INTRO Text Animation TUTORIAL & Walk through / Davinci Resolve / Fusion

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my name is william justice today i'm going to show you how i created this quick intro animation for my channel using davinci resolve infusion [Music] welcome to a resolve fusion walkthrough where we go step by step through a detailed fusion animation i've had a lot of requests for people asking how i created my new intro so i thought i'd show you how i made it most of the animation is in fusion but i did do a few things on the timeline just to add a bit to it there's quite a few steps so this video may be a bit a little bit longer i just wanted to go in detail to show you exactly how i set it up there's four basic parts to this fusion animation first the text for the wj is revealed with glowing colored flashes next the w and j animate to reveal the text william justice after that the filmmaking editing and effects drops in below the text and some icons pop up on top in the last part of the animation everything gets a little bit larger shakes flashes and then zooms out if you enjoy my videos and would like to see more on davinci resolve and fusion please subscribe and like this video any questions or comments leave them below i'd love to hear from you okay let's get started we have a blank fusion composition and we're going to add in a background i'm going to connect the background to the media out click the text node and drag that in and take the output of the text node into the background to create a merge node and this is going to be our first text we'll bring up the inspector and we'll say william let's increase the size of that let's set the font and choose prompt adjust the size up just a bit select the text node hit ctrl c to copy it ctrl to v to paste it take the output of the text node and drag it into the merge to create another merge and this is gonna be our second text okay let's position the text on the text note hit the layout icon and i'm gonna move it over this one a little bit over to the right and hit the first text and move it a little bit over to the left we'll just try to center it just a little bit that's probably good enough now we're going to use a rectangle mask around both of the text nodes so with text one selected hit the rectangle mask and we're going to size this up to be right about the size of the text and put it right in the middle let's select the second text node hit the rectangle mask and we're going to do this on the justice part put the mask around the justice okay now that we have the mask set to the right size we're going to adjust the position and the masking so that we're just going to see the w and just the j let's start with the william let's uh select the text we're going to take the text and slide it all the way over so that we're just going to see the w for the justice we're going to take the rectangle mask and we're going to slide that over so that we only see the j so we're going to go to the center x position and we're going to slide it over to the left so that we just have the j so we just got to we have a the wj all right now we're going to add in our colored flashes to reveal the pieces of the letters so i'm going to take the the j and we're going to move that all the way over because we need some room to work in here to do this we're going to use a paint node so we're going to start with the background and drag that in take the background and merge it in we're going to set the alpha of the background to zero the background selected click the paint note paint select to go up to the tools area and click this this line here which is a polyline stroke and we're going to draw a stroke we're going to we need to start a little bit off the screen and we're going to drag it to a little bit off this edge of the screen this is going to be the the flash that goes through the first part of the w and you can check take this and adjust the position a little bit like that okay let's go to the inspector we're going to in the brush controls we're going to make it a little bit smaller a little bit thinner this is adjust the thickness of that line we're going to make it a little bit thinner close the brush controls and let's go to stroke control so this is where we're going to create our flash you can use the right on property to set which areas of the line are visible and we're going to animate this to create the flash going across so let's get about the right size a little bit bigger that's pretty good and next we're going to set the color so let's uh we'll make this one blue okay so to animate this let's uh let's start with frame number five and we're going to take this right on and you can click right in between these two dots and drag the position like that so we're going to drag it all the way up we're going to keyframe the right on property and we're going to go over nine frames and then take the right on and drag it all the way to the bottom so next let's add a glow effect with the paint selected hit control space and type glow and we'll add that in and let's adjust the glow we'll give it a good glow size and yeah so you can you can really do whatever you want with this let's make that uh let's see how that looks i think i want that a little bit bigger so let's go to the paint node brush controls and we're going to make it just a little bit thicker of a line okay that looks pretty good so this is going to come down through here and reveal this part of the w so we need to just copy this three times we're gonna have one two three four so let's take the paint and the glow and we're gonna hit ctrl c to copy it and ctrl v to paste it we're gonna do that two more times and we're gonna take the background and put this into each of the paint nodes and let's merge each of the glows in okay so right now they're all right on top of each other so we just need to position them so let's go to merge 4 here which is going to be the second line and we're going to move it over a little bit and adjust the angle okay that's about right let's uh change the color so we'll hit hit the