Upgrade your Raspberry Pi to a Homelab (instead of a Raspberry Pi 5)

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The Raspberry Pi 5 was recently announced. It is  faster than the old one, and you can add an SSD   with a special adapter. The price went up, and  now it needs a beefy power supply. Is it worth   ordering one for our home automation server?  Maybe you watch this video before you order.   Grüezi YouTubers. Here is the guy with the Swiss  accent. With a new episode and fresh ideas around   sensors and microcontrollers. Remember: If you  subscribe, you will always sit in the first row.   I like the Raspberry Pi for its initial purpose.  Like many of us, I was lured into using it as a   home server when it was still cheap and available.  During the shortage, I was forced to search for   another solution and found this tiny second-hand  PC and Proxmox. Hardly more expensive, but way   more useful and fun. And I discovered the value of  a Homelab. A vast improvement and a lot of fun!   This video is divided into three parts: 1. Teasing of the Homelab   idea and show you my setup 2. Migration of Raspberry Pies to your Homelab   3. The creation of a new virtual machine with  all needed components, from reading sensors to   displaying the results in nice-looking diagrams  (Mosquitto, Node-Red, influxDB, and Grafana)   And you will get a virtual machine with all the  examples for your new Homelab. Just in case you   want to save time with your next project. Let’s start with the Homelab. Why is it   so much more fun to work with it? - Everything is built in a nice and   tidy case for a very decent price - No more hassle with defective   SD cards or slow SSDs - More processing power and RAM   - And the most important: Proxmox, a free  and fantastic virtualization software   A Homelab with Proxmox extends  your possibilities a lot.   - Even a small PC can replace many  Raspberry Pies on one machine. This   saves money, energy, and space. - To create a new “Raspberry Pi”   is a piece of cake. Just add a virtual  machine and install Debian on it. Done in   a few minutes. Without any additional cost! If  you do not need it anymore, delete it and free   all resources for your next experiment - Backup and restore of virtual machines   are simple and can be automated.  Like that, we do not forget it   - My favorite is “snapshots”. Before you  change something on your virtual machine,   you take a snapshot. If you break something,  you just rewind to the snapshot and start   over. Extremely cool and useful - Of course, you cannot connect   sensors directly to a Homelab. No big deal for  me because my sensors are not where my Homelab   is. They are all over the place But how can we upgrade from our   Raspberry Pi to a Homelab? First, we need a PC or a   Mac. Typical sources for such devices are: - Revive your old PC, Mac, or Laptop. It should   have at least an SSD. Otherwise, it is no fun - As I did in video #443, buy a used Thin Client   PC. They are sold for cheap on the usual  platforms. This is my favorite solution   - Use your NAS if it is strong enough.  Saves money, space, and energy   - Buy one of these small PCs. They are sold  by the thousands to be used as firewalls. But   they can do much more. If you are interested in  networking experiments, this is a good choice   because they have a few 2.5GB Ethernet connectors - Of course, you can go for a 19-inch server if   you do not care about money and energy consumption  or if you want to show it off to your friends   My server only has 16GB of memory and  a 1TB disk. The 16GB is sufficient for   most former Raspberry users. And 1TB is an  overkill for me. But I had it lying around.   Currently, I have 8 VMs on my Homelab. One  is Home Assistant, and two run Docker with   many containers. If I run all of them, I still  have 3GB of free memory. You see, there are no   problems with resources if you pay attention and  do not allocate too much memory. You must upgrade   to a newer or bigger machine if you want more. But before we continue, we must talk about why I   use a second VM with containers on my Homelab. 1. I wanted to use Home Assistant mainly as a   frontend and to integrate sensors. And I wanted  to use the operating system that comes with Home   Assistant because I hope it will be the most  used and therefore create the least problems   2. I could have installed containers along  with Home Assistant on the same VM. Still,   I decided against it because IOTstack is a  fantastic project that installs all kinds   of Docker containers with all the glue between  them so that they work together without hassle.   Phill and Slyke do an excellent job in supporting  the project as well as supporting you on Discord   if you have problems. They recently adapted the  project so that it can easily be used on Proxmox   3. I want to be able to quickly create  a new installation for another purpose   that does not need Home Assistant.  Later, I will show you such an example   As said, I use Home Assistant as a frontend  and for sensor integrations. All other things,   particularly all automation, are done  in Node-Red. I use influxDB V2 as a   database and Grafana for the display. Now, we go on to step #2 and migrate   our Raspberry Pis. Usually, this  is done with the following steps:   Next, I will lead you through these steps. To install Proxmox on the new server,   you will find all the information in  my video #443, including some tricks.   But how can we back up our current installation?  In Home Assistant, creating a Backup is easy.   Go to Settings→System→Backups and  create a full backup. When done,   download it to the download folder of your PC. For IOTstack, things are under construction right   now. I assume we will get a pair off  commands to create a full backup and a   full restore on the Homelab. Please consult  Phills writeup when you do your migration.   So we are already at point #3: Installing Home  Assistant with its native operating system is   simple. I leave a link in the description to  a video by Tinker Dad that shows how it is   done. With Proxmox 8, you will no longer need  the trick he used at the end of his video.   So we are already at step 4: Creating a VM with  basic Debian on it. You could also use containers   instead of a VM, but we chose to go this way. You are covered by Phill’s writeup from phases   1 – 3. Maybe you want to create a template  VM now—another helpful feature of Proxmox. A   template can be used to create many clones in the  future and save you time for a new installation.   