Sky View Map Transition in DaVinci Resolve

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today we're gonna be making this overhead map I guess you could use it for a transition when you're going from one location to another location but yeah with that said let's just jump into it all right so first to start off we're just going to be grabbing the maps in which we're going to be using so if we go over to Google Maps we can pick our locations and today I'm going to go from the Statue of Liberty and we're going to be coming out and then coming down here to Washington DC and then showing the White House so I'm going to need three shots one zoom then on the Statue of Liberty one the you know the the rained across here and then the other one actually down here on the lawn for the White House now it's it's a little difficult to to do this in just the normal browser because so like right now my screen I have it down to 1920 for the YouTube video but if I was to use the BIOS to use the snipping tool and you know grab a screenshot right I could do that but the resolution of this image is only going to be whatever my screen resolution is or actually smaller since it was shot inside that when we zoom in and out of this we're just it's not going to look all that great mainly because we just don't have the resolution to be you know zooming in on it and zooming out so we need to have a higher resolution image so to do this I found this website that changes the browser's size and then we will use an extension for Chrome to take a picture of the whole website so the website itself can be bigger than the screen real-estate and as we get into this it'll start to make a little bit more sense instead of me just sitting here explaining this so there's a link in the description to this site it just pulls from Google Maps and what we're going to be doing is first I'm going to set the dimensions so this is going to be whatever size of an image that you want the final image to be if you're working with a 4k project you're going to want to probably times us by 4 but for now I'm just going to do this with let's do 3000 height let's do 1500 sure so we set those dimensions now we see that we have a scroll here and a scroll here it's just because it made the whole website that size and then we can use this other we can use this extension which is in the description to take a picture of this whole thing now it's a pain in the butt to try to size up everything so the easiest way to go about making sure that you're in the proper area is first let's close this we don't have that in the picture but we're just going to zoom out the webpage so this is the whole webpage here let's zoom in just a little bit and the first one I'm going to go into down here to get Statue of Liberty so now that resolution that I selected that's how big this whole images so I'm going to let's have it about that big so that is my image now I just need to make sure I come over here hit reset now it's going to be off center it's perfectly fine because it's just showing the top corner we're just going to hit the button to take a full picture and what its gonna do is it's going to jump around take a screenshot and then splice it all together in to make it one image so there is my image I'm just going to save that and then it's going to save in a folder let's come back over I'm going to zoom out again and now I need to go to we're going to be going to DC so it's down here over here is the white house so let's do something like that okay reset take a picture and go through the same thing okay so there's my picture save image and now I need to do the whole area and for the whole air I'm just gonna make this a little bit bigger so I'm gonna make this 500 or 5,000 by let's do 3000 and depending on your project like I said the whole resolution thing if you're not going over such a big distance you might not need this particular image where you go from one point to the other point to be this big but because this is pretty big distance I needed to make it a lot bigger okay so now I'll zoom out and now I want to try to get these two points in in this frame so here is DC and then up here is where I need to be okay so that's not gonna work so I'm going to zoom out one time that was two times oh geez okay so that is one time so here is the one point and here's the other point it's good to know the actual areas so there we go now I'll just kind of Center it so that like the space from here to here and the space from here to here is about the same so something like that and then the space here and here and here and here okay so then reset and capture and the other thing too that I didn't I guess I didn't explain actually Han let me save this the other thing too that I didn't explain is the more you zoom in on an image the better quality the satellite image becomes so because these images are so much bigger and resolution and you can zoom in to get whatever you want it's going to pick like the highest quality picture from the satellite images to use to splice everything together so it's really nice when it comes to that - okay so now that I have this I'm pretty much done with this now I need to take these three images and bring them into my project so let's do that now okay so before we bring everything into da Vinci you just want to make sure that your timeline frame rate is whatever you're working with so mine set to 30 30 frames per second is perfectly fine for this project for me so I'm just gonna grab my three images bring them in and I'm going to make a fusion comp now I think I'm gonna be fine if I set this to seven seconds I think that's a good transition period from you know the bit of movement that's gonna happen here it's not too long it's not that short so now that we have it here I'm just going to drop it down now you could make you could bring all three images into the timeline then make a fusion clip but doing that what's gonna happen is it's going to take the resolution of all of those and it's going to change it to whatever the timeline resolution is and that's not going to be very good for when we have to zoom into these images and zoom out because there's not gonna be enough pixels there and things are gonna start to look blurry and not