Mario Kart 8 but some funny stuff happens

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do it if we all say what a shame bird is gonna create an earthquake his helmet the problem is that his helmet was looking back at me talking smack before the race don't every would talk smack for me oh dude I mean easy CP you definitely doesn't have the best brain sometimes although I am losing to like half of them oh my god baby drop the shell on me and now I'm in ninth god I hate this video game dude baby Daisy is an actual predator they are the animal of the food chain is a perimeter P do P schmoopy that's what it is what do you su J you got first maybe the easiest creeping up on you careful there yeah I don't like it I also didn't think I'd ever hear that ever - watch out for that baby child that's coming towards you BB Daisy what do you have there a knife no oh my god damn the red shell why not you know I had a little before oh my God we're going to be playing as your best girl I'm playing as my best guy yes I'm playing his my best girl as well no not my best girl just the defendants Invesco yeah it was the best player okay the best girl didn't see she was been for a very short time she was the best girl Rasmus we're all 2019 to 2019 it's sori place go get out of here Vijay no no you get out of here I almost landed on your green shells freaking out geez land but I'm lactose intolerant why do you choose to be that kind of person cheese this place that easy Kampf yes they are we have just gotten worse over the last 30 minutes robot can breathe to raise g9 the call oh he was but he was just like a she's not making popcorn get back here oh my god get are you even playing the game okay we'll see about that one if you look at the mini-map not her icon just looking up to the top right mind staring directly at you and your soul yeah it's the Kaaba the entire duration of the game failed boy who's always watching me got links oh I don't like links links is scaring me a little bit look at that down there boys he's mad that you haven't booted up breath in the breath of the wild in like a few days in my science all right you knew that I was gonna be in front of you ah I see a path I see a path get J wins beautifly brothers get get excited with me my favorite my sweet come on here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow what a loser look man background and I just see him please stop running over me man it's just it's like come on there's a point where it's like mom I mean uses mushrooms go careening off and every yep just keep me going maybe it'll be a short cut at this rayon oh man maybe I'll just happen to land on earth where the victory podium is dukkha Bunga bullet all right commentary but it's my favorite thing yeah I got I got 99 problems and also three red shells so I give you first place don't think that's how the song goes champ the point is that I want when I want with Dooku and me that a t-shirt I want win I wonder what mat virus is gonna pick [Music] imagine being a gamer who she's been creepin up this entire time hosted baby Daisy the roses are red violets are blue I won't win might be wavy sometimes life be little fun fact about James snuck in the dkq educated next to me and tried to like you like drive me off the track for a second there all right DK slow down buddy I can literally delete this console and you would die don't test me I have powers to turn off the console I want baby Daisy dead I'm gonna level with you come on I'm gonna tell it like it is I want this CPU awesome like basil he doesn't know any better she's just a baby she knows all god she knows can you do like a one race circuit yeah I think you can I mean we can't just do one race in that beat there's a perfect map for that so I want to see if you'll think of the same thing what what map do we pick or see if you guys think the same thing say bike oh we do can I replace my Alexa with gabs voice that kind of enthusiasm how could I say no please check the weather but thanks Gabe we can do that if you want to hey Alexa please tell me I need to pick up my kids from school how's the traffic right now [Laughter] alright then looks like I'm not gonna get make it today the kids for the last week have been trapped yeah only Excitebike I get first no I just boosted past it you go into the car we stop this track no no you kind of sit if you time it right you can booze faster that's an amazing that's baby parking in that shell right there wait no no let's go the only victor in this game is my floor cuz if it's about to get feta controller I just wanted to showcase the artistic ability of one of our members of the stream here today oh so virus recently has made a Twitter request telling you to ask you to give him a Pokemon and he will attempt to draw it from memory and man he has been killing it and by killing it I mean our eyes I own oh man at the same time this Palkia cannot be contested Oh to be fair it would have been substantially worse if you had looked up Palkia beforehand and then drew this Paul go the demon of your spacebar all right actually dude my open hole and here we go
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,356,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Mario, Mario Kart, Switch, some funny stuff happens, Mario Kart 8, MK8, JayMoji, GGGabrielGaming, Fyrus, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, nintendo switch, funny moments
Id: HZzQfQmG5G0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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