Installing Proxmox 8.1 on Raspberry Pi 5

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hey guys what's going on it's Don here from Nova spare Tech and welcome back to the channel and today I got something really cool to show you guys which is running proxmox 8.1 on our Rasberry Pi 5 so let's get started now it's only been a couple of days since UEFI boot has been working on the Raspberry Pi 5 which leads to a lot of open doors because with ufi boot I'm now able to install stuff that are from isos like Fedora or any other operating system like proxmox 8.1 so in today's video I'm going to show you guys how to install it on our Raspberry Pi 5 which also worked on our Raspberry Pi 4 given that you use the proper ufi boot image now we all know that Raspberry Pi 5 is double the speed of Raspberry Pi 4 so it's going to run this amazingly well and if you've been following my prox Max playlist I did a lot of installing on our prox Max setup with only 8 gigs of RAM which is similar to what we have over here so if you want to minimize your setup even more you could try to run this on your Rasberry Pi 5 now with that being said uh there are still some things are not working on the ufi boot for Raspberry Pi 5 mainly the ethernet so you do need to provide your own ethernet adapter otherwise I think everything seems to be okay now again because ufi now is available for the Raspberry Pi 5 I could also do a Windows 11 install later down the road but for now we're just going to install proxmox so let's jump into it all right so here's the GitHub project for the UEFI for Raspberry Pi 5 and if you scroll down a little bit you can see this is very familiar it's only been a couple of days old and if I head down just a little bit it'll tell me the status of what's going on so we do have Raspberry Pi USB working ethernet is not working gpio is not working pwm is not working and the pcie is not working other than that everything else does work and not the eom but you can install Windows 11 Linux 3bs uh VMware fling which is really cool something I might want to test in the future and a few other things that you want like proxmox now heading down a little bit you could see if you want to build it yourself you can otherwise I am just going to grab the releases which is right over here so I'm going to grab the release download this which I already have it downloaded so you can see that's number two and we're going to need a couple of things now next we're also going to need the proxmox iso and this is the GitHub where you can get it called the proxmox port it's only a couple of months old and it does have 8.1 and there are a few things that you can use now they did test this on Rock Raspberry Pi a few others which is really cool so even on the vision five I could actually put this on my um wrist 64 board now scrolling down a little bit it shows you the regular proxar screens but you want this mirrors. AP qa. CN proxx isos and from here you can actually download the iso that you want so you could go from 6.4 7.0 all the way to 8.1 if you wanted to and that's the iso that we're going to be using which all we're also going to need to use to burn it onto a USB so now talking about the hard way that we need first what I have is the Raspberry Pi 5 again you could do this on the Raspberry Pi 4 and I believe on Raspberry Pi 4 ethernet does work so you don't have to worry about getting an extra ethernet adapter next we have a USB Ethernet then I have my SSD where I'm going to install all my stuff on a USB for the prox max ISO and then a little SD card right over here which for me it's only a 4 gig it doesn't really matter it just needs to be able to hold the boot files for the ufi but yeah you could use any size even 512 would work if you got something that small but yeah you just need a SD card now there are ways to actually install everything all together if you wanted to install the operating system onto the SD card it's all a matter of how you're going to partition everything uh it's a little tricky so that's why I'm decided to install it on something bigger like an SSD anyway so to begin I'm going to plug in my USB and here we have our USB and I do already have a partition that's already made and I could just go go into that open with file manager and I already have the files in here already because this is the same boot meter that I tested on but what we need to do is head over to downloads uh grab the ufi releases and I downloaded it quite a few times and I'll open the latest one and all you need to do is just drag and drop this into your SD card now I'm going to overwrite everything which is fine apply to all overwrite and there we go we have everything all set up on the boot disc now I could just remove this now I have my 4 GB SD card all set up to boot in ufi next we're going to take a USB slap that into the computer as well and then from here you need to download yourself etcher so I have it over here as a app image I'm just going to open that up file from flash which is the iso that we downloaded you see this proxmox arm64 ISO open that up select the target which is R USB which is a 16 GB dis select and then you can just flash flash it now I'm not going to flash it again because this is already pre- flash but that's how you would do it with the etcher once you're done with those two all you have to do is just start putting this together SD card into the SD card slot hard drive into any USB 3 the boot disc into any USB 2 for me and then this uses USB 3 so I'm going to stick this into the USB 3 as well and then now we have everything all set up for our first boot all right so here we are booting the Raspberry Pi 5 for the first time you could see and by hitting Escape it'll bring you to this menu where we get to choose our boot manager and you can see everything it's 2.4 GHz 8 8 gigs of RAM Raspberry Pi 5 everything's working on the ufi boot go to boot manager and I want to boot for my uis which is my USB and then from here now I get my prompt like you would just install this like you normally would on any other server or any other desktop so here we go actually on the proxmox installer and I could go to bottom right hit I agree and we you're not familiar with what I'm using I'm actually using something called Pi KVM which allows me to remotely access the Raspberry Pi like if I was sitting in front of it all right so here we can actually choose what disc we want again there's like some partitioning things that you want to do if you want to install it directly onto the SD card but I don't recommend it I rather just use SSD so in my case