really that that that nice so we're just going to set it up this way go into fusion then bring the full resolution images into fusion so once we're here in fusion open up the media pool and we're gonna bring in our images just like that I'm gonna turn on snapping so it snaps the grid all right now let's look at these so that one looks fine no it's fine we can see our resolutions up here if we take a look at this one this one's a bit bigger and we can see is that the Vinci cropped this it or scaled it in and it's it's done this for the edit page on the edit page if you bring in like bigger resolution or smaller resolution images you drop them on the Edit Page you want to be able to see it in whatever the resolution is that's on your timeline when you bring it over to fusion it's not really working correctly so we have to change that setting quick so we'll come down to the gear and we'll come over to image scaling and then here for input scale we'll just turn this to center crop with no resizing so what that means is it's just gonna be centered with no resizing and as you can see the images are now the correct resolution and the filling the whole shot here so that's great now we have to take these flat images and we have to put them into 3d space and to do that we're going to be using an image plane and right here on the bar we can just pull them in so I'll pull three of those in one for each one of these images and then we'll also need a 3d camera because we're gonna be moving around right and then to get out of the 3d environment we need to go back to 2d so it's actually video and we will get a 3d renderer so I'm just going to take my camera and go into one of these image planes all right and then we can take this merge that has now created and we can drag this into the renderer and now we just have to connect these up and if I grab this merge 3d and drag it up here I'm going to close this we can see our cameras here and we also have that one image if we take our render 3d that's going to show whatever our camera that we have set here it's set by default there's only one camera in this particular 3d system so it's just gonna be default it's going to be that camera the drop down is just going to have that camera so we're seeing what's in that camera if I take this camera and pull the camera back we can now see that image it was just that they're perfectly up and the the lens was like through the image so that's why we didn't see it now we're gonna need to learn how to move around in 3d space within fusion if you've never done this I'm going to be saying how I do it with my mouse I have a center scroll wheel I'll be calling that middle mouse button I'm not too sure on how to do it with like a laptop like the touchpad or anything so you're you're gonna have to you know your mileage may vary on how that works anyways so with a middle mouse button if we hold the middle mouse button move it around this is the kind of movement we'll get we can also hold down alt and we'll rotate and if we hold down ctrl and scroll we can zoom in and out okay so that's how we're going to be moving around now if we take this other we have this other image plane and we can connect it into this merge thing that's unique about 3d merges is you can connect as many things as you want to them because they're all going into one system it's a little bit different with 2d images and how those merges work but that's how these 3d merges work so now we have these images here and we'll connect them up now we can see them all but they're fighting a little bit here for because they're all on the same exact x-axis so this image here we actually don't need to work on that right now so I'll just take that drag it down and I'll just disconnect that we're just working with these two so the first image is the Statue of Liberty and then we have the whole East Coast with New York up here and then DC down here so to fix this we're just gonna take this larger image and step it back just ever so slightly so that's the second image here I'm going to come into the image plane we're going to come over to transform and the Z we're just going to take this and make it negative 0 0 whoops 0 0 1 so there we go now this is back a little bit if we view this over here and you can't really see it just because back ever so slightly but it's just behind the Statue of Liberty image but as you can see both of these images are almost the same size so that's not going to work so I'm gonna go into this image plane and I'm going to change the scaling let's make it 30 just because both images their sizes are kind of you know that makes sense anyways so now we can see that we're not in the right area so the easiest way that I kind of go about fixing this is I'll zoom out a little bit and I'll click on my camera alright so I just camera controls here and move my camera over to wherever this first image is going to be so we need to be let's back this up a little bit sort of right there so like right here if we zoom in a little bit probably see a dot right there is where the Statue of Liberty is and you can see this white line is the center of the camera the blue lines are the area in which the camera can see so let's bring this up a little bit so we're kind of like right there at Statue of Liberty is right there in the center so that's kind of perfect now I need to get that actual Statue of Liberty image which is right down there that was kind of stupid ooh the image is down there so it's kind of hard to see so the easiest way to move this is will go into our camera and we'll come over here to our X&Y we're just gonna copy these because that's going to be the center here we're not gonna copy Z because Z will you know pull it out a little bit we don't need that so let's take the X&Y I'm just double clicking in the area control scene to copy in the camera and then on the image plane control V to paste that number clicking control C coming over control V enter boom there now it's right in the center right now obviously it doesn't look that great and the idea here is that we're just going to take our camera so I'm gonna click on my camera we're just going to be zooming in on this image and as you can see because the the resolution of the image we can zoom in on it a