How to install Windows 11 on a Raspberry Pi 5

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okay so recently I did a video on Windows 11 running on Raspberry Pi 5 and this is a tutorial on how to install it for yourself but it's definitely worth mentioning it's very early days and uh it's not that great at the moment but there might be something specific you want to try so this is for that reason so I just log in you can see that we get a uh temporary paging file error so we'll just say okay and just say okay on that now if we go down to the bottom right there is no internet and I've got an ethernet cable plugged in and there there is no internet I've got a way around it by using an Android phone but if you haven't got an Android phone I don't actually know of another way of getting it to work because traditionally windows on arm hasn't worked with a USB Wi-Fi dongle even if you got one of those and it doesn't work with onboard Wi-Fi on a pi5 I don't think we have sound yet although I did have sound in my video because I use a little cheap USB sound card and it does recognize the USB sound card but I'm not going to plug it in right now because if you plug in and unplug USB devices I found that it tends to crash the system so I'm going to shut down now in the normal way that you shut down Windows 11 just like that and it takes a while to shut down so wait till the light has gone red there we go so that's switched off so can now plug in my USB hub you don't need to use a USB hub uh but my sound card is a bit chunky and uh if I plug it into one of these sockets it means I can't access the others I also can plug in this USB cable which is a USBC cable for my Android phone because at the moment the only way I could find to get internet on it was to plug in an Android phone and use a tethering feature on that which is where this phone connects to my Wi-Fi and then shares it with this pie so now I can switch back on again and wait for it to start up now it's started up I can log in and now my Android phone it will come up with a message on the USB I'm going to hit cancel on that cuz I'm not worried about that what I do need to do is go into tethering so if I start typing tethering and this is an honor view20 quite an old Android phone turn on USB tethering and if I move this out the away you'll see that the Windows device already has detected it and now it's got an internet connection and because it's got an internet connection we can install apps from the Windows store now game compatibility at this stage uh is pretty bad I tried to install two very basic games and didn't have any success but uh Spotify I just installed it from the App Store and it works absolutely fine so you're going to have more success with apps uh and things that use less resources especially at this stage and sound wi you can see down the bottom here of again the sound settings it's picked up my USB sound card and it works absolutely fine as I showed in the previous video video works pretty reasonably through the web browser as well uh and also showed a local video file as well and that seemed to be working all right so with all those things known let's show you how to install it let's shut this down and I'm going to go on a Windows device to do this so I've switched over to my gecom Mini PC I've got a video coming out on this next week uh it is an awesome piece of Kit one very special feature but uh yeah the video is next week so let's log into this so first up let's open the browser and we're going to copy in this URL which I'll put in the description which is the GitHub so thanks to Mario Balan for this and if we scroll down you can see there's releases on the right hand side so let's click on that and then click on the zip to download it and then we can go to that folder and you can see this is the file we need to unpack this so extract all and that will just put it into a folder now the contents of this need to be written to your SD card so I'm going to plug in my SD card into the Mini [Music] PC now this SD card isn't blank at the moment it's got an operating system on it you can see it's come up with boot FS so what I'm going to use is Raspberry Pi imager to erase it so let's close all this down and open up Raspberry Pi imager there we go and yes if you haven't already got Raspberry Pi imager then you can download it from Raspberry Pi I'll put a link in the description um but basically what you want to do is choose OS and scroll down to arrays choose storage and you can see my SD card has shown up so we can just hit next and yes and that will erase that so we got a blank SD card okay so that's all done so now what I need to do is go to the downloads folder and we see this folder RPI 5 ufi release and then we need to copy all three of these and then go down to this PC and you can see this is the SD card and we just putting all three of those in here so that essentially is like a bios for your Raspberry Pi that's what it's going to boot from but then the operating system is going to be installed on a USB device so now that bits done let's go to the W site I usually put W Pi here it is home windows on Raspberry Pi click on the get started and we're going to use Raspberry Pi I have a Windows machine and if we scroll down you need the windows on Raspberry imager so just click on that and download it there you go so mine's just finished 17.5 megabytes now we also need a copy of Windows which is much easier than it used to be so let's go back to home and go a guide and then getting Windows images and this here you can use our ESD image downloader tool is excellent really really simple all you do is click on it and select the version so Windows 11 select to build I selected the latest one architecture we wear arm on a Raspberry Pi select the addition Enterprise select the language English United Kingdom and that's it just hit download and that will download that image now I've already