paint node and go to modifiers and let's uh we'll make this one kind of that color there so we just need to do this with the other two lines i'm gonna go to the merge and adjust the positions adjust the angle just a bit to get it to line up it doesn't have to be exact but just kind of close hit the paint and then modifiers and we'll make this one kind of a make this one kind of a green and we just got to do the last one now so what we'll do is hit merge six move it over a bit let's put it in the viewer move it over a bit adjust the angle and try to line it up with that segment okay so here's what we have so the idea is that each of these glowing lines we want it to just kind of go through one of the parts of the w and adjust the color of paint three so we'll hit the last paint go to modifiers and we'll make this one kind of an orange okay we have all our lines going through let's adjust the timing we want each one to start when the previous one is leaving the screen so the blue one is the first one coming through so let's find out where that's leaving the screen that's leaving the screen right around frame 13. so we want the second one to start around frame 13. so let's click the second paint here and we're going to go to the spline editor make sure you have paint and the start and end select this is showing the keyframe option so what we're going to do is we're going to just adjust this so we want this thing to start around frame 13 and end nine frames later okay so make sure you have the the paint selected along with the start and end for the one you want to use right now i have the option to show only the selected tools so when you click the tool it's going to show you the spline options for that tool kind of simplifies things you don't have as many things down here in the spline editor so let's uh click this button right here to resize it we're going to highlight the points and just move them around we're going to highlight the points i'm going to click this box right here the shape box and this allows us to move where the points are so we're going to move this to where it starts at frame 13 right in here and it's going to go for 9 more frames and click off the box let's see what we have so we just need to do this for the other two so we're gonna right when this is going off the screen we're gonna click the next paint selected in the spline editor and we're just gonna move these points we're gonna select the points hit the the shape box and looks like this one is starting at about frame 21 so we need to move this over frame 21 and it's going to go for about nine frames so we'll go to about 30. and let's do it for the very last one we're going to click the last paint check all the points we're on frame 29. let's see what we have okay that's not bad okay let's set up the masking for the w we're going to create four masks so that we can control when each part of the w is shown let's click the polygon mask and drag that in and we're going to use do the first part of the w's just this one line right here and you can adjust it it doesn't have to be perfect you can get it kind of close in there and let's connect it up to the merge to see what works once this is connected we're gonna be able to use the level on the mask to show and hide that part of the w let's create the other ones real quick we'll add another polygon mask this one is gonna go over the second piece one more and then the last one we'll take these and connect them into the merge and we can just take each polygon and drag it into the one in front of it that should give us full control over when each section is going to be shown now let's time these up so we're going to start them all and we're going to set them all at level 0. zoom out a bit okay so first polygon we're going to set the level to zero and wait for the the blue flash to get right on it we'll keyframe the level and go over three frames and set the level to one so that it'll fade in right as it's passing over we'll do the next one polygon two right as it's passing we'll keyframe the level go three frames and crank it up third line wait till it passes keyframe the level at zero go three frames and set the level up to one and let's do the last one we'll keyframe the level at zero go three frames okay let's see what we have all right that's looking really good um the next thing we want to do is the j now the j is we're going to use a curved line so let's go over a little bit and we'll click merge 2 and put that in the viewer so there's our j so we're going to basically do the same thing with a curved line we'll take a background add a paint node to the background we'll copy this glow and paste that in put the paint into the glow and merge the glow in take the background and move the alpha all the way down so it's transparent and paint two let's draw our line zoom in just a bit we're gonna do the same thing we did before we're gonna click the polyline stroke and we're gonna start it off the screen kind of drag it into the j click a couple times we're gonna be able to smooth that out and have it come up off the screen let's zoom in and we're going to highlight these points highlight the points and and click this line right here to smooth them out a little bit let's click merge 7 and hit 2 to view our line click paint and let's make the line just a little bit thinner bring the size down a touch now we're going to scroll down to stroke controls for the right on property let's adjust the line length towards just off the screen and set a keyframe let's go over 12 frames and we're going to take the right on and drag it all the way through the animation until it goes off the screen um for the paint node let's uh set the color let's choose make it make this one a bit green so the next thing we need to do is fix the j so let's click on this merge here we want the j to be hidden until the color goes through it so let's step through so right here we want it to start showing up let's go to the merge 2 and keyframe the blend property we're going to set it to zero go over three frames and put it at one next we're going to