Raspberry Pi 5 M.2 HatDrive!

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers.com this time we're going to take a look at this a pinb pi hat drive for the Raspberry Pi 5 specifically this is a h Drive bottom which as you can probably guess fits under a raspy Pi 5 and this allows a 2280 m.2 mvme SSD to be connected to the pi5 PCI interface so let's go and take a closer look right here we have our pinb PI hat Drive bottom which is one of the first m.2 PCI adapter boards for the pi 5 to go on sale and if we open it up very easy unboxing here it is inside and this I purchased from the pinb pie website for $25.99 which is about £225 or $28 and once this is a hat Drive bottom Pine P also sell a version called the Hat Drive top which sells for 20 which is about £78 or $21.60 and this is a conventional hat or Hardware attached on top board but cannot mount a 2280 m.2 SSD and inevitably obstruct a cooler and so personally I do prefer the H Drive bottom which is of course technically a Hab Hardware attached below rather than the Hat Hardware attached on top anyway as we can see we get the board itself let's get rid of that we've also got a little bag of a mounting hardware but if we just get the board out like this this very straightforward let's just take it out over here and let's put it down over here where we can clearly see it has got an mkeyed m.2 slot that can accommodate either a 2280 a 2242 or 2230 mvme SSD as the label indicates connectivity here is single Lane PC * 1 that's the same as a raspby pi 5 hardly surprisingly it's got single Lane PC contivity and this board can actually work at either PC 2.0 or 3.0 speeds and a raspberry pi5 in theory only works at PCI 2.0 but it can potentially do 3.0 and this board will allow us to experiment with that also on the board we've got a 5vt power input here which allows us to power an mvme Drive apparently via this input rather than via the ribbon cable although here I'll just be using the ribbon cable to take power as well as data from the pi and if we turn this over we can see the ribbon cable is pre-attached on this board but to a connector where you could remove it if you wanted to and beneath the ribbon cable we also have two LEDs which as we can see are labeled for power and for Drive Activation so shall we attach an mvme SSD I think we should I've got a crucial P3 plus over here which we'll just put in there and I'll use the amount to secure it in place there we go and I now also put on some of the mounting hardware it came with the board and there we go we're now ready to attach this to a raspy Pi 5 which I happen to have over here hello raspy Pi 5 so what we now need to do is to attach the ribbon cable into the pi five so let's just give you a closer shot of that and it's difficult to show you this on camera without my fingers getting in the way but basically we need to raise this little piece of plastic on the pie excuse my fingers there we are that's now open and what we want to do is to fit the cable into this let's try and rotate things and keep it in Focus something like that we want to fit this with the cable with its connectors facing the PIP with the do bits facing the pipe so let's see if I can do this on camera vaguely and focus and vaguely showing you accurately oh that's not too bad that's gone in there like that if I can show you that's gone in and I now just need to uh with that firmly in place lower of a little plastic thing down like that and my f won't not get you away a second sorry about this there we are but that is now pressed down I'll have to do both sides together there we are and there we are that is now firmly connected to the P so let's now put the board under the P like this it all comes around like that and we should now be able to secure it in place if we just turn it back the other way like this and put in the screws and there we are everything is now mounted we've got our hat Drive bottom mounted under the pie and so we're now all ready for performance test greetings here we are back again the pi is now connected up and running as you can see and I've all added some extra standoffs beneath the pie to raise it from the surface and as we can see on the end of the board the power LED for the Hat Drive is illuminated so the Hat Drive appears to be working and if we go across to a desktop here we are let's launch a terminal and if I do an lsblk A List block devices we see that all we can see is our micro SD card and it's important to note that using an adapter board like the Hat drive with a raspberry pi5 connected to its PCI connector is not entirely Plug and Play well it is Plug and Play to the extent you plug it in and we have to play around with things to make it work but it it's not automatic specifically we need to edit the Pi's configuration file using this command here sudu Nano to run up my Nano text editor as a super user and we're editing the file config do text in the boot folder so if we do that there we are if we go right down to the bottom like that we're going to add in two commands so we can access our mvme SSD firstly a DT parameters like that being a NVM e and then secondly DT param again and this time we're going to say PCI E one lane and we're going to say gen equals 2 we'll start out using the PCI 2.0 standard and we now press contrl X it'll say do we want to save modified yes we do and that's file enter on that and as we've now edited the config file we need to do a sudo reboot so we can reboot the p and here we are back on my desktop very exciting we'll open up our terminal again we'll again do an lsblk list block devices the dries connected to the pi and uh yes we can now see our mvme SSD plugged into our hard drive things do seem to be working and I'm sure like me you want to find out the speed of this drive we can do that using the HD parameters test so we'll just bring up the command for that there we go and in fact this is the syntax to test an SSD connected VI USB on the drive and I did this earlier using the drive we've currently got in the Hat drive but when I had it connected into a USB 3 to a m.2 mvme adapter and when I ran that test I got a result of 36.6 megab a second so this gives us a bit of a benchmark for the speed of the SSD we're testing but connected previously by USB 3 anyway we're now back in the real time hello and let's just change SDA to