How To Get Legit Microsoft Office For Free

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do you need word or Excel and you don't want to pay for an entire office suite to get it well today I'm going to show you how to get both Word and Excel for free stay tuned so the vast majority of people don't need all of the programs that come in Microsoft Office most people can get by with just Word and Excel but in order to get Word and Excel you have to pay over $200 for office home and Business or if you're a student you can get home in student for $100 now if you can't afford that you can also get Office 365 and just pay $20 a month you know for the rest of your life but what if I told you you could get Word and Excel for free and it's a deal that Microsoft originally offered that's what we're going to talk about today but first I got to pay some bills so check out today's sponsor and you know incidentally today's sponsor has pretty good good deals on Microsoft Office 2o so check them out is your copy of Windows 10 unactivated well it doesn't have to be because with today's sponsor vipd key you can get a valid Windows 10 license for under $20 stop dealing with that stupid watermark on the desktop the valid license for Windows 10 also with an activated copy of Windows 10 you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just go to the link in the description below and pick up a valid Windows 10 license key during checkout use the code code cyber CPU for a 25% discount once you have your key go to your activation settings in Windows 10 and click on the link that says change product key enter the product key you just purchased and hit activate now you don't have to deal with that stupid Watermark that come with running and unactivated copy of Windows 10 now on with the video so way back in 2010 Microsoft tried an experiment that considering the fact that it was never repeated I think probably backfired pretty bad for them back then when you bought a new computer just like today it came with office pre-installed but it wasn't a version of office that you could actually use you know just like on computers today instead it was a way where you could purchase a license for office and then activate the pre-installed version that was on your computer however back in 2010 there was a choice they gave you to just use Word and Excel for free it was called Office 2010 starter it was an ad supported version of Word and Excel that had some limitations from the full versions that were offered with the regular office suites unfortunately Microsoft did this with Office 2010 and then never did it again I think it probably was because the majority of people just chose to use Word and Excel for free and didn't actually buy the full office suite I know this was the case with the majority of my customers now I've spent a lot of time playing around with Word and Excel starter and I've never been able to find the limitations within word but I have found the limitations within Excel it essentially doesn't let you use any of the more advanced functions also like I said before both Word and Excel have a little ad in the bottom right hand corner because well they're ads supported however I don't think the advertising campaign really ever took off because I've never seen anything but an ad for Microsoft Office unfortunately though like I said earlier office starter was only available in 2010 they eliminated it when Office 2013 was released so it was only available for a very short period of time and it was also only available on OEM computers that came from companies like Dell and HP but today I'm going to show you how to install it on anything at least anything running Windows that includes Windows 10 and 11 so let's jump on the computer and I'll show you how to do it okay so here we are in Windows 11 this will work in both Windows 10 and 11 I'm just using 11 because it happened to be what I had installed at the time so the first thing we need to do is we need to actually get Windows 2010 starter and for that there's a cool little Auto it script here that I found that works really well to download not only the installer but all the files related to it so I'll go ahead and have this link in the description below but once you go there you can come down here and then download right here you want to download the office 2010s download 1f and I guess this is an updated script he still has the old script up here but I would grab the updated one right here so go ahead and click on that and download it and then once you have it downloaded go ahead and you can close your browser then we can extract the script right here I'm going to go ahead and do that just like this and there we go once we get the script extracted all we got to do is open it up and then here's the script right here now if you want to you can go ahead and look at the script just to make sure that there's nothing nefarious going on it is open open source and here's the source code for it right here so if you right click on it if you have Auto it installed you can go ahead and click on edit script and you you can actually see the script right here just by scrolling through it you can see everything that it does now I've went through it and it doesn't appear as if there's anything malicious going on it pretty much does exactly what it says it does and just downloads Office 2010 starter so to start the application all you do is you go ahead and double click on the application itself right here and then when you first launch it you're going to get this Windows protected your PC error right here go ahead and just click more info and hit run anyway and then it's going to ask you what Lang anguage you want to download starter in and then go ahead and pick whatever language you want I'm obviously going to be picking English myself but you can pick whichever one you want and go ahead and click on start downloading now this section is going to take a little bit to finish and it's going to beep as it downloads every file so it looks like there's 44 files that it has to download total so once it's done I'll meet you back in Windows okay so there we go it's finished downloading and it's going to give you this little pop up at the end just to tell you that to read the readme text for instructions on how to install then we can go ahead and hit okay and it'll close the program now if you see right here you've got a new folder now called bin now if you open this folder and then go into the language that you actually downloaded then you can go through and you can see all of the different files associated with office now it looks like since it's showing the English us I'm assuming that you could probably reuse the script to download multiple languages if you wanted to but if all you're looking for is just your language then go ahead and just jump into that folder and you can also at this point essentially just save all these files and then you can install it on whatever computer you want at this point you really