animate the js the j is going to spin around the w and then the words are going to reveal to do the animation click the text node and we're going to add two transform nodes on the bottom transform node select it and let's zoom in just a bit we're going to take the pivot position and move it right in the middle of the w and that's going to set the j to circle around the w when we adjust the angle let's put a keyframe on the angle and we're going to go over 12 frames and set the angle to 360. once we have that the j is going to rotate around the w as it rotates you know the j goes upside down and it's following the angle of the rotation so we just need to counteract that with the transform here we'll set the keyframe on the angle go over 12 frames and set the angle to minus 360. so the so the j will spin in the opposite direction of the bigger circle and we need to take the pivot point and put it right in the middle of the j and here's what we have let's add a little motion blur to the j so let's click the transform 2 and go to the settings and choose motion blur okay now that the w and j are in position it's time to reveal the text so for the w with the william we're going to click text 1 and we're going to make sure that we have the layout tab selected and we're going to reveal it by adjusting the x position now you notice it's being masked out here we're not seeing it that's because of this masking we did down here so what we're going to do is we're going to add a mask that will show all of that we're going to take the rectangle mask and drag that in and connect that up to the very last polygon for one of the w masks that we did and that's going to create this big box which lets us see the full text make it a little bit bigger size does not matter there that's fine we have our big mask set let's do the reveal so to do this we're going to click text one and you want to make sure you're on the time you're in the frame right when the j is finishing and we're gonna click text one make sure we're on the layout tab and set a keyframe on the position and we're gonna go over six frames let's make it seven and we're just gonna slide it back to reveal all of our text we can smooth that out we go into the spline editor click displacement we'll highlight our nodes and we'll just smooth those out a bit you can play with those and then right as the william is finishing we're gonna reveal the justice part so let's go back to we're going to use the rectangle to do that remember we put the rectangle on the j so all we need to do to reel the j is just slide that rectangle over so we'll click rectangle two and keyframe the position and let's go over about seven frames and slide the position of the rectangle over and we have a reveal let's uh go ahead and we'll smooth those out too select both of those in the spline editor and we'll click the little curve icon there let's see what we have now it's time to create the filmmaking editing and effects text that is going to drop down from underneath the william justice so let's add a text note in we'll drag that into the node area and we're going to set it as filmmaking editing effects choose the prompt font now we just need to get it sized and positioned right under william justice so let's take the text 2 here and drag it into the merge 7 so we got a merge node and now we just need to size and position that looks pretty good let's adjust the size a little bit now we're going to create four copies of this text or actually three copies of the text so we have four versions of it for masking out the filmmaking editing effects and then the dashes between those so let's take the output of the text two and drag it into the output of the merge to create our second copy and we'll do that two more times so we can use the merge to adjust the position here so we're going to do is we're going to click the first one and we're going to print a mask for filmmaking so we'll take the rectangle mask and add it onto the merge and we're going to put it right where it says filmmaking we're going to do the same thing for editing effects and the two dashes so let's do editing now merge 9 add a rectangle mask and position it let's do effects it's going to be merge 10 add the rectangle mask and merge 11 we're going to create two masks one for each of those stats and copy that and hit paste so because we're going to do another one we'll drag that into the other rectangle and move it over over the other dash so now that this is set up we can use these merges to reveal our text okay so i'm going to take what i did here and disconnect it real quick by selecting all these nodes hold shift and we're going to drag those off we're going to add a background to put it into this merge to set the composition size going into the merge and take the alpha all the way down on the background then i'm going to take this merge here and drag it into the merge seven so i want to be able to control this independently to either move this around as a as a set or adjust some other properties but right now i'm just gonna use it for the blend so we're gonna take the blend down a little bit um to make the the william justice text bright and then the film making editing effects a little bit darker so kind of blended into the background all right let's animate the text underneath here so we just need to figure out where we want it to start and timing wise we wanted to start right when the justice finishes so let's click merge eight and we're going to keyframe the center position go over about five frames and keyframe it again so we're gonna let's go back to where we first keyframed it and we're just go we just have to move it up a bit so now it's going to drop in just like that we have the points in the spline editor so let's select them highlight those points and hit the smooth icon i think i want that to go a little bit faster so let's go select those points again and use the box right there i'm going to just move it in a couple of frames we'll have it go pretty quick right as that one's finishing let's go for editing we'll click editing we'll keyframe it