Name Above All Names: Redeemer

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will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the planet earth to open door Church let's go ahead and do that please moon hello yeah all my friends are listening on the radio hey man we call you guys bless everybody that's watching on the worldwide waste of time at is a men well guys I call you blessed everybody doing good yeah bad guys doing good man yeah I just got back from an amazing trip for the other side of the world and visited a tower visited our rescue girls and loved on them and told them how important they are in the body of Jesus and saw firsthand some of the work that we're doing over there just absolutely stunning absolutely incredible incredible had some neat people from all over the world join me brother Ron Cantor from tel-aviv flew in and he came in and his wife and his kids and he has an amazing family has an incredible family pastor gene is a Gary all the way from Brownsville Texas flew out there with us and yep it was that was really good and just had some really neat people and Clinton brothers Zack Watson that you know Zack Watson is a professional cowboy and that brother wore his hat everywhere all over the all over Nepal and it was just awesome it was just you know representing Texas go Texas a man so it was great anyway and I got to I got to meet my bride I hadn't seen her in three weeks she had been in Uganda and Tanzania and then I met her in Kathmandu and then we flew back together and then the rest of the team went on to India and they're there right now be in the hands of feet of Jesus at our leprosy villages and meeting our girls that we actually redeemed and bought last year one hundred and eighty four girls we bought in India last year and so meaning those women and seeing them and loving them hallelujah yeah that's good it's good well guys I'm going to be talking for the next month or so minutes kind of a boom I don't know if it's this or if it's that or whatever but if you can if you could help me with that just a little bit I don't know if if if you guys have noticed or not but man our team worked so hard on this stage doesn't this stage just look great it looks so good I'm so grateful for our teams of people and come home and you can see guys that the names of God are all over this stage because for the next four or five weeks I'm going to be preaching on the names of God and what it means to be named and how the upgrade of being numbered is to be named amen it's good to be numbered but it's way better to be named amen and to be known of God and to be named of God and to know God and to name him and it's bad news when he doesn't know your name amen and it's bad news when we don't know his name cuz the Bible says in Philippians chapter 2 verse 9 that wherefore God also has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every single name everybody and everything that can be named is scible is subordinate to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and guys I'm not gonna you know I I'm liable to just to start going crazy right now because I promise you the name of Jesus is above the name of cancer the name of Jesus is above the name of slavery the name of Jesus is above the name of poverty the name of Jesus is above is above the name of racism amen the name of Jesus is above all of those things and for us to know him for us to be able to get out of the muck and out of the mire and to be in the place where God is and say I know him by name it's a big deal it's a big deal well I'm gonna be focusing on different names of Jesus I'm gonna be going off on the AIIMS of Christ I'm gonna be talking about what it means when he's called I am and I love that name I love the video Pastor les said he that's you know that means a lot to him we're gonna go through the 16 jehovah titles and i'm gonna go ahead and add a 17th jehovah sneaky hallelujah how many I've ever had an encounter with your hope is sneaky where he doesn't tell you what it is you're signing up for well if you've been playing it safe for your whole life then you don't know what it is I'm talking about but if you've been stepping out and you've been getting up off the map by the way that's where Jesus says he will meet you in fact he says look for me he says lo that means look well I thought it meant lo no it means look right on he says lo I'm with you always even to the ends of the earth that literally means look for me when you get off the map amen and then you if you've got everything mapped out and if you can explain everything and your walk for it when your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ my goodness what a shallow and safe walk you have and I want to encourage you man to jump off into the deep end do not try and save yourself do not try and protect yourself from the Lord Jesus Christ dive in as much as you can dive in you can be way too churchy but you can't be way too much Jesus II Amen hallelujah well today guys I want to talk to you about Redemption and what it means whenever we say Jesus is our Redeemer I'm a Redemption junkie i'ma Redemption fanatic I love Redemption Redemption shows up in the midst of hopelessness and brings honor where there has been dishonor it brings justice where there has been no justice it brings light where there has been darkness it brings joy where there has been sadness it brings worth where there has been no value whatsoever redemption redemption is an amazing amazing thing to me because redemption doesn't come from mankind where demson comes from heaven the whole story of redemption in fact God Almighty placed it in the heavens and the the signs of what the