done i can't do rj45 well so um the distance i don't know if you know much about how cat 6 works but using proper cat 6 ends with all the like little piece of plastic waste of time um and the run to the basement is too far for uh rj45 or yeah for like a cable or copper cable um to work so yeah i had to run a fiber line oh okay i hate cat6 ends hate them with a passion getting that little piece of plastic that little insert in there and trying to jam everything i i hate of the passion with a passion so if i don't have to run them i'm not going to uh but yeah it was uh we decided that it was it was too long of a run to do so no wait i feel like i might have talked to you before then i gotta start remembering people's names i do apologize a little effect on top of it that you might have from three packs or you know you guys need on the site you now have the ability to simply go through change how things are processed change the order like i'm showing here and then go into uh each comp and change the different parameters in those columns showing within the ui that this is the primary comp for this project right there's nothing really here showing that if i come back to the edit and then i click on one of these we're going back into here and there's nothing that shows it you know this oh i only have i only have a uh a fiber cable inside it doesn't i don't have fiber service it's only inside because i have a 10 gigabit network um inside that goes to my servers downstairs this is just showing the video clip that you're working with if i click on clutch i come down here you can see that this is just a comp right and it shows all of the stuff down there but if i come in here it's not the worst thing in the world but i feel like something should be displayed on screen just making you aware that you were in a um see now i'm telling stuff that like isn't really relevant to this uh so this oh i just minimized it the playlist is just one of the albums on epidemic sound um in the description of this video there should be a link that'll get you a free month and this stuff uh as long as you connect your account to it so if i come in here like my youtube account is connected to this all the stuff that i stream or play on i don't have to worry about like any like licensing issues or dmca take down notices or copyright strikes or any of that but over here you can come into uh all the different categories for albums and i just kind of work my way through these sometimes they're kind of like yeah but sometimes they're like good like background stuff to kind of work with um [Music] when you installed the new version did your dudes resolve backup work oh database work yep everything worked what i would say to do though is uh over here you're going to so this is your database you're going to click this button here and you want to click this button if you have whatever your database click this button here and this will allow you to back it up so back it up before you upgrade the database just in case if davinci resolve 17 doesn't work on your computer or you have some stability issues or whatever it may be and you want to go back to 16 if you have a backup of it you could always just use the backup because the backup obviously won't have the upgrade the database upgrade and then you can just use that but once you upgrade you can't use that same database to uh to use in 16. if i click on clips i come down here we can see that this is just a copy it shows all of the stuff they never um put a date on when a stable version will come out at least as long as i've been following them to like the level i have been on their forms and stuff they just kind of they'll get a crazy influx of bugs and issues people are having and then like every two weeks or somewhere in that ballpark they'll keep pushing updates and hopefully people keep uh updating and then um you know as those start to slow down um it'll get closer and closer to a stable release but they never from my knowledge they never really like put a hard date on it if i come into here they're still showing the same thing it's not the worst in the world but i feel like something should be displayed uh maybe i'll just uh jeez i freaking i think i redid this because i was such a scatter brain yeah i did i sure did oh geez i jumped really far never mind hold on a second i'm showing the same thing this is the one caveat that you're thinking outside the box you're working here this is actually crap let's wrap that and then just start uh obviously there i can see it let's just start working on this and change it out and then uh i'm in eastern standard time so in the us right now it is 4 am 4 o'clock in the morning i've been on a pretty crazy uh schedule lately is the one other caveat that i have here the other caveat that i have here is there is no way to catch anything there is a setting for caching effects but it's only caching uh fusion fast forwarding comps that are tied directly to the uh or the click uh manually say what is [Music] um [Music] um see i got the single life so i can do [Music] whenever see that's a normal time to be up nine in the morning [Music] have a good one has anyone else played with uh da vinci yet [Music] are you using that the like the whole new like smart tracker thing or are you um manually tracking it um [Music] i might have something hold on a second for so you could i don't know a ton about it but i know that they updated like the grease pencil on how this whole thing works um you might get some you could use blender uh grease pencil is how you do like all the 2d stuff it's used for a couple of different things in blender but they added a whole system and it looks like you can do animation um in blender i know very little about like 2d animation because you're asking about toon boom but i just know like it's possible-ish but i just don't know a ton about it yeah so you know the whole whole like single frame thing and obviously a bouncing ball they're doing all in 2d and then you could obviously add 3d i would just look into it look up blender look up grease pencil look up 2d animation blender sort of thing and you might be able to find something that would work out for you when you look in the blender though make sure you look in like 2d animation stuff