I'm just going to choose the SSD you can go to option and then choose what kind of format so if you got ZFS or better FS whatever you want to use you can switch it I'm just going to keep on E ext4 I'm going to hit next go through the setup like you normally would on any proxmox install and then I'm just going to go here for New York English next password email over here I would just do mail at local next go through this setup uh the IP address what you want to call it so PVE DOL I'm just going to call this pi5 so PVE pi5 next uh verify all these settings and then hit install this takes roughly about 10 minutes or so or maybe even less I don't even remember because I don't recall how long I just sat here but yeah that's all it is to setting it up and then once you're done you could just jump right into the dashboard and install your virtual machines and everything that you need so here is a proax already set up I've been playing around with this for like a day or two and I do have a few things hooked up so I do have uh Ubuntu container or lxc and I also have a full VM of fedora now we can't just automatically download the container images right off proxmox so we have to manually download them ourselves so I'm going to show you how to do that real quick now first we head over to CT images and this is where you would store the images now I have a link down in the description below for uh Linux containers. org which I've used plenty of times even in my uh proxmox series and in here you can actually download whatever you want so I'm going to head over back over to images and these are the images that are available like busy box Arch Linux Debian Ubuntu Alpine whatever you want uh this is also where I got the open wrt now say I do want to install Ubuntu so I'm going to click on Ubuntu go to the image that I want say Jammy you're going to choose the arch that you're going to be using which is arm 64 I'm going to go over to default and I'm going to choose the latest date which is well yesterday and now we could download this called root at Fest tar.xz all right I'm not actually going to download it on this PC itself so what I'm going to do is copy the link head over to my proxmox install download from URL paste this over here and then I just need to name the file so I'm going to name this Ubuntu 22. 04- new. T.G XZ so remember this extension at the back and then hit download it's going to grab that image which is only about 104 megabytes not large and you could see now I have a new image called ubu 2204 or Jamie new. tar.xz so I'm going to head over to create CT and I'm going to create something new I'm just going to call this ubu Das test and then I'm going to give it a password and another password and then I'm going to hit next and then in the templates you would choose the new one or any one that you downloaded next the disc size this one you could adjust whatever you want or to a different location if you want or if you have CPU one memory half a gig is fine Network I'm going to choose DHCP DNS confirm and then finish and then from here all you have to do is just wait until this says task okay and then you got yourself your own new little container and there we go that only took about like 30 seconds or so I'm going to close this out and now if I hit play on this there we go root and then the pass password and we have our Ubuntu 2204 and this is freshly created so I could do app update and grab all the updates from here and it works just like you would like a normal Linux operating system now as far as VMS go we do need to do one little thing before we could actually install VMS so from here we actually have to install this little package called PVE edk firmware AR Arch 64 so I can head back over to my proxmox head into shell and that's basically what I have to do AP install PVE DED K2 firmware Das a64 now I already have this installed so if I hit enter it's going to be done with that installed now you can actually just install VMS like you normally would so here I have Fedora installed um I do have something opened I think and I have software open critical software needs to be installed let me open open this menu open software again there you go I have my own little thing I have 64 updates on here if I wanted to open say file manager I could open that as well this is just like using a normal VM and there we have our little files again I only have I think one core with this so it's not super fast but you can give it more cores and more RAM and it'll run a lot smoother but even for one core it's able to run as far as the operating system goes there is one thing that doesn't work which is this over here the status menu um it does load the information so you can see this move around and this gets refreshed but I think it gets stuck either on the Kernel or the boot mode or maybe it doesn't know what CPU and it gets stuck so it stops loading here and it gets stuck like this forever you can still see all this moves around and everything does work it's just this status window doesn't want to work but everything else does seem to work and I'm able to still get updates if I want to so if I hit updates and I go to refresh hit okay it will actually grab all the updates put it into a list and then I should be able to still upgrade this to the latest version so if I close this out scrolling down a bit you could see look PVE manager again grain of salt with this because I don't know where the sources are coming from this at least allows me to test what I need to do on my arm 64r on my Raspberry Pi 5 and it's been great so far I don't see any issues with it other than that little system shell thing anyway that is it for me guys I had a lot of fun playing around with this it's great I could do something like this to expand the capabilities of Raspberry Pi 5 instead of just doing mundane tasks with I could actually throw virtual machines on there or Linux containers and then build it out like I would on a normal server which is really cool anyway if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below or if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and I say my nerd cave hack tail it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 43,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, proxmox 8.1 on raspberry pi, proxmox on raspberry pi, raspberry pi, proxmox 8, proxmox 8.1, arm64, proxmox arm64, installing proxmox on raspberry pi, raspberry pi 5, rpi5, virtual machines, linux, pi 5, proxmox 8 on pi
Id: oe1_JVl63a0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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