My favourite Linux Desktop. Raspberry Pi 5 KDE Plasma

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okay so I thought I'd show you how to get KD plasma onto the Raspberry Pi 5 it's my operating system of choice on the Raspberry Pi 5 and it's based on Raspberry Pi OS 64bit so it's the most stable most upto-date version so I've already written it to a little micro SD card which is on here currently running the operating system from an m.2 drive and if we go into imager you can see that the file has been written so let's close this down and boot Raspberry p Os from this 16 gig micro SD card for the first time press the button to start so I'll go through the normal setup so obviously I'm picking United Kingdom cuz that's where I am so for the username and the password I'm just going to do it as KDE if it lets me I'm not going to connect to my Wi-Fi I'm using a wired connection CU I'm going to share this image so if you want to try out KD without having to go through all the setup you can I did it before with previous Raspberry Pi 4 versions I'm going to choose Firefox as the preferred browser just because that one's the one that's supposed to get better performance over time but both are going to be installed so it doesn't really matter and I'm going to update the software so it's the very latest okay so that's all up to date so let's hit okay and restart so straight away let's get KD plasma installed so open a terminal with control alt and T and type in sudo app install KD - plasma D desktop and hit yes and this will start to install the new desktop environment so now we need to pick the display manager so press okay and uh I've gone for sddm because that's what I was using previously on a p 4 it worked really well for me and you can see that it looks very different uh and you can see on here I can pick what session I want so let's go for plasma Wayland and log in so we're putting KDE in here and we get a different loading screen which is customizable and obviously you can see it's changed the background and everything else the taskbar has moved to the bottom from the top uh if I press the Windows key we get this nice clean environment but very very logical very easy to find things and also you can just start type in say something like imager and it comes up so you could leave it like that it's uh it's definitely very functional but it's super customizable with KD plasma uh if I go down to the right hand side we can see that we've got audio Bluetooth I really like the way it handles USB and shows all the drives and allows you to mount them and so on this is my network just really logical so if I press the Windows key and start typing theme you can see we get Global theme come up now I've been experimenting with this a bit uh so you saw a different theme I was using which was Winder dark but I didn't like the uh the transparency so on this menu I I actually like the fact that this is much darker um but I do want to change the overall look of things so if we going to get new Global themes and if you start typing in wi sir so I was using Winder D which I really like but I just couldn't stop it from being too transparent so what I think I'm going to do is uh rather than change this uh well let's let's change it to Breeze dark and just see what how trans yeah it's not very transparent and I prefer that it's just it just shows better but I am going to change the icons and the icons that I had were called 11 the windows 11 icons but I think they look really nice so get new icons and type in 11 think it was this one yeah I think these are pretty cool so install and now we close that down and go to 11 and uh let's just see if you hover over them it will show you what they're like so that's 11 dark 11 light it will look pretty much the same to me I'm going to go with 11 dark cuz I think that's what I had before and hit apply and you can see these have started to change so the store looks like that the folder icon we haven't got something for this one and that's the dolphin file manager but I actually changed to uh PC man file manager because I prefer it so I'm going to delete that one it will still stay on there you can still use both of them but if I press the Windows key start in PC file manager PC man and then I can right click on that and I can pin that to task manager and let's just close that down and again unpin from task manager I don't know why that I didn't do before now if we want to change the start icon just right click it and configure application launcher click on the icon and it will give you a load of different icons you can choose from and we can go full screen as there's so many any of them I think I'm going to go with this one so apply and okay let's just check that the Windows key still working yeah it still works in older versions that stopped working when you change that icon so this is our launcher we've got settings here we've got the Discover store here which is a much nicer store than the standard one that comes in Raspberry Pi OS and we've also got uh well now I've changed it that it will use PC man so if I drag that to the right hand side this is my file manager and I have super quick access to my network drive so you can see that comes up straight away uh it's the one that Raspberry Pi OS uses and also gives you a very easy option to open in terminal uh which I really like and if we grab the Discover store and drag it over to the left you can see it goes full size so I like the window snapping that happens with KDE uh the Discover store as well you can see it's just super easy to understand so things like games and accessories and so on it's it's just super easy and even if you click on something it will actually tell you about that program so you got ratings screenshots all sorts of information just like you would have on on a modern day smartphone and you can just hit install to install that in fact let's use it to install P sensor we can do this from the terminal but let's do it within this so we' got to get at all applications and there you go P sensor is there hit install pop your password in which is KDE and lowercase Okay so that's installed I want to install as well gparted I don't think it's already installed so gparted partition editor we may need this later on um if you're downloading this image uh it might need to be expanded but we'll see what happens cuz I'll test that in this video so that's all in there let's just close all of this down so plasma style I'm okay with that for this stage colors is okay for me I prefer this uh