Comparing accents from around the UK

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The "squeaky door" Scot and the whales made me laugh. Really funny. Nice post, Jim. Thanks!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Squrlz4Ever 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
who are the British his vibe in it who the brittish's is vibe is very very vibe and then of course is how we've got our 90 minute the bridge ish but this crazy [ __ ] is shin it as was all the other countries American French German Russian [Music] totally made up of this people the English you're completely [ __ ] ish yeah the sky is extremely ish the Irish are so issue not sure which they really are but of course let's sit about them to bear for anything Queen simple cousin that's what they like family family secret now the point exists keeping me outside harm's way now appoint it right boys yes sir here is he's fighting I mean we got any jocks prison hey fantastic we should I'm pail Bob beautiful British and I'm away from my darling beautiful British 1960 named after a pound coin now tell me would you do pooja would you teach science nanny who's got some mad force on Sonia hey I like you people you beautiful [ __ ] hippies now thing about scotch is your s younger there's lots of different types of Scots in there pull your ish you Scott your scotch but you're Scott eh Sean yeah yeah you can't judge people by how they look nowadays Kenya but you can judge people by how they sound all right and as far as I can tell this for at least four different types of jock Scots or displaying different levels of jacory and different kinds of different degrees of Jala tubes now with a cough then you have the Scotsman who sounds like he's having his genitals rubbed with a warm wet chamois leather oh you're English bastard oh you English or your English boss tonight that's all your fault I owe you English all lower you English bus tonight Ohio the only they are you English bus pass the things and then is the Scotsman who sounds like an opening door [Music] Oh skirts on sky ish that's how it works in it book then of course in English we race for instance Jordi's are English it's honor of the whole [ __ ] surreal but they are they're English but yeah we gotta Jordi's present I love them they're beautiful people a genetically engineered race of walk like people whose sole purpose is to keep the Scots out of England so brilliant I've done a marvelous job for centuries they've kept that city in such a ruinous parlous state The Scotsman arrives in his training his car and on back his pony lever large dog arrives in New Castle takes one look at the place thinks it's England [ __ ] off back home again Kraken boom but I love forgeries they're amazing people and there's nothing better you get the chance to go to Newcastle sit yourself down on a Friday or Saturday evening and listen sit down in the square with a can of special brew so the others don't feel you somehow taking the piss you sit down and listen to the haunting beautiful sound of the Geordie whale song wait [Music] oh yeah they got that bone in their head for a reason and then of course this cows is now in the Second World War as everyone knows our the Second World War as they're allowed to call it has everyone nuts scousers perform the essential war work of war there cuz they were allowed to call it the central war work top-secret at the time of jamming German radios everyone knows this it's a fat tuna the whole job might focus aboard [Applause] we're prints we're friends with him now of course Germans there's not the scousers I mean [ __ ] yeah how many hubcaps is one man actually need that's a crystal [Music] you
Channel: Al Murray
Views: 1,324,098
Rating: 4.8239737 out of 5
Keywords: Al Murray, The Pub Landlord, British Accents, UK accents, Geordie accent, Scottish accent, Scouse accent
Id: BTZYz1eYV2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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