bit and still keep pretty good fidelity you know and having it crisp but what we're gonna do is we're gonna be looking at this image right and we're gonna then zoom out and during that zoom out we're gonna do a couple like trickery things to do to make it seem like we're we just pulled out of was the right area obviously right now it doesn't look very good and you know kind of looks like crap but let's dive into how we actually do this so the first thing I want to do is we have some stuff around the edges that I don't really like and that was kind of from that web page as well as we want to kind of blend the edges a little bit so I'm going to grab a rectangle and we're going to bring it in and we're going to connect it up to this image so if I view it over here we just mask the image and I'm going to click in on the rectangle we're gonna come over here and make this point nine point nine right so it's like almost all the way around I'll round the corners a little bit and then we're gonna bring up the softening bit and I'm just going to bring in that border just a little bit so it's something like that so now we can see over here we have a little bit of blending but there's a couple more tricks that we can do to really sell this so what we're gonna do next is we're going to do an image or we're gonna do a camera move so it's just gonna be kind of like I guess you'd call it like a dolly out we're just going to be pulling back all right so we're gonna be in the one image and then pulling back so I'm gonna start at let's do frame 15 I'm just randomly clicking picking timings here but we're going to start on 15 so when I say that like yours could be a little bit different you know you play around with it this until you see what what works for you I'm gonna start at 15 and I'm just gonna bring the whole 3d thing over here and when i zoom in a bit and let's actually bring this in we're gonna go to 0.5 so we can kind of see that I'm going to keyframe everything here even though we're not really moving on the X&Y just I'm going to keyframe that for now and I'm going to move up let's do 20 frames so we'll come up to 35 it'll make this like 1 so it's like a nice slow like easing out right and then what we can do is we can do let's do 15 and now we can pull this out a lot now like these blue lines are what can currently be seen by this camera so the idea here is that you just don't want to go out of the boundaries of the image right because then obviously that really wouldn't look that great so I think that is probably a good zoom out like zooming out far enough I'm gonna keyframe the X&Y there as well so now we have this you know it creeps back ever so slightly and then it really pulls back so now if we come into here you can see that we can start a CV edges so I just want to come back to this image and maybe not have the softening up so much just so we don't really see that edge as much but we do kind of want the the softening still there all right come back one two so let's have this one two three so these three frames I'm going to reduce the opacity of this image here so I'm clicking on this image plane we're gonna come over to materials and we have opacity and a keyframe here one two three I'm just hitting my arrow keys to go three frames I'm gonna drop this down to zero now you could say hey that doesn't look very good right it's perfectly fine because what we'll what we'll do is we will next add in motion blur which will really sell this so I'm going to click on my 3d renderer we're gonna come over to the settings and then down here we have motion blur and I'm just gonna bump this up to like a seven and by default this is going to render through your CPU when it's on a software rendering it's gonna render through your CPU now this is really dependent on your hardware if you should render on the CPU or on the GPU in my my current configuration for my system I'm gonna render on CPR excuse me the graphics card because I can see like a thirty to forty percent better performance so it just renders a lot quicker so I'm gonna come in here and put in OpenGL and that will render now on my graphics card and we're going to go to this output channels and I'm going to turn off subsampling excuse me super sampling and what that does is if you ever have like lines that are on an edge it will smooth those out but it adds a lot of extra overhead like when it comes to rendering it really will tank your system if you don't come in and change your your settings so for now what I'm doing this is perfectly fine I don't need anything else so currently that is how we're looking for that right so we have all of that motion blur that's really hiding it but I want to add in a couple more things onto here and one of them is clouds so we'll also hide all of this with clouds so I'm going to click here which is our fast noise bring this down and are fast noise that's pretty much our fast noise what we want to do is make this look a little more organic so I'm gonna grab a b-spline and we're gonna connect that up and I'm just gonna randomly click in here so just get a random shape something like that right we can move them around a little bit oh we have to connect that up so that's kind of where we're at with that in the spline itself I'm going to do a soft edge main thing you got a watch here is when you soften this it's going to push some of the softening to the edge you just want to make sure that this final edge around the outside doesn't have any of that softening because over here you'll see it as a hard edge we don't see it here because it's the end of the of the image but when you bring it on to something it just won't blend correctly so you can always just bring in that border a little bit all right so there's our clouds I'm gonna come into my fast noise bump up the detail and maybe the contrast a little bit something like that there we go there are some clouds and maybe just turn this around a little bit let's see maybe that won't work okay so now that we have that I'm going to get in a shape and it's a plane I'm gonna connect it and bring it up and now let's view everything here and one thing that we're going to do is this image here I'm just going to grab the X&Y because I want them to be the same because we're