Bible calls the mazzaroth or what you and I today would call the zodiac and for those year like oh no he's gonna start getting into something devil you know what the devil didn't invent any of that all that comes from King Jesus and you know why it's people who are in league with the devil who used that to prophesy vain something that isn't God Almighty Amen but I want to tell you it begins with Virgo the virgin which is Genesis chapter 3 and then twelve signs later it ends with the book of Revelation which is Leo the Lion of the tribe of Judah coming back the full story of redemption the promise of the seed of the woman going all the way through to the promise that Jesus Christ will come back and rule and reign well that story in the heavens is the story of redemption that was placed there before man even sinned God is a Redemption freak he loves to redeem he he has such pleasure in redeeming people and some of us here at open door and some of us through TBM and some of us here through spark we've tapped into the pleasure of what it means to redeem people to to buy human beings when they didn't know that such a thing was even possible but somebody who didn't know them would love them and come over and actually pay the price so that they didn't have to be slaves anymore well the reason why we do that is because we've had that done to us and we know what it is to be redeemed I saw the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so that you're supposed to live life not trying to be saved but as a matter of fact I am redeemed - amen I'm not a slave why should I live like a slave if I have been redeemed amen God Almighty didn't give me his grace so that I can mess up he'd give me his grace so I could walk in holiness god-given ability to overcome grace the grace of God Redemption is so real and it's so true and whenever the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so it literally means that there's a part of the kingdom that is verbally activated but you have to say it man the devil is attacking you where things are gonna go downhill no devil from hell I am redeemed I'm a child of the Most High God the Lord rebuke you amen I stand here in the presence of the Most High God I had the Holy Ghost within me what do you have you got nothing but judgment coming to you amen why should I be defeated by daggum defeated devil hallelujah I'm redeemed I'm redeemed the Lord loved me so much that he came to me and he bought me and he paid a price for me and he saw me a law weighs off and I'm not talking about miles I'm talking about years he looked into 2000 years in the future and said I'm gonna do this for Troy I'm gonna do this for Liana I'm gonna do this for Meghan and for Ben and for Luke and for Rhema I'm gonna do this this is what I'm gonna do he looked across a great expanse of time and geography and he saw us and he knew us and he counted us and he trusted us to have faith in Him man that's beautiful to me there's a tiny tiny tiny piece of that that you and I have tapped in in that these girls that we set free and we literally buy them people have asked me what is it that keeps these people from going back into prostitution what is it I'm like well it keeps you from going into prostitution what makes you think that these people are any less than you are there has never been a little girl in the history of the planet Earth that said when I grow up I want to be a prostitute that has never ever ever happened you're like well what if you set them free and they go right back into some kind of stuff well that's a risk you take that's a risk that God Almighty has taken with every single one of us redemption says I believe in you redemption says I trust you well that's not how Church works I know I know that's not how it's works and it's not the kingdom it's the church but it ain't Jesus we need to reach the church with Jesus hallelujah hallelujah now Jesus is our Redeemer and so we're not just supposed to preach that we're supposed to demonstrate that and I want to tell you and I want to speak to every single preacher that is listening to me on the radio and watching me on TV if you are preaching Redemption and if you're not doing Redemption shut up don't get up and preach Redemption without demonstrating Redemption amen find somebody that the world says there's no worth in them and redeem that Amen find somebody that is starving and bring Redemption into that find somebody who's dishonored and bring Redemption into that find somebody who's behind bars and bring Redemption into that there are more slaves on the planet earth right now than have ever existed in the history of humanity free somebody by somebody sets somebody free redeemed somebody [Applause] Isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 says thus saith the Lord your Redeemer when God speaks to you and says I'm God the one who bought you and I want to hear what he has to say whenever he introduces himself as hey I'm God and I bought you thus saith the Lord your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel I am the Lord your God which teaches you to profit I'm the one that leads you by the way that you should go it's like I bought you and I'm gonna lead you and I'm gonna help you and I'm gonna teach you I am in all the way I didn't just buy you and set you loose I bought you and I got committed to your betterment I think the reason why there's so little of that within the body of Christ is because so little the body of Christ knows God this way they live in such they think that the fear of the Lord is that they're scared of God then they don't understand that the fear of the Lord means turning your whole life over to him it means