i think i probably did about three frames there so let's go over three frames we'll keyframe it click the back arrow to go to the first frame and we're just gonna move the y position up highlight both points smooth it let's see who we have here both of those are dropping in now it's time to do the effects same thing as we did before we'll click the this merge tin which is what the effects is on we'll keyframe it go over three frames hit a keyframe that'll be our ending position go back to the first keyframe and move it up a bit in the spline editor select both points and smooth them and the last one we have to do is the dashes so that's gonna be our merge 11 here we want it to start right when effects drops in click merge 11 keyframe the position go over three frames keyframe it back to the first one and move it up all right so we now we have our text dropping in so i think we can add some motion blur on each of those i'm going to click each of these merges and add some motion blur it's time to add in some icons we're going to put them in right here in our node flow we'll get rid of the inspector temporarily and drag the media out let's go to the media pool and drag in each of our icons all right we'll move these guys over just a bit let's add in a background node and we're going to go to the inspector and let's set that to be alpha 0 so it's transparent and we're just going to take each of these graphics and merge them into that background and the next merge and the next one after the last merge we're going to add a transform node and let's take a look what that looks like okay so let's just adjust the positions of each of our icons we'll take the merge 13 and we'll slide that icon over we'll click our transform and we'll take the output of the transform and we'll merge it in to the nodes right there by going into node 12 we have our merge and we'll go to media out and hit two so now we can just use this transform to take those icons and move them up into position we're going to do the same thing we did with this text here let's click the last merge and we're going to take the blend and bring it down so that they're a little bit a little bit darker and i'm going to adjust the positions a little bit to kind of clean it up all right that's pretty that's uh that's probably good enough so now we need to do is just animate the size on these guys and we're going to start animating them right when the last text drops in so it drops in right there so let's go to the first merge let's set a keyframe on size and we'll bring it down to zero go over three frames and set it to one so that's gonna pop in just like that so right when that one finishes we're gonna start the next one go to the next merge keyframe the size take it to zero go over three frames and set the size to one do the next one let's get rid of the media pool the next thing we're going to add in is a transform i'm going to add a transform and have it zoom a bit bigger and then it's going to zoom all the way out so with merge 17 we're going to click a transform node we'll delay it just a little bit on the transform we'll keyframe the size we'll go over a few frames we'll bring the size up we'll let it hold there for a little bit so go over a few more frames and keyframe the size and go over about five or six frames and take the size all the way down you notice we have the uh the black right to get rid of that we can go to the very first node right here this background node and take the alpha all the way down that was just in there so it was a little bit easier to see all right let's uh let's see what we got here um one last thing we want to do is go to the transfer the very last transform and let's add a little motion blur to that all right let's uh let's check this out um when i did when i did the last one i kind of tweaked some of these a little bit more and adjusted some of the uh and i just a little bit more of the smoothing but hopefully this will give you the idea of how it's the basics is set up once i set up the basic animation i put it on the timeline i'm going to add a few more effects as well as some sound effects to kind of finalize it all right we have the animation loaded in the timeline this is the uh the base audio and i got this from the youtube audio library i was looking for something that was just a little bit kind of fun and uh got got things moving the animation placer and i have some sound effects down here and these are some some swooshes and and pops and things the last thing i did is i added um on this timeline we go to open effects i added a vignette to kind of darken it up around a little bit and then i added a camera shake and the camera shake have come on right there just kind of kind of give it a little movement a little motion while it's standing still because it kind of zooms up shakes a little bit and then it zooms out [Music] and the last thing which i think turned out pretty good it's kind of subtle but i added this uh this flicker addiction and you can see it's kind of flickering a little little bit blue so i added the flicker addiction and set it to flicker the the b channel the blue channel and adjusted some of the settings so there's just a little bit of a blue flicker you can kind of change the color if you wanted it kind of green or red things like that zooms out at the end and that's how i set up the hope you enjoyed the video please subscribe for more videos like this comment below with any questions or feedback i'd love to hear from you also if you're looking for more information on resolve you ought to check out the new discord server that's been set up it's a great place where you can connect get questions answered and find other people that are interested in davinci resolve and learning how to use it there's a link in the description of this video with more information thanks for watching you
Channel: William Justice
Views: 8,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice, text animtion, intro video
Id: O4Nayf__4ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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