gonna pretty much just put these clouds on top of this image so there we go and let's view this and let's see here zoom in a little bit so I just want to make it kind of visible right here so I'm just gonna move the Z up a little bit so right before this I don't want it visible but right after I do so I'm just going to increase this ever so slightly so let's make this one point one or one point zero one and then the next frame we should start to see that okay so the the clouds are going to start to cover this so it's going to come out and that's what it's gonna look like so it's going to be there and then it's going to come out and we're going to get a cloud now we can add in another cloud if we want to we'll use that same exact noise actually you know what we'll just take the shape 3d drop it and we'll use the same exact thing and we can just come in and then just like rotate it let's bring it in we can just rotate it something like that and we can increase this to like 0.1 all right let's do like 0.3 there we go and now we have a couple of clouds and I will add in one more and for this one I'm just going to change the scaling and let's connect this up like that in we will bring this one up a bit further so something like this so now as we start we have it come in and it starts to come back and we start to get these clouds then we bring it back right so we have all this motion blur and clouds and stuff let's rotate this one a bit oops here we go all right and maybe change how these clouds look there we go all right maybe that would look good all right so now the other thing that we have to do is we have to get these clouds to kind of move this is like the cherry on top to kind of sell this is like once the camera backs out we want these we want these clouds to be kind of moving and to do this we're just going to get a merge 3d and we're just going to take all of these connections and just connect to this merge 3d because the merge 3d we also have the ability to move right so we're going to move all of the clouds as one big group as if like they're all moving together in the wind so we'll connect this up still have the same image but what I'm going to do is I'm gonna look at where my camera starts to actually see this so like let's maybe right here I'm going to do the X&Y because we're just going to be moving like that and we can come up a couple so a bit here and then we can just kind of move it over you know in just a little bit like this something like that so the clouds will be moving but they're going to be moving very subtly and this is something that as you start to put this together and you render previews you can you know determine if they moving fast enough or not fast you know you get it okay so now that we have that we now need to take the camera and we have to determine how long we're going to be looking at this and then shoot down to the other location so we look at our camera we can see like right here's our finishing of this move and I think let's just view the camera one thing that we can do in here is we can kind of ease these so I'm just going to hit F highlight at all of them hit F and I'm going to take this last one hit T and easing into that I'm going to make that zero highlight this one easing out of this one I'm going to increase that so now let's see how this looks [Music] so I think I want to move the clouds down a little bit [Music] so like this cloud here because where's the camera at right now can where's that one one I'm gonna take this first one and I'm just going to bring it back maybe like okay I think that looks better all right so yeah just change that up just a little bit all right so now that we have that let's go into our application so here Oh 5 10 15 20 25 maybe 20 will do 20 frames here and then I'll set keyframes for all of these and now we have to move this let's do 15 5 10 15 and we will now move our camera down to DC which is down obviously this this last frame here we're going to see some motion blur so right here is DC so I'm just taking that white line and lining it up with DC something like that there we go perfect right on DC so for DC now I need to grab my other image so let's take all of this we'll move it over here and we'll take our DC and connect our DC up and now we'll take the location of our camera because it's set up where DC is right now and we'll just do the same thing by copying the X and the y and there we go now our DC images in there I don't even see it okay now I see it right there all right and what we're gonna do here is now that we're actually here I'm just going to sit here for 10 frames and then 15 frames 5 10 15 frames I'm going to go down to 1 so it's gonna go down to 1 and the other thing that I need to do is here so right now I'm at the keyframe for the camera right down to 1 so it you know it's actually viewing it I need to ease I need to bring in the opacity for this so 1 2 3 oops 1 2 3 like this zero and I can also take this here and we can connect that same mask up that mask to add some softening around the outside so now this will come in and hopefully it won't be that bad but it's going pretty quick so then it comes in and once it's in here so if there's the keyframe we're going to do 20 frames and maybe come down to five I think that's too much point seven there we go so then we'll just end it right there and I'm just going to view all of my key frames here I'm just going to take all of these and hit F and then for this top one here I'm going to increase whoops increase the out to like let's do 80 so this is when it's starting to zoom in I'm gonna go in to 80 and then when it comes into here I'm just going to reduce that just so it like comes in and then it comes in a little bit more so now I kind of have all of my locations now there's a couple of things I could have done I could have like right here in between here this spacing here like all this spacing in between here when it's just kind of sitting here idle what I could do is I could have something pop up and state that where the camera just moved to is DC I have a ton of different tutorials that are going over how to make different call-outs and stuff like that you can just get one of those and you know put it in here and then it'll call out that this is