BRAND NEW Split Screens & Video Collages In Davinci Resolve 17!

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hello today's video we're going to be going over davinci resolve 17's brand new video collages split screen effect and let me tell you it's powerful let's get started so split screen in in davinci resolve 17. so how exactly does it work well let's go through it together so it's fairly simple but also a little bit complicated at the same time so i'll explain so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start by dragging the clip into my timeline this is the clip that we're going to use and then we're going to go to our effects we're going to open up our effects library we're going to scroll down and we're going to go to video collage and i'm going to drag it onto my clip and straight away you will see after it loads we have this so what exactly is happening here let me explain from what i can understand what it seems to be doing is this video collage effect is essentially a mask which enables you to put other video footage images or you name it in between the layers of this mask and these mask layers can be animated now to see some of the parameters what we're going to do is click onto our clip open our inspector and go to effects from here you can see it says open effects and we have video collage now by default here it says workflow by default it's creates background there's a create tab i'm going to go over that later on in the video and why you should not use it but for now we're going to be going over create background as you can see it's followed by layout you have columns rows stagger horizontally stagger vertically rounding margins and space and i'm going to go through each and all of these so essentially how this effect works is you have your main layer and you basically tend to video colors use this main layer as a background and then put footage or images in between these gaps so how do we do that the first thing we need to do is fill these gaps with footage so what do you do you go to media pool and you find footage to fill it so i'm going to get this footage here and i'm going to get this footage here it's important that you drag your video clips underneath the main layer which has the effect on it because again essentially it's like a mask so how does this actually work you can essentially see it's scaled across all four of our tiles which is not what we want to how do we fix this what we're going to need to do is enable the transform controls by clicking onto this icon then we're going to go to our inspector and zoom out the video that we selected on and as you can see we're scaling it down the next thing you're going to need to do is move it within the tiles right now i'm moving it within this second tile here because i think i'll look good here i'm going to do the exact same thing to the second clip that we have here select onto it i'm going to zoom i'm going to move on to the next tile and as you can see we now have it within our scene so if i play it you can see now we have the split screen effects but you only have two videos at the moment instead of four if you wanted four videos you do the exact same thing you go to your media pool you'd find a clip that you want you drag it underneath the main layer at the top you'd scale it and then you just position it but let's say for example that you only have two videos that you want to put side by side or split screen or maybe even one what do you do so essentially i'm going to delete this video clip here i'm going to go back to our main video clip which has the effect on it navigate inspector go to effects and here you can see it says layouts here is where you'd manipulate how many videos or columns that you'd want and essentially the basics of how you'd want it to look so here we have columns and rows i want it to be just two videos so i can adjust these two parameters now depending on how you adjust these two parameters what depends on the look that you get i'll explain so if i do it so it's two columns and one row you can see we have an extremely tall mask so if i grab this image here and i scale it up you can also see that it's going into the image on the right i'll show you how to fix that very soon but we're going to scale up the second image here so as you can see both of these videos are basically overlapping each other which is not what we want fastest way i found to adjust this is to click onto your clip go to the video tab in the inspector go down to cropping and essentially just crop your image so it doesn't overlap just like that you can see we have two videos in a split screen instead of four but i know what you're thinking okay great but what if i don't want it to look like this vertical what if i want it to look more like rectangular like the traditional 16x9 or 235 aspect ratio or video no problem select onto your main layer again go back to the effects and if you go down here you can see it says margins and spacing this is what we're going to need to manipulate if you want to adjust the look of our videos so what do we do so essentially what we're going to change is the left to right margins and the top to bottom margins and i'll show you what this does as i'm adjusting it you can see that the mask is either expanding or reducing in size so i'm gonna leave the left and right margin all the way to zero and i'm going to reduce the top the top and bottom margin just down ever so slightly and as you can see we're now getting a look which is more traditional to what video aspect ratio is so now you can see our images are way too big so what do we do click onto our individual videos and again enable the transform tool just scale it down i'm going to undo the crop that i'd done and i'm just going to position this clip i'm going to do the exact same for the other clip i'm going to reposition it and as you can see just like that we have a version of split screen now there's several variations you can do this because there's other parameters that we haven't gone over so if i go back to the main clip and we go to effects you can see we have rounding and what rounding does is it changes the mask into a circle mask so if i adjust this parameter you can see we're basically rounding off the corners so if you didn't want to have a sharp rectangle look you can round up the corners like this or if you keep going you can essentially have a circular mask and then if you wanted to adjust the transform position the video accordingly which is interesting so we have this this is really good and what's also great is next to the effects of all of the parameters that