don't need the script after you download it but you can keep it around if you want to download it again because it is kind of it is kind of a big download if you right click here and go on properties you're looking at about almost 1 gigabyte for the download so if you want to store it you can store it if not you can just keep the script around and downloaded every time you need it however I have to warn you that this is an old version of office so there's no telling when Microsoft's simply going to take it off their servers and not let you download it anymore so if you do download it might be a good idea just to hang on to it for a while okay so the next thing we need to do now is actually install office so what you can do is you can go through the readme file right here and this will give you the instructions on how to install it but I'm going to go over that with you right now so let's just go ahead and do it so if we scroll all the way down to the bottom you're going to see this file here called setup consumer to rolled I have no idea what the end of that is but essentially you can see the file you want to right click on this you want to make sure to run this as administrator and then go ahead and hit yes and it goes through the Office 2010 install and this is actually a really quick install so it's not going to take that long at all especially since all the files associated with it are already downloaded onto your computer so once it installs you can't actually run the application let me show you why so if you click on the start button here we're going to go to all applications and we're going to scroll down down to Microsoft Office starter and let's just try to launch word here so if we try to launch it it'll just tell you this app can't run on this device well there's a way to work around that so go ahead and close this and we want to go into this folder here called updates and this should have been downloaded with the script so once you click on that you want to run this executable right here it's the windows installer right here so once you click on that it's going to ask you for administration administrator control and then you're going to have to go through and you're going to have to tell it it's going to want to kill some services in order to run this update so go ahead and hit yes and then go through this section A little bit and this is going to take a second it's essentially updating the click to run service for Windows and this is required in order to run Office 2010 so once it gets to this point you can go ahead and hit yes to restart your computer okay so it's going to take a second for my system to restart and once it does I will meet you back in Windows and we'll take a look at office okay so we're back in Windows after we restarted so I'm going to go ahead and click on the start button go to all apps and then we're going to scroll down to Microsoft Office starter here and go ahead and click on word and then it should launch word at this point it's going to go through the initial um startup questions and stuff like that like your name go ahead and hit yes and then once word starts up it's going to have you go through this little prompt right here which just asks how you want it updated so go ahead and I typically would just recommend use using recommended settings and then go ahead and hit okay it'll ask you for administrator permission and there you go you now have word and then at this point you can go ahead and close word and oh like I said while we're sitting here this is the advertisement in the corner and this is the same advertisement that I've always seen it's never changed it's always been the same one but I guess you can purchase a full version of office if you'd like using that ad but we're going to go ahead and close this right here going to hit don't save and then what you should do is after you install it you should probably should go through and run Windows update because it's going to go through and it's going to find different updates for Office 2010 that you just installed now there's a few warnings I have to put out there before you actually do this first of all this doesn't go against any of Microsoft's licensing this is a version of office that Microsoft provided for free and installing this on your computer is not piracy this is a legitimate copy of office that Microsoft released and gave away for free however with that said Office 2010 lost support in October of 2020 so that means that Office 2010 starter has already reached its end of life and there will be no more security updates for it moving forward in fact there hasn't been any security updates since 20120 and trust me this is a version of office that Microsoft wants to die with that said though I still feel confident in recommending this if you want to use it because one of the limitations that comes built into Office 2010 starter is that it runs in a virtual machine so any security vulnerabilities that may be present have kind of a little extra layer of separation from the system itself but you should still take into account that this version of office is no longer under support and as such could be a vector for security vulnerabilities within your system also since office starter 2010 uses a virtual machine in order to run it actually creates a new Drive letter in your my computer so you'll notice the drive letter Q right after your C drive now if you have any hard drives or network drives that are currently using the drive letter Q then the install will fail so make sure that you're not using the Q Drive letter yet and don't be surprised to see a drive letter Q in your my computer now you can go through and hide it and it'll still work but it's just there for the virtual machine so it's not that big of a deal but because this is Office 2010 it still supports the modern XML file type that the newer versions of office still use today so it's a modern version of office even though it's kind of a little old alternatively though if you don't want to take any risk of security issues but you still don't want to pay for office then you can still use open source alternatives to Microsoft Office like open office or Libre office personally I prefer Libre office but with all that said if you'd like to see another video on a Microsoft product being used in a way that might not be exactly how Microsoft intended then check out this video where I go over hen's boot CD which is an amazing recovery environment that uses the Windows 10 recovery environment and unlike its reputation actually doesn't include any pirated software anymore and is an exceptionally good recovery environment as always you guys have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 187,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: download Microsoft office for free, Microsoft office free edition, Office 2010 Starter, Free word and excel
Id: ud0WTQcTgSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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