DC and then you know you can have a sound effect so then it zooms in and then you would just increase you take all these keyframes here take all of these keyframes here and then just move them out so you have a little bit of time for that animation the other thing that we can do is if we want it to up here when this is doing its zooming out right we could have something like right here we could have like a plane going through the shop so let's add a plane so I just randomly found a company that sells planes and they had like pictures of the plane so this is the picture that I got it's a view it here so that's the picture on my plane I'm just gonna grab an image plane connect it and then we're going to connect this up here and now let's view everything that we're working with so right here is my little plane I'm going to bring it over bring it up so we can see it right there there's my little plane right and we could just simply rotate this make this plane go this way and we could while this is all happening we could start the movement for this plane right and then we could have it you know come down here and maybe throughout that time let's make sure I'm grabbing the actual plane hello we can you know move this through the shot so let's see if it's actually visible here so there's our plane going through right now if you don't want this much motion blur you could always slow down everything by just increasing these key frames and then you wouldn't get as much motion blur but let's have this may be the starting point down a bit further so like right here so now while this is going you can see like there's a plane there a little plane sound effect in there over to the other location so then now that we have all of that if you want it to add clouds down here you could do that also it's not that difficult what we could do is if we wanted to just use the same clouds we could just get a transform 3d and we could come out of those clouds right into here and then connect this up and then we could just take all those clouds and bring them over like that and then there we go now we have those clouds again it looks kind of weird the clouds being the same looks kind of weird let's see how this zooms in so we're zooming in that's a lot of cloud to get through so maybe let's move the cloud we could alt and also like change the scaling of these clouds there we go so maybe it's just the outside of a cloud that it's actually shooting through something like that all right so there you go and then you have clouds in both locations you can hide it a little bit and then once you're done with your animation you can then just copy this over to here to our media out come back over to the Edit Page and now we have it over here we can see it and we have the red bar that goes across if your settings are all set up correctly the render cache will go and then once the render caches go then we can view it so I'm gonna let this happen real quick and then we'll take a look at it all right so let's take a little look at see how it looks a few things I would probably clean up a bit one I would probably change how these clouds look you know make something else I'll show you how to do that quick because it's actually super simple the other thing that I'd probably do is the where this zooms in you can't really tell what what that is I think I zoomed it in a little too far I would probably have it backed out a bit more because we do have a lot of image for this shot here but yeah with with sound effects I think that looks fine and like I was saying before with it coming to this area I would probably do some type of an animation showing where we are going to if I didn't have like a voiceover in in the shot or you know in the background of the video I'm saying where we're going to but I think overall that this looks pretty good but yeah just this is a bit much on the zooming in so let me go in the fusion quick I'll quickly show you this but for most part I'm pretty much done what you could do is you could really just take all of this right copy it and paste it this is like super simple way of doing it just connecting this in and then let's go to where those are so like right here by coming to my fast noise I can just change this and I can get all different sorts of different clouds right so I get clouds that look all different ways and then you could come in and change these up if you want it to have them differently the only other thing I would do is the image this last frame where we're in here I would probably back this up see what one looks like I probably back it up to one just so I can see that that's where we are at the white house I get the other buildings in here I think that that first one was a little too tight but yeah and then additionally when we're here if I was going to add in something that shoked showed what this was I would just come into my spline show all and then go like that and all of these keyframes after all these keyframes here all of these I would just move them maybe 60 frames so I have two seconds or three seconds you know whatever it is and then you know have that other animation showing what this location is that we're going to but you know you could do it this way too but just have like a voice over saying like oh you know we are on a trip going whatever but yeah that's kind of it than that I think that this is pretty much done to the best I would do it if you have any questions leave them down in the comments if you have other questions about the venturi resolve there's a link in the description to a Facebook group where a bunch of us are you could ask your question there if someone's experience whatever it is problem that you're having or trying to figure out someone in the community will probably be able to help you out but yeah with that being said that's pretty much it my name is Gerren thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 34,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 15, gta map, sky map, airplane, fusion, image plane, 3D camera, 3D renderer, google maps, clouds, Transition, location, travel, Grand Theft Auto map, bird's eye view, satellite
Id: 2K8SblUv0Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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