we're changing you can see it has this diamonds now this diamond is for keyframes essentially what keyframes do is it tells a system at this point in time we want this to happen or this to happen so for example if we go to the beginning of our clip and we start without rounding and we enable a keyframe we can move forward in our clip and change the rounding all the way to one and basically as you can see it's changed orange we've essentially told our system at the beginning of the clip starts without any rounding corners at this point in time we have enabled this keyframe change the value to one and adjust the parameter so it animates so if all of these features on the right hand side when you see this diamond icon it essentially means you can keyframe and animate that parameter and property but you do not need to worry because there are actually presets in which davinci resolves animates a lot of these parameters for you and it's super simple super easy if like me you're quite lazy or rather efficient and you'd much prefer davinci resolve to do with this for you stay tuned because i'm about to show you exactly how you can do it and it looks incredible so i'm just going to get rid of the keyframes we're going to continue going down you can see in margins and spacing we also have horizontal and vertical offset so by adjusting the horizontal offset you can see that you can see that we're moving the image left and right if i adjust the vertical we're moving up and down this is a similar story with stagger horizontal and stagger vertically if i adjust the stack vertically you can see that the masks are moving and we get more of a stylistic look so again what i do is i'll click onto our video clip and i just move it into position and i'll do the exact same thing here and now we have more of a stylized look instead of it being side by side the offset to the center next we have synchronized keyframe essentially what this will do will offset any parameters that you've keyframed here but we're not going to get into that in this video so the next tab you can see is tiles and this is next to the global adjustment so if i click onto that you'll see that the whole parameters of what we have changed so this tile tab essentially enables you to adjust the styling look and animations of your tiles as a whole or individual and separate tiles so i'll explain if we go down to custom size and shape you can see if we enable custom size and shape we can adjust the parameters of just one mask so for example if i wanted to make it smaller or if i wanted just this mask to be round i can i know what you're thinking okay well if we wanted to do the same but with the other tile what do we do we'd go to manage tiles and we change the active tile from one to two and again if i enable custom size and shape and i adjust the custom rounding you can see it's affecting just that tile so if you wanted to adjust individual parameters of say adjustments one specific tile you would come into this tile function here and specify which tile you would want to affect the next parameters we have down here are in tower styling if you wanted to apply a border to both tiles you can do that by enabling apply to all tiles if i drag this up you can see it's increasing the size of the border if i drag it down it's cutting into our image and also giving a border the towel color will enable you to change the color of the cell that you want and the opacity will show how visible the tau border actually is again if you wanted to adjust this individually you take off apply to all tiles and you just adjust the parameters for the specific tile that you'd want and if you'd like to change the other one go to manage tiles select the active tile that you want told to and just change the parameters for that tile also i will disable that for now next we have the drop shadow this is pretty self-explanatory but enables you to have a kind of stylized drop shadow for your images and again if you disable the apply to all tiles you can adjust these parameters individually for each individual tile now this is what i know most of you are interested in and this is the tower animations so essentially i'm going to leave apply to all tiles because i want them both to animate at the same time you can see we have different parameters here we have animate fly animation shrink animation fly progress shrink progress rotation progress fade progress essentially how this works you can either animate these parameters individually or you can let davinci resolve do it for you so that's exactly what i'm going to do because i found that to give the best results so if you click intro only it will only animate the introduction if you click outro only it will do the exact same thing but only for the outro it won't animate the tiles in so what we're going to do is intro and outro because we want the animation of the tiles to start when the clip starts and also when the clip ends as you can see the clip ends quite abruptly so to fix this what you would do is you'd extend the end of the clip you'd make a cut and you just delete the video effect so now if i play this back you can see that the tiles will animate in and out after the tiles have animated out we still have the original video playing okay now back to the animations again i'm clicking onto my main clip we're going back to tower animation animations here it has tick marks between fly shrink rotate and fade essentially how this works is any parameter that you put a tick to will animate the mask in that specific way so if i take for example just fly you can see that the split screen effect will fly into our image like so if i enable just shrink you can see that the mask is going to shrink in now you can actually enable multiple at once if i enable all three you can see that it's going to do all three it's going to fly shrink and rotate the only ones i find to be acceptable are shrink and rotate so i'm going to enable shrink as you can see this is the animation that we have this is not the only animation included here you can see it says fly animation and shrink animation this will essentially give you the ability to customize how you want this to be animated so for now i'm going to do animate width if i go back to the beginning you can see animates the width opening and closing and if i change the animation from width to height it's going to do the exact same thing it's going to animate with the height like so so you can not only do this with the shrink animation but you also have controls with the flight animation so if i disable shrink i enable fly the default is fly right but you