loving what God loves it means hating what God hates it means taking on the passions of God and how can you how can you just sit in a church building and keep the steeple clean while people are being enslaved throughout the world I mean if you have a real revelation of how you've been set free you're going to be empowered to set other people free Paul put it this way he says he says we love the Lord because he loved us first that's how I'll put it Paul said dude as soon as I got a revelation of the love of God I had a god-given ability to love other people and I had never had that before it's the revelation of who the father is to us and how we know him by name that enables us to demonstrate the heart of King Jesus to the world whereas Paul says and I know I quoted often where Paul said I come not with the enticing words of man's wisdom I didn't come with an elegant speech but I came in full Dimon's raishin of the Spirit in the power Redeemer the Lord there's a bunch of different ways that we can define what a redeemer is because it's an incredible promise that God Almighty has given us he's a kinsman redeemer which means we're family and I'm obligated as family to make sure that you're okay he's a revenger Redeemer and that he will show up in the incredible injustice that has been done in your life he will bring the vengeance of the Lord into your into your redeemed scenario and let me tell you there's a big difference between redeemed vengeance and unwitting vengeance most of the time my friends when preachers preach on the Vengeance of the Lord they talk about you know God sin in a hurricane and that I don't like that and I've had a lot of good friends that won't even talk to me anymore because I tell them you do know God's not in the hurricane business right how dare you say God's not in the hurricane business well how many hurricanes are there in heaven because our job is to bring his will on this earth the way it is in heaven not not the will of hell but the will of heaven imagine there's all kinds of hurricanes in hell well then we should bring more hell up on the earth in the name of Jesus stupid just that that is just stupidity there are a lot of people that are using the name of Jesus and preaching the heart of the devil I'm not saying that there's not judgment because there is judgment I'm really hardcore into the book of Jude right now and we need to be able to take the meat of the Word of God because I want to tell you something the scary parts of the Bible provoke us to change and we need to be confronted and we need to be changed and we need to understand it there is a judgment but we also need to understand that the judgment that the judgment scenario for the redeemed is completely different than the judgment scenario of the unredeemed and as you bring the you bring the vengeance of the Lord into a deme situation it means this if you needed to be rescued as a child you start rescuing people as an adult that's what the Vengeance of God looks like when Redemption is there it means that if you are an alcoholic before you were saved or even during a time that you were saved whenever vengeance comes in with a vengeance the Lord when Redemption comes in then you become a powerful force that saves alcoholics that's what the Vengeance of the Lord looks like in a redemptive state the whole world know all about the vengeance of God outside a Redemption because they don't practice Redemption they don't walk in Redemption they don't verbally activate or demonstrate Redemption because they don't know him as a redeemer they're still trying to get saved I'm not trying to get saved I am saved let me tell you something man the work that Jesus did at the cross was for the old man the infilling of the Holy Spirit is for the new man kind of lujah I'm not saying that I have obtained anything what I am saying is this one thing I do forgetting those things that are behind I press forward towards the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus amen when you redeem somebody it means that you see the value in the pen and you're willing to pay the price now when I was a little boy we lived in rural Johnson County Texas and I would ride my bike it was about a three and a half mile bike ride in the big time Joshua in downtown Joshua had a mots in it anybody remember the mots that was in j-town right on and all the kids that I grew up with we bailed hay in the summertime and you know and we would have money and I would ride my bike into mots in the downtown Joshua and I couldn't wait to get me an RC Cola because you could take off the bottle cap of an RC Cola and you could peel off this little thing that was underneath it and sometimes it be it would say 25 cents or would say ten cents and then you would redeem it okay you would cash in on the value of what that thing was worth now if you threw it away and you never saw the worth of it then you never cashed in on the value of it so how many of you can say that you've been redeemed by the blood of the lamb okay that's because the Lord saw you is valuable when the world could only see trash and he takes great pleasure in giving you the kingdom it's not a it's not well god there's one more guy gotta give the kingdom to that common man there's no end to these people jesus said fear not little children it is the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom he takes great pleasure in redeeming him he takes great pleasure in helping you listen we've tapped into that a little bit there is not a single person that we've ever bought that we went wow I don't really like that person too much kind of wish I kind of regret about that person and you take great pleasure in