Installing the Pimoroni NVMe Base on Raspberry Pi 5

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okay so let's build mvme base here I have the kit package which has the 500 gigabyte mvme in there as well and you see we got the mbme base package and the SSD start with this part of it and there should be four bits in here base itself the ribbon cable the ball pack and the rubber feet first thing we're going to do is go through all the bolts that we have here we have these long bolts these are for mounting through the base to the top and giving you a bit of thread on the end to attach a hat Mount we have the standoffs these make the gap between the M base and the pie have the ones with a very wide head they are the m2.5 five mounting things mounting screws you'll use eight of those normally and then there are M2 bolts and somewhere in there will be one or two M2 mounting screws to hold the drive there we go it's the longer bolt with the wide head so first we'll put the bolts on the corner what I tend to do is actually put the bolt through and then screw the standoff onto the bolt that makes it easier from this end and you don't need any screwdrivers yet good next we need some way to mount the drive and for that we need this slightly longer M2 bolt and one of the M2 nuts this is a 2280 drives most drives will be but if you want to short to one you can mount in one of the other holes which are labeled with the size of the drive take one of the nuts screw it onto the bolt and then you have a base for your mbme now I'm going to get the SSD drive out just going to abuse my screwdriver to do that there we have one of the Kia drives we're doing in the first batch so one under the drive into the M2 slot down so it sits around the bolt then take a second nut and screw that down onto the drive and that should securely hold it and just make sure it's nice and centered although the connector is pretty tolerant about this there we go drive mounted now we're going to the ribbon cable which is the hardest bit for this I'd use the Raspberry Pi end first so we take the pi and this one's got an active cooler for the hard mode gently lift up each end of the pcie slot and for the ribbon cable when we end up with it installed we want to end up with it going like this there's only one way it fits around the end that goes to the base is larger it's an 18 pin and the end that goes to the pie is smaller so you'll find that the larger end just will not fit to the plastic here but the other end will and since we want it to end up folding over this way we start by having it this way and you should find that goes into there with the latches up and then I'm just holding it in place and level with my other hand and pushing down this so it's nice and flat and it's definitely holding on to the cable when it's in you will be able to adjust it a little bit so it's nice and flat and square at the cable end and sitting on the base of the connector then I tend to turn my pie upside down and take the mvme base flip up the connector and holding it here slide it onto the connector until I get any into the right Gap and feel it hit the back of the connector so it's not wobbling side to side like this and it hits flat and then flip it down then I can make a sandwich you actually see I've got some other standoffs here so I'm just going to remove those from the pie your pie will probably not have those installed okay there we go fold over to make the sandwich make sure it's over the holes make make sure it doesn't wander around and start slicing components off your very valuable pie and then this bit I do recommend a screw driver I have a little nice Phillips one here mounted in the end of my pen because nerds and then just locate that hole so just about every part in here that you likely to use and just in case the factory does send you one short this one next to the gpio is probably going to be the hardest because I'm threading between the gpio and the active cooler header there we go number four let's check number one again because that didn't seem to tap down properly there it is there we go really skure and you should find your cable is nice and neat like this good curve at the top pretty flat to the board and the pirate looking nice to saying hello like this there you go you should have a fantastic connection we also have these long bolts what happens with these is if you want to mount a hat on top of your pie still these bolts go through the bottom through the standoff instead of these eight bolts and they poke through the top into the pie from there you can take extended t standoffs such as Comm 2105 on our store put them on top of the pie and mount hats as well and they just maintain a screw thread there so after you've done all that make sure everything electrical is out the way turn it upside down and mount the feet the first two are very easy there's clear space in the corners here the second two it's up to you but I tend to mount them just inside the screws here CU then everything's in a line you can also Mount the inside here and there you have a skeleton pie setup that's nice and safe on your desktop from here if you power up your Pi you should find that the mbme drive is detected automatically and you can see it in Raspberry Pi imager and use Raspberry Pi imager to burn the OS to it the only other thing you'll need to do is edit the config.txt to enable pcie3 speeds if you want and you probably do want and also you can use the EO Editor to change the bo Bo order if you want to boot off the mvme drive so there it is that's installing the mvme base on Raspberry Pi 5
Channel: Pimoroni
Views: 24,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: odG7FbptgWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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