Water cooling for 3Ghz overclocked Raspberry Pi5. Seeed Studio & 52Pi

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okay so 52 Pi do some very nice cooling solutions for Raspberry Pi and uh this one has been called Overkill in my comments before but I think it does a great job and uh and really helps to keep your Raspberry Pi 5 cool even when overclocking although not all my pies overclock that well sorry about the noise uh it is pouring down with rain at the moment and we've just had some thunder and lightning so we might get that on video if we're lucky I mentioned Overkill in cooling solutions just now well you'd probably be more likely to call this Overkill uh especially in the UK but obviously we can overclock some raspberry pies way over the standard clock speeds and also some people live in a very hot climate and uh want to play games or want to do more intensive things on a Raspberry Pi so this might be the thing for them but also it would be very cool in an arcade build uh it would just look great uh because of all the lights and everything which you'll see in a minute so before I do that let's just show you what I mean about uh some pies aren't great at overclocking so this is my 4 gig Raspberry Pi and on this memory card I've got my version of KD plasma which runs at 3 GHz which runs fine in my 8 gig Pi doesn't in my original so uh regular subscrib will know I had a pi I don't know two or 3 months early a pi five to test and uh I also bought a 4 gig Pi uh and also an 8 gig pi5 but uh let's put this memory card into the 4 Gig one and I learned something new about uh multi-touch gestures with raspberry poos that I didn't know my cat's about to jump what are you doing and that's the three fingers up on the trackpad brings up the uh program menu so you can open and close that anyway let's shut this down and switch memory cards and start that up doesn't like it doesn't even attempt to boot uh and just to show that it is working if I unplug this and start it up without an SD card in it you can see it's trying to start up so it doesn't like a 3 GHz overclock I don't know what it does like but uh I'm going to get a pie that does so here's my original that's why I put an O on it and this is the one uh that I bought on day one and does seem to be really good with overclocking so let's switch over and let's pop this card in pop this in for mouse and keyboard This is a dopay laptop which is a laptop without an operating system if you want to know more about it I've got a couple of videos on it and we can see that it's running KD plasma and if I go into terminal and launch near fetch we can see that it's running at 3 GHz and it be launch P sensor that will tell us what sort of temperatures we've got at this time so it's currently 32° 33° so let's minimize this and we'll open another terminal control Lo T and somewhere on here I've got some stress tests documents KDE here we go there a assist bench test here this is all ready to run if you've got my Builder KD plasma 2 minute test and it will Max it out so let's copy that in and run that and let's see how high these temperatures get and if we also launch HTP as well so we can see what's going on so CPU usage 100% and we're up to 47% at the moment no fans on so the fans have come on but at a very low speed it's not very warm in here today I haven't got the heating on it's probably about I don't know 15° okay so that's finished let's run that test again and that's finished again we got up to 55° I'm going to do it one more time see the fan speed got up to 1475 RPM so basically the fan will ramp up as it gets hotter okay so that's finished and we got to 57° and the fan got up to 1527 RPM what I'm going to do now is just play a YouTube video for 10 minutes okay so after all that it still only got to 57° but let's open the terminal and do one more stress test we'll leave the the browser open here we go and just do that for 2 minutes and you can see my fan hands are spinning but still not at a super high speed again it is only 15° in here so for testing the Beast first of all I'm going to start by going up to 20° ambient temperature my heating is on now I haven't had instructions yet so I'm going to wing it because it looks pretty self-explanatory uh so I've got a couple of tubes here which obviously take it in and out of the cooler we've got an aluminum plate on the base we've got a thermal pad that goes between the aluminum plate and the pie and we got a load of heat pads but I want to use thermal paste instead of heat pads these are quite thick but I'm going to try it with thermal paste and we've got this to be able to pour the water in so let's take this off oh straight in with the right size and I was using thermal past with this one with this copper heat spreader but I better not mix and match products let get rid of the excess first of all and a bit of cleaning with some isopro now the CPU is definitely taller than the rest of the components um so it would probably benefit from dding so taking this part off so uh it's not covering the main CPU but I'm not going to do that I'm going to do it as it comes and this is completely flat as you can see so if we were to put it on without doing anything so it must be this way around and we can't we can't really see uh what it's touching so I'm just going to put some thermal paste on all sorts of bits there you go a lot of science went into that bit uh it does look very neat as you can tell so let's pop this on and I can feel it on the CPU paste so it's going to screw through here must be like this same size Allen key bolts oh I forgot the heat spread to go underneath so I'm going to go around about here try that again and the last bolt going in okay so that's all done and you can see on here ice pump for pi5 Seed Studio and 52 Pi with that lovely solid thick bit of copper and I'm going to wire it in the way they've shown it so pop these on all the way and this one all the way till it stops so I've pushed the pipes on and you can see it on the cooler as well now you can cut these and you can daisy chain them so if you were doing a cluster you could have multiple pies coed by this system uh where it's going in and out and basically making a whole circuit where it goes sends the cold water all the way through the system let's pour some water in it now that it shouldn't be able to go anywhere going to use this one and this is distilled water which is what they recommend although pouring this isn't going to be much fun I wonder if I just create a hole at the front front and at the back just for air flow let's do that as well and see what happens I can see it going down through the pipe I'm going too fast so I'm going to fill it up to there but then uh when I was speaking to my son cuz he's had water cooling on his PC before uh is to run it and it will go through the radiator and here's the adapter 12v 2 amp 24 W plug in here oh wow okay so that must have already gone through the radiator so if I now turn it off and then I guess I'll try and get this to be pretty much full I'm to guess this last bit yeah that looks pretty much at the top pop this one back in okay so we're up and running and uh it's just looking really cool I was thinking it' be uh interesting if I just turned up the Starbucks or Costa Coffee with this sort of setup obviously this looks a bit more untiy because I've got a capture device there would be a lot less cabling involved but uh yeah it's really it's really cool and it feels weird to see the water go in and above the pie and then go back out again and if we have a look at the back you can see just like a car radiator really and the air is passing through this so the water's going through this and the air is passing through cooling it down so let's go back into screen capture and do some tests so let's call our P sensor and H top and let's snap these into place just pop that in the [Music] corner and open a terminal and run that test so we're currently at 32° it's a lot warmer in here now the heating is is is cutting in and out so I know that it's reached its 20° okay so 33° let's run that again you might hear the rain has started up in the background the uh cooler makes a lovely sort of like a almost like a water feature you know when you get those things in garden centers where there's the sort of trickling of water it's really relaxing so let's run that again for the third time still only 33° so it's definitely doing its job and then one more test so it's up to 34° at the moment okay that's another test done so that's all three and uh it didn't get above 34° which is super impressive remember it is 5° hotter in the house now I did I deliberately turned up the heating to give it more of a test still only 20° let's do a YouTube test now and let's just run it I'm probably going to run it for an hour or so uh while I have something to eat this is my longest video at an hour and a half so we're now 1 hour in and the temperature has still only got to 36° which is super impressive by far the most effective caller I've ever tried on a pi but that was to be expected so thanks very much to sied studio and also 52 Pi for sending me this to test it really has been a pleasure to test uh it is such a good cooler uh I know it's big I know it's uh very very overdone especially for the UK but if you're in a hotter environment or you have a cluster of Pies then uh maybe it's for you it would also definitely look good on the top of an arcade build uh it just is so impressive anyway I hope all this helps thanks very much for watching please like And subscribe
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Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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