because you're just going to find a plethora of 3d stuff you're where you're going to get really lost and if you're trying to do like toon boom sort of thing just make sure you put in that 2d here there is the ability to automatically cache uh effects uh in user mode so i can simply come over to user mode and there's no more that is here what that means is that if you come over to fusion and then we add something in here like i was saying the uh uh that settings user mode that would automatically start caching as you can see it's added one there just like the cache says and that's just because it's looking at the future that's connected to this one um timeline and not the effects because of that triggering the cache but that cache will only be for this little call once it's done with that then it jumps to the effects table and it starts to catch that there's definitely a lot made the caching thing will definitely get fixed in a short period of time i can guarantee you that um and the effects are definitely going to be anything that we are going to see more and more and a lot more people creating them um because there is a lot of possibilities though there's a lot of cool ideas that at least for me that i already have here um uh like i said my my uh keyboard shortcuts are a little bit different but it's just called fast forward so the command just fast forward you just set uh obviously whatever keyframe to uh fast forward and then the more times you push it the faster and faster it goes after editing so many videos now i have to put everything every everything i edit i have to play at some type of faster speed i know like some people it's kind of jarring to hear um you know you speak like a chipmunk but uh yeah it's the only way you get edits done quicker until you have to get like super um like the pacing done then you play it in real time but i'm doing tutorials so it's not that big of a deal with this and that just means that um you're in here you can hover over it it'll show you what this thing is and what it would look like being applied to your collecting states obviously i'm going to change that but it shows you the default statement that that would look like so that's pretty much the uh fusion effects on the edit page i think that it's another great addition i really like how this whole panel wow yeah l is on the other side of the keyboard no way that i would actually hit that [Music] yeah i didn't know how to end this one i'm pretty happy with that so that's pretty much it i always love adding an um in there i'm pretty happy with that addition i think there's definitely a lot more that is us with that there's probably a lot more there's definitely a lot more that is uh see i said that twice so i wanted to get rid of all that so that's pretty much the uh fusion effects on the edit page i think that page until we're out of data here but i'm definitely hopeful whoa that wasn't the right one so that's pretty much it so that's pretty much the uh effects so that's pretty much the uh fusion effects on the edit page so that's pretty much it there isn't much more using effects on the egg page so that's pretty much it the diffusion effects on the edit page there isn't much more to add to it i'm pretty happy with that addition to the result i think that there's definitely a lot more that is uh there's probably a couple more improvements until we're out of data here but i'm definitely hopeful and i enjoy it and i really like the addition to over here a lot cleaner and uh thank you for watching guys i'll see you guys all right so we're taking [Music] hmm can you rotoscope people out you would need something to replace that area though what would go in that area if you did do that though no wait there already is a tool like that that came out in 16. didn't it i feel like if there was a tool that came out during 16 where you could remove something object remove yeah yeah i knew that there was something that that uh i was trying to find the thing on blackmagic's website that was talking about it yeah anything that uses the neural engine i believe is studio only [Music] uh a look at fusion effects on the edit page the cool thing with these is that all the effects are in an effect stack so you can change the way in which that they're stacked on top of each other and even cooler than that each effect is in its own fusion comp all right so we're taking a look at few definitely don't like that as a song fusion effects on the all right so we're taking a look at fusion effects on the edit page jeez am i like out of sync the cool thing with these is that kind of it almost seems like so you can change each effect all right yeah you typically want to if you're going to remove be removing someone you want what's referred to as a clean plate which is the same shot uh with the same background with no one there to how these actually work because i have these actually work it's actually work because i have a drone shot here we'll just go in here and we'll get the drone overlay maybe you could do something creative instead of removing them unless you really have to blur them or something i don't know that's all the stuff that is that's all the stuff that's all the stuff that is prior in the stack right so all the stuff is getting thing that comes in here that's all the stuff that is pro comes in here that's all the stuff that is prior in the stack right so all the stuff is getting rendered first and then because uh the drone overlay is below that [Music] definitely not any of that all right let's look for something new a free version of what davinci resolve uh 17. yes here and this will then look like it's up and this will then look like it's a part of the video clip so if i click on here and this is just to show you let's say you know this was a plane or whatever i'm just going to add some text into here but i think you'll get the idea here how this is all processed actually let's change this up just a little bit to be kind of a tint of something so we can see that it is definitely processed um so whatever we composite is processed and then all of these different effects are processed on top of that because these are like primary effects that would be processed on top of that so so there's all different few fusion comps here