that and when you meet these people you are staggered and how sweet and how beautiful they are and how incredible they are and how they're just little girls man they just they just need a dad so bad you take great pleasure and helping people you know whenever you redeem people there's a pureness of heart in the motivation towards it and this is another reason why there's such a huge deficit in the body of Christ for helping people and for eleven people because because many of us are bigger Americans than we are believers in an America we always have to have an agenda to do better than somebody else we have a competitive spirit within the body of Christ I want to tell you something man I love America America is the only boat afloat I just got back from Nepal and I'm telling you I have I have been to this was my 51st nation that I've been to I've been to 51 nations and many of the nations that I've been in I have been in multiple multiple multiple times I I want to tell you I've never seen a nation as messed up as Nepal I've been to every single nation in Central America I've been all over South America been all over Africa Oliver been all over Europe I'm have never ever seen a place that has worst at worse infrastructure the pollution in Katmandu is is beyond description we were looking up what the pollution rate is in the nation in the nation of Nepal specifically in Kathmandu and how they register pollution is by parts per million okay Los Angeles California has 11 parts per million Kathmandu has 537 per million Los Angeles has 11 parts per million Kathmandu has 537 and you know what the huge majority of the pollution is there it's burning bodies at every single temple that there is there when you go to that temple there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bodies on fire everywhere you go that whole part of the world sends all their dead to Kathmandu and the Buddhists and the Hindus bury them and when you are breathing you are breathing the ashes of human beings it's it's this next level if we're going to redeem people we have to have a pure heart we're not redeeming people because we want to Americanize them although America is great I love America and once you understand that but see I'm not a resident of America I'm a resident of heaven that is passing through America and then and I'm you know and I'm not trying to Americanize people I'm not saying that America is the answer I'm saying Jesus is the answer I'm not going there to start another denomination I'm not going there to try and get people to give to me right on and listen man I want you guys to hear me say this to you I'm just gonna step down here for man I want you guys hear me say this to you look one of the things I'll have always worried about as a pastor is I've always been scared that people would be like you know that dude's just after our money and and I won't tell you I'm not I'm not afraid of that anymore if that's what you think it's just because you know you need help I don't know how else I can demonstrate who we are and what we do and what our motivation is and I don't worry about it but I also want to tell you this we literally need millions and millions of dollars to save the people that we are already committed to and so what I want what my whole approach is this just be very honest about what we're doing and whoever wants to be a part of it can be a part of it and whoever don't don't don't hold anybody accountable in any way whatsoever because nobody owes us anything amen and if people want to be a part of this man they can be a part of it and if they don't want to be a part of it they don't have to be a part of it and I just call it a day and that's just the way that it is with with that said I have to have such a pure heart I know that when I get up and talk to you guys because you love me man I might be able to say well I'm in need of this I mean that somebody in the audience might come to me and give me that and guys I just don't do that I'm very careful not to do that because a lot of people love me and a lot of people would help me if I asked them and and I'm grateful for that I'm truly truly truly grateful for that and it's wonderful to be in that place I'm gonna say it's not because it's great but my my motivation towards you has to be pure if I'm gonna be anointed and my motivation towards these girls has to be a pure if I'm gonna be anointed my motivation on television has to be pure if I'm gonna be anointed these things we can't be listen we're not feeding people because we need more people in our church we're feeding people because we are the church amen we're not we're not we're not redeeming people and buying human beings so that we can build churches over there and make money out of it some somehow or someway whatever we're doing this because we've been set free so we need to set other people free amen and we're serious about this Jesus Christ gives us his reason and his motivation and his inspiration and his intention on why he has redeemed us and he says this in John chapter 14 and this is what he says he says in my father's house are many mansions and if it wasn't so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you come back again in other words I wouldn't build it if I wasn't gonna come back and get you and take you there right he says and receive you unto myself and then he says this is why this is my whole motivation that where I am you can also be my god his whole motivation is I can't stand the separation between us oh I love Jesus so much I'm so grateful for King Jesus that he says where I am I want you to be able to breathe the same air that I'm breathing I want you to live the same way