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this crazy video is sponsored by squarespace what happened to the hat in time mod community yeah why not yeah we're gonna use that one that kid goes to jail for committing laundry burger i'm sure if i'll play this but i feel like my life will be better if i install it i'll add that unplayable groudon yes comically large spoon how could i not why not chat pick a number between one and uh 332. 17. here we go we got chill beach nice nomads and alpine oh sure catalyst cool death wish yep splatoon 2 house pensive sticker ah nah i'm sorry gino can't get into this either all right let's go i found what i left from my last play session and i'm not saying i don't enjoy how ripped i am ah yes finally my people tag yourself which one are you hey there groudon that's cool oh reggie giggis groudon hit him with int collectible trigger ability romeo hat name attack also ice also just called ice are you reggie [Music] i don't think i am you look a little uh incomplete we can make this look a whole lot worse oh hey there buddy player one physics god help us all and his mighty hands can reach us [Music] oh no reggie how about fat mario [Music] oh god oh god oh god he's moving on his own as long as i stand still he'll he'll remain normal right now he's just dancing me on my way downtown for a good night out with the boys how is mario kart man looking it looks fine looks okay oh no oh no i'm not so sure if they should be driving right now i i just don't think they're in the mental state for it oh god all right there's so much and pardon me for saying this there's just so much garbage i mean what is this when did i install this mess me up just just mess me up i don't i don't even know what i'm yeah oh hey there buddy how did a young lady like you end up in a prison like the upper a young lady like mario mario you must have done something pretty naughty to get thrown in here huh laundry burger despicable i'm too nice for that i'm bad to the bone well if you're trying to get out of this place i think you're gonna need this what did you give me press camera snap to teleport i'm sorry wait camera snap whoa what oh god there's pain overflowing why are they in vr what's happening stop it oh let me i didn't mean that literally when i said what's happening stop it it was more in the sense of ha ha i like this this is funny it's content keep going not oh let's crash the application as a you know i get committed laundry burger what do you expect it's a terrible thing going on throwing your full-on burger in the laundry machine just pressing go i can't accept oh man i wish i had moves like that i bust out those moves every lady within the nearest five mile vicinity oh they go once i pull out the children's toys valentine's soon's only 200 days away ladies in case you're looking for a piece of this action hey spongebob you're gonna be cool with all this right um i this is what the adam's apple looks like when you do a spongebob laugh [Music] help me let's go on an adventure to the hospital nothing well there is for sure something i could transform into [Music] a corpse i could transform into a waterlogged corpse if i just stayed in here for long enough bandanna waddled you wouldn't disturb me yeah you're fine yeah oh never mind he's orbiting around his feet had adult whoa i i thought shantae was the number one belly dancing character in video games seems they got some competition so i'm a little lost as to where among us i hate that sentence i really do wait oh yeah i remember you how you doing marge huh all right i mean i wanted to sleep tonight but i guess i didn't follow me yep oh god here we go just dump me off like the back of a plane hit my head so hard to drop the frame rate by half all right so like [Music] yeah okay that's about what i expected it to be oh why does he flatten why does he flatten when he's fired in vr what do you see in there to be fair anything that you see in there is definitely a form of escapism for what's lurking out in the real world we got raymond i agree now please stop filling yourself up i don't know [Music] yeah keep on walking i don't like how the feet are building up momentum i love this game yeah i could play this in this game with an invisible character with how comfortable i've gotten just platforming well i mean i i can't double jump i also can't dive what am i i'm i am an oarfish this is art i'm hanging this on my wall as long as i don't move nothing bad can happen to him oh oh wait a second he's missing a forgot about that he's missing some animations oh my god what to say about our society let's go complete the level hey child shoe mafia can't have child witness with mafia teaching lesson don't worry i i don't think i have the ability to witness it oh he's awkward for mafia mafia not sure what to do yeah i'll drink to that water water i'll drink water to that please please kill me do not think about avoiding barrels yep one dream of it buddy yep stand still i've been working on that for the last like 30 minutes it's a little bit tough the wizard of the oceans oh no oh no no i forgot about the cutter scene hey you're all right new kid am i do you have a name oh pain pain trick thing you grab there yeah i'm pretty happy to have it too look at this pizzazz we should go up there and get your junk it'll be fun boy uh patrick's really into this idea man i didn't think patrick to be an anarchist yeah let's let's do it partner [Music] you with me buddy god no i hate that that was on a rhythm for a second there installed mod playable lego mario oh i just don't think he's meant to look like that i just don't think it's exactly right that's not gonna come back later in my in my therapy session no paper mario huh hey everybody let's do the mario swing your arms from side to side how you doing you look [Music] not a good sign yup okay now look at this image all right i know jarring if we go frame by frame we can find the precise moment that his spine was snapped in half like stiff spaghetti going back to our previous subject you can really see the pain distilled on their face as we play the shocking footage back in the highest resolution that the embedded youtube player can provide we can even check the victim's thoughts during the moment that this all occurred at and we will see nothing but agony and screaming as they live tweeted about it from their android device now with all that in mind squarespace the website allows you to break down a video game based autopsy frame by frame and show it off to your friends or teachers as you've seen from this demo you can develop websites for both pc and mobile that can showcase custom fields videos twitter accounts emerge from the simpsons regretting their creation squarespace does not endorse mars from the simpsons regretting their creation by the way from fun websites to professional portfolios squarespace is beyond flexible enough to pull it off go to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to failboat to save ten percent off your first purchase of a website for domain oh state landing you took your time you're sorry broken legs will do that to someone can get this raincoat off me by the way this doesn't feel right [Music] yeah there we go i don't think this is what the devs had in mind when they were developing hat in time i guess there's a hat at least one maybe two if we count the goomba and it certainly is a waste of time so i i mean i guess it's swing your spine from side to side what's going on with this raincoat let's move on we're fighting to lose in battle oh yeah here we go here you go headless handkerchief see now i don't have to see it because it's so small that i can't see it all right let's mess them up here here we go i don't think i can hit them my hands are too far in the sky how you doing mafia boss you look pretty bored over there for someone who's about to fight you know this it is me yup it is show time all right supercharged whoa cool dude [Music] oh yes mafia ball versus an actual groudon come here buddy your mind primal groudon is mad oh and he's cursing and he's cursing mega charge any groudon go wait what i don't think i can be hit i take that back i take that back crowd on aunt get him here we go yeah i would run too [Music] yeah i don't think you want to be trash talking this thing yo same finally what i've been thinking this whole time did you know about this can i change the mid cutscene um wait what have i done no i don't know what i don't know what i've done oh god why is mario there um oh my fingers oh my fingers oh no oh yeah the mario disagrees oh can't you tell by the head shaking this doesn't make any sense yup yup following that line of logic you're not gonna use it to fight evil honey i am the evil if you're not going to use them to fight evil i will whoa whoa i'll get a little bit too close girl oh no i couldn't stop her with my twizzler fingers just the image of squidward with enemies on top of his back i'm tapping out i can't take it i can't take anymore me and the boys the council will decide your fate
Channel: Failboat
Views: 553,640
Rating: 4.969635 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Mods, Mod, spongebob, mario, hat in time, best, funny
Id: 1bdTy59f-kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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