that are working together to build why do you need it to be open source would you actually be someone that would contribute to it because i mean they have a free version uh comps that we were currently working with if i come back here uh uh three different uh uh there get out of here that's a badass waveform oh there we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i definitely just had to i definitely had to just uh use the translator to respond to this guy i don't know if he understands english different uh comps that we were currently working with if i come back definitely no lyrics [Music] i try to make everyone feel inclusive that's the only way i can help with the language i don't i can't read or speak here there so currently there is no caching that is happening here there's no way to cache these if i come over into in here it says that it would cache uh the headphones i have i love and the reason why i love them is because you can buy every single part on them um i think that they're in the description um yeah they are freaking amazing uh comps that we were currently working with if i come back here there so currently there is no caching that is happening here like when the uh i don't even know what to call these things but when when uh they previously were gross and we're bad you can just get a replacement and this strap you can get every piece of these headphones you can get a replacement and i love them it's all right you don't need to know english i got you are you looking to get new headphones is that what you're asking because in in the past i've like bought other headphones from uh what the heck is that company called it's a it's a really popular company i can't think of what they're called b h i think it was like a g or something like that but i don't know what they're actually the actual name for them but i couldn't find any parts for them it's not ag it's something something with an a uh not audio technica akg that's what they were so i had a set of those headphones but i couldn't find any parts um so i just had to get new headphones which kind of sucked or at any like uh certified parts i mean you can find like random stuff on amazon but it's very hit or miss if it's actually like good uh everything is in why why not uh premiere everything's in one program and you don't have to round trip ever um all of these all of these uh pages are like all of the different programs all in one and you never have to render from one to the other or you don't have to do like link clips and hopefully the program opens up and the link doesn't get broken and then you have to re-link and all that stuff they both kind of do the same thing at the end of the day they both tell a story and that's all that really all you really need to do i have to update my registry my domain is that what you're talking about that should auto updates i'm not concerned with that or auto well then keep using it if you think it has more options keep using it i'm not here to fight you i'm not here to change your mind i'm here to show people uh the current updates that have happened to uh davinci we might be able to do it this way obviously that and then come into here and oops cache the disk so we might be able to do it this way obviously that's not ideal uh the whole point of having these effects is to throw them on here uh quickly edit them uh yeah i won't lose my domain the project but um yeah so doesn't seem like there's a way to cache these but thank you might be completely wrong on that only now the real question is why did you go to who is and look up when my domain is expiring that's the real question this little comp once it's done like that then it jumps to the effects uh panel and it starts to catch that stack there all right so the process that's that there's no way of catching it yet so far no issues um like i've been saying all night if i go into here and get like ooh oh hello um and go and like my wedding titles and review like look at them all the animations are fast you know depending on how i go the wiggles all of that looks good everything is fast quick and easy to preview stuff um all of it's super quick i'm happy with it um but yeah oh you have a plug-in on firefox oh i know it's all public information i i know that that's why i said who is because that's where people typically go to look that stuff up um yeah i'm not i'm not that concerned [Music] i'm pretty happy with that addition to davinci resolve i think how long does it take me well everyone's system is going to be completely different and it depends on what you have in the project uh but probably you know less than 10 minutes like there's definitely happy with that addition to davinci resolve i think that there's definitely going to be a lot more that is uh seen with that there's probably going to be a couple more improved movements until we're out of beta and i'll see you guys guys in the next one [Music] there's a lot of factors to play on how long your render times are what kind of footage you're using your hardware that you have how complicated is your edit on the edit page my name i feel like it's a nice addition into davinci resolve so that's pretty much all i have on fusion effects on the edit page my name is jr thank you for watching stay safe guys and i'll see you guys in the next one bam i think i'm done with my second one all right so we're taking a look at fusion effects on the x layered on something before we get started for those who haven't seen my content before i do have a website that's fully dedicated to everything okay i haven't done a lot on the fair late page um for a couple of reasons one i don't do a ton of audio and two i'm not super comfortable in that space so i haven't really done much on it um there were a couple of like updates infusion big updates infusion um or excuse me fairlight this time around so i feel like someone that is into audio that understands it that uses it should probably make videos but i could at least do what everyone else is probably going to do a highlight video on the updates but yeah i don't really do a ton in audio so it's hard for me to offer that help all right where is my music and let's go to youtube tutorials uh what do we do on this one fusion effects so this is where we want to go all