so plastic for expanding a window I just I just think it's more logical for me so let's hit apply on that and you can see that's changed probably okay with the fonts for now I might change that later in another video we've done icons already splash screen so this is when it boots up and if we hit get new now the one I used before was lightning and I really liked it so I think I'm going to go for that again and I guess it is this one that definitely looks like the right one yeah so let's hit install on that let's close that and we'll pick it I think it's already picked apply and you do get the startup screen uh where is that start up and shut down maybe yeah so these are like login screens so let's get new themes quite like the look of that gradient and I quite like that as a background so again KD is the password so that's called gradient sddm and let's go to the wallpaper and see if it's installed any wallpapers okay nothing there yet you can you can obviously use any wallpaper you can download anything off Google and what was it like gradient let's go with that and install without logo with logo I think I'm going to go without the logo right should be in here now but it's not so let's close that and let's try that again so configure desktop and wallpaper there you go yeah I'll go with that one for now so I press the Windows key and you can see the menu we've got a bit of transparency but not too much uh we now have have Jeep Ed installed and let's launch that and we also have P sensor installed so let's launch that the reason I really like P sensor is it remembers the maximum temperature so it gives you the temperature of various different things that are there but it also remembers how hot it got and I think that's quite handy for testing and you can see currently this is my 16 gig it's just a basic SD card I'm running this from and as you can see it's pretty Snappy I'm I'm not really I'm trying not to cut anything out of this apart from if I pause for a long time I think I'm going to leave it there uh because I don't want to do too much because I think the idea is that I'm going to make this available so you can just download this and start using this as an operating system but in further videos I'll start installing more things uh that I want to use with it uh maybe a basic game uh just various things that I would always want in my operating system but I think for this video it's all about keeping it to the bare minimum and I think that's looking great so let's shut that down and let's start it up and just see how it starts up I've got some weird graphical error here I'm not sure what that's about um but let's carry on and the lightning is back although it didn't last for very long I guess that's cuz the pi five is so much quicker okay so let's shut that down again uh I'm going to back this up so now I've putot it back up from this m.2 drive and uh I'm going to put the SD card this 16 gig SD card in the SD card slot on the pi 5 because I want to back it up so let's log in press the Windows key and type in pi safe and you can see Pi safe comes up here and this is brilliant this is installed with P apps which I will eventually be putting in my KD plasma builds uh in future videos I just wanted to keep it super basic for now uh so back up media to an image file so that is my 16 gig card and I'm going to call it kd1 Dash pi5 and hit okay and yes and come back when that's all done so that's all backed up with PFE you can see it's in my downloads folder so let's have a look in here and downloads and it's here kd1 pi5 so before I upload that let's try writing that as an image so let's start up Raspberry Pi imager choose OS and we need to go to use custom [Music] kd1 choose storage I don't want to write it to that card at the moment cuz I'm going to keep that as a main one so I'll unplug that and let's plug in an SSD drive I've got this 32 gig one so let's plug in a USB sat cable and into here and that will show up on here so I can close these down and you can see it's this drive and hit right and yes okay so that's all finished so let's hit continue and just close all this down and boot up again with just this SSD connected no SD card or anything else so let's Press Start okay so I have got it to work on the back up but only from an SD card for some reason I'm struggling with this SSD drive and also this SSD drive which normally work absolutely fine on my pi4 I've used this Sata cable and also this Sata cable and I keep getting the same results so this one doesn't boot into an operating system this actually boots into raspberry posos but says it as a network error but this one is fine so I press enter just to log into that on a different SD card a 32 gig SD card you can see the lightning starts and then it goes into the OS and try the exact same image on my Raspberry Pi 4 uh so I've just transferred all the cables over the drive is plugged into my USB hub so let's see what happens okay my blue lights come on and you can hear rain in the background it's not my fan so at this point it would go past this and then come up with a network error on the pi five oh it's still doing the same so we've got some weird network manager thing through USB this is exactly the same backed up image on this Kingston Drive as I've got on this SD card but it's not working that's really weird right let's try and boot from the SD card so let's pop that in there uh and switch it on I can unplug this drive cuz it will use the SD card and the SD card image seems to be booting fine are we going to get the same yeah the network thing didn't happen at all and if I type in KDE so this image works on the pi4 and the pi5 the Lightning goes on definitely for longer on the pi4 really showing how that SD card and also the CPU is faster I like the way it fades from the lightning into the background uh and if I press the Windows key there you go it comes up a bit slower than the pi5 but it comes up so obviously I'll make this available to download but uh it's worth knowing that you may not have success booting from USB I don't know why that is I'll I'll try and investigate it but for the moment if you want to try it if you try it on an SD card uh either on a pi4 or a pi five let me know what you think okay so I hopeful this helps thanks very much for watching please like And subscribe
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 30,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7qMlD-z_JrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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