New Beta bootloader. How to update the eeprom. Pinn OS Raspberry Pi 5

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okay so posin is out for the Raspberry Pi 5 and I've had trouble getting it working but thanks to Maran he sent me the latest eom update and now Pinos is working fine so what I'll do is show you how to run multiple operating systems from One SD card or USB stick with your Raspberry Pi 5 so first up let's shut this down now if I remove my SD card and switch on my Pi will tell me what bootloader version I have and in this case it's the 14th of December you need this one to be able to boot pin OS on a pi 5 but if I switch over to my Pi 4 and have a look no SD card switch on so now when it's booted up it's telling me it's the 18th of October on this one so it definitely needs an update and it would update through rasp config but only to a certain bit so let's put an OS in it uh we're going to go with Raspberry Pi OS and let it boot from that there we go it's just picked it up and it's starting to boot now the normal way to update the boot loader would be to go control Lo T and put in pseudo raspi-config go to Advanced and you can see bootloader version and latest and this will update this because it had an old version so we do finish now and reboot you can see my boot loader is showing the 6th of December now now this is the official latest release but there is a newer version and that newer version is the one we need for pin OS and you can use this method for newer versions that haven't hav't been released yet but again do this at your own risk so let's Boot It Up by putting the SD card in again okay so first up I'm going to open this document because it's got some details in it and the download link that Maran gave me and let's just pop this at the top so this is the link from GitHub so copy that into your browser let's paste that in and you can see that it downloads on its own but you can see I've got a one next to mine and the reason for that is because I've already downloaded it so let's go into my downloads folder which is here and here's the two eoms so I don't need the second one so let's just delete that one so you'll have this file in your downloads folder what we need to do now is close down the files app open a terminal and type in pseudo pcman FM you can see we've got a little warning because we have access to all our files in this so be careful what you move around click on downloads and find that eomp so let's just copy that and go to file system route if the lib folder isn't showing up for you you need to go to view and show hidden files and that will enable you to be able to see that so let's open that up and then go to Firmware Raspberry Pi bootloader 2712 because this is the one for the Raspberry Pi 5 and go to the latest folder and then paste that in so you can see it's added it to all the other previous ones that were there and I've actually noticed this says beta so I need to change that to latest and save that so now in terminal uh you probably have this already but if you haven't got it you need to pop this in so that will install RPI D eprom and you can see mine is already the latest version and then we're going to run this and paste that so bootloader update available current 6th of December latest 14th of December please reboot to apply the update so let's do reboot so now if we go control Lo T and get a rpi-update d a you can see that the current version is the 14th of December so we've successfully updated to the latest version so now on this P which couldn't boot pin before if I shut it down I've now put my Pinos SD card in there and if I press boot it will start booting pin and it wouldn't go past this point before but as you can see now it's continuing on and we'll get the upun two screen but I'm going to reboot this because I've only got one operating system on there and there's not a lot of point in having just one operating system with pin OS so let's power off now when I restart I'm going to press shift and hold it and that takes us into pin so let's put some things on here so you can see a Bun's already ticked let's go with Reco box and also Raspberry Pi OS but let's go for the light version uh under minimal so arm 64 light nothing else really on there at the moment but expect new operating systems to get added every now and then so let's hit install you got to type in delete you only have to do this if you're overwriting an old system and hit okay and yes there's a bit more information about this in the previous Pinos video if you want to know a bit more about the installation but I'm just going to leave that and come back when that's all done okay so that says it's installed successfully so let's hit okay and let's try booting Raspberry Pi OS light now this doesn't have a desktop environment but let's just give it a go yeah that's booting up it does this on our first time Boot and it's rebooting because it would have booted this OS for the first time yeah and it's going to get me to do all the normal set up and here it is so this is raspberry posos so I've logged in I'm just going to reboot and when it reboots if I press shift I can now pick a different operating system you've already seen seen a buntu so in this menu we just go to exit and pick a different operating system and hit Boot and here's recoil box booting up and I've got a separate video on recoil box but just to show that it's working and as you can see all of that's working absolutely fine so let's quit out of that and if we shut down and this time we'll boot back into a buntu so again X it let's pick a BTU and Boot and what's quite cool about Pinos is it makes all the folders available in the other operating systems so if I click on the file manager and let's just maximize that you can see that we've got our recall box folder uh We've also got our folder for Raspberry Pi OS and we can access uh you know things like the boot partition uh with recall box we can access the share folder and things like that so we can copy some problems in there okay so I hope all this helps thanks to maram for helping me get this up and running and thanks to everybody involved in getting Pinos up and running it is great to see it on Pi five it's always been really really good on Pi 4 okay so thanks very much for watching please like And subscribe
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 13,471
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Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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