right and that's where we're going all right and everything else is set up boom render so so has anyone else done uh anything in the new davinci yet or anything that they're excited to explore i wish i could see the stats on how many people are going to use the collaborative uh features because i think that that's a big thing they're taking something that was in the studio and they're putting it in the free version for people i think that's a big thing they're letting go part of their product that brought customers to them they're giving it out for free because of the pandemic curious how many people are actually going to jump on would be a cool stat to see but i don't know if that's actually going to become a thing just to get information on yeah it definitely definitely could be because think about it if let's say you have a whole studio or a whole uh production house that uses resolve but the licenses or the dongles are on all the systems in the building and everyone lives all across town and they have some kind of system you know at their house um they would just be able to you know get some edits done at least [Music] [Music] [Music] i wonder i wonder what the user base is currently at too for davinci resolve in general when i was talking to when i had that that interview that's on youtube they were saying in the millions but they wouldn't say like how many because a big number since um adobe is a publicly traded company that's something that they have to show since well now definitely since they have a subscription model they have to show how many people are subscribed um i'm just curious what the the number difference is even if it's the free version because if you're in the free version you you have at least a couple of toes in the water in the davinci resolve water even though you might not be like a hardcore user of the software yeah you can start using it you get so many tools you could make a feature film in 4k if you wanted to do 60 frames per second you could i'm frozen again it must be because of the rendering or something i don't know are we good now yeah but thank you playing with legos a lot of uh programs use that so if you want to get into like a whole ecosystem of free stuff you could use davinci resolve for all your editing compositing color grading audio work and then if you want to do like uh vfx stuff you could use blender and blender uses nodes as well so and between those two programs you could make just about anything and there's a lot of people that you know what i would have to find those videos but there's a lot of people that say like oh who would actu ever like adopt blender and start using that i don't know if you guys have ever seen the show um silicon valley but in silicon valley uh i forget what the guy's name is but there's this head guy of a technology company and he always does like all these crazy things and he he uh wanted an elephant right so really wealthy guy in the show he runs this tech company and he wanted to have an elephant on his like campus of his company and so the whole elephant was actually made in blender and it's kind of crazy because that was like a super popular show the elephant looks really good and it's all fake and it was all made in blender a lot of people say like all blender you know isn't used in big productions it's not entirely true there's actually a lot of work that's done in blender which is the people that do the work are doing the work and they're not sitting there like talking about it i bet uh for a lot of people the uh the uh davinci resolve uh intro sequence and what's on their website right now i bet that is a big shocker for a lot of people like all the video or all the films that uh davinci resolve was used in noting that like it was different parts of davinci resolve to make that film it wasn't obviously you know all of davinci resolve not all the editing all those films were edited but a lot of them were primarily colored right so we're done we did both videos they're both done now i have to make thumbnails for them and i don't want to um i have to find think of a creative way to make a thumbnail yeah there's vast majority of stuff is uh node based it's just a lot of people that are coming from like premiere think everything is layers which isn't true all right so this one somehow i have to all right i know exactly what i'll do for this one so i'm going to come back to the actual project i was working in i don't remember if i saved all the stuff in there [Music] okay so i only have night vision on here i think i added on here also uh the overlay for the drone overlay right boom so that's what i had on here before all right so what i'll do is i'll drop that down i'll show this just like that take a screenshot and we will open up affinity photo and open up the project for infinity photo for my thumbnails okay [Music] uh hmm uh wait a second deselect click on this invert there we are is going on here i can't pick a color oh saturation it's been a while since i've used this i need to start making more tutorials damn it oh man i look rough in that picture all right all right so now that i have that i think somehow in here i can do like a stroke a glow outline let's make it red super saturated um two pixels more pixels okay uh huh so that's weird we have a red box around the whole thing how do i not have a red box around everything so if i go like that and then if i go like that and then now like this and make this big we still have it everywhere so if i go like this now how do i get rid of this crap okay that's obviously not what i want how do i get rid of that around the edge i have no idea to be honest with you what program is this this is an infinity photo listen listen listen it is updated look at that now i have the stupid filter things leave me alone i updated it i listened but it still freezes i don't know why how the heck haha screw it i'll just do the inside of that freaking box looks good enough for me it'll work even though it's not ideally what i wanted all right uh this is effects so we will i don't i really don't like this this whole color thing um what do i do all right so we got that then up here i'm going to write some text and what we're going to put here fusion effects on is that really all i'm putting