nvme 0n1 and press enter very exciting what speed are we going to get remember this is PCI 2.0 speed what can we get that's pretty good isn't it 428 megabytes a second I'm impressed with that but of course you want to know can we go faster will the pi sustain a PCU 3.0 connection to this SSD so let's try that we'll go back into their config file like that go down to the bottom scrolly scrolly scroll change that to gen 3 and again we'll just uh control X do we want to save it yes we do we'd love to there we are sudu reboot oh it's exciting the tension is killing us isn't it that's that the Pi reboot here we are and if we now just run up our terminal again again we'll do an LS SP okay let's check it's still working it is and we'll go back to HD parameters which must be sitting somewhere there it is what speed you think we'll get this time let's have a look hopefully it'll sustain a better speed of course we should do some extended test to check we can really work reliably at PCU 3.0 but wow that's not bad isn't it it actually is giving us 81657 mustn't forget the 0.57 megabytes a second I'm pleased with that that's a very good speed using an mvme SSD on a Raspberry Pi 5 right we've Now set up and tested our mvme SSD as a storage device that's up to 10 times faster and a lot more reliable than a Micro SD card but what if we want to boot our raspber PI from the mvme SSD how do we do that well the first thing to do is to make sure the pi is fully updated because the latest firmware is needed to use an mvme drive so to do this we need to do a sudo apt and an update like that and then a sudo apt and an upgrade which for me is very fast because I've done it very recently there's nothing to actually be upgraded but if you have had something that's been upgraded it's important you then do a reboot so we'll do a sudo reboot just so you've seen the whole process next as we're back again we need to go back into the terminal you probably have guessed that where we need to edit the Raspberry Pi's eom configuration file and to do that we need to enter sudu rpy eom config and uh edit like that here we are in the configuration file where we need to go to the very last entry which needs to end with a six we add the six in there to tell the P to boot from the MV me SSD if one is connected next we need to go down to the next line and add a new entry to enumerate over our PCI bus sounds very exciting but basically we type PCI eore probe equal 1 like that and if we now do a control X do we want to save yes we do and there we go and it'll tell us we'll need to reboot to apply that update so guess what we should do just that with a sudo and a reboot and there we are we've Now set up our Raspberry Pi 5 to boot from an mvme SSD if it contains an operating system and of course our MVM SSD doesn't currently contain an operating system so what I'm going to do is to go to the menu and go to accessories and SD Card Copier which allows us to clone our existing system drive to a new system drive so I'm going to select the device to copy from to be the micr SD card we've currently booted from and we're going to copy to guess what or mvme SSD and if I click on start like that do we want to do this it will erase all the content on the MVM SSD yes that's fine we'll click on yes and there we are the process is started and indeed the activity indicator LED on the hat Drive is flashing so let's now use the magic of filmm to speed on through the cloning process and with the duplication complete let's now shut down our Raspberry Pi next I'm going to remove the micro SD card from the P which is going to be slightly tricky given that we've got this cable here in the way in fact it's going to be an absolute swine I wish the P had a proper clicky micro SD card thing it doesn't we can just about get it out it certainly disconnected can I get it clear I think I can this is a design floor I think with this because you can't get the daming out without removing the cable can you oh you just about can that is not the best way to remove a Micro SD card is it this is out ws and all you can see we've got it out and I can now press the button here to reboot the pie and we're now coming up again cross your fingers we should now be booting from the mbme SSD we will do this in real time this looks good doesn't it things are working yes that is good we have booted a raspber pi five from an mvme SSD and just to prove it we'll go back to the terminal for a final time and do a final lsblk a final list block devices and yes the only drive on this system is the mvme SSD it's the only form of storage connected we booted from it we've used the Pineberry Pi hat drive to boot from the mvi SSD here on the Raspberry Pi 5 as we've seen in this video the pinb pi hat Drive bottom works very well indeed allowing an m.2 MVM SSD to be used as extra storage or a boot drive on the Raspberry Pi 5 the only downside is that it does constrain access to the micro SD card slot something that seems to be avoided on the forthcoming pyaron mvme base which at the time of making this video is yet to go on sale and raspber P themselves haven't really helped Matters by having the PCI connector directly above the micro SD card slot given that it was inevitable that m.2 adapter cards to take a 2280 mvme SSD would have to go under the pie you wouldn't want them on the top it would be too big it has to go under the pie you don't really want a MV Bard on top anyway I don't think cuz it constrains Cooling and therefore the Pi's design was not in Pine Pi's favor when they were trying to work out how to make their adapter board and as I said already it does work very well indeed but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed what you've seen here please press that like button if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe and I hope to talk to you again very [Music] soon
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 226,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 5, Pineberry Pi, HatDrive, Raspberry Pi 5 M.2, Raspberry Pi M.2, Raspberry Pi 5 NVMe, NVMe SSD, Raspberry Pi 5 NVMe SSD, Raspberry Pi 5 NVMe boot, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt, HatDrive Bottom, Raspberry Pi NVMe tutorial, tutorial
Id: B9OwWnAftb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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