Name a country... We have defeated them.

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we have defeated every single [ __ ] country in the world war name a country Gary Germany 945 thank you very much yeah very recent job done twice in one century further they tried again around 99 we've got the [ __ ] hat trick another country please Argentina 82 no hope for no one else and that of course was a war not for oil but for penguins because we all know penguins are an essential ingredient in making guineas boil em up the white stuff floats the top job done another country place France Thank You min 1815 Waterloo haven't heard from them since yet another one place Canada yeah Canada used to be part of the British Empire which means they're an ally of ours as you know being in our I've asked Council is losing to us why else is the Canadians so miserable another one place I Spain 1588 back the Armada thank you sir we haven't heard from them since another my Uganda that was an African colony of course that one point used to belong to the Germans in 1919 the League of Nations as you know in the Traverse side of the world was very divided and the African colonies were partitioned separated between France and and Great Britain we got you again the result simply of it being defeat the Germans we got given Uganda which stands that [ __ ] winning there without anything to go there result right on place needs a better more pub quizzes enough another one place a United States okay okay you're thinking War of Independence America finds itself free of Great Britain they see that as a win we see that as a lucky [ __ ] escape but let's not forget in the war of 1812 2014 the Royal Navy sailed up the Potomac River set fire to the White House and the American said to whitewash it to cover up the fire damage which is why it's called the White House an American sued for peace at the end of 1814 even though they won a battle at the end of the war they were Wars already over the stupid [ __ ] are still fighting even though they'd already lost and that is America and I've been working for us ever since another place Belgium Belgium Belgium of course is a creation of the series of treaties that came out of independent apollyon it was he not know that fall out of Waterloo 1815 it was in touching of the Duchy of Burgundy of course in the Netherlands states were divided up divvied up to to buffer zones in order to prevent any one single pair taking control of the Netherlands which is of course our dangerous flank between Germany and France and we don't like European hegemony one power and that's why Belgium and Holland will cut up to a new buffer zone created and I think if you create a country out of thin [ __ ] air you've won another base Italy 1943 but folded early didn't like one place I China opium war 1860 another one please Hey Burkina Faso used to be a German colony our food in my previous answer hey no way they used to be the Viking stuff we saw them often in if we look at that that's a come down once they were Vikings now look at of Norwegians that's a [ __ ] collapses dick for horny helmets two horny helmets please Japan we got the ax do it for us pérot what language they speak in Peru sir Portuguese now they done actually they speak Spanish yeah which means in 1512 with Pope Judas the 12th divided the new world into two lines through sections down a line of longitude 129 the stuffin easing that went to Portugal which is why they speak Portuguese and brilliance of Brazil but stuff for the West that went to Spain which means Peru was technically part of Spain when we defeated Spain 15 ITA back to the Armada so we done Peru we'd have another visit [Applause] you
Channel: Al Murray
Views: 5,275,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Al Murray, The Pub Landlord, Great Britain, Stand Up, Comedy, Edinburgh Festival, Perrier, Perrier award, Edinburgh Fringe, England, We have defeated every country
Id: _x2ovlPr2IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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