fusion effects on that page that's all i named it okay sure fine definitely not that color though oh gosh what color would work with this uh they can actually see we're okay we're just gonna go black actually no like that then we're going to do the double and do the outer shadow make it dark radius how do i get rid of the blur intensity but how do we get rid of blur oh wait that's not like a drop shadow though that's just like an outer thing it's like what's in between that and the line i don't know for sure works for me this looks horrible i'm gonna come up with something cooler okay this is how i come up with cool stuff so i'm gonna come over here i'm gonna go find a picture that i wanna use that i have the rights to use and it's going to be a random picture of something super random because that's what i do perfect so we download that then we open and we make a fusion comp because all i know how to use is fusion and then we'll bring the photo in and we will grab this we'll grab a bitmap and we'll put this into here and then in here we'll go like that put a transform there connect this into the brightness map and here we will go scale zero detail zero come over here we'll flip this over to gradient and we'll pick two cool colors that color and maybe that color and we'll look at it and it looks horrible but it's okay because we'll macgyver this figure it out we come back in here and then we move this around a little bit do something like that look at we got something super unique and then we want to add a little bit more so we'll grab a grain pipe this in the green now we'll look at this let's make this bigger look at that it's looking like a cool background right isn't that amazing hold on i gotta save image i'm always super concerned like what when what screen that that opens up on okay so in here youtube tutorials uh here uh edit thumbnail and we'll make that into a jpeg save so we'll open this back up we'll open this thing back up go into our project that has that uh thing and we'll drop it on there zoom it down and go like that look at that now i got a cool background and then all i gotta do is that and then um i don't like the colors hold on a second all right so maybe let's try some different colors if we switch them that looks weird that almost looks like a head oh now i can't unsee it what happened here why is that different size oh never mind uh we are going to take this and go like that so like a negative 45 bring it over here make it wide over here go like that feather the edge and then come over here and back it up a bit i don't know what i'm doing it's a lot of work going into this freaking thing i don't know if i like it it's abstract all right let me save this quick file type jpeg boom save now we come over to here and we drop it on there why don't i see everything else oh it's all at the top there we are all right this is too big so we'll make that a little smaller uh and then maybe we'll make the box around this a different color maybe like this blue or a really dark spot in the blue okay that looks bad um perfect i think that will be fine that works now i just need to do the other one all right so go back to camera and save this quick export um youtube uh that was the effects thing right yeah effects thumbnail okay so now i have to figure out what i'm going to do for the other project so let's just go over to the other project cause i forget what this was oh this was the audio wave thing my database is way too big it takes way too long to load other projects okay now there's nothing in here put this on here go into fusion audio no i don't need any of that close the inspector open this up go like that waveform right click line large should i make them both large yeah sure okay look at that we have a waveform now how do i this how do i show this off and have it look interesting all right we need it longer so what we will do is we'll take this and we will duplicate it take these duplicate those take those duplicate those take those duplicate those highlight all of these turn this into a fusion or excuse me a compound clip and now let's go over now i have a really long song oh wait i don't have a long song because you have to freaking do this stupid thing come over here purge okay and large large we'll zoom in to make it look really detailed right almost like we know what we're doing here uh if i just close that and then have that can you tell it's still fusion probably not people are used to seeing nodes should i make a super complex looking node tree all right i got a perfect example we'll come over here in here open up the uh titles and grab one of my particle things uh why is that coming here if i click it there we go part or nodes okay now we see all of that oh uh there we go but we have the wave that should make sense right we got nodes and stuff all right inspector how do i want that to look maybe i have to have a node selected for the inspector all right so there we are all right looks like a bunch of nodes we know we're in fusion screenshot what's the difference between 250 and 80 uh what how much power you need to uh drive them so it just depends on um what you have that's going to power the headphones that's the difference between it you can look it up there's tons of videos that talk about it okay so now that i have that i can come back over to here [Music] new paste okay so what are we gonna do here navigation zoom out get that to go something like that all right let's close that for now how do we show off waveforms um and then it's fusion song name that's a great question i have no idea let's look there we are so you're very welcome uh you need an external um graphics card if you're doing um heavier work or if your uh laptop doesn't have a very good internal graphics card some of them do have really good ones some of them don't um and so it's a way to get more obviously more compute out of your computer without having to upgrade the whole thing do you need it for davinci resolve uh really depends on your hardware some people will some people won't some people depending on what they're doing won't need it it's hard to say okay so what i think i do here is i do this in multiple pieces so we have this so we're going to duplicate this and then here we're going to do the same