that I'm living I want you to be at the same place I want you to know the Father the way I know the father I want you to view yourself the way that I view you I want you to understand the world the way I understand the world I want you to walk in power the way I walk in power I want you to be where I am that's his motivation in redeeming us so she listened to the church be any different than Jesus not if we're gonna use his name if we're gonna use our own name we can do whatever we want to do however we're gonna do it but if we're gonna use his name we have to act like him and think like him and our motivations have to be the same as him lest we take on his name in vain taking the name of the Lord God in vain does not mean that you say a bad word I can't stand it whenever people say that word I don't like that but that's not what taking the name of the Lord your God in vain is that's just blasphemy taking the name of the Lord our God your vain means you come in his name but you act in a different character than him if you're gonna if you're gonna feed people in the name of Jesus then you have to feed people the way that Jesus feeds people and you have to love those people the way that Jesus loves those people and if you don't then quit feeding people and calling it Jesus our motivations have to be pure man guys I want to tell you when we help homeless people whenever we feed people whenever we whatever we are looking at them the same way that Jesus Christ is looking at us and he's saying I'm trusting you with this anything out of you I just want you to have the same kind of freedom I have and that needs to be the motivation between us and other people well pastor Troy what do we do with all the sin in their bodies life what do we do with the sin in your life listen it's not our approval of the way people live whenever we approve of people amen no listen man like I said I'm a big time in the book of Jude right now and I'm letting the Lord confront me on a whole bunch of stuff I'm obviously a grace guy you guys know that I'm a great guy but the meat of the word is supposed to provoke change to us like I don't like any of the scary parts like I only like the heaven part but we listen our generation is not going to believe in hell you know what we do not live according to what our generation beliefs we don't live according to how God moved in the last generation amen in the book of Jude he says I find it necessary to write unto you concerning the gospel that was first preached to you you've changed the gospel over the years amen we don't live according to the last generation or the last generation we live according to the written word of God in the gospel that was first delivered to the church that is our gospel that is who we are and if our generation is into it that's fine and if they're not that's fine we're gonna be into that amen I had a big chance to demonstrate a lot of Redemption and to just go okay so this is what Redemption looks like to me so this is what I think that we ought to be doing and kind of lead not from a place where we're fighting for victory but rather we're fighting from victory amen and go let the redeem the Lord say so in other words verbally activate this thing and live life as if you are already saved right not as if you're trying to be saved but that you're already saved you believe in the redemptive power of the work of the Cross and that it is a finished work and that there's an ongoing work now of the Holy Spirit within us amen and we are going to take the kingdom everywhere we can take it we're going to take it into secular environments we're going to take it into villages we're going to take it into news take it into politics we're gonna take it into every single part of the world that we can take the kingdom with us I'm gonna show you guys some pictures and share some things with you guys this is a this this is a picture of a beautiful baby this is Bentley is holding this this beautiful child and a year ago we were able to save this child that child right there is five months old and he weighs five pounds and he has five months old and we went well I've done this a whole bunch of guys on my team have done this Liana has been doing this for years and years and years where we literally go into these villages and whenever the mama has died during childbirth they just passed these babies around from village you know from house to house a house and feed them whatever they can and this baby there was triplets and the one of the triplets had already died and there was twins okay so then a year later this is what they look like let me show you this this is a year later on tonight the Penta and I think that that's brother Luke is who that is and that's sister Rima right there good and and did internet and today okay so then so then I want to tell you man these babies are not starve anymore they're fat the way babies are supposed to be okay okay so I want to show you this I'll show you this village and by the way I'm going to kind of walk you through this because one of them while they're singing he's like bang what's what's this is great [Music] okay that is one of our spark homes that's one of our homes that we built and it's full of babies it's just like that full of babies that have been redeemed like okay but that's a picture of you and I but the Lord has built the house for us amen and he's not going to starve us and he's not gonna abuse us and he's going to treat us like family so that's what the body of Christ is supposed to do we're supposed to demonstrate that we're supposed to live that out we're supposed to be doing the kingdom stuff amen okay well then guys not only do we have a