Or you can create a snapshot of your VM. Just in  case something goes wrong. Then, you can always   return to this point and start over. Before we continue installing IOTstack,   we insert the Zigbee USB dongle and add it  to our VM. Now, we can use it inside the VM   for Zigbee2MQTT. Of course, you can add as  many USB devices as your application needs.   Next is step #6: The installation of  IOTstack. Follow Phill’s phases 4-6,   and you are done. IOTstack should run now. In step #7, we restore the data of Home Assistant.   This is extremely simple because Home Assistant  offers this option at startup. Select the backup   file from before, and you are good to go. As said before, we should get a full_restore   program that has to be run right after  script 5. Now, IOTstack is also ready.   In step #8, I recommend switching your  old Raspberries off and transferring   their IP addresses to the new virtual  machines. Like that, all other devices   in your network will continue to work. And now comes step #9: Feel the speed of   your new system. Change, for example, something  in Node-Red and deploy it. Mindboggling speed!   There is still a big difference between  a Raspberry CPU and an Intel desktop.   And the best: You have one or two  Raspberries free for other projects   and do not need to buy new ones. Cool! I am pretty sure you will never look back!   In the second part of the video,  we will build a new installation   of IOTstack and use the following example: My remote radio station has a 7kWh battery,   and I wanted to monitor its voltages  and currents from home. In addition,   I wanted to switch the radio remotely on and  off. We will also need antenna switches and   rotors to turn them in the future. As shown in video #452, I created a   network to the remote location using a 4G router  and Zerotier. I could have installed a Raspberry   Pi at the remote site and connected to it from  home. But, because I wanted to keep complexity   and power consumption low at the remote location,  I just added a VM to my Homelab. No additional   hardware and no additional energy consumption. What are the basic steps to running this rather   complex system on my Homelab? Here are the steps: - I used this project to read the BMS values. So   we have to add the credentials of Mosquitto.  Now, the MQTT messages of the BMS flow via   Mosquitto to Node-Red - Mosquitto itself does   not need any further setup - We can go on to Node-Red. The   MQTT receive node feeds a switch node to filter  the messages coming from the BMS. It only passes   messages with the correct device name. Next  comes a “function node” that can be programmed   using JavaScript. It takes the messages sent by  the ESP8266 and creates a message that can be   stored in influxDB. Later, we will find these  values and the name of the “measurement” in   influxDB. While adding an influxDB node, we  need a token. To create the token, we go to   InfluxDB and create one. Easy-peasy. - After deploying the Node-Red flow,   we must add a bucket in influxDB. After a  few moments, we should see stored data coming   from our ESP8266 in influxDBs Data Explorer - Now, we can continue with the fun part and   create nice-looking diagrams in Grafana. We  must go to “connections” and add an InfluxDB   source. Here, you see how the fields are filled.  Also, here, we need a token from InfluxDB.   Here is a tip: Create a cheat sheet  with all the usernames, passwords,   and tokens. It is much easier when you  return a few weeks later. I started to   create a document for all my projects where  I noted all relevant credentials and some   special commands. This saves me a ton of time. - I will show you how to create a dashboard   because it changed a lot from version 1  to 2 of influxDB. This query code looks   complicated. Fortunately, it is automatically  created by influxDB. Just go back and select   the fields you want to display in your  diagram. Hit “Submit”, and you can check   if they look ok. Hit “Script Editor”, and you  can copy-paste the needed query. Cool! Just   replace “v.windowPeriod” with 10 minutes or so to  aggregate your values. Another tip: In my browser,   I keep three windows open: Node-Red, InfluxDB,  and Grafana. Like that, I can switch fast. Hit   “Apply” and “Save”, and you are done. - In my example VM, I also included a   Node-Red dashboard for the radio operator.  Here, he sees the most critical data and can   switch the radio on and off. The Node-Red flow  for the radio is quite simple and transmits   MQTT messages to an ESP32 running ESPhome. Now, our full-blown IOTstack example is finished.   Of course, I only scratched the surface of the  topics. But I hope you got an idea of how to   proceed with your project. As promised,  I am providing you with the VM for my   remote station as an example. To import my demonstration VM,   you download the backup file with the link in  the description. Then you transfer it to your   Proxmox server into the directory /var/lib/vz/dump  using WinSCP and finally, go to the local disk   on Proxmox and restore the VM. Now you can  use it as a reference to see how I did it.   Such examples can be precious because  I often return to my “old” projects   to re-learn how I solved a problem.  Usually, this is easier than RTFM.   So, today, we learned: - How much fun a Homelab can   be and why I never looked back - How to migrate our Raspberry   Pi projects on our newly built Homelab - If you want to start with a fresh Homelab,   I showed you how to create an integrated  flow from an ESP8266 sensor to a nice-looking   diagram in Grafana, including the storage  in influxDB and some logic in Node-Red   - I hope you can judge now if you need a  Raspberry Pi 5 or if you want to get a Homelab   - And because you get my VM, you  can feel the power of Proxmox:   Just import it and see how all the details work One last thing: Because Home Assistant is my   front end, I also have a Fire tablet  displaying Home Assistant data in our   kitchen and the Home Assistant app on my  iPhone. Maybe stuff for future videos…   That was all for today. As always, you find  all the relevant links in the description.   I hope this video was useful or at  least interesting for you. If true,   please consider supporting the channel to  secure its future existence. Thank you! Bye
Channel: Andreas Spiess
Views: 216,270
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Id: xVq_5f0aFlw
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Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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