thing that i did previously with this showing this off right and black on here disconnect what am i doing uh i forget how i flipped it oh gosh now i did a whole bunch of other stuff i didn't want to do how the hell did i invert this before okay so it's obviously not levels i felt all confident like i knew what i was doing before too no wait that is inverting okay it is inverting but it's all messed up there we are now i can move the whole thing around okay now on here i could take this make this bigger go like that and show this all off right and take this and i think it's an adjustment or something no it's not there how do i blur this um um blur there we are blur perfect should probably keep you around but don't want you around okay so there we are all right so what is going on down here around the bottom all right so we are going to go like uh click on here click on here and get rid of all this and we're going to make this hardness 100 okay so now i have the window showing it right cool um okay so it's on the bottom click here outline oh what in the world is that oh damn it damn it damn it david let's get rid of all that oh boy oh boy it's probably rough to watch i probably zoom in on your f so now that i have that all right so it's not there anymore we'll go inside why don't i see it now am i on the wrong thing outside oh wait this isn't the right thing it is the right thing okay there's a black line around it now okay there we are inside are you serious right now is this serious what [Music] what [Music] sure now the real question is can i somehow adjustments uh i wanna add something over top split tone no i want to add like here oh god no that's not what i want that is not what i want okay so we'll get rid of that what we'll do is we'll just make another layer man i am bad at using these programs and we'll do that and then there's probably a mode that i can do like that and reduce it or something i don't know where i'm going with this color what does that do what if i change the color [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] that was the stupidest way to do that but whatever it worked i guess all right [Music] now what is this one called audio in davinci resolve fusion that's the most confusing title that i could have ever made i'll just add page and it's about fusion right but i can't see it [Music] this is like the shittiest freaking time oh whatever audio davinci resolve fusion page sure it gets the point across right [Music] hmm this is what we need in freaking um da vinci there's a lot going on on this thing whatever all right [Music] export alrighty i did two videos oh i wish this preview was in in there but nope question about the tracker motion type do you know a way to remove the rotation what are you trying to track i think that's the best thing to help with this are you corner pinning something to something because i'm guessing you use playing your tracker because you need perspective change or perspective shift it is five in the morning here now i've been up for a long time i woke up this morning i had my alarm set for 7 00 am so it's 5 a.m so i'm almost at 24. i had a lot of stuff to do before the stream um the the black magic stream so i'd get all that stuff done and then i knew that afterwards that i was gonna have a ton of videos to uh create so so you're trying to track an object that's moving just use the normal tracker because then you're not adding complexity into it the only time you would use like the camera tracker or the planar tracker is if you need some type of perspective shift or you're trying to have something that moves right so you need to be more concerned about the scale and stuff like that but if you're just trying to track something across and that stuff doesn't matter then just use a normal tracker 11 16 p.m man you guys are going to sleep [Music] do that new thing in the color page i'm not sure what you mean [Music] the uh there's a lot of stuff in the color page but the color warp is that we're talking about maybe i should find a good shot to do that on huh let's go look what can i find that would be a good shot to play around with [Music] what is this all right what projects do i have open here i can open up another one new project [Music] so all right so let's grab some raw footage put that in there sure change there we are take all this put this here don't know what these are saying so i'm just going to get rid of all the audio i probably shouldn't save this doesn't really matter all right so come over and uh what am i doing here we're playing with this thing right so we'll go like that and we can make a lot of things okay that's like too many so we can open this up actually hold on a second [Music] hmm oh yeah so if i come in here and i say like these gloves and like switch the color up with the gloves boom oh man it's getting his hair too that's funny let me see if i turn that off oh because his hair has red in it it's just it's honestly just like this i just simply come into here huber's hue grab the red and make a purple is that what you were talking about using this i haven't seen the uh here um one what is it called okay so um how do i show this website i don't know i don't know how to show this website but uh you can't actually buy from this website because well okay well i don't know where you are in the world but uh you can't buy from this website unless you're a distributor but um it's here so with them having it that's a good thing this means that all the distributors in north america will have it so with them having it a lot of other primary um distribution companies will have it as well so they have it on their website so that's good so it's just a matter of time for the other places to get it and then to start promoting it actually film trying to see if the new place has uh or another place has that stuff but i think they only really carry camera stuff and not really desktop things actually they no they do have some stuff i hate the websites that have those auto chats it's like are you struggling trying to find something let me help you nah it looks like a couple of the other um bigger players don't have it but since one source does that means that uh north america will have it soon um i'm guessing most of the people in this aren't