LGBTQiAA+ Lady Gets Mad At Comedian (K-von laughs)

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I was performing at a college now colleges are notoriously fun at least they used to be college kids used to party right cruise ships used to be boring old people who are conservative they're not gonna laugh college kids Everything Has Changed now the cruise ship people like magnet IC protest I just don't know why yet should we protest now or wait till later they're ready they don't even know what they have the sign ready they're just what are we writing on this today Chick-fil-A are we doing Chick-fil-A are we protesting Top Gun what should we protest we gotta protest them fun it's crazy man it's crazy so here's what happened I get to the college and the student advisor is a lady in charge she goes um just so you know we did not have a good experience with our last comedian and we want to make sure that you understand this is the student's safe space this is yeah we don't want to trigger them so all we ask is you don't talk about race religion politics gender sexuality and don't make direct eye contact with them other than I say whatever you want really big in the freedom of speech on this campus are you though really I I'm like race religion politics sexuality I'm like what am I going to talk about it was out of control so I said what if I just say hi to them for an hour and get paid she's like that'd be great she didn't even want comedy she just wanted me to be just up there so I just did I came out strong where's all the freshmen at they're like yeah where's all the sophomores Juniors I looked at my watch 59 more minutes to go I did not time that right then I started saying where's all the white people at where's the black people at Latinos Persians Asians then I started running out of groups I'm like Laos Laos in the house who else and then I made a mistake I didn't even know I said where's all the lgbtq students Make some noise yeah you're here yeah but I'll tell you what at that show the woman got offended one of the students she came up I just called her a she hold on I'm not a biologist hold on uh they they they all came up at the same time because it was one person and they looked me in the eye and they go that was extremely rude what you did up there and I go what happened I just said hi she goes where's the lgbtq student I thought that was nothing she goes it's lgbtqiaa plus you idiot and then she stormed off yeah I was like wait I didn't know they did an update foreign if you did that's cool that you're like an iPhone 16 you're updated I'm a little older I'm an iPhone 7. I'm not quite there iPhone 7 used to be good it's not as good anymore but don't hate on the iPhone 7. all right it had its time so she was mad at me because I wasn't updated I had to go home and Google it so I don't offend other students I go what's lgbtqiaa plus and the more you Google that stuff the more the advertisements start changing on your computer foreign items are completely different than they were last year we think you'd like this I'm like oh my God at the cart we'll see yeah Christmas is going to look a lot different for the family this year let me tell you I can tell you that right now yeah so now I looked it up and now I know what it is and what I want to do is educate all of us so we can all be woke together isn't that a good idea we can all get updated right now yeah we all know lgbtq but what's I who knows I you know I intersexual I looked at that I'm like maybe that's me that sounds like a dude wants to go to outer space to get some yeah I'm intersexual now intergalactic like yeah Forget You earthlings I want to go up there see what's up how many guys here will sleep with a hot alien be real you th about it right [Applause] I'm talking about up there early not not the not down here not the South not Mexico I'm talking about no Arizona listen aliens and outer space that's just want to clarify all right of course man aliens are hot so I'm already one of the new letters I'm I all right lgbtqia what's the a anyone know asexual I looked it up someone who has sex with themselves I'm like the whole pandemic that was me too I'm knocking it out I'm a hell of minority over here I didn't even I'm doubled up I'm killing it he's badass the second a is Ally that one didn't make sense to me friends with all the other letters I'm like oh hell no we're over here doing all this hard work and you're like I'm with them no get your dick in the game and join us if you want to be part of this minority you can't just be like I'm with them hell no right and plus means to be continued there's gonna be more coming soon I had one late after a show she goes you didn't mention me I'm pansexual I'm like all right well I'm in a deep dish but we could work something out I'm gonna get a thin crust we'll talk about it right I'm just saying if there's too many letters they're gonna have to make a whole song that way you could get them you know because yeah you're gonna have to learn your ABCs that's what I'm trying to tell you that way we remember every letter I feel bad for older people like my father's generation he's 78 years old you think he's gonna know it's lgbtqia8 plus are you kidding me but he only had three letters his whole life that covered everybody f-a-g that's all he had you guys y'all don't remember those letters yeah those were the original letters
Channel: KvonComedy
Views: 3,607,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K-von, Kvon, comic, comedian, standup, funny, hilarious, Persian, iran, Iranian, middleastern, tanx, tanxgod, maz jobrani, Russell peters, Daniel tosh, jay leno, david letterman, comedy, moezzi, most famous half persian, last comic standing, conservative comedian, independent comedian, republican comedian, democrat comedian, trump comedian, immigrant family comedian, mock biden, corporate comedian, corporate comedy, clean comedian, patriotic comedian, dry bar comedy, netflix comedy
Id: kfiyLxPAd4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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