bunch of houses but we have an entire village and in the entire village are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of little boys and little girls that we have actually redeemed and I want to tell you what does it look like you know how she'd redeem kids look well they should they should be able to look like kids and they shouldn't be threatened how many threats are among the redeemed in heaven zero the Bible says the doors of heaven are open 24/7 you know what that means that means everybody's secure you don't have to lock the doors in heaven Amen that says that in the book of Revelation it says the gates are always open you don't have to see everybody there is secure why because there are no threats so that's the way it needs to be where our village is okay so I want to show you this this is from the missions trip just a few weeks ago I want you guys to watch this those are our our kids guys [Music] how cool is that right okay now I want to show you this video again and I'm gonna ask the brother to stop it at a place go ahead and fire up the video for me and we have a whole lot more kids than that okay I want you to stop right there stop okay do you see that mountain that is the mountain where they sacrificed children for thousands of years and that's where we built our village that is the mountain have you guys have you guys ever seen the movie Machine Gun Preacher alright okay so there is this demonic person by the name of Kony and he goes around he gathers up all the children and he turns them into murderers he makes them murder their parents and he traumatizes them then he puts guns in their hands and he says go and kill Christians with me and they do that was where his base camp was on that mountain when we first learned about that 20 years ago and there was that mess was still going on 20 years ago and we knew that that was a place where people from the entire nation would take children up there to the top of mountain witch doctors was and they would do horrible things to those children and they were murdered them there we said let's build a place for children in the shadow of this place and let's redeem this place amen okay that's what Redemption looks like see redemption changes landscapes redemption changes everything redemption redemption changes everything I'm worried about you if you got saved and your life didn't change my listen Redemption changes landscapes okay not only do we treat these kids that way and love them all as a group but we also love them very much individually including a little boy by the name of Joelle I want to show you Joelle Joelle he is an albino and whenever we first found him he was locked up in a house he was ten years old he had never been outside of his little wooden house because he was so badly persecuted witch doctors grab ahold of these kids that are albino and they used their body parts for special kinds of black magic and so he didn't outside he'd never got to run and play with little boys he had never got to kick a ball he'd never got to do nothing he lived and his family hid him in Liana found him Liana actually found that little boy and brought him out into the daylight and he had never played with kids in his entire life and as soon as we brought him into our village our kids started freaking out and started you know doing bad things we're like no no no no no no no no this is our friends and we love him and we're gonna help him we had to educate our own village on you do not persecute this boy well now he's in our school and he runs in plays and that's what Redemption looks like you know what he's a normal kid he gets to live a normal life he gets to have a place a big huge part of redemption for for you and I is that we have a place we don't have to stay in some shameful horrible scared place that God Almighty makes room for us man I gosh I love that I love that so much and I loved you well and I blessed Joelle I blessed that brother and call him blessed in the mighty name of Jesus not only does God Almighty love children but God Almighty loves old people and I want to tell you this last week we're in the midst of all these Buddhist temples and and also Hindu temples and we came across a 92 year old woman and Leanna started spending time with this 92 year old woman it was me and pastor Jean and Lana and pastor jeans a crazy man I mean he's crazy and you better be anointed because pastor Jean can get a brother killed I'm telling you right now he because he starts praying for everybody where it's still legal to pray for people and all this kind of stuff and I'm like telling him simmer down and I turn around and look and right in the midst of this Hindu temple a Buddhist temple Ileana is leaving this 92 year old to Jesus I want you to look at this it's my wife about that yeah there she is leading this okay to give you to give you an idea of where we're at guys I want you to look at the next picture check that out oh yeah that's what we are okay so that lady's 92 years old and her name is DOMA which means the rock it was so prophetic it was just ridiculous not only does the Lord redeem old people and see the value in in old people but he also sees the value within babies friends I'm not making this up our team of people that is on the border actually saved a truckload of little bitty kids this week and I want to show you a picture of it these kids were being smuggled across the border and our team stopped it our team found them and our team stopped it all of those kids had been snatched from their village and I want to tell you it's so important for us to strengthen the body of Christ in Nepal because people are coming from all over the world to rape to