from north america but if they have it then other companies will start to get it as well so the the one source they aren't like listed they might be listed on their website but they're more of a logistics company for blackmagic products so they just get it from the factory to all of the the different distributors in north america that's why you know you and me can't order from them only the uh oh like the official resellers can but i would say relative that's that's interesting now that i thought about it because now that i thought about it i think that's interesting because that was like the one product that wasn't there was like no release date on everything else was like oh we'll have it out by this time or you know uh soon but that was the one thing they just said like oh we'll be bundling this but they never said anything else than that actually give me one second i want to check something quick okay so the um davinci resolve speed editor it's going to retail for 295 uh us prices um and it says available now um and that's from an official source um saying available now currently davinci resolve 17 obviously it is free the full license is 295 i thought it was 299 not 295. um and [Music] uh currently in public beta yeah fairlight desktop console 34.95 available in december fairlight hdmi monitor interface 259. oh that's a thing that's too um 259 available now and then i guess that's all that was announced right the shape tool has nothing to do with making things complicated or not complicated for my understanding the shape tool is just going to be more around performance than anything because everything is vectored so because everything is vector based you're not going to be constantly having to monitor and read pixel data so it's a bit different but i don't think it's going to make it less complicated yeah yeah yeah i i was just looking for availability uh i i know like it's gonna be a limited time offered the bundle deal um for getting it for free but i just wanted to see if maybe they had like a specific date but it says available now so that means that it's on its way to supply or like resellers you know what something interesting i didn't even try with the edit page let's try something because i'm curious actually i can't try it without moving a bunch of stuff dang it i would have to move it like hmm hold on there might be something in one of these that does the same thing so if we move this there's no controls here right fusion overlap oh there is a control oh my video i just made oh there's so much more to it do you know how big that is right there that means that a lot of the uh stuff that i have on my website can uh be altered because this was something that i was i had a feature request for uh being able to have these controls here so actually hold on a second if i go into [Music] this is going to be interesting so if i cut this right and i go into my controls here and i don't know which one it would be but hold on a second let me let's look so does that one have a center no uh maybe this one [Music] can we change the position on these okay we can all right so how do i get rid of this effect for now let's get rid of all that crap right so we're on this do we have a control for this we don't have a control for this so how do i show that control if i go into how is this going to work in fusion uh okay so that's interesting i think i might have just found a bug oh no here it is so there's this control here right and that will change the center position i like how i deleted these and they're still here but this is the center position control right typically you wouldn't see that but i don't see it here interesting interesting interesting and for some reason they're calling this effect what is that supposed to mean does the official one say that let me get rid of that right are these fusion ones oh this clip has the uh because i cut it that's why this one has it still okay now that goes away all right yeah so it's saying effect interesting all right it's not that big of a deal but that is i wonder if there's a way to get the um that center point to show up hmm hey hey hey you can sleep at any point in time uh but that is that's that's interesting so i probably wouldn't talk about um that being an over like i don't now i don't know when to talk about it because obviously that video should have had that in there um oh yeah look at that damn it all right well guess what since i didn't post it i'm going to film it while i'm streaming and change it and redo my edit alright so that was uh this one damn it well it's always good to be uh as thorough as possible what about audio fusion all right so this is going to be weird because i'm talking into the camera while you guys are here i think i can record while i'm streaming so i should that should work out all right so uh how much crazy crap is comes up when i click on this do i have to click on no no no no effects oh gosh now how do i is there nothing editable in these really all right well this is how the project was initially set up so uh your gpu was full fan tastic excuse my language all right uh but it didn't do anything because it's still updating all right um man my brain is going like a hundred miles a minute here all right so we gotta turn this back to that because that's how it was set up that looks fine i don't think i had anything else here [Music] oh gosh i can't change the output okay i'll just record to where it's currently set up at all right so we'll come back over to here um so if i add this on quick right boom and then open this up okay so now it's not showing up do i have to have this like open how do i get it to be the thing that we're working on because i just seen it in the other project oh what does this do oh okay so that is kind of dumb you have to click it to make it active okay uh i guess that's that value there centered so by clicking on something then you can change it okay makes sense so we'll delete that turn it off come over here oh yeah because you can turn them on and off right yeah that's how it always worked all right uh what just happened oh gosh now i'm gonna constantly have this as an issue all right so because we're having that as an issue i'm going to go in and close all these other projects close it's going