could also fly left flight up and fly it down so if i go to flight up it will do that if i go to the end it will fly back up again as mentioned earlier you can enable multiple parameters to get different effects if we enable shrink and rotate we get this which is pretty interesting underneath here it says duration now this is the duration of the animation how long you want it to be and by default it's in frames and not seconds this is important this is in frames the default duration is 60. i personally think this might be a little bit too long so i'm going to change this to 15 and see how it looks for me that's a bit better i don't like the rotate so i'm going to keep the shrink and see how that looks perfect just like that we have the animation and again this will work no matter how many clips you have so if for example you have four videos three videos six videos they will all animate with this effect now like the rest of the effects above you can apply this to all tiles or if you disable it it can only apply to one at a time so if you wanted for example tau two to animate like this but tell one to have a rotate you can do that for continuity i think it'll be best if they both animate the exact same so i'm going to leave it like that next you have the easing and blurring out of the titles so this type here you can adjust the curves of how the animation will ease and announce you can either have it linear in out in and out and the exact same thing for the animation effect is now if you personally know about keyframing and animations these times won't be new to you but if you don't have no worries i'm going to have a separate video all about that very soon but if not for now i'll just say leave these parameters as is lastly you see it says motion blur this will enable motion blur onto our clips if i play back you can see that we have motion blur and the higher you put the slider the more motion blur gets introduced into the effect and animation so that is a quick brief overview of how this video collage works with the create background function workflow next we're going to go over the create tile function why i think it is not viable whatsoever so i'm going to do is i'm going to delete this effect i'm going to go back to my effects library i'm going to drag the video collage effect back on now in a workflow i'm going to change it from create background to create tile now this workflow is extremely counterintuitive how it works as follows if i grab another clip and i drag it into our video in order to get the exact same effect i had before you'd need to go into an effects again drag another video collage over the second clip go back to our effects change the crate tile go to our tiles on the right hand side and change the active tile to two and then you need to do this the exact same way for all of the different clips that you bring in so if i bring in this clip drag the video collage effect go to effects create tile go to tiles change active tile to three and then if i want to do one more drag the video clip in video collage effects workflow create tile tiles active tile four and this is essentially how we have the effects now the biggest problem with this is one not only is it time consuming but two if you wanted to adjust all of the parameters at the same time you are unable to do so if for example i adjust rounding you can see it's only affecting one tile at a time which may be what you want if you wanted to uniformly adjust them it's not possible to do that in this current mode whereas before with the make background you have that option also if i'd like to animate all of the parameters tiles at the same time it's not possible for me to do so if for example i click apply to all tiles animate in an outro and i want to do fly right if i play back you can see it's only affecting one clip but the reason why this is great is because if you wanted to have two different animations all you need to do is do the exact same process i'm going to animate in and out i'm going to fly from up this time and if i play it back you can see that these two are animated in fact i'm going to disable these two bottom clips you can see we have this which is not bad so the crate tile workflow essentially enables you to do per clip adjustments without any global controls now the reason why i said it may be inefficient ineffective is because you can do the exact same thing with the crates background workflow but also have the parameters of adjusting individual tiles and there's also another secret effect that davinci resolve has to do this process much faster if i drag this clip into our timeline you can see we have it here and i go to our effects library if i go down to effects you can see here we have something called dve if i drag dve over our video you can see straight away it's created a tile and a border if i grab another video clip and i drag the exact same effect over again it's created a tile and a border if i go to effects you can see that i can change the position of this tile and just like that in a couple of minutes i have two tiles which i can adjust the positioning of any time i want not only this but i can also adjust the parameters such as rotation we can have funny effects like this and if we wanted to we can enable keyframes and animate this so if you wanted just a towel with a background i personally believe that dve is the fastest way to do it but if you wanted the split screen video collage effect with multiple controls global controls as well as controls for individual parameters i do believe that the video collage feature with the crate background is the best way to go all right guys so this video is getting way too long i'm probably going to do a part two to this video talking about keyframe parameters how you can save out your effects and different presets for this and also how you work with backgrounds and images through this effect also if you like this video please share subscribe comment like it was quite long-winded so if you made it to the end congratulations and i'll see you on the next video peace you
Channel: Branden Arc
Views: 27,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Branden Arc, Davinci Resolve 17, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 new features, davinci resolve, brand new video collages, davinci resolve 17 split screen, davinci resolve 17 video collage, davinci resolve 17 video collage and split screen, brand new split screen in davinci resolve 17, split screen effect davinci resolve
Id: ETbrOKgvG8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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