downloaded it and mine is in the downloads folder it's actually this file here you can see so this will be what 5 gig yeah 4.77 gig so it's it just downloads like this and you need to remember that's in your downloads folder so now the W tool which is here we need to un zip this and put it in a folder let's call it win 11 hit contrl a to copy all of that hit okay copy and then pop it all in this folder okay we should have everything we need now let's close all this down so you could use a USB stick for this bit I'm using an SSD drive with a USB to sat a cable so let's plug that in I've got a spare USB on the back here I have so now we need to click on this Windows 11 folder scroll down and you can see this w r right click on that and run as administrator more info and run anyway obviously do all this at your own risk hit yes and this is the tool we need to select your language and hit next I don't think it matters which device type you pick because you're using a separate UEFI boot so I picked this one the Raspberry Pi 3 one we need to find our drive that we want to write to so we click this hamburger menu and we're looking for this drive which is my external hard drive so that's what we're going to write Windows 2 let's hit next find the image file well this is in my downloads folder as I mentioned it's this one hit open and hit next and accept and accept and install and that will take a while but it'll install Windows 11 to your USB device okay so that's all finished so I can hit finish and I can close this computer down now in the normal way now that's gone off I can unplug the SA a USB drive plug it into the USB 3 socket on your Pi you need to plug in your SD card that you've got the UEFI boot on so that's what it's going to boot from this is where Windows is going to run from and I've just got the bare minimum in this so I'm going to have an HDMI cable and USBC I need to transfer that over from my Mini PC and mouse and keyboard and that's all you need don't plug in anything else cuz it it only complicates things and you want this to go very smoothly cuz if it messes up you kind of have to start again uh well at least with the Windows installation the ufi boot is is pretty Rock Solid so let's switch that on and if we're lucky it will wake up the Monitor and we'll get a raspberry on the screen yeah monitor's woken up and a raspberry is there so just leave that to do its thing until it starts to prompt you for language and things like that and this takes so little time compared to what it used to on a Raspberry Pi 4 it used to say ages so United Kingdom or whatever country you want and then keyboard layout and yes I'm going to skip the second keyboard I'm going to put I don't have internet because then you don't have to log in with the Microsoft account and it's just quicker continue with limited setup and accept the license and pop your name in and a password and then whichever ones you want on this I'm just going to say yes to pretty much all of it see how fast it is this this used to take so long on a pi 4 okay last little bit now if you haven't got internet you can still play around with this because you can just download exe files uh onto a USB stick on a device that has internet and then just transfer them over to the USB on the device but I would recommend that don't plug in and unplug USB devices whilst the system is running turn it off plug the USB stick in turn it on and it should work fine start up and shut down is much faster from this SSD drive it is it is really responsive it's definitely way way better let's just see if any of these files work on my USB stick so this is my USB stick I put a folder on here what do they call it wind files I think I called it let's just copy that to the desktop and paste it and that's copied over so for instance I've got a lania which is an exe file don't know if this works with 11 I can't remember it's a brilliant game very old so we'll say yes to allow and next let's just install it in the normal way super super quick or please work so we should have an icon now for lastania yeah there it is oh it looks like it's going to work I haven't got my audio plugged in at the moment so it'll be interesting to see if if you get the sound coming through but let's just play a little bit of the game okay so for this one game alone this is definitely worth it yeah excellent that's working it might look like it's slow but it is this is the speed that it runs at it's more a sort of skill-based game but uh yeah I've definitely played it quite a lot and really enjoy it okay so that was one exe file and I've had a game running on it uh let's try installing VLC and yes you can see it just works and this is compatible with X32 and x64 apps even though it's an Arm based system and it's Windows 11 on arm there's a system on there that somehow runs x64 and X32 bit it's been on there for a while it was working on the pi4 but because the pi4 was quite underpowered uh it did really struggle with most things but the pi 5 is much faster and haven't even started overclocking yet okay so let's hit finish to run that is it going to run certainly looks like it's trying oh I don't know we've got an icon on the desktop I think that might have been a failure let's try that again yes it's a not ofc there is another version um that we used to use on the pi 4 uh which I think is an Arm based particular version so maybe I should try that but yeah this is the tutorial to show you how to get it up and running hope this helps thanks very much for watching and thanks to everybody who's involved in getting Windows running on Raspberry Pi they're doing a great job please like And subscribe
Channel: leepspvideo
Views: 27,483
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Id: haeYUq4RHbk
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Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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