to take a little while uh [Music] yeah right when you don't have enough good which one are we in right now yeah so we'll close this one do you want to save sure don't even know what the change was [Music] um fusion audio it's audio that's in fusion um now you can take in here audio and you can um preview waveforms all right so we'll close that one as well dude would you like to save sure there's so many effects that would have take time all righty whole face doesn't like mess up now this isn't like moving or doing anything maybe because i have to close this close that and now we're updating right here so after i was done editing i realized that there was one other thing that was added to davinci resolve uh within the effects and that is the ability to change um a couple of different parameters and it kind of seems like position stuff currently and it's kind of hit or miss what actually works so i'll quickly show you here so this is the project that we're working on and one of the parameters in here is the center so it's this little bit here and how a lot of other templates were set up is you would have to come in here and you know move it it was kind of janky and so what they did to kind of get around that i recently found out if you come down here you go to fusion overlay and you have to make sure it's enabled so that's off obviously when it's gray but you can enable it and when you enable it then you have access to the um to the little tool to then pull it around on the screen there so let me show you something else here i'll close both of these out and bring in the binoculars so here you go we now have the ability to adjust where those binocular like glasses are and i'm guessing change the size of them as well and bring them in so that's kind of like one of the things that doesn't enable or doesn't so that's one of the things that you can kind of get around having to go to the fusion page constantly to make little adjustments like this it's definitely a really good thing that sounds terrible so yeah that's a pretty good uh how do i want to wear this so yeah that's one of the big advantages of now having the effects on the edit page and now having the overlay of the tools that were typically only used in fusion all right so now i'm done with that i'm still streaming i believe yes so now let's go to that folder and let's open up that project that we were working on so that is this one open all right and we will go into youtube fusion effects edit yeah there oh wait that's not where it's saved because it's saved somewhere else right facing okay um refresh so i finished doing this video at one and then i add a little clip in at five all right headphones all right so now i gotta figure out a spot to put this in oh my god did i really do that whole thing in full screen oh i need to go to sleep did i really do that whole thing in full screen you've got to be kidding me all right i guess i'd do it again that's the only file that's here right i can't believe i did that whole thing in full screen and i'm still full screen bro why didn't anyone tell me all right how did i do that whole thing in full [Music] screen i wasn't even reading chat so that's what you call a fail that's what happens when you stay up for almost 24 hours i guess all right so now i got to go back and set this whole project up as if i didn't do that uh what did i have drone and night vision and come over here and then you gotta put drone over night vision something like that there we go okay see these are the things you typically oh and then it crashes and then it freaking crashes are you serious there's nothing to be said maybe i just do the one video and then i do this tomorrow i can upload the one video for for 8am and then the afternoon video i'll just do that yeah i'll just i'll just do this tomorrow and make a note oh my gosh where's my pen so what was that the fusion overlay it's called [Music] um uh pick up for fusion overlay now what happened to davinci uh yeah i don't know what it is but i'm just gonna film that part again tomorrow [Music] let's see what i got open here all right i can't believe i freaking filmed that whole thing in full screen oh what a fail i filmed the whole that whole like pickup about the overlay and i filmed i then put it in the editor and realized that it was all full screen of my camera and it didn't show da vinci and so what i was saying you weren't able to see amazing i haven't slept i woke up at 7 a.m it's now 6 00 am so i've been up for 23 hours so i have i filmed two videos i thought i edited two videos completely but then i realized that i missed something um so i have one video so i'm gonna uh end the stream in a little bit here upload that one video get it set up for 8 am and then go to sleep for a few hours wake up film the little bit that i uh just tried to film and then upload that in the afternoon and then i'll do it all over again and do two more videos or one more video i don't know we'll see oh that's cool sometimes you just gotta know when the when the you know save it for another time i was stumbling i got through it though i thought that i did good i was showing it on screen very well but uh yeah a little too tired i guess yeah i'm definitely gonna go to sleep wake up and uh do it all again tomorrow because there's so many other things i have a whole list of other stuff to go over so there's definitely a lot of content to do but yeah so this is another four hour stream i thought i got two video i still can't get over that i thought i had two videos in the bag but um yeah you live and learn i guess um but i guess with that said i'm heading out um thank you all for hanging out with me and uh yeah i'll probably be around tomorrow doing the same thing around the same time not exactly 100 on that but um if anything plays out like it did today i probably will so with that being said thank you all for watching i appreciate it have a good night stay safe talk to you guys later
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 21,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 17, updates, new release
Id: FWuyuNpbDko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 25sec (13885 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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