molest and to do horrible things because in the nation of Nepal the government does not provide prosecuting attorneys I've never heard of that of any nation in the world so if you have been raped and if you go to the police and you say I've been raped and they say do you know the guy who did it and they say yeah they say well go hire a lawyer it's gonna cost you a thousand bucks and then we'll prosecute so everybody knows that these people are so poor they cannot afford a prosecuting attorney so people are literally coming from all over the world to snatch away their children and I saw it over and over and over and over last week well those children have been truly saved and not only that but we saved in in one week while I was there our border team there and it's amazing ministry actually saved something like there was nine girls one day there were six girls another day there was another thing in fact I would got a picture this actually these girls were actually being taken across the border and were stopped before they were sold into slavery before they disappeared those girls last week yeah yep what I want to tell you man when I was when I was when I first started going some 20 years ago to India you have to I'm sorry I'm so wrecked today guys I have enough I I'm having an estrogen fit up here just stupid and quit it listen man I i frighten people when i cry okay I'm ugly when I cry there are some people who can cry pretty that ain't me it's like I was horrible I was like what's happening I was just pest story starting to cry okay it's no problem one of the first times that I ever went to India I was you know one of the things that blows your mind is outside the gates of one of the homes that we pay for would be all these children that are just sleeping on the floor and you literally come in from a crusade at 3 o'clock in the morning you're having to step over these babies because they're sleeping outside you know and they're they heard it was safe there and you know our church was so poor Gaza there there was literally a time that we were making sure that the electricity was on in India when Liana and I didn't have electricity on our house because we had literally given every single dime away to get those babies off the street I want to show you a picture this is a sweet little girl I took that picture and there she is man she just can you imagine how vulnerable those little girls are and so we're like okay we got to do something we got to do something we got to do something people in Texas wouldn't understand why we got to help all them Indians and then Africans ain't we got people around here to help shut up you shut up you know help help then why aren't you helping them if we got all these people hallelujah by the way just because you can't do two things at one time doesn't mean I can't do two things at one time we're feeding 70,000 people a year right here in Johnson County amen so then these kids don't have a daddy these kids don't have anybody in the world and if the body of Christ is not gonna protect them who is are the Socialists of the world going to show up are the Democrats going to show up over there you think Hollywood's going to go over there and say many of those kids do you think that they're going to do that because they'll all do you think that UN it's going to help these people because they're not do you think the atheists of the world are going to unite and help these people do you think the Communists of the world are going to unite and help these people do you think the Hindus are going to help these people do you think the Muslims are going to help these people do you think the Buddhists are going to unite and help these people if the body of Christ doesn't bring the light there is no light hallelujah that's the truth so so here's their Shivani when she's a little bitty here's another picture of her a few years later here's another picture of her a few years later here's another picture over a few years later here's another I think we have another picture of her a few years after that that's a cool lid I'm wearing then here's another picture of her now she flew she calls me her dad okay and she calls Leanna her mama and I mean she she is a hundred percent she's as much of a Brewer as she can possibly be and my kids are not mad at me over that and I love my kids for that I'm so grateful that my kids are like dad we think it's beautiful that all these kids think that that you're their dad I'm so grateful she flew into she just finished Stuart Academy which we paid for right on and I want you to go back to that first picture of her sleep on the floor now I want you to go back to her now see guys we cannot bill in this you can't just do this and then bail out you have to stay in this game and you have to get through all the offenses that come with this and all the horrible things and all the all the stuff so she flew in the Katmandu to hang out with us for a week and I want to I want to show you what that reunion was like [Music] you're so pill now you're so grown-up they're so big I can't believe how big you are [Applause] to me that's what heaven looks like that's what heaven looks like she's family she's redeemed amen she's redeemed she's family and they were finally united together that's the motivation right so that where I am you may also be let's give Jesus our Redeemer a great big praise good lovely boy I won't ask everybody here